Functions of the swimming bubble. Swimming bubble and hydrodynamic features of fish

Garden technique 10.10.2019
Garden technique

One of the favorite delicacies of fishermen is a fish swimming bubble, roasted on the fire ... But, of course, nature created this organ not for human fun. And for what?

The answer is obvious: the swimming bubble is necessary for fish in order to swim - more precisely, stay at a certain depth. This is something like a natural hydrostatic sensor.

Imagine that the fish fell a little deepened. The water pressure on her body immediately increased. Due to the increase in pressure, the swimming bubble begins to shrink, pushing out air - and it happens automatically, it is unable to control this process.

As we remember from the school year of physics, the air is lighter than water. Therefore, if the amount of air in the bubble decreased, the fish became somewhat harder, and it becomes easier to dive. If her weight was constant, she would have to make a lot of effort for immersion, but it can be said that the bubble makes half the work for it.

Nervous endings, permeating bubble, transmit the corresponding signals to the central nervous system, thanks to which the fish feels at what depth it is, which pressure is experiencing, and it adjusts its movement according to this.

If the fish rises, then everything happens up to the opposite: the water pressure on the body of the fish is reduced, the swimming bubble expands, pulling the air. The weight of the fish decreases, and it becomes easier to rise.

This function of the swimming bubble explains why it is not in deep-sea fish and those who lead the bottom lifestyle - why he is if they never try to emerge!

However, the hydrostatics is the main, but not the only function of the swimming bubble. The fish is considered to be "sample" silence, but the scientists-ichthyologists will never agree with that. Fishes are quite capable of feeding signals to themselves like, transforming water fluctuations in sound waves - and they do it too with a swimming bubble.

How did the fish acquire such a useful acquisition?

This question corresponds to embryonic development. The swimming bubble is formed from the growth of the intestinal tube. In general, this is not surprising, because the first thing formed in the most ancient multicellular is an intestinal cavity, other organs, one way or another had to happen from her. But further options are possible: the passage between the intestine and the swimming bubble in some kinds of fish will overgrow, others are preserved. This was reflected in the classification of fish: the first scientists are called physioclists (closed), and the second - physiosters (open). Fizoclists gases fall into a bubble of blood through the red body - the cluster of capillaries on its wall, and in the physician - through the intestines, they simply swallow air.

By the way, the expansion with the air drawing, compression with its pushing, and at the open supports also through the mouth ... Does it remind you of anything? Of course, lungs! Yes, the swimming bubble is an evolutionary "ancestor" of the lungs that land animals acquired, and we are including.

It develops as a growing front of the intestines and has the appearance of an elastic bag located under.

It is also called: hydrostatic apparatus. Descending and gaining gases, this organ allows fish to swim at different depths. There are such gases such as nitrogen, oxygen, carbon dioxide in the bubble. The gas composition of the bubble of different types of fish is varied: deep-sea fish in the swimming bubble have much more oxygen than species living in the upper soys of water bodies.
When a change in atmospheric pressure, the fish drops the "volume" of the bubble or dials it, changing the water layers into smaller or deep. It greatly helps her save muscle energy to move in water. The amount of gas in the bubble and its volume is regulated reflexively: when the fish is immersed in water and the static pressure increases, the gas secretion and the reservoir compression occurs; When the fish pops up and a pressure reduction occurs - gas absorption and tank stretching.

In addition, the swimming bubble performs (may be an additional respiratory organ), sound formation functions, and is also a resonator and a converter of sound waves.

Fish swimming bubble has a system of blood vessels. In many fish, this tank is connected to the throat through a special duct, but for example perch There is no such message. In some fish, for example karpovaThe swimming bubble consists of two parts. There are three-chamber tanks.

Directly the volume of gases is adjustable in the swimming bubble with two systems:

Gas gland: fills bubble with blood gas;

oval: absorbs gases from the bubble in blood.

Gas Iron. - The system of arterial and venous vessels located in the front of the tank.
Oval - Part of the inner shell of the swimming bubble with thin walls, surrounded by a muscular sphincter, is in the rear of the bubble.
When the sphincter is relaxed, the gases from the swimming bubble come to the middle layer of its walls to the venous capillaries, and their diffusion occurs in the blood.

With a sharp change in pressure, for example, with a sharp rise of fish from the bottom to the surface, it often blew the stomach, underflowed by a bubble.

This body appeared in the course of evolution, most likely, with the development of the bone skeleton, and he balanced the calcium skeleton of fish with his ease and cavity, allowing the fish to keep its buoyancy and with this skeleton. Initially, the bubble was an appidences of the intestine.

There is no swimming bubble in a small amount of fish species. These are bottom and deep-sea fish ( bulls, Cambals, Pinagor), some fast flights ( tuna, Pelamid, Mackerel), as well as all cartilage.

Stabilize fish position in water helps swimming bubble, reducing the mass of their body. It is almost a gasproof well stretch and is a characteristic sign of the inner structure of fish. The bubble is filled with a mixture of gases: nitrogen, oxygen and carbon dioxide. Since fish have a higher density than water, the most important function of the swimming bubble is to ensure their buoyancy, that is, they can soar in water and without energy costs without working with fins, remain at the same depth.

Development of a swimming bubble

Swimming bubble It develops in a larvae of fish from the front of the intestine and remains with most freshwater fish throughout life. After hatching of the larvae of fish, there are no gas in the swimming bubble. To fill it, they have to rise to the water surface and suck the air there. Fishes of those species, the swimming bubble of which has a direct connection with the intestines, is called open-value. These include from our fish salmon (siga, goltsy, trout, charies, pikes) and carp (carps, lines, slather, etc.). They are able to quickly fill the swimming bubble with gas and release it again, which allows them to quickly rise from the depth and again dive to the depth.

Fishes, whose intestinal connection is missing, are called closed topus. The swimming bubble is a closed air bag. To regulate gas, there is a so-called gas of iron. RETE MIRABILE ("Wonderful Network") is attached to it, a network of capillaries, which, according to the principle of countercurrent, leads to the gas to the gland and takes away from it.

Gas Iron. It is responsible for increasing the pressure, and the decrease in it provides densely penetrated by the capillaries in the wall of the swimming bubble, called a red body or oval. Since the leveling of pressure from per-rootpuster lasts much longer than the open-to-discovers. They can only slowly rise from deep layers of water, so in these fish, the front intestine due to the strongly inflated swimming bubble is made of mouth, if they are flooded at a depth and quickly remove to the surface. The most famous closed-cubs are perch, pike perch and barley. In some dwelling flooded fish, the swimming bubble is strongly reduced or not completely, som, as a typical representative of the bottom fish, has only a badly formed swimming bubble. A bull-podchanger, which rests between stones and under them in the streams and rivers, does not have a swimming bubble at all. Since he is a bad swimmer, it moves along the bottom with twenty fins placed on the sides.

Swimming bubble as a sense organ

Along with the above, the swimming bubble of many fish also performs other functions, such as the perception of sound and shock waves in Somoms and Karpov. Some fish can reproduce even sounds with a swimming bubble. Most fish reach it using special muscle groups that make the wall of the swimming bubble fluctuate. Gollyans are released by danger from the swimming bubble gas and produce as a result of this sounds that can be perceived by their relatives. From marine fish, first of all, the hill and trigla are known for their grunting and sick sounds. Interesting detail in this regard: During World War II, the loud sounds of trigl caused great confusion among the teams of American submarines. Acoustics nervously crushed enemy boats, until he accidentally noticed that these curious sounds make fish.

The swimming bubble can perform hydrostatic, respiratory and sound functions. None of fish leading a bottom lifestyle and in deep-sea fish. The recent buoyancy is provided mainly due to fat due to its incompressibility or due to the lower density of the body of the fish, such as, for example, by the ansisters, goals and fish-drops. In the process of evolution, the swimming bubble was transformed into lungs of ground vertebrates.


In the process of embryonic development of fish, the swimming bubble occurs as the spinal gross in the intestinal tube and is located under the spine. In the process of further development, the canal connecting the swimming bubble with the esophagus may disappear. Depending on the presence or absence of such a channel, fish are divided into open and closed. At open-to-wear fish ( fizost.) The swimming bubble throughout life is associated with the intestine by an airbag, through which the gases come inside and output. Such fish can outlook air and thus control the volume of the swimming bubble. Open supports include carps, herring, sturgeon and others. In adult closed fish ( fisoclists) Air duct grows, and the gases are released and absorbed through the red body - a thick weave of blood capillaries on the inner wall of the swimming bubble.

Hydrostatic function

The main function of the swimming bubble in fish is hydrostatic. It helps fish to remain at a certain depth, where the weight of the water displaced the water is equal to the weight of the fish itself. When the fish actively falls below this level, its body, experiencing greater outdoor pressure from the water side, compressing, squeezing the swimming bubble. At the same time, the weight of the displaced volume of water decreases and becomes less than the weight of the fish and the fish drops down. The lower it is lowered, the stronger the water pressure becomes, the more the body of the fish is squeezed and its rapidly continues. On the contrary, when floating closer to the surface of the gas in the swimming bubble expands and reduces the proportion of fish, which even more pushes the fish to the surface.

Thus, the main purpose of the swimming bubble is to provide zero buoyancy In the zone of the usual habitat of fish, where she does not need to spend energy on maintaining the body at this depth. For example, sharks, which are missing a swimming bubble, are forced to maintain the depth of their immersion by constant active movement.


  • Swimming bubble - article from the Big Soviet Encyclopedia
  • - Useful information about the swimming bubble.

Wikimedia Foundation. 2010.

  • Swimming at the World Water Sports Championships 2007 - Men, Relay 4x100 m, Freestyle
  • Swimming at the World Water Sports Championships 2007 - Men, Relay 4x200 m, Free Style

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Swimming bubble - unpaired or pair organ Fish performing hydrostatic, respiratory and sound education functions.

Swimming bubble, performing a hydrostatic function, simultaneously participates in gas exchange and serves as an organ that perceives changes in pressure (baroreceptor). Some fish, he participates in the work and strengthening of sounds. The occurrence of the swimming bubble is usually associated with the advent of a bone skeleton that increases the proportion of bone fish.

Swimming bubble is available at Ganoid and most bony fish. It is formed as the intestine in the esophagus area and is located behind the bowel in the form of a longitudinal nonpartic bag, which is reported to the throat by air (DUCTUS PNEUMATICUS). On the side facing the body cavity, the swimming bubble is covered with a silver film of peritoneum. Behind it adjoins the kidneys and the spine.

Neutral buoyancy of bone fish is ensured, primarily a special hydrostatic organ - a swimming bubble; At the same time, it performs some additional features. The use of gases in a bubble, in particular oxygen, can occur through capillaries in an oval - a bubble section with sophisticated walls equipped with a ring and radial muscles. With the disclosed oval, the gases diffuse through a thin wall into the vascular plexus and enter the bloodstream; When the sphincter is reduced, the surface of contacting an oval with vascular plexus and resorption of gases is stopped. By changing the gas content in the swimming bubble, the fish may in some limits change the density of the body and thereby buoyancy. At open-minded fish, the receipt and separation of gases from the swimming bubble occurs mainly through its duct.

In excellent swimmers who make quick vertical movements (tuna, ordinary mackerel, pelamic), and at the bottom inhabitants (belly, bulls, sea dogs, Cambal, etc.) The swimming bubble is often reduced; These fish have a negative buoyancy and retain the position in the thickness of water due to muscular efforts. In some blurred fish, fat accumulation in tissues reduces their proportion, increasing buoyancy. Thus, at the mackerel, the fat content in meat reaches 18-23,% and buoyancy can become almost neutral (0.01), while pelamids in the muscles in the muscles only 1-2% buoyancy is 0.07.

The swimming bubble provides a fish zero buoyancy, so that it does not pop up to the surface and does not fall on the bottom. Suppose fish floats down. The increasing water pressure compresses the gas in the bubble. Fish volume, and with it and buoyancy decreases and the fish highlights gas into the swimming bubble, so its volume remains constant. Therefore, despite the increase in external pressure, the volume, the fish remains constant and the ejecting force does not change.

For example:

Sharks are in motion from the first to the last day of their lives and rest only at the bottom, since the absence of a swimming bubble deprives them of that buoyancy that bony fish have. The absence of a swimming (or, as otherwise called, the air) bubble does not allow the shark still "hanging" at any depth. Its body is more dense than the water supplanted to them, and hold on to the sculpture of the shark can only moving ones.

Another adaptive feature of many types of littoral fish is the complete absence of a swimming bubble or its strong reduction. Therefore, these fish have a negative buoyancy, i.e. Their body is heavier than water. This feature allows them to lie on the bottom, where the weakest flow and a lot of shelters, not making special efforts to not be worn out.

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