Who is Lucifer in the Bible: Orthodox interpretation. Falling Lucifer in the Bible and his museum in the Vatican

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Many know Lucifer as a fallen angel, the Son of God, who later became the king of hell. But a little known is the story of his life, reproach and fall. About who is such Lucifer and what his biography will tell readers this article.

What does Lucifer name mean

Lucifer - the name that occurred from the connection of the words "light" and "carries", for the Romans meant "carrier light" or "Early Star". Lucifer was originally called the Planet Venus, which was visible during the morning either evening dawn.

The name of Lucifer began to be used in a negative key after falling from the sky. It ceased to "bear the light" as before, and began to identify with the Satan himself, and later and at all became its main designation.

Satan on the book of Isaiah in translation means "light-point", which almost the same means the name of Lucifer. One designation to bear the light, you can equate the name Lucifer to Satan.

Life history and fall of Lucifer

Judging by the historical records of Lucifer, one of the few who managed to visit both directions from human land, and in heaven, and in hell. He was born in heaven, grown without a mother, created only by his father-God. But in some sources, the mother of all living - Lucid is mentioned. It is not alive, but equates to the universe, creating everything that is. Therefore, anything about the real mother of Lucifer cannot be found.

The father endowed him with a huge force, thanks to which Lucifer was left alive, and was not killed after his betrayal, like other fallen angels. Father could not kill Lucifer, as his strength was equated to God. But Lucifer himself did not realize this until he was in hell, and did not become the main opponent of God's rule.

In heaven, he was the most impeccable angel perfect in everything. His problem was only only that he did not look like God as. And whatever efforts did not fit Lucifer, everything was in vain, Jesus was best for God and for the rest of the angels.

At first, Lucifer humbly accepted it, although he did not agree, but the series of events replaced humility into other feelings. It did not overthrow him that God was erected on the throne of Jesus as more close. Lucifer did not break and the fact that ordered was angels to love Jesus as God himself, and worship him. And she climbed his anger due to the fact that his father dedicated Jesus's plans, whom the lucifer was not to know, and loved his creation with human more than his son.

The non-recognition of his power either by God himself nor the angels advised Lucifer on the goats against heaven. Collecting the angels, Lucifer told them about his perfection, about how much he did for the Father and all the angels, and how long they rejected his merit, as they were not seen by the Father.

He told about how his father simply forgot about him, his devotion, and exacer Jesus on the throne without any merit, as he trusted him all that Lucifer also relies to know how the Son of God, about how Jesus is honored, but Everyone forgot about Lucifer.

But he did not mention that he wanted the authorities for all the angels to submit to him unquestioning, that it was necessary to be equal to God to him, overthrowing Jesus's throne. Angels, accustomed to obey the will of God, tried to convince Lucifer in his wrong.

A lot was said in the direction of Lucifer, but no one wanted to go against the will of God, and it was easier to force Lucifer to give up their words and obey her father. But, unfortunately, Lucifer was adamant, and stood on the fact that God's office has long time to change.

Anger and Pride had long been his faithful companions in heaven, but they wanted him. Lucifer believed that he was no worse than God himself, and that he himself could rule. He has long convinced the angels that they are all the slaves of God, and their merits will not be credited. He spoke, that if he was the main thing, everything would change. Angels would not be slaves, but fully having their own rights. He even managed to replace the accomplices to his side, but they turned out to be completely small compared to the angels frightened by any changes.

With these same accomplices, he was expelled by God to hell, and others suffered the fate of death. His expulsion was described by the Prophet as:

Falling from the skies, the son of the morning dawn! Lost wings, crashing about the Earth. In my heart, Tomya you wore: "Go up over the stars of fatty, and the throne will take it, and wax on the mountain, against the word of all. May I be equal to the father of the Most High. " Now you are expelled in the puchins of hellish, in the underworld. Looking at you, are surprised "Does this, the one that shook the kingdom, turned into the desert to become the universe, and did not let the prisoners of their home?"

It is believed that God specifically allows the Lucifer to tempt people. So each person has the ability to choose between good and evil, and he has the right to choose the right path himself.

Lucifer's qualities, such as anger, pride, vanity, came in handy in hell and allowed us to rule there. His dream of power came true, he was like the king, he worshiped him, he was raised above all. He was also proclaimed by the king of hell. Being in hell, Lucifer considered his duty father's creation to spoil bad qualities. Installing greed and egoism in people, he fulfilled their debt.

A family

Life after heaven in Lucifer was somewhat saturated than in heaven. It was not necessary to obey someone else, and you can dictate your rules. Being the king of hell Lucifer gained his wife. She became a demon named Lilith. According to Legend, Lilith was the first wife of Adam, even before Eva. She was an ordinary person, not a demon.

Once she resulted in instructions of Adam and considering himself equal to Adam, and not his slave, did not want to obey him. For this, he also became rejected by God as Lucifer. This joined the two filled from the malice of the soul.

Lucifer's children are all demons, demons created by him and Lilith. All creatures living on the soil of evil occur from Lucifer, and this is:

  • The demon is deceiving people inspiring them the wrong concepts. I will inspire that to lie well, if it benefits, and the theft is not entirely scary if there is more money from this.
  • The devil - pushes people to sinful actions. If a person doubts some choice, the devil incites him on the path of a bad act. It is believed that the Devil sits on a man's shoulder and whispers his words, in favor of himself.
  • Leviathan.
  • Abbadon and many others.

Also Lucifer will consider any fallen angel, and even a person whose views and thoughts will be similar to the devilish. From this and the expression takes place: "The Devil's Son". It is believed that the soul particle of Lucifer is in every sinful person.

The image of Lucifer

The heavenly image of Lucifer was perfection himself. The manners gave birth to God's heritage, majestic status. His face illuminated all the amazingly dazzling light, because it is no wonder of his name in translating means "carrier light". Luxury angelic wings inherent in the residents of heaven, only added to him. This young man radiated the angelic good nature and nobility, which later lost among egoism and self-love.

After falling from heaven and exile into hell, the wings were cut off, and nothing distinguished Lucifer from an ordinary person. He appeared to many dark-haired young men, with burning black eyes. But the appearance of it in the drawings was far from human. In Figures, Lucifer was depicted:

  • Sea monster;
  • Snake;
  • Red scratch with forks;
  • Human appearance without wings.

Many in different ways are the appearance of Lucifer, because he seems to be a simple man deprived of heavenly essentially, and someone seems to be a terrible monster with a complete lack of any human trafficking.

And the New Testament allowed the Lucifer to take any condition, and it can look like only wants to show himself.

Satan, of course, have a character, sign. Predated with such a symbol is considered to print Satan. The seal is a kind of pentagram, in the core of which is a goat head. From each acute angle of the Pentagram, the word "Leviafan" should be written. This name is one of the interpretations of Lucifer.

Peentagram people are pretty serious. It is believed that if you draw a pentagram correctly, and to spend a certain ritual, then Satan himself will appear in his appearance. At the present time, the symbol is actively used on television as the main call of Lucifer.

It is believed that the site-a tempter, who proposed to taste the prohibitive fruit to taste, and there is Lucifer. He did it already being the king of the underworld. So he decided to spoil, push the favorite creature of his father to the sin - man.

Not only Jerusalem and Jews are warned in the book of the Prophet Isaiah about the anger of God. The surrounding pagan peoples are also warned of death, and first of all Babylon.

It is easy to suspect that chapter 13 and 14, in which the death of Babylon is predicted with wild images, in reality does not belong to Isaiah. In the times of Isaiah, it was Assyria that was a triumphant people, and Babylon turned out to be entirely in the authority of Assyria an even more destructive way than the Jew. Song of hatred and contempt, as it was possible to expect, was to be directed against Assyria and the new capital, which Sennakhirim built in Ninevei.

On the other hand, after a century, after the time of Isaiah, it was Babylon at Nebuchadneosor who became the oppressor. Then it is quite possible that this passage has a later origin and was written during the captivity when Babylon seemed immune to the mouth in front of the victorious armies Kira Persian.

Is., 14: 12-15. As you fell from the sky, Dennica, the son of the dawn! Warred about the Earth, poured peoples. And he spoke in his heart: "To go down on the sky, above the stars of God, I will cast my throne and sit on the mountain in the gym of the gods, on the edge of the North; Walking on the height of the cloud, I will be similar to the Most High. " But you are lowered in hell, in the depths of the underworld.

The Jewish word "Hell" is translated here as "Lucifer". Literally, this means "shining", and it is believed that it belongs to the planetary body, which we call Venus.

Venus is the brightest of the planets. Due to the position of its orbit between the Earth's orbit and the Sun, it is always visible (from the ground) rather close to the sun. When it turns out to be east of the Sun, it shines the most bright after sunset and goes after three hours. At this time, it is visible only in the evening and is called an evening star. When Venus turns out to be west of the Sun, the planet goes back to the first one also for about three hours and shines in the eastern part of the sky, as gradually lights. Then it is the morning star.

It is quite natural that cultures that are inactive in astronomy and not particularly observed the sky considered the evening and morning star with two separate celestial bodies. In the times of Isaiah, even smart Greeks were the same opinion. Only in two centuries after Isaiah, the ancient Greek philosopher Pythagoras discovered that these two stars are one heavenly body that the Greeks then began to call Aphrodite, and the Romans (and we) - Venus. Probably, Pythagoras discovered this while traveling in the East (legend says that he visited Babylonia, namely Babylonians were the great astronomers of ancient times).

Venus as a morning star could be called "Dennica," because her sunrise announces the occurrence of the day. It is also the "Son of the morning", because it is possible to see it only in the morning. So, in a corrected standard translation of verse 14: 12 translates: "As you fell from the sky, about Dennica, the Son of the morning."

Greeks, at that time, when they considered Venus with two bodies, called the evening star "Gerperos", and the morning star - "Phosphoros". "GEROSOS" means "West", the evening star is always visible in the West. Phosphoros means "light-header". The Romans transferred the Greek terms directly to Latin. The evening star became an evening ("West"), and the morning star became Lucifer ("Svetonois").

Therefore, the Jewish Hell is translated as phosphoros in the Greek versions of the Bible and as Lucifer in Latin versions.

The use of the term "Lucifer" in connection with the arrogant pride of the Babylonian king is an ironic accusation of habit to apply sublime metaphors to the royal policies. The flattering courtes called the king morning star, as if implying that the sizeping of it is as nice as the morning star, hearing at sunrise after the long cold winter night. The author of poems about Lucifer ironically described its fall from the absolute power to captivity and death as a drop in the star from heaven to hell.

Over time, however, these verses began to acquire religious color. By the time of the New Testament of the Jews, in all details developed the legend that Satan was the head of the "fallen angels." These were angels who rebelled against God, refusing to bow to Adam, when the first person was created, using as his argument that they were created from the light, and the person is just from clay. Satan, led by the rebels, intended to oust God in his pride. The rebel angels were, however, expelled from the sky to hell. By the time this legend was designed, Jews had already experienced Greek influence, and they may have influenced the Greek myths about the attempts of titans, and later the giants to defeat Zeus and take the power over the universe. Both Titans and giants were defeated and enclosed in the dungeon.

But no matter if there was a Greek influence or not, this legend was firmly ass in the consciousness of the Jews. Jesus refers to her in one place in the Gospel of Luke:

Lux., 10: 18. It [Jesus] he said to them: I saw Satan, declining from the sky, like a zipper;

It seemed naturally to associate legend with the statement of Isaiah; In fact, this statement about Lucifer may even contribute to the appearance of legends. In any case, the fathers of the early church believed that Isaiah's approval was mentioning the expulsion of the devil from the sky, and it was assumed that Lucifer is the name of an angelic creature, which after his fall has become known as Satan. It is from here that our common comparison "Gord as Lucifer" occurs.

Lucifer is familiar to many, someone from mystical legends and films, someone knows him from the Bible. Most people know superficial information about how the angel fallen from heaven became the ruler of the underground kingdom, but do not have a more detailed idea of \u200b\u200bhis biography and why the Lord is supervised him from heaven.

Who is Lucifer in the Bible: Old and New Testament

In the Old Testament, the fallen angel is like Lucifer not mentioned. It is present on the pages of the book in several episodes as Satan and seduces Eve Apple.

More about the Bible and the Old Testament:

Who is the Lucifer in the Bible

The concept of the lighting angel appeared already in late Christianity and mentioned for the first time in the book of Isaiah. According to the new Testament, Lucifer does not carry any evil in itself, the renunciation occurred from derivatives: "carries" and "sun," can mean "morning star" or "bearing light". This name is the creator of the perfect Seraphim, who was closer to the Lord and stood at the head of all Seraphim.

The history of Lucifer in the Bible says that the angel was not evil, but he suffered from pride and once he could not accept the fact that God was dominated over him and he opposed his will. After God created a man, he ordered the angels to kneel the knee in front of his creation, to love him as much as God - Lucifer opposed a person.

For the fact that the Angel dismissed the will of God, he stopped being a "morning star" and was coincided with his like-minded people from heaven. He lost his God's name and was mashed by Satan, and his army was demons.

After the demons were doomed to the eternal tomorrow in the dungeon, they began to seduce and tempt the human souls, luring them to their side.

Attention! The name Lucifer, the "Morning Star" - went along with the rank of Angela, so not to call Satan with this name is not correct, since it has no longer anything for anyone.

Orthodox prayers from evil forces:

Mother and father of the fallen angel

Among the mystifiers, sorcerers and demonologists, it has now become fashionable to argue about who was Satan's mother.

The history of Lucifer on the Bible does not bear any information about it. In Christianity, there is no such thing as the mother of Satan, but in many myths and legends there are fictional facts about the biography of the fallen angel.

Important! In the Bible there can be no mention of the Lucifer family, since all the heavenly bodies have only a father and he is God, other origins of angels in Orthodoxy can not be!

In the middle eyelids, the view was distributed that all the angels were created from the initial bunch of energy, which was called Lucid, just as in mythology and heretical texts, called the mother of Satan.

Who is Lucifer in Orthodoxy

Legends about Lucifer

To date, there are a huge variety of legends in the world, Hollywood moviestin, occult books about the biography of Lucifer, his fall, family.

Basic facts from the legends about the false angel:

  • lucifer's mother and other fallen angels - Lucid. In many mystical stories, she is the embodiment of the Universe, from the matter of which God created the world. According to the legends of Lucid, it does not occupy an evil or side of good, it is an indifferent energy;
  • satan's wife - Lilith, who is a demon, there is no word about her in the Bible, but there are stories with her participation in the Old Testament and Jews. It is believed that Lilith was the first wife of Adam, who refused to obey her husband and wanted to be equal to him in everything. Because of this, she was knightened with the creator, and rejected His will was exiled from heaven;
  • some legends say that there was no creator god of the creator and that Lucifer was able to become the master of the Earth and the Universe, but by this he violated the laws of evolution and was punished;
  • satan has many names: the devil, Heilel, Dennica, etc., he also has many faces, many nations portrayed it as an angel without wings, like an ugly creature with hooves and horns or in the image of a snake;
  • it is believed that this Seraphim had a force equal to God's omnipality, which is why the Lord did not destroy him, but only exiled from heaven.

There is a beautiful legend that the Lord Angel fell due to love for the human woman he saw from heaven and was captive by her beauty. Rezind against God due to the fact that he could not be close to her, Lucifer was hooked in the dungeon and could not look at her beloved anymore.

The Creator created Lucifer with beautiful and powerful, but the proud seraphim wished to take the place of the creator in the universe, for which he was punished. According to mythology, turning into the patron saint of the underworld, the former Angel sent all his strength to introduce people to the temptation and turn into his allies.

Origin of angel

"Carrying Light" or "Son of Morning Dawn" - the name of Lucifer is translated from Latin. Residents of ancient Rome Word Lucifer called the Planet Venus, which is visible only during the morning dawn. The Romans were confident that the morning and evening shine were two different celestial bodies, so the "Evening" Venus was called "Gesper".

Lucifer was one of the seraphims - powerful six-square creatures. The mention of it is found in the Bible, in Kabbalistic texts, theosophical works, as well as in the ancient grimuars (books in which magical rituals are described).

The luminous obsolete spirit was created by the Heavenly Lord before the Most High created the material world and people. Being an angel, Lucifer was unusually beautiful: Eternally, the young face radiated the light, the high forehead testified about the acute mind, the master's posture and the perfect physique attracted her eyes.

Some medieval theologians argued that the angels were created from star energy, which was called Lucid. In many religious texts, rejected by the Church, Lucid appeared as the mother of the heavenly rebel. Over time, the image of an inanimate "star mother" has undergone changes. In the era of the revival, bold minds tried to linger the image of the devil.

According to the interpretation of philosophers, Lucid is a heavenly mother, the embodiment of the universe. From her, the father of all things created the highest matter. Lucid can not be angry, nor good. Human qualities or ambitions are incomprehensible to her. Space mother symbolizes creative energy, progress, vitality.

According to the Christian version, the rusticist became a patron of evil, so all his positive qualities have long been lost.

The attitude of philosophers and sorcerers to the fallen angel is ambiguous. It is believed that the first rebel in the universe is not an embodiment of all the vices. The most brave researchers of religion see the opposite side of the Divine in the Gordovshchik. Philosophers often compare it with Promethem.

Causes of the uprising

Goodwill, wisdom and humility, ingenuity and courage were the main qualities of Seraphim. Other angels treated him with respect and love. The Son of God Jesus Christ at that time was the same one with his Heavenly Father and was a talented angel mentor.

The fact that Jesus Christ meant for his father more than any of the angels was originally not frustrated by Lucifer, but soon Seraphim began to indignant that heavenly father trusts Jesus to Jesus than him. The fact that all the angels were obliged to worship the Son of God as the creator himself, also did not please the "Son of Dawn." His discontent grew.

Proud Seraphim considered himself very talented not capable. Forgetting that all the advantages were given to him by the creator, Dennie began to think about the overthrow of God's authority.

He acted tricky and carefully: hiding his ambitious plans, in conversations with the angels hinted that being slaves of God, heavenly creatures do not receive due attention from the Father. Then he began to convince the angels that God's Board had many drawbacks.

Lucifer said that he was bothering him and upsets the insufficient respect for the father for the angels. Everything he completed every speech approximately as follows: "If I had the Lord of the sky, we would not have to recognize the supremacy of Jesus Christ. Our knowledge and opportunity would not have borders. We would drive the universe, I do not ask for anyone permission. "

Rise and punishment

Not all angels were the soul of the conversations of Sly Seraphim. His collections, obedient Wheel, persuaded the rebel to drag and abandon the idea of \u200b\u200bseizing power in the sky, but like-minded lucifer had both like-minded Lucifer.

Opponents of God's Board raised the rebellion. Some rebelkers destroyed the creator. The rest, in t. Their leader Lucifer, were expelled to hell, which was created specifically for the guilty angels. Later there began to get people who were sinful in life.

In the Bible there is no explanation of the reasons why Fallen Angel Lucifer remained alive. You can only guess about them, relying on the texts of the Holy Scriptures.

The main opponent of the Lord of Order sought to power. Gordiny blinded his mind and relied it from the laws of the Father. In the underworld, the former Seraphim gained endless power. He worshiped all demonic entities. When the Most High created the first people, the devil began to tempt them.

There are several versions explaining why heavenly Vladyka did not kill his recalcitrant creation:

  • The Creator counted that the guilty would shown in sins;
  • lucifer's power was very large;
  • after the Devil persuaded Eve to taste the forbidden fruit, the Most High allowed him to introduce people to the temptation. True faith underwent trials is growing. Having a choice, a person will not be able to say that he was forcibly forced to serve good.

In one way or another, all the prophets, many monks and hermits, were subjected to unionless temptations. Based on the lifestyle of the saint, the Vladyka of Hell picked up for him temptation: a person who lives in poverty was offered unmearable wealth; The hermit, who accepted the vow of celibacy, was seduced by charming women. As can be seen from the New Testament, even Jesus Christ underwent the temptations of the wicked.

The idea that the fall of an angel was planned by the creator, traced in the works of many theosophists. In the interpretation of Elena Blavatskaya, the image of the "son of the dawn" expelled in the underworld "Son" looks positive. According to the philosopher, the purpose of the fallen angel was not to increase the evil, but the dissemination of knowledge among people.

Hell Metamorphosis

In the underworld, Lucifer's life has changed radically. Besky qualities - anger, vanity, envy - came in handy to the devil. His supporters, who turned out of the angels in the demons, unconditionally recognized the authority of Lord.

Angelic appearance remained only with the memories: the roseman lost its white wings. In some descriptions, the devil is depicted with dark wings of volatile mouse.

Options for the appearance of the Lord of the Underworld:

  • human. Sometimes the tempter looks like an ordinary young man with dark hair and shrill black eyes. Some writers portrayed a deserted high sullen man with eyes of different colors;
  • monster of sea depths;
  • red features with forks having pointed ears, horns, sharp claws on the fingers and a long tail;
  • the Dragon;
  • snakes;
  • goat.

In the New Testament it is said that the Lord of Hell can take any appearance.

Devil family

In the Bible there is no mention of the wife of the lord of the Underworld. But in the Old Testament Jewish legends, it says a lot about the woman Lilith, which turned into a demon and became the wife of the fallen seraphim.

Apocryphic sources that appeared long before the emergence of Christianity, they narrow: Lilith, and not Eve, was the first woman in the Garden of the Garden. Heavenly Vladyka created Lilith and her spouse Adam from clay, but freedom-loving temple did not allow the first lady to enjoy family happiness. Lilith was eager to be equal to her husband in everything, including in bed.

According to legends, Lilith dared to argue with his father. The main cause of the quarrel became that Adam did not agree to occupy the lower position during the marital affection. The creator was distinguished by the behavior of the racing, and Lilith left the paradise. She became a demonic creature.

Lilith is depicted as the embodiment of lust and chaos. It is not surprising that the former Angel made this woman his wife. From Lucifer and Lilith, demons and demons were born - creatures that did not have an angelic past and were born in the underworld.

According to legends, Satan had three sons.

  1. Demon milk. In some Semitic tribes, human sacrifices were brought to this formal.
  2. Demon Asmodein. He can push a person to married treason and to participate in sexual orgies.
  3. Belfegor. A demonic creature that introduces people in temptation to wealth.

According to many theologians, the devil has earthly children. The kid of the tempter is every shortfold sinner, who does not want to fight with his vices.

Sons of Satan in the people are called bloody tyrants and oaths. The expression "the damns of the Son" is used in relation to an arid person who can destroy anyone for the sake of profit.


Light meaning of Lucifer - "Carrying Light" - is associated with the initial majestic mission. Once Lucifer was one of the powerful Lord of Angels, but rebelled against the Heavenly Father. In the punishment, the Lord deprived of his former pet angel essence and threw him into hell.

Lucifer is one of the most famous and mysterious characters in religion. Some of him were reclaimed, considering the hero and the carrier of the world, others - the embodiment of evil. He, like the rest of the angels, was created by God. Some sources mention Lucifer's mother - Lucid.

However, she did not have a physical appearance and was the image of the universe, Building energy.

Lucifer in the new and old covenant

In the Old Testament there is not a single mention of Lucifer. Here you can see him in the appearance of the snake, designed to seduce Eve Apple in the Garden of the Garden. It also appears in other episodes, where there is a different assignment of the Lord.

In the New Testament, the first mention of Lucifer is found in Book Isaiah.. Lucifer's name is the derivative of two words "light" or "sun" and "carrier". He was also called the "morning star" and often associated with Venus, which appeared in the sky at sunrise and sunset.

Lucifer in accordance with biblical teaching not considered an evil angel, but he was tormented by the inner pride. He did not want to obey the will of God and fulfill his orders. With the advent of a person, Lucifer dissatisfaction only increased. God ordered all the angels to bow before her creation and love him like himself.

Angel dismissed his father, for which, together with followers, he was overthrown from heaven. Lucifer lost his name and was nasana, and fallen angels - demons. They were forever doomed to stay in the dungeon, which was specifically created for them.

archangel Michael I cooked Lucifer in the shackles until God comes up with him to redeem his sins.

Legends about Lucifer

Lucifer is a fairly popular figure, which is devoted to more than the number of films, legends, books and other works of art.

Among the most mentioned facts, you can Select the following:

  1. Lucifer has a wife, which is called Lilith. She is a demon, but in the Bible, her name is not mentioned. In the Jewish legends and the Old Testament there are several stories with her participation. Lilith is considered to be the first wife of Adam, but she, like Lucifer, refused to obey and considered himself an equal husband. It was not liked by God and he exiled her to hell.
  2. According to some legends, no gentleman existed. Lucifer was destined to become the ruler of the Universe, but he dismissed the laws of the universe, for which he was punished.
  3. Satan is mentioned under different names - Haleel, Devil, Dennica, etc. In each people, he had his own face - snake, a creature with horns and hooves, an angel deprived of the wings.
  4. Lucifer in force did not inferdate God, so he could not destroy him, but only expelled from the kingdom of heaven.
  5. In addition to God, the strength with Lucifer can be compared Archangel Mikhail. It was he that he was entrusted to overthrow the rebel from heaven and challenged into the shackles. There are many works of art on which Mikhail is pushing the Snake, personifying Lucifer.

good and evil

Among the theologians there is an opinionthat the fall of Lucifer and the emergence of the dark world was planned to balance the universe and enable the subsequent development of the human soul.

After the millennium after imprisonment, the Lucifer was instructed to engage in taking into account human limits. Fallen Angel In conscientiously fulfilled its obligations, but there was little entrusted to him. Granted a new protest.

The number of people on Earth increased at times. Some of them were righteous, others sinned. Regardless of which life was in a person, everyone fell into paradise, albeit on different conditions. God decided that it was unfair, and sent death trials more seriously.

The righteous and immaculate souls went to eternal bliss, and the fallen were forced to experience eternal flour And punishment for misconduct.

Ensure in the rights of all people was intended for temptations. Born righteous could be seduced and get into hell, and vicious - deserve forgiveness and vice versa. The seduction of the soul was entrusted to Lucifer, who gladly took up such a job.

Lucifer image as an object of worship

The image of Lucifer is a symbiosis of all negative human qualities:

  • betrayal;
  • false;
  • pride, etc.

Some people believe that these are fundamental qualities, and respectableness was imposed by humanity, which actually should pay attention exclusively for its own interests.

Lucifer was adopted as generalized image of evilwho worships many sects. The main symbol of Satan is a seal that represents a pentagram with placed in the center of a goat.

Every ray star n corresponding to the word "Leviafan" (one of the names of Satan). This symbol appeared only in the 60s of the last century. Prior to that, only demonic symbols were used to designate evil forces.

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