Mango, beneficial properties, harm and benefits of fruit and its calorie. Exotic fruit mango: description, beneficial properties

Garden technique 19.10.2019
Garden technique

Mango - benefit and harm to the human body

What is mango?

Mango is an oval, juicy tropical bone fruit, which has a characteristic outer fleece, the surrounding bone with a seed inside. Coconuts, cherries, plums, apricots, and also bone.

Mango fruits grow on a large evergreen plant, which grows almost exclusively in the tropics and subtropics. May have different shades - from green to red or from yellow to orange, but the inner pulp usually has a golden yellow color. The taste is often described as a cross between peach and pineapple.

Mango Seeds traveled with people from Asia to the Middle East, to East Africa and South America about 300 or 400 AD, and they were first grown in Malaysia, East Asia, as well as in East Africa.

The popularity of this tropical fruit grew and grew, so he currently has the honor to be called one of the most widely used fruits in the world.

Interesting fact: In India, if you give someone to a mango basket, it will be considered an act of friendship.

Nutritional value, composition and calorie mango

  • Calorie: 65 kcal (3%).
  • Carbohydrates: 17 g (6%).
  • Fats: 0.3 g (0%).
  • Protein: 0.5 g (1%).
  • Fiber: 1.8 g (7%).
  • : 765 IU (15%).
  • Vitamin C: 27.7 (46%).
  • Vitamin E: 1.1 mg (6%).
  • Vitamin K: 4.2 μg (5%).
  • Tiamine: 0.1 mg (4%).
  • Vitamin B6: 0.1 mg (7%).
  • Potassium: 156 mg (4%).
  • Copper: 0.1 mg (6%).
  • : 37 mg.
  • : 14 mg.

Mango also contains in small quantities of riboflavin, niacin, folic acid, pantothenic acid, calcium, iron, magnesium, phosphorus, and, as well as antioxidants, such as Zeaxanthin, Quercetin and Astragalin.

Mango benefit for human body

Below we highlight the 11 main useful properties of mango, giving you at least many reasons why you should diversify your diet to this fruit. This is how mango is useful:

1. Reduces blood sugar level

Scientists have revealed that the consumption of mango was associated with a decrease in blood sugar levels among adults suffering from obesity (). Although the regular use of this fruit did not lead to a decrease in body weight, it had a positive effect on their blood glucose level. Meanwhile, in other studies, it is indicated that due to the use of this fruit, control of blood sugar levels is improved, as well as glycemic control ().

2. Reduces High Blood Pressure

Since mango is a product, rich and potassium, as well as practically not containing sodium, its regular use in food is another natural way to reduce blood pressure. Named by the "quiet killer", high blood pressure amazes about 1 of 3 adult inhabitants of developed countries, whereas only about half of them control their blood pressure ().

3. Improves brain health

Mango is useful for a brain product, as it contains that is necessary for maintaining and improving the brain function. Vitamin B6 and others are crucial to maintain the health of brain neurotransmitters, as well as help maintain a healthy mood and sleep ().

4. Possible protection against age degeneration of yellow spots

The mango contains antioxidant zeaxantine. Zeaxantine filters harmful blue rays of light, thereby playing a protective role in eye health, as well as, possibly protecting against age-related macular degeneration, which is the main cause of vision loss in developed countries (). The age degeneration of the yellow spot destroys the Makula - part of the eye, which provides clear central eyesight.

5. Improves bone health

Mango contains a good level of useful for bones of vitamin K. Vitamin K deficiency is associated with a higher risk of bone fractures. Vitamin K is also important for the proper assimilation of calcium, which is extremely necessary for the health of bones and teeth. And remember: the fruits of the mango tree also provide a calcium organism, which is the main nutrient present in the bones ().

6. Reducing the risk of cardiovascular diseases

Mango contains a large amount of pectin - soluble food fiber, which can help. Plus, this fruit practically does not contain sodium, and also contains a large number of potassium and vitamins of the group B - together they can help reduce the risk of developing cardiovascular diseases. Heart disease is also one of the main causes of death both in women and men living in developed countries ().

7. Helps fight cancer

As mentioned earlier, the mango contains a lot of pectin, which not only helps to reduce the level of cholesterol in the blood, but also can protect against prostate cancer (). The compound in pectin is associated with galectin-3 and blocks its activity. Galecin-3 is a protein that plays a significant role in the development of cancer in all stages of cancer.

In addition, the high content of beta-carotene in this fruit can help protect against prostate cancer. The use of this fetus can also be useful to combat breast cancer (). Although studies are still in the early stages, the use of these fruits can be a useful part of the Cancer treatment protocol.

8. slows the aging of the body

No one wants to show signs of aging (especially achieving a certain age) and mango can help slow down the process of natural aging due to a large number of vitamins A and C, which help to produce collagen proteins in the body. It is known that collagen helps slow down the process of natural aging of the skin, protecting blood vessels and body fabric ().

9. Enhances immunity

Your immune system is the first line of protecting your body from pathogens, and it does everything to maintain the health of your body at a high level. As we have said, Mango's fruit is rich in beta-carotene and, which also contribute to the strengthening of immunity. Finding into the body, beta carotene turns into vitamin A, helps you fight free radicals that can damage your body and worsen health.

10. contributes to the elimination of constipation

The MANGO of the medium size supplies the body by about 20% of the recommended daily fiber consumption rate (dietary fiber). Obtaining a sufficient amount of fiber from food helps the digestive tract to work more effectively, preventing the development of constipation and helping to treat already existing problems with defecation.

11. Reduces the risk of asthma

People who consume certain nutrients, such as beta-carotene, can reduce the risk of asthma. How do you remember, mango contains a significant amount of beta-carotene, thanks to which this fruit use contributes to asthma prevention. Asthma arises as a result of inflammation in aircases, which leads to a temporary narrowing of the respiratory tract, by which the air comes from the nose and mouth into the lungs and goes back, which leads to difficulty breathing, shortness, cough, trimming in the chest or even death.

Mango History and Interesting Facts

Mango takes its beginning in South and Southeast Asia, and is one of the most cultivated fruits in tropical countries. Mango is the only mango tree, which is usually grown in several tropical and subtropical areas. Historical data show that mango trees were grown in order to obtain their delicious fruits in the current Eastern India, Pakistan and Burma another 4000 - 5,000 years ago.

In the south of North America and on Hawaii, Mango appeared and began to cultivate in about 1880.

As national fruits of India, Pakistan and the Philippines, as well as the National Tree Bangladesh, the fruit of the mango tree and its leaves are used ritually to decorate religious ceremonies, public holidays and celebrations, as well as weddings. It should not be surprised that many of the history of Indian mythology mention mango. In fact, Buddha, as they say, meditated in a mango grove under the shadow of a mango tree.

India occupies the title of the world's largest manufacturer of mango, growing more than 1000 of its varieties, although China, Mexico, Brazil and Thailand are also large manufacturers. In the US, Florida is the main manufacturer of this fruit.

Mango is not only interesting due to the fact that the tree is a long-liver, and the fruits are very popular, but he also has some unusual relatives. Do you know that mango fruits belong to the same family as, and? It's true.

Mango trees can achieve a very large height - from 20 to 30 meters in height. They can also live for long periods of time. In fact, some trees reach age more than 300 years and at the same time continue to be fruit.

How to choose and use mango

Choosing mango, take the fruit in your hand and slightly press it with your fingers. Thanks to the pressure on the surface of the fetus, small dents should appear. This means that the fruit is ripe and is ready for use.

If the fruit is not fully matured, put it in a paper bag and leave it in a warm place. It matures within two days. Nevertheless, you can also store immature fruits at room temperature - in this case, maturation will take about a week. When stored in the refrigerator, it matures about two weeks.

There are many ways to eat mango, but perhaps one of the best of them is its consumption of fresh form without adding anything else.

Here are the most common ways to eat these fruits:

  • You can cut the fruit with cubes and use it in pure form.
  • You can also add it to other similar fruits, including fresh pineapple and, prepare a delicious tropical fruit salad.
  • Mango is also great for cooking smoothies.

Mango Salad, and Latuke Sowing

Mango harm for human body

Despite numerous useful properties, the use of these exotic fruits can also be dangerous for some people. That's what is harmful mango:

  • Since pistachios and cashew belong to the same family as a mango if you are allergic to pistachios or cashew nuts, then you are likely to avoid using mango fruits.
  • In addition, mango trees are also a very distant relative of poisonous ivy, so some people may have sensitivity to its fruits.
  • In some people with allergies, Latex may also have a cross reaction to mango fruits, so be careful if you have this type of allergic reaction.
  • Mango also contains a tiny amount of Urushiola, which can cause dermatitis from people sensitive to it. Finally, if your kidneys are not well functioning enough, then the excess of potassium intake (the fruits of the mango tree contain potassium) can be dangerous, if not fatal, since such kidneys can be difficult to remove excess potassium from the blood.

Continuing an overview of exotic fruits can not be not told about such an excellent representative of this category, like mango.

The mango or mangifer is considered India, it is from there fragrant fruits fall on domestic counters and today.

Mangifers are no longer uncommon, they can be bought all year round, they are always in large supermarkets and markets, though the price of fruit is higher than the average, the costly delivery and other overhead are affected.

However, despite the high cost, mango is worth buying at least from time to time. This is not only a very tasty, but also a beneficial tropical fruit, to be enjoyed by either adults or children will not refuse.

For those who have never eaten mango

If you have never tried mango, then at the first opportunity try to correct this omission, because mango is amazing fruit.

In size, it is like a major orange, only has an oval shape and a smooth shiny peel, the color of which can vary from green to yellow and from yellow to red, and within one fetus.

Depending on the country of growing, the mango differ in appearance. Today, in addition to Indian Mangifer, you can find Spanish, Mexican, Pakistani, Egyptian, Thai, as well as Israeli.

The pulp of all ripe mango is nicely fibrous, very juicy, sweet, but not shrouded, fragrant. Inside the fetus there is a small flat bone.

  • Spanish mango, as a rule, orange or red, they are smaller than others and with a noticeable sourness in taste.
  • Thai mangoes - whiten, very large and very juicy.
  • Pakistani mango - green, with thick dense skin.

As already understandable, in color of the peel, the degree of mango maturity is impossible to determine - all of them are multi-colored. To buy a good mature fruit, you need to pay attention to the fruit.

If it is easily separated, then mango is ripe. If there is no fruit tree, then the figure will be the fragrance that is most intensively felt just in the place where the fruit was attached.

Strong, pleasant smell, elastic, shiny peel - these are the signs that testify to mango maturity. But if you got a greenish fruit, do not worry, put it in a dark kitchen cabinet, about a week - it can "walk".

In the refrigerator, mango never bears, because at low temperatures, the ripening processes in it are completely stopped.

The scope of mango is very wide and this is not only a cooking. Mango - medicinal fruit, it is also actively used in cosmetology and nutrition.

Chemical composition mango

The flesh of mango is bright yellow, like a pumpkin, which speaks of the presence of a large number of carotenoids in it (about 5 times more than in any other orange fruit).

Mango tasty and low-calorie - only 65 kilocalories - a find for those who observe the diet.

The mangypher is a huge number of different sugars (xilose, maltose, sucrose, fructose, sadogenogenosis, mannogeptulose, etc.), vitamins (especially vitamin C and B), mineral components (iron, sodium, calcium, magnesium, potassium, phosphorus, etc. ).

It also discovered many indispensable amino acids needed by the human body.

According to the wealth of the chemical composition of Mango comparable to such "deserved" fruits, like grenades and apples.

Up Mango

The healing properties of mango were first discovered by the ancient Indian lactories, and on the territory of Pakistan, the fruits are still used primarily for healing from many ailments, and even later, as a treat.

What is the benefit of mango for the body?

1. Fruit improves eyesight, warns its deterioration. Helps with "chicken blindness", astigmatism, myopia.

2. Mango helps to cope with nervous disorders, increased emotionality, depression, excitability and their consequences, such as headache, sleep disorders and others.

3. It is used to normalize the reproductive functions of the male and female organism.

4. Aligns the hormonal background, contributes to strengthening sexual attraction.

5. Strengthens immunity, reduces the risk of infection with viruses, infections.

6. Actively struggles with cancer cells during their origin and active growth, so mango needs to eat everything for the prevention of oncology.

7. Mango promotes the rejuvenation of the body, reduces general intoxication, warns cellular oxidation.

8. The presence of a large amount of fiber in mango stimulates the intestinal peristalsis. Fruit eliminates constipation and stabbing.

9. He has hemostatic properties.

10. Reduces the manifestation of dermatitis, warns and treats acne.

11. Mango perfectly copes with heartburn.

12. Has diuretic properties. Used as an anti-ethro.

13. Mango increases hemoglobin.

14. Soothes heartbeat and removes pain in the heart.

15. It is considered one of the best fruits for use in diet diet.

To remove the maximum benefit from mango, experts advise slowly chew out pieces of fruit and keep the pulp in the mouth as long as possible. Using mango in this way, a person strengthens the heart and vessels.

Mango - harm

Mango can not eat immediately. As any bioactive product, it can provoke a reverse reaction and instead of the expected use, only harm: allergies; gastric colic; irritation of mucous membranes; diarrhea or constipation; indigestion.

Be healthy.

Mango properties: benefit and harm

Mango is a guest from distant India, but more and more often this exotic fruit appears on our table. And it is very good, because the healing properties of the fetus in his homeland go legends.

Myths say that the Buddha himself loved to walk through the mango garden and enjoy the juicy flesh, and the Indians have been using almost all parts of the plant in folk medicine for many centuries. It was observed that it helps in the treatment of oncological diseases, problems with the heart, the urinary sphere. They were treated even the plague and cholera.

Useful properties and vitamins

Mango is not a gift is often called the "king of fruit." It is a real storehouse of trace elements and minerals (calcium, iron, zinc, phosphorus, manganese, potassium), sucrose, glucose, maltose and pectins, vital vitamins A, B, C, D, and E.

In this case, ascorbic acid is twice as large in it than in lime, so regular use of mango strengthens immunity, is the effective prevention of colds and viral diseases, including influenza and herpes.

Carotene (Provitamin A), giving a juicy yellow-orange color of the flesh, in fruit almost five times more than in orange tangerines. Especially a lot of it in ripe fruits, so it is advisable to take on diseases of the organs of the bodies: "chicken blindness", drying the cornea, weakening view during diabetes, etc.

The centuries-old application experience in folk medicine and modern studies have shown that the spectrum of therapeutic properties of the plant is extremely wide. It is actively and successfully used:

  • as a beautiful diuretic and laxative. Taking into account low calorieness, it is recommended to include in the diet of people who want to lose weight. Systematic use of mango allows you to prevent kidney disease and is used in the treatment of jade and other similar ailments
  • like antipyretic. Mangoustin, part of the kernel, reducing the temperature well
  • for better blood coagulation with internal bleeding
  • in the treatment of cardiovascular diseases, in particular varicose, hemorrhoids,
  • to reduce the increased acidity of the stomach and normalization of digestion, as well as in the fight against the diseases of the pancreas, dysentery, dyspepsia, constipation, etc.
  • stabilizing blood glucose levels,
  • to remove stress, nervous voltage. Mango contains tryptophan, which in the body is converted to serotonin, "hormone of happiness", and with a frequent inclusion of a fruit in the menu you will always have a good arrangement of the spirit, a positive attitude. In addition, this property helps enhance sexuality, so it is desirable to include it in the menu of a romantic dinner - the benefits will be for men, and for women.

Modern doctors are often prescribed to patients drinking mango juice as a medicine from dermatitis; Ground seeds help with asthma.

Leaf decoction is used in the treatment of diabetes, heart problems, varicose veins, dental pain. With increased physical exertion and sports work, mango will help to quickly restore forces, and also stimulates the work of the brain and the whole body as a whole. In folk medicine, the pulp with pepper and honey advise to eat to avoid stagnation of bile.

Non-existent and mature fruits of mango differ in their healing properties.

Ripe fruits acids almost do not contain, but rich in vitamin A, sugars, minerals. Used in fresh and canned form for dessert salad, compotes, puree, jams, marmalands, as an additive in yogurt and ice cream.

Separately, it is worth mentioning the dried mango, which is now very available and popular. It can be a light snack or spicy addition to the second dishes, snacks and desserts. It is actively used in Thai cuisine.

After such an impressive list of healing properties, the question arises: how many calories in this miracle fruit, in what quantities it can be?

Calorie fruit

How many calories in mango? Contrary to ideas that sweetness is a sign of high calorieness, fruit is quite dietary product.

Caloriciness per 100 grams of meakty is 67-68 kcal. This excellent option to enjoy sweet without consequences for those who are sitting on a diet and for athletes who follow weight.

Green and ripe fruit can be added to meat dishes, fish, side dishes and desserts, but it is worth remembering that mango is not combined with alcohol!

See also: Benefits and damage to mandarins for the body

The dried fruit is more caloriene - 314 kcal per 100 grams, in its use should be observed. It can be used as a sugar substitute and add to Muesli, yogurts and other dishes with raisins and other dried fruits.

If earlier this fruit was absent in the diet, it is better to start in small portions, and you should not use more than two medium-sized fruits per day.

Mango during pregnancy

If you decide to get acquainted with mango during pregnancy, you need to be very careful, start with small slices of pulp and carefully monitor whether the allergic reaction will begin. But if this fruit is already familiar to you, then the benefits of it are huge during pregnancy!

  • Folic acid, which is part of the plant, warns the malformations of the child's development.
  • Vitamin A contributes to the proper development of the placenta and the fetus, strengthens the heart and vessels, has a beneficial effect on the skin.
  • Mango normalizes the intestinal activity, cleans it from pathogenic bacteria and has a soft laxative effect.
  • Iron allows you to maintain hemoglobin at the desired level, and this is very important for the correct development of the child and the health of the woman

Doctors argue that 1-2 fruit per day for pregnant women will be reliable protection against anemia, constipation, diarrhea, problems with vessels.


The benefit of mango was already told a lot, however, the "king of fruit" can bring harm. In what cases can it happen?

  • With unlimited use, especially for the first time
  • When buying low-quality products: marked, tied, published by an acidic or alcohol smell (good fruits have a light smell of needle or turpentars - depending on the variety)
  • With the use of fruits along with the skin


Mango does not have to eat with skin, it can cause serious allergies, while the flesh will be completely harmless. In case of a tendency to irritation of the skin, wash and clean the fruit better in gloves. In chronic diseases of the gastrointestinal tract and respiratory tract, green fruits can cause colic, irritation of mucous membranes and sometimes spasms.

READ ALSO: Kiwi properties: the benefits and harm of the fruit for the body

Too much of ripe fruits can provoke the clogging of the stomach, constipation, fever.

As can be seen, with a thorough choice of fruits and moderation in the food of contraindications to the use of this juicy yummy, there is practically no.

Mango for skin

Naturally, not only doctors, but also beauticians, perfumers are interested in the product with such a vitamin and mineral complex.

Mango extract is a component of many caressing facilities for the face, hands and bodies and is considered an elixir of youth for the skin. Due to the active enzymes and vitamin C, it warns the appearance of wrinkles, contributes to skin alignment, softens it, gives velvety and radiance.

The manago pulp in puree pulp on the face will make it possible to clean the scored pores and get rid of acne, seborrhea, other cosmetic defects.

At home, you can cook a simple and efficient mango mask: mix 2 tablespoons of the fetal pulp, a tablespoon of honey and as much olive oil. Apply on the face for 10-15 minutes, and then rinse with warm water.

If you cook the mixture there is no strength and time, it is enough to cut the flesh with thin plates and impose on clean skin.

Fruit mango

Exotic fruit mango is one of the most common in Southeast Asia. Its fruits sell in local markets, in supermarkets or simply along the road in the machines. But all this exotic can only be seen during its mass maturation. The mango name in the translation denotes the "Great Fruit", which is why it is often possible to hear that the locals referred to him by the "fruit king."

How does mango grow?

Mango is an evergreen tree, whose height sometimes reaches 40 meters. But modern breeders were bred dwarf rocks, which is very convenient for those who grow this fruit on an industrial scale.

In the young age, the tree leaves are painted in a reddish tint, but over time than an adult plant, the stronger the rich green color will be manifested.

During the crown flowering is covered with small yellow color florals. There are several MANGO varieties, each of them is characterized by the color and size of the fruit itself. And some are even prone to self-pollination. Fruits are not tied if the tree grows in inappropriate climatic conditions. Night air temperature should be above 13 degrees. Mango does not like a high level of humidity, for fruitful growth should be fresh air and a sufficient amount of light. That is why the plant is trying to plant out the open area.

What does mango look like?

Mango fruits can be yellow, green, orange, red. In shape they resemble a slightly elongated egg-shaped structure. Middle weight varies within 200-250 grams. But quite often you can meet fruits that weigh up to 400-500 grams, and these record holders are considered weighing up to 1.5 kilograms.

Mango peel is rather dense and smooth. Fiber pulp with sweet taste. Inside there is a large bone of a light yellow shade, slightly flattened on both sides.

When is Mango Season in Thailand?

Mango is one of the delicious fruits of Thailand. The climate of the country is perfect for the ripening of this tropical delicacy. That's just I want to draw your attention to the fact that the fruit season is very short and lasts only from April to May. It was at this time that all the markets of the country are filled with yellow fruits, and the price for 1 kilogram decreases to 15-20 baht.

Of course, in large supermarkets, you can find mango all year round, here only the price and taste qualities will be appropriate. Thais loves this fruit very much, they eat it even in green, adding all sorts of sharp spices to it. Mango, one of those fruits that can be taken out of the country. Therefore, if you not only want to enjoy a juicy taste of ripe fruit, but also to please your loved ones, choose the right time traveling to rest. And also read how to take out fruit from Thailand.

Taste mango

To try the real taste of mango, you need to find the fruit that matured on the tree. Fruits purchased from us in the store will have a slightly other taste, as they are still dried by green. The Thai Mango has a special taste that resembles a combination of ripe pineapple and peach. His pulp just melts in his mouth. The eaten piece is capable of quenching thirst, fill the body with freshness and coolness and at the same time awaken appetite. Thinner gourmets are generally difficult to compare his taste with any fruit familiar to us.

Useful properties of mangoes

The useful properties of mango can be told for hours. The benefit from it is really a lot, which is why we will try to highlight the most highlights:

  1. First of all, this is the main "supplier" of ascorbic acid. Vitamin C is several times more than in lemon. Thanks to this feature, the fruit is recommended to eat with a cold.
  2. Mango is able to positively effect on the bone tissue of a person and at the same time speeds up the healing process of wounds.
  3. Mango fruits are able to reduce blood cholesterol.
  4. During the experiment, American scientists have revealed that the fruit accelerates the removal of sugar from the human body. Thanks to such features, fruit stands for those who have diabetes mellitus or there is a pennounced to complete.
  5. No less effects are rendered on the cardiovascular system. The components that are contained in them are able to strengthen the vessels, and also facilitate the flow of inflammation and allergies.
  6. Due to the fact that the mango contains in large quantities of vitamins A and C, the body is much easier to transfer the colds. If there is not enough vitamin A in the body, then this may affect the quality of view in the evening.
  7. Mango components are able to destroy free radicals that negatively affect brain cells. It can also serve as the prevention of cancer, namely, breast cancer and prostate.
  8. Due to the high potassium content, the fruit is capable of adjusting blood pressure, as well as maintain an electrolyte, aqueous and acid-alkaline balance.
  9. The high content of fiber improves the operation of the digestive system, normalizes the intestinal microflora and displays all slags from the body.
  10. Vitamin B6 is able to cope with stressful situations. Regular use of fruit helps calm down and correct the health of the nervous system.

Mango is also a dietary product, it is capable of improving metabolic processes and accelerate the elimination of fluid with the body.

Mango harm

Despite such a huge list of Mango's useful qualities, there is still a group of people who should be careful by using this fruit:

  1. It is not desirable to eat children under 3 years old. The thing is that mango is an exotic fruit, which is practically presented in our countries. It is not known how a children's body may react to introduce a new product.
  2. After you ate a piece of fruit, try to exclude alcohol consumption at least 2-3 hours.
  3. Mango is contraindicated with sensitive mucosa.
  4. Careful also need to be to those who are inclined to allergic reactions.

How to choose a mango?

The choice of ripe mango sometimes may seem like a rather complex activity. Thanks to the rich color scheme, the exact characteristics of the appearance simply does not exist. But still there are several rules to pay attention to, buying mango fruits:

  1. The ripe fruit should be smooth, brilliant and beautiful. The presence of small brown inclusions will also talk about the maturity of the fetus.
  2. To the touch fruit is quite dense and heavy. Powered slightly on it, a small dent should be formed, which almost immediately aligns. Too soft fruits will say that inside they begin to deteriorate.
  3. If mango fell, then his peel will be a decay with numerous deep wrinkles.
  4. The aroma of ripe fetus is pleasant and gentle with a sweet tint. Alcoholic notes and the presence of acid in the smell will say that the fruit will deteriorate.
  5. If you buy too green fruits, it is unlikely that at home will be able to bring them to a ripe state.

How to keep mango?

You can store mango in the refrigerator and at room temperature. It all depends on what quality of the fruits you purchased. If the fruit is slightly greenish, it is better to leave them in the room. If you have purchased ripe fruits, then it is desirable to use the refrigeration compartment to use them. Those who wish to keep a delicious flesh for several months, it is worth putting fruits in the freezer.

How to eat mango?

There are several ways to clean mango:

The easiest way to take a sharp knife and carefully remove the peel from the fruit. Then separate the flesh from the bone and cut it into small pieces. It should be borne in mind that the fruits are pretty juicy and during such a cleaning with their juice you can drink hands or clothing.

The second way will be more aesthetic. With the help of a knife along the bone, halves of fruit are cut off. Then the cuts are made on them. In this case, the integrity of the skin must be preserved. Remove the halves slightly inside out and cut the formatives formed rhombuses with a knife.

If the mango is slightly surfering, then it can be cut into two halves, and the pulp to eat with a spoon.

Mango is really recognized as one of the delicious fruits, which is also rich in various vitamins and microelements. Feel the real taste and fragrance of fruits is possible only while traveling to tropical countries. That is why try to correctly select the time of rest, so that the trip is remembered not only with swimming in the sea, but also familiarizing with new fruit.

Benefit and harm Mango | World without harm

Fruits mango

Today we will talk about the fruit of royal blood. Yes, yes, there are such. It is the fruit of Mango inhabitants of India called "royal fruits." There is even a legend on how Buddha himself, resting in mango gardens (apparently, the mango tree can be attributed to the category of donor trees - read more about them here), narrated by its followers about Hinduism and the Divine nature of Mango. Is it really this - today we will not say no longer, but tell us about the beneficial properties of this fruit and what it can be useful to our body, we will try ...

Description of fruit mango

As you already guessed, the mango homeland was India, where this sour-sweet fruit grown in shady mango roses. It is noteworthy that the amount of mango itself depends on how the variety is the plant itself, and mango varieties exists more ... thousands of varieties. But, characteristic features, even these thousands of different fruits, will still be - this is the oval form of the fruit itself, a smooth surface, a thin peel, fragrant flesh of the yellow color, a strong and large bone within the fetus of the mango. Back to content

Useful composition of mango fruit

Ripe fruit mango

The pulp of this fruit itself consists not only from the water (as the flesh of most fruits), but also contains carbohydrates, proteins, fiber, as well as, such vital vitamins A, D, C, and Vitamins of the group V. More, in the Mount Mango Detect phosphorus, calcium, iron, manganese, zinc, pectin and potassium, organic acids, oleoresin, sucrose, mangoustine (it is contained in mango nuclei and is a natural and efficient antipyretic agent).

Special attention in Mango I want to pay for Vitamin A (but forgive me other useful vitamins and substances!) - In mature fruits, it is contained exactly as much as necessary in order to have a beneficial effect on organs.

As you can see, the rich and useful composition of this royal fruit allows us to expect that mango can bring really real benefits for our body and health. Want to know what? Back to content

What is the benefit of mango fruit

Mango has a pleasant taste

Regular use of mango ripe fruits (it is precisely the maximum number of all the benefits of this fruit) not only increases the ability of our body to fight with viruses and microbes, but also protects us from colds. Another mango is characterized by such specific properties as diuretic and laxative.

Well, if you dream about being slim - Be sure to try a mango dairy diet, which includes how you already guessed, mature mango fruits and dairy products. According to those who tried such a way to combat extra kilograms - the result will not only disappoint you, but, and the use of mango is beneficial to affect your health.

So, for example,

in India, in the homeland of this royal fruit, it is used to treat many diseases of the reproductive and urogenital system, as well as for the prevention of oncological diseases.

Well, such properties of mango, as help in removing the nervous voltage, improving mood, and sexual abilities (mango is one of the fruit Aphrodisiakov) have long been generally accepted truths that are not subject to discussion. Back to content

Mango harm

However, no matter how useful this royal fruit was not necessary to eat in the food in too large quantities, as this may cause gastrointestinal disorder. And, in the case of eating unripe mango fruits - such unpleasant phenomena, as colic, irritation of the mucous membrane of the gastrointestinal tract and mucosa of the throat can be observed. And, if you are the opposite, move ripe mangoes - you may be observed both allergic reactions and rashes on the skin, constipation or intestinal disorders. As you can see, this fruit can be very useful to us, but, only in the case of the use of ripe fruits of mango and in reasonable quantities. Back to content

Mango compatibility with other products

Mango cocktail

As for the combination of mango with alcoholic beverages, we hurry you to warn you that mango and alcohol are incompatible products and experiment with fruit-alcoholic cocktails, which include fruit mango - is not worth it. And, here with meat products, this fruit is combined simply perfectly, and, moreover, it still helps our stomach to cope with the digestion of severe food.

And, finally, as the skin of mango fruits can become an allergenic for people prone to such allergic reactions, it is recommended to clean this fruit in gloves.

And, otherwise, enjoy the royal taste and get the maximum benefit from this Indian fruit!

Video about how to eat mango

Today, we talked about the benefits and dangers of mango, about when and to whom it will be useful to use this royal fruit and when the mango use is to refuse. We hope that information from this article will be useful for you.

A, do you like the taste of mango? What dishes are you cooking? Share with our readers with your recipes.

Shevtsova Olga, the world without harm

Here you can read about the benefits of holding unloading days on fruit.

Fragrant and juicy mango is not good for the title of "King Fruit". It is difficult to believe, but it is this exotic fetus that is the most popular in the world, having overtaking apples not only from biblical times, but also omnipresent. India is considered to be the Motherland, India is also cultivated on Canary, Guatemala, Thailand, Mexico, and the Spanish mangoes were firmly settled in Europe stores. In the world, about 20 tons of mango are grown annually, and the number of varieties is not amenable to description - sources call huge numbers, from 800 to 1500 ...

A bit of history and mythology

By the number of myths and unusual stories, this royal fruit will also give odds to anyone.

In real life, Indian fruit also always enjoyed deserved glory - the Asian nobility has been made to contain special mango groves, and the most beautiful, smooth and brilliant fruits - send to friends or "necessary" people as a gift.

Since a long time, mango is a symbol of happiness, love and female fertility. For example, wreaths from the branches of the king of fruit - the unchanged part of the classic Indian wedding rites.

Mango - Doctor for nerves and hearts

If you are not indifferent to mango, the beneficial properties of this product will be very happy. Like all fruit, mango is a real treasury of vitamins and minerals. 12 amino acids, vitamins A, C and group B, a lot of potassium, zinc and other elements, as well as a record number of sugars - all this is an exotic king of fruit. An entertaining fact - in immature fruits (and in Russian hypermarkets, it is more common that these) more vitamin C, and ripe and juicy mangoes - record holders in vitamins A and V.

So what useful mango first? Thanks to the special composition, this fruit is a real Savior for the nervous system. Mango enhances memory, improves sleep, helps it easier to carry stress. Therefore, a modern person will certainly be included in his mad rosset of the Day "mango snacks".

In addition, thanks to Kalia in its composition, mango is beneficial on the heart and vessels, and tocopherol and vitamins help prevent the development of tumors.

Today in Russia, Mango is not the most popular and common fruit - the benefits of it does not decrease during this. So, it's not by chance that the romantic glory is still stretched from antiquity - Mango is traditionally used as. It increases sexual attraction and enhances sexual function, so salads and light mango dishes are an excellent component of the romantic evening.

Fruit for women and not only

There is a curious theory that many products are most useful for those organs to which they are like something. Mango (along with and some other fruits) is still reminding women's reproductive bodies, it is not by chance that it has long been considered a "female" product.

Ripe Yellow Fruits Mango Save for anemia, especially they are recommended for ladies during menstruation when the body especially needs hardware. Mango benefits for women is undoubted - the king of fruit is known as a soft diuretic and the laxative, and these problems are known not to the representatives of the beautiful floor.

In addition, the Indian fruit is a faithful assistant for women's beauty: moisturizing masks with mango recommend both for the face, and for hands, and for hair. And for forever busy beauties, one simple, but effective recipe:

We wipe the clean face of the freshly cut crust mango, after 15 minutes we wash off the remnants of the juice with water. Such a fruit compress moisturizes and softens the skin tired after the working day.

Than dangerous mango

The fragrant fruit of mango enjoys love all over the world, but he has its own contraindications. So, mango - the benefits and harm of this product have been known for a long time. Ripe fruits contain a lot of different acids, so an allergic reaction is possible. Irritation can appear even when cleaning mango - so you advise you to take a crust with it in gloves.

It is also not worth abuse of mango fruit fruits - they can lead to constipation and exacerbations of gastric problems.

However, such advice relate primarily to mango passionate lovers capable of eating 3-4 fruit at once. Observe moderation and know - 1-2 fragrant slice per day will only benefit you.

Mango in cooking

The sweet and unusual taste of mango provided this fruit a decent place in Asian cuisine. All sorts of salads, hot dishes, snacks and drinks - Today, mango dishes are actively included in the European diet. This fruit is the perfect component for fruit and light meat salads, perfectly combined with chicken.

And, of course, any fruit is simply created for desserts. One of the easiest, but delicious recipes is mango pie.

You will need: 200 grams of flour, 100 gr dys. Oils, 5 fresh eggs, Half mango, 150 grams Sahara, 4 ppm Honey, 125 ml of cream (20-30%).

We whistled in one cup of flour, butter, salt and one egg, shift into the form for baking, we remove for an hour in the refrigerator. In the meantime, we make puree from mango and sugar (blender), add honey and 4 eggs, then cream. Give the billet for the cake, bake 10 minutes at 170 degrees. We take out, pour a mango filling and remove in the oven for another half hour. To the table to serve cooled!

Mango is extremely tasty and in "pure form", but not everyone knows how it is correctly eaten. There are several tricks here. An ordinary ripe mango must first be cleaned of the peel, it is possible to cut on the slices, then carefully remove the bone. However, remove the peel from the overripe juicy fetus will not be easy - such a fruit can be straight with a spoon. We cut the mango across "by equator", resting on the bone. Then take both halves, turn in different directions of the clockwise - and ready! It remains only to remove the bone with a small sharp knife.

How to choose and store mango

The king of fruit has many varieties: a real mango can be bright yellow, red, green and almost black flowers, and even in Krapinka! All these types are delicious and invariably useful, but there are general features that will indicate to high-quality fruit:

  • brilliant smooth peel;
  • size from 10 to 20 cm, weight in the range of 200-300 gr;
  • elasticity;
  • easy coniferous or turpentine mango fragrance, especially in the area of \u200b\u200bthe tail. The smell must be without sourness - otherwise the fruit is spoiled.

On the shelves of Russian shops, mango often falls non-fermented - such a fruit will take part in a few days, if it is wrapped in a dark parchment and leave at room temperature. Ripe mango can be stored in the refrigerator, but not more than 5 days, otherwise the king of fruit will lose freshness and confuses all its unique qualities.

Which, however, has ceased to be exotic for many Russians. Today in every major supermarket you can buy fragrant bright yellow fruits almost all year round. In our article, we will tell you how to eat mango - with a peel or without, we describe several ways to feed and serving, and also give other useful and interesting information.

What is useful mango?

First, let's see what this fruit is useful. Thus, mango ripe fruits contain vitamins of group B, as well as C, A and D, minerals - calcium, iron, zinc, phosphorus and some other, many organic acids. The use of mango into food contributes to improving immunity, helps to fight with colds. At the same time, the caloric content of the fruit is relatively small - 67 kcal per 100 grams. It contains a very small amount of proteins and fats, but a lot of carbohydrates are quite a few - about 12 g per 100 g of the product. Therefore, mango is better not to those who adhere to any low-carb diet. At the same time, note that the fruit contains a large amount of fiber. It is noted that mango in large quantities can cause a stomach disorder.

How to choose a ripe mango?

The fact is that there are about 1000 varieties of this juicy fruit in the world. So, you can see and large fruit weighing 500-700 grams, and very small mini mango. Peel them can be yellow, both orange, and red, and even green. That is, it is very difficult to determine in color, ripe fruit or not.

What to do? Focus on the smell. There is a general rule: the fragrant fetus, the way he is. Therefore, in the store or in the market, sniff Mango - if you feel a characteristic sweet smell, then be sure that the fruit is ripe. Also ripe fruits are soft but enough elastic. Please note that mango should not have dents, characteristic dark spots - both small and large, and black dots on their peel. If those are present, this is a clear sign that the fruit is spoiled.

How is the mango?

To start a meal, fruit need to be cleaned. To begin, wash the fruits - remember that they have done a big and long way to your table, so many dirt and bacteria accumulated on their peel. After the fruit, wash the towel. It is very convenient to clean the oblong mango of the medium size (which is most often sold in Russia), putting it vertically on a plate. That is the case, because the fruit itself is very juicy, and if you put it for cleaning it without a stand, the risk is a great risk of staining the surface of the table with sticky juice. Next, cut off the skin with a knife from all sides, holding the fruit for the top - ready. Now the mango pieces can be cut into cubes (see photo from above) or slices, and serve to the table. But still, as they actually eat, the fetus is good in itself - without any additives. Ripe and sweet, it will be a great dessert for adults and children. Ideally, pieces are served on a dessert plate and eat with a fork. If mango is cut with plates, then it is also necessary to serve it with a knife. True, not many houses comply with these subtleties of etiquette, yet there are fruit with the help of cutlery, we are more accustomed to the restaurant or visiting. Also be careful because the mango has a very sweet and sticky yellow juice. With its inaccier eating, there is a risk of wrapping clothes, hands and face. Another way to eat mango: fruit as is - purified, but without any additives - you can grind in a blender and make a natural puree for ice cream or biscuit. But in Asia, mango is eaten not only on the sweet - the examples are chosen below, with which it is possible to serve this fruit.

What do mango eating?

In Asia and Latin America, where the fruit is very common, it makes a variety of sauces, for example, mango is part of one of the options famous "Salsa". Also, the flesh of the mature fetus can be original or fish, to rice caress. Packs of pulp are added to salads, and not only in fruit, the fruit is also perfectly combined with seafood, especially with shrimps. It is added to alcoholic cocktails, mix freshly prepared mashed potatoes with natural drinking yogurts, eaten with cream cheese. Of course, mango can be the basis for a delicious and very fragrant jam, being filling for a cake or pies - the fantasy of the cook is limitless.

We answer the question: "How is the mango - with a leather or without?"

The peel of this fruit is even attractive in appearance and especially beautiful on large yellow-red fruits, but is quite dense and, of course, is unappletent. Those who tried, say that it has a bitter taste. Therefore, the answer to the question about the unequivocal "no". Before use, the fruit needs to be brushing. Moreover, if he is in taste, as they say, the whole, then keep in mind that the peel is very fibrous, it is difficult to digest and "scores" the intestine. In large quantities it can be very harmful to the health of your digestive tract. It is not difficult to clean the fruit, it can be done even with the help of potato, so do not be lazy - enjoy only the flesh of the fruit. Actually, here you have learned about how there is a mango - with a leather or without.

Who does not have a mango?

Please note that some of these fruits are contraindicated. It would seem, these are ordinary fruits - Eat on health! But no - they can cause a number of unwanted effects. So, it is not recommended to use more than two medium fruits at a time, the violation of this rule is fraught with colic in the abdomen, irritation of the throat and the gastrointestinal tract. If you constantly use a large number of mango, it can lead to constipation, as well as to rash. With caution, it should be given to children prone to allergies. In our article, we told about how this fruit is useful, answered the question of how there is a mango - with a peel or without. We hope, after reading it, you will also love this fruit and turn it on into your diet, as well as the diversity of the desserts, and maybe the side dishes, pieces of fruit or fragrant mango puree.

Exotic fruits on the tables of Russians have become quite ordinary things. Someone belongs to them, as a dessert, without thinking, even as much as they are healing. Mango - a tropical plant and a sun-client, so nutly. If it is possible, it is worth it to introduce the fruit to the diet, using not only taste, but also useful properties.

The "roots" of an exotic fruit are in India, and there this tree is considered sacred, and the fruit itself is called "Great Fruit." Hindus every gift of nature is honored for the healing properties. So the Mangefra (so officially called the plant) is universally cultivated by creating many varieties.

The fragrant delicious fruits of the bone family look resemble the usual plums or pears with the same wax peel, but large sizes. If you cut the mango on the slices, then it reminds my little melk.

The tree itself sometimes grows up to 40 m in height, gladly the eyes are blunt - on one plant can be dark green and reddish leaves at the same time. The color here is determined by their maturity - the old are the green large sheets up to 1.5 m long and 10 cm wide.

When the mangoer blooms, the yellowness is added to the palette - so painted the smallest flowers collected in large blizzes. Of these, then large fruits are formed hanging on long "ropes".

The nutritionalness and heb content of any product determines its chemical composition. And in mango it is special.

  • A fairly large set in the fruit of all kinds of vitamins, but it is most saturated with ascorbic acid. At 100 g of fruit pulp, it accounts for up to 175 mg.
  • Fruit and natural sugars are saturated - fructose, glucose, maltose, etc.
  • Essential acids are needed, but the body does not produce them. But they are present in mango.
  • It is rich in fruit by carotenoids (according to their number of mangoes, it is even ahead of citrus), and the saturated color of the pulp.
  • It contains fruit and minerals in large quantities, among which iron, phosphorus and calcium can be distinguished.

Potassium, tocopherol, beta-carotene, pyridoxine, folic acid and many other components are part of mango, which rightfully makes it possible to name the product more valuable for humans.

Possessing such an amazing composition, mango can safely compete with many drugs. Therefore, it is desirable to introduce an exotic fruit into medicinal diet, as well as to use in preventive purposes to maintain health.

  • Despite the large number of natural sugars in the fruit, it should be used in food diabetics - mango normalizes blood sugar levels.
  • The fruit has a beneficial effect on the blood system, strengthening the walls of the vessels and cleaning blood. Helps withdraw cholesterol.
  • Participating in oxidative and recovery processes, mango helps strengthen bone tissue and contributes to healing wounds.
  • A large amount of provitamin A acts on the ability to see well even in the dark.
  • The fiber will help rapid slags from the body faster, restore the operation of the gastrointestinal tract, normalizing a healthy microflora.
  • Iron will not give any anemia.

Mango is also a powerful antioxidant that will help to establish a sexual function, avoid oncological diseases and raise your immunity. The product is useful and at nervous, mental problems, as well as stress, since its balanced composition acts on the human body as an antidepressant.

If we talk about the impact on the female organism, then mango is an indispensable product here. It is women most capable of falling into depression due to the emotionality of nature. Thanks to the color of the flesh, mango can be called "fruit of joy."

It will help the delicious aromatic fruit to avoid breast cancer and problems with the genitourinary system. And this is an excellent aphrodisiac, which contributes to raising libido, and will be very useful if a woman has sexual problems. Facilitate mango and critical days, making menstruation not abundant and painless.

The affecting of metabolic processes in the body, mango promotes not only the rapid removal of toxins and slags, but also extra fluid. This will help avoid a set of overweight. At the same time, the fruit is quite nutritious, but a small-calorie, so it can be safely inserted into diet for weight loss.

The tocopherol is "vitamin youth", it means that mango will help for a long time to preserve his beauty and delay the approach of old age. And the selection of mineral substances will allow to maintain the ease of gait - mango will help to avoid osteoporosis.

If you take into account all the properties of the exotic product described above and apply them to pregnant women, but we can say that mango is very useful to them.

  • Folic acid contributes to the normal development of the future kid and makes the whole process of pregnancy more relaxed, as it will help to avoid toxicosis.
  • The richest composition of the fruit will provide good nutrition to female cells, and through it and baby, giving all the necessary components for normal development.
  • When a pregnant woman has problems with the gastrointestinal tract, not all drugs can be applied. Mango here will be just to the place.
  • "Interesting position" becomes a serious burden burden. Fruit from India will make it easier for them to dismiss extra urin.
  • The pregnant woman changes the hormonal composition, it becomes more susceptible to nervous, mental influences. Mango will help to easily cope with depression and stress.
  • The anti-oroxidant properties of the product will be able to pregnant to remain as attractive and desired.

This product should not be too involved - any healing property in large doses can give the opposite effect. But little mango should be introduced into the diet along with other fruits.

Product and children useful, but to give it to the kids until 3 years it is not recommended. The child, just recently who came to the world, still learns to adapt, and all the systems are not perfect. Therefore, in the diet of small children, only products familiar to its region should be present. The exotic should be accepted gradually, watching the body of the Karapuza perceives it.

The utility of mango is indisputable, but is not a panacea. Therefore, there are a number of taboos that must be taken into account.

  • Having affecting the beneficial on the work of the gastrointestinal tract, mango can harm if there are problems with the mucous membrane.
  • People with tendency to allergies should be taken to this product. It is first recommended to test testing, revealing a small piece of meakty and watching the day for the body's reaction.
  • Mango is not compatible with alcoholic beverages. Therefore, it is impossible to combine them in any case within a few hours.

In all other cases, the nutrient fruit can be safely introduced into the diet, without fearing the consequences (but only in small quantities).

An immature fruit cannot be eaten - he is tuscable and can even bring harm. Therefore, you have to learn how to choose an exotic fruit. It is not worth paying attention to the color of the peel, because different varieties are different. Fruits can be bright yellow, purple-green and even rich black.

But to touch the fruit follows the fingers to feel his ripeness. The skin should be intact, shiny and tightly stretched. Yes, and the pulp of the mature fetus is quite dense. When pressing in the place where the petiole was before, you can catch a pleasant sweet scent, even a little smolyous.

The unripe fetal smell does not hear, he will have an acidic, and give alcohol. The adjacent product can be determined and according to the condition of the skin - it is a stray-wrinkled. You should not use the reinforced pulp in food.

Therefore, it is important to know the conditions for storing mango. The refrigerator is excluded immediately - Mango does not like cold. Mature fruit at room temperature will not lose its qualities for only a few days. If you buy a product about the reserve, then it is better to take offend fruit and wait for them to "before the condition". All this time, mango should be in a paper bag.

Who has already fascinated by an exotic fruit and having fun with pleasure, learned and "undressing" the mango. The whole chip is that the fruit is very juicy, so it is not recommended to cut the peel with a knife from the fetus. The exotic product should be approached with non-standard solutions.

  • It should be borne in mind that Mango has a fairly large bone. It will not allow cut the fries strictly in the middle (as they do, for example, with an apple).
  • A sharp knife is cut off longitudinally one sidewall of the fetus, slightly touching the bone tool. Then the same is done with the second sidewall.
  • The pulp of the cut parts is cut first on the longitudinal strips, then turned on the transverse and skirt to turn out to be an orange "hedgehog" with cubes of pulp, which is convenient.
  • At the middle part (which with a bone) can no longer cut off the thin ribbon of the peel and calmly enjoy the taste of the pulp.

If the fruit is a small size, then the mango cubes are more convenient to remove with the help of a dessert spoon and shock on the saucer.

Norms - how much can mango

Exotic fruit is tasty enough, so it is sometimes difficult to stop so as not to eat another fruit. This can seriously harm the body (as in the case of pills - overdose is fraught with negative consequences). It is recommended to eat no more than 2 fruits per day.

In our latitudes to fruit used to treat as desserts. In Asia, Mango is perfectly combined with other dishes - vegetable, meat and fish. And not only add to porridge or cold snacks, but also boiled, fry and make on their basis all sorts of sauces and gravy.

Mango enters the composition of fruit salads. It is a fruit and an interesting filling in brass pies and fried pie. Fresh, dried, pickled fruit find their use in Asian cooking. We learned and our compatriots to surprise their guests with delicious dishes with an exotic fruit.

Chicken in mango sauce

Unusually delicate chicken meat in mango-based sauce. Chicken fillet slightly roasted in a frying pan along with a spice onions, providing spices to taste. Mango pieces knead in mashed potatoes and mix with cream. By adding this mixture to the pan, turn to the readiness of the fillet.

Mango cream

This recipe will greatly like children. Half the pulp of the fetus is cut into small cubes, the second - crushed in a blender, adding lemon juice and sugar there. Separately whipped proteins with a pinch of salt and sugar so that the resistant cream, which needs to be combined with whipped cream, mashed potatoes and pieces of mangoes. All this magnificence is unfolded in the cream and put for 30 minutes in the refrigerator. Then decorate with grated chocolate and served to the table.

Mango benefits for the body: video

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