The best franchises "Coffee with me.

Garden technique 30.09.2019
Garden technique
1610 08.03.2019 6 min.

In popularity, coffee has long seated all other drinks. He even became a fashionable part of the image like clothes, shoes or accessories. Important questions decide for a cup of coffee, deal with transactions, first meet, get acquainted and part.

Coffee inspires and fills breaks at work, this is an integral part of any seminar and conference. Every day, the circle of coffee makers is confidently expanding, which means that the popularity of establishments, ready to offer their customers an aromatic and invigorating drink, grows every day.

Advantages of the opening of the coffee shop on the franchise

Small cities and large centers are successfully developing coffee shops opened by franchise. It is worth a person only to wish a cup of coffee, as in front of him, then the corresponding institution arises here.

It can offer coffee with them, which has become very popular lately. Or the client will be asked to plunge into the atmosphere of the coffee shop, enjoy a pleasant interior, listen to the music in the style of the lounge, to order a delicious dessert, relax and relax.

In the first case, the emphasis was made on the taste qualities of products, fast maintenance and branded dishes, and in the second visitors, among other things, evaluate the atmosphere of establishment and professional service.

The most popular are the three formats of coffee. Standard is a full-fledged establishment with a multitude of positions in the menu that are not limited to coffee.

Mobile coffee shops - Cars that stop in places with great permeability and offer passersby take a cup of coffee with you. Mini-coffee shops offer exclusively coffee and coffee drinks.

Ask, what is the success of coffee shops that work and develop on a franchise and why should not be discovered by their own institution?

You can only if you are ready to gain patience, make mistakes, fall, get up, draw conclusions and go ahead again. The opening of the coffee shop in the franchise has a lot of advantages in this sense:

  • Together with the name you get the credibility of buyers to the brand.
  • You will be offered a finished business model. No need to reinvent the bike and learn from your own errors. And it will save your time, strength and will allow you to make a profit after a short period of time.
  • Many networks that work on a franchise provide promotional materials necessary to promote brand.
  • If necessary, you will help you choose a profitable place, advise how to deal with the design decision of the new institution.
  • You do not need to look for, choose and experiencing equipment, as well as thinking and worry about the quality of the product.
  • Franchisors helping to form a price policy, provide support in promotion and management.

Even if you do not have the necessary amount for initial capital, there are special loans. They will help get the necessary amount, and the franchisor itself will be the guarantor of the return of the debt money.

You will not feel lonely and abandoned at the start of the business, since most franchisors provide consultations, conduct training for their team.. Including help develop in a professional plan not only to managers, but also to service personnel.

Russian franchise coffee beats

In Russia, coffee shops began to enjoy extractive popularity in the last ten years. Even in the conditions of crisis, people do not refuse themselves the pleasure of drinking a cup of coffee.

Especially since it is relatively inexpensive. And for many, drinking coffee is more than a drink tasting. Without it, the new day does not begin in the literal sense. This is a world-famous brand.

In conditions of growing popularity, turns are gaining momentum and Russian franchises are developing. We will look at how business is going on the most popular of them, and what they conquer the confidence and love of customer-coffee makers.

Traveler's coffee.

Franchise "Traveler's Coffee" come from Novosibirsk confidently feels in a coffee business. The first institution "Traveler's Coffee" began its work in 1997. Agree, experience in coffee issues is considerable. No wonder this brand is considered a real expert in coffee issues.

The company has its own roasted workshop, which is managed by a real professional - a student of the founder of the Association of Organically Clean Coffee Mark Inman.

To become a partner of the coffee business and open an institution under the sign "Traveler's Coffee", it is necessary to have 168 thousand dollars to start cooperation, the entrance fee in the amount of 24 thousand dollars and royalties is 2%.


Coffee houses "Gourme" successfully opens the institution for the institution since 1999. In the coffee shop, customers are offered to take coffee with them or enjoy a drink directly in the institution.

In addition, Gourme opens a network of mobile coffee. They work according to the COFFE TO GO format. For cooperation, Gurme offers franchisees two franchise packages.

To become part of the team and open an institution in a franchise, it is necessary to have finance in the amount of 3.5 million rubles and find a room at least 70 square meters. The entrance fee is 300 thousand rubles, royalties - 3% of revenue per month.

Franchise "Sweeter" positions itself as an institution for young and energetic people who appreciate every minute of their time. But at the same time they know well how important it is to stop and make a coffee break in your beloved institution. Sweeter warms and pleases its customers not only with delicious drinks, but also fragrant pastries.

The main principle of coffee is high-quality and fast service. Installations work in Coffee to Go. Financial conditions of cooperation look very attractive.

There are no deductions, and the paustal or entrance fee is one thousand dollars. In total, about 12 thousand dollars need a successful startup, a small room to 18 square meters and three personnel.


The Russian coffee network "Caffeine" began its development since 2005. Relatively young brand With the aroma of coffee has already managed to open more than 35 institutions. From here the client just will not let go. It will not stand in front of the showcase of exclusive confectionery.

The chain of coffee shops is famous not only to a delicious aromatic drink, but also its own shop and factory. To start cooperation on a franchise, you will need an entrance fee of 50 thousand euros, the deductions for advertising in the amount of 4% and royalties - 5%.

Coffeeshop companies

The well-known Russian brand "CoffeeShop Company" helped to develop an equally popular Austrian company and its leader Reinehard Sherf. Thanks to the fruitful cooperation, Coffeeshop Company managed to adapt European traditions under the Russian market. Since 2002, more than two hundred institutions in which they treat delicious coffee throughout Russia.

Roasting workshop, training center and even a laboratory for studying the properties of coffee are in Vienna. Here not only study coffee in all details and details, but also work on the design of modern coffee equipment.

It is easy to imagine that such large-scale production requires the corresponding costs. You will have to invest a lot of money to open the institution on the franchise - from 4 to 10 million rubles. The paustal contribution is 28.5 thousand euros, Royalty 6%.

Features of work

Conditions for cooperation that are offered by the franchisees are completely different. It all depends not only on the popularity of the brand, but also on the format of the work, the diversity of the range and the specifics of the institution. An example is presented in this video:

Features of the franchise work is noticeable at the initial stage, when the franchisor is ready to share all the difficulties and problems with the new partner. But, relying on the experience of the senior in terms of business partner's business, it is possible to quickly understand the work diagram and delve into the system. Both problems and the fruits of success franchisuser shares with a partner.

The demand for coffee provokes not only the growth of proposals, but also competition. To get out of the leaders on their own without the famous brand, whose name is written above your institution is quite difficult.

Among the features of the franchise, there are not only advantages, but also disadvantages. One of them is the problems of the business owner. If the franchiser has difficulty, they are reflected in the small entrepreneur.

You do not have to re-earn a reputation for customers if you have enlisted the support of the franchisor. This is already done for you.The franchisor guarantees the purchase of high-quality grains from proven suppliers. It helps to create a positive image. It is worth making sure that the buyer is to make it possible to return to you again and again for a cup of your favorite drink.

Calculation of approximate costs

In addition to the vast desire to grow, develop and conduct their coffee business to success, a considerable amount is necessary. Make sure you can comply with the requirements of the franchisor in the financial plan.

The amount of investment varies depending on the popularity of the brandWith which it is planned to cooperate. On average, it ranges from 12 thousand dollars. The monthly royalties range from 2% to 6%. For payback to business, it will be necessary to approximately 1.5 years to 2.5 years.


In profitability of work on the franchise, it is not necessary to doubt. Franchise on the Russian market becomes gradually the concept of usual. As for the coffee business, he has great prospects. After all, the profitability of the cup of coffee in establishments is from 400 to 600%.

For those who have long been planning to open their small business, work on the franchise attracts. It is not only profitable, but also reliably. The probability of underwater stones on the way to a successful business for coffee is minimized. Instead, there is already proven experience and time of the business scheme, the name and reputation of the institution.

In the life of a modern person, a tradition began to start the morning from a cup of fragrant coffee. As a rule, this modern person all the time rushes somewhere, and there is no time to sit at home. Therefore, they are running on things, drink coffee on the go, boil on the way to the mini-coffee shop nearest with the office or waiting for the opportunity to escape on a coffee break.

Although often it is not necessary to run. The coffee shop network grows so much that it is possible to drink a cup of coffee at every corner. This popularity of the drink is not disregarding businessmen. For some, this is a matter of all life, and the experience of the discovery of coffee shops accumulates with each new point, and for someone a good beginning to develop a stable source of income.

Different coffee formats - standard coffee shop, mobile, mini-coffee shop - easily find your client. For business people, coffee ritual is special, the conclusion of an important agreement may depend on it.

No wonder they say that before offering a person's cooperation, you need to warm his hands, so we shake them at the meeting and offer coffee or tea. Many meetings and acquaintances begin with a cup of invigorating drink. Standard coffee shop provides an opportunity to relax a little, sit down on soft sofas or wicker chairs, enjoy the interior and their order.

At payable, mobile coffee shops are most beneficial.

Machines from which they sell coffee, ride throughout the city and literally "catching" on the road of the coffee makers. Do not give way to popularity and mini-coffee shop. Their advantage is in compactness and availability. The client does not overpay for a thematically decorated restaurant or porcelain dishes. Favorite coffee is nalled to the usual, which he can take with him if desired.

Sociologists argue that the majority of Russian-coffee makers choose national brands, and not international trademarks. Consider the features of some of them.

Franchisees of national brands

The first "Coffeeman" opened in Moscow in 2001 and soon turned into a coffee shop network. Only in Moscow they are about twenty. They do not adhere to the design in design. Each new institution unites with the rest of the coffee name and a common goal - to demonstrate that in Russia you can cook delicious coffee. The best varieties of coffee are selected on Plantations by the Barista Department, and your own roasting shop makes it possible to treat customer customers from just roasted grains.

In "Coffeeman" offer not only coffee. They are putting clients by exhibitions, charitable shares, arrange master classes on drawing on coffee with milk and even show performances. The establishment has become a full-fledged restaurant, but the main emphasis is still made on the preparation of high-quality delicious coffee. On the franchise "Coffeeman" does not work.

Another Russian coffee network is "caffeine." The ability to try coffee, cooked here, appeared in 2005. Since then, the amount of coffee houses reached 36. Caffeine is considered one of the leaders in the Russian rating of coffee shops. This is a company that is preparing not only a delicious drink, but also confectionery. Your workshop and factory allow you to form urban showcover, which is characterized by exclusivity and freshness. The atmosphere of coffee shops has both rest and work. Here you can come with friends or stay alone with a cup of coffee.

"Caffeine" works on a franchise. In confirmation of this - more than seven institutions. The amount of the paustal contribution is 50 thousand euros, this royalty 5%, the deductions for advertising - 4%. Investments in the amount of from 7 to 12 million rubles promise to pay off in 1.5-2 years.

Franchisees: "Our coffee shop is not only an institution where coffee come to drink and eat a cake. This is a place to relax and communicate, so the interior and soul of the institution is so important. The situation, musical background and aromas create a comfort and unique atmosphere of the institution "

The development of this brand in Russia was assumed by the Austrian company under the leadership of Reinehard Sherph. European coffee shop standards have been successfully adapted under russian market. The first coffee shop opened in 2002. More precisely, there were two mobile coffee shops at once. Since about 87 institutions under this brand are treated only in Russia. A total of more than two hundred institutions around the world is open. Coffee Academy in Vienna - COFFEESHOP COMPANY project. It has a roasting workshop, a laboratory for the study of coffee properties, a training center, a design bureau, which develops the latest equipment.

Cooperation on the franchise promises the payback period invested in the amount of 4 to 10 million rubles for 2, 5 years. The paustal contribution is 28, 5 thousand euros, royalty 6%.

Franchise review: "I have long wanted to start a business in the field of catering. The Coffeeshop Company brand has attracted its own history and European standards. I somehow immediately believed in success and felt that it was mine. "

The well-known network of Moscow coffee shops is represented by 30 metropolitan institutions. Its four points Work in St. Petersburg, one in Nizhny Novgorod, Astana and Prague. The founder of the first "Dublby" in the past herself prepared coffee. She is a participant in the championships of Russia among Barista. In mini-coffee shops, everything is simple and concise. Coffee is preparing coffee on the Barista world championship car brought from Melbourne. You do not even need to repeat that the drink is preparing here exclusively from freshly frozen grains, promising that they are not older than 28 days.

In addition to traditional cappuccino and latte, author's drinks on their own billets are preparing here.

Under the conditions of the Dublby franchise, the paustal contributions make up 1 million rubles for Moscow and 800 thousand - for the regions. Payback is at least 15 months.

Franchise's review: "When for the first time I learned about this franchise and that in the cafe do not offer anything other than coffee, was surprised and, to be honest, I did not believe that it could be profitable. But when I tried coffee, I ventured check. Today in our cafe the most important is customer and coffee, and we will not cease to amaze visitors with new tastes. "

Sweeter mini-coffee shops work in Russia, Ukraine and Kazakhstan. In addition to delicious coffee, aromatic baking is offered here. Coffee network positions itself as a mini institution for stylish people who value their time and love coffee. Fast service and high-quality product - the main principle of coffee.

Coffee to Go mini-coffee shops offer cooperation with those who are ready to invest in a coffee business from 10 to 12 thousand dollars. There are no deductions, and the entrance fee is 1 thousand dollars. To start, it will take a small area to 15 square meters. m and three person personnel. Paying for business for 18 months.

Franchise's review: "Here you know how to make coffee trendy, and fashion, as you know, covers the wave, from which it does not hide. My business began to make a profit even earlier than two years, as usual is predicted. "

"Time Coffee House"

Promising business for beginners. The official site indicates a guaranteed payback period of up to 6 months. The franchisees interested are fully supported in organizational and working moments. Investments make up to 1 million rubles depending on the city.

Franchisees Reviews: "I studied different options in search of something new and unusual, but that it has already been good in demand. Stumbled upon a "Time Coffeehouse" franchise. What I liked most, so this is full support at all stages. "

Confidently feels like a franchise market from Novosibirsk. The first coffee shop opened here in 1997. The company's goal was the promotion of elite varieties of coffee. Traveler's. Coffee is considered an expert in coffee issues. The company boasts not only its own roasting workshop. It is managed student Mark Inman - Founder of the Association of Organically Pure Coffee.

Traveler's coffee is looking for a franchise partners. Investments for the start of cooperation make up 168 thousand dollars, the paustal contribution is 24 thousand dollars, royalty 2%, payback from 2 years.

Franchise's review: "Customer reviews help to always be in a tone. I remember how one day heard a negative feedback about our cafe, and immediately invited him to coffee with dessert. Now this person is our permanent client. "

Coffee House Gurme has been working in Russia since 1999. For franchise coffee shops open the last nine years. Customers can drink coffee in the institution or take with them. Gurme offers its franchisees to find a room from 70 square meters. meters and be prepared to invest 3.5 million rubles in a new business. The entrance fee is 300 thousand, royalties - 3% per month. Another franchise package under the same-name brand is designed to open the mobile phone format (COFFE TO GO).

The cost of opening a business here is significantly less - from 300 thousand rubles to 1.3 million rubles, the royalties is absent, and the business pays off for a period of 2 months.

Franchise Review:

"I really wanted to open a coffee shop on a franchise, but I could not invest more than three million rubles. And I immediately like the idea with mobile coffee. Now I get a stable income, I develop and do not regret my decision. "

Do not know which automation system to choose for your institution? We will help! Useful information on the link.

What franchise to choose

To unambiguously say about the benefit of one of the franchise, it is impossible. It all depends on the initial capital and the goals that the franchisee puts.

The minimum risks in working with mobile coffee shops, as their advantage - in an independent choice of points of sales and the opportunity to adjust the client.

The principle is simple: we are going to where the coffee is more wishing to treat. But it sounds riddling in the warm season. And quite another thing - with a full-fledged institution, which offers the client much more than a cup of coffee with me. Golden middle - mini-coffee shop. Here there is where to sit down and you can make an order for removal.

For several years now in the "coffee" business. I will say right away - not everything is so simple, as it seems at first glance. Even if you start with a franchise ..
It is too huge competition, "newbies" simply displacing, especially in such cities as Moscow.
The main thing: find your place and your audience! It depends a lot from this. Of course, this business will not make a profit right away, everything needs time, but the prospect is always there!

We think with my husband to invest your capital into anything profitable. The coffee industry is now developing quite rapidly, so we select something with this topic. Cheaper and more profitable, as I understood, there will be a mobile coffee shop, just an option available. It is worth starting with that, and in the future expansion, perhaps and solved on the fracessing coffee shop.

Business in the field of catering, as well as trade, is considered one of the most profitable types of entrepreneurial activities in large population cities. Maximum benefit brings for sale coffee in a cafe or with you. With minimal cost, this business guarantees a quick payback, followed by high and stable yield, at least 35% of net profit.

In such a business, newcomers are best started with the production of coffee franchise with them. Coffee franchises are the following types:

  • Without delivery of coffee equipment
  • With the supply of coffee equipment on the conditions of perpetual rental
  • With the supply of equipment on the lease terms, followed by the right of preferential redemption

The presence or absence of a franchise contract of these items and generates the main differences between the types of coffee franchise with them.

One of the companies offering a franchise of coffee with them all listed options is the FRIEND COFFEE franchisor. For its partners, this company offers 4 variants of franchise schemes:

  • Start (package) with investment volume 150 thousand rubles
  • The optimal package with the volume of investments is 350 thousand rubles
  • Package Medium with starting embedding 500 thousand rubles
  • Business turnkey with an entry fee from Franchisees 990 thousand rubles

Playback of projects from 2 to 6 months. This royalty is fixed at the stage of signing the contract of the franchise and is not attached to the monthly trading turnover. The package is needed only for the contract of the franchise type "Optimal" in the amount of 50 thousand rubles. Specific requirements for the size of the commercial premises to the partner franchisor is not presented.

Another option to cooperate in a franchise coffee with him offers a franchisor "Cheerful day, coffee with me". This franchise program is valid in Russia. Obtaining this franchise requires the franchisee of the payment of a paustal contribution in favor of a franchiser in the amount of 100 thousand rubles, followed by investing in a business from 60 to 120 thousand rubles. The investment amount depends on the area of \u200b\u200bthe coffee point.

Plus, this franchise coffee with me is the absence of monthly payments (royalties). The payback period of the franchise from 2 to 6 months. In addition to financial investments from the partner of the franchise network "Cheerful day, coffee with you", you will need possession of a free square from 1 to 3.8 square meters. m. With a power outlet, the calculated power limit of 3.5 kW. Connecting the point of sale of coffee with you to the water supply network is not required. Coffee equipment required for the preparation of coffee portions is available for rent.

Overview of five ready-made business models selling coffee for removal.


Coffee with me is an attractive offer to cheer up with a delicious drink not immediately, but a little weather, in the office or on the road. Or sit down on the bench in the mall. The essence of the business is to sell beverages for removal.

To evaluate business prospects, just look at the numbers. Thus, the Network Microcofene "Bodry Day" in 2012 began 100 thousand rubles from the starting capital. When working in this format, the profitability of coffee is 25-35%. Today, in 2015, it will have to invest more, but the amount of investment compared to other types of business is minimal - on average, the opening point is spent from 200 thousand rubles. The revenue of one kiosk can reach 350 thousand rubles. per month.

The main condition for successful work - it is necessary to open in a lively place, preferably near the transport junction, central regions or business district. This in particular concerns points with a limited assortment specializing in coffee. And this product of impulsive demand, no one will go special look for it. You can also organize a place in the shopping center - there will also be your own clientele. Baking, cupcakes, chocolate, as well as impulsive demand products (chewing gum, etc.) will be enlarged.

The easiest is the coffee shop offering coffee for removal, open the franchise. In this case, the franchisee receives support, equipment optionally), as well as the ability to sell products under a well-known brand. By the conditions on the franchise, as well as work options can be different.

Coffee on removal in video format

Detailed information about the coffee business is better to learn from the entrepreneur, the owner of the coffee shop:

Franchise # 1 - Federal network of coffee bars Coffee Woods

The federal network of Coffee Woods coffee bars offer a completely transparent business strategy on a franchise, which will help earn from 250 thousand rubles from the second month of work.

At the beginning of September 2016, the network is represented by 57 dots open with 34 partners. Coffee Woods coffee houses brought their highlight to franchise business: Partners do not pay monthly deductions, and already at the start a full-fledged advertising company is performed, which is completely free for the franchisees. The range is presented with 32 kinds of coffee and refreshments.

As for the numbers, they are as follows:

  • Powered fee - 175 thousand rubles;
  • Initial investments (stand, rental, coffee equipment, bar inventory) - 200 thousand rubles;
  • Advertising company - free of charge;
  • This Royalty free stock

The sum of the initial investments may vary depending on the wishes of the partner: the desire to open the coffee shop in a large shopping and entertainment center or in a small room in a residential area of \u200b\u200bthe city. From these and other parameters will change the amount of rent for the room, the number of employees, equipment, equipment, inventory. Coffee Woods has a special analytical department, which calculates the amount of initial investment, depending on the wishes of the partner.

What a franchisee gets:

  • Escort on each of the stages of the foundation and formation of a business;
  • Basic package of marketing materials;
  • Coffee equipment for rent;
  • Assistance in concluding contracts with suppliers;
  • Package of training materials;
  • Technological maps;
  • Departure of the team to any city for the opening of the coffee shop;
  • Consultation 24 hours 7 days a week;
  • Predicted revenue from 10 thousand rubles per day.

Franchise # 2 - Microcofeys "Cheerful Day"

"Cheerful Day" - a network of microcophenes. One catering point takes no more than 4 square meters. meters and specializes in the sale of coffee. The menu can also be baking. The format is good for business and shopping centers, but the place must be chosen by the audience.

Major consumers are modern young people, students, young families, visitors notaries and lawyers, clients of fitness centers. These are students, office staff, entrepreneurs. Also important importance is sufficient, not all categories of citizens can afford to buy coffee from 150 rubles. per cup. The greatest conversion is observed in business centers stably for 5 days a week, the competition is low here. In shopping centers, the opposite is the main revenue on weekends, the competition is large, it is necessary to stand out against the rest of the rest.

The main thing for the microcofable format is a good place. Moreover, the permeability of not the entire shopping center is important, but a specific zone where the rack will be located. The more people see the sign, the more suitable. Also, a good place will be the point in the car sales centers, there is a microcoisy on ski complexes. "Catch" people are better at the entrance to the building, because No one will specifically search for where to buy coffee, especially if a person came in the case. Therefore, it is important that the rack is visible.

The cost of renting a meter of the square can be from 2 to 50 thousand rubles. Depending on the city and the building. At the same time, it will be necessary to work from 1.5 to 4 meters - you can put different types of racks. Franchise suppliers promise a profitability of 20-40% at a turn of 100-400 thousand rubles.

Features of coffee franchises with me "Bodry Day":

  • entrance fee - 100 or 490 thousand rubles. depending on the package;
  • royalties - no;
  • investments - 80-120 thousand rubles. When buying a minimum package on the rack and consumables, the coffee machine is included in the full package;
  • payback - 6 months;
  • coffee revenue per month - 150,000 rubles.

To accommodate the rack, the outlet 220 V, the presence of water supply is not necessary.

Basic for work things are supplied by a franchisor, it is a rack (optional), branded cups, mixtures (consumables are bought for a fee). Sugar, milk, baking is purchased in local markets.

For discovery, you can use IP or LLC, the optimal system of taxation - UNVD, in the absence of USN 6%. For control, the cloud CRM-ERP system is used, the fee for it is 2-2.5% at the start in the future is calculated by revolutions. The cash transmission is not used, a check printer with a netbook is applied. Also at the initial stage there is a form for personnel. 1-2 barista is enough to work, depends on the place and time of work. The business center is enough one person, because The main stream takes place during working hours.

What equipment is necessary to start work:

  • rack;
  • information board with menu;
  • coffee machine and coffee grinder;
  • cash (netbook, check printer, money box);
  • bar refrigerator;
  • pump and mixer for autonomous flow of water.

Additional costs - loyalty cards, form for staff, badges, concealer, sign with work, Pitcher, Tever, Nok-box. Consumables - coffee, sugar, cream, milk, branded cups, thermocruises, covers, napkins, syrups, disposable plates and spoons.

Franchise # 3 - Network of fast food restaurants "Uncle Döner"

Coffee on the removal also offers a network of fast food restaurants "Uncle Döner" and you can open an institution in a franchise. However, in addition to directly coffee, the restaurant's menu has basic dishes (branded in a cake with different fillings, burgers, manta, fries, samsa potatoes).

This is a place where you can not only cheer up with a delicious drink, but also to eat. Such restaurants can be located on Fudcarts in shopping centers, they can be opened on the street near stop complexes, at train stations and bus stations. Due to low prices (coffee costs 55-70 rubles.) And the presence in the menu dishes for fast snacks, and clients with sufficiency are reduced below average.

These institutions also sell removal drinks, the format of these institutions is more understandable for the majority. Simply put, this same shawarma, only in a more civilized form. The founders took the well-known product, improved it, created a symbolism and corporate identity, built pleasant pavilions. Visitors are people nearby and those who want to have a snack. In the "Uncle Durner" no one specially goes, so it is important to have a cafe next to the streams of people. But in this case, more accommodation options, as advertising in the form of pointers, stands, promoters will work. If there are few people in one of the coffee specially goes, then the drink in the full dinner is much more chances, especially since the institution can sit and relax from the road.

Features franchises:

  • entrance fee - 500 thousand rubles;
  • royalties - 3% of the turnover;
  • playback of the project - 6-18 months;
  • profitability of sales - 17-19%.

In addition to paying the entrance fee, you will have to spend money on the construction of the pavilion (rental places in the shopping center), as well as equipment (coffee machines, handout, showcase, menu, etc.).

Franchise # 4 - Coffee Like

Coffee Like also offers removal drinks. They work on the same system as the "cheerful day", but in addition to traditional coffee, add to the menu and seasonal offer. In the summer, cooling drinks are better diverged - fruit cocktails, mojito. In the classic version there are coffee (different varieties and volume) and tea.

The establishment is a coffee bar, it can be located in trade and business centers, as well as in other places, for example, in entertainment centers. The place is rented, a rack is installed. Buyers are mostly young people, students, office workers, entrepreneurs, as well as other visitors. The establishment should be placed in the passable place, it is desirable on the incoming stream (in the building or on the floor).

There is an option to put a separate stand standing on the street and sell coffee without a waiting room. This format is better to use in places of recreation (popular city parks, squares, rinks), as well as in the central part of cities, especially megacities. The initial costs are minimal - on the rack and equipment for making coffee (coffee machine and coffee grinder). The raw material is bought by local, the accounting system is in the cloud.

Features franchises:

  • entrance fee - 300 thousand rubles;
  • royalties - no;
  • investments - 450-700 thousand rubles;
  • payback of investment - 3 months.

Franchise # 5 - Go! Coffee

Coffee franchise with me GO! Coffee allows you to enter business with minimal investments. The concept of placement is similar to a brand selling coffee to take place "Cheerful Day". Sale of coffee are located in trade and business centers, in cinemas, in entertainment places, universities, office buildings. The workplace is located beyond the counter. You can also open the pavilion on the street, the drink is in demand at mass events and on lively streets. You can stay next to the fast food kiosk, which cannot offer customers a real grain coffee.

The main difference from the "Cheerful Day" franchise is that the place is allowed to choose after the conclusion of the contract, i.e. The presence of a potentially attractive point is not a prerequisite.

Possible work formats:

  • a coffee shop with a separate entrance (a full-fledged institution where people come to a snack and relax, take-off coffee - an additional service);
  • the island in the shopping center (works exclusively for removal);
  • shopping pavilion (driven by removal, can also take several people inside);
  • mobile coffee shop (work mainly at large events, as well as outdoor service).

The company does not provide racks, it develops only drawings for which the franchisees are manufactured. Therefore, the concerns about the place are entirely lying on it. Also for the discovery will require a coffee grinder and coffee machine. In the maximum package they are present. All consumables with the branded symbols of the franchisee purchases from the franchiser, and the products are in local suppliers. The menu may present related products - baking, sweets, chewing gum.

Features franchises:

  • entrance introduction - 100, 140 or 220 thousand rubles. depending on the package;
  • investments - 150 thousand rubles.


Thus, the business on the sale of coffee for the removal can well exist, but there is no big profits from him. But he will not require an unbearable investment. A good option for the start of those who want to understand whether he will work with the uglieit. Despite the limited spectrum of the services offered, such points give a clear idea of \u200b\u200bworking with food and visitors' service. In the future, you can develop due to an increase in the number of coffee shops or the expansion of the range, as well as changes in the format itself (for example, open cafes).

Ruslan Mitrofanov from Vladimir told us how she decided to buy, why he chose the Take and Wake, and as construction experience helped him in work.

Ruslan Mitrofanov - Partner Take and Wake in Vladimir

- Coffee chain of coffee format with me. Open points in shopping and business centers, street kiosks. Coffee is boils from the grains of their own roasting, which are brought from Brazil, Ethiopia, Kenya and Rwanda. In addition to the classics, there are 14 copyrights in the menu. Promotions and discounts are regularly held, seasonal suggestions are valid. The client can order and pay a drink through a company's mobile application that is suitable for iOS and Android.

The first point of the owner of the network Konstantin Kuzminov opened in 2014 in Moscow. Since 2015, the company sells franchise. At the end of 2017, there are 23 coffee shops throughout Russia and Wake on the Take and Wake network and sold 1 million cups of coffee. The company's goal is to open 1000 coffee houses for 5 years.

Own business

Coffee shop Take and Wake is not the first business Ruslan Mitrofanov. Since 2014, Ruslan, along with friends, leads a construction company. Specialize in industrial mountaineering - repair the facades and roofs of houses are repaired, installed and wash windows, electricity and other communications are carried out.

The idea of \u200b\u200bdiscovering such a business came Ruslan when he worked in a similar firm assistant manager. There he studied the sphere and gained experience. Everything suited, besides position. Ruslana generally did not work well on hiring. He constantly saw the shortcomings of his leaders and did not hesitate to say about it. Managers did not perceive criticism and dismissed Ruslana. He had to look for a new place, but also a story was repeated there.

Main Business Ruslan - Work at height

Engineering Ruslan likes. For three years, his company became famous in the Vladimir region. Orders are always there, the plan is performed, the profit comes. But the Ruslan does not want to develop outside the native region, it simply does not have such a desire, he is already enough.

In the field of construction, Ruslan sees only one problem - seasonality. If in the summer it turns out to earn a lot, then in winter this money just goes to ordinary needs. In 2015, when his company was already a year, Ruslan decided that he was time to open the second business. Such which will bring income all year round.

His coffee shop

Ruslan and his wife Daria love to drink coffee and well disassemble in it. "I can distinguish delicious coffee from the tasteful," says Ruslan. He was not satisfied with the quality of the drink in any place of his city - it is too bitter, then the aftertaste is unpleasant. So the spouses of Mitrofanov had a dream about their own coffee shop.

By paying attention to the price of the drink in establishments and its cost, Ruslan came to the conclusion that the coffee business had a high margin, and therefore should be profitable. He began to study the franchise market in this area. It was not going to open a coffee shop from scratch Ruslan - too much you need to know and be able to be able, and it will not be able to combine with the basic business.

Ruslan found on the Internet. I read - liked it. First, the company's philosophy was close to Ruslan in spirit. And secondly, the price was suitable. If most coffee franchises with them at that time were sold at 250-300 thousand rubles, then Take and Wake offered their package for only 80 thousand. Ruslan called Konstantin, asked a few questions, received the answers and began to think.

Thought for half a year. While I thought, followed the development of the company. When in May 2016, Ruslan discovered that the Take and Wake network of three points rose to 20, and the entrance fee went up to 100 thousand rubles, he understood - it is necessary to act. Once again, Konstantin called, agreed on a personal meeting, went to Moscow. And he liked the man, and the company, and most importantly - coffee. He signed a contract, paid the paustal contribution, received a franchise package with instructions and drove home to open a coffee shop.

Franchisee Training System Take and Wake - Lessons with Mandatory Home

Beginning of work

First of all, Ruslan took up organizational issues - agreements, permits, registration of the form of activity. There were no problems here - after all, Ruslan did not open a business for the first time and knew where to go and what to do. Yes, and the franchisor helped solve all questions with lawyers or accountants, collect documents. Problems began later.

Search a place

Find and renting a room for coffee shop Ruslan did not manage to immediately. Vladimir is a small town, only 350 thousand people live in it. In the very center of the city, where many walking and tourists, all seats are already busy and rental prices are overestimated.

To help Ruslana solve the problem, in the main office of Take and Wake conducted an analysis of the territory and offered several options. Of these, Ruslan chose the room next to a large business center, not in the very center of the city, but next to him - three minutes walk from the Golden Gate. Tourists reach there, but the main part of visitors is the staff of the business center.

Worried that a tent with coffee was worked near. But Ruslan opened his institution in another format, so I decided to take a chance - to make a coffee shop better than that of competitors, and relocate their visitors to yourself. The premises were given good.

The landlord fell good. He not only did not ask for a deposit and prepayment, but also gave 20 days deferred. As a result, for the month, Ruslan gave 30 thousand rubles. Municipal payments are added monthly to this amount, goes about 40 thousand.


On this joy of the room ended - his condition was terrible. The walls were trimmed with drywall and are covered with a 15-year-old wallpaper, electrician and plumbing worked something like. I needed a major overhaul.

For repairs Ruslan spent 360 thousand rubles and all 20 days of leased delay. It would be more and more, but helped experience in construction. Ruslan did everything himself - demolished and re-built the walls, put new doors, replaced the electrician and plumbing.

Even despite the savings, the preparing the premises almost twice the scope of the budget of Ruslan. There was not enough money, I had to borrow from friends.

Friends helped, but problems did not end. Ruslan has spent 150 thousand rubles on the furniture. Bar rack ordered from local masters, but they did not cope with the order on time. The opening day was already appointed, and Ruslan was afraid that he would not have time. Therefore, installing the rack took up immediately, as she was brought.

The signboard was also installed at the last moment - three days before the discovery.

Despite the fact that it was necessary to work very quickly, Ruslan tried to do everything qualitatively. In the main office of Take and Wake, a design project was developed for him. Ruslan did everything possible so that his establishment would not differ from the picture.

Equipment and consumables

When problems with the repair and placement of furniture were solved, it was time to buy equipment and consumables. On the recommendation of the main office, Ruslan acquired a freezing showcase Carboma, a refrigerator, a toaster and grill. All spent 60 thousand rubles.

SIMONELLI coffee machine and coffee grinder Fiorenzato Ruslan took in the main office for free rent. Its essence is that if you buy coffee and other consumables from suppliers of franchisor, then the equipment is simply given. And if you want to work with other dealers, the technique will have to return or buy out.

Suppliers Take and Wake Ruslana arranged, but the coffee machine is not. More precisely, not immediately. At first he faded and took a two-group, but it turned out that it was too big and did not fit on the rack. I had to go back to Moscow and change the coffee machine on the odnogroup.

Ruslan consumables also brought from the Moscow office. For coffee, milk, syrups, cups, pychers, holders and other little things spent 60 thousand rubles.


In order to save time, Ruslan began to look for employees to the coffee shop before the repair is completed. On vacancy of the barista with a schedule 2/2 and a salary of 25 thousand rubles for three days, 30 people responded. Ruslan chose two and recorded them for training. Instructions for setting and motivating staff were given in the main office of Take and Wake.

As a rule, there are also employees in their own Barista School. But to Ruslan to the point, the specialist of the main office of Denis Kuzmini came himself. For three days, he taught future Barista to cook delicious coffee and told branded recipes. According to the results of training, the guys received certificates.

In addition to fulfilling the recommendations of the franchisor, Ruslan showed the initiative. A friend who is engaged in the SMM marketing advised him to create an account for a coffee shop in Instagram so that people find out about her before discovery. So Ruslan did. Daily laid out news and photo reports, wrote about problems, boasted the achievements. I liked the instapproes such an initiative. During the year, almost 3 thousand people signed Ruslan's coffee shop.


Ruslan believes that the main secret of success is to know its customers. Even before opening, specialists from the main office of Take and Wake helped him analyze the city, to understand with whom and how best to work.

Ruslan decided to work with everyone. If in the whole network is a typical visitor, this is a student, a young man under 35 years old, then Ruslan is often gathering women for 40, and the staff of the nearest business center, and leaders. Permanent visitors receive discount cards, and special offers for BC workers operate.

To customers were comfortable, Wi-Fi works in the coffee shop, and each table has a socket. Easy music plays for the atmosphere.

Expectations and reality

Comparing the expectations about buying a franchise with the reality of the launch of a coffee shop, Ruslan says that everything came out as not as planned. He expected to meet 400 thousand rubles, but spent 700 thousand.

On the side of the franchiser, everything was clearly, he helped to solve the questions, gave instructions, but still some unplanned difficulties and expenses were constantly arising. Only the repair of the room twice the budget Ruslan.

Profit also had to wait longer than I would like. The coffee house was released in two months, and fully embedded only seven. He thought it would be faster. For himself, Ruslan explained stretched deadlines by the fact that the institution opened in winter. Most visitors come to Take and Wake for coffee with themselves, and winter is not the best time for walking, Ruslan believes. In his opinion, the right time for opening is summer or autumn.

Costs and income

Pausal fee 80 000 ₽
Royalty 3% of revenue, but not less than 3 000
Legal design 30 000 ₽
Rent 40 000 ₽ per month
Repair of the room 360 000 ₽
Furniture 150 000 ₽
Equipment 60 000 ₽
Consumables 60 000 ₽
Taxes, Accounting and Banking 30 000 ₽
Salary of two employees 50 000 ₽
Middle check 150 ₽.
Net profit 70 000-80 000 ₽ per month

Future plans

Ruslan is satisfied with the coffee shop, but still finds problems. After a year of work, he realized that it was time to search for administrators who would be engaged in teaching and ensure that everything worked properly. Now the staff for each little things call Ruslan, he has to constantly come and clear something or buy something. I would like to delegate the routine on someone else.

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