What are the types of stairs. Types of stairs to the second floor, their designs and manufacturing materials

Garden technique 03.03.2020
Garden technique

The stairs serve to provide communication between pools located at different levels (floors), as well as for emergency evacuation from buildings of people, property, equipment and facilitating the work of fire teams.

Also, all stairs must meet certain regulatory requirements, among which the most significant are the following:

The width of the staircase march for the main stairs should not be less than 0.8-1.0 meters;

The stairs should be well covered, especially the first and last steps;

All stairs with more than three steps should be equipped with durable and reliable rails whose height should be at least 90 cm;

The height of the steps (riser) should not be greater than 20 cm, and the width of the stage (sticking) should not be less than 25-30 cm;

The slope of the stairs should not exceed 38 ° for residential premises. For single-quality houses, a slope is allowed to 45 °. Attic stairs, the angle of inclination may be within 63 ° -74 °. The slope of one staircase march over the entire length should be permanent;

The distance between the staircase march and the wall "or between the ladder and the wall should not exceed 5-6 cm;

When building buildings with two and more floors, the main stairs connecting the floors should have one common span, which is directly related to the ladder leading to the attic;

In buildings where there are more than 2 floors, the stairs must be made of non-combustible materials.

The main types of stairs consist of marches and sites.

March- This is an inclined part of the staircase, which is lifted or descending to certain levels of the building or facilities. Separate structural elements between marches are the staircases located horizontally at the beginning or at the end of the march and employees to enter the march and exit from it. The staircases located in the floor level are called floors, and located between the floors - intermediate, or intermediates.

Staircases. The actual staircase with adjacent fencing or carrier walls is arranged usually in multi-storey buildings, where they serve not only for lifting on floors or levels, but also for the safe evacuation of people in the event of a fire or other critical situations. In individual residential buildings, there is also a device of stairwells, but usually for reasons of convenience and saving stairs in such houses are built within the residential premises.

Intermediate staircases are necessary for the convenience of walking on the stairs with a large number of steps (more than 15-18) and especially - for the convenience of walking on turning stairs, in which intermediate sites are arranged in places of rotation.

The staircase assembled consists of steps and supporting their inclined beams. Boxes supporting steps only from below are called kosomi, and supporting steps at the same time from the bottom and from the ends - assensus. If the steps are based on three Kouryra, then the average of them is called intermediate.

In the general form of the ladder can be classified as follows:

On functionality - houses, landscape and special;

For the purpose - intermediate, entrance, workers, passing;

On relative position - internal and external;

According to the method of functioning - stationary, transformable and portable;

According to the design - with risers, without risers, with assets or on cosoms, screw (with a central or without or without cosoms), with steps of console, suspended, retractable, running, etc.; - on the material of the supporting structures - wooden, steel, stone, reinforced concrete, concrete, combined;

In form - direct, including single-hour and multi-hour; broken (with a turn of marches), including swing and with overtook steps; single-hour stairs with a rotation of 180 ° or with one or two turns at 90 °; curvilinear, consisting of smaller steps alone; Screws with an average line of outlines in the form of a circle and a round span; Screw with a central pillar that carries the entire load; Two-day curvilinear with an intermediate platform;

In difficulty - small-element and large-element, full-blooded.

a, b - two hours; - the same, with the crossing-jouching marches; M is the same, with the main environment march; d - three-page; e - four-page; Well - Screw; s - single-sighted-friendly; and, to - intravarter with overtakers

Figure 7.1. Types of stairs:

Steps are divided into ordinary and fries, adjacent to the staircases.

The horizontal plane of the steps is called projected, and the vertical is a riser. The height of steps (H) is 135-200 mm, the width (b) is at least 250 mm. Their ratio is determined by the bias of the march (H + B).

The dimensions of the steps are installed from the middle step of the person when walking horizontally (600 mm): 2H + B \u003d 570-640 mm. This condition corresponds to the standard staircases: 1: 2; 1: 1.5; 1: 1.75 and 1: 1.25. The main stairs have a bias 1: 2 at 150x300 mm steps.

The number of steps (lifts) in one march between square kami should be from 3 to 16 pieces, and in single-hour - up to 18 pieces. "

The width of the march should provide the estimated ability to evacuate people. For residential buildings, the width of Marsha is taken in Table. 4.2, but not less than 1.05 m for the main stairs.

Staircase marches and playgrounds must have a fence with handrails with a height of at least 1.2 m.

The width of the staircase in residential buildings should be taken no less width of the marches and at least 1.2 m in the entrances to the apartment and at least 1.6 m in front of the elevators. Gap between marchs 1 gmust be at least 0.1 m.

In the above-ground floors of public buildings, the bias of marches should be taken no more than 1: 2 (except the stairs of the tribune of sports facilities). The slope of the marches leading to the basement and basement, in the attic, as well as stairs in the above-terrestrial floors not intended to evacuate people, allowed to take 1: 1.5.

The width of the staircase in public buildings should be no less width of the outlet of the staircase from the most populated floor, but not less:

1.3.5 m - for buildings with the number of more than 200 people who stay in the most populated floor, as well as for the premises of clubs, cinemas h and medical institutions, regardless of Clea La Places;

1.2 m - for the rest of the buildings, as well as for places of cinemas, clubs leading to auxiliary and non-serving premises that are not related to the spectators and visitors in them, and for the premises of therapeutic institutions that are not intended for staying or planting patients;

0.9 m - for all rooms with the number of up to 5 people at the same time.

The intermediate platform in the straight march of the staircase should be a width of at least 1 m. The width of the stairs should not be taken less than the march width.

The width of the march of the ladder of industrial buildings should be taken to make no less calculated width of the evacuation exit (door) from the floor with the widest door in the prestive cell, but not less than 1 m.

In order to determine the size of stairs and staircase cells, it is necessary to know the height of the floor, choose the ladder scheme (two-hours and three-page), its bias and one-dimensions of steps.

In low-rise construction, basic and intravarter holidays are usually performed from wood. Wooden stairs Call-Rail on the growths and cosos. Teventives may be mortise (sticking and risers are inserted in the cutting of a depth of 15-25 mm) and with sibodans, which are based on a simple-pi and ride the risers. When the ladder device on the cosoms, the adaptions are put on cutouts in the row-round, releasing them for the outer edge of the cowrome by 20-50 mm for a ray of appearance. The fence is also performed by wooden.

Figure 7.3 - Wooden Stairs Designs

In intravartic ladders allowed to apply running stepsand screw stairs. According to fire standards, such ladders cannot serve as evacuation and poeto-mu do not apply as OS-new. When prescribing the sizes of wedge-shaped run-down steps and steps of screw stairs, their ras-even quantities are accepted by sedine march. Screw staircases can be made of wood, metal, precast and monolithic reinforced concrete. Stages are based on the walls and on the central support pole.

Stairs made of small-sized elements.

Consist of separate prefabricated steps (Figure 7.2) stacked on the cement mortar along the builders. Kosomers are set in special sockets of sub-versed area beams. Prefabricated platforms are based on the same beams. The beams themselves are based on the longitudinal walls of the staircase. Steps post-fell from the plant with an office top. When there are no t-vias of stair cells (usually during the reconstruction of the building), there are ladders on ME-Tallic Kosomers. In this case, the boosters are plastered on the grid to give them the required limit of fire resistance.

1 - wall of the staircase; 2 - the bottom of the friezed stage; 3 - ordinary stage; 4 - fence rack; 5 - Top frosing stu-stump; 6 - mortgage detail; 7 - Metal Kosur; 8 - metal platform beam; 9 - platform reinforced concrete plate; 10 - platform reinforced concrete beam; 11- Concrete Cosur butand 6 - on metal and precast-ton-ton boosters; in- types of steps for different slopes;

Figure 7.4 - Small block stairs:

The ladders from large-sized elements are solved in two constructive versions: a staircase from the prefabricated marches and platforms (Figure 7.5) and a march staircase with two semi-clocks (Figure 7.6).

but g. d -with T-shaped march; e.

but- with an inquisitive march; b. B - with P-shaped marches; g.- the same, with overhead issues; d -with T-shaped march; e.- the size of the risk for different heights of the floors

Figure 7.5 - Large stairs from prefabricated marches and playgrounds:

Figure 7.6 - Large stairs made of marches with semi-clocks:

but -plan of stairs in a frame building; b.- types of stair marches for different heights of the floors; in- Va-Riant Remaining a staircase march in a large-pointed frameless building; 1 - brick walls of the estuary cell; 2. - Wall panel; 3 - Rigel with one shelf (PO stamps); 4 - the same, with two (mar-ki RD); 5 - half-clock stair march; 6 - Concrete deputy insulating

In a two-level apartment or two-hundredth house, the staircase is one of the main elements.

Private houses from two or more floors, as well as multi-level apartments have long ceased to be considered luxury. Today, many real estate owners appreciate the convenience and comfort. Traditionally, the ladder structures of different types are used to organize transitions between floors. Stairs for home are mounted in accordance with the developed projects and drawings. Their development must be performed on the construction stage of the house. Such a work order guarantees compliance with all the necessary rules, rules and standards, and also allows you to build a comfortable and safe staircase in the house. Installation of the stairs in a multi-level apartment carries out the developer. Such structures are rather a rough version.

How to choose the appropriate type of stairs

Deciding on the construction of the stairs in a private house or apartment, it is necessary to take into account the features and specifics of different types of structures. The choice of stairs is the responsible thing, because the result will remain for the years. Therefore, you should take care of the functionality and aesthetic attractiveness of such an important element.

The staircase must harmoniously fit into the interior, without clinging to the room.

Many factors affect the choice of the type of stairs:

  • Location and destination (basic or auxiliary for periodic use).
  • The total area of \u200b\u200bthe room.
  • The space that can be allocated for the installation of the structure.
  • Features of the location of walls, windows, protrusions, niches, columns and other architectural elements.
  • Ownership preferences regarding the overall interior stylist.
  • Required level of safety and comfort.

An example of a literate location of the staircase in a two-level apartment.

The last item is of great importance for families in which there are children and older people. Some types of stairs can be somewhat uncomfortable for them due to the lack of fences, a steep angle of inclination, narrow steps or for other reasons.

If the security question is really important for you, a similar design is not for you.

Main types of stairs

Among the most common staircases located within the house or apartment, the following types can be distinguished:

  • Marsemen straight.
  • Rotary with platforms or running steps.
  • Screw.

In some cases, a staircase is established, which all steps are fattened.

Each of these types of staircases can be made of wood, metal, concrete, stone, plastic or combination of several materials. Modern manufacturers offer a large number of options for the manufacture and installation of stairs in homes. Some of them can only be made by individually ordered, and the installation is performed by specialists. Others are a typical design that can be collected in place and install themselves. Ladders for home or apartments can be made with their own hands. To develop a project, the proper manufacture of all elements of the design and high-quality installation of installation work, the master must familiarize himself with the basic requirements for the construction of stair structures.

Marsey stairs

Movies are considered the most simple, convenient and practical stairs for the apartment and for private houses. Their feature in the presence of a direct oblique area with steps (march) . Like other types of stairs, indoors in indoors take into account the anatomical features and mechanics of the movements of the human body. Safe and comfortable movement of people is regulated by the standards of SNiP. They concern the angle of inclination of home stairs, heights and strength of fences, march lengths, as well as other parameters.

Plus, the march structures are that even such, it would seem, a complex staircase can be built on its own.

The maximum number of steps in one march is determined by the standards: not more than 18. With more steps, the lifting of the stairs can become too tedious.

The disadvantages of march structures include their massiveness and bulky. They are placed on a fairly large area. Therefore, their installation is impossible inside houses and apartments with limited space. The decision becomes a rotary staircase.

If the distance between the floors is significant, then the straight staircase can take the entire wall in the room.

Rotary staircases

The internal staircase, marches of which are located at an angle to each other, is called a swivel. Based on the angle of rotation of the marching structure, the quarter-speed (90 degrees) and semi-turn (180 degrees) are distinguished. As a rule, home stairs consist of two or three straight marches. If the area of \u200b\u200bthe room does not allow you to place one large span, then it is broken by two march and separated by the platform between them. The width of the site should correspond to the width of the march, and the length should be proportioned in the step of an adult.

Important! Dimensions of the site must be counted taking into account possible movement along the ladder of large items.

The rotary type of home stairs is usually located near the walls of the room. Such an accommodation saves square meters, as well as use the space under the stairs. Depending on the needs of the owners, in this place there can be a storeroom for economic needs or a recreation area with armchairs and a sofa. Under the power of many, so this is a great option to create with your own hands.

P-shaped stairs can also be installed in peculiar niches, like a staircase.

Starts in turning stairs

The park is necessary to reduce the number of steps in each direct portion of the staircase and for the rotation of the staircase. In some modifications of rotary stairs, the platform is replaced by running steps. Their specifics are that the inner edge of such steps is significantly external. Requirements SNiP and GOST determine the depth of the internal and external side of the sticking at the level of 10 cm and 40 cm, respectively. Otherwise, running steps will be too narrow for the stable position of the foot. It should be borne in mind that such a structure of stairs may not be very convenient for the movement of people with limited mobility.

The ladder with running steps looks rather elegant.

Screw or spiral stairs

Screw staircases should be attributed to the most interesting and attractive types of stairs. Their steps are located along the ascending spiral around the central support pillar. This type allows you to save the living area to the maximum. In some cases, such a staircase in the house has enough two square meters. You can accommodate this design almost anywhere in the room, but it is often tolerated into the angle. Screw type is a universal version of the staircase for the apartment. However, experts recommend carefully to study the peculiarities of operation and the specifics of this type. The disadvantages of the structure include a small width of the inner opening (on average, the radius of the structure is about 100 cm) and the shape of the steps. The steps of the screw stairs in the house have a characteristic structure. Their asymmetric form involves the presence of a narrow and wide edge (the minimum depth of 10 cm and 40 cm). The increase in the useful area of \u200b\u200bthe steps is possible by eliminating the riser (vertical element) or addition to the horizontal plane of the hanging protrusion of 2-3 cm wide.

Although in a millionaire mansion you can meet and do not completely compact "instances".

Methods for fastening stairs

Stairs for an apartment or for a private house can have one of several fixation options for steps:

Important! The visible fragility of the design is deceptive. The framework of the Barca stairs is able to withstand to one and a half tons.

This is perhaps the most spectacular way of fixing steps.

Selection of material for making stairs

The following materials are used to produce stair structures:

  • Wood.
  • Metal.
  • Glass.
  • A rock.
  • Concrete.

The principle of combining different materials was widespread to achieve the high functionality and attractiveness of stairs and their fences.

In this design, metal, concrete, wood and glass are combined.

Wooden designs

Wooden structures - recognized classic style. Their presence in the interior gives him respectability and nobility. In addition to ecological purity, the material has an affordable price range. Wooden staircases can be fully or partially made independently, which is the main argument for lovers to work with their hands. In addition to its main purpose (safety and comfort when moving on the stairs), balasins of wooden structures often play the role of decorative elements. For their manufacture, various thread techniques use, give them various shades with the help of paints and varnishes.

True, such beauty will cost you a lot of money.

Metal constructions

Metal, as the strongest of all possible materials, is very widely used in the production of stair structures and their individual elements. Metal structures can be a classic model with forged railing or have a more modern minimalistic look.

Minimalistic and very original designs are obtained from bent metal.

Extremely practical for staircase fences is stainless steel. This technology allows manufacturers to develop new improved and relatively inexpensive models that occupy their place in the interiors of various stylistic directions. Metal stairs have numerous advantages compared to other species. In particular, these are strength, wear resistance and durability.

Construction from other materials

Glass is increasingly used to create stair structures and their individual elements. Of the durable hardened or multilayer glass, not only fences are made, but also the steps themselves. Due to transparency, glass gives the design lightness and elegance.

There are also fully glass constructions, where only the fastening elements are made of metal.

Stone and marble structures can afford only owners of truly spacious rooms. As a rule, such elements are appropriate in the interiors of a classic style. The massiveness and weight do not allow using these materials for the construction of staircases in the apartments of multi-storey houses.

The staircase made of natural stone should be big and luxurious.

Elements of plastic or PVC are also in demand. This is largely due to their ease, low price and attractive appearance. Plastic balasins and badges can accurately imitate wooden surfaces, including wood pattern and color. PVC strength and wear resistance allows to build stair fences that meet all standards and standards.

Usually PVC is used to create beautiful curved handrails.

Safety of stair designs

According to the requirements that GOST and SNiP are regulated, the construction of stairs in homes should be carried out in compliance with specific parameters. Development of rules governing their design and installation is designed to guarantee the safety and comfort of residents of apartments and private houses. A staircase containing more than three steps must have enclosing structures. The placement of the railing can be both on the one hand and on both sides. It all depends on the width of the span. The fencing in the center is needed if the width of the stairs in the house exceeds 2.5 m. At the same time, the height of the enclosing structures should not be below 90 cm, for children - 110 cm. Single attention is paid to the distance between two adjacent bales of fences. In the house where there are children, they should be placed no further than 15 cm from each other. Also, for security purposes, filling the fencing should consist exclusively from vertical or inclined elements. By horizontal supports, children can climb on the railing and fall down.

Ladder fence in the children's institution.

To increase the level of comfort of stairs in the house, experts recommend to equip them with local light sources (directly in the area of \u200b\u200bsteps) and handrails along the wall (in the case of placing the railings only on the one hand). Properly designed and installed staircases become a guarantee of security and provide a comfort to any home. A few more beautiful stairs

Very often country houses have several floors. In such cases, the staircase is simply necessary. The optimal option is the staircase blank before starting construction, to subsequently perform the openings between the floors, based on its size and configuration. However, there is an even simpler and practical option - order a staircase, pushing out of the size that builders use to build your country house.

In addition to functionality, the staircase has aesthetic meaning, giving the interior of the house the completion, attractiveness, special style. Stairs for private houses are divided into species on various criteria: according to the design, by appointment, by functionality, on position and so on.

The main components of the stairs

  • Stages. They consist of a horizontal surface, called projection, and the riser, a vertical element, which is an additional support for sticking.
  • Taitives. So called beams, which simultaneously support the staircase from the ends and below.
  • Kosouras. These are beams that support the steps below. The number of cosomes can be different, it depends on the design of the stairs.
  • Supporting elements. Such components are racks and hospitals. The rack is the main carrier part in the screw staircase. Hosts are special bolts mounted in the wall that are attached to the staircase.
  • Railing. The railing, as well as other fences, are an important detail, although often, at the request of the owner, they are not installed. Fencing elements can also be performed in the form of racks, rods, handrails. If you decide to install the railing, the ladder can give a special attractiveness of the staircase. These vertical elements are not only functional, but also give aesthetic and beauty. Balyasits can be made from different materials, the choice of which entirely depends on the style of the stairs and the surrounding interior. It can be bronze, brass, cast iron, marble, tree.

Stairs for private houses are three main types: marching, screw (spiral) and structures at the bolsters.

Marsey stairs

Collected meetings and beams, which are a continuous row, are a stair march. The number of marches, as well as the presence of staircase depends on the height of the inter-storey space and the desired stairs design as a whole. According to the design, they are divided into single-hour, two-hours and multi-hour. The marching staircase is the most common option for a private house. Thanks to the accounting of biomechanics of movements, the descent and lift on such a staircase do not present problems. Such a staircase is optimally suitable for premises with sufficient area.

Size of marching staircase. To understand whether it seems possible to install such a staircase in the hallway, as well as in a particular room, the dimensions of the stairs should be calculated by measuring them with the size of the space. This is done as follows: First of all, the height of the wall is measured, which will have a staircase, and the length of the floor. After that, a triangle with a straight angle is depicted, where the wall and gender are categories, and the staircase is hypotenuse. The angle under which the staircase will be located in relation to the floor, ideally should be 45 degrees. The width of the staircase depends on the features of the room and the wishes of the owner.

Nuances about stairs marches

  • When the route of the march staircase is recommended to make marches no more than 10 steps for lighter lifting.
  • If the required number of steps, for example, is 20, then the best output will be made two march ten steps in each, placing an intermediate platform between them.
  • The width of the site is usually equal to the width of the staircase march, and the length should be multiple step.
  • Such an arrangement of the stairs will give it additional safety, which is extremely important if there are older people or young children in the house.

Types of marching ladders

The choice of the type of marching ladder on the layout depends on the area of \u200b\u200bresidential premises (rooms or hallway), height between floors and, of course, from individual preferences. There are two main types: straight and rotary stationary stairs.

Direct staircaseAs it is clear from the title, it is a single staircase, which connects two floors. This option is the most popular and easiest view of the staircase for a private house. The main characteristics of such stairs are convenience and strength.

Rotary staircase It consists of two or more marches and is equipped with an intermediate platform. Even having the same height of steps as the direct staircase, the swivel design takes a much less place. Most often, such ladders for saving area of \u200b\u200bthe room are installed along the walls, and the space under them is trying to use the storage room, niches, utility rooms, or just decorative cabinets and shelves.

Rotary stairs are divided into several types:

  1. M-shaped staircase. It is called another quarter-time. Such a staircase connects two ladder march at right angles (90 0);
  2. P-shaped. This semoretum staircase is a two staircase march connected by the site. Such a platform may be called a floor, if it is located at the floor level, or intermediate, if located between the floors. Marches are connected at an angle of 180 0.
  3. 3-section. This is a sedent staircase consisting of three marches, which are located to each other at an angle of 90 0.
  4. Trapezoidal. Such a staircase is distinguished by the fact that the corners under which staircase marches are interconnected, differ from the direct. Trapezoid ladders are often used in housing with non-standard layout.
  5. Rounded. Such a staircase is also called a circular or curvilinear. Thanks to its unusual design, it looks great in any interior. In circular stairs, the turnover angle is 360 0.
  6. Combined. Such stairs combine various elements of two or more types. For example, from the first floor on the second staircase, there may be a semicircular elegant form, and the second floor with the third to connect in the P-shaped form.

The choice of the most suitable version of the staircase should depend not only on the personal preferences of the owner of the private house, but also the dwelling design. Do not neglect the advice of specialists.

Different designs of marching stairs

  • Closed and open stairs. The march stairs are closed when they have steps with risers. Without risers, they are open-type designs.
  • Construction with Kosoera. Kosooge beam has a pilot shape. The steps are stacked on top, and then the risers are installed on top. This type of stairs is best described from wood. The general style of the interior should also correspond to this material.
  • Stairs with assets. They are more popular than kosource structures. The basis of such a staircase is a string, an inclined beam, passing along the entire length of the marches. She closes the marching ends. Most often, the testers are installed on the overall stairs, the width of which can even exceed 2 meters. On the inside, the instrument is wide grooves in which the steps are mounted. The thickness of the theater should be at least 6 cm.

Screw (spiral) stairs

Screw stairs are usually installed in rooms that do not have enough area to accommodate the direct staircase. The size of the space that will subsequently take the screw staircase, can be calculated based on the size of the steps. The length of the steps on average ranges from 50 to 100 cm. Taking into account the design of the stairs, you will need space twice as much, respectively, from 100 to 200 cm. Although such a staircase is not the most convenient option, but its installation is a good solution for small rooms. .

Very often, the spiral staircases are not installed as the main, but as auxiliary structures leading to the ground floor or the attic. The shape of such stairs may be the most different: square, octagonal, round, and so on.

Installing the screw staircase. Most often, such structures are made of metal or wood. But the rack for the stairs is most often metallic. Around it are mounted steps made in the form of wedges. Their narrow side is mounted to the rack, and with a wide face they are attached to balossins, rack rail or directly to the wall. Most often in the steps of the screw staircase there are no risers.

Spiral staircase installation subtleties

  • When using such a staircase, you need to be extremely neat and attentive, based on the design features.
  • For maximum safety and convenience, the center of the stage should be at least 20-25 cm wide, and its widest part should be preferably not more than 40 cm.
  • Screw staircases are installed as auxiliary structures with a small diameter of the opening for mounting. The smaller the opening, that, accordingly, there will be a steeper staircase.

Stairs at Bolzakh

Hosts are fastening details that are pin or bolt. With such pins, the stairs and fencing stairs are attached to the wall. Or there is another option: the staircase is placed on steel rods that are support. The hospitals are attached to the wall with rubber gaskets. Such a compact and light staircase is the perfect option for small rooms. Significant savings are due to the fact that the steps are mounted exclusively to the wall. The stairs at the Bolts are currently very popular and in demand.

Subtleties of ladders at parliaments

  • These stairs, though they seem to be easy and air, are actually able to withstand the weight of about 1,500 kg. So the reliability and safety of the design is no doubt.
  • Thanks to its air construction, such a staircase does not prevent the penetration of light into the room, which visually makes it more.
  • When installing such stairs, the boosters and the tents are not used, but the railing or fence is required. Elegant fence will emphasize the weightlessness and ease of the ladder.

Selection of material for the manufacture of stairs

Stairs in private houses can be made from various materials. The main criterion affecting the choice is the strength of the material. The material from which the steps receiving the greatest load will be manufactured. Steps should not be too susceptible to mechanical effects, including abrasivity, are not too affected by the effects of temperature differences, humidity, sunlight. Easy to care for a staircase is no less important, so the steps should be resistant to the effects of household chemicals, which are used for cleaning and washing.

Material for making steps:

Wood. In order for the life of the steps to be long, it is necessary to choose solid wood. Among the trees with such wood can be called tick, walnut, ash, wenge and others. Pretty durable is the wood beech, oak and maple. However, in the manufacture of stairs from these rocks, some nuances should be remembered.

Maple inclined to the yellowing and formation of cracks.

Beech It is not suitable for rooms with high humidity, and also inclined to deformation.

Oak Being susceptible to oil, from which spots can remain on the wood.

Least for the manufacture of a wooden staircase suitable pine. She has very soft wood, it can easily give in to any mechanical impact.

Strong pine - larchwhose advantage is resistance to rotting. Wood cherryand pears Resistant to mechanical damage and has average strength characteristics.

Metal. Deciding to install a metal ladder in the house, it is worth paying attention to stainless steel. This is the most popular material that is distinguished by durability and durability. On average stainless steel staircase serves from 40 to 50 years. The main advantage of this material is the resistance to corrosion.

Chrome steel less durable. The average life is 5 years.

Painted Steel It is the least desirable option, as it is suitable for use for only about 3 years.

Brass Very quickly darkens, so stairs made of this metal, for a short time lose their appearance.

Anodized aluminum Imported corrosion, but rather soft, which makes it vulnerable to various damage.

A rock. The most popular are stairs from granite or quartzita. These breeds of natural stone have multiple advantages, major among which are the strength and long-term use, numbering several hundred years.

Marble - Pretty soft stone rock. That is why only 2-3 years old marble steps are abrasion.

Artificial stone on concrete basis - Excellent option in terms of strength and durability.

Glass. Many people have recently installed stairs with glass steps, the most suitable, for example, under the style of High Tech or Modern. Glass for steps should be hardened or laminated. However, this does not protect the steps from the inclination to damage when blowing into the end, which cause the appearance of cracks or scratches. Acrylic glass is often used, which is more durable and easy. But even it can yellow and scatter over time.

How to choose a staircase for home?

Step 1. When drawing up a country house project, it is worth contacting the specialists who will be able to advise, in what places there are staircases.

Step 2. Having studied information on the types of stairs, you should choose a design (marching, screw or in largests), most suitable for possible space, interior style and individual preferences.

Step 3. Take care that the staircase in your home is convenient. The most preferred option is the marching staircase.

Step 5. And one of the mains is a thorough choice of a company that manufactures stairs. It does not happen here, it is important to know what experience the company has, how long it exists in the market, what consumer feedback deserves.

Safety of stairs

The safety of the stairs is one of the most important criteria.

  • To achieve an optimal result, the width of the stage and height of the lift should be properly correlated, the installation and the most dangerous steps are also important - the first and last. The recommended width of the steps is 25-30 cm.
  • The steps in no case should not be slippery or inclined.
  • If there are small children in the house, then installing balusters or racks, take care that the distance between them does not exceed 15 cm.
  • When installing the staircase, you can not forget about the need for a fence, of course, if only the staircase is located between the two walls. The recommended height of the railing or handrail should be about 80-85 cm.
  • The material from which the staircase is made, in no case should be combustible. If you choose on a wooden staircase, it should be treated with a special composition.
  • The bearing ability of the stairs is also an important nuance. The stairs in residential buildings must withstand the load weighing 300 kg / m 2 steps.

The safety of the staircase is also directly dependent on the installation. First of all, it is important to remember the obligation to observe all the necessary norms. Railing stairs should be extremely durable, fasteners - do not cause any doubt.

The length of the stairs must necessarily correspond to the height of the floor. The angle of lifting the stairs ideally should not exceed 45 degrees. The width of the staircase marches should be at least 80 cm and no more than 120 cm.

When making installation, in no case cannot be neglected with the necessary standards in the construction of structures. In no case should not make a choice in favor of decorative elements, however, to the detriment of the necessary requirements.

Installation of stairs

Before installing, it is necessary to determine the location where the staircase will be located. If you have already chosen the type and configuration of the staircase, the material from which it will be made, height, width and design design, then you can safely contact the manufacturer.

After the completion of construction outer and internal works, the ladder is embarked. The size of the openings are taken into account, supports are thought out, the location of the beams is calculated.

All security measures must be complied with. Also thoroughly thought out ways to strengthen the staircase. After all the nuances are thought out, you can proceed directly to the installation. To achieve an optimal result, it is best to turn to experienced and qualified specialists.

There is a huge number of options for stairs in country houses. Not only the attractiveness of the room, but also the safety of residents depends on their competent design.

Below in detail are varieties of modern stairs, their standards and rules for compiling an individual project.

Features and safety requirements

Stairs for a private house can be marching, screw or combined. Design options are chosen based on the features of the planning of the rooms, the total area of \u200b\u200bthe apartment and the ceiling height in the cottage.

Before installing, it is necessary to familiarize yourself with the design features of each type:

  1. Marshagian staircase. The design is characterized by simplicity of installation and long service life. The staircase consists of several marches. March - a fragment of a rectangular shape, with steps attached to it. The number of steps in each fragment should not be more than twenty.
  2. Spiral staircase. The design includes a rod-support, to which steps are attached over the helix. Modern options in the width do not exceed one meter. Such a constructive allows you to place a screw staircase in small rooms.
  3. Combined staircase. The construction combines both listed options. The design is elevated by unique design.

Before purchasing one or another option, it is necessary to familiarize themselves with the requirements for dimensions prescribed in regulatory documents of the Russian Federation.

Depth, march width and height of steps is selected based on the features of the room layout. In the first stages of compiling an individual drawing, it is necessary to take into account the height between the floor and the ceiling of the first floor. It is important to fix the placement of walls and doorways on the plan.. The peculiarity of the planning of the room and its area also play a leading role in the selection of the model.

The height between the stairs of the stairs should be the same throughout the length of the design.. Changing this indicator may adversely affect comfort during descents and lines. The dimensions of the staircase must be similar to the width of the stage. The length of each fragment should not vary from one and a half to those meters.

The size of each individual part depends on the total number of steps. The length of the span also dictates the width of the object. The linear size of the structure is determined by its bandwidth. For each person, the width of the staircase should reach 0.7 meters.

Comfortable lifting and descent on the stairs depends on the height of the stage. This indicator should fall into a period of 12 to 20 centimeters. The depth of the step on average should reach 28-30 centimeters.

Each indicator requires an individual calculation based on the size of the room. Pre-measured inner walls, doorways. The number of residents of the house and the frequency of use of this staircase is taken into account. The design dimensions largely defines the functional zone in which the system will be installed.

The angle of inclination of each stage should ensure the unimpeded movement of a person. The final value of the angle is determined from the ratio of the height of the march and the width of the stage.

The dimensions of the staircase decrease with increasing slope. Such a design may occupy much less space than similar in constructive, but with a smaller angle of inclination. The slope is more than forty degrees can turn the staircase in the test for some family members.. The angle of inclination less than twenty-three degrees allows replacing the steps of the ramp.

Before installing the stairs, it is also necessary to calculate the gabarites of the railil. It is customary to determine the height of the handrail over the level of the stage, its length and width. Calculate and fix the number of support racks. Recommended railing width - 100 millimeters. This size is optimal for the use of an adult tenant.

Comfortable height of the handrail - 900 millimeters. The height of the bassine in this case reaches 800 millimeters. It is important to first become familiar with the ways of fastening the handrail. If the bales are installed in special grooves, the project height of the railings should be increased. To the project value of the altitude of the balaasine, you must add a groove depth.

The height of the support rack depends on the method of its installation. The length of the design installed on the sticky corresponds to the dimensions of the baluster. Railing must fully cover the length of the staircase march. Some wizards choose the handrails somewhat exceeding the sizes of the spans. The crossbars can be any complex configuration - to create a complex designer device.

Types and basic design elements

The main types of stairs for private houses were previously listed. The most popular option for today is the route model. The steps of this object are located exactly and combined into straight marches. Long spans require a large area indoor. The main advantage of the marching staircase is the ease of descent and lifting on it.

Each ladder march has no more than fifteen steps. The minimum value for one span is 3. The standard staircase has 8-11 steps between which the platforms are mounted. Its dimensions are multiple the middle step. Failure to comply with these standards leads to a breakdown of comfort when using a staircase.

Marching systems are open and closed. In the staircase of the second type of stage are installed on the risers. If there is a place for location of the stairs, the wizards advise to use an open option. Details are fixed on crouches and asserts. Mounting elements are made of boards with a thickness of 45 to 70 millimeters.

The staircase is more than 9 steps to split the platform. This will ensure the design required.

If one span is shifted relative to the second, forming a turn, then the masters are called the design of the rotary. Instead of the site, at the place of rotation you can arrange steps. They are called fat.

Depending on the amount of displacements, the model is separated by four-stroke, semi-turn and circular. The angle of rotation of the first type - 90 degrees. Such unusual options are arranged on the border of two perpendicular to each other walls. Semi-coordinate deviate from horizontal 180 degrees. Circular stairs are the most original among the listed options. The marches of such a system are successively rotated by 360 degrees. The semicircular staircase requires less space compared to a four-stroke analogue.

Stairs at the Bolts - original options for a bold designer solution. Translated from the German Bolzen means bolt. Each step of such a design is fixed by a long threaded pin at the ends. The bolt connects the step and fencing, attaching them to the wall. The design at the parodes looks lightweight. It can be released from the risers. Such mount allows you to stretch the staircase on one site and squeeze on the other. The system looks fragile, but is distinguished by reliability and durability. The hospitals are withstanding several hundred kilograms. Every year, such designs are becoming more and more popular.

The staircase at the parodes is not customary to count on their own. It is much easier and more profitable to acquire ready-made kits. When installing it is important to understand that all the load falls on the wall. The base material must be durable.. Fastening the stairs is difficult to implement yourself - it is better to seek help to professionals. Before buying, it is necessary to assess the capabilities of the bearing walls.

A spiral staircase takes less space than any other model. This option is perfect for installation in small rooms. The model can be both high and low. Due to its unusual form, it can be made by the center of the composition. This design should not be attached to the wall, Therefore, it can be located at any point of the room.

Standard circuit of the screw staircase - a rack with wedge-shaped steps. The rack performs a carrying function, so it is made of metal or durable wood species. Its foundation is fixed on the floor of the first floor, and also fix in inter-storey overlap. On the narrow side to the brackets attach steps. On the steps along a wide part install pillars and railing. The shape of the railing repeats the contour of the span.

The minus of such a model is the complexity of the lifting, descent and movement of the cargo along the steps. Too massive piece of furniture, the ladder will be difficult for such a staircase. The opening of inter-storey overlap for such a system should be greater.

Reducing the opening leads to a narrowing of the stairs and an increase in its steepness. The angle of rotation of this design is inversely proportional to the comfort of moving along it.

The screw staircase is easy to design themselves. To do this, you need to measure the plot in the room where the staircase will be located. The center of the opening is the place of installation of the rack. Next, it is measured from the rack to the far edge of future steps. The obtained envelope is the width of the staircase. It is equal to the length of the stage. The middle of the stage should be at least 200 millimeters, and its broadening part can vary from 400 to 420 millimeters.

A similar design can be assembled independently. The ability to work with a tree and knowledge of the load calculation algorithm. In the absence of these skills, work should trust the masters. Errors in the calculations and technology of installation may result in serious consequences.

Popular Materials

The stairs for the country house are made of wood, metal and reinforced concrete. Materials must withstand a load of 150 kg. Some stairs must withstand an increased load of 250 kilograms.

The most affordable material on the modern market - wood. This material is perfect for wanting to assemble the stairs with their own hands. The tree is easy to work, so there are most often performed by beautiful unique designs. The lowest price has coniferous wood. But such a material over time gives a shrinkage: the steps begin to stagger, and the coating creaking.

The advantage of stairs from wood - it is practically not associated with the walls. This allows you to repair and dismantle the design without interference in the design of the room. In this case, there is no need to arrange overhaul.

High density hardwood products can be served from 100 to 300 years. Such wood is thoroughly dried and processed from pests, which significantly increases the price of the material. The cost of long deciduous sawn timber is several times higher than those of coniferous wood.

Determined wood is susceptible to fungus. With independent manufacture of such a material, it must be soaked with pests.

Masters advise to choose stairs from coniferous trees in some cases:

  1. Staircase in the attic. The advantage is worth paying folding and retractable designs. The climatic conditions of the attic increase the service life of coniferous wood. Such stairs can serve until 100 years.
  2. Ladder in attic or on one-hour floor. The reduced temperatures of these premises increase the operational timeline.
  3. Andresol. This design can be treated with polymers emulsion. Subsequent painting or lacquer coating will protect wood from drying. The stairs on the mezzanine are produced by small-sized, so it is not very difficult to change them in case of destruction.

Modern design technologies allow printing templates of a future wooden design. The creation of such patterns does not take much time. The configuration and form of parts can be quite unusual. The project can be taken ready or develop your own. The price of such solutions is available. Such programs help save time and design the optimal option for small rooms.

It is important to understand that design requirements in the program - averaged SNiP or DIN. The program to create a design uses the same parameters for all projects.

When creating your own project, specialists are recommended to make a test calculation under the direction of the specialist.

The advantages of wooden structures include the following:

  • Plastic. Thanks to this quality of wood, any decorative part can be cut out of the material. Wood products are distinguished by multifunctionality and complexity of the design.
  • Small weight. Designs from wood are easy to install and do not require complex fasteners.
  • Ecology. Wooden stairs are suitable for connoisseurs of natural materials.

Another common material for the manufacture of stairs is metal. Most often, this material is combined with others. Metal is suitable for creating a framework frame. The decorative decoration of the metal skeleton can be any: wood or polymers.

Combined Design - Steel Framework with Wooden Steps. The cost of such a 65 percent ladder is more than that of the monolithic wooden. Metal skeleton is able to withstand heavy loads over a long life. Wooden panels can be disconnected and change if necessary. The system does not require major repairs.

Monolithic metal structures are used to be rarely used. They do not have an aesthetic appearance, but it can be decorated with linoleum, rippled rubber or carpet. The steel structure is fixed on the plates of overlapping by anchor bolts.

The surface of the metal steps must be fully or partially coated with a corrugated material so that the coating is not slippery.

Concrete and reinforced concrete stairs - A distinctive feature of typical mass construction. The design is cast and brought to the object already in the finished form. The staircase is mounted simultaneously by the rest of the elements of the prefabricated design.

Two types of stairs are erected in country houses: monolithic concrete and combined with metal. In the second case, the steel framework is pre-collected, which is subsequently poured concrete. In the steps put the reinforcement. The process of building such a design is quite time consuming than the steel system.

The concrete mass for the low tide of the stairs should differ resistant to bend. The solution cannot be mixed with a manual mixer - you need to use the concrete mixer. Only such a technique will allow a short time to obtain a homogeneous composition.

The composition of concrete includes one part of cement 400 strength, two pieces of fine sand, two parts of marble crumb, 0.7 parts of water and plasticizer - 0.01 parts.

The advantage of the composition is increased plasticity and the ability to withstand a variety of finishes. Concrete does not work well on stretching, so to prevent the appearance of fatigue cracks in the coating, it is necessary to put the reinforcement.

In modern interiors you can meet glass stairs. This material is fragile, therefore is unconventional in construction. The strength coefficient of the glass design increases using Triplex technology: layered gluing glass layers. The material obtained is additionally processed by polymers, which significantly increases the strength of the product.

Additional amplification is performed when the reinforcing layer device. Stage of impact-resistant glass can have the weight of about fifteen kilograms. The cost of such a design is also not small. In addition to the cost of consumables, the check requires the cost of processing the material.

Natural Stone Materials Staircaseis usually massive. The stone is distinguished by wear resistance and high service life. Such a staircase can be arranged only in spacious apartments. Stages are made of stones. Railings, balasins and decorative elements are created from wood and metal.

To reduce the cost of such a design, elements that are not carriers are replaced with artificial materials.


Staircase is installed at the very end of repair. This object is quite large, so requires additional decoration. The staircase is an additional structural element of the room. The design of the staircase depends on the stylistic solution of the room in which the design is located. The style sets the form, appearance and design of the object.

Historic styles have not lost their relevance today. The main purpose of such a design is to create an image of a certain epoch by means of facing materials and furniture. Each historical style is inherent in traditional materials: stone, metal and wood. Simple forms are important. Among historical styles, the following interesting options can be distinguished among historical styles in the interior of the country house:

Roman style

Staircase spiral or g-shaped. The design is performed from durable wood, painted in warm shades. Traditional colors are bright. The crossbars are streamlined, mainly from the dark wood. Less often use metal. Balaasins are decorated with carvings. The staircase decorate the carpet with the corresponding ornament.


The black screw staircase of the bizarre form is the highlight of this designer direction. Materials are chosen metal, stone and natural wood. Steps are not covered. The railing is decorated with volumetric patterns of plant topics.


Classic stairs in this style - structures with a playground and large chairs from solid wood. The crossbars are decorated with a symmetric pattern.

Any renaissance staircase is made to decorate the carpet.


Baroque design designs are made only from wood. Railings and balasins are decorated manually. This style is suitable for wealthy residents.


The staircase has only one march, the running steps are mounted on both sides. The design is made of stone or wood. The classic does not need redundant decoration of Balyasin.




Modern styles differ from historical conciseness. Modern materials are widely used: steel, glass.

The device of such stairs is simple, and the cost of the design is available. Among the modern directions are the most vivid:


A staircase with a stone or concrete is decorated with a tree. Strict design form, mainly square. The railing repeat clear forms of steps, and the bales are not decorated.

High tech

The style of high technologies requires maximum saving space. The advantage is given to the modular staircase with fastening at the parodes. Railings are simple. Steps can be made of any material suitable for the interior in color scheme.


Staircase single-way simple straight shape. Steps can perform from the wall, the foundation and support are cleaned. In small stairs, the railing may be absent. In the inter-storey stairs, handrails are small crossbars.


This style creates the brightest interiors. The staircase can be cumbersome. Complicated designs, abundance of decor and bright colors are welcome. The red staircase will become a color accent indoors.

Ready solutions: pros and cons

Make a staircase for a country house in accordance with standards - a complex process requiring the stock of forces and time. Masters recommended to purchase a ready-made option.. But the choice of the competent manufacturer has its subtleties.

Before choosing a finished product, you need to explore the exhibition sample. The inspection requires the connection of the parts: there should be no trees, cracks or chips on the junction. The quality of grinding and finishing finish is checked. Visually evaluated dimensions and appearance of the product.

The object should be fitted in size, do not look at cumbersome. Style should not contradict the interior design.

Do not order the staircase from the company, in which there is no similar model in the catalogth. As a rule, each organization produces a design on a specific technological option. Companies rarely depart from the usual scheme, so the final product may differ from the expectations of buyers.

Much popularity acquired modular stairs. They represent the finished design that must be installed on their own. Thanks to the collapsible system, such a ladder can be embedded in any interior. In the process of installation, the staircase form can be changed by adjusting the facilities of the room.

The carriers of the staircase are made of durable materials: stainless or structural steel. Metal top covered with polymers. Stages are made of wood, but it is also possible to purchase Italian stone and porcelain books.

The advantage of such stairs is the simplicity of assembly. Depending on the complexity of the design, the modular stairs varies the price category. The most budget versions are a design with a fastening type "Module in the module". Convenient building design is mounted very quickly: Metal tubes modules are inserted into each other. Among the minuses in such a model, the presence of a backlash between blocks can be distinguished. Also during long-term use, the modules begin to move apart from each other, the design saves.

Modules with a threaded type of compound have a higher cost. Designs do not sane during operation, but fixing bolts can be unwound. For safety reasons, the interface of the modules must be checked regularly.

The most expensive options have a complex method of assembly. The design cannot be connected without the help of a specialist. The work of the wizard will require additional payment. The advantage of such stairs is high reliability.

In the installation process, you can independently adjust step steps. It is important to ensure that the design is not too cool.

Make a project for the finished modular staircase is very simple. To do this, you need to know the height of the room and determine the size of the step steps. For predetermined values, the required number of modules is selected. Another plus of the finished model - it does not require design when erecting a building. Convenient design can be installed at any stage of construction.

Repair of such a design is simple: the staircase at any time can be disassembled. It is important to understand that the manufacture of the modular system put forward uniform requirements. The design of such a staircase is simple and the same for each model. Design You can not additionally decorate ornament or thread.

The main plus of the modular staircase is an affordable price. Such a system saves money and time. An independent installation of the design allows you to reduce the expense of the wizard. The staircase is also small, so suitable for the device in small rooms. Modules are perfectly suitable when placing rooms in the style of minimalism and high-tech.

To order: Advantages and Disadvantages

Plus, the acquisition of the stairs to order is almost complete absence of manual labor. Saving time for the manufacture and installation of construction. All calculations and project preparation produce a master, but their work must be controlled. Buying such a staircase will be much more expensive, self-assembly and installation.

Before you choose a staircase, you must consider some points:

  • Dimensions design. It is important to realize how much the place will take the staircase. It is necessary to measure the distance from the floor to the ceiling, estimate the width of the opening.
  • Frequency of use. From how intense the staircase will use, its material depends. For the home with a permanent living family, it is better to make a choice in favor of steel and stone materials. The staircase in the summer country house can be made of wood.
  • Types of fasteners. Method of installation depends on the type of carrying structures and the model of the stairs.
  • Interior style. The design should be part of the designer idea. Before buying a staircase, you must make a color scheme of the future room with a detailed study of the elements.

When contacting the company, it is necessary to first get acquainted with its works. Company name is better to choose famous. Elite stairs, as a rule, produce eminent firms. The price of the finished product with the installation depends on the choice of the company's client.

It is important to know that with the company it is necessary to conclude a contract. This procedure is mandatory and will save both parties from incompetent work. Next, it is necessary to make a complete project of the stairs. This material is included in the contract. The main part should include a detailed drawing.. All dimensions are recorded on paper: the width of the passage, the number of steps and their dimensions.

Next, all the characteristics of the future design are prescribed. Type of stairs, design of each structural element. The color palette of the product is indicated. In some cases, you can specify the manufacturer of paintwork and individual shade marking. As saving, paint can be purchased independently and provide companies.

In the contract it is necessary to register all the timing of the work performed. Slide the start and end of construction.

During the preliminary acceptance of work, you need to check the quality of work. Surfaces should be carefully polished. It is necessary to check the dimensions of the design. Experts advise to measure a tape measure. If the product is in the manufacturer's workshop, then some inaccuracies can still be fixed.

It is important to pay attention to focus on the accuracy of the manufacture of parts. There should be no gaps between the adjacent elements. Details must be attached to special spike grooves. If the technology is broken, then all the load will act on screws. In this case, the staircase will not last long.

During preliminary control it is necessary to test the staircase for the load. The client must rise to several steps and evaluate the quality of work. Design should not creak when lifting and descent. In the event of fear of lifting to the top steps, you can ask for it to make masters.

The quality of finishing works is checked after installing the stairs in the house. During acceptance, you can only assess the constructive. In case of detection of a defect, this is necessary to inform the firm. Non-compliance should be eliminated. If the stairs need to drill additional holes, for example, for electricity, then it should be reported in the workshop. Otherwise, builders will have to drill the finished design during the installation process.

Main calculations

In the design of the ladder, three principles must be followed:

  1. The height of each stage should be the same. The error should be less than 0.5 centimeters. Height impairment can cause injury.
  2. The staircase can only be installed between the rooms with the same microclimate. Temperature mode affects the status of the structure. Uneven cooling and heat heating will cause destruction. This can negatively affect the bearing capacity of the house.
  3. After calculation it is necessary to make a drawingwith all the values \u200b\u200band details. The plan is drawn taking into account the scale. The sketch is necessary to control the production and installation work at each stage.

The total area under the staircase is calculated as the total area of \u200b\u200bthe floor under the staircase on the upper and lower floor. The height of the passage is the normalized indicator equal to 185 centimeters. Masters advise increased value to the range from 195 to 200 centimeters. The lower edge of the upper opening can be slightly crowded.

The width of the passage is taken from 1200 millimeters, if the staircase is located between the floors. This envelope for the bedroom can be taken equal to 900 millimeters. For antleesole or special stairs, the passage can be from 700 millimeters.

The distance from the stage to the handrail takes 800-900 millimeters. Nevertheless, this value can be changed depending on the growth of residents at home. If there is a child in the family, then the distance between the bassines makes no more than 100 millimeters. For adult families, the indicator can be increased to 170 mm.

Masters advise to make the lower fence of the stairs solid - it will increase safety.

In the calculation of the steps, the most responsible part is the definition of the sizes of one panel. The optimal slope of the staircase must be 32 degrees. The ratio of the height of the rise to the value of its sticking should be equal to the tilt tangent. The slope can be determined through the length of the structure. The height of the stage can vary in the range from 140 to 180 millimeters. The length of the sticking can be about 280 millimeters.

The peculiarity of the screw stairs is that the angle of divergence of steps is always less than sixty degrees. A good solution will be reduced to 20 degrees.. Radius stairs are calculated through the balance of the overall height of the lift.

There are two ways to save staircase without disturbing the design features of the system. The first is called "Russian layout". The staircase is placed in a large corridor area, turning one march relative to another 180 degrees.

The staircase can also be placed on the veranda, shifting the marches by 90 degrees. The first block of such a system is much longer in length and height. Under the site of such a staircase, you can put a bathroom or boiler room. Under the steps arrange the descent to the basement.

The second way of saving space was called "Spanish layout". Country house make semi-coating. The bedroom is located on the semi-stretcher over the built-in garage room, shifting it to the side of 1 meter. The resulting room can be divided into two. The semi-storey layout allows you to reduce the length of the stairs. In this case, the design may turn out to be single-hour.

The attic staircase does not occupy a large area. If desired, hide it, the design is fixed on the rail. This allows you to fold the design and push it for furniture items. Sliding stairs for attic received widespread - The design is extended when the door is opened in the ceiling.

Project and installation stages

Before making the installation of the stairs, you must select the place of its placement. Based on the area and dimensions of the room, the calculation is calculated and the drawing is drawn up. It is necessary to fix the dimensions of the future staircase, the number of spans, design and material manufacturing. Next, the staircase is made separately from the rest of the repair. You can install the design at the end of finishing finishing works.

The linear dimensions of the staircase and the position of the staircase are taken into account in the preparation of the general plan for repairing the premises. According to preliminary calculations, experts cut through the opening, mark the locations of the railing and beams. In advance, the strengthening of the stairs is thought out.

It is necessary to make a drawing of the stairs in accordance with the safety regulations. Be sure to apply enclosing structural elements on the plan.

The method of installing the ladder must be optimal for the selected room. Professionals advise choosing metal fasteners: the system will not creak during operation. At the distance of the staircase, it is the wall, the object is attached from above and below. After complete drying of the facing materials on the walls and the floor, you can start installing the stairs. Work is better to entrust professionals, because unstable steps can lead to serious injury.

Installation of the screw staircase is several times more complicated by the assembly of the march or the hospital design. Steps must be placed under clear angles with the same distances.. Steps can be cut out of wooden blocks. To do this, the rectangular board is locked diagonally and saw. The edges of the resulting fragment are processed by sparing them.

Stone steps cannot be made with their own hands, they are ordered in workshops. To make steps from concrete, you must prepare the form. The reinforcement is laid in it, concrete poured. The item can be obtained after the complete pouring of the composition.

To begin with, the vertical rack is installed - the main carrier element of the staircase. The element can be monolithic or typed. The second option assumes the installation of a middle tube with a diameter of about 50 millimeters, to which steel rollers alternately rolioned. Between each sleeve, it is necessary to put a rubber calcination.

In the monolithic rack it is necessary to cut holes. In these grooves, in the future stacked the steps. Fragments are rolled in turn and bred by fan. Steps combine with each other with special brackets. This approach will make the design stronger. If the staircase is adjacent to the wall, then it can be additionally fixed by the hospitals.

Marsh stairs set a little simpler screw. Do not forget that it is impossible to go from the calculations. The design features of the selected type of staircase, prescribed in the plan, allow you to adjust the work and monitor the quality of its execution.

The manufacture of the marching staircase begins with marking on the source material of the sticky and risers. The tree is cut, the edges of the fragments are processed. The surface must be smooth and smooth. Next cut the support beams. They are placed the grooves and drink them. Holes will be installed in the holes.

First install the staircase. If it is not provided in the project, the installation starts from fastening the support beams. Collection of steps begins with the installation of risers and complete the attachment of the sticking. The fasteners in this case are self-tapping screws. When fixing wooden steps on a metal frame, the role of fastening elements perform corners. They are welded to the base. The steps are fixed in the corners also with the help of self-tapping screws.

Montage of the Bathhouse Stairs is the easiest. This type of design is most beneficial, since dismantling is as simple as the installation. The walls are located on the walls of fixing the fastener. Next, drill holes in which the hospitals are placed. The installation of steps starts from the bottom. One side is joined by the wall, and the second is screwed up the Boltz.

Balaasine fasteners and installation of the handrails are carried out after fixing all the steps. This sequence of work is inherent in the system with marchs.

Finished block structures set much easier than to assemble all the elements of the stairs. But this method will be significantly more expensive.

Masters give some tips on the installation of stairs in a private house:

  • Stairs without intermediate supports look very interesting. It is important to understand that such a design requires an enhanced frame. If you do not take measures to strengthen the stairs, then in the course of operation, it is offset.
  • The easiest and most reliable option is two straight march and an intermediate platform.
  • The frame can be collected during the repair work. First, temporary steps are fixed to it. After the end of the finishing works, they are replaced by constant.
  • To increase the functionality of the staircase, the shelves can be built into it, the cabinet with drawers or niches. Through the design you can conduct lighting.
  • The optimal width of the staircase is 800 millimeters. This size is enough so that two people can rise simultaneously.

Before designing, you need to get acquainted with some interesting design solutions. The ideas of the masters will help to determine the style and construct of the future staircase.

Elegant option

The use of hospitals when erecting the stairs visually facilitates the design. The combination of wood and steel looks restrained and exquisite. Thin crossbars make the design of the air. This option is great for completing the interior in the modern style.

Simplicity and clarity of forms do not take away the staircase. She literally soars in the air. There is a backlight between the steps: the lamps of the square shape are completed, fill the room with bright colors.

Spiral staircase

This design is characterized by the complexity of the shapes and smoothness of the lines. Steps practically do not occupy places, but look unusually and boldly. The wooden staircase competently fits into the classic interior design. Despite the seemingly tightness, the design allows people to move freely.

The noble dark colors of the stairs correspond to the room furniture. Each stage is finished with carpeted floors. This not only gives an object of the highlight, but also ensures the safety of the tenants: a varnish-covered tree is very slippery, it can lead to injuries.

Classic solution

The standard staircase with two marches and the platform between them is the most convenient option. This model is characterized by elegant performance. Light sticky in combination with a dark frame looks alone and unusual. Wood is perfectly combined with light decoration of the room.

Even metal handrails look easily, do not clutter the space. The design is filled with air. The painting in the dark frame, hanging above the platform, complements the overall composition. The staircase is an emphasis in the room, but does not take it.

Built-in wardrobe

The staircase with the built-in wardrobe is an excellent solution for small-sized room. Retractable drawers help save the useful area. The first step of this staircase is a small bedside table, which can be moved if necessary.

The staircase, like the other furniture items, is made of wood. The hosts appreciate the environmental friendliness of the material, so the design was not asked. The tree retains its natural smell and texture. It is important to understand that the material is well processed from pests and humidity, in several layers are covered with varnish.

This design is suitable for homes with a low temperature - critical heating can lead to fire.

Multiplet staircase

This design consists of several marches with a slight number of steps. The average span is suspended, a small dresser is installed under it. Due to the large number of blocks, the viewer does not observe a sharp difference of heights. The staircase smooth hill rises to the second floor.

Massive handrails from dark wood look unusually on thin white bales. The color of the railings corresponds to the shade of the steps, so the design looks in one whole. The staircase looks massive, but the white color gives it ease.

Combined design

The presented design combines the screw and marching system. This decision is unusual and bright. The spiral staircase is installed on a small podium. This height difference complicates the perception of the system. Forms with soft edges and smooth lines are very harmonious.

The combination of the colors of the staircase is very pleasant. Dark brown goes into cream. The step of the podium seems to be massive, but the staircase append on the spiral part of the stairs. Balaasins of an unusual form make an image unusual.

Complex texture

This design is distinguished by an unusual bas-relief on disposal. Stylization under the bronze looks noble. Dark colors give the ladder of restraint. Twisted handrails are combined with a complex pattern on the steps, complete the picture.

This solution is great for a baroque country mansion. The abundance of parts gives a simple design of the puff. Metal combination with wood looks winning and rich. A pleasant advantage of such a staircase is the lack of the need to cover the steps of the rough material. The traditional spiral staircase with wooden stages covered with varnish is very attempting.

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