Test Internet connection. How to Check Internet Speed \u200b\u200b- Online Connection Test on Computer and Telephone, Speedtest, Yandex and Other Measures

Garden technique 11.10.2019
Garden technique

Many who have already come across the service speed check services, noticed that the result of these tests is quite often dispersed with the tariff plan (speed provided by the provider). Most are not engaged in the details and subtlety of the services, prefer to believe the indicated speed check results, may be for the first time, open site. And then calls to the technical support provider with complaints and complaints. Often, long negotiations with technical support ends with nothing - the recommendations of the technical personnel are difficult, or scary. And, as the result - the client is not satisfied.

We conducted a small testing of the most popular Internet connection speeds check services and decided to find out what the services still give the greatest preference, as well as tried to find out why such different results show speed measurements. On each of the sites we spent from 3 to 5 measurements, leading the best indicators here.

For testing, a simple system unit with a two-core processor, 2 GB of RAM, installed by the Windows 7 operating system was used. The computer is not installed on the computer, the firewall is disabled. All components and modules (including Flash player) are updated. Used browsers: Opera, Chrome, Fire Fox, Safari, testing was carried out in each of them. The network board is the most inexpensive, with the speed of the interface - 100 Mbps (Full Duplex). The computer was connected to a 3-meter twisted pair to the L2 Cisco switch with a port 1 GB / s (AUTO) and an external interface (Internet channel) 2 GB / s (LACP Bonding Mode 2).

Total, an analogue of broadband Internet access with a speed limited to the bandwidth of the computer's network card is 100 Mbps.

Speedtest.net by Ookla - Global Speed \u200b\u200bCheck

Speedtest.net. - Probably one of the first and most popular services for verifying the main network parameters. The test itself is created on the basis of Flash technology, which, on the one hand, is beautiful, conveniently and clearly, on the other hand, it can bring - not the correctly installed flash player on your computer, or the browser's Flash module is not able to implement testing speed fully and As a result - error in the dimension.

The web-interface of the page http://www.speedtest.net/, looks like a map with the ability to select a server with which you want to test.

When opening a page www.speedtest.net, the service determines your location. Very useful in this service. Availability of a server selection with which you want to test, because the smaller the intermediate nodes between your computer and the server, the more accurate the measurement results will be.

Before starting testing, a ping test occurs - the server response time for your appeal to it.

Immediately, after measuring the ping, the download speed is measured - download.

After measuring your incoming speed, the service will automatically start measuring the outgoing speed - upload, the speed with which you can download and transmit files to the Internet.

Testing outgoing speed - upload.

After the work of all tests - ping, incoming and outgoing speed, the results will appear on the screen with the proposal to repeat the test ( Test Again.), or choose another server ( New Server) To check the parameters of the Internet.

Testing result.

Further using the service Speedtes.netWe chose another, the most distant server in Kiev, the data to which will be held through several data centers, we will show the effect of intermediate nodes on the accuracy of testing measurement.

Select a remote server located in Kiev.

Testing speed with a server located in Kiev.

It is worth paying attention to the increase in ping to 13 ms, which indicates data delays on intermediate servers and routers located between us and Kiev.

Result for SpeedTest.net by Ookla - 95/95 Mbps With our bandwidth, 100 Mbps is the most accurate result.

If you need to do testing with our server located in Torez, go here.

Bandwidthplace.com - Speed \u200b\u200bCheck for All Devices

Bandwidthplace.com. - Just like Speedtest.net uses Flash technology to measure the network speed. Everything is more modest here, selection of servers (button SELECT Server) For testing is small, only about 15, the location of which says that the service is focused on America and Japan. Namely to us was Frankfurt (Germany).

The result of the inspection, to put it mildly - no. With our actual channel width of 100 Mbps, the BandwidthPlace.com service showed only 11 Mbps - 10 times lower from our real speed. Moreover, you failed to check our outgoing speed with this service.

Testing the speed of BandwidthPlace.com.

All wine remoteness of the server and a large number of intermediate nodes to it. We counted 8 pieces.

Route tracing to Server - Bandwidthplace.com.

Result for BandwidthPlace.com - 11 / - Mbps With our bandwidth 100 Mbps - this service is not suitable for our region.

2IP.ru - Portal of network services

2IP.ru. - Probably one of the first Russian-speaking services for the Internet. Among them and speed check service.

Before checking, the service proposes to introduce your speed by the tariff plan, for further evaluation - the stated / actual one.

The lack of the choice of the Naja Server affected the results.

Result Speed \u200b\u200bInternet Connection - 2IP.ru.

Despite the fact that the service 2IP.ru is focused on Russian-speaking network users, he himself is in Germany, so the service is more suitable for Western regions of the CIS countries (Kaliningrad, St. Petersburg ...). In view of the fact that there is a large number of nodes between us and the 2IP.ru service, it does not fit for accurate measurements.

Result for 2IP.ru - 27/7 Mbps

PR-CY.RU - Analysis and testing of network resources

Pr-cy.ru. - Another popular Russian-speaking service, specializes in sites analysis, speed check service on it - as a pleasant addition to other services.

The speed check page contains a card with which you can select your preferred server with the smallest number of nodes on the path to it for the most accurate result.

Speed \u200b\u200bcheck page - PR-CY.RU.

After pressing the button "Start the Internet Speed \u200b\u200bCheck Test"First, the server response time is measured (ping), after which the incoming and then the outgoing Internet speed is automatically produced.

Testing the speed of the Internet on the site pr-cy.ru.

The result of testing the speed of the Internet.

The result of the inspection disappointed, deviations of more than 20%. Most likely the owner of the resource PR-cy.ru does not put the accuracy of measuring the speed of the Internet and pay more attention to the accuracy of other services.

Result for pr-cy.ru - 80/20 MbpsIn our opinion, a dubious service for our region.

On this, we consider quite comparative tests. Our goal was to show that speed check services are no more like entertainment, it is not more or less serious. We specifically did not consider the rest of the services, such as.

Speed \u200b\u200btest is the best way to check the speed and quality of your Internet connection. Have you noticed that your files are loaded at a lesser speed? Do you feel that the sites you visit are loaded too slow? Check the parameters of your Internet connection. With our tester, you can now measure:

  • ping, Latency Testing (Ping, Latency) - is checked by the average time to send data packets to different servers at the same time. Most testers only measure the time to send small data packets (less than 500 bytes), but in fact browsers and web applications usually transmit and load large data packets, so our tester also checks the time to send large packets (about 2-5 kilobytes). Result: the lower ping, the better, i.e. Allows you to more comfortably use the Internet. This parameter is especially important in online games.
  • download Testing (download) - The download speed is checked, which is measured as the total amount of downloaded data for a certain period of time (about 10 seconds) and is expressed in Mbit / s units, testing is carried out for different seats at the same time, since the use of only one server is not Reflects the actual bandwidth of the connection. The site tries to show the measurement results that are measuring the speed outside the boundary routers. The download speed is an important parameter determining the quality when watching movies on the Internet and the download speed of the files.
  • Upload testing (UPLOAD) - Checked the speed of data sending, as well as in case of load testing, the parameter is important, for example, when sending data to a server and mail messages with particularly large investments, such as photographs.

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The article will help to spend the test and measure the speed of the Internet conversion of Rostelecom on the Speedtest Net test, Yandex free.

Do you spend the Internet speed check? Or do not pay attention to this indicator? But it is for high-quality and fast Internet connection. We pay money. Internet speed test will help you find out how hissing the provider and do not overpay for services.

General information about speed Internet connection

Incoming speed (download) Show you how fast you can download data (files, music, movies, etc.) from the Internet. The result is specified in the MBPS (megabit per second)

Outgoing speed (UPLOAD) Shows you how quickly you can download data (files, music, movies, etc.) on the Internet. The result is specified in the MBPS (megabit per second)

IP Address (IP ADRESS) is an address that is usually assigned to your computer to gain access to resources inside the local network of your provider.

Note: It is necessary to know, for example, to organize an XML search on Yandex. There is an IP address of your server, from which requests for search.

Internet speed - This is the maximum number of data taken or transmitted by the computer from the network or to the network per unit of time.

Data transfer rate is calculated in kilobits or megabits per second. One byte is 8 bits and, therefore, with an Internet connection speed of 100MB, in one second, the computer receives or transmits no more than 12.5 MB of data (100 MB / 8 bits). Thus, if you need to download a file with a size of 1.5 GB, then it will take 2 minutes. This example shows the perfect option. In fact, everything is much more complicated.

The following factors affect the Internet compound pace:

  • The tariff plan set by the provider.
  • Data channel technology.
  • Network loading by other users.
  • Site download speed.
  • Server speed.
  • Settings and speed of the router.
  • Antiviruses and firewalls working in the background.
  • Programs and applications that are running on the computer.
  • Computer settings and operating system.

Two Internet Speed \u200b\u200bParameters:

  • Data receiving
  • Data transmission

The ratio of these parameters is important when determining the velocity of the Internet, and when assessing the quality of the connection.

Now the change of Internet provider is not difficult. After all, you can choose an honest service provider in which the stated speed corresponds to reality. To do this, check the speed of the Internet.

Measure the speed of reception and transmission "on the eye" is almost impossible. For this there are sites that are allowed to measure the speed of the Internet. We will tell about some of them in this article.

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How to improve the accuracy of checking Internet connections

For accurate results speedtest Speed \u200b\u200bInternet, It is necessary to perform the items below. If you do not need exact results and sufficiently sample data, you can ignore this item.

So, for more accurate checks:

  1. Connect the network cable into the network adapter connector, that is, directly.
  2. Close all running programs, with the exception of the browser.
  3. Stop all programs running in the background, with the exception of the Internet speed selected for the test test.
  4. Disconnect the antivirus while you will measure the speed of the Internet.
  5. Run the task manager, open the "Network" tab. Make sure it is not loaded. The process of network usage should not exceed one percent. If this indicator is higher, you can restart the computer.

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Speedtest Net Check

AIDS TEST NET Service is one of the most famous sites of the speed meter of the Internet Rostelecom, it is distinguished by a stylish design and simple interface. With it, you can define an incoming and outgoing connection speed, accelerating the Internet computer to measure the Internet speed, you need to click the "Start Check" button. The result will be known in less than one minute. Measurement errors on this site are minimal. And this is its essential plus. Recommended!

The site looks like this:

After the verification is completed, you will see three indicators reflecting all the necessary information.

The first "Ping" shows the transfer time of network packets. The smaller this number, the better the quality of the Internet connection. Ideally, it should not exceed 100 ms.

The second number is responsible for the speed of data obtaining. It is this figure that is reflected in the contract with the provider and, therefore, for it you pay.

Third number reflects the data transfer rate. As a rule, it is less than the receipt speed, but large outgoing speed is required not so often.

To measure the speed of the Internet connection with any other city, you should select it on the map and again click the "Start Check" button.

Keep in mind that to start checking the speed of the Internet Speedtest NET on your computer, Flash-Player must be installed. Many users refer this fact to the weighty minus of the service, but after all, the installation of the player in the event that you still do not have it, it does not take much time and work. Below is the SPID Test Net Speed \u200b\u200bSpeed \u200b\u200bChecks for Internet Connections in a simplified, but sufficient for work, option.

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Internet Speed \u200b\u200bChecking Service NPERF - Web Speed \u200b\u200bTest

This is a testing service ADSL, XDSL, Cable, Optical Fiber or other connection methods. For accurate measurements, please stop all applications actively using the Internet on your computer and on your other devices (other computers, tablets, smartphones, gaming consoles) that are connected to your Internet channel.

By default, the server will be automatically selected for your connection when the test begins. However, you can choose the server manually on the map.

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Internet Speedtest Internet Broadband Speedchecker

Start the speed test by clicking on a large button in the center of the Start Speed \u200b\u200bTest page. After that, checking, uploading the file and measure your download speed. Once the file download is over, the broadband speed test will try to upload the file and measure your download speed and show the measurement results. Recommended!

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Speed.test connection speed check service

A well-known service with which you can find out the rate of reception and data transfer. The site offers four test options with 200KB, 800KB, 1600KB and 3MB packages. According to many users, the service is excessively crowded with advertising and the functions are quite primitive. Recommended!

With these tests, you can measure the speed of obtaining and transferring data for free. For accurate results, use multiple Weight and Services recommended.

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Checking the speed of the Internet from Ookla

Use is also very simple: click on the "Begin Test" button and wait for test results. Recommended!

Note: Click on the picture that spending speed test

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Internet Speed \u200b\u200bChecking Yandex Internet Meter

The simplest site to check the speed of the Internet Yandex looks very simple. The first thing you see going on this page is the IP address of your computer from which the entrance to the iRenetter is made. Then here there is information on screen resolution, browser version, region, etc.

Also, as in the previously discussed site, using the Yandex internet meter, you can determine the incoming and outgoing connection speed. However, the speed measurement process in this service will be longer than on the SpeedTest.net website.

Check the speed of the Internet Yandex internetometer is very simple. To do this, click the button in the form of a green line "Measure the speed".

Test time will depend on the speed itself. If it is excessively low or the connection is unstable, the test may hang or end the error.

In the test speed of the Yandex Internet meter, the process occurs as follows: the test file is downloaded and pumped several times, after which the average value is calculated. For the maximum accurate determination of the compound speed, strong failures are cut off.

As you know, the rate of obtaining and transmitting data is not a constant and stable indicator, so it is not possible to measure its accuracy to the maximum possible. In any case, the error will occur. And if it is not more than 10-20%, then it is just wonderful.

After the verification is completed, you can get the code to publish test results.

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Want to know how fast is your internet connection? Measure the connection speed to the Internet and see how fast you are download, upload, ping and jitter.

Figures that do not lie

You pay the Supplier for connecting to the Internet, which should within the selected tariff comply with certain technical parameters. Among them are not only the download speed, but also the transfer rate along with a delay or answer (ping).

In practice, however, the measured values \u200b\u200bcan differ significantly from the papers. Sometimes long-term, sometimes only for a short period of time due to the technical problem or aggregation - the joint potential of the Internet connection between several users. Speedtest will help identify differences and show you what is really your connection. And all this for several tens of seconds and without complex settings.

How does the internet speed measurement work?

From the user's point of view, everything is simple. Directly in the web browser, click on the Measure button and wait. Before running Speedtest, it is important to disable all tasks, applications and devices that could use Internet connections. It would affect the results, and you would not know anything, or the conclusions would not have the required accuracy.

Speedtest technical solutions and background themselves are complex, but briefly and very simplistic test simulates the situation when you send and download the data. Based on how quickly these translations occur, measured values \u200b\u200bare calculated. You can check the speed of up to thirty test servers placed in various geographic points. And what data do you find out?

Connection speed under magnifying glass

The test results will appear a number of key values \u200b\u200bfor which you can estimate your connection and immediately select, for example, another plan or other supplier. The main values \u200b\u200binclude:


Download (download) will show you in Mbit / with data download speed on your device. The higher the value, the better, because the faster the download, the less time you will wait until you download the web page, or, for example, an email attachment. Connecting to the Internet at home, as a rule, asymmetrically. This means that the download speed for the user is higher than the transfer rate.


The specified transmission rate (UPLOAD) is another basic value that will show the test results. Upload again expresses in Mbit / s, how quickly you can during this connection to download Internet data. The higher the number, like when download, the better. Fast loading is important, for example, for backup to the cloud or streaming video. The higher the value, the faster you can upload data from the device to the Internet.


Three basic parameters are completed with the answer (ping) in milliseconds. He has the opposite, the lower, the better. Its value is especially important for online games players who need a quick server response to the game so that there is no delay in the game. A relatively fast ping can be considered all below 40 ms, and a really good result is all in the range of 0-10 ms.


Part of the results is jitter. It expresses in milliseconds oscillation of ping magnitude, and therefore, the stability of the connection. The result should be as low as possible. The higher the value of the jitter turns out in the test, the less stability of the Internet connection.

SpeedTest results will be shown in detail how many MB of data canoretically download and download for a certain period of time. You will easily find whether the specified amount of data is and, thus, sufficient speed. This is useful, isn't it?. Blog owners and websites have the opportunity to embed a connection speed test for free directly on the site through the embedding code.

Check Connecting Regularly

Connecting to the Internet is definitely not the case when what happened yesterday is valid today. Do not forget to repeat the Speedtest from time to time or apply it every time you suspect problems with the speed of the connection.

He will answer you immediately, and you have the opportunity to decide which your next steps will be. In any case, spending time with a slow Internet currently does not make sense.

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