Powerful earthquake in Nepal. Strong earthquake hits Nepal

garden equipment 20.09.2019
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What are the consequences of the earthquake in Kathmandu and how Internet services help to alleviate them

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On Saturday morning, April 25, Nepal was rocked by a powerful earthquake with a magnitude of 7.8. Thousands of buildings were destroyed in the capital and other cities of Nepal. More than 1.5 thousand dead are reported, the number of wounded is being specified. The earthquake touched India and China. TJ collected basic information about the disaster.

Photo by Niranjan Shrestha, Associated Press

The first and most destructive shock of magnitude 7.8 was recorded 83 kilometers from Kathmandu at 11:56 local time. The hypocenter of the shocks was at a depth of 10 kilometers. The second earthquake was recorded at 12:30, the magnitude of which was 6.7 points.

Aftershocks led to the destruction of schools, hospitals and ancient temples.

The red line marks the area most affected by the earthquake. The yellow and green lines show areas that are less prone to shocks. Blue - the least impact and damage.

The aftershocks also triggered an avalanche on Everest, which led to the death of at least 18 climbers from various countries.

The United States Geological Survey (USGS) provides approximate data on the losses among the population and damage to the economy of Nepal. The preliminary USGS report suggests that the number of victims could reach up to 100,000 people, and damage from destruction could range from $10 million to $10 billion.

More than 105 million people felt the tremors from the main impacts of the earthquake, as well as subsequent aftershocks. According to TASS, the death toll has reached 1,500 people.

Among the dead was Google top manager Dan Fredinburg, who led the data privacy department at Google and the Google[x] research lab. About it reported his sister via Fredinburg's instagram: he was injured in an avalanche on Everest, suffered head injuries and did not survive.

Google has again launched a crowdsourced project "Person Finder" to help find people affected by the earthquake. There are two buttons on the page "I'm looking for someone" and "I have information about someone".

April 25 in Nepal happened. The epicenter of the earthquake was located 82 kilometers northwest of Kathmandu. The source of the earthquake lay at a depth of 15 kilometers. The earthquake killed 758 people in Kathmandu, as well as 7 people in India. On the same day, seismologists recorded 13 repeated earthquakes in Nepal. ranged from 4.6 to 6.6.


April 25 in Nepal happened. The epicenter of the earthquake was located 82 kilometers northwest of Kathmandu. The source of the earthquake lay at a depth of 15 kilometers. The earthquake killed 758 people in Kathmandu, as well as 7 people in India. On the same day, seismologists recorded 13 repeated earthquakes in Nepal. ranged from 4.6 to 6.6.

On January 10, more than 1,500 people were affected by an earthquake with a magnitude of 5.0 in China. . The epicenter was located near the city of Artush, the focus lay at a depth of 10 kilometers.


December 21 off the coast of the Indonesian island of Halmahera. The source of the earthquake lay at a depth of 54.6 kilometers.

December 8 off the coast of Panama, 8 kilometers southeast of locality Punta de Burica. The source of the earthquake lay at a depth of 10 kilometers.

December 7 off the coast of Papua New Guinea. The epicenter of the earthquake was located 121 kilometers west of the city of Panguna, Bougainville Island. The source of the earthquake lay at a depth of 10 kilometers.

December 6 in southwest China in Yunnan province. As a result of the earthquake, one child died, 8 people received injuries of varying severity.

November 26 off the coast of Indonesia. The epicenter of the tremors was located 150 kilometers northeast of the island of Ternate, which is part of the Moluccas archipelago in eastern Indonesia. The source of the earthquake lay at a depth of 65 kilometers.

November 22 in Nagano Prefecture in Japan happened. The hearth lay at a depth of 10 kilometers. Most swipe fell on the villages of Hakuba, Ogawa and the city of Nagano. In just two days, about 100 repeated tremors with a force of up to 5 points were recorded in the region. 95 houses were completely or partially destroyed, 46 people were injured.

November 22 in southwest China in Sichuan was. The source of the earthquake lay at a depth of 18 kilometers in the city of Tagun. The earthquake was followed by another 95 seismic shocks of lesser intensity. In the city of Tagun, 60 people were injured, of which 42 were students elementary school. 5 people died.

November 21 off the coast of Indonesia. The earthquake was recorded in the area of ​​the Molluk Islands. The hearth lay at a depth of 10 kilometers.

10 people were injured. As a result of the earthquake, the movement of trains on the main railway lines of the island, traffic on high-speed highways was also suspended.

January 28 earthquake of magnitude 6.6. Its epicenter was located on the territory of Kazakhstan, 225 kilometers southeast of Alma-Ata, the focus was at a depth of 10 kilometers. As a result, more than 200 houses were destroyed in the border region of China.

January 5th, with a magnitude of 7.5, caused a local but potentially devastating tsunami.

The epicenter of the earthquake was located 106 kilometers west of the city of Craig. The source of the earthquake lay at a depth of 9.9 kilometers.

The material was prepared on the basis of information from RIA Novosti and open sources

Earthquake in Nepal April 25, 2015, last news: a list of citizens of the Russian Federation who have not yet been contacted has appeared, the death toll has reached 449 people, at least 400 have been injured.

The death toll has already exceeded 450 people. Such figures are reported by Reuters, referring to the statement of the Inspector General of the Nepal Police, General Kamal Singh Bam. The DPA agency reports 200 dead and 400 injured, based on data from the country's Interior Ministry.

India was also hit by the quake, with the death toll now at least 20.

Nepal, earthquake 04/25/15 - a list of Russian citizens with whom there is no communication yet: it is known that the Russians went on a campaign from the city of Lukla in Nepal and last contacted on April 23. It:

Andrey Volkov (head of the Russian Mountaineering Association), Nikolay Kuteev, Anzhela Kuteeva, Anna Getmanskaya, Olga Nesterova, Ekaterina Kharitonova, Oleg Lyashko, Andrey Larionov, Maxim Sevastyanov, Valery Babanov, Andrey Mariev, Ekaterina Goryshina, Olga Kuznetsova. They all followed this route: Changbang North Face - Nanga Parbat - Everest, north side. This area lacks cellular and the Internet, so there is no information about the group yet.

According to the latest data, eight people died in an avalanche on Mount Everest. Citizens of which country is still unknown.

Data about the Russians was reported by one of the tourists. The Russian embassy is now checking information about whether Russian citizens can be among the victims now. It is known that the embassy building itself suffered from shocks (the economic part of the premises), but all the employees are alive and well.

Earthquake in Nepal 04/25/15, latest news: shocks of magnitude 7.9 began at 09.11 Moscow time (06.11 - Nepalese). The epicenter of the earthquake was located 82 kilometers in the northwestern part of Kathmandu, the focus is at a level of 2 kilometers underground. Tremors were felt not only in Nepal, but also in northern India and its capital, New Delhi.

At least 28 serious earthquakes of magnitude 4 and above have occurred in the world over the past day. One of them is just 10 kilometers from Anapa. The impact caused no damage. But in Turkey, 40 people were injured due to a similar incident. 360 interviewed seismologists and found out what such high seismic activity means.

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Series of earthquakes

As reported on the website of the European-Mediterranean Seismological Center, April 24 and 25 moderate earthquakes magnitude 4-5 occurred in northern Italy (4.5), Vanuatu (4.6), Trinidad and Tobago (4.1), Anapa (4.2), Costa Rica (4.5), Argentina (4.1), the Battle Islands in Japan (4.3), Afghanistan (4.9), Indonesia (4.5), the Philippines (4.3), the Bering Sea (4.3), the Solomons islands (4.9), on the Indonesian island of Sumbawa (4.8), in Peru (4.6), off the eastern coast of Kamchatka (4.2), in the south of Panama (4.7), in the Andaman Islands in India ( 4.5), in Chile (4.3) and off the coast of Ecuador (4.5).

Sufficiently strong, with a magnitude above 5: in Myanmar (5.2) and Tongo (5), on the Norwegian island of Jan Mayen (5.3), off the island of Fiji (5.5), in the inter-island Scotia Sea in the southern part Atlantic Ocean(5.3), on the island of Hokkaido (5.5), off the coast of Nicaragua (5.6), in eastern Turkey (5.2).

Over the past two days, two shocks have occurred in Russia at once. The epicenter of one of the earthquakes with a magnitude of 4.2 was located 10 kilometers from Anapa at a depth of about 80 kilometers.

“April 25 at 00:10 in the ODS TsUKS EMERCOM of Russia for Krasnodar Territory information was received that a seismic event had occurred in Novorossiysk. Residents felt minor tremors in Novorossiysk and Anapa, ”the press service of the regional department of the Ministry of Emergency Situations explained, specifying that the incident did not cause casualties or destruction.

On the eve of a shock of magnitude 4.2 occurred in the water area Pacific Ocean 215 kilometers from Petropavlovsk-Kamchatsky. The earthquake was imperceptible, the Ministry of Emergency Situations explained. Therefore, the evacuation of residents was not carried out, and the threat of a tsunami was not announced.

Nearly 40 people were injured due to the earthquake that struck on Tuesday night in the Adiyaman province in southeastern Turkey, the local Anadolu news agency reported, citing the department for emergencies countries. The shocks occurred late at night, the earthquake was located at a depth of only seven kilometers. After the main shock, seismologists recorded eight more impacts with a force of 1.4-2.7 points.

"Occurs material damage. A number of buildings were damaged. The authorities are working to determine the extent of the damage, eliminate the consequences, and provide assistance to the population,” explained Prime Minister Binali Yildirim.

Half of the wounded were injured due to panic, said the governor of the province, Naji Kalkanji. “19 citizens were injured due to panic during the earthquake. Someone twisted his leg, someone fell, injuring his hands,” he said.

There will be no end of the world

Aleksey Zavyalov, head of the laboratory of continental seismicity and seismic hazard prediction at the Institute of Physics of the Earth, Russian Academy of Sciences, told 360 that earthquakes with magnitudes 4 and 5 are ordinary events. This is the normal life of the planet, and there can be no talk of any “end of the world”.

Such seismic activity is quite a common occurrence. During the day, we receive about 15-20 reports of serious seismic activity around the world from our service of urgent reports of the Geophysical Service of the Russian Academy of Sciences

Alexey Zavyalov.

The most famous seismically active zone on Earth is the Pacific Seismological Ring. There, according to Zavyalov, 80-90% of all earthquakes on the planet occur. The second most active are the Alpine-Himalayan and Mediterranean-Trans-Asian seismic belts. There is also the Mid-Atlantic Ridge, where earthquakes also occur. In one of these zones, the next major earthquake will occur in the near future.

Alexei Nikolaev, head of the Laboratory of Experimental Geophysics, Academician of the Russian Academy of Sciences, confirmed to 360 that there is nothing extraordinary in such seismic activity and there is no need to worry.

An earthquake of magnitude 4 and 5 is nonsense. They can happen anywhere and happen more than once every day. Don't be afraid, it won't be the end of the world

Alexey Nikolaev.

What does seismic activity depend on?

Alexey Nikolaev explained that in some scientific papers the dependence of seismic activity on the time of year is described. According to the authors of such studies, this happens more often in November–December and in spring. But, the seismologist emphasized, in practice these scientific works almost never used.

“When they say that seismic activity is increasing, they mean an increase in the number of small earthquakes. We are not talking about catastrophic accidents in which thousands of people die,” he added.

All processes occurring on Earth are cyclical, Zavyalov recalled. And periodically the number of seismic activity events increases, then decreases. There are scientific papers linking this phenomenon with periods solar activity or with the positions of the moon.

AT different parts world seismological activity may depend on some factors, explained Nikolaev. For example, storm microseisms sometimes play off the coast and there are fewer large earthquakes. But this dependence is very weak - rather, it only adds or reduces the probability.

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