Complex offer with different types of communication. Complex offer with writing, supervisory and non-union bond

Garden technique 18.10.2019
Garden technique
Among the proposals 11 - 17, find a complex offer with different types of communication (with the union verification and non-union link between parts). Write the number

this proposal.
(11) All Russia speaks Russian, and what kind of stench is so? (12) Well, call me someone in our family, so that Russian did not know? (13) Eh, poor your grandfather, who, seven years old living in Russia, spoke in Russian better than the chief of Ivan's mail!
(14) - SATO VI GARITE! - Imitation grandfather, I was surprised at Loman Russian.
(15) - Yes, yes, do not rub, please, eyes! (16) Two o'clock the deceased spoke with Ivan, two hours he listened to his Ivan with an open mouth, and then turned to the people and said that he did not hear his such Russian speech in his life. (17) This is how it was!

Specify the correct description of the sentence: Creek distantyIvoly sounded almost next to the Prokhor; It was heard, how fox felt through the thicket.

1. A reference proposal with two apparent.
2. Subject proposal with union writing and non-union bond.
3. Subject proposal with an allied supervisory and writing.
4. A complex offer with the union verification and non-union bond.

Specify the proposal in which there is no determinant pressing:
1. Simpleness, with which little ripping soldier confessed in flight, was especially terrible.
2. A person, on whose song I was in so hurry, turned out to be a crivone guy of sixteen years old.
3. A huge house in which Gray was born was glooming inside and majestic outside.
4. At the alarmed face of Zhenya, a woman guess that Olga became unhappy in the garden.

Among the proposals 1-5, find a complex offer with the non-Union and Union Supervisory Communication. Do not write the number of this offer.

(1) In 1922, when he was 14 years old, Lev Landau * successfully surrendered to the University of Baku and was enrolled on the physico-mathematical faculty at once on two branches - mathematical is aistral. (2) He was very interested in chemistry, but soon he had a natural branch, realizing that physics and mathematics he had more likely. (3) Landau's freshman was younger than all at the university. (4) at first it is extremely oppressed. (5) Passing along the corridors, he raised his shoulders and tilted his head: it seemed to him that he would look much older.

Write out a suggestion verbulence with communication:

1) Highly at the top where dark shaggy tops were embroidered, rare stars flicker.
2) It turns out that there is such an interesting award that the children-radio listeners are awarded.

Write out a suggestion of the princess with connection:
1) Doctors banned the famous painter draw due to the destructive effects of paints.
2) Young leaning woman slowly goes to home with a rocker on his shoulder. And it seems that, together with a nonsense, she carries a hard-old Duma.

1. What is phrase? Give the definition, bring 3-4 examples.

2. What types of phrases on the main word do you know? Bring 2 samples for each type of phrases.
3. What is the control? What are the dependent words express when controlling? Bring 3-4 sample management.
4. Determine the type of verification link: Mamina Hands, get up late, boiled broth, drizzling rain, away from the coast, my friend, talk about something, tasty food.
5. Perform the syntax dissemination of phrases: the sea night, issue a certificate, in the snowy snow, is still interesting.
6. Additional task: Replace the phrase with communication on synonymous management. CONCLUSION: Autumn leaves, dad bag, dress from Silka, Song Song.

In modern Russian, especially in writing, complex suggestions are often used. Sophisticated in Russian are two types: allied and non-union. Non-union - which consists of several partsBut for the connection of these parts, unions are not used among themselves. Here is the classic example of the non-union offer: "Snow it was, the weather was frosty." Or, for example: "Cold, birds flew south."

Allied, in turn, have another feature. They are also two or more parts, and alliances are used for communication. Unions are two species - writing and subordinates. If subordinate unions are used, the proposal is called complex. If writing alliances are used, it is called complex.

Communication in a complex sentence

If parts of the complex supply are connected to each other with a supervisory connection, it is called complex. It consists of two parts: chief and Pressing Proposals. The main thing is always only one, and the apparent offers may be several. From the main part to the delivering you can put a question. Types of verification are different.

Podep part It can perform the function of circumstances, for example: "I left home from school when the call rang." It can also perform the feature of the Add-on: "I told him what I had long wanted to say." And finally, it can carry out the function of circumstances, for example: "Grandma told his grandchildly to go there, where he forgot his portfolio," "I did not come because my grandmother got sick," « "My mother came when snow melted on the courtyard."

Here are classic examples of options with various types of verification. In all examples, the first part will be the main one, and the second - pressing, respectively, the question is set from the first part to the second:

  • "I love when spring comes";
  • "I read the book about the house that Jack built";
  • "Mom was upset because the son got a two";
  • "The boy decided to find out where Santa Claus comes to the house."

Writing in a complex sentence

We can talk about writing in cases where simple parts that are part of a complex, equitable, and none of them cannot be called the main or dependent. Accordingly, the question from one part to the other cannot be put. The most common written unions are unions "A", "But", "and".

Examples of writing communication:

  • "Mom came home, and son at this time went for a walk."
  • "I felt bad, but friends were able to cheer me."
  • "The sun has gone, and the heads of dandelions in the meadow closed."
  • "Winter came, and everything around plunged into white silence."

Writing communication in options with the Union "A" is often used in Russian folk proverbs and sayings based on opposing any signs, for example: "hair of roads, and the mind is short." In the old Russian language, for example, in folk articles (fairy tales, epics, promsions, affection), the Union "A" is often replaced by his Old Russian synonym "Yes", for example: "The grandfather has come to pull, and a big rose rose. Pulled-pull grandfather repka, but called the grandmother to help. "

Complex proposals Especially often used in nature descriptions, when the author of the work wants to give the most complete picture of the summer day, winter night or bright, beautiful landscape. Here is an example of such a descriptive text with writing communication in complex suggestions: "It was snowing, and people fled home, lifting collars. It was still light on the street, but the birds were silent for a long time. Only the creaking of the snow was heard under the legs, and there was no wind. The sun slowly sat down behind the horizon, and two lovers on a bench in the park adopted short winter sunset. "

Also, complex suggestions, especially sentences with the unions "A" and "But", are actively used in the scientific style of written speech, in texts-reasoning. Here is an example of such a reasoning: "The human body is hardy, but the immune system is easy to destroy the uncontrolled use of antibiotics. Antibiotics as medicines have many advantages, but they cause dysbacteriosis and have a negative impact on immunity. "

Features of punctuation

Two parts of the verification offer Compared by subordinate unions. Parts of writing type, in turn, are connected together with writing alliances. The Union is a small particle that visually resembles an excuse, but performs a completely different function: connect or two sentences that are inside one.

Both in complex and complex suggestions, before alliances must necessarily stand comma. While reading out loud before this comma, you need to pause. Pass the comma in front of the unions using writing and supervisory communication is considered a coarse syntax error. However, students of primary and even high schools often admit such mistakes in dictations, in independent and verification works in Russian, in written works and written works on literature. In this regard, the School Program for the study of the Russian language includes a separate section dedicated to the development of punctuation rules.

In complex non-union proposals To communicate two parts, you can use not only commas, but also other punctuation marks, for example:

  • "The sun rose, birds woke up with ordinary morning songs."
  • "I warned you: playing with fire is very dangerous!".
  • "Full moon lit, illuminating the Earth with his radiance; Feeling the approach of the night, overlooked the wolf in the far forest; Somewhere in the distance, on the tree, swollen Filin. "

Complex proposals help make writing and oral speech especially expressive. They are actively used in texts of various content. Competent writing them in compliance with all punctuation rules indicates that a person knows Russian well and knows how to clearly state his thoughts in writing. Disregard for existing punctuation rules, on the contrary, speaks of a low-level human speech culture. Teachers of the Russian language and literature should pay special attention to the correct writing of complex proposals when checking students' written works.

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GIA. Section "Grammar. Syntax". Complex proposals with different types of communication Tkachenko Elena Ivanovna, Russian teacher and Literature MBOU "SOSH No. 58" Arzamas

Types of Communication in the Complex Suggestion Union Unsoy-Union Winning Communication

Writing communication is found between parts of a complex sentence. Writing alliances: however, but, nevertheless, but, but yes (\u003d a, \u003d and), or, and, too, the same, then ... then, or ... either, nor .. . neither. The verification relationship is found in complex proposals. The subordinate unions are divided into simple and composite. Simple: What, how, when, barely, if, while, although, if, if, as if, exactly, only, only as if, as soon as, only only, for, in order, if, by depression, kababi , if. Composite: because, because, so, due to the fact that, due to the fact that; In order to; As, since then; At the time when, since when.

1) I could not fall asleep for a long time, and 2) the windows were knocked outside the window, 3) because the woodcutters arrived in the village. (1 and 2 parts are an allied writing communication, compositive union A; 2 and 3 part of the Union Supplement Communication, submissions Union because) 1) He thought: 2) Winter will end soon, but 3) his teeth were knocked out from the cold. (1 and 2 parts - non-Unionny, 2 and 3 - Union Writing)

1) Snow melted, 2) Birds were returned home, and 3) The cold gradually moved away from the heart. (1 and 2 - non-union bond, 2 and 3 - allied writing) 1) So leave unnecessary disputes - 2) I have already proven everything yourself; 3) Better Mountains can only be mountains, 4) on which there were not yet. (1 and 2 - non-union, 2 and 3 - non-invoy, 3 and 4 - Union supervisory)

Among the proposals 32-37, find a complex offer with an allied writing and supervisory link between parts. Write the number of this offer. (32) On a big change, the director in the empty class began to break into the Golubinskaya conscience. (33) It was then, in the midst of our conversation, Vanya Belov appeared and said: - (34) I came to pay myself in the hands of justice! (35) I did not believe that Dictates pulled out, but the director agreed with Vani's version. (36) After lessons of six students, whose works disappeared, rewritten dictation. (37) Senya Golubkin received a triple, because it has already managed to detect his mistakes on change, and moved to the seventh class. 35.

In the following suggestions from the read text numbered all commas. Write out the numbers denoting the commas between the parts of the complex proposal associated with writing bond. She, (1) it seemed, (2) was ready to thank him another hour, (3) But he turned and ran away. And on the first change it turned out, (4) that none of the boys in their class did not give anything to the girls. No one. Just before Lena Popova lay tender twigs mimosa. - Where did you get flowers from? - Asked the teacher. "It's Vitya gave me, (5) Lena said as strongly. All immediately looked up, (6) Looking at Vitu, (7) And Vitya lowered his head. 3, 7.

Among the offers of 12-23, find a complex offer with non-union and union writing and supervisory links between parts. Write the number of this offer. (12) Sergeeva -artist theater, young and beautiful woman. (13) And Alice asked the guy "Adult" Question: - (14) Do you love her? - (15) No, "the guy looked around. - (16) I once saved her. (17) In our city, the theater was then on tour. (18) It was spring, at the end of March. (19) The guys rode on sleds by the river. (20) Sergeeva also wanted to ride. (21) The guys gave her sledges. (22) She sat down and went, Sanya went randomly on the ice, which was thin and fragile, and a minute later Sergeyev was in ice water. (23) The guys shouted, and I was not far and heard. 22.

Among the proposals 26-32, find a complex offer with a union writing and supervisory link between parts. Write the number of this offer. (26) On the cheeks of the sailors, more than once we looked in the face, telli tears. (27) the 3rd custody of the courage, the sailors were seen the strength of the spirit of Leningrad schoolchildren. (28) The cruiser was preparing to go into battle, from which not everyone will return, and spiritual hopes were in these guys. (29) Saying goodbye to children, the team built. (30) The guys began to present gifts that brought with them. (31) Taking a mothers with a girl's hands, a foreman, whose chest had two combat orders, said: "I accept the third reward of the Motherland." (32) Sailors knew the price of courage. 28.

In the proposal below, all commas are numbered from the read text. Write the digit that denotes the comma between the parts of a complex sentence associated with writing bond. He sat down in the same place, (1) near the legs of the bed, (2) and, (3) when someone leaning over him, (4) He with a formidable powerless impression of ahead of a jealous culbage. one

In the following suggestions from the read text numbered all commas. Write out the numbers denoting the commas between the parts of the complex proposal associated with writing bond. "I just wanted to know (1) why she will." She is bad, (2) Yes? - They are right, (3) it is bad. Yanka got used to walking day, (4) And I'm at work. That my wife will come, (5) and everything will be fine. 3,4,5

Among the proposals 5-12 find a non-union complex proposal. Write the number of this offer. (5) First, nickname. (6) the name of his boroughties. (7) Find another dog on Earth, which has such a ridiculous name! (8) Secondly, my dog \u200b\u200bwas a cowardly before indecent. (9) It cost someone from the guys to grope, how my Babegia burst was screaming, slept low and, loop, draped from all his legs under mocking ululyukne. (10) And at this moment I was ready to fall through the earth. (11) Won U Tolika Karbyshev dogs so dog! (12) 3Ont Thunder, looks - so shivering to the most heels pierced. 12

Among the proposals 18-25, find a complex offer with the nonsense and the union verification link between parts. Write the number of this offer. - (18) I solved everything in the city, as you feel good here: now the hostess will not be eaten by guests, my hand is lightning. (19) Starting from Sunday to the village began to come and new and new daches. (20) The owners embraced the fever of profit, and the prices rose threefold, and since the people rode everything, they were already hawped without any conscience. (21) somehow came to the polycarpovna neighbor. (22) For the conversation, they inquired asked, for how much she surrenders housing, and hearing the answer, surprised her eyes: - (23) Yes, a grandmother, sleeping at all! (24) I have one, he will break off with your hands for a hundred. (25) Now for a while takes, two hundred! eighteen

Proposals 23-26 find complex offers with non-union and union writing bond between parts. Write the numbers of these offers. (23) But one day it happened, he still talked about in our places. (24) The neighbors caught fire a female shed. (25) They managed to withdraw the cows, and the calf in the longer the tilt was closed - you will not pick up. (26) Heat, smoke, he, poor fellow, no longer might, and moans, it's a pity everyone, but you do not climb into the fire. 25, 26.

In the following suggestions from the read text numbered all commas. Ensure the numbers denoting the commas between the parts of the complex proposal associated with the subordination link. - Thank you, (1) - Signed Nazarov, (2) - I did not come for this. My father is sick. We arrived in Moscow, (3) But in Moscow I only know you, (4) and I wanted to ask, (5) Can we stop you for a week? -No, (6) No, (7) Sergeyev said each. - It is uncomfortable, (8) Because I have a very small apartment. 5, 8.

Among the proposals 12-16, find a complex offer with non-union and allied writing and supervisory links between parts. Write the number of this offer. (12) The kingdom of toys in its own way reflected the real world, no one humusing anyone, but I was elevated. (13) The miniature of his toy emphasized that they were created for submission to me. (14) And it is impossible to make it possible to make it even then it's nice. (15) I managed routes of cars and trains, haggards and the actions of animals, which were afraid of life. (16) I ruled, I commanded - they were in trouble, silent, and I secretly thought that it would be good to continue to handle others. sixteen

Among the proposals 29-33, find a challenge with different types of communication (non-union and union verification) between parts. Write the number of this offer. - (29) I'm not the case, I'm in the case ... (30) In this it "Circle people!" So much faith and optimism that everyone becomes somehow better, lighter ... (31) to drive without a ticket and without money half of Russia, more than five thousand kilometers, and in the same way to return -Us are incomprehensible. (32) But she is believed. (33) Her face, eyes and smile are shy away with a friendly, she is so comprehensive-and outwards that she simply can not be believed. 33.

List of references Open bank assignment banks GIA-9 // Site PhiPi Trosnetova LA, Ladyzhenskaya TA. Russian language. Grade 9. M.: Enlightenment, 2013.

Teacher's comments on the studied material

Possible difficulties

Good advice

It is difficult to distinguish a simple offer complicated by homogeneous legend, and a complex proposal, especially if one of the parts of the complex proposal is an incomplete offer.

For example: I was late because I forgot the houses at home.

It should be remembered that homogeneous members of the sentence can only be combined with writing alliances.

A cooking union that binds part of a complex proposal, and a composure union that connects homogeneous members of the sentence should not be confused.

I'm tired and arrived to rest .- The Union binds homogeneous fague;

I'm tired, and I wanted to rest. "The Union binds the parts of a complex proposal.

If there is a submission union in a dubious sentence, then you have a complex proposal, the second part of which is an incomplete offer:

I was late because I forgot the clock at home.

I was very in a hurry, but still late.

With part of a challenge offer, you can confuse a separate member of the sentence, which clarifies a member of the sentence, an introductory design, a comparative turnover.

For example: Cutting a high cape, the steamer entered the bay.

Many gases, such as hydrogen, lighter than air.

It seems his name is Ivan.

Make sure that you are part of a complex proposal with an independent grammatical basis, and not any of the listed designs.

It should be especially noted that the target turnover with the union so that this is the apparent part of the complex proposal, the grammatical basis of which consists of a faithful, expressed infinitive:

To memorize the poem, she read it out loud six times.

If the appropriate offer is inside the main one, you can make an error in counting the number of parts of a complex proposal (in options for answers to the task of this kind, the number of parts of the complex offer) is specified.

Find the grammatical foundations of the proposals that are part of the complex.

In proposal, exactly as many parts as the grammatical foundations. For example:

He quickly studied what was then known in the field of mathematics, and even engaged in his own research.

The basis of the first part: he studied and engaged.

The basis of the second part: what was known.

Consequently, in a complex sentence two parts.

It is not easy to determine the types of communication between parts of a complex sentence with different types of communication.

For example: it was impossible to stop: as soon as I stopped moving, the legs sucking, and the traces were poured with water.

The type of communication is determined by the Union. Find alliances with which parts of a complex offer are associated. If there is no union between any parts, the connection between them is non-union, if the union is compositive or subordinate, then the connection is written or supervisory.

In the example above, the offer consists of four parts. The first (it was impossible to stop) and the third (suction feet) are connected by the reinsoy communication, the second (as soon as I stopped moving) and the third (sucking feet) are associated with a subordinate connection with the help of a verification union as soon as the third and fourth (traces poured water) - writing Communication with the help of writing union a.

Difficult sentence. Types of complex offers

In addition to simple proposals, complex proposals are often used in speech, with which we express our thoughts more deployed by tying them with each other.

Complex proposals are proposals consisting of two or more simple proposals. Simple proposals in the composition of the complex do not possess intonational completeness, do not have their own goal of statements and are combined in meaning and in pronunciation in one.

The storm is already bitch, the wind is weakened.

As it will happen, it will respond.

Frost was terrible, but the apple trees survived.

Simple sentences are connected to the complex two main ways. In allone complex proposals, parts are combined with the help of intonation and unions (or union words - relative pronouns and adverbs). In the non-union complex suggestions, parts are combined only with the help of intonation (without unions and allied words).

The sun shines over the lake, and the eyes are blind from the glare (Union).

Offers with alliances and allied words are divided into two groups: the suggestions are complex, the proposals are complex.

Complex proposals are such proposals in which simple proposals may be equal in meaning and are associated with writing alliances.

June was hot, and windows in homes at night were open.

The fur coat broke the mole, but mittens as new.

Complexed proposals are such proposals in which one of the proposals within the meaning is subordinated to another and is associated with it by a subordination union or an allied word. An independent proposal in the composition of the complex is called the main thing, and the dependent subordinate to the main thing in meaning and grammatically, - the apparent.

If you are in the myster (apparent), go to Efimkina (the main thing).

Kamers want to find (the main thing), what you don't have (Pressing).

Complex proposals with various types of allia and non-union

If a complex offer consists of three or more parts, then some of them can be combined with the help of writing unions, others - with the help of subordinate unions, third - without unions. Such a proposal is called a complex proposal with different types of union and non-union.

I didn't have any one too strong vice, which would have leaned out of all my other defects, there was no picture virtue in me, which could give me some kind of picture appearance, but instead I had a meeting of all possible Food, every little, and moreover, in such a set, in what I have not yet met anyone in any person. (N.V. Gogol).

(This is a complex proposal consisting of six simple, parts of which are connected by a supervisory, writing and non-union bond.)

How to find a challenging offer with the non-Union and Union Supporting Communications?

  1. BRAVO! Smart such, in a row one and the same copied
  2. eh fuck

  3. For example:


  4. the non-union offers are not connected by the Union with several grammatical foundations. For example:
    The teacher fell ill, the lesson will not be.
    The teacher is subject to, fell ill and will not be a sure.
    The first proposal is twisted (the grammatical basis is represented by two main members), the second one-point (grams. The basis is presented only by one CL. -Case).
    The complex proposal also consists of several simple, but they are interconnected by subordinate unions (which, when, and so on.)
    The main sign of the S clip Destroy:
    - From one bet. You can ask a question to another. Therefore, from which the question is given to the main thing (as in the phrase, one word is important), and the other dependent or additive (as in the word, the second word dependent)
    For example:
    The teacher fell ill, so the lesson will not be.
    in contrast to complexion. Run. In the complex both parts are equal. The question from one sentence to another is difficult to set. as well as in the no-union. Only in the non-union no unions between simple sentences. And in a complex sentence. Particularly related to writing alliances.
    the teacher fell ill, and the lesson will not.
    now compare all three options.
    the teacher fell ill, the lesson will not be a non-union proposal. The question is impossible to ask.
    the teacher fell ill, and the lesson will not be a complex. The question is impossible to ask.
    the teacher fell ill, so the lesson will not be complex. Can I ask you a question. For what reason the lesson will not? - The reader fell ill.
  5. the non-union offers are not connected by the Union with several grammatical foundations. For example:
    The teacher fell ill, the lesson will not be.
    The teacher is subject to, fell ill and will not be a sure.
    The first proposal is twisted (the grammatical basis is represented by two main members), the second one-point (grams. The basis is presented only by one CL. -Case).
    The complex proposal also consists of several simple, but they are interconnected by subordinate unions (which, when, and so on.)
    The main sign of the S clip Destroy:
    - From one bet. You can ask a question to another. Therefore, from which the question is given to the main thing (as in the phrase, one word is important), and the other dependent or additive (as in the word, the second word dependent)
    For example:
    The teacher fell ill, so the lesson will not be.
    in contrast to complexion. Run. In the complex both parts are equal. The question from one sentence to another is difficult to set. as well as in the no-union. Only in the non-union no unions between simple sentences. And in a complex sentence. Particularly related to writing alliances.
    the teacher fell ill, and the lesson will not.
    now compare all three options.
    the teacher fell ill, the lesson will not be a non-union proposal. The question is impossible to ask.
    the teacher fell ill, and the lesson will not be a complex. The question is impossible to ask.
    the teacher fell ill, so the lesson will not be complex. Can I ask you a question. For what reason the lesson will not? - The reader fell ill.
  6. the non-union offers are not connected by the Union with several grammatical foundations. For example:
    The teacher fell ill, the lesson will not be.
    The teacher is subject to, fell ill and will not be a sure.
    The first proposal is twisted (the grammatical basis is represented by two main members), the second one-point (grams. The basis is presented only by one CL. -Case).
    The complex proposal also consists of several simple, but they are interconnected by subordinate unions (which, when, and so on.)
    The main sign of the S clip Destroy:
    - From one bet. You can ask a question to another. Therefore, from which the question is given to the main thing (as in the phrase, one word is important), and the other dependent or additive (as in the word, the second word dependent)
    For example:
    The teacher fell ill, so the lesson will not be.
    in contrast to complexion. Run. In the complex both parts are equal. The question from one sentence to another is difficult to set. as well as in the no-union. Only in the non-union no unions between simple sentences. And in a complex sentence. Particularly related to writing alliances.
    the teacher fell ill, and the lesson will not.
    now compare all three options.
    the teacher fell ill, the lesson will not be a non-union proposal. The question is impossible to ask.
    the teacher fell ill, and the lesson will not be a complex. The question is impossible to ask.
    the teacher fell ill, so the lesson will not be complex. Can I ask you a question. For what reason the lesson will not? - The reader fell ill.
  7. the non-union offers are not connected by the Union with several grammatical foundations. For example:
    The teacher fell ill, the lesson will not be.
    The teacher is subject to, fell ill and will not be a sure.
    The first proposal is twisted (the grammatical basis is represented by two main members), the second one-point (grams. The basis is presented only by one CL. -Case).
    The complex proposal also consists of several simple, but they are interconnected by subordinate unions (which, when, and so on.)
    The main sign of the S clip Destroy:
    - From one bet. You can ask a question to another. Therefore, from which the question is given to the main thing (as in the phrase, one word is important), and the other dependent or additive (as in the word, the second word dependent)
    For example:
    The teacher fell ill, so the lesson will not be.
    in contrast to complexion. Run. In the complex both parts are equal. The question from one sentence to another is difficult to set. as well as in the no-union. Only in the non-union no unions between simple sentences. And in a complex sentence. Particularly related to writing alliances.
    the teacher fell ill, and the lesson will not.
    now compare all three options.
    the teacher fell ill, the lesson will not be a non-union proposal. The question is impossible to ask.
    the teacher fell ill, and the lesson will not be a complex. The question is impossible to ask.
    the teacher fell ill, so the lesson will not be complex. Can I ask you a question. For what reason the lesson will not? - The reader fell ill.
  8. why is the same thing?
  9. the non-union offers are not connected by the Union with several grammatical foundations. For example:
    The teacher fell ill, the lesson will not be.
    The teacher is subject to, fell ill and will not be a sure.
    The first proposal is twisted (the grammatical basis is represented by two main members), the second one-point (grams. The basis is presented only by one CL. -Case).
    The complex proposal also consists of several simple, but they are interconnected by subordinate unions (which, when, and so on.)
    The main sign of the S clip Destroy:
    - From one bet. You can ask a question to another. Therefore, from which the question is given to the main thing (as in the phrase, one word is important), and the other dependent or additive (as in the word, the second word dependent)
    For example:
    The teacher fell ill, so the lesson will not be.
    in contrast to complexion. Run. In the complex both parts are equal. The question from one sentence to another is difficult to set. as well as in the no-union. Only in the non-union no unions between simple sentences. And in a complex sentence. Particularly related to writing alliances.
    the teacher fell ill, and the lesson will not.
    now compare all three options.
    the teacher fell ill, the lesson will not be a non-union proposal. The question is impossible to ask.
    the teacher fell ill, and the lesson will not be a complex. The question is impossible to ask.
    the teacher fell ill, so the lesson will not be complex. Can I ask you a question. For what reason the lesson will not? - The reader fell ill.
  10. pI (D) Rila
  11. the non-union offers are not connected by the Union with several grammatical foundations. For example:
    The teacher fell ill, the lesson will not be.
    The teacher is subject to, fell ill and will not be a sure.
    The first proposal is twisted (the grammatical basis is represented by two main members), the second one-point (grams. The basis is presented only by one CL. -Case).
    The complex proposal also consists of several simple, but they are interconnected by subordinate unions (which, when, and so on.)
    The main sign of the S clip Destroy:
    - From one bet. You can ask a question to another. Therefore, from which the question is given to the main thing (as in the phrase, one word is important), and the other dependent or additive (as in the word, the second word dependent)
    For example:
    The teacher fell ill, so the lesson will not be.
    in contrast to complexion. Run. In the complex both parts are equal. The question from one sentence to another is difficult to set. as well as in the no-union. Only in the non-union no unions between simple sentences. And in a complex sentence. Particularly related to writing alliances.
    the teacher fell ill, and the lesson will not.
    now compare all three options.
    the teacher fell ill, the lesson will not be a non-union proposal. The question is impossible to ask.
    the teacher fell ill, and the lesson will not be a complex. The question is impossible to ask.
    the teacher fell ill, so the lesson will not be complex. Can I ask you a question. For what reason the lesson will not? - The reader fell ill.
  12. the non-union offers are not connected by the Union with several grammatical foundations.
  13. the non-union offers are not connected by the Union with several grammatical foundations. For example:
    The teacher fell ill, the lesson will not be.
    The teacher is subject to, fell ill and will not be a sure.
    The first proposal is twisted (the grammatical basis is represented by two main members), the second one-point (grams. The basis is presented only by one CL. -Case).
    The complex proposal also consists of several simple, but they are interconnected by subordinate unions (which, when, and so on.)
    The main sign of the S clip Destroy:
    - From one bet. You can ask a question to another. Therefore, from which the question is given to the main thing (as in the phrase, one word is important), and the other dependent or additive (as in the word, the second word dependent)
    For example:
    The teacher fell ill, so the lesson will not be.
    in contrast to complexion. Run. In the complex both parts are equal. The question from one sentence to another is difficult to set. as well as in the no-union. Only in the non-union no unions between simple sentences. And in a complex sentence. Particularly related to writing alliances.
    the teacher fell ill, and the lesson will not.
    now compare all three options.
    the teacher fell ill, the lesson will not be a non-union proposal. The question is impossible to ask.
    the teacher fell ill, and the lesson will not be a complex. The question is impossible to ask.
    the teacher fell ill, so the lesson will not be complex. Can I ask you a question. For what reason the lesson will not? - The reader fell ill.
  14. plus 2 points
  15. Finally fucking!
  16. And you are not ashamed? man is really incomprehensible, and you ....

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