Cold Call Scheme. Refuse - does not mean offend

Garden technique 12.10.2019
Garden technique

Hello! Today we will tell about cold calls.

Today you will learn:

  • What features of cold calls;
  • How to make conversation scripts;
  • What rules should adhere to the calf.

What is cold calls

The "cold" defined type of calls is not called at all due to the tone of the caller, but due to the client's relationship that took the phone. Employees of the sales department are not in vain fear of making such calls, because very often the answers to an unborn offer are rude and unpleasant.

The main task of the cold call is the appointment of the meeting. The Second Term of the task is to expand the Customer Base.

Cold calls are made by new customers with which business relationships have not yet been established. In this, their main difference from warm and hot calls, which are addressed, respectively, already familiar and existing customers.

In some countries, cold calls are limited and controlled by law, and sometimes prohibited at all.

In Russia, many companies strictly indicate the secretaries not to promote cold calls. Sales on the phone are becoming increasingly popular among marketers, and potential customers, in turn, are even easier from them evade.

Cold calls have their pros and cons.

To the advantages of this species can be attributed:

  1. The cost of a minimum of time and means. Customer search is made from the office, the manager does not need to do a lot of unnecessary trips.
  2. Fast communication (relative to the correspondence), a high chance to convince the interlocutor.
  3. The ability to understand the client's response to the offer, set additional questions.
  4. PR companies, increasing popularity and number of customers.
  5. An additional way of sales without prejudice to the main one.
  6. The study of demand, competitors and the market as a whole.

Disadvantages of cold calls (Even if the calls are organized correctly, and sellers do not allow mistakes):

  1. Obviously negative customer reaction for a sudden call.
  2. It is easier to refuse the offer if you do not see the seller live.
  3. The client can break the conversation at any time (throw a handset).
  4. It is impossible to clearly demonstrate the goods.

In our country, the most actively cold calls are used:

  • Forwarding companies;
  • Advertising agencies, media;
  • Manufacturers or wholesalers of goods for business;
  • Real estate agencies.

Cold calls can be carried out both specially trained private employees of the organization and third-party specialists from the call-center.

Cold call techniques

Cold call technicians are a lot. But it is better to look at the example, how to make cold calls.

In each company, the customer base is inevitably changing. Standing buyers sooner or later leaving, losing interest, necessity, or interested in a new seller. To comply with the balance in the client base, it is necessary to regularly ring not only a warm base, but also to perform about a hundred cold calls to new customers.

The main skill of the technique of cold calls is to anticipate the customer's answers and know the conversation scripts.

Cold calls are appropriate only in the following situations:

  • The proposal is precisely necessary to a potential customer (for example, a watch repair workshop always needs batteries and spare straps);
  • In a sentence, various clients (repair of computer equipment) may be interested in the case.
  • The proposal is not necessarily necessary, but may be interested in various customers (printing of business cards);
  • The proposal constantly need and at the same time choose the most suitable seller (courier service).

In practice, cold calls are a very complicated technique, and sales managers who have mastered her, indispensable staff in any company. In addition to theoretical training, such a specialist requires composure, self-confidence and the ability to make a refusal.

Successful cold call: self-control, knowledge of the product, customer needs and sales techniques.

Stages of cold calls

We will figure out how the technique of cold calls in the phased scenario looks like.

Stage 1. Collection of customer information

It's nicer to talk with the interlocutor who is well aware who and why he calls. The Internet, reference books and other media will help here.

If your client is a legal entity that provides certain services or goods, you can conduct exploration and, attaching to the buyer, learn more about their proposals.

At the same stage, it would be nice to get a reason for the call.

Example. The beginning of the conversation may be like this: "Good afternoon, Ivan Petrovich. My name is Viktor Sidorov, I am the representative of Ecoplyus. I saw yesterday the plot about your new production line. I agree with your words that modern production should apply minimal damage to ecology. We are just engaged in the export and disposal of waste from industrial facilities. I would like to meet you to tell you about our offers. "

Stage 2. Drawing up the script

This is a kind of cheat sheet for the seller. It can be learned by heart or have before your eyes (phone call format it allows).

Competently composed cold call scripts are faithful assistant sales manager, helping him to speak confidently and in the case.

Stage 3. Conversation with the Secretary

Sometimes this stage can be avoided, but the first call most often passes through the secretary. At the same time, the larger the organization, the stronger the "wall", erected by the secretary before his leadership. About how a cold call to bypass the secretary, let us talk more about.

Stage 4. Conversation with the client

The total duration of the conversation should not exceed five minutes. Golden middle - three minutes. The main goal of the conversation is the appointment of the meeting and the conclusion of the transaction.

In a conversation with the client, the sales manager needs to go through several steps:

  1. Introduction: Greeting the interlocutor, to introduce yourself and clarify about the presence of free time for the conversation.
  2. Contact: refer to the source, use the information obtained at the first stage.
  3. Receive additional information: Whether the client uses the product similar to yours, is it interested in improvements.
  4. Attracting interest: Explain the benefits for the client from the meeting.
  5. Work with objections (If you want to).
  6. Agreement on the meeting: Suggest your option date and meeting time.
  7. Completion: Repeat the agreed meeting time, thank the client for interest, say goodbye.

Cold Call Secretary

If you are calling not a private person, but the head of the organization, then the likelihood is that the call will take his secretary (or another third party). How to behave in such a situation?

  • Personally appear.
  • Try not to talk directly about the goal of your call - sales.
  • Ask to connect you with the decision makers in the question of interest (for example: "With whom I can talk about advertising issues?").
  • If at the moment you are denied a conversation with the manager, find out about it as much information as possible (what is called when and as you can contact).

There are several tricks that will help bypass attentive secretaries:

  1. Mask Large Boss. The secretary will not refuse himself in connection with the boss, if he hears in the tube, a confident voice is not a seller, but boss. (For example: "You are worried about the adoptive General Director Alekseev. Connect me with the director").
  2. Repeated bell style. This technique is possible only if at least the name of the decision makers is known in advance. At the request "Connect, please, with Arkady Ivanovich" the secretary will most likely not ask additional questions, and simply send the call to the right person.
  3. Request for the Council. Friendly tone and phrase "advise, please, with whom it is better to contact ...". The secretary will be flattered if the interlocutor increases its status ("Only you can help me").
  4. Difficult question. Sometimes to answer the question of the caller, the secretary is forced to redirect his call. But in order to ask him, you need to know well the structure and specifics of the company.
  5. False mistake. In this case, the caller goes to the trick and asks the secretary to connect it with another department. For example, if he is interested in the procurement department, he goes through the secretary to the accounting department, and there she pretends that it was wrong. "Hello, is it a procurement department? - No, this is accounting. - Can you connect me with the procurement department? "


For efficient sales by phone, I need first practice, and then the theory.

It is impossible to work out the perfect scenario of a cold call, universally suitable for each seller and the buyer - has its own features from both.

We give several basic rules to follow all sales managers working in cold call techniques:

  1. Find out the needs and interests of the client in advance.
  2. Use the scripts prepared in advance.
  3. At the beginning of the conversation, explain the goal of the call and ask you for a while.
  4. Do not press the client, communicate without aggression. Do not use expressions like "I will make you a proposal from which you cannot refuse." Much softer sounds the phrase "Let me, I will tell you about ..."
  5. Make focus on the importance of the client. Less "I" and "We", more "you".
  6. Do not hurry, make pauses between speech blocks, say picking up.
  7. Be sure, friendly and necessarily smile - it is heard even by phone.
  8. Do not try to sell your goods. Your goal is to interest and appoint a meeting. In this regard, the widespread "We offer" replace on "we are engaged."
  9. Do not argue and do not prove your right thing. Respect the client's choice if he is pleased with his current counterparties.
  10. To interest in the meeting, tell about the basic benefits.
  11. Detect to switch the attention of the interlocutor, in more detail.
  12. Offer your questions about the details.
  13. More specifics. Asking about the meeting, call at once a specific time. Instead of "maybe we will meet?".
  14. Follow the customer's mood and adjust to it.
  15. Remove from your speech a particle "not", closed questions and complex terms.
  16. Use attractive words: "Promotion", "Free". If you can offer a free trial product - do not miss it.
  17. Do not tighten the conversation, follow the time. Three minutes is usually enough.
  18. Listen to your conversations, analyze and draw conclusions that you could say otherwise.

Work with objections

In any sales, it is important to distinguish objections from categorical failure. "Cold" calls usually become an unpleasant client, therefore objections occur in such a format much more often.

With decisive failures, it makes no sense to work, it is better to complete the conversation on a positive note and not to spend your own and someone else's time. But with objections you need fine work.

We will analyze the most common examples:

"I'm busy (hurried)" Explain that you do not take a lot of time, but only want to agree on the meeting. As a last resort, ask when you can call back. "I understand, let's come to you to tell everything. You will arrange on Wednesday, at eleven in the morning? "
"Please, call later" Ask to assign an exact convenient client time. "When will it be convenient for you to talk? What if I call you back tomorrow in the area of \u200b\u200bten in the morning? "
"Send information by mail" Do not complete the conversation on this. Such a request is almost equivalent to failure. Offer a meeting or agree and ask when and how you get the answer. "Well, I will send you information. But I call in order to agree on the meeting - so I can demonstrate our products and give you a free probe. You will suit on Wednesday, in eleven? "
"I do not need anything" Name famous customers who have changed their decision after meeting your product. Revincing that the meeting does not require anything and assign a specific date. "Representatives of other organizations also thought so so, but only before they understood how our offer could help them in ... We should meet. What about the environment, in eleven? "
"My counterparties arrange me" Use all previously prepared information. Explain that you are not trying to replace a competitor, but offer an alternative, because two suppliers are more reliable than one. Tell us what the benefits of cooperation with you and offer to meet. If the refusal is inevitable - wrap the situation in your favor and find out from the client than your competitors attract it to use this information in the future. "If you work with ..., then probably use their program ...? - A positive or negative answer is great, then we must meet, because our offer ... (List advantages). What about the environment, at eleven hours? "
"We do not have sufficient funds" Do not stop the dialogue on it, and ask the leading question, which will tell the client that your offer is needed by it. "Of course I understand. Allow me to ask, do you cooperate now with someone in this area? - Customer's response - then we must meet, because our product ... (its advantages). What about the environment, in eleven? "

Cold Call Scripts

Scripts selling calls can be two types:

  1. Hard. Applied in the sales of a simple product, where the diversity of the responses of the interlocutor is minimal.
  2. Flexible. For sales of complex goods and ambiguous offers. Require a creative approach and more experience.

Everyone should be their scripts, who makes sales by telephone, and working in the technique of cold calls - no exception.

  1. Scripts should be as much as possible. An experienced seller regularly replenishes its base.
  2. Each script must first go through a practical check on colleagues and acquaintances. Snackingly unsuccessful and uncomfortable should be immediately eliminated.
  3. The main task of the cold call script is to illustrate the essence of the conversation, and not becoming a literal scenario.

Download Cold Call Scripts

Script outgoing call

An incoming call script

Examples of cold call

Example 1.

- Good afternoon, Ivan. This is Anastasia from the international company ABV, which is engaged in .... I call you in order to agree on a meeting, during which I could tell you about our new program, which ... (What is interested in the client). I am sure that you, like other customers, ... (examples of companies) are interested in ... (definite benefits).

- Yes, I am interested in this.

- Great, let's meet. What about the environment at four o'clock in the evening?

Example 2.

- Good afternoon, Ivan Ivanovich. This is Anastasia Petrov from ABV. We are engaged in .... Do you use ... in your work?

- I don't have time to talk to you now, send all the information to the mail.

- I will send you a presentation so that you get acquainted with her in your free time, but I call to appoint a meeting and demonstrate all the advantages of our offer. It will arrange you on Thursday, in two hours?

- I'm afraid that I have already been painted all month.

- Well, the same number next day do you have?

- Now I'll see. Not yet.

- So, maybe we will meet the seventeenth of April?

Example 3.

- Good evening. My name is Anastasia, I imagine in your region Holding ABB, which is engaged in .... Your company ... (business), which means you will be interested in our new proposal for ... (what is needed by the client).

- Sorry, but we already cooperate with another company.

- Let me ask, this is accidentally not the company "Euja"? Probably, did you choose their tariff "first"?

- No, this is the "second" tariff.

- Wonderful, I think it will be useful for us to meet, because our programs perfectly complement this tariff. What about this friday?

The primary goal of cold calls is to increase sales, attract new customers and buyers. As a rule, people react to them unfriendly, and sometimes aggressively aggressively. In order for the conversation to be cut back on the first seconds, it is important to know how to start a cold call to interest a person at the other end of the wire.

Cold call script

Everything must be melted. Even such an unpredictable thing as a telephone conversation should be painted on items. are built according to the following algorithm:

  1. Greeting. Be sure to officially, which will give the listener to understand that the conversation will go about serious things for him.
  2. Business card of the enterprise and the caller itself. Here the seller must be introduced as short as possible, but informatively. Not just: "Semen Semenovich is worried about you from the company" Lotos "," this will not give anything to the client. But: "This is Semen Semenovich from the company" Lotos ". We are a major supplier of information and legal systems. The number of our customers throughout the country is more than 6,000 companies, "is quite another thing. In this case, a person understands who is being conversation.
  3. The goal of the call. The third step should clearly give the client to understand, for what purpose he was disturbed. Only one expression should be given to understand that he does not waste time.
  4. The issue of the buyer's interest. At this stage, even after spectacular administration, many fail. The correct question will lead to the answer that is expected. An erroneous approach: "Maria Alekseevna, are you interested in qualitative delivery of quarterly reporting?" Experience shows that more than 90% such a statement of issues receive a negative answer. Much more chances in wording: "Maria Alekseevna, I am sure that your company, as well as most others, with whom I was lucky to cooperate, is interested in quality preparation and reporting."

Cold Call Engineering

The beginning of a cold call is an important stage, on which the effectiveness of the subsequent conversation depends. Therefore, it is necessary to start it so as to attract the attention of the client. On your call, a person in any case will give an answer, but the latter is formed on the basis of what you say. Here the rule works: "What will the question be - this will be the answer." Stupid and empty questions give rise to stupid and empty answers.

Stupid and empty questions give rise to stupid and empty answers.

Consider an example when the conversation starts unsuccessful:

P: Maria Alekseevna, you are interested in an action developed for lawyers, which our MIG company offers?

The conversation is over. This is the perfect example of how the answer corresponds to the content of the question.

The correct question sounds as follows:

P: Hello, Maria Alekseevna. I am Semenov Alexey from the company "MIG". Do you use ATP? If you do not complicate, tell me, what is this program?

K: Yes, I use. We work with Softbuch.

Then follows the decisive moment on which it depends, the conversation will stop or will continue. We look further the unsuccessful turn of events:

P: Do you want to take advantage of our services by changing the current service provider?

The conversation went into a dead end and cannot be continued, as it starts to annoy the client.

And now successful continuation:

P: Maria Alekseevna, and what exactly attracts in the program "Softbuch"?

A relaxed conversation will relax the client, it will begin to list what is attractive for him in the current cooperation. The task of the seller carefully listen and use the received information flow in the future conversation.

The main rule of successful start of the cold call is to appeal to the client by name and patronymic. Thus, the status of the listener is towers, which can not but flatter him. Frank flattery, of course, is unacceptable, but respect must be necessary. This is the easiest way to conquer the client's trust in the first seconds and increase the chances of a productive conversation. The tone of the caller must be confident, and the voice is pleasant, but clear.

Frank flattery, of course, is unacceptable, but respect must be necessary.

Errors in the construction of the start of a cold call

Consider 3 main rough, which lead to the collapse and abandonment of the listener:

  1. The deficit of the information about the client to which the call is performed. To offer the buyer something, you need to know what he wants. Building a conversation on the basis of a "finger in the sky" will not lead to anything good.
  2. Bad awareness of the caller on the product / service that he offers. If the seller himself is not familiar with his product, does not know his advantages and disadvantages, how can he tell the client about him?
  3. Disinterest of the buyer. It is necessary to ask as many leading questions as possible, of which you can understand what a person needs. Frank provisioning of goods / services only prevents the process and will reduce all efforts to "no".

Be a bit and carefully in a conversation with a potential buyer, do not turn into a robot that operates on the "dry" scheme. An individual approach to each is the key to successful sales!

Let's look truth when it comes to cold calls Many of us try to delay the moment of the dialing of the phone number, as they are afraid that their offer is once again rejected.

What should I do if you still need to call the client, listen to constant excuses, break through the secretaries and assistants?

But if you are tired of competing on the same rake day every day, then I advise you to read and try to apply these 6 tips. Make sure that cold calls are not difficult.

1. Before you make a call, mentally change your goal.

When making cold calls in the traditional way, as a rule, the main goal of most sellers is to try to appoint a meeting or sell sale. The main problem in this case is such that you call a stranger, it is quite obvious that the person on the other end of the phone is your goal. And this man perfectly understands why you are calling, and looking for any pretext to interrupt your "bright, wonderful presentation" and put the phone before it appears "rare chance" to hear what you want to sell him.
To turn your cold call to warm partnerships with the client, you just need to change your goal to create a feeling of trust with a person you are calling. It is important to remember - a person must feel that your call can help him in solving some kind of problem or improving current situations that it is not just another pressure attempt for the purpose of selling.

2. Understand the image of the thoughts of the person you call

It is an extremely important advice that will help you achieve success in cold calls and sales in general. Put yourself in the person's place you are going to call, try to think like him. Thus, you can go beyond the usual sales field.

Imagine that you are the person who takes a phone call, and you hear: "Hello, my name is Alexander, I am from the company" Shakespeare and nephews on International, will you have a few minutes to talk with me? " What is your immediate reaction? You probably think about yourself: "Another seller! How can I get out of him! " Instead, try to start a conversation with the next phrase: "Good day! My name is Maria and I am glad that I was able to get through to you. Can I ask you about help? " Simple please help you, often works, and your interlocutor agrees to assist you, asks a counter question than he can help, after that it all depends on you, you can keep the thread of conversation or trimming on sales.

3. Determine the problem you or your company will be able to solve

Knowing specific client problems, you can immediately create a natural atmosphere during a telephone conversation. If your interlocutor feels that you really understand the essence of questions that you care, you understand his problems and are ready to offer a solution, it will be more open to conversation, giving you the opportunity to continue the dialogue, without trying to immediately find the reason for termination of the conversation. But for this you need to identify the problem before you make a call. If you at the preparation and classification of the client, determine its possible needs and problems, it will later be able to play an important role in the success of your cold call.

4. Start with conversation, not with a presentation

Start a conversation with a presentation - a traditional reception with cold calls. This technique causes negative consequences, as pressure is created on a person and the interlocutor is considered exclusively as "the client to sell."
The involvement of a person in a natural, relaxed conversation is the only way to avoid counter-objections and refuse to continue the conversation. When you feel relaxed, you, as if, talking to the other. A natural conversation allows you to form a trust atmosphere from the very beginning. Never let yourself install that your potential customer should buy something from you. Your interlocutor will feel it from your first words, and you can hardly sell something to him.

5. Start asking questions

After you have introduced yourself to your interlocutor, start asking questions regarding the Customer's assistance in solving it. What kind of questions? If you do not know, I advise you to get acquainted with SPIN technique:

The issue system is as follows:

S - Situation Questions (Situational Questions).

P - PROBLEM QUESTINS (Problems of Problems).

I - Implication Questions (Recovery Loss).

N - NEED_PAYOFF QUESTICS (guide questions).
Think about how you would answer if someone really knew that you had for the problem and offered her decision.

Be honest with your client, ask questions and listen to what you answer, then your call will be the beginning of bilateral cooperation, and not another attempt to sell through the pressure on the interlocutor.

6. Determine priorities

Suppose your call has reached the goal, the dialogue flows well, but sooner or later your conversation reaches its natural end. What will you do next?
Most sellers are confident that they should try to "close" the client for sale or a full-time meeting. But there is a risk that the problem you identifies is not for your interlocutor first priority. Therefore, it is very important during the conversation first to clarify: "This question is for you a question of a high priority or can it wait?"
Your task is not only to find out the needs and desires of the interlocutor, but also to define the time frame that your interlocutor has planned to solve this or that question. It can save you months wasted spent time for subsequent calls.
Now it's time to go to practice. From personal experience I can tell you that if you begin to use these tips during "cold calls", then your results will grow at times, and cold calls will bring only grateful feedback from customers.

Take and do!

Surely at least once you took a call, and you were offered to purchase goods or use the service. And for sure at least once you answered "no". The theme of this material is the technique of cold calls to customers. You will learn how to make cold calls to do how to interest the client, as well as what techniques and sales samples are used.

What is it?

Cold calls are named so because of the cool, wanted attitude towards them. The main goal of the conversation is a potential customer. In most cases, it is not necessary to try to immediately sell the goods or the service by phone, it will not be sense. It is more important to interest the client.

The purpose of the conversation is to appoint a meeting to a potential customer.

Calls perform another important feature - replenishment of the client base. The technology requires a thorough preparation and careful thinking of their words.

Holding to get universal instructions for any type of cold calls, entrepreneurs are mistaken. Calls are adapted to a specific market, sometimes even to each person. To learn to effectively make cold calls, you need a permanent practice.

An important role is played by the Balance "Cold" and already the base. You need to constantly make outgoing calls to new customers; Customers periodically leave the main base (to competitors or lose the need for the service), it is inevitable. In order not to stay without the database, the cold call system requires about 100 conversations with new customers per day + transk "warm" base. The basic principle of a cold call is the skill of the manager to anticipate the customer's questions and answers to be ready to continue the conversation.

The basic principle of the cold call is the skill of the manager to anticipate the customer's questions and answers.

Organize the search and attraction of customers based on the market segment for which your products / services are useful. Determine the places where "water" potential customers are "found", excuse your contact database.

You can also approach the process of obtaining information about management facilities, a cunning, calling, for example, under the pretext of marketing research. So you can find out whether the client is aware of the existence of your company or brand. Favoring the customer email, you can send it.

Stages of cold calls

  1. Collection of information. Show yourself awared interlocutor - meet a more friendly attitude.
  2. Drawing up the crib (). So far, the manager has not become a professional (and after that), he needs a brief conversation plan. Such a scenario is regularly replenished with new data will help with answers to any customer issues.
  3. . Imagine (sometimes you should not directly talk about sales) and ask to connect you with the decision maker. If this is not possible, find out more information about it (name, at what time you can contact it).
  4. Conversation with the client. Be sure to ask for a few minutes to conversate and explain the goal of the call. Find out that he is interested in what he needs, whether everything is pleased with everything with current counterparties.

If you want to interest the client to the meeting, tell us about the basic benefits. If the client wishes to talk about the details, offer to meet. So you leave lovers to occupy someone else's empty conversations. You will spend time, and the client will still not order anything.

The technique requires that you follow the client's mood recorded new information for the base and even took into account the call time. It happens, the client refuses to speak with the manager or disappears in the midst of the day. But if you try to call in the morning or in the evening, he will come to contact more than.

In general, the conversation should not go long, three minutes is enough to interest the client. The results of these stages - and the sale of the product.

Work with objections

For customer your call is unexpected and (usually) unwanted. An experienced manager can distinguish from categorical refusal. In the latter case, you should not be obsessive and continue the conversation - just complete it on a positive note. But with objections you need to work in order not to lose potential buyers. Before you typical excuses.

  • "I'm busy / spent somewhere." Explain that your goal is not to take the client's time now, but only agree on the meeting. In extreme cases, ascend to call back.
  • "Please, call later". You need to get the exact call time - so the client will not be able to use this objection again and again.
  • "Send an offer to the mail." Leaves hope, but in fact almost hopeless. You can immediately declare why not meet, and offer a specific time. Or you agree and ask when you answer about the sent. In general, turn the submitted materials from the conversation final in the transition.
  • "I do not need anything". Feel guilty? It is not necessary, it is usually just an excuse, and the client still does not know what he needs it. Here you should immediately go to the product, appealing to the companies that he also did not interest, and now they enjoy only them. You can simply promise that the client will be interested, and the meeting does not oblige anything to anything, and offer a specific time.
  • "My counterparties are quite satisfied with me." Here you will definitely use information about them that you have prepared. Tell me that you are not trying to replace them, but offer an alternative. Tell me that with several suppliers to work more reliable, or explain what exactly you are better than the client partners, and then offer to meet. If the client insists on its own, it will be better to learn competitors. Find out what advantages their offer is better than yours.

Cold Call Manager

The basic rules of communication during sales by telephone are reduced to minimalization of pressure on the client, confidence, friendliness, the ability to own a voice. Do not forget about the smile - she is perfectly audible by phone. Voice, your main weapon, add calm. It is easy to drain the call, if you say monotonously, uncertain and boring.

It is easy to drain the call, if you say monotonously, uncertain and boring.

Your goal is to interest the client, call emotions, to be on the same wave with him. You must understand that the client will now say, and be prepared. Follow the brief and deployed answers to the main questions of the client: why you call him, and what is his benefit. Refuse closed questions, particles "not" and complex terms.

The cold call method often encounters a customer manager who refuse or rude. Therefore, stress resistance is vital here, and even more - careful preparation for conversations. You should be (or, at least seem) a professional, and such an image is easy to achieve: instead of template phrases and reading with the cribs, you speak in your own words, confidently and exactly what you are interested in the client.

The sales technique on the phone is easy to understand, but to carry out high-quality cold calls, a permanent practice is needed. Listen to the recording of conversations, think what you could say, read the examples and improve the skills. Stringing your hand and earning, you will not notice how you will become an expert in cold calls.

Sales generator

We will send the material to you on:

From this article you will learn:

  • What is cold calls
  • What companies will they benefit
  • How to organize them
  • How to make a cold call script
  • How to circumvent secretary and answer the objections of the LPRA
  • What errors most often allow managers in cold calls
  • How to evaluate the result, and then increase it

Cold calls are rightly considered the most complex sales channel. Here from the manager requires the ability to interest the client, to keep his attention and parry objections, summing the interlocutor to make the need to make a purchase. We will understand what mistakes are made when dealing with customers and how to dialogue, so that your offer is a response.

What is cold call calls

The complexity of cold calls is that the interlocutor does not expect your appeal and is not ready for him. It is possible that the goods or service will be interesting to him, however, before you can tell about them, you need to achieve the attention of a potential buyer.

The name "cold" such calls were received because the client would need to "warm up", arouse his interest, awaken the desire to listen to you and eventually buy a proposed product.

As a rule, nothing but irritation such calls are not called, because you can be busy and answered only because we are waiting for important news from a partner or employees. Instead, you hear in the tube learned phrases about the benefits of maintenance in a particular beauty salon.

Most approaches to the implementation of cold calls originates in the books of American marketers of the 60-80s:

  1. The conversation is conducted on a pre-written scenario (script).
  2. At the beginning of the conversation, you must submit a company.
  3. A call is preceded by a serious preparatory work.

The first interlocutors of managers engaged in cold calls are the secretaries. Over time, they begin to calculate such proposals on the first phrase and instantly turn the conversation. In this is the difficulty: during cold calls from the interlocutor, on the other side of the tube there is no desire to listen to the advantages of the advantages of your offer.

To solve the first task - interest the client - it takes time, but most often (more than 90% of cases) a conversation between a man who makes cold calls, and the secretary of the organization does not exceed the minute, most of which the manager does not speak himself, but hears the refusal and receives a request to send offer.

Is it worth saying that as a result of several dozens of such conversations on the day, his motivation seeks to zero? To once again remove the tube and start a presentation, considerable courage is required from the employee.

Those who are just starting their career in the field of cold sales are usually rejoicing, having heard the phrase "send a commercial offer." However, it is not worth seduating and try to send the maximum emails. Often it is simply polite refusal to continue communication, and the resulting offer will immediately turn out to be in the basket.

Also, newcomers often believe that the main goal of cold calls is sales, but in fact they help filter and expand the database of potential customers.

Instant sales - not at all the task that can be solved with a cold call. You must try to use that a short time that the interlocutor pays for you to present his company, find out if your item can be interesting to him and achieve a personal meeting for more detailed acquaintance with your offer.

Cold calls are only the first attempt to establish contact with a potential client. That is why, before typing the number, it is worthwhile to help the business of your future interlocutor, to understand what your product will be beneficial for him, to show awareness in conversation that can serve a good service.

Visual example of a cold call in the version of the Wine Diesel

Cold Call Technology: Pros and Cons

Several advantages inherent in cold calls:

  • the first acquaintance occurs on the phone, it means that the time and money is saved on the connectors;
  • compared with the correspondence, even e-mail, communication is carried out more efficiently;
  • the direct response of the interlocutor to the proposal voiced;
  • overcoming mutual misunderstanding by clarifying issues;
  • use during the conversation tips, scripts and other materials on a computer monitor or on paper.

Cold calls imply overcome some restrictions:

  • for the interlocutor, your call is an annoying interference that impedes work;
  • by phone, it is much easier to refuse or stop a conversation, inventing a convincing excuse;
  • to judge the reaction of the opponent can be exclusively by intonation;
  • you can not use visual confirmation tools - drawings, photos, graphs;
  • the danger is that your words will be interpreted wrong.

Submit your application

What companies are suitable equipment of cold calls

Cold calls can be used by all whose average profit from each sale exceeds 250 rubles. But there are sellers to whom this method is recommended primarily:

  • B2B-sales With the number of 2000 potential customers.

If there are much less, the call will be completed within two weeks. Cold calls for B2B are recognized in the most efficient way.

  • B2C-sale For a very wide circle of buyers.

It is almost impossible to get the base of individuals with the necessary segmentation. This means that your product must be of interest to most digestible. For example, cold calls are successfully used by dentists, beauty salons, vendors for gas meters and plastic windows servicing firms.

In general, communication on the phone with individuals is easier and more efficient than with companies.

  • Increase the cost of context and other ways to search for customers.

In such cases, cold calls are a real salvation for business. Otherwise, marketing and lidogeneration can be spent more than in earning.

  • High middle check and expensive Lida.

Suppose you have no problems with paying expensive advertising. However, the Leed, which cost 500 rubles, pleases more than pulling 10 thousand rubles.

No one, besides you, will not say exactly whether the cold calls are suitable for your business. But if you need to increase sales, and other methods are not suitable due to their high costs, if you are ready for the development of new techniques and you are not afraid of an unknown, try. Perhaps this way will be the most successful for your niche.

How to calculate how much cold call will cost

Consider a simple example.

You pay 20 thousand rubles to each of the three managers. The remote form of work allows to save on lease of an office and computer technician, the exception is the payment of telephone communication, say, 4000 rubles per month per employee (amounts may vary depending on the region and the duration of conversations).

Consequently, your monthly costs make up 3 x 20 + 3 x 4 \u003d 72 thousand rubles.

Accounting for cold calls gives you accurate information: each employee performs 150 calls daily, 150 x 22 (working days) x 3 \u003d 9 900. Your average conversion is 5%, it means you have 495 leads per month.

Calculate the cost of one call: 72 000 / 9,900 \u003d 7.27 rubles.

One potential client costs you at 72,000 / 495 \u003d 145 rubles.

The statistics of the conversion of cold calls to Lida are important here. High conversion automatically reduces the cost of the lid, and vice versa.

Calculate the value of the transaction. Suppose conversion from Lida leaves 15%, that is, each client will cost 966 rubles (145/15% \u003d 966). The average profit from the transaction should exceed this amount.

How to organize cold calls

So, you decided to introduce cold calls to raise sales without serious investments in marketing. There are two options: create a department in your company and impose a function of finding new customers on it or entrust this work to a specialized company - call center.

The selection depends on the tasks facing you. If a single client survey is planned to actualize the database, it makes no sense to open a separate unit for this, it is more logical to entrust customer service calls. But we want to warn about risks that accompany cooperation with such an organization.

Of course, if the company's plans include a regular search for new customers, it is necessary to create a telemarketing department, which, using cold calls, will offer your product with a wide range of potential buyers.

Expenses for outsourcing and maintaining the activities of its own division are approximately at the same level. However, the presence of your department gives you some advantages:

  1. Employees of the company's structural division are much better familiar with the specifics of the goods they offer to customers. Training of own workers is easier to organize, besides, it will require less costs. At the same time, they will act much more efficiently than attracted experts.
  2. Telemearketologists, consisting of a company, can offer all goods produced by it. At the same time, the cost of training personnel will be minimal, besides, it is not necessary to pay for the rental of database.
  3. If products or services are distinguished by increased complexity, workers from the side will be much more difficult sort out the nuances of their use and competently convey the necessary information to potential customers.
  4. Own staff is much easier to control. You can make adjustments to work at the earliest need, but with cooperation with the Agency, it will require much more effort.
  5. It is also obvious saving time and money when starting a new projectAfter all, you do not have to hold agreement, pay for services, customize the equipment and software for a new scenario. Customer calls about the new product can be started at least two weeks earlier.
  6. In collaboration with the Country, it is necessary to ensure that its operators and your sales managers attacked at the same time the same subscribers. In addition, transmitting a database in extraneous hands, you risk hard enough.
  7. The own unit can act as a basic site for the preparation of sales managers. People who passed through cold calls become experts who can sell anything and anyone.

What Must Be able to Cold Call Manager

Cold Call Manager - This is an employee who is faced with the goal of finding Lida, get new buyers for the company's product.

In the process of work, it makes cold calls, through the secretary receives access to the LPR (a person who accepts decisions) is convinced that the client experiences the need for a product or service, perhaps directs a commercial offer and "presents" a sales manager of the sales manager.

Differently these professionals call call Center managers. Large companies, as a rule, have a sufficient large lidogeneration sector allocated to a separate count, whose functions are included in both the implementation of cold outgoing and receiving incoming calls. When the contact is adjusted, "warm" customers are transmitted to the next stage.

The number of requirements is made to the manager of the Count Center: the ability to quickly switch between different scripts, to understand well in professional programs, respond promptly to the replicas of the interlocutor.

All this requires constant voltage officers, so the teaching on these positions is traditionally high, but it is not difficult to find a new worker to find a new one, because there are no special skills here, and training is quite quickly.

Third title for similar specialists - telemarketing manager. It passed on large companies - banks, Internet providers, etc. The work occurs in specially selected rooms, where jobs with specialized software are located, while the regime is rigidly regulated.

For the call, a huge base is used, the amount of cold calls is measured by hundreds per day, from the developed script can not be retracted any step. It is hard enough, and the salary is usually small (about 15 thousand rubles). However, this is a colossal school and those who have not broke and burned, working on this position, become real professionals.

The minuses include the fact that the telemarketing manager communicates with end clients, so for B2B acquired skills may not be enough.

Experience shows that it is best to work with such posts in such posts. A certain type of people is coped: active, assertive, well-trained, not steady in conflict situations and capable of continuing the conversation, even when the interlocutor does not show interest. Of course, an indispensable condition is a well-developed speech and excellent diction.

Given all these requirements, a good cold call specialist is just a find. If you have such employees, a stable influx of inexpensive leaders are guaranteed.

What needs to be done to get similar professionals in your telemarketing department? Nothing special - just give an announcement of the recruitment of employees. Those times passed when they were spent on their training for half a year. In fact, a person who came from the street is enough to provide:

  • clear logical conversation scenario (script) for two or three sheets;
  • customer database;
  • list of specific tasks: do something and get so much.

This is enough for the new employee to bring you the lead on the very first day by listening to the introductory instruction.

Why do you need a cold call script

The script is a carefully thought-out sequence of actions that an employee takes during the creation of cold calls.

This is a kind of algorithm, thanks to which the manager clearly knows that he must speak to a potential customer, in which sequence, how to respond to opposition coming from the interlocutor. With the first contact, the cold call script is an indispensable thing, because we have a minimum of information about the client, as well as he about our company.

The effectiveness of the following attempts to communicate will depend on the fruitfulness of the first conversation, since it is at this stage that the manager finds out if the interlocutor has the need for goods and services of the company, or a product is not interesting to him. In this case, it makes no sense to spend time on it, it is better to switch to the search for those whom we can benefit.

For a second contact with a potential client, the script is no less valuable. Relying on the thoughtful conversation scenario, the employee moves straight to the goal set, and the chances that the result will be positive, it has much more compared to the employee, not an armed script.

An example of a cold script call:

How to write and implement a cold call script

Stage 1. Preparation of information

Cold calls are preceded by collecting and analyzing information in five directions:

  1. We put the goal: registration, invitation or instant sale.
  2. Product. We select arguments to confirm value through the CPV algorithm: Characteristics - Benefits - Benefits.
  3. The target audience. We formulate the needs of potential customers.
  4. Competitors. We try to get the scripts of the leading players of their niche and study what they do focus in cold calls. You can get scenarios by different ways: with the help of a secret buyer's methodology, setting up a competitor to work or contacting a direct request - it is quite possible that you will be going to meet.
  5. Internal sources. Cold calls, completed by the purchase, we carefully analyze; We find and highlight key points that can be used when creating a script.

Stage 2. Creating a Test Option

Having finished collecting preliminary information, try to write a test script. The basis of this work it is necessary to put three base points on which cold calls are built:

  1. Structure. Classic sales is what it is worth constantly thinking when building the script structure. Without the use of the algorithm for five sales stages (opening - identification of needs - a presentation - work with objections - closure) Cold calls simply do not exist.
  2. Length. It depends on the target facing the seller, and may vary from five minutes when the manager implements lidogeneration (registers and invites), up to 10-12 minutes, if the goal is to close the transaction directly during telephone conversations.

The difference is caused by the fact that in the second case, the movement goes on a cyclic scenario during the development of objections. During the specified period of time, the specialist should close up to five objections. If the buyer's resistance could not be broken, the conversation ends, because there is no longer the meaning in its continuation.

  1. Flexibility. The script can be written so in detail that from an employee who makes a cold call is only required to voice the programmed text. Automation is subject to work with objections. It is important to pronounce phrases in the desired tone and with the appropriate mood.

This is quite real if the product is not housing, and the audience does not go beyond the boundaries of the defined framework.

Stage 3. Script Testing

Having created the text of the cold call script, we carry out its trial launch. Control of managers We carry out the following checklist:

  • the employee does not retreat from the text;
  • the interlocutor cannot intercept the initiative in a conversation;
  • the script includes all types of client objections;
  • what phrases provoked a refusal to purchase.

Stage 4. Implement the script to the work of managers

The tested and improved cold call script is automated. Existing services are possible:

  • writing, correction and actualization of text in one place;
  • comparison of the effectiveness of various scripts and managers;
  • mapping the required parts of the script during the dialogue;
  • search for stages on which a failure is fixed;
  • integrating all data with CRM.

Proper cold call with rapid exit to the LPR

For a specialist in cold calls, the first task that needs to be solved is considered to be an exit to the LPR (the decision-making person). It is this person that the company is responsible for whether the product is purchased by you. Therefore, the conversation about the merits of the goods is worth only with him, all other options are simply meaningless.

Most often by the decision maker, is the general or executive director, the chief engineer is depends on the specifics of the business. Almost each of them has a secretary, who deals with unwanted interlocutors, among whom are inexplicitly include both cold call managers.

Is it possible to overcome this obstacle? Consider several options:



An example of dialogue

1. minimum of information, maximum perseverance

Do not call your name and company. Do not crumble and do not lead. Clearly and confidently ask to switch to the person you need. Do not give detailed answers. We are trying to break the template: most often the secretary is represented, explain the reason for the appeal. If you do not give him this information, it is easier for him to connect you to the desired face.

- "Swords and Oras", Tatiana. How can I help? - Connect with a commercial director. - What is the question? - Submit that this is Sergey. - Do you want to offer something? - Not. - I can't connect if you do not imagine. - Tell him, it is Vasilyev. - What kind of Vasilyev? Where? - from "TDN". - Have you talked with the director? - Yes.

2. Request for help

I focus on the natural desire of a person to help. The secretary is pleasant to show that he is aware of the competences of individuals from the company's management.

- "Swords and Oras", Tatiana. How can I help? - Please tell Tatiana, you probably know who is better in your company to talk about metal supplies for the manufacture of swords.

3. We have already talked

We pretend that negotiations are already in the process. Especially acting if you know what the name of the LPR. As a last resort, we say that they did not have time to record his name.

- "Swords and Oras", Tatiana. How can I help? - Connect, please, with the general one. - What is the question? - We the day before yesterday told him about the supply of metal.

4. non-existent contact person

We portray that we are negotiating with the right contact person, but mistaken, calling his name.

- "Swords and Oras", Tatiana. How can I help? - Connect with Vladimir Semenovich. - We do not have that. - Strange ... Apparently, I was mistaken when I was recorded. The fact is that a person called us from your company about the supply of metal. Tell me: Who does this question do?

5. Non-existent mobile

We pretend that we know the number of the mobile phone number we need, but we can not connect with it.

- "Swords and Oras", Tatiana. How can I help? - Good day ... I can't get through your mobile director. Is he in place?

6. Two secretaries

We ask for help from a colleague, preferably women. It creates a complete impression that the same secretary calls the same secretary as directed by his boss. Usually, the fact that the same performer is drawn, acts disarming.

- "Swords and Oras", Tatiana. How can I help? - Good day. My name is Svetlana, the company "Metal Product". I call at the request of our director Sergeyev Ivan Petrovich. Connect, please, with your supervisor.

7. Application on the site

We convince that an application is left on your site, but the data is filled not to the end.

- "Swords and Oras", Tatiana. How can I help? - Good day. The company "Advanced Technologies". My name is Victor. On our website, on behalf of your company, an application was left for participation in the seminar "Advanced technologies for the transbiage of swords on the oral." But only the phone and company name left. Who can I register as a participant in the seminar?

8. Interview

We see the journalist with a specialized media and negotiate a meeting.

- "Swords and Oras", Tatiana. How can I help? - Good day. Editorial office of the online magazine "General Director". Connect with a supervisor to the interview issue for our publication.

9. Two calls

Call for the first time with a request to give an email address to direct the information of the LPR. Important: Ask who exactly addresses the letter.

The second time call after some time and say that you need a person whose fio you learned when I first call.

10. Call to the sales department

Secretary say that we want to talk to the sales department. There is never any problems with this. The manager who will take the phone, we assure that the secretary connected you by mistake, you really need (call the position of LPR), and ask you to switch to it. According to the same scheme, you can contact the accounting department or other available division.

11. Additional number

If the company provides automatic switching to the desired employee, type any three digits. Most likely, you will be able to get into any department, and then the work of the technique - ask to connect with those who need you.

12. Call at no time

Try to call half an hour before the start of the working day or 30 minutes after its completion. Secretaries in most cases come and go to the installed clock, so there is a chance to get right on the head.

13. Alien

We ask for a request to connect with the LPR in a foreign language, and it is better not in English, it is less likely that you will be understood. Do not speak languages \u200b\u200b- prepare with Yandex or Google services. An unfamiliar speech and fear of scaring a foreign partner will push the secretary to connect you to the director.

I Need The Director Ivan Petrov (in English).

J "AI BESOIN D" UN DirectEur de ivan Petrov (in French).

NeceSito un Director Ivan Petrov (in Spanish).

See how individual methods look in life:

Cold calls + work with objections

Very expensive

  • It is wonderful that the company's budget is so important for you. Tell me, is it only in price or there are other wishes for changing our product / service?
  • Therefore, all our regular customers are people who appreciate quality and do not like to pay twice.
  • Yes, each of us would like to get excellent service and excellent quality, paying as little as possible. But you know very well that most often these concepts are incompatible. After all, it is important for you that the product is reliable?

I'll think about it

The answer "I will think" is the equivalent of a polite refusal. Specify that it is confusing the client in your product:

  • Of course, how it will be convenient for you. Let me tell you about the additional advantages of our product so that you make it easier to make a decision.
  • It seems to me that in general you enjoyed our offer. Or are there moments that you are incomprehensible?

Send a commercial offer

  • Yes, be sure. But I ask you to clarify a couple of questions to make it specifically for you, taking into account your needs.
  • Of course, I will send you an offer as soon as we meet and talk about special conditions that we can offer your company. Your office on the fifteenth floor, I'm not mistaken?
  • I think you get a lot of suggestions. In order not to occupy your time, let's clarify what is most relevant for you, and I will prepare a proposal for your wishes.

  • Perhaps now for you our product is not of interest. But over time, he may need you and you will know exactly where to apply, so as not to spend time in search.
  • Tell me, what conditions of cooperation would you come across?

If you give a 30% discount, then buy

  • We would gladly give you this discount if you overestimated the markup. But we initially form the price so that you do not overpay, therefore it is also a great deal compared to competitors.
  • We are practiced to provide such discounts if _____ or ______. Let's discuss the details, and if you get under these conditions, I will achieve a cost reduction for you.

Others are cheaper

  • Yes, of course, someone has the price is always lower. But are you ready to check on your own experience, at the expense of what they offer such conditions? Are you ready to get low quality goods or limited service?
  • Yes, but the price is not the only criterion when choosing, right? Let me explain what the difference between our products, and then you decide whether it is worth paying less. The choice in any case remains yours.

We work with others

  • It is fine that you appreciate your partners. But I do not say that you must interrupt your cooperation. Let me tell you that we can offer you.
  • Yes, this is a good supplier. But listen to our offer: it is likely that it will help you negotiate with him about a lower price. Or start cooperation with us.

How sales managers fail cold calls

Cold call will certainly be failed if you:

  • Do not prepare for dialogue.

The cold call implies a conversation on a specific topic within the framework of the specified regulation. Each replica must be confident, thoughtful and has a clear goal.

  • You will lead a boring monologue on one note.

No person will listen to your learned speech, the more pronounced without emotion and the slightest interest as a result. An attempt to speak, not allowing replicas from the interlocutor - the second mistake. Not only do you have to convey product information, you have a task to determine the needs of the client and collect about it as much information as possible.

  • You will not use words that demonstrate politeness.

Show courtesy in a conversation: the words "Thank you", "please" and "all the good" testify to your respect for the interlocutor.

  • You will sell the goods with the go.

The biggest chance to break the cold call is to start with the sale. A person who is not ready for purchase will immediately respond with refusal, even if your offer is attractive from any point of view. First, call interest, place the client to the conversation and achieve the appointment of the meeting.

What does the right cold call look like

  1. A telephone conversation should not last more than five minutes.

The optimal option is three minutes. It is not so little as it seems. If you do not spray at unnecessary details, you can easily and confidently convey the necessary information and get a positive answer.

  1. The interlocutor does not see you, but this is not a reason to sit with a sour face.

Radiate goodwill, good mood is perfectly transmitted to your intonation.

  1. Make focus on the company-buyer.

"You", "Your Company", "You will get", "You are right" and so on.

  1. Maximum specifics in the proposal.

Instead, "maybe we will meet? .." We say "when you use it more comfortable - on Thursday or Friday?". The first question allows the interlocutor to refuse, the second not only excludes such an opportunity, but also makes it flip a diary in search of free time.

Why write a cold call dialogue

The process of call must be monitored. The cold call script is an algorithm for which an employee operates. However, professionals are recommended to check how the manager "goes" by the script. The easiest way to do this, listening to the recorded conversations of your subordinates with potential buyers.

You can select several benefits from writing cold calls:

  1. You gradually collect invaluable archivewhere you can find a dialog that can be a benchmark for other employees, and an example of a failure conversation demonstrating how it is not necessary to work with customer.

Working on errors will help managers to hone the technique of cold calls, and decrypting records will form the basis of training for staff. The best dialogues that ended with the sale are used to adjust the scripts, and bad serve material to typing errors leading to the breakdown of the transaction.

  1. Knowledge that their work is recorded and analyzed, causes managers not to retreat from the script, Follow the established rules and achieve the greatest performance.

Naturally, you cannot listen to absolutely every dialogue, but the staff show zeal, because they do not know whose call is controlled at the moment. As a rule, people are ambitious in the sales, and no one wants to be the worst.

  1. Bank records- A good way to progress in case of conflict. Unpleasant situations occur with employees, and with clients. Having an evidence base in his hands, you have a serious advantage when they are tempted.

We denote measures to help customize call wiretapping process and make it regular:

  1. First step - CRM integration with IP telephony. This is the only way to technically ensure the recording of cold calls for their subsequent study.
  2. Periodically request information about the most problematic stages of deals from the head of the sales department. To answer this question, he will have to regularly listen and analyze cold calls.
  3. Constantly ask the sales manager to provide links to the best and worst records of dialogs. It will not allow him to throw work on managers' errors, and the data bank will be regularly replenished with fresh caisis.
  4. Give an indication to develop sheets of development of managers - check-sheets with the skills necessary to the seller. On their basis, it is possible to carry out a technological analysis of the qualitative parameters of telephone conversations, and not just give them a subjective assessment.

3 ways to evaluate the effectiveness of cold calls

  • Evaluation of the performance of each manager.

Consider the number of calls made by one employee per day. Often the manager pulls time, preferring to work with the base, and not with living customers. This approach is explained by a high stress load: telemarketologists are constantly faced with a negative response of the interlocutor.

Experience shows that each employee should have 100-120 daily cold calls. If this figure is below 80, it is necessary to take action.

  • Evaluation of the performance of each manager.

You can calculate sales efficiency by separating the number of efficient cold calls of one manager for its productivity and multiplying the result by 100%. The average depending on the scope of the business varies from 5 to 15%. It is necessary to keep statistics for each employee and use the obtained data for its motivation.

  • Evaluation of the profitability of "cold" telemarketing.

Profitability is calculated by the formula: ((income - costs) / costs) * 100%.

  1. Enter the system of motivation of customer service managers. The efficacy of motivation in cold sales is quite high, so it makes sense to identify every month of the best manager and encourage it materially.
  2. Edit and change sales script. If, according to the results of the analysis, it turns out that most of the dialogues are broken in the same step, it is worth a corrective in this part of the conversation scenario.
  3. Imcribate the CRM system that can be tied to telephony. As a result, you can track how much time spends an employee to cold calls, and immediately see who and when the deal is concluded.

    The introduction of an autodial system that independently selects the client and makes a call, minimizes the likelihood of pulling out the conversation by the manager.

  4. Take your managers. Do not put the task to mechanically play the text of the script before telemarketologists. It should serve as a base for their confident speech, able to interest the client, while the skill improvise is only encouraged.

These skills need to be worked out in internal trainings or inviting authoritative sales specialists.

  • Igor Alyasyev, Elena Alexandrova "Direct sales: features of national" cold calls ".

The feeling of indecision is familiar to everyone who had to make the first cold call in life. What to say at the very beginning? How to continue, so that the interlocutor wants to listen to you? What could be interesting to him? What answer to objections? How to make the appointment of a meeting? As in the end, to get a positive result, how to achieve the goal set by the leadership?

There are answers to all these questions in the book, so everyone who wants to defeat their timidity and fear, learn to find contact with any client, convince and sell on the phone, it will be very useful. The second edition of the authors have completed examples of real dialogs.

  • Stephen Schiffman "Cold call techniques."

In front of the sales manager, there are difficult tasks: to meet the meeting, present a product or service, to make the conclusion of the transaction. How to do it easily and successfully, how to achieve your goals and raise your own bar all above? The book offers proven ways to solve these tasks.

  • Anastasia Kozachenko "Cold calls and with what they are" eating. "

The technique of cold calls does not lose its relevance, and the author of this book has done everything to convey to readers a maximum of useful information. It is enough to look at the content, and it becomes clear that there is everything that may need a person seeking to become ACC in this area of \u200b\u200bsales.

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