Plan Abstract Production and application of sawn timber. Production and application of sawn timber - knowledge hypermarket

Garden technique 30.06.2020

Theme lesson: "Getting and use of sawn timber"

The purpose of the lesson: Development of technological knowledge of wood as a natural structural material; About types of sawn timber and wood materials.
1. To promote the formation of the idea of \u200b\u200bthe structure of the tree trunk and rocks of the wood.
2. Contribute to memorizing material about the types and elements of sawn timber.
3. Promoting the awareness of the main technological material, on obtaining and using wood materials.

Methodical equipment lesson:

Material and technical base:
1. Cabinet technology;
2. Tools: a set of joinery tool;
3. Materials: Samples of various sawn timber and wood materials.

Didactic support:
1. Tutorial: technology. Industrial technologies: Grade 5: Textbook for students of general educational institutions / A.T. Tishchenko, V.D. Simonenko. - M.: Ventana Graph, 2013.
2. Posters: "Wood. Lumber and wood materials. "
3. Samples of labor objects: stool; Bedroom.
Training Methods: Explanatory, Illustrative, Research.
Type of lesson: Lesson studying new knowledge
Type of lesson: lesson with interview elements.
Interpremnation: Nature, 3 CL. Forest plants. Biology, 4 cl. Structure of the stem. Coniferous and deciduous plants.
Forms of organization of training activities: Front learning.

During the classes
1. Organizational part.
Greeting; checking students' appearance; filling in a master magazine teacher; checking students' readiness for lesson; attaching students to work; Contact lesson planning.
(Record in the notebooks theme lesson).
2. Actualization of previous knowledge.
Summarizing conversation.
TP, which you will perform in grade 5, will require you new knowledge about the properties of various materials. The most affordable structural material is wood.
Let's compare the properties of wood and materials such as metal and stone.

Problem issues:
1. Where in the construction of houses use materials from wood?
2. Why do wood some breeds are not equally painted?
3. What advantages and disadvantages have wood as construction material?
We conclude that wood is lightweight, durable, well-processed material material, is distinguished by a beautiful appearance.
At the same time, it is revealed and its negative qualities: EasyPrampability, warping during drying, lowered.

3. Saying a new knowledge.
Trees having foliage are called deciduous, and having a cheva - coniferous. In deciduous rocks include birch, aspen, oak, alder, linden et al.; to conifer - pine, spruce, cedar, fir, etc.
What is the tree from?
From the trunk, root, bitch, leaves or needle wood as a natural construction material is obtained from tree trunks when they saw them into parts.
The trunk of the tree has a thicker of the base and more subtle - vertex. The surface of the trunk is covered with a bark (7). Cora - "Clothing" for wood, consists of an outdoor cork layer and internal - lubyanny. The cork layer of the cortex is dead. Lubyana layer (6) - water conductor feeding wood. The tree of the trunk consists of a variety of layers, which are visible on the cut as annual rings (4).

What can you find out?
You can determine the age of wood. The loose and soft center of the tree is the core (1). From the core to the cortex in the form of bright shiny lines, heart-shaped rays extend (2). They serve for water, air and nutrients inside the cambium tree (5) - a thin layer of living cells located between the bark and wood. Only as a result of Cambia activity, new cells are the formation of new cells. "Cambier" - from the Latin "Exchange" (nutrients).
To study the structure of wood, three main cuts of the trunk are distinguished. A section (1), passing perpendicular to the core of the trunk, is called the end. It is perpendicular to annual rings and fibers. The cut (2) passing through the core of the barrel is called radial. It is parallel to the one-year layers and fibers. The tangential section (3) passes in parallel with the core of the barrel and removed from it for a while.

We proceed to consideration of sawn timber and wood materials.
With the longitudinal sawing of the trunks of trees on the sawmill, various lumber (Fig. 6) are obtained: bars (A, b), bars (B), boards (g, d), plates (E), quarters (g) and hill (s)

Timber have the following elements: rase, edge, end, edge. (Specify on the poster.)
Phaneur is widely used as a structural material.
How to get it?
By sticking to each other three and thinner sheets of wood - veneer. Veneer translated from German - "Slice". The veneer is cut (dipped) with a sharp knife of a special briefing machine when the log rotates with a length of about 2.0 m (Fig. 7). In this case, a log, like a roll, is rolled up in a veneer tape. The tape of the veneer is cut into square sheets, which are dried in dryers, smeared with glue and put on each other so that the direction of fibers in them is perpendicular to each other. Sheets glue under the press. So receive Faneru.

Plywood is stronger than wood, almost does not succeed and does not crack, nits well and processed.
Where is it used?
In construction, in the manufacture of furniture, in mechanical engineering, aircraft construction.
You probably heard the word chipboard, what does it mean?
Choppers. They are obtained by pressing and gluing chopped wood in the form of chips, sawdust, wood dust. Plates make a thickness of about 10-26 mm. They are durable, almost not blocked, are well processed by cutting tools.
What are made of them?
Furniture, doors, partitions, walls, floors. However, over time, they allocate substances harmful to health, so they are undesirable to apply in residential premises.
What is the Fiberboard?
Warm plates. They are pressed in the form of sheets from stealied and crushed to separate fibers of the wood mass. They have a pleasant gray, smooth surfaces, bent, like plywood. Apply them for the interior decoration of the premises: lining walls, ceilings, floors, in the production of furniture, doors.
What is the general drawback of plywood, chipboard and fiberboard?
They are afraid of dampness.

4. Practical work "Wood recognition and wood materials"
Introductory instruction teacher:
- message student names of practical work;
- explanation of students' tasks of practical work;
- familiarization of students with the object - sample;
- Prevention of students about possible difficulties in carrying out work;
- Safety Instructions.
Independent work of students in UD.
1. Launches are cut by a conventional knife of a soft rock (pine, linden) wood string along and across the fibers. As a result of the execution of this operation, they conclude that wood is easily cleaved along the fibers with a slight effort, and it is impossible to be across it, even putting a lot of effort.
2. Students try to determine the wood of wood according to samples, consider samples of sawn timber, plywood, chipboard and fiberboard.
Test for strength samples from solid wood and plywood identical sizes.

The current instruction of the teacher (is carried out along the execution of independent work).
Formation of new skills:
- checking the organization of the beginning of the work of students;
- checking the organization of students' jobs (desktop, tools, fixtures);
- Compliance with safety regulations, sanitation and occupational hygiene when performing a task.
Assimplement of new knowledge:
instructing to fulfill the task in accordance with the technological documentation.
- instructing students for the implementation of individual operations and tasks as a whole;
- concentration of students' attention at the most effective techniques for operations;
- assisting weakly prepared for the fulfillment of the task of students;
- control over the careful attitude of students for learning;
- rational use of academic times with students.

Final instruction teacher:
- Analysis of independent work by students;
- analysis of typical mistakes of students;
- opening the causes of mistakes admitted to students;
Re-explanation of ways to eliminate errors.

5. Cleaning jobs.
Students remove jobs, bring themselves in order.
6. Reflection of educational activities in the lesson.
An objective and commented assessment of the results of collective and individual labor of students in the lesson.
Today at the lesson you learned about the structure of the trunk of the tree and the rocks of the wood; I got acquainted with the views and elements of sawn timber, learned technologies and areas of wood materials.

To secure a new material answer questions:
1. Which wood breeds grow in the area of \u200b\u200bour stay?
2. List the advantages and disadvantages of wood?
3. What is wood texture?
4. What types of wood materials do you know?
5. What is stronger: plywood or board of the same thickness?
Installing marks in the classroom and in diaries of students


Start of form

Slide 2.

Receiving timber

Timber, forest sorting, wood materials that preserved its natural physical structure and chemical composition. Timber subdivided into untreated and processed. Unprocessed timber - the products of the logging industry. They are obtained from spokey trees after cleaning from the branches and separation of the barrel across the required length. The cross section of such timber close to the shape of the circle, so they are called round.

Materials developed from round forest, which preserved the natural structure of wood belongs to the group of treated timber. They are the products of the sawmill and woodworking industry. Such timber belongs: lumber (bars, bars, sleepers, boat and deck boards, resonance boards for musical instruments), crushed timber (parquet frieze, barrels for barrels), planed and brush veneer, etc.

Open lesson by technology in grade 6

"Production and application of sawn timber."

Task lesson: Studying the production process and methods for using sawn timber.



    Familiarize students with the process of production and application of sawn timber.

    Teach distinguishing types of sawn timber.


    Develop curiosity from schoolchildren.

    Ability to analyze.

    Apply the knowledge gained in practice.


    Improve environmental education of students.

    Install an active life position.

    Rise the initiative and independence.

Proformal guidance:

    Form interests among students

    Forest, forester, joiner.

Methodical equipment lesson:

    Material and technical base:

    School workshop

    Computer and media projector

    Didactic support:

    workbook student

    posters: "Wood processing products",

"What can be obtained from one cubic meter of wood", "Wood vices", "practical work".

Film "Folding Frame"

    Materials for monitoring students' knowledge:

    Cards: "Wood Vices".

Wordwork: sawmill frame, chopped, cut, falling rollers, trolley.

Type of lesson: The lesson for the acquisition of new knowledge and skills and their use in practice.

Methods: Sensual, visual, practical.

During the classes.

    Organizing time.


    checking student appears

    filling in a teacher of the class magazine

    checking readiness of students for lesson (notebooks, handles)

    fight students to work.

Teacher - Hello guys.

Uch. Guys, please tell me, does any of you love the autumn forest?

Scientific Yes!!!

Uch. Why do you love him?

Scientific Because in the fall, the leaves of the trees are painted in different colors and becomes very beautiful, you can collect mushrooms, nuts, etc.

Uch. And what else gives us a forest?

Scientific Wood!

Teacher. How do trees turn into boards and bars?

Scientific !!! ???

He teaches: nothing terrible, today we all learn, and so the topic of our lesson "Production and application of sawn timber".

    Actualization of students' knowledge:

First let us remember what we spoke at past classes.

The game "Is the statement right?".

The class is divided into 2 groups. The teacher asks questions to groups. If the student gives the correct answer, the teacher hands leaf. (Guys must score as much leaves as possible, i.e. points)

    Cracks are vices of wood. (Yes).

    Larch does not resell the needles in winter. (not)

    Cedar refers to deciduous wood (no)

    Phaneru makes out of sawdust (no).

    All materials from the wood, which preserved its natural state is called timber (yes).

    The ripeness of the wood is determined by taxators (yes).

    Lesniki work leadership (yes).

    Wood moisture is characterized by moisture content in it (yes)

    Fiberboard is deciphered as a chipboard (no)

    Whip, log, ridge and churages are timber (yes).

Guys. Please name the wood processing products, i.e. What is getting out of wood?

Okay. At the last lesson, we studied the topic "Wood Vices". Now I can give you a card to you, where you need to show the arrow of the flavors of wood. Time to task 1-2 minutes.

Statement by the teacher of the new material:

Teacher. And so "Production and application of sawn timber." In the 5th grade, we have already met the main types of sawn timber. Who will help me remember them?

Student. Brux, bars, edged and unkinded boards.

Teacher is right. We know that lumber is obtained in sawmill frames. Did anyone see how the sawmill frame works?

(Teacher shows a drawing of a sawmill frame)

Logs are served to the sawmill chain rambrevnotasces .

The sawmill frame consists of a sawing frame with a set of vertically fixed strip saws. The set of saws in the sawmill mounted at a certain distance one from the other to dry out the boards of a given thickness, calledput. Silent frame installed on guides. It can perform vertical movements up-down with the help of a crank-slider mechanism driven from the electric motor.

Drive, rotating corrugated dual rollers falling in front of the sawmill frame are fixed in front and rear.

Before the frame and behind it, the trolley rails are installed on the rails for placing logs and boards.

Principle of operation. A log cabin with logs is reset to the frame installed in front of the frame and falling between two falling rolling corrugated rollers. The rollers capture the log and push it on a moving up-down saw frame with saws. The saws saw the log on the sawn timber, which is captured by the rear frame with corrugated rollers and is fed to the cart installed behind the frame.

So get boards and bars.

Edged boards are obtained by sawing the logs for 2 approaches.

To better consolidate the knowledge gained, let's see the video clip, how the sawmill frame works.

Wordwork .

Forecoon frame, chopped, braving, cut, falling rollers, trolley.

    Practical work.

    1. Induction training. The guys are distributed circles with different diameters (Ø20-Ø30) - this is a log section.

    Teacher - Guys, in front of you are circles. Imagine that this is a log section. Your task is to determine which lumber can be obtained from these "logs". To do this, you need to have a ruler and pencil. We know that the floorboard has a thickness of 40mm to 60 mm thick, tes from 20mm to 30mm, the beam by the parties 200mmm, the bars of 100 mm sides.

Teacher - safety instructions:

    Instructing teacher to perform homework.

    Teacher - Guys Give your attention a simple drive - a product that is fixed on the wall where you can hang keys, brushes, something else needed in the farm. Your task based on this drive is to develop your own individual drive. Those. In the following lesson, you bring me a sketch of the drive where you can already put up exemplary sizes.

    Summing up the lesson, homework

Teacher - And so the guys today we studied the topic "Production and application of lumber".

What new have you learned for yourself?

Teacher - Well done. Estimates for the lesson.

    1. Message by a teacher about achieving the task of the lesson.


Abstract Technology lesson

6th grade

Module:Technology processing structural materials and machinery elements.

Section: Wood processing technology and machine learning elements.

Subject:Production and application of sawn timber.

Task lesson:Studying the production process and methods for using sawn timber.

Objectives: Educational:

    Familiarize students with the process of production and application of sawn timber.

    Teach distinguishing types of sawn timber.


    Develop curiosity from schoolchildren.

    Ability to analyze.

    Apply the knowledge gained in practice.


    Improve environmental education of students.

    Install an active life position.

    Rise the initiative and independence.

      Proformal guidance:

    Form interests among students

      • Forest, forester, joiner.

Methodical equipment lesson:

    Material and technical base:

    School workshop

    Computer and media projector

    Didactic support:

    workbook student

    posters: "Wood processing products",

"What can be obtained from one cubic meter of wood", "Wood vices", "practical work".

Film "Folding Frame"

    Materials for monitoring students' knowledge:

    Cards: "Wood Vices".


Textbook "Technology" grade 6.

Magazine "Holiday in School" - 2005

Wordwork:sawmill frame, chopped, cut, falling rollers, trolley.

Type of lesson: The lesson for the acquisition of new knowledge and skills and their use in practice.

Methods: Sensual, visual, practical.

During the classes.

    Organizing time.


    checking student appears

    filling in a teacher of the class magazine

    checking readiness of students for lesson (notebooks, handles)

    fight students to work.

Teacher - Hello guys.

Uch. Guys, please tell me, does any of you love the autumn forest?

Scientific Yes!!!

Uch. Why do you love him?

Scientific Because in the fall, the leaves of the trees are painted in different colors and becomes very beautiful, you can collect mushrooms, nuts, etc.

Uch. And what else gives us a forest?

Scientific Wood!

Teacher. How do trees turn into boards and bars?

Scientific !!! ???

He teaches: nothing terrible, today we all learn, and so the topic of our lesson "Production and application of sawn timber".

    Actualization of students' knowledge:

First let us remember what we spoke at past classes.

The game "Is the statement right?".

The class is divided into 2 groups. The teacher asks questions to groups. If the student gives the correct answer, the teacher hands leaf. (Guys must score as much leaves as possible, i.e. points)

    Cracks are vices of wood. (Yes).

    Larch does not resell the needles in winter. (not)

    Cedar refers to deciduous wood (no)

    Phaneru makes out of sawdust (no).

    All materials from the wood, which preserved its natural state is called timber (yes).

    The ripeness of the wood is determined by taxators (yes).

    Lesniki work leadership (yes).

    Wood moisture is characterized by moisture content in it (yes)

    Fiberboard is deciphered as a chipboard (no)

    Whip, log, ridge and churages are timber (yes).

Guys. Please name the wood processing products, i.e. What is getting out of wood?

(Fig. 1.) Wood processing products.

Okay. At the last lesson, we studied the topic "Wood Vices". Now I can give you a card to you, where you need to show the arrow of the flavors of wood. Time to task 1-2 minutes.

Statement by the teacher of the new material:

Teacher. And so "Production and application of sawn timber." In the 5th grade, we have already met the main types of sawn timber. Who will help me remember them?

Student. Brux, bars, edged and unkinded boards.

Teacher is right. We know that lumber is obtained in sawmill frames. Did anyone see how the sawmill frame works?

(Teacher shows a drawing of a sawmill frame)

Logs are served to the sawmill chain ram brevnotasces .

The sawmill frame consists of a sawing frame with a set of vertically fixed strip saws. The set of saws in the sawmill mounted at a certain distance one from the other to dry out the boards of a given thickness, called put. Silent frame installed on guides. It can perform vertical movements up-down with the help of a crank-slider mechanism driven from the electric motor.

Drive, rotating corrugated dual rollers falling in front of the sawmill frame are fixed in front and rear.

Before the frame and behind it, the trolley rails are installed on the rails for placing logs and boards.

Principle of operation. A log cabin with logs is reset to the frame installed in front of the frame and falling between two falling rolling corrugated rollers. The rollers capture the log and push it on a moving up-down saw frame with saws. The saws saw the log on the sawn timber, which is captured by the rear frame with corrugated rollers and is fed to the cart installed behind the frame.

So get boards and bars.

Edged boards are obtained by sawing the logs for 2 approaches.

To better consolidate the knowledge gained, let's see the video clip, how the sawmill frame works.


Forecoon frame, chopped, braving, cut, falling rollers, trolley.

    Practical work.

    1. Induction training. The guys are distributed circles with different diameters (Ø20-Ø30) - this is a log section.

    Teacher - Guys, in front of you are circles. Imagine that this is a log section. Your task is to determine which lumber can be obtained from these "logs". To do this, you need to have a ruler and pencil. We know that the floorboard has a thickness of 40mm to 60 mm thick, tes from 20mm to 30mm, the beam by the parties 200mmm, the bars of 100 mm sides.

Teacher - safety instructions:

    Instructing teacher to perform homework.

    Teacher - Guys I give your attention a simple storage device, which is fixed on the wall where you can hang keys, brushes, something else needed in the farm. Your task based on this drive is to develop your own individual drive. Those. In the following lesson, you bring me a sketch of the drive where you can already put up exemplary sizes.

    Summing up the lesson.

Teacher - And so the guys today we studied the topic "Production and application of lumber".

What new have you learned for yourself?

Teacher - Well done. Estimates for the lesson.

      Message by a teacher about achieving the task of the lesson.

      Message the topics of the next lesson "Drawing of the part. Assembly drawing".

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