Blessed Nefsky Poet Nekrasov Analysis of the poem. Nikolai Nekrasov - Blessed by a kind of malnuary: verse

Garden technique 29.09.2019
Garden technique

Reflecting on how the role was laid in the life of society, Nikolay Nekrasov in 1852 created his brilliant poem "Blessed by a kind of child", devoting his anniversary of Gogol's death, whose name in this work is not specifically mentioned, as it was then in disfavor. Nekrasov, however, was convinced that Russia once again lost another great Russian clask, the contribution to the literature of which should still be assessed by his descendants.

N. A. Nekrasov "Blessed is a kind of kind." Analysis

The author very clearly notes that the poet is not a profession and not even a calling. If it is given to a person, this true poetic gift from God is given, he does not bother him in any way and can not be silent. But these poets can only be that few who did not work for sake of praise and fame. The other, who worked exclusively for the sake of benefits, their contemporaries have already erected monuments in life and, which were curious, in every way they were supported, since they did not annoy them and did not talk about pressing problems. Such poets bathed in the rays of their own glory, and even to them, to some extent, were allowed to manage the crowd, forcing it to think and worry about what the above will be told.

Truly the Blessed Poet. An analysis of the poem summarizes that all of his creations will be very soon for the death of one of these frivolous poets and will not be remembered by descendants because of the voids and non-interest, since they will not be able to reflect any reflection and the struggle for the same human values \u200b\u200band priorities which are based on the life of society.

Crushers crowd

But the type of poets, which does not like and strong in spirit, never ceases and, therefore, becomes very uncomfortable for the strengths of this world. They, as the conscience of the people, will always make existing injustice, deception and hypocrisy, all kinds of public atrocities and directly say about the urgent problems, will perform criticism in a sharp and accusatory form.

It is about this that literally shouts in his work "Blessed by the kindle poet" of Nekrasov.

True poets will not please anyone, and it will be impossible to hide from their sarcasm. Those who see their reflection in these works will condemn and scold them. It is such a reaction that will indicate that the author was able to touch the human soul for the patient and reveal the true causes of the disease. And here is the manifestation of such negative emotions, living and real, will be quite better than flattering di-grams, having fun of the first-type poets.

Ungrateful poetic truth

Usually, the works of poets-rebels are full of sarcasm, by the way, as well as the poem "Blessed by a kindle poet." They take off, albeit bitter, but the truth, paying attention to all human flavors of society. However, people instead of working on themselves, analyze themselves and engage in further self-improvement, begin to be angry. For them, grass and hatred for the author become almost the meaning of their life. After all, in their opinion, the author passes all the boundaries permitted, breaking their peace.

The poem "Blessed is a kindle poet." Nekrasov

The poet of Nekrasov writes that the fate of the kindly of the poet is light, everyone recognizes and accept him, but the question arises: "Is he pleased with his fate, whether he is enjoying such a human praise, which he deserved alone with his humility and persuasion?". But immediately it is added that after death it will disappear and his works will disappear, and behind him will be a shift, which will begin to create new dust in exactly the same way.

A deep analysis of the works of "Blessed by the Bloom Poet" leads to the fact that, unlike the first type, the second type of poets fights for its truth all his life, which will be full of tragedies, they will not recognize them, send and luite hate, but even despite such such Reaction, they will not silent. And they will do everything that in their power so that society is corrected, and the whole world of man was filled with harmony, justice and good.

Death as award

After their leaving of the life for this brave truth, they will always be remembered, and with each decade and century, they will only increase them and shine even brighter on the literary chaise.

On the soil of the immortal creativity of such unrecognized geniuses, who, without regretting themselves, through their poetry they did the world, and the new talented generation will increase.

Very beautiful and accurate words about such poets ends its poem "Blessed by the Chief Poet" of Nekrasov. They talk about how the poet the rebel dies, society immediately begins to understand how much this man did and as he loved, hating.

Reflecting on how the role was laid in the life of society, Nikolay Nekrasov in 1852 created his brilliant poem "Blessed by a generic poet", dedicated to his anniversary of whose name in this work is not specifically mentioned, as it was then in disfavor. Nekrasov, however, was convinced that Russia once again lost another great Russian clask, the contribution to the literature of which should still be assessed by his descendants.

N. A. Nekrasov "Blessed is a kind of kind." Analysis

The author very clearly notes that the poet is not a profession and not even a calling. If it is given to a person, this true poetic gift from God is given, he does not bother him in any way and can not be silent. But these poets can only be that few who did not work for sake of praise and fame. The other, who worked exclusively for the sake of benefits, their contemporaries have already erected monuments in life and, which were curious, in every way they were supported, since they did not annoy them and did not talk about pressing problems. Such poets bathed in the rays of their own glory, and even to them, to some extent, were allowed to manage the crowd, forcing it to think and worry about what the above will be told.

Truly the Blessed Poet. An analysis of the poem summarizes that all of his creations will be very soon for the death of one of these frivolous poets and will not be remembered by descendants because of the voids and non-interest, since they will not be able to reflect any reflection and the struggle for the same human values \u200b\u200band priorities which are based on the life of society.

Crushers crowd

But the type of poets, which does not like and strong in spirit, never ceases and, therefore, becomes very uncomfortable for the strengths of this world. They, as the conscience of the people, will always make existing injustice, deception and hypocrisy, all kinds of public atrocities and directly say about the urgent problems, will perform criticism in a sharp and accusatory form.

It is about this that literally shouts in his work "Blessed by the kindle poet" of Nekrasov.

True poets will not please anyone, and it will be impossible to hide from their sarcasm. Those who see their reflection in these works will condemn and scold them. It is such a reaction that will indicate that the author was able to touch the human soul for the patient and reveal the true causes of the disease. And here is the manifestation of such negative emotions, living and real, will be quite better than flattering di-grams, having fun of the first-type poets.

Ungrateful poetic truth

Usually, the works of poets-rebels are full of sarcasm, by the way, as well as the poem "Blessed by a kindle poet." They take off, albeit bitter, but the truth, paying attention to all human flavors of society. However, people instead of working on themselves, analyze themselves and engage in further self-improvement, begin to be angry. For them, grass and hatred for the author become almost the meaning of their life. After all, in their opinion, the author passes all the boundaries permitted, breaking their peace.

The poem "Blessed is a kindle poet." Nekrasov

The poet of Nekrasov writes that the fate of the kindly of the poet is light, everyone recognizes and accept him, but the question arises: "Is he pleased with his fate, whether he is enjoying such a human praise, which he deserved alone with his humility and persuasion?". But immediately it is added that after death it will disappear and his works will disappear, and behind him will be a shift, which will begin to create new dust in exactly the same way.

A deep analysis of the works of "Blessed by the Bloom Poet" leads to the fact that, unlike the first type, the second type of poets fights for its truth all his life, which will be full of tragedies, they will not recognize them, send and luite hate, but even despite such such Reaction, they will not silent. And they will do everything that in their power so that society is corrected, and the whole world of man was filled with harmony, justice and good.

Death as award

After their leaving of the life for this brave truth, they will always be remembered, and with each decade and century, they will only increase them and shine even brighter on the literary chaise.

On the soil of the immortal creativity of such unrecognized geniuses, who, without regretting themselves, through their poetry they did the world, and the new talented generation will increase.

Very beautiful and accurate words about such poets ends its poem "Blessed by the Chief Poet" of Nekrasov. They talk about how the poet the rebel dies, society immediately begins to understand how much this man did and as he loved, hating.

Blessed is a kind of kind
In whom little bile, a lot of feelings:
He's so sincerely hi
Friends of calm art;

He is sympathy in the crowd
As a wave ropot, caresses the ear;
He is alien to doubt in himself -
This torture of the creative spirit;

Loving carelessness and peace
Bent the bold satire,
He firmly rules the crowd
With his peace-loving Lira.

Missing a great mind
It does not drive, do not become angry
And contemporaries to Him
During his lifetime, the monument is preparing ...

But no mercy of fate
Someone whose noble genius
Became the convulsion of the crowd,
Her passions and delusions.

Hate chest,
Melting melting satire
It is a thorny path
With your punishment lyre.

His hula pursue:
He catches the sounds approved
Not in the sweet ropot of praise,
And in the wild cries of the ombortion.

And believing and not believe again
The dream of high calling
He preaches love
A hostile word of the denunciation, -

And every sound of his speeches
Puts him enemies harsh,
And smart and empty people
Equally brand it ready.

From all sides it kneads
And, only a corpse to see him,
How much did he, understand,
And how he loved - hating!

Analysis of the poem "Blessed by the Unlock Poet" Nekrasova

Nekrasov repeatedly affected their works about the place and appointment of a creative person in society. He blemished with representatives of the "clean" art, which was called only to the delighted contemplation of the beautiful. The poet himself believed that it was necessary to refer to the most acute issues of reality. He deeply respected people who divide such views. One of them, N. Gogol considered N. Gogol. The poet's death response to the death of the Great Writer was the poem "Blessed by a generic poet ..." (1852).

In the work of Nekrasov does not mention the name of Gogol and does not make any hints of him. The image of the poet depicted to them is collective and includes all the positive, according to the author, quality.

The poem is built on antithesis. It begins with the praise of the "invalid poet" with a "peace-loving Lira", which is calm and confidently engaged in its work. Such a person avoids harsh judgments and evaluations. His lot is to describe the beauty of the surrounding world, not trying to eradicate injustice. The merit of the "invalid poet" becomes glory and honor in society. For the submissive ministry, the crowd in it recognize the presence of a non-existent great mind. The absence of one's own opinion becomes a sign of deep reflection. Such a person throughout his life is respecting and recognizing contemporaries.

"Incorrect poet" the author abruptly opposes the "Crowd of the Crowd" with the "punishing line". All his life is a constant struggle against the vices and misconceptions of society. He seeks to truth in everything and justice. Such people are always perceived as rebellion and public calm violators. Their fiery call to good remain unanswered. The crowd creates them with ridicule and insults. But for this poet, this reaction serves only the confirmation of its rightful. Since the poet preaches love through negation, no one can understand it in life. Only the death of the crawler truth makes people look different to his life path.

The poem "Blessed is a kindle poet ..." will never lose its relevance. In the history of mankind, not only writers, but the largest transducers most often found support in conservative in their essence society. People are often willing to put lifetime monuments temporary idols, but real geniuses are recognized only after their death.

"Blessed is the kindergarten poet" Nekrasov

"Blessed is a kindle poet" Analysis of the work is the topic, idea, genre, plot, composition, heroes, problems and other issues are disclosed in this article.

History of creation

The poem "Blessed by a kindly poet" was written in February 1852 to the death of Gogol and published in the magazine Contemporary No. 3 for 1852. The poem echoes with a lyrical retreat in the first volume of the "dead souls" of Gogol. Gogol's retreat is a kind of manifesto civilian writing direction (the so-called "Gogolevsky") against the direction of "pure art".

The prototype of the Satirik poet was Gogol, but the image of the poet was generalized. This is the best poet of his time. Such Negrasov ranked himself. It is not known who was the prototype of a generic poet, possibly Zhukovsky.

Literary direction, genre

The poem belongs to the genre of civilian poetry. Nekrasov as a poet of realistic direction proves that only a poet with a solid civil position, the poet of the implanting - the true essence of the poet.

Theme, the main idea and composition

The poem consists of 10 stuff and is divided into 2 parts. The first 4 stanzas are devoted to the invalid poet, the last 6 - a poet to an accuse, a satyric poet. The basis of the composition - antithesis.

The topic of the poem is traditional for Nekrasov - the theme of the poet and poetry, and wider - the Creator and the subject of His creativity. This is a dispute about the genres of poems, the competition between intimate, landscape lyrics - and civilian.

The main idea: the life of the civilian Satiriki is deprived of glory and honors, only in time will understand that the basis of his ridicule - love and desire to change the world. But only such a poet should be.

Trails and images

In the poem, not only the first stanches are opposed to the latter, everything is entirely built on antithesis. Considering the creativity of the kindle poet, Nekrasov does not simply describe his benefits, but also opposes their inconvenience, which he is deprived: little bile is a lot of feelings, sympathy of the crowd - doubts about themselves, carelessness and peace, peace-loving Lira - the bold Satire, a monument in life - chasing, gossip. Nekrasov does not mock the wrong poet. It seems he even envies him. Blessed - hence surrounded by good, happiness. The poet's image accompany positive epithets: choosing a poet, sincere hello, peaceful lira, a great mind. Irony is visible except in mentioning the lead from friends quiet art (Negrasov had a negative effect on "pure art", which is visible from this poem). With the help of comparisons and metaphor of Nekrasov depicts the greatness of the kindle poet: the sympathy of the crowd caresses the ear, as a ropot of waves, "he firmly rules the crowd with his peace-loving Lira". Doubts about themselves who is alien poet, Nekrasov calls torture creative spirit (metaphor). Nekrasov himself was inclined to this torture.

About the innumerable poet of Nekrasov talks on a single breath, one complex proposal in three stanches.

The second type of the poet is also described by opposition: noble genius - the intellectual of passions and delusions of the crowd, "the sounds approved not in the sweet ropot of praise, and in the wild cries of the omnotion," love in a hostile word of the detonation, loves - hating. But the antithesis of the second part is incomplete: the poet finds a positive in negative, includes good in bad.

Drawing the creative path of the poet in the second part, Nekrasov uses metaphors: there is no mercy of fate, he is going through the thorny path, he is pursued by hula, the sounds of his speeches are fruit of harsh enemies, it is swear from all sides. The reason for such a heavy life is in the civilian impact position of the poet: noble genius refuses passion and misconceptions of the crowd, he feeds his breast with hatred, arms the mouth of satira, the Lira of his punishing (metaphors). Such a confrontation leads to doubts: he believes and does not believe again "Dream High Value".

But the poet can not be silent, because the motive of crushing is love: through hostile denial he preaches love, he loves hating. It would seem that this is an oxymoron, combining incompatible. But you can love people and hate flaws in them. People are therefore scolding the accusatory thing that he affects the hidden strings of their souls, opens the truth that they hid even from themselves. Harsh enemies fruit and out smart and empty people (epithets), hearing the sounds of the kind. Brand and swear poet "from all sides", That is, even educated people are not inclined to be joying. Such is human nature.

Nekrasov hopes that after the death of the poet everything His noble motives will understand, will look at himself from the part, they repent and honor the poet.

Size and rhymes

The poem is written by a four-stranded yamb. Men's rhyme alternates with female. Rhymes are crossed.

MBOU Kievskaya Sosh

Tatar District

Novosibirsk region

Scenario Lyric Text Analysis Claim

on the example of the poems by A.S. Pushkin "Prophet", M.Yu.Lermontova "Prophet" and N.A.Nekrasov "Blessed is a kindle poet."

Completed: Russian teacher

language and literature

Kozina Olesya Vladimirovna

2017 year


- remind the student on the analysis of lyrical text analysis;

Repeat the types of visual funds in the artistic text,

Improve the skills of analyzing and interpretation of the literary work;

Awaken love for the word through poetry.

Algorithm for analyzing poems

    First you need to specifyname of the work itself, the name of the author .

    Considerthe history of creating a poem , Light the facts of the author's biography, which have any connection with the lyrical plot, to pay attention to the time of writing the text and the history of its publication. If there is a dedication, you need to write about it

    When you can selectliterary current To which the author refers, it must be specified. For example, if the poem is written in the traditions of futurism or akmeism.

    Stand outsubject poem. It was customary to start specify the lead the topic by selecting the appropriate option from several traditional: landscape, friendship lyrics, love, philosophical, civil, theme of poetry and poet. It is advisable to write about the mainmotive ah works, that is, narrower formally fixed substapions, such as the motive of loneliness, meetings, hostility, longing, disappointment, extension.

    It is important to say about the developmentconflict and plot in poem. It is necessary to highlight the main events and try to state them, even if it is a description of Nature: "The lyrical hero looks at ...".

    At this stage, finding out the main theme and motives, the development of the conflict, you need to write aboutidea poem. The topic is what is told in the poem. The idea is what the work is written for what. The author clothes the idea that he wants to convey to the reader, in the poetic form and invents concrete content.

    Then you need to determinemajor mood Poems, trace how it changes. Most often, the feelings of lyrical heroes are described in the dynamics.

    Highlightlyrical hero. The hero of the lyrical work manifests itself only through emotions, it is very often completely likened by the image of the author, which is incorrect. The lyrical hero and the author may be associated differently. Sometimes a lyrical subject is distinguished: the world is missing through the prism of the fictional "I". Sometimes the lyrical hero is the "twin" of the author, revealing his consciousness. In the philosophical poetic works of the lyrical hero, it is more difficult to determine the most difficult, since there is a problem, and not an image of emotions and feelings.

    Specify whichcomposition It has a work. Separating text into semantic parts, easy to follow the development of the plot, themes, mood transformation, see the main poetic thought. It is necessary to determine whether the structure is complete thought, or several stanza express one thought, is opposed or the meaning of the stanza is opposed. Separately write about the role of the last stanza: how important it is to disclose the idea whether the conclusion contains.

    Specify whichvocabulary Uses the author in the poem: neologisms, Okkazionalism, archaisms, domestic vocabulary, daily, journalistic, book.

    Important to list everythingliterary techniques, artistic means, accurately define a poetic size

    Specifiedgenre affiliation Poem (Madrigal, Elegy, Oda, Satire), Style (People's Song Current, Classic, Agitational).

Conclusion The analysis is best small sketching: To write abouthis personal impression from the read text , to express your own reader's opinion, to tell how the work influenced the inner world, what reminded.

A.S. Pushkin.


Spiritual thirst Tomis

In the desert gloomy I pledged

And six-square seraphim

I came at the crossroads;

Fires light like a dream

My Zenits touched him:

The prophetic anticipants were rejected,

Like a frightened eagle.

My ears touched him

And they filled their noise and ringing:

And I won the sky Sodroogan,

And mountain angels flight

And reptile naval underwater move

And the ridiculous vine.

And he to the mouth of my student,

And I snatched my sinful language,

And fellow and crazy

And the sting of the wise snake

Fantasy my mouth

Invested the desire of bloody.

And he my breasts shed sword,

And the heart was thrown out,

And coal, burning fire

In the chest, the hole was irrigated.

As a corpse in the desert I lay,

And the god of the voice appeared to me:

"Rod, the Prophet, and Wang, and End

Fight my will

And coming around the sea and land

Glagol Loggy hearts of people. "

Lermontov "Prophet"

Since the eternal judgment

I gave me all the prophet,

I read people in the eyes of people

Pages of malice and vice.

To proclaim, I became love

And truth pure teachings:

I'm all the closest my

Throw mad stones.

I sprinkled as the ashes, I chap

I fled from the cities,

And here in the desert I live,

Like birds, the gift of God's food;

Covenant eating storage

I creature is submired there;

And the stars listen to me

Rays happily playing.

When through a noisy hail

I make my way hurriedly,

Then older children say

With a smile proud:

"See: Here is an example for you!

He Gord was, did not get along with us:

Fool, wanted to assure us

That God says him with mouth!

See, children, at him:

How he is sullen, and thin, and pale!

See how he is naked and poor,

How to despise all it! "

Nekrasov "Blessed is a kind of malubbive poet"

Blessed is a kind of kind
In whom little bile, a lot of feelings:
He's so sincerely hi
Friends of calm art;

He is sympathy in the crowd
As a wave ropot, caresses the ear;
He is alien to doubt in himself -
This torture of the creative spirit;

Loving carelessness and peace
Bent the bold satire,
He firmly rules the crowd
With his peace-loving Lira.

Missing a great mind
It does not drive, do not become angry
And contemporaries to Him
During his lifetime, the monument is preparing ...

But no mercy of fate
Someone whose noble genius
Became the convulsion of the crowd,
Her passions and delusions.

Hate chest,
Melting melting satire
It is a thorny path
With your punishment lyre.

His hula pursue:
He catches the sounds approved
Not in the sweet ropot of praise,
And in the wild cries of the ombortion.

And believing and not believe again
The dream of high calling
He preaches love
A hostile word of the denunciation, -

And every sound of his speeches
Puts him enemies harsh,
And smart and empty people
Equally brand it ready.

From all sides it kneads
And, only a corpse to see him,
How much did he, understand,
And how he loved - hating!

Analysis of the poem.

In the "literary encyclopedic dictionary" is given the following definition of lyrics: "Lyrics - a birth of literature, in which the object is not primary, but the subject of the statement and its attitude to the depicted". The lyric work is a reflection of the inner world of the lyrical hero, his feelings, experiences; In other words, the world is embodied in the lyrics, missed through the soul of the artist of the word.

The algorithm for analyzing the lyrical product is poured (distribute)

Now we will try to analyze lyrical texts.

A comparative analysis of poems A.S. Pushkin "Prophet", M.Yu.Lermontova "Prophet" and N.A.Nekrasov "Blessed is a kind of kind."

- Where does the poem begins?

(from reading)

- What topic combines all three poems?

(This is one of the eternal themes in the literature, it affects each poet, the writer in his work; the topic of the poet and poetry)

- Who is the main lyrical hero of these poems? Are these different heroes or speech about one hero?

(The main character is the poet - the Prophet)

- What poem was written first, as you think?

(Pushkin's poem "Prophet")

Analysis of the poem of Pushkin "Prophet".

- We will start our analysis from him. Once again, let's carefully read Pushkin's poem . (read)

- What year it was written a poem? What events preceded his writing?

(In 1825, the Decembrists' uprising occurred, among whom were Pushkin's friends. The uprising was suppressed, and the instigators were severely punished by the king. In 1826, after massacre over the Decembrists, Pushkin, deeply experiencing reprisal over the Decembrists, in the link in Mikhailovsky writes the poem "Prophet". Scene The basis is borrowed by Pushkin from the Bible. The poet used the followingexcerpt from "Book of the Prophet Isaiah": "I saw the Lord, sitting and the throne of high and extomed ... The district was stood by Serafima: each of them is six wings ... And I said: I'm grief! I died! For I am a man with unclean mouth. .. then one of the seraphims flew to me, and in his hand there was a burning coal, which he took by ticks from the altar, and touched the mouth of my and said: That, it was touched by your mouth, and the lawlessness was removed from you ... and I heard the voice of the Lord Speaking: Who can I send? And who will go for me? And I said: So I went me "

The biblical legend is only in general its meaning reflected in the poem. The hero is not deserved by the ulcers of an unclean society, but they oppressed them).

- Where does the poem begins?

(From the miracle of the revitalization of a lonely and tired traveler, who "Tomis Spiritual Surgery").

- And who is such a prophet?

(According to the ideas of the ancients, the Prophet is the performer of the Wolley of God, the elected, capable of penetrating into the depths of the phenomena and tell the truth to the end).

- What do you think, what person can be a prophet? Everyone?

(No, only the one who is "Tomis Spiritny Thirst")

- Let's see how the process of turning the mortal person in the prophet occurs. Describe me this process of transformation. Who turns a person in the prophet?

(Seraphim (translated "Fiery, burning"), an angel of the highest rank, who has 6 wings. Angel, according to Christian teaching, is a good supernatural being acting in the will of God. They were only chosen people.Pushkin emphasizes the significance of the poet, his chosenness for an important mission.

The process of turning is painful. Through suffering and physical pain. Instead of a "sinful language" in his mouth, "the sting of the wise snake" was invested. Instead of the "trembling heart" "coal, flaming fire."

We see a traveler at a crossroads. He did not know where he was going to do what to do, he was confused, alone, he had no goal, he "wounded in the dark desert." And at the time of despair it is seraphim as salvation from ignorance what to do and where to go.

Seraphim actions careful, careful:

Fires light like a dream

He touched my zenith.

But the effect is dramatically:

The prophetic anticipants were rejected,

Like a frightened eagle.

My ears touched him

And they filled the noise and ringing.

(They did not just opened, but "cure", apparently, with pain, like some strong sash. The traveler acquires a dormant, his suffering begins when the whole world is included in it. No more secrets. But to become a prophet, one transformation is little Therefore, Seraphim took the "stray heart" and invested in the pit "Coil, flaming fire").

- What for?

(To become a prophet, you need to deduct from the trembling human heart, able to compassion, love. The prophet must be fair).

- How does a person feel?

(Transfiguration is hard. It lies, "as a corpse." The qualities of the prophet are. And what to do, does not know. No goals. The goal indicates the Almighty:

Range, prophet,

And everyone, and hurt,

Fight of mine.

And coming around the sea and land

Glagol Loggy hearts of people.

- What is the conclusion?

(Pushkin argued the high right of the artist to the freedom and independence of creativity. The whole world should be for the true poet of "gloomy desert", he is eager for spiritual satisfaction. That isthe main theme of the poem - theme of the poet and poetry, andmain idea - Freedom of creativity. That is, this is a kind of manifesto about the purpose of the writer, the poet.

- How is the solemn tone of the poem? What is unusual vocabulary and poem syntax?

(1.Pushkin uses a lot of archaisms, old places. (CALL): Mistore, seraphim, fingers, anti-sodes, cure, prophet, wound, nodrogan, mountain, dolney, nurse, mouth, fellow, regret, wise, dandy, shank, voice, Idied, hinged, irrigated ... They give sound solemnity. They fill the text by the biblical atmosphere. It was necessary Pushkin to emphasize the truth of his judgments, relying on the continued authority of the Holy Scripture.

2. Simple proposals are connected to the joint venture using the writing union and - anaphor. Repeat the Union - from the Bible.

3.Mngo of the verbs of the imperative lifestyle: rise, hurt, will be ...

4. In words, the abundance of sonorny sounds: P, L, M, N:

anxiety, pain, excitement from the process) is felt.

- What are the means of artistic expressiveness still in the poem?

"Spiritual Thirst Tom", "Glagol Loggy Hearts of People", "Sky Sodromagne", "Glagol Loggy" - Metaphor

"Gloomy Desert", "Protecting Zenititsa", "Skinny Language", "Current Heart" - Epithet

"The fingers are light as a dream," the prophetic anti-sizes were opened, like a frightened eagle, "" as a corpse in the desert I lay "- comparisons

"Radin. Prophet "- appeal

Rows of homogeneous members.

- What is the size written poem?

(4 Stop Jamb with Pyrrhicles)

- Rhyme and rhyme methods?

(Men's - female rhyme; cross, steam room, ring rhymes. This speaks about the inner harmony of the poem).

- Which genre can be attributed to the poem?

The poem of the "Prophet", written in the genre of OD, striking the solemnity of the style and the brightness of artistic images. Since the monologue is presented by the first person, the reader involuntarily associates the lyrical hero with the author of the work. Some contemporaries of Pushkin even accused the poet that he had been ingenected and imagined himself "God's chosen one." But the analysis of the work shows that Alexander Sergeevich only declared the creative program of each present poet.

- What is the feature of building a poem? (Three parts are allocated according to the composition: 1) prepares the plot of the transfiguration. The mortal, lost in the desert is drawn, and only his spiritual thirst indicates that he will have to become the herald of the Divine Will. 2) the process of transformation. 3) the execution of the Divine Will. The poet is equal with God through the Word. But the prophet can not be without people.

Using the biblical legend and style of presentation, Pushkin clearly conveyed to us the main idea of \u200b\u200bthe poem: the poet, like the prophet, must "verb in the heart of people." This is his genuine vocation.

Analysis of the poem M.Yu.Lermontova "Prophet".

- What is the poem of Lermontov begins?

Since the eternal judgment

I gave me all the prophet,

I read people in the eyes of people

Pages of malice and vice.

(There is a feeling that Lermontov continues the poem of Pushkin. He starts his story from that moment, as a person became a prophet)

- What is the poet drawn - the Prophet? Describe it.

(His fate is not easy. This is a burdock driven by society. Lermontov focuses on the hard fate of the poet -proroka. The theme of the poet tragic: society is hostile to love and truth, a free creative person suffers from misunderstanding. As soon as a person has become a prophet, people stopped respecting him, look He is with anger and hatred. He is despised, he laughs in the face, throw stones in him. No one believed that he fulfills the will of God, moreover, he was despised for what he was telling the truth they were afraid to look into the eyes. The social appearance of the poet is drawn: He Sir, Nag, Pohele, despise him.

Pushkin's poet, being alone, is preparing for serving people - Lermontov, the Prophet is already depicted among people, in society, and the main emphasis is no longer on the domestic, but on the external conflict - a conflict of a decent, thoughtful person with a medium. Pushkin in his poem approves the enormous potential of the spiritually rich personality, the man who won his own vices. Lermontov believes that a talented, a decent person is doomed to a conflict with society, and only in nature hero finds consonant with his feelings and thoughts).

To proclaim, I became love

And truth pure teachings:

I'm all the closest my

Throw mad stones.

- What is the poet? Who is the wiser of people?

(Nature. He returns to the desert, unable to endure mockery from the people).

- When did Lermontov write a poem? Name the topic, idea?

(In 1841. This is the last work of the poet. For the first time it was printed in 1844. Mainsubject "Prophet" - confrontation between the poet and the crowd.

Idea: The poet is doomed to misunderstanding and loneliness.

- Gueen?

(His genre is a lyrical confession, also in the work there are features of the biblical legend (the plot of Lermontov is based on the book of the Prophet of Jeremiah.

The clarity of the visions received by the author in a secluded desert admires and at the same time tormented him. Although living: "Like a bird, the gift of God's food", characteristic of the prophets and gifted by the gift of foresight, Lermontov suffers from reproaches and evil criticism of the passing public. Despite the manifestation of melancholiciness peculiar to the author, the disbelief of the poet is clearly heard in the "Prophet" in the onset of a better life on Earth. It calms him only, the fact that all talented people is waiting for tragic to take into account early leaving life.

- How many parts can be allocated?

(In the poem, we can distinguish three parts.1) - description of the life of the prophet among people, persecutions that surround him. 2) - a description of the harmonious, fertile existence of the hero in the desert. The first and second part is contrasted in their mood - the world of people the author opposes the world of nature. In 3) again described "noisy hail," a sense of contempt, which is tested by the Prophet "Elder". In the third part, it is approved for the impossibility for the hero to convey its prophecies to people:

Fool, wanted to assure us

That God says him with mouth!

Thus, the poem has an annular composition)

- What is the size written poem? What are the means of art expressive use?

( The poem is written by a four-stranded yamb.

The poet uses various means of artistic expressiveness:

epithets ("pure teachings", "noisy hail", "with a smile of pride"),

metaphor ("In the eyes of people I read the pages of anger and vice"),

comparison ("And here in the desert I live like birds, the gift of God's food"),

anaFor (sixth and seventh stanza),

inversion ("I am proclaiming love and truth pure teachings").

We find biblical words, high-style expressions - "Prophet", "Oki", "Testament", "Earth Creature", "Eternal Sudiya", - Speech Solemnation, excited intonation.Thanks to the use of such outdated names, all the work becomes similar to the prophetic sacred text.

Most stanza in the "Prophet" are saturated with bitterness and mental suffering. Often there are offensive words: "I fled the beggar", "fool", "malice", "threw a stone." All lines are quadruple, with the exception of the final, withstand in the style of cross-rhyme. The present rhyme slope, in the last line, makes the work more poetic and complete. The last stanza carries a continuous censure: "Nag and Poor", "despise all it", "sullen, thin, pale". In addition, a sharp break of the poem on the statement of an old man, makes it possible to understand the reader that the prophet take into account is unchanged.

The work is of great importance for creativity M.Yu. Lermontov. It reveals his thoughts about the high mission of the poet, shows the doomedness of a free creative person in this world. V.G. Belinsky attributed this poem to the best creations of Lermontov: "What the depth of thought, what a terrible energy of the expression! There are no such poems for a long time, for a long time not to wait for Russia! ... "
Analysis of the poem of Nekrasova "Blessed is a kind of malubia poet"

-Do you know who is dedicated to this poem?

( Nikolai Nekrasov, like many of his predecessors, was often asked about what role in society was assigned a writer. Reflecting on this topic, in 1852, he created a poem "Blessed by a kind of kind ...", dedicated to the anniversary of the death of Nikolai Gogol. The name of the addressee is never mentioned in this work, since by the time Gogol was in the opal. However, Nekrasov was convinced that Russia lost one of the greatest Russian writers, whose contribution to the literature remains to be estimated).

What poets do Nekrasov reflect on the poem? What are their difference?

(In his poem, the author conducts a clear line between poets, whose creativity likes to manifolds, and those whose poems cause the readers of the perturbation. First, he calls the wrong and blissful, as they always live in the world with themselves and with others. Their poems themselves Critics and sarcasm are deprived, but at the same time they do not make people think about the problems that everyone has. Such a poet "firmly owes a crowd with his peace-loving Lira" and at the same time it can expect a monument from grateful admirers to him even in life . But the year will be held, and his work, not carrying neither the grains of rationalism, empty and deprived of true emotions, cannas in non-existence.

The second category of poets is born rebounds that not only see all the vices and shortcomings of society, but also open them in their works. Therefore, it is quite natural that no one likes their poems. Even sensible people who are aware that each line of such an accusatory poem is designed to change the world for the better, prefer to join the indignant crowd, in which "from all sides" the author swear. Moreover, it is absolutely not perceived seriously, since the resentment from fairly, but sometimes very tough criticism, prevents realizing that in verses there is a share of truth.

However, Hulu and curses in their address, such a poet perceives as "the sounds of apparent", understanding that he managed to touch the soul of people to be touched by verses, be caused by the negative, but still bright emotions. In his words, sometimes offensive and rude, love and justice are much more than in the rivy speeches of the one who prefers criticism of the laudatory OD. But, unfortunately, the fate of the poet Buntar is always tragic: opposed society, he will never be able to count on recognition. And only after his death, those who considered such a poet confused and ignoramus, "how much he did, they would understand, and how he loved - hating!").

Theme and idea of \u200b\u200bpoem?

(Theme of the poet and poetry, and wider - the Creator and the subject of His creativity. This is a dispute about the genres of poems, the competition between intimate, landscape lyrics - and civilian.

The basic idea : The life of civilian poet-saticar is deprived of glory and honors, only in time will understand that at the heart of his ridicule - love and desire to change the world. But only such a poet should be)

-Shang poem?

(According to the genre is a civil lyrics. As the poet of the realistic direction proves that only a poet with a solid civil position, the poet of the implanting - the true essence of the poet)

- What figurative means uses necris?

(In the poem, not only the first stanches are opposed to the latter, everything is entirely built on antithesis. Considering the creativity of the kindle poet, Nekrasov does not simply describe his benefits, but also opposes their inconvenience, which he is deprived:little bile is a lot of feelings, sympathy of the crowd - doubts about themselves, carelessness and peace, peace-loving Lira - the bold Satire, a monument in life - chasing, gossip . Nekrasov does not mock the wrong poet. It seems he even envies him. Blessed - hence surrounded by good, happiness. The poet's image accompany positive epithets:choosing a poet, sincere hello, peaceful lira, a great mind . Irony is visible except in mentioning the lead from friendsquiet art (Negrasov had a negative effect on "pure art", which is visible from this poem). With the help of comparisons and metaphor of Nekrasov depicts the greatness of the kindle poet:the sympathy of the crowd caresses the ear, as a ropot of waves, "he firmly rules the crowd with his peace-loving Lira" . Doubts about themselves who is alien poet, Nekrasov callstorture creative spirit (metaphor). Nekrasov himself was inclined to this torture.

About the innumerable poet of Nekrasov talks on a single breath, one complex proposal in three stanches.

The second type of the poet is also described by opposition:noble genius - the intellectual of passions and delusions of the crowd, "the sounds approved not in the sweet ropot of praise, and in the wild cries of the omnotion," love in a hostile word of the detonation, loves - hating . But the antithesis of the second part is incomplete: the poet finds a positive in negative, includes good in bad.

Drawing the creative path of the poet in the second part, Nekrasov uses metaphors:there is no mercy of fate, he is going through the thorny path, he is pursued by hula, the sounds of his speeches are fruit of harsh enemies, it is swear from all sides . The reason for such a heavy life is in the civilian impact position of the poet:noble genius refuses passion and misconceptions of the crowd, he feeds his breast with hatred, arms the mouth of satira, the Lira of his punishing (metaphors). Such a confrontation leads to doubts:he believes and does not believe again "Dream High Value" .

But the poet can not be silent, because the motive of crushing is love:through hostile denial he preaches love, he loves hating . It would seem that this is an oxymoron, combining incompatible. But you can love people and hate flaws in them. People are therefore scolding the accusatory thing that he affects the hidden strings of their souls, opens the truth that they hid even from themselves.Harsh enemies fruit and outsmart and empty people (epithets), hearing the sounds of the kind. Brand and swear poet"from all sides", That is, even educated people are not inclined to be joying. Such is human nature.

Nekrasov hopes that after the death of the poeteverything His noble motives will understand, will look at himself from the part, they repent and honor the poet).

-Size and rhymes?

(The poem is written by a four-stranded yamb. Men's rhyme alternates with the female. Rhymes are crossed).

Output: The author very clearly notes that the poet is not a profession and not even a calling. If it is given to a person, this true poetic gift from God is given, he does not bother him in any way and can not be silent. But these poets can only be that few who did not work for sake of praise and fame. The other, who worked exclusively for the sake of benefits, their contemporaries have already erected monuments in life and, which were curious, in every way they were supported, since they did not annoy them and did not talk about pressing problems. Such poets bathed in the rays of their own glory, and even to them, to some extent, were allowed to manage the crowd, forcing it to think and worry about what the above will be told.

The poet of Nekrasov writes that the fate of the kindly of the poet is light, everyone recognizes and accept him, but the question arises: "Is he pleased with his fate, whether he is enjoying such a human praise, which he deserved alone with his humility and persuasion?". But immediately it is added that after death it will disappear and his works will disappear, and behind him will be a shift, which will begin to create new dust in exactly the same way. A deep analysis of the works of "Blessed by the Bloom Poet" leads to the fact that, unlike the first type, the second type of poets fights for its truth all his life, which will be full of tragedies, they will not recognize them, send and luite hate, but even despite such such Reaction, they will not silent. And they will do everything that in their power so that society is corrected, and the whole world of man was filled with harmony, justice and good.

After their leaving of the life for this brave truth, they will always be remembered, and with each decade and century, they will only increase them and shine even brighter on the literary chaise. On the soil of the immortal creativity of such unrecognized geniuses, who, without regretting themselves, through their poetry they did the world, and the new talented generation will increase.

Output: The theme of the poet and poetry at all times was worried about society. On the example of the poet - the Prophet authors show how difficult the poet's life path is. The true poet is the one who speaks to all the truth.

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