"There is an initial autumn ...", analyzing the poem of Tyutchev. Analysis of the poem "is in the autumn of the initial" Tyutchev

Garden technique 01.10.2019

What autumn creates in the poem of Tyutchev?

In this poem, the poet creates the image of the "initial" autumn.

What time is it? Which means of creating an artistic image resorts a poet?

This is "short, but wonderful time." Witting is epithet. The word "wonderful" has two meanings: unusual and beautiful.

What is the meaning of the word implemented in the poem? Maybe both? Why is this time unusual?

This is the transition from summer to winter.

What is it beautiful?

It is beautiful for a crystal day, radiant evenings, flights of Pautokin, a peaceful, spilled in nature.

- With the help of which fine-expressive agent, an artistic image was created "the whole day is how Crystal"? What did the poet mean by that?

This is a metaphorical epithet. Autumn air and crystal are similar to its transparency, cleanliness. General can be found in the coolness, fresh breeze of the autumn day. And in beauty, jewel, bringing closer to the crystal thing and a similar autumn day, which is the fact that he is one of the latter. The poet meant another autumn day beability, the purity of sounds that far spread in silence. Isn't that the beauty of the autumn day as the fragile crystal?

- This is the day, and what are the "in the autumn of the initial" evening? How do you understand this artistic image?

Evenings "radiant". Radiant - sparkling, shining. Evenings are also beautiful.

- Tyutchev showed us nature in motion: from day to evening, from autumn to winter. Although "far to the first winter storms", what are the signs of autumn in the poem?

Empty everywhere - and on Earth, and in the sky, space everywhere, not heard birds. Weekly steel tags: their thin hair glitters. This is a metaphor.

- What artistic image is present in the work of a person? How do you understand it?

Man all summer worked furiously in the field, "where the cheerful sickle walked and fell earlings"

- And nature, and man deserved rest. What artistic images tell us about it? How are they created?

The poet calls the field "Raising". This is a very unusual epithet.

- How did the artistic image created "and drink a quiet and warm azure / on a resting field"? How do you understand it?

Azure is light blue color, blue. Clean and warm azure is the sky that seems to be on Earth, seeking to celebrate the festival of the autumn "initial" with him.

- What did the poet of the created artistic images mean?

He told us about the beauty of early autumn, about clean, transparent air, shining evenings, silence, peace. Feel the loss of the beauty of nature, reading this poem, and at the same time you feel light sadness, light sadness.

There is an initial autumn
Short but wonderful time -

And radiant evenings ...

Where the cheerful sickle walked and fell sick
Now everything is empty - space everywhere -
Only cobwebs thin hair
Glitters on idle furrow.

Empty air, birds do not hear more
But far before the first winter storms -
And pour clean and warm azure
On the resting field ...

Analysis of the poem F. I. Tyutchev "There is an initial autumn ..." (for students of grades 6-7)

Poetry Fedor Ivanovich Tyutchev depicts pictures of Russian nature. The poem "is in the autumn of the original ..." was written in one thousand eight hundred and fifty-seventh year. This product captures a remarkable autumn landscape.

The poem is a sample of the styles of the poet. Here Fedor Ivanovich Tyutchev shares the feelings that the beautiful autumn gives. Loneliness and feeling of loss, calm and mute joy reign in the soul of the poet. Depicting what opens a poet, and presenting the past and future, F. I. Tyutchev reveals his thoughts and feelings.

The work is rich in epithets: "In the autumn of the original", "wonderful time", "Crystal Day", radiant in the evening "," Cheerful Sickle "," Web Slim Hair "," Celebrating Falling "," Clean and Warm Lazur "," Recreation Field ".

Epitts allow you to delete the landscape deeper. The author invests a deep meaning in short lines:

All day costs as crystal,
And radiant evenings ...

Epitts allow the reader to independently encourage these images, to present the autumn landscape. This may be when the sun shines brightly, but gentle, calmly, and in the evening bright orange and yellow clouds appear in the sky.

At the same time, epithets serve to transfer the author's relationship and feelings. The author is sad about the moment when the "cheerful sickle walked." Now he becomes sad because "Web thinners glitter on idle furrow."

This work is a bright sample of the creativity of the Russian poet. Love for the Motherland, the image of the beauty of Russian nature is the main motives of Fyodor Ivanovich Tyutchev.

The poetic work, as is well known, is much more complicated by prose: here and a huge thematic material, "wasted" in a very limited form, and the increment of meanings that escape from the inattentive look, and the mass of the inadequate, arising in the imagination of the insightful reader. Each word in a lyrical work, even the smallest, can tell about much. It is impossible to imagine the life of a person in which there is no place to admire the beauty of the surrounding world.

Indeed, the world surrounding has a huge impact on a person. In this poem, the poet talks about the beginning of the fall. This is amazing beautiful time. Nature seems to give goodbye all his bright colors. She is preparing to sleep, finally pleases the human gaze by magical beauty. Days become incomprehensible beautiful, the world around is amazingly beautiful. Of particular joy delivers the weather - soft, striking by his magic tranquility:

There is an initial autumn

Short but wonderful time -

All day costs as crystal,

And radiant evenings ...

But at the same time, the human soul is disturbing painful thoughts. Autumn always reminds about the imminent attack of cold. Therefore, some changes appear that make me more sharply experience the last days of summer.

Where the cheerful sickle walked and fell sick

Now everything is empty - space everywhere -

Only cobwebs thin hair

Glitters on idle furrow.

People finish their usual work related to the onset of the new season. Full move is cooking for winter. Now the fields are not happy with the rusty growth of wheat, the cold gradually samples.

Empty air, birds do not hear more

But far before the first winter storms -

And pour clean and warm azure

On the resting field ...

The poem creates a bright and distinct feeling of the inseparable communication of a person with the surrounding world. The beauty of nature does not exist in itself. It causes a person particularly acute to feel his belonging to this world. It is impossible to indulge in gloomy thinking and reflections, watching a leisurely change of seasons that affect the mood so unobtrusively and easily.

The poet uses the most sophisticated epithets, transmitting its attitude to the coming time of the year: "Warning time", "Crystal Day", "Radiant Evening." What is behind these words? First of all, the poet wants to show his admiration to everyone that surrounds him. All nature enjoys the change of seasons, the onset of the beautiful season - autumn.

"Crystal Day" is an intangible jewel. It is impossible to touch it, you can only feel it. And how happy should be a person who can see this beauty!

"Radiant Evening" seems to be shining with different colors. Nature's palette is amazingly rich. It has many colors, shades and halftone. "Pure and warm azure pours." The azure resembles a clean, gentle blue color. This is exactly the world around the world with the onset of early autumn. In this poem, the autumn calm is challenged, which is also a distinctive feature of this season.

Early autumn is quite a good time, it is not similar to all other seasons. Tyutchev reminds of summer at that moment, when he speaks about the "cheerry cheer". It is now glittering a web on the sun. And this item looks completely removed, but at the same time it makes you think about the invisible, practically imperceptible details that usually elude from sight.

Now there is not only a person, but also nature itself. But this rest has nothing to do with laziness and idleness, it is a reward for a long and hard work. The poet emphasizes the beauty, ease of surrounding nature. And uses bright figures for this. In the poem often there are dots. They create a feeling of slowness and some inexpensive. That is how it should really be, because reflections on the autumn landscape will never be associated with stormy emotions. The poem brings many different associations. Each reader imagines its own painting of the beauty of the environment, which is possible at the beginning of autumn.

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Analysis of the poem F. I. Tyutchev "There is an initial autumn ..."

The writing

The poetic work, as is well known, is much more complicated by prose: here and a huge thematic material, "wasted" in a very limited form, and the increment of meanings that escape from the inattentive look, and the mass of the inadequate, arising in the imagination of the insightful reader. Each word in a lyrical work, even the smallest, can tell about much.
In the verses of Tyutchev, an unsurpassed masters of landscape lyrics, the word gets a new meaning: it begins to sound differently. Almost all his poems are original sketches of different times of the year: reading the verses of F. I. Tyutchev, the reader can immediately reproduce in his imagination the line of winter or summer, spring or autumn.
The image of Nature in Tyutchev deserves close attention. It is impossible to imagine the life of a person in which there is no place to admire the beauty of the surrounding world. The admiration of the beauty of nature is one of the distinguishing features of Tyutchev's poetry. That is why each poem, praising his native nature, deserves the closest attention.
Tyutchev depicts nature as a living creature that lives and changes. The poet shows how closely the nature is connected with the life of a person. Indeed, the world surrounding has a huge impact on a person. In this poem, the poet talks about the beginning of the fall. This is surprisingly beautiful time nature seems to give goodbye all his bright colors. Nature is preparing to sleep, finally pleases the human gaze by magical beauty. Days become incomprehensible beautiful, the world around is amazingly beautiful. Of particular joy delivers the weather - soft, striking by his magic tranquility:

There is an initial autumn
Short but wonderful time -
All day costs as crystal,
And radiant evenings ...

But at the same time, the human soul is disturbing painful thoughts. Autumn always reminds about the imminent attack of cold. Therefore, some changes appear in the surrounding world, forcing it particularly sharply experience the last days of heat.

Where the cheerful sickle walked and fell sick
Now everything is empty - space everywhere -
Only cobwebs thin hair
Glitters on idle furrow.

People finish their usual work related to the onset of the new season. Full move is cooking for winter. Now the fields are not happy with the rusty growth of wheat, the cold gradually samples.

Empty air, birds do not hear more
But far before the first winter storms -
And pour clean and warm azure
On the resting field ...

Nature gives a man a wonderful opportunity to relax before the onset of winter blizzards, to rejoice in the beauty of the surrounding world. Moreover, habitual work is completed and can be immersed in contemplating the beauty of nature.
The poem creates a bright and distinct feeling of the inseparable communication of a person with the surrounding world. The beauty of nature does not exist in itself. It causes a person particularly acute to feel his belonging to this world. It is impossible to be enjoyed with gloomy thinking and reflections, watching a leisurely change of seasons that affect the mood so unobtrusively and easily.
The poet uses the most exquisite epithets, transmitting his attitude towards the world around: "Willing Time", "Crystal Day", "Radiant Evening". What is behind these words? First of all, the poet wants to show his admiration to everyone that surrounds him. All nature enjoys the change of seasons, the onset of the beautiful season - autumn.
"Crystal Day" is an amazing intangible jewel. It is impossible to touch it, you can only feel it. And how happy should be a person who can admire that surrounding him! "Crystal Day" in understanding the reader seems surprisingly beautiful and transparent. The usual outlines of objects and phenomena in transparent air begin to seem even cleaner and gentle.
This surprisingly beautiful "wonderful" time is very short. Do not have time to look back how to take your cold. And the world will lose such an exciting brightness of colors. The first cold rains and wind will melt the transparency and radiance of the "Crystal Day". And the person will only remain remembering this amazing pore. It is not randomly mentioned "Web Slim Hair". Hair can always be easy to break. And so will certainly happen, as soon as the period will be passed, dismissed by nature to admire the initial autumn.
The surrounding nature now brings thoughts about freedom, because a person surrounds no hidden space. The field was empty. But the emptiness is not sad, but, on the contrary, joyful. The field is resting, the earth worked well, gave people a magnificent harvest. The soft rays of the sun light all around, emphasizing and detecting all the expressiveness of individual details.
In the summer, the sun dries, it is too cruel, so I want to hide from him. Autumn sun, on the contrary, soft, affectionate. I want to quickly enjoy his radiance and warmth. Special joy gives the evening: no breeze, nor rains darken the magnificence of the environment.
"Radiant Evening" seems to be shining with different colors. Nature's palette is amazingly rich. It has many colors, shades and halftone. Even the best artist cannot be compared with the picture that the autumn writes itself. "Pure and warm azure pours." The azure resembles a clean, gentle blue color. This is exactly the world around the world with the onset of early autumn. In this poem, the autumn calm is challenged, which is also a distinctive feature of this season. Silence worries, makes you think about human life. Contemplation of the beauty of the surrounding world is one of the opportunities to make a person at least a little happier.
Early autumn is quite a good time, it is not similar to all other seasons. Tyutchev reminds of summer at that moment, when he speaks about the "cheerry cheer". "Where the vigorous sickle walked and fell earlings" ... really, in summer work boils, no time to distract and carefully look around around. And autumn allows a person to distract from the constant cycle of his own affairs and go to the contemplation of the beauty of nature. It is now glittering a web on the sun. And this item looks completely removed, but at the same time it makes you think about the invisible, practically imperceptible details that usually elude from sight.
Now there is not only a person, but also nature itself. But this rest has nothing to do with laziness and idleness, it is primarily a reward for a long and hard work. The poet emphasizes the beauty, ease of surrounding nature. And uses bright figures for this.
In the poem often there are dots. They create a feeling of slowness and some inexpensive. That is how it should really be, because reflections on the autumn landscape will never be associated with stormy emotions. The poem brings many different associations. Each reader imagines its own painting of the beauty of the environment, which is possible at the beginning of autumn.

F.I. Tyutchev did not like autumn. She always reminded him of the frequency of life, about her fading. But I just could not admire some wonderful moments. Therefore, in this poem depicted by the MiG of the Autumn, when she suddenly froze into her beauty, and nature was preparing for a long winter. Subjectpoem - autumn nature in its entire beauty. True, autumn still only comes, but its presence in the middle lane is felt already in late August.

However, the entire landscape Lyrics F. Tyutchev always reflects the reflection of the poet about life, about a person, about his place in this world. So this poem combines elements of philosophical lyrics. therefore second theme Here is the reflection on life.


The problem of the relationship of a person with nature. As the beginning of autumn is beautiful, so and the time of human life, when youth is already behind, and old age has not yet come, is also beautiful. Although regret is already feeling about the past. So in the poem, along with the admiration of beautiful pictures of bright, multicolored nature ("There is an initial short one in the autumn, but the wonderful time is the day there is a crystal, and radiant evenings", the author transmits sadness, reappearing notes ("Where the vigorous sickle walked and fell earlings, now everything is empty - the space is everywhere, - we have a thin hair with a thin hair on the idle furrow.")

The beauty of nature makes the person who is closely connected with it, which is one.

The problem of human laborwhich gives life to fills the meaning of life. Yes, you can allocate this problem, because the author with such respect writes about peasant labor. For the lines, we understand how difficult was harmful. But she delivered the joy of peasants, because these are their welfare, this is their existence: " Where the cheerful sickle walked and fell sick... "And the furridge is already" idle ", resting. People finished their agricultural workers and can relax a little, as nature is resting after hot summer, preparing for the cold, which are not easy to survive.

The problem is the meaning of life. This period of autumn is an excellent time to rethink the results passed, it may, for revaluation of life values. The poet always associated autumn not with approaching old age, but with maturity, wisdom, life experience. Therefore, there are no tragic notes in the poem, everything quietly, calmly, configures on reflections about yourself.

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