How to enter the Military Academy. Military schools for girls: list, rating, specialty

Garden technique 10.10.2019
Garden technique

To wear the title of Russian officer was prestigious since the times of Tsarist Russia - the special status of the serviceman has always been respected and respect in our society. For the country, the winner in many wars, the officer is a symbol of courage, courage and heroism. It is not just a profession - this is the status of a defender of the motherland, ready to give his life without exaggeration. Being an officer means properly carrying the service, regardless of any circumstances: if you decide to enter this path, then be prepared for the fact that the word "order" will be directly guided by the word, at any time of the day you can be called to work, and Most likely, you spend most of your life on combat duty. To withstand it, you need to truly love your homeland and service. However, the pros in the life of the officer is also not enough: good wages, benefits from the state and early pension, which gives you the opportunity to have a career and "on a citizen". If you are ready to devote yourself to serving the Motherland, then go to the draft board - it is from this point that we start our way to enter military universities.

Image source: REALGUY.RU

Requirements for candidates

Requirements for candidates for admission are traditionally distinguished by special rigor, so before you get to the competitive selection, you must approach the age. You will not come true if

  1. You did not serve in the army and you are not 16 years old.
  2. You did not serve in the army and you are more than 22 years old.
  3. You have already passed the urgent service in the army and you are more than 24 years old.
  4. You serve in the army under the contract and you are more than 27 years old.

In other cases, you go to the competition. However, age limits are not the only ones. There are some more factors for which your candidacy will not consider:

  1. You already have a higher education.
  2. You have previously been tried.
  3. You are under investigation or you have a criminal case.

In other cases, you are a full candidate for admission to a military university. By the way, if we talk about the criminal record and a consequence, these items concern exceptionally you themselves - this rule does not apply to your relatives.

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Submission of applications

So, the procedure for submitting documents to the military university begins in the military registration and enlistment office. To apply, a statement is needed long before the end of the school year: in 2017, the deadline for submitting an application to the draft board was until April 20 for school students and until April 1 for existing servicemen. When you need to have:

  • passport
  • certificate of current progress (or certificate)
  • 3 photos measuring 4.5x6 cm
  • characteristic from the place of study or work
  • autobiography.

By law, you have the right to submit documents in five universities: the choice among them is huge, but it all depends on which troops you want to serve in the future. Traditionally, in Russian military higher education there are the following areas: land, marine, rocket, airborne, railway, military-technical, military-musical, legal and Cossack



The next stage is a medical examination. The main and basic rule of anyone who wants to enter the military school is to begin preparations for income at least two years. During this period, you should seriously deal with your own health: visit, neuropathologist, therapist and cardiologist, and when discovering any pathologies and diseases to engage in their treatment. Requirements for targeted universities, as a rule, is much more stricter than to the urgent service, therefore the category of affordability with which the admission committee will consider your candidacy must be not lower than "b", but for some universities (for example, flight schools) and not at all below "a".

If, according to the results of the medical system, you will be suitable for service, the military commissariat will send your documents to the selected university. Responsive decision will come after June 20. - You will be invited to pass entrance tests.

Unified State Exam (EGE)

The first thing to pay attention to when taking a military university is mental stability. The second is the physical preparedness of the applicant. And only lastly look at the results of the exam.

The most military universities are taken by the results of the Russian language and mathematics (profile level). If you are submitting documents for military-technical specialties, then you will need the results of the exam in physics. The social science and exam on the history of history will be required when applying for such specialties as ("Military Law"), "rebar". EGE on geography when applying for military cartography and military meteorology, exam in chemistry and biology on, and other medical specialties.

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Psychological tests

For receiving commissions of military universities, the successful passage of psychological testing is the most important and decisive criterion in the selection of applicants. You can pass the USE to the average results and not possess deep knowledge in science - for the serviceman, first of all, it is necessary to have a strong psyche and the ability to concentrate in stressful situations. To learn this is impossible: these qualities are innate. The main rule of psychological testing upon admission to a military university is to respond as much as possible. It will not be difficult for specialists to identify your lies, and the test results may not be careful.

Physical training

To give the standards, you need to start preparing as early as possible, as your main task is to develop strength and endurance. You must truly love exercise, and jogs should become an integral part of your life. During the service in the army, you will have to donate physical preparation more than once, therefore, the sooner you begin to give the load on your body, the stronger and enduring you will be.

For applicants, the delivery of physical training passes in one day. An attempt to pass only one - other chances and opportunities to increase the assessment will not be given to you.

The program is as follows: pull-ups on the crossbar (for young men), the slopes of the body forward (for girls), running at 100 meters, running 3 km, in some cases swimming (100 m free style and 100 m breast). The results are transferred to points, summarized, and a total rating is set (on a 100-point system). After that, the Commission makes a general decision on admission.

What are the difference between the rules of admission to military universities from civilian educational institutions, and who can become a student of the Military Academy or the Supreme School? You will learn about this right now as part of this article.

In the system of Russian education military universities Always stood, stand and stand apart. And not only because students of such educational institutions, as can be guessing, among other disciplines, are necessarily examined by training and comply with rigid discipline, subordination and specific regime. Military universities are almost the only direction of training of specialists, where not because it is prestigious, profitable or affordable, but because the profession "Military" is a vocation.

Military universities differ from civil and rules for receiving applicants. These differences are explained very simple: if the civil university is under the jurisdiction of the Ministry of Education and Science, the military university is subordinated exclusively to the Ministry of Defense, which establishes its own rules of admission, based on the features of the service in the Armed Forces of Russia. What are the difference between the rules of admission to military universities from civilian educational institutions, and who can become a student of the Military Academy or the Supreme School? You will learn about this right now as part of this article.

Features of arrival in military universities

Speaking of distinctive features admission to military universitiesFirst of all, it is necessary to emphasize the fact that the results of the EGE, which in civilian educational institutions are discussed primarily in the academies or senior collections that are in the jurisdiction of the Ministry of Defense are made only as information to thinking.

The entrance exams in a military university for applicants begins with the passage of psychophysical and psychological surveys (and this is not surprising, since people who are directly related to the weapon in the nature of their activities should have a steady psyche). The second stage of exams is a surrender regulations on physical preparation:

  • Running at 100 m - the minimum indicator of 15 seconds (- 18.9 seconds);
  • 3 km run - minimum indicator 14 minutes 40 seconds (for girls Running 1 km - 5 minutes, 07 seconds);
  • Tightening at the crossbar - at least 5 times (for girls there are tilting of the body forward (minimum - 20 slopes per minute);
  • Swimming freestyle (100 m) - minimum indicator 2 minutes 16 seconds (for girls - 3 minutes 45 seconds);
  • Swimming by breeding method (100 m) - the minimum indicator of 2 minutes of 32 seconds (for girls - 4 minutes 05 seconds).

Naturally, minimum indicators do not guarantee receipts. They only allow the admission committee to consider applicants as a possible candidate for enrollment in a military university.

And finally, the final stage entrance tests in a military university Consists of traditional exams: Russian, mathematics and profile items (chemistry, physics, biology, etc.). We emphasize that if in civil universities exams surrenders in the form of tests, then in the military of higher educational institutions - in the old manner, in the form of control and dictations.

Immediately, let's say that documents for admission to the Military Academy or Higher School are submitted through the draft board. That is, the primary documents (in particular, the application for the provision of the right to admit to exams) should not be carried out in the admission committee of the selected educational institution, but to the military registration and enlistment office at the place of residence. The filed package of documents is considered in the Admission Office, which, in fact, decides on the possibility of admission of applicant to exams. But this procedure for filing documents applies only to "civil". For people who have a desire to get a professional military education at the moment when they serve in the Armed Forces of Russia, a slightly different feed procedure documents for admission to a military university. They simply file a report about the desire to enter the profile university to their commander who complements the petition by all the necessary documents and transfers all the paper on the instance.

Who can enter a military university?

Candidates for arrival in the military universities of Russia "are eliminated" not only on psycho-physical indicators or the results of entrance exams, but also by age. The chance to become a cadet of a military university, have:

  • citizens of Russia, aged 16-22 years, who did not serve in the Armed Forces of the Russian Federation;
  • citizens of Russia, under the age of 24, who have passed / undergoing service in the aircraft call;
  • citizens of Russia, under the age of 25, serving service in the aircraft on a contract basis (except officers).

On the admission to the Military Academy Or the highest school cannot claim:

  • russian citizens who have higher education;
  • russian citizens in respect of whom have ever been a decision on the discrepancy of the candidate with the requirements established by the current legislation of the Russian Federation;
  • citizens of Russia, who are serving a sentence in places of detention, in respect of which is a preliminary investigation, inquiry or ship hearing or those who have an outstanding conviction.

Note that competition in military universities Somewhat less than in civilian educational institutions (on average, 3 people in place). But this testifies not to so much about the absence of popularity or prestige, how much about the specifics of the educational organization. First, wishing to receive the profession "Military" are not so much, but secondly, not everyone, even an absolutely healthy person, is able to pass a hard selection.

The graduate of the military university is in demand and on the "Citizer"

Modern military universities offer their applicants a huge selection of specialties, many of whom are in demand both in the Armed Forces of Russia and on the "Citizer".

  • First, it is a specialty that duplicate the directions of training, characteristic of civil universities: legal and economic specialties, socio-cultural managers, translators, specialists in social workers, etc.
  • Secondly, these are multifunctional specialties, which, despite its "military" orientation, can be used in ordinary life: for example, having received an education in engineering and technical direction training in a military universityIn ordinary life, a specialist can work in the field of civil or industrial construction, design, airfields, roads or transport tunnels, maintenance and management of lifting and transport, construction or road machines, etc.

Thus, training in a military university allows not only to embody his dream of a military career, but also to get a competitive and highly paid specialty, which gives a resistant feeling of stability and self-confidence and their own forces.

Greetings blog guests!

Today's article is a logical continuation of the topic of receipt in a military school. As the previous one, it is prepared by the reader, his name is His Gennady. Text author, my only subtitles, leave all questions and wishes in the comments, try to answer.

And now the article itself:

Setting the goal

The article is intended to help those young people who dream of becoming officers and devote the life to serving the Motherland on this field, to realize their dream.

I repeat that only you are responsible for your own life. "Life is given to a person once, and it is necessary to live it so that it is not painfully ashamed for the aimlessly lived years." And in the fact that you will not pass through the competition, no one will be guilty, besides you - neither school teachers who could not prepare for the 11 years to prepare for the successful delivery of the USE, nor "coarse" applicants who have taken places worthy guys, nor strict doctors on Medicalissions, nor slippery crossbar at the sports ground. This is your dream, and you can only implement it yourself.

What kind of military-school institution chose you for admission, it does not matter. It's your decision. The list of universities of the Ministry of Defense is posted on the official website of the Ministry of Defense in the "Education" section (TTP: //, here are also contained by the Rules of Reception. Reception rules from year to year vary, but does not have a fundamental importance for successful admission.

In most military-educational institutions of the Ministry of Defense, entrance tests include:

  1. medical examination;
  2. professional psychological selection;
  3. assessment of the level of general education (according to the results of the USE);
  4. evaluation of the level of physical training.

In, Academy of FSO of Russia (Orel), border institutes of the FSB of Russia, and, possibly, at the Military University of the Ministry of Defense of Russia, in addition to the assessment of the results of the EGE in order to more complete the suitability of candidates for training, additional tests of professional orientation are carried out in the form of increased complexity exams. The exam is surrendered according to one of the items, depending on the chosen specialty: Mathematics (writing); History of Russia (writing); social science; biology. Candidates entering specialties with in-depth study of a foreign language are tested to determine their ability to study foreign languages.

Preparation should be started two years before admission. This is a sufficient time to eliminate the existing health problems (those in principle, eliminating the existing negative psychological qualities, finally, for study, increase the level of physical training, as well as establishing (or disappointed) in their Select.

From now on, do not lose your free time. Do not watch TV, even the news (the number of negative content in the Russian socio-political broadcasting exceeds 75% - why do you need to boost other people's problems?). Better learn, shut out a foreign language, read additional literature on profile subjects. What stupidly hang around in the "single-eyed contacts" and spend time on meaningless communication with empty people, better work on the horizontal bar, run a cross 5 km, or read the Military newspaper "Red Star" (you can visit By the way, in the "Red Star" the most complete and urgent information on the rules of admission to higher military schools are published.

Methodology of preparation for admission the most common:

1) goal setting - admission to the elected university.

2) Tasks of training - to acquire knowledge that meet the requirements of the elected university, the necessary state of health, as well as the corresponding level of physical and psychological training.

3) The definition of criteria is a health status, the results of physical preparation, high scores of the subjects for the introductory tests, a high medium score of the formation document.

4) Assessment of the current state according to the above criteria.

5) Planning and placement of priorities - Development of a plan to achieve tasks, allocating priority (primary), estimate of the time resource.

6) Implementation - daily concrete steps and actions in accordance with the planned plan and the procedure for achieving the goal.

7) control of tasks, execution of plans, summing up by results.

So, you need to prepare not "at all", but purposefully: to expose priorities, choosing the most problematic directions for this mossession and proactively by them. The term "proactiveness" belongs to Stephen R. Kovi: it distinguishes a jet approach (life as a response to external stimuli) and proactive - it is necessary not just to respond, but plan your life and carry out control actions.

Physical training

Let's start from the end. Physical training. On this exam, "cuts off" the most applicants. The reason is simple - the cooking deterioration of the health and the level of physician physics across the country. According to the experience with the young replenishment of one of the parts of the Airborne Forces in the 1990s, I was identified by such a pattern: from the call to two-thirds (66%) of the young replenishment pulls up at the crossbar of less than 10 times. And these are the guys who passed a fairly strict medical examination, which in the median there is a beautiful purple stamp "suitable in airborne". What to say about those who are not suitable in the landing? By the way, 10 times is the minimum threshold level for entering the Ryazan Airborne School. The following standards are established for candidates entering the RVVDC:

The approach is simple: Identify your current level of OFP, choose the least developed physical qualities and give them more time and strength, every day by independently engaged in the Office. To ensure a consistent increase in the level of training, the number of physical training classes should be at least three weeks per week, while the work on the development of speed (running to 60-100 m) should be carried out at least once a week, for the development of endurance (running at 3-5 km) - at least twice a week, for the development of force and power stamina (pull-ups and other exercises on the horizontal bar) - at least three times a week. You do not need any expensive fitness centers and simulatory rooms - enough gender under legs (push-ups, press), horizontal bar and treadmill (or paths in the park). To dumbbells, gyms, rods do not touch until you pull up at the crossbar of 15 times, and pressing the floor 50 times.

For physical preparation, make yourself a review table and monitantly control the growth of results. If there is no increase, ask yourself a simple question: "Or am I very stupid, or am I very lazy?", And honestly answer him.

To be continued…

In the next article, you will learn about the preparation for professional selection, general educational subjects, as well as you can download the methodological recommendations of one of the universities.

Wishing to get a military profession a lot at all times. Our article will tell about the details of the preparation, and in this article we will talk about what Military School is to do, how to choose a school.

How to choose a military specialty

The easiest way, whose fathers and grandfathers were officers. If the son of the tanker officer also wants to become a tanker, he already knows all the features of the service and profession, everything is clear to him. Graduates of Suvorov schools will help their teachers. About how to become a Suvorov, is written in the article. Graduates of ordinary schools who have no relatives-servicemen are more difficult. Let's try to register them a little.

Military engineer, in fact, the same engineer. Therefore, those who are not very friendly with technique, electronics, or chemistry, it is better to think about other specialties. But after the resignation, a former officer will have a ready-made peaceful specialty, which will allow in 40 years not at the dacha cucumbers grow, and lead a full life. Such graduates can pay attention to the Rostov Military Institute of Rocket Forces, Pushkin Military Institute of Radio Electronics of Space Forces, Mikhailovsky Military Artillery University, Military University of Communications.

It is very interesting to work in the fleet, especially now that Russia again reached the expanses of the World Ocean, replaced old ships to new ones. St. Petersburg Naval Institute, Baltic and Pacific Naval Institutes will help get these interesting specialties.

And besides, there are also border guards, paratroopers, pilots (Chelyabinsk Military Aviation Institute of Navigar, Military Medical Academy, Novosibirsk Military Institute). Each profession has its pros and cons, and before admission you need to weigh them well. And it is easier to navigate, look at this page with the list of military educational institutions in Russia.

And hello again, dear friends-readers blog!

As I wrote before I am a former military. Former, because this summer, on his own will, quit from the ranks in connection with the end of the contract. Now I live in the town of my childhood, where everything is the matter of everything, and therefore they are often asked: why I left the army, do not feel sorry for the years and regret my choice.

Why I left and how much I feel sorry for me already wrote. And in this article I want to answer the question of choosing. You can still be entitled: "Wherever I arrived 10 years ago, if I knew everything that I know now." She also partially answered the question: "What kind of military school do?" And it can become a good adviser to someone who decided to become a military man, but does not know which university to choose.

My attitude to Suvorov Schools and Cadet Corps

If you, and most often your parents decided to associate their / your life with the army, the first thoughts will appear in school. What? For them, this is the perfect option. All of their responsibility for their children, with a pure conscience shift to these previsite institutions.

Just think: children will be dressed, shovels, fed and laid sleeping on time and at the expense of the state. Beauty! There are cadet buildings in which students are recruited from 5 (!) Class. That is, almost all his conscious life, these children are held in the army system. Of course, it is not in every city there is a Suvorov school or a "cadet", but some parents are willing to send children even for thirty lands, pay MZDU for admission, thinking that they made the right choice.

My opinion is: the child must have childhood. Some sometimes pulls on the adventures and they themselves are robbed from the house - please. But to push, and even more so forced a child to such a solution.

After all, if in the end, military life does not work out - you will be to blame for your parents. Discipline is certainly good. And state expense too. But life is alone.

Where do I have such convictions

I was not a cadet, was not a Suvorov, but I talked very much with them. Most of all I was struck by the 6-year-old cadet. He spent in the army, whatever she was, by the end of the school for 6 years! Who could he still be? Naturally he went to the army.

Therefore, I repeat once again - do not experiment. If you are not the son of an offacarious military and are not going to serve the homeland all my life, do not go to Suvorov, but the parents and do not propose their children there. Perhaps you will take someone's place. Of who is really needed.

What you will not tell about the service

Our wise state all very correctly calculated. The university ends at 22 years old, it is necessary to serve for another 5 years. Total man is 27 years old and 9 years 11 months of service. By law, the one who served for 10 years and is more entitled to housing and minimal retirement in some cases, such as dismissal for organizational measures, in case of illness or for several more good reasons.

Military argues: "Yeah, a little more and" dozen ", let's sign up, and there is another contractor, and there will be visible." And in general, this "ten" in the army is directly the idea of \u200b\u200bFix, Rubicon. Although no special advantages gives. The next minimum contract for 3 years.

Total to its end: you have been 30 years old, you have been served for 13 years. Up to a guaranteed pension and apartment remains 7 years. Plus, you already in the end struck, nothing but the ability to pretend to pretend that you do not know how to work (although when you are very efficient). So, what is next? Right! After that, a new contract is signed, and this time is most likely for 10 years.

What? I want to serve, most of the term behind, what five times draw up the paper? It takes another 10 years, you are 40. 23 years later, to extremely age for 5 years, after which one hundred percent is in stock. How well! Another contract and deserved pension. At this time, children (who have) are already large, and relatively young himself. From life I saw only garrisons and polygons, but everything is there! No wonder!

Only now I saw these 45-year-old men! I thought them under 60. Honest word. Officers still went out if it is not particularly abused. But simple contracting workers leave their health completely. Even the drivers at least hemorrhoids and intervertebral hernia. Minimum. Obesity, various degrees of alcoholism and many, many things.

I saw it! With my own eyes. But did anyone tell me about it in the military registration and enlistment office in school, January 11, 2003, when did I go to the asscript? And you who decide to become the military know it? This is not a freebie! This is not an eternal parade in a white shirt and golden straps.

Parade for 5 years of my service I put on about 5 times! Three times at the parade of May 9, when it was not in the dress, once a day of part and once for the officer meeting in honor of the arrival of a young replenishment. Did someone tell you?

This part of the article will be interesting to those who decide to enroll in the military school, but does not know what. Severed army teams have such a question in principle can not.

No tanker in memory will send a son in the SOND. Children of the officers of the air defense officers will most likely become a porseurgeon.

Not a single paratrooper wants to see the son with a physician or a shank and it is understandable.

What to do with a simple mortal? Is it possible to get into the ranks and what direction to choose.

Everything is very simple: since you decided to become a military, ready to enter the Army university, go through health and do not stand in account of the psychiatrist - dare. Just ask civilian specialties that offers something or another school. After all, on the day of release you will be handed not only the epaulets of the officer, but also a state-owned document, with whom you go through life.

I will give a few examples

I'll start naturally. My peace profession is an engineer in the specialty "Radio Engineering". Nothing such with mind profession. But just with sight. Depending on the degree of progress in the head, some knowledge is settled (or not). Only now they are preparing you in the army. Serve. Command and obey. And who wants smart subordinates? Who is easier to manage smart or not?

From here my observation: No one needs your knowledge! In the army, the ability to drink vodka liters without consequences for the body is valued much higher engineering knowledge. Yes, you will be asked for knowledge of the material part of the sample of weapons, but these are other matter. This is not that.

So it turns out that the man has passed the "heavy path from the spermatozoa to Lieutenant Colonel" (most often it is a ceiling) at the end of life comes out of the army without having a single useful knowledge for the peaceful life of knowledge. And where and then (in 45-50 years old, full of ambitions, yesterday's big boss?) - right into protection. If you do not come up to some more decent case, the friends-colleagues have previously managed (or imagined).

Radio engineering is a very promising and interesting direction, but not money in civil standards. It is difficult to get a lot, you need to know much.

And to this you need to have abilities. I have a friend who now moves science to our university. He is talent. It is talent. Plus perishability. He studied better than me, but I'm definitely not more stupid. Only a big difference - he liked all these pieces, but I am not very. Much less than him. That's all. Like - go to engineers. Then I can recommend the Smolensk Military Academy of Military Air Defense or Yaroslavl Zenit. I do not know exactly how it is called. There will make engineers from you if you yourself want.

But this is my experience. After hitting the army, I realized about three months old that it was not there.

Military topograph

From the army point of view, and with life today I would go to study in St. Petersburg. On a military topograph. This is a truly real profession. After all, according to a civil diploma, they are geodesists. And in the army, my one yearnka came immediately to the Major position. I'm on senior lieutenant, and he is on the Major. Just because he graduated from the right university.

But even if you decide to part with the army to measure the earth with a theodolite, the matter is very profitable and not dusty. Immediately several of my friends work in the land cadastre. Believe me, live perfectly. Yes, and that guy himself was stayed in the service less than a year. He quit, lives in Krasnodar and already bought his apartment. (I would wait for 20 years).


The second or even the first of the steepness profession in the army - socks. In Volsk there is such a Wolish military school of the rear. They say there is very difficult to get, but it is worth it. Want to behave issues of broad and foodstuff? And if you're lucky then fuels? Want to? And who does not want. They have a peaceful profession there with logistics connected, I don't know exactly. Because these comrades are sitting in their positions quietly and they are not going anywhere.


There are several universities preparing motorists in the army. I had an option to go to Ryazan, but for children's stupidity it seemed to me not cool. Well, or planes knock down or some motorists ... and in vain!

This is a very promising direction. First, have all categories on the right to manage vehicles already a profession. You can always get a driver. In the army, these people sit in the automotive service or in authors, write down and sign the vouchers for cars, write off the fuel and lubricants and silently quietly about their affairs. At your disposal there will always be a fleet with a free workforce in the image of soldiers and the necessary tools. At least always charged battery and free car wash ...

You know ... so far I have enough if this article finds a response from readers, be sure to replenish the list another couple of sensible ideas.

Nevertheless, already written above is enough for reasonably think about choosing a profession. And choose a military university correctly, without unnecessary emotions not by the presence of relationships from parents, not at the place of residence - in the case of the military school, it does not matter at all, but deliberately! With head.

I still have something to say about the Mozhaisk Academy of East Kazakhstan, Fizrukov and Railways, but that's later.

Waiting for your comments!

To be continued…

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203 comments on "" How not to and how to choose a military school for admission ""

    Hello, please tell me about Kwawul how there to enter my son after 3 years it hits the school studying just above the middle physical education also there is a chance to do since childhood dreams of becoming a pilot

    Hello! Very informative article, thank you! My daughter is 7 years old and we have already clearly decided on the choice of profession. In the Airborne Forces and nowhere else. I'm shocked and quiet horror. Honestly .. We have almost all the military in the family of the line .. I looked at .... And here ... Well, okay, we go to school airborne in this autumn parallel with the general education. In principle, I was ready for such a turn of events, because my neighborings from 3.5 years visits all sorts of sports and competitions. Already 2 medals and letters. But I wanted to ask if this school gives children when entering the university? This year there was a solemn 1 girl with a bunch of medals and a few jumps seems 10 pcs. They handed over the exams, took the oath in the presence of the head of Kalmykia and the Ministry of Emergency Situations and they were awarded Blue. Berets. Is this some step towards the university or just a valuable gift? For earlier thank you for the answer.

    All who will read it, hello. Since childhood, he dreamed of becoming an officer, but the medical examination was brought twice (as a child, she had hit the hoof). He served 2 years urgently and again filed a report on admission. It turned out so I, by chance, drove up to the district hospital on the commander's car. He passed all doctors, the neuropathologist once again objects. He arrived at the JSC meeting and then the chairman of the commission says, like, young, beautiful senior sergeant wants to become an officer, I think it is necessary to provide him with such an opportunity. This is me to the fact that the service in the Sun is not necessary to take as a business. Otherwise, it will be in a burden and, as the author noted, coat. I graduated from a higher engineering radio air defense school air defense, 26 years old, Lieutenant engineer, two tiny children twins, Major position, garrison in the forest, in submission of the officers older than me in age and rank, on "snack" Finnish border 10 kilometers. The first two years I did not shoot the field form, I only came to bed. Kids when saw, crying because Accepted for someone else's uncle. Then the government long-term travel "for the hill". Upon returning again the border. He graduated from the Academy and again at the headquarters of the border divisions. If someone likes it, then you can and think - where to do. As a result - 32 years of total drill. The pension is such that it is possible to choose an occupation (work) in the shower. 12 years old worked as a mechanic to repair measuring instruments in the metrological division of MO, the salary of meager with other advantages - from work you enjoy and near the house. He worked as an engineer, the boss - I do not like it. Output. 1. In no, in no case try to enter the school if you are not ready for anything described above. 2. Being ready in the service to get a squash and to the fact that, after dismissal, I will forget about you. 3. Education profile is better to choose such with whom it is easier to find an application after dismissal.

    Hello, Admin! Tell me, the son graduated from the school of the ensign, wants to learn further- on the officer. What actions from it: what, where and who to write? He concludes a contract this year, said for 5 years (I mean after school of the ensign).

    I recommend all young people to the MTO Academy released two years ago, very warm memories of the cadet pore! Excellent teachers and training base, in addition to the main student, you can show here in scientific work, in sports competitions, in creativity.

    why do the academy in which you refused 2?
    My son entered MBA in the city of St. Petersburg, although the contract ended the same, entered and happy, you can go to 27 years, so I advise this academy, you will not find it better in other academies and money is not known for what

    Hello! I have incomplete higher education. I am 22 years old. This fall I want to go to the army of the urgent service. And also, in the autumn I will be 23 years old. Can I served six months to file a report on arrival in a military university? The fact is that the next fall in October I will be 24 years old.

    Alexander Good evening, very interesting and informative blog. My son will finish the 11th grade this year and his dream is to become a military war, from which we discourage him from the 8th grade. But we do not work. He is an excellent student, a barrier on boxing, studying at the physico - mathematical profile. Help me choose a military university where he could apply his knowledge of mathematics, computer science, physics and get a good specialty. When contacting the draft board, we were told, without money, no one would do anything excellent and the athlete. So I want the dreams of our children to come true.

    Thank you, very useful site. Tell me, please, as you did in our situation. The son ends with a contract in March. Now he is 22 years old (graduate 2012) behind urgent service and contract 3 years. Participant of hostilities. Do not mind to serve and further, but without the formation, I also do not want. As I understood the next year - the last year, when you can enter the BBU (D.R. July 27, 1994). Maybe now there are some preparatory courses in the BBU? Thank you.

    Hello, I finish the 11th grade. I want to go to the motorist in the Chelyabinsk car school. After the end of the university who I will work and where? What prospects?

    Alexander, good afternoon! Son plans to enter the military university in St. Petersburg. Chose the Academy of Communications and the Mozhaisk Academy. Can you recommend, where better to do? Or some other promising options? Thanks in advance!

    Hello that you say about the Tyumen Higher Military Engineering Command School, the Son ends 11th grade a year later and wants to enter the specialty "" "Application of managed mining units and operation of electronic engineering armaments" in accordance with GEF HPE 210602 Special Radio Educational Systems, And what do you tell about this specialty?

    I read the article, thanks to the info for information. Thanks to Admin. I study in the 11th grade, and thought about the question where to do. To a row with civil universities took note and military. Particularly interested in the tour with motorists. In Ryazan, it seems there is no such school, now he is in Omsk if I'm not mistaken. I would like to know more about him. Having read comments above, also called a question with the demanding profession on a citizen? I am from Kazan

    Hello, accidentally found your site, read with great interest. The son is studying in the second year of the NWC. Reading the articles, comments understood that he went there, but it was too late to change anything, especially since he was his choice (about the military career for his son was never thought about).
    I have such a question (although you wrote that you don't know anything about this school) if the son will receive a driver's license. Thank you!

    Hello Alexander, at the moment I finish the Kursk Railway Technical School with a specialty Pom / Machinist with a red diploma. From the first courses there was a desire to enter a military university, considered the AF Military Space Academy. According to rumors, heard about the reception commission, the competition in common bers. I wanted to know how much to actually act without relationships and money, or in Lyubo university still need to have a wallet? What competition is now? What is the fate of graduates (is there an employment)?
    Where should I try to do in the specialty? I would not want to go to St. Petersburg railway.
    After the release, you will also be taken to the army (19 years old) I would like to get into the railway troops, but from a conversation with the military commissar and his hints understood that it was problematic. How can I do?
    There are many questions, no one really can say!
    Infection Thank you for the answer!

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