Competency Office. Practice of informed business management

Engineering systems 26.09.2019
Engineering systems

director, Consultant Coach

BKT LLP (Business Consulting Training),

almaty city

The correct forecast of the market trends allows you to develop strategies, anticipate possible barriers to success and promptly find ways to overcome them. It is very important to be able to mobilize all the resources in cases of difficulties and failures, clearly express priorities to analyze various alternatives and find optimal solutions. The effectiveness of the business is primarily determined by the managerial competence of managers.

Management (official) competence is a set of knowledge, practical experience, skills and personal qualities of the head, allowing him to qualitatively solve certain tasks to achieve certain results.

Qualified management is carried out on the basis of knowledge gained in training and practical experience.The basis of the management is knowledge, useful experience of other companies, their own experience of the head, tested tools and the skills of using them. Practical knowledge in management is greater value than theoretical; Useful experience is scrupulously studied and transmitted further, and a well-designed tool for solving problems brings much more benefit than scientific theories.

Based on understanding the essence of management, we can say that the most popular management competencies of the top manager are:

1. Strategic thinking (systematic, systematicness, the ability to anticipate the "picture" is the result).

2. Knowledge of the basic marketing basics to manage the company's position in the market.

3. The ability to manage financial streams incl. Use investment mechanisms to new projects.

4. Knowledge of production and operating activities (procurement, logistics, warehousing).

5. Understanding the laws of the market, the ability to organize marketing and sales processes.

6. Ability to develop new products or services.

7. Understanding information technologies and approaches to the automation of processes.

8. Implementation of business administration.

9. Knowledge of profile legislation regulating business.

10. Personnel Management Skills

11. Ensuring security - commercial, information, economic, personnel.

12. Maintaining public relations (the formation of reputation and image of the company in society, in the business community or in the market - to choose from).

At the same time, any leader performs a certain number of administrative functions, such as:

collection and analysis of information;

  • making decisions;
  • planning;
  • organization;
  • coordination;
  • control;
  • motivation;
  • communications.

A good manager should be the organizer, and a comrade, and a mentor, and an expert in setting tasks, and a leader, and a person who can listen to others. He must understand the possibilities of his direct subordinates, their ability to fulfill the specific work entrusted to them.The manager should know the principles of interaction of managers of units and workers within the company, to develop command work in order to hold the unity and correctness of the functioning of the firm. It is impossible to combine in one person above the diversity of the skills and qualities of the top manager, but one can clearly define the list of requirements for a particular position of the head, taking into account the specifics of the industry, the characteristics of the management system and corporate culture of a particular company and its development goals.

The competency method is becoming increasingly popular in dynamically developing companies, since it involves the use of a single language in business processes. This is an effective way to describe work, since most of the posts can be described using 10-12 individual competencies. For example, the International Construction Corporation "Tarmak" uses 10 competencies, and the KSEROKS managerial model includes 32 competences.

In a sense, the number of competencies used in a particular model does not matter, it depends on the peculiarities of the industry, the specifics of the company, the management system, corporate culture, etc.The number of competencies should be convenient for management work and to assess the results of the work of the head.

In domestic practice, two main groups of competencies required by the head are used:

1. FROMpecial competences - The skills and skills that are associated with the area of \u200b\u200bprofessional activity. For example, the financial director should be able to analyze the balance sheet, and the head of the programmers team should own the most important programming languages.

2. B.azov competencies - A group of competencies, which is based on intellectual, communicative, emotional and volitional qualities of a person.

When determining basic competencies, it is necessary to take into account the overall specifics of managerial labor, which is that:

  • the work of the head does not have a clear completion in time. It is always busy because the organization operates daily on the market and is constantly under the influence of changes in the external environment, where there are risks and opportunities that must be foreseen to take the right and timely management decisions;
  • the work of the head is the basis of the management process in any organization and is based on his knowledge, experience and perception of the new (the use of best practices, new techniques and methods in operation);
  • the management style of the head forms the corporate culture of the organization, radically affects its image and business reputation;
  • an important part of managerial labor is the ratio of the costs of managers in accordance with the levels and functions of management. The higher the level, the longer the time is distributed in favor of executive communications: business meetings, negotiations and meetings. The lower the level of management, the more time the head holds among subordinates in the situation of the adoption of operational solutions in a specific division on a specific issue.

The competency model describes the position of the head in three planes:

  • vision (Vision) - the ability to think in the strategic and tactical levels, the ability to predict the future and foresee the emergence of problems;
  • act (Action) - the ability to dynamically and progressively move towards achieving the desired result (for example, a clear planning of actions, perseverance in the desire for the goal);
  • interaction (Interaction) - the ability to build such relationships with others, which help to achieve the best result in work (for example, the ability to motivate subordinates, the ability to work in a team).

In 2007, Anthropos Consulting issued a dictionary-directory of the "Competence of the head" (author of V.E. Subbotin), which presents the most complete list of competencies for different official groups. According to experts on the development of competencies, the work of the head can be consecrated to several areas of competencies:

  • Special professional competencies - Competences necessary to the head for addressing issues that make up the content of the processes and functions for which it is responsible. Special competencies reflect the level of possession of issues related to the operation of equipment, with the procedures and technologies of the production process. In essence, these are knowledge and skills related to a certain subject area: for example, finance and accounting, information technology, engineering, chemistry, construction, etc.
  • Business competence - These are competencies of a general nature, they are necessary for managers in any field of activity. These competencies make up the main content of MBA programs and include a systemic analysis of the situation, making strategic decisions, attracting foreign and domestic resources of the company to solve business tasks, budgeting, forecast of income and expenses, reducing enterprise costs, reporting, etc.
  • Competence of knowledge management Reflect the ability of the manager to work with information, manage information flows, learning and development processes in the organization. The competence of knowledge management includes such skills as searching for information, conceptual, analytical thinking, solving problems, understanding the essence of the processes of organizational development, ensuring the process of acquiring new knowledge and skills.
  • Leadership competences refer to the field of manual and human management. They reflect the manager's ability to dispose of their own power, to direct the activities of subordinates to a certain direction, to provide subordinate support, to take part and empower them. In addition, leadership competencies suggest the head of the ability to create a sentence of a target for a common task, the ability to work with a heterogeneous team, to maintain the creative activity of subordinates and form a sense of community in organizing.
  • Social, or interpersonal competences Refer to the ability of the manager to build and maintain optimal relations with people (public, shareholders and other stakeholders). The presence of this ability requires the development of certain social skills, such as an understanding of other people and their behaviors, communication skills and interaction with the surrounding, creating proper motivation, as well as the ability to prevent and resolve conflicts. Ideally, a socially competent manager is able to put himself in place of another person, correctly appreciate his expectations and build their behavior with regard to these expectations. This ability to behave socially adequately.
  • Intrainarity competencies . They are based on self-confidence, the tendency to influence the environment of their habitat, the desire to improve and the fundamental change in the existing situation, the focus on the result and self-development, the ability to act in conditions of uncertainty, developed self-consciousness and self-control skills.

Obviously, for different guidelines, each of the listed areas of competencies has a relatively different meaning. For example, interpersonal competencies are needed for commercial director; The scope of technical competencies may be the director for the production on the forefront; For general director - leader's competences. The relative importance of individual competencies and their groups, of course, is not asked automatically by the title of position. It all depends on the characteristics of the company and the content of official duties.

There are different approaches to the description of competencies. We will show the example the use of different approaches to the compilation of the "Planning" competence. In the "Competence of the Head" dictionary, it is indicated thatplanning -this is the ability to develop an efficient program of own activities.removal .

The following types of assessments of this quality from the manager are offered:

1. The ability to organize and plan your own work in such a way as to effectively use working hours, avoid unnecessary effort and to meet on time.

2. Accurate estimate of time that will be required to performof one or another task.

3. Periodic tracking of the pace of work, withthe need for its adjustment to meet on time.

4. The ability to give time analysis of a particular question, but always remember that the work should be completed on time.

5. Preparation for business meetings, preliminary familiarization with the necessary information.

6. Efficient use of time control tools (timers, calendars, weekly).

7. Lining the sequence of individual tasks depending on their urgency and importance.

8. Work planning, taking into account plans for its partners, if the work requires interaction.

Business coach Z. Dmitrieva in his book "Guide to employees and the company" emphasizes that The competences of the modern leader may consist of five components:

1. Formal requirements (education, health, legal foundations, etc.).

2. Knowledge (possession of common and specific knowledge in the special area, business and economics, management, knowledge of the specific market, company regulations, etc.).

3. Skills (Ability to perform actions, make decisions necessary for effective duties).

4. Installations (worldview, views and relationships, contributing to the correct execution of responsibilities, for example, the installation "Customer is always right").

5. Business and Personal Qualities (Psychological characteristics of personality and character contributing to the fulfillment of the functions of the head).

In this case, the competency model may look as follows.

Competence "Planning"

1. Formal requirements: Education, mental health, experience in an effectively working business structure, formal requirements for the position and other.

2. Knowledge: possession of strategic, tactical and investment planning methods, knowledge of project management, cost analysis, risk assessment, scenario planning, etc., main time management techniques. Knowledge of the limited and rarity resources, including those headed by the enterprise. Knowledge of business processes similar to the MBA program.

3. Skills and skills: the skills of the preparation of strategic, tactical, investment plans, risk management, self-organization, time management. Good skill use in the practice of planning tools (methods of operational and resource analysis, SWOT analysis, scenario planning, etc.). Skills solving strategic and tactical tasks. Skills work with information. The ability to allocate and formulate business goals, arrange priorities. Applied computer skills.

4. Installations: Understanding the need for strategic planning in business, willingness to follow previously supplied plans and goals, the desire to develop a company.

5. Quality: System of thinking, analytical abilities, creativity, attentiveness, objectivity of thinking, sequence.

Despite the difference in approaches and a different number of components of competence partitions, there are uniform requirements for the competencies that should be:

  • Exhaustive. The list of competencies must completely overlap all the important working activities.
  • Discrete. Separate competence should relate to certain activities that can be clearly separated from other activities. If competencies overlap, it will be difficult to accurately assess work.
  • Focused. Each competence should be clearly defined, and you do not need to try to cover too much. For example, "technical competence" should be completely concrete.
  • Affordable. Each competence must be affordable formulated, interpreted equally by all managers so that it can be used universally.
  • Congruent. Competences should strengthen the organizational culture and strengthen long-term goals. If competencies seem too abstract, they will not benefit and will not be accepted by managers.
  • Modern. The competency system should be updated and must reflect these and future (predictable) needs of the organization.

Successful management consists of the following types of learning:h.ard Skills and Soft Skills.

The formation of the top manager as a management specialist begins with the acquisition of skills that are divided into two groups: Hard Skills and Soft Skills (by analogy with Hardware and Software in computers).Hard Skills. - This is "iron", the skills that are needed to perform their work at a high professional level. These are fundamental knowledge about the mechanisms of business functioning, an understanding of the organization as a holistic system, economy, marketing, finance, as well as production (professional) skills used in direct work. For a long time it was believed that the work efficiency depends on the level of development of these skills. At the same time playing a diploma of academic education, the level of intelligence, the number of certificates about the passage of specialized courses.

Many managers focus on the development of the Hard Skills: technical knowledge and skills. This is due to the fact that the domestic manager really lacks high-quality knowledge of management and marketing, which in our country has become possible recently.Hard Skills can be developed by receiving additional academic education, in MBA programs and visiting various seminars. Hard Skills training Allows you to get the necessary knowledge to manage the development of business, strategic planning, operating activities, modeling transformations and organizational structure. Many discussions and interactive seminars are built into such programs that allow for the analysis of specific situations and in role-playing games to learn how to apply theoretical knowledge. As part of Hard Skills training programs, you can exchange managerial experience in the "yourself similar" environment, find out how one or another problem or task is solved in other companies. Academic training programs, as you know, require more time and effort; For example, to get quality marketing knowledge, it is not enough to visit a two-day seminar, you need to get a higher or additional education for a duration of several months.

However, only the professional knowledge of Hard Skills for successful work is not enough. The transition to the status of the head of the highest level is not limited to mastering only technical skills.In practice, managers often do not cope with their duties not because of lack of experience, and due to Undustfulsoft Skills.

A higher level of management requires possession of more complex qualities, the skills of interaction with people: the ability to communicate, to speak publicly, to convince in its rightness, to manage their emotions and emotions of others, motivate. All this in the aggregate is Soft Skills, which, in turn, require from the head of the deep personality restructuring.

The alleged work of the manager at the level of the highest management level requires, above all, diverse and multi-level communications, leadership qualities, the ability to form and develop a management team, to make decisions under uncertainty. The importance of these skills is related to the fact that successful managers up to 80% of their time communicate with other people. The higher the person rises through a career staircase, the less important technical skills have, and the more interpersonal skills are acquired.

A feature of the acquisitionsoft Skills iswhatrazvitia Personal Skills often requires considerable efforts to work on themselves, since it is necessary to change the existing "picture of the world", many years of habits and schemes of behavior. Many practitioners need more time to form new skills and skills. An existing experience and a large number of workfilled technologies make it difficult to analyze the behavior and search for those "growth zones" that can be improved. The birth of a new personality (or new Soft Skills) is always connected with overcoming itself and raising themselves. In addition, sometimes the fear of changes is prevented: if the previous behavior worked, and it worked quite successfully for many years, how the surrounding will perceive these changes? thereforetop managers should be ready for the fact that mastering the real Soft Skills skills can take place after 3-5 months of study. Long training can be in demand when it is necessary to not just develop a particular skill, but to switch to a new level of management (for example, the company has seriously expanded, competition has sharply strengthened, business is needed). In this case, visiting single trainings may be ineffective spending time. Such programs are also useful to managers located on the threshold of emotional burnout when business and work cease to interest and delight. Then getting new finds and personal growth make it possible to overcome this "management crisis".

Speaking about the types of competencies, two important points should be noted:

  • 1) the species diversity of competencies in the absence of /// ^ - standards;
  • 2) the existence of several classifications, i.e. species diversity. There is no single classification of types of competencies, there are many different classifications on different bases. To navigate in this variety of species is very problematic. Many classifications are inconvenient and unimportant, which makes their use in practice extremely difficult. But, one way or another, the current situation affects the practice of building a competency model.

In various theoretical and practical materials devoted to the subject of competencies, you can find a variety of typology. In world practice, there are examples of attempts to develop universal typologies and models of competencies applying for the status of a global standard. So, for example, the company SHL - The global leader in the field of psychometric assessment and development of decisions - in 2004 declared the creation of a universal basic structure of competencies by a group of consultants under the direction of Professor D. Bartram. The basic structure included 112 components headed by the so-called large eight of competencies. It is possible that global unification trends will soon lead to the fact that such a global standard will become united in // ^ - practice. But today, D. Branma model does not meet the entire specifics of the requirements for corporate competencies. In addition, the competence is a corporate instrument, therefore it is almost impossible to create a single set of competencies, which can enjoy any company, taking into account all the specifics of the requirements for posts.

We will consider the types of competencies based on a corporate scale (the scale of the dissemination of any type of competencies) and the organizational level (the level of the organizational structure on which any type of competence works): corporate, professional and managerial. This classification is selected as the most optimal to build a model of competencies and its use in various directions /// ^ - activities. In addition, it allows you to choose a technological toolkit for assessing competencies and, accordingly, make a system of competencies more accessible to use.

Speaking about the model of competencies, it is necessary to designate the types of competences.

1. Corporate (or key) Competences are applicable to any position in the organization. Corporate competencies follow from the values \u200b\u200bof the organization, which are recorded in such corporate documents as a strategy, code of corporate ethics, etc. Development of corporate competencies is part of the work with the corporate culture of the organization. The optimal number of corporate competencies is 5-7. This level includes corporate standards of Conduct - Business and personal qualities that each employee of the organization must have, regardless of office. Corporate competencies are usually most clear, concise and easily identifiable. They contribute to the formation of corporate culture and the implementation of the strategic objectives of the organization.

Corporate competence presents the competence of personnel at the level of the organization for the implementation of its main objectives: economic, scientific and technical, industrial and commercial and social (Fig. 2.5).

Fig. 2.5.

The system of corporate competencies (internal claims for candidates) reflects the specifics of each organization, the purpose and objectives of its production and management structures, the organizational culture and values \u200b\u200bof this organization, other aspects of its organizational behavior.

Competence is usually regulated using the outlined circle of powers and legal activities of the component of the competence. It is possible that this follows from the statutory documents or other internal corporate rules, partly from legitimate and registered acts, the declarative purposes of one or another enterprise, from the qualifying reference book or job descriptions, regulations, orders, etc.

G. Cannak (France) defines corporate competence as a "rational combination of knowledge and abilities considered at a short period of time that employees of this organization possess."

  • 2. Management (or managerial) Competences are needed to managers to successfully achieve business goals. They are being developed for employees engaged in managerial activities and have workers in linear or functional subordination. Management competencies can be similar to managers in different sectors and include, for example, strategic vision, business management, work with people, etc. This type of competence is the most localized and complex view. Most often in companies, multi-level management competencies are developed. At the top level - the competences that all the leadership staff of the Organization should have. Further - managerial competencies that meet the management levels of the organization. The latter in this hierarchy are specific management competencies characteristic of a specific specific management position. Development of management competencies is complex. A big danger and temptation to create a model of an ideal supermen player, which is hardly possible to implement in practice. That is why, when developing it is recommended to include the optimal set based on the principle of necessary and sufficient competencies in the list of managerial competencies.
  • 3. Professional (or technical) Competences are applicable to a certain group of posts. Drawing up professional competencies for all groups of posts in the organization is a very time-consuming and long process. This type of competence is a set of personal characteristics, as well as knowledge, skills and skills necessary for effective work on a specific job position. Professional competences should be distinguished by professional competences of activities or professional regions. Professional competencies of activities and areas are generalized. And professional competences are limited by the framework of a particular organization.

Professional competence - This "integrated characteristic of the business and personal qualities of an employee, reflecting the level of specialized knowledge, skills and experiences sufficient to achieve the goal, as well as its creative potential, which makes it possible to put and solve the necessary tasks. In accordance with the nature of the employee and the peculiarities of its employment process, the following types of professional competence are allocated "(Table 2.3).

Types of professional competence

Table 2.3






Professional knowledge, skills, education, business reliability, the ability to successfully and accurately exercise their job activities and design their further professional development

And Nitellectual BN

Ability to analytical thinking, logic, analysis and synthesis, constructing hypotheses, possession of personal self-expression and self-development methods, the ability to scientific substantiations and creative solving problems


Adaptation ability to act in accordance with the situation, choosing from a variety of behavioral methods the most effective in these situational conditions of production


Communicative skills and ability to conflict communication, the ability to cooperate, maintain good relations with people, to provide social and psychological assistance, to effectively interact in the team, demonstrate the flexibility and art of influence, carry out informal leadership

Individual competence "It characterizes the possession of the techniques of self-realization and the development of individuality within the framework of the profession, readiness for professional growth, the ability to individual self-preservation, the incompleteness of professional aging, the ability to organize a rational work without overloading time and strength."

The types of competence mentioned above mean the maturity of a person in professional activities, professional communication, the formation of the personality of a professional, his individuality. They may not coincide in one person who can be a good narrow specialist, but do not be able to communicate, do not be able to carry out the tasks of their development. Accordingly, he can state high special competence and a lower - social or personal. Thus, certification of personnel competence is required, which involves the assessment and confirmation of the compliance of the special, social, personal and individual competence of a specialist established standards, requirements and standards. By analogy with the process of forming skills, you can allocate:

  • but) unconscious incompetence- Low productivity, no perception of differences in components or actions. The employee does not know what he does not know what knowledge and skills it needs;
  • b) conscious incompetence- Low performance, recognition of deficiencies and weak points. The employee is aware of what he lacks for successful work;
  • in) conscious competence- Improved performance, conscious efforts aimed at more efficient actions. The employee is able to consciously adjust its activities;
  • d) unconscious competence- Natural, integrated, automatic activity with higher performance. An employee is able to endure an action to a new context, modify it with the change in the changing environment. Acquired competencies will not bring the desired effect if their carriers are not interested in the maximum use of these competencies. So, employees with respect to their individual competence pursue goals:
    • adaptation of personal qualifications to the requirements of the position (workplace);
    • guarantees of preserving positions (workplace);
    • Basics for professional promotion;
    • increasing their own mobility in the labor market;
    • ensuring high labor income;
    • Increase their own prestige.

The widest on scale and high in the organizational level (corporate competencies as the form are inherent in all positions of the organization, located at all levels of the organizational structure, including at the highest) are corporate competences. This type includes corporate standards of Conduct - Business and personal qualities that all employees of the organization should have, regardless of their posts and responsibilities. In other words, these are the competencies that each employee of this particular organization should have. Corporate competences are usually most understandable, concise and easily identifiable; Designed to identify an employee with corporate values \u200b\u200band corporate culture of the organization. They contribute to the formation of corporate culture and the implementation of the strategic objectives of the organization. Reading the documents on corporate politics, corporate codes, and simply advertisements about hiring, often you can see the phrase of the type "Our employees have an active life position, strive for personal development, loyal to customers, etc.". In fact, in such phrases "sewn" the most corporate competencies that we are talking about.

As a real example of corporate competencies, it is possible to carry out an excerpt from the firm's ethics code N.

"The company is especially valued:

  • 1) respect personal rights and interests of our employees, customer requirements and conditions for cooperation, nominated by our business partners and society;
  • 2) impartialityinvolving remuneration of labor in accordance with the results achieved and providing equal rights for professional growth;
  • 3) honesty in relations and in providing any information necessary for our work;
  • 4) efficiency as a sustainable achievement of the highest possible results in everything we do;
  • 5) courage resist what is unacceptable, and take responsibility for the consequences of their decisions;
  • 6) careshown in the effort to protect people from any harm or threat of their lives and health and environmental protection;
  • 7) confidence Employees, which allows us to delegate authority and responsibility for decisions and ways of their execution. "

This items lists the corporate competencies of the organization. This example clearly shows that often corporate competencies are mixed in meaning with corporate values \u200b\u200bin their perception. In addition, their set is hardly identical in companies with absolutely different corporate culture, values \u200b\u200band business style. When developing corporate competencies, it is necessary to separately necessary competencies from slogans, as well as check competencies on non-conflict with each other (they should not contradict each other).

Corporate competences have a total distribution, i.e. Each employee of the organization must be peculiar to each employee, which means that the larger the list of these competencies, the more difficult it is to ensure the presence of a complete set for each employee. Therefore, a set of corporate competencies is recommended to do the optimal: short, capacious, reflecting only something, without which an employee will be extremely difficult to work effectively in this organization.

In addition, we should not forget that the competence must be measured, i.e., introducing competence, it is necessary to check it on the possibility of evaluation. It is important to remember precisely when developing corporate competencies, as it is often great to include personality qualities of a social character, for example, justice. To measure the presence of this competence, the employee is very problematic, since the concept of "fair" is largely relatively related to and is identified.

Professional competencies The scale is less widely (do not cover a large spectrum of posts, but are tied to specific positions, up to competences characteristic of some particular position) and localized. Usually they are localized to specific positions (possibly to one specific), but a certain set of professional competencies is inherent in any job position. This type of competence is a set of personal characteristics, as well as knowledge, skills and skills necessary for effective work on a specific job position. Considering that our classification of competencies is limited by corporate framework, professional competences and professional competences of activities or professional regions should not be confused.

Professional competences of activities and regions are more generalized. And professional competences are limited by the framework of a particular organization. For example, there may be the competence of an employee of the pedagogical sphere - they are characteristic of all specialists leading pedagogical activities, regardless of the organization in which they work, and there may be professional competencies of the teacher of a particular training organization. Speaking of professional competencies as the form of competencies, we mean them. Most often, a set of professional competencies in the organization is formalized in the so-called profile position.

Management competencies - the most localized and complex type of competencies. These are the competences necessary for the execution of leadership employee. Most often in companies are developing multi-level management competencies. At the top level - the competences that all managers of the organization should have. Further - managerial competencies that meet the management levels of the organization. For example, managerial competences of top managers, middle managers, etc. The latter in this hierarchy are specific management competencies characteristic of a specific specific management position. Oddly enough, the development of management competencies is most complex - the temptation is too great to create a model of an ideal supermen player, which is unlikely to be able to implement in practice. Therefore, it is recommended to include the optimal set based on the principle of necessity and sufficiency in the list of managerial competencies.

Consider some of the features that the competence of an idea for organizing effective personnel management.

1. It must be remembered about the chain "Purpose - activity - competence "and apply this model to strategic human resource management. This chain means that larger goals, as a rule, require more complex activities for their achievement. A more complex activity requires a higher competence of a specialist. The acquisition of higher competence takes time, often significant. After all, even a simple skill is formed on average for 21 days, and the necessary skills can be somewhat. In addition, the development of personal qualities requires much more time - sometimes years leaves.

Ways to solve this problem may be the following:

  • Implement the strategic management system and personnel strategic management system in the organization. And then, knowing what goals will be in front of an employee in a few years and how it will achieve them, you can plan a long-term program of his learning and development;
  • Consider the current activities of the employee not only as practical, but also as a training. In this case, you can refer to the experience of great sports, and we will see that any competitions, except the main (World Cup, Olympic Games), are preparatory for larger competitions, i.e. The athlete is trained directly in those conditions in which he will compete in the future and conquer new achievements. Thus, it forms and develops a complex of those competencies that will be needed. For example, competitions are educational. And the task of an athlete is not only to win them, but also increase their level of skill. Moreover, it has long been in the past setting for winning all competitions - it is more profitable to lose in simple competitions, but at the same time learn and prepare, in order to win the main competitions.

Applying this concept to business, it can be said like this: "Let my employee makes mistakes if these are educational errors, and not by negligence. Damage from these errors will multiply in the future. After all, when the employee raises his competence, he will start making a profit, immeasurably large than he brings now (even if he does not make any mistakes). "

2. Talena management It is possible to formulate this way: if the competence of a talented employee exceeds the competence of his position at least one of the parameters, then the employee feels unsatisfied, and its competence begins to decline.

Moreover, in order for such an employee to feel happy, it is necessary to make it necessary to it above its current competence (at least one of the parameters) for the position held by him. Naturally, there are a number of conditions: the excess should be an adequate position, the current tasks of the organization and the psychotype of the employee; He must know about this discrepancy and work with him, etc. This discrepancy is the zone of its development.

Still, despite all the difficulties, this conclusion opens a whole range of opportunities for motivation and holding personnel. The most bright (even paradoxical) example: instead of increasing the size of payments, it is possible to complicate the professional activities of the employee. Of course, you need to know how to complicate and how much? To answer this question, it is necessary to analyze the competence profile of this employee.

This conclusion is echoing with the idea of \u200b\u200bimplementing human potential. The idea is that strategic directions and goals are determined on the basis of not only from the decisions of the organization's first persons, but also from the existing unrealized competencies of personnel (which an analysis of employees competencies can be helped). If people feel that the organization not only provides their standard of living, but also allows them to be more fully implemented, then the phenomenon will arise, which has recently been called "personnel involvement". But the involvement of personnel gives not only a psychological, but also economic effect. Already irrefutably proven that due to the low involvement of employees, organizations lose tremendous funds incomparable in size with costs for high-quality personnel management.

The attractiveness of the competence approach, in our opinion, is a special method of analyzing and evaluating the development of personnel competencies, in particular the management, at each level of the hierarchy in the organization, due to this are determined by the qualities that determine the good performance of specific work.

The competence approach implies that the main emphasis is made not just on receiving educational knowledge and skills, but on the integrated development of the competences of management personnel.

It can be clearly seen in fig. 2.6.

Fig. 2.6.

Motivational competences Management personnel include the orientation to achieve the goal, initiative, self-confidence, interest in the work of individual, responsibility, self-control, self-realization, flexibility in the work, influence on personnel.

Intellectual competencies Management personnel are based on knowledge related to basic principles, as well as with information technology, decision-making technologies and rapidly perception of innovations.

Functional competencies Management staff manifest itself in a set of management skills (self-consciousness, leadership, interpersonal communications, negotiation, decision-making skills, delegation, constructing teams, conflict management, efficient time use).

Interpersonal competencies Management staff contribute to the formation of balanced relations, interpersonal understanding, company dedication, readiness to help, orientation to the client, staff optimism, etc.

Many organizations do not use ready-made developments, they fundamentally go their own way and develop their own competencies. It can be justified only if the development is engaged in experienced specialists, since for beginner developers, which are often often HR-managers in the Organization, this task is either no forces or threatens to create an incorrect and inefficiently working structure of competencies.

  • See: Kibanov. Personnel Management Fundamentals: Tutorial. M.: Infra-M, 2009.
  • Odegov Yu.G., Rudenko G.G., Babynina L.S. Labor economy: Tutorial: 2 tons / ed. SOUTH. Odegova. M.: Alpha Press, 2007. T. 1. P. 678.
  • Xenophon H.Z. Competence of management personnel and the formation of competitive advantages of the enterprise // Man and work. 2010.№ 7. P. 63-65.
competere. - Consistencies, approach) - This is the personal ability of a specialist (employee) to solve a certain class of professional tasks. Also, the competences understand formally described requirements for personal, professional, etc. The qualities of the company's employees (or to some group of employees). This understanding of competence uses when evaluating staff.

Competence combination; The presence of knowledge and experience necessary for effective activities in a given subject area is called competence (from English. competence.).

Levels of competence

Depending on the semantic volume of competence, there may be levels.

Competence without levels - Model covering types of work with simple behaviors. It has one lision of indicators for all competencies. Here all behavioral indicators are inexperienced to all functional roles.

Competences in levels - A model describing a wide range of works with various requirements for their implementation. Behavioral indicators within each competence are separate lists (levels). This allows you to submit several different competencies under one header, providing the convenience of practical use of the competency model if you need to cover a wide range of functional roles. The introduction of levels of competencies allows you to more adequately evaluate personal competencies, not complicating the structure of ideal competence profiles.

Types of competence

Distinguish the following types of competencies:

  • Educational and educational Competence is a combination of skills and cognitive skills. Ownership of mechanisms for goaling, planning, analysis, reflection, self-assessment of the success of their own activities. Ownership of action techniques in non-standard situations, heuristic methods for solving problems. Testing measuring skills, the use of statistical and other methods of knowledge.
  • Information Competence is the ability to search, analyze, select, process and transmit the necessary information.
  • Communicative Competence is possession of the skills of interaction with the surrounding people, the ability to work in the group. Acquaintance with various social roles.

Competence in staff assessment

Competences are used in assessing the company's personnel. In this case, the combination of competencies is a model of competencies describing the quality necessary personnel in this company in order to be successful. You can highlight corporate competences - necessary to all employees of the company, manager competence - the necessary company managers (all or only a certain level), as well as special (specific) competencies, the necessary only of a certain category of employees ( eg: Sales Managers).

A typical mistake associated with the assessment of the competence of the candidate, when the recruiter accumulates the zone "may" and does not appreciate the zone "wants." As a result, we take a person - the tested, who completed the trial task, and ... while we get a sluggish, poorly working employee. And why? Yes, he just does not want to work, his motivation does not match the standards adopted in the company. We will deal with what enters the zone "wants."
1. "Like"
Try to hire people who sincerely like most of what they can do. It is easy to check the "three plus and three minuses" method. For example, if a person does not like to speak publicly, he will not speak well. We are all, even if we are very decent and responsible - we want to get rid of what we do not like. And on the contrary, we can be creative, we self-realize, we work, as those ever, only when we like our occupation. Giving employees to do what they like are great motivation.
2. "Benefit"
- material (money, bonuses);
- intangible (prestige, status, recognition, relationships in the team, relations with the leader);
- Vital (all that is associated with physical comfort, health, safety).
Good, is the motivation of the candidate, which corresponds to the company's capabilities. Motivation itself can not be good or bad. If for a person the main motive is money, then it will be a magnificent worker for a company that pays more than others, where it is possible to influence the salary with the help of its results. And at the same time, it will be a disgusting worker who will quickly leave if the company pays below the average market. If salaries in your company are low, but you have a magnificent team, then take to work for whom the relationship in the team is important.
3. "Values"
The values \u200b\u200bof the candidate should not contradict the values \u200b\u200bof the company. Otherwise, conflict is inevitable. Always consider it when taking a job.

Ethics and practice
Proactivity In return for reactivity, the HR manager should be guided by this principle. Evaluate the competence of the candidate not only at the moment, but also how it will manifest themselves in a year or two or three. For example, innovation is good or bad? It all depends on what will happen in the future. If the employee is all the time to face innovation - it's good. If he will face the routine, he will be demotivated and will leave. Practically, there are no good and bad candidates and employees: there are suitable and unsuitable. Many stereotypes in business practices may be incorrect. Say, wonderful, kind, positive person will be a disgusting auditor, because Such work will inevitably cause his internal conflict. At the same time, a not far or a fairly conservative person will be magnificent as an employee who performs the same type of operation from year to year. And if it is smart and career-oriented growth, he will leave this work. Potion, bore, negative attitude towards people can be excellent qualities, for example, for the security manager. Creativity is absolutely inappropriate for the personnel recorder, but absolutely necessary for the brand manager.

Competence model

Competence model - This is a set of competencies required for the successful implementation of this work in this organization. The competency model may include a variety of knowledge, skills, skills and individual personality characteristics. The main requirement that is presented to them - they must be described in the form of behavioral indicators.
The development of the competency model includes:
1. Preparatory stage (setting the goals and objectives of the project, project planning, creation of a team for collecting and analyzing information).
2. Directly developing a model of competencies.
selection of efficiency criteria;
Determination of the criteria sample;
selection of specific analysis techniques;
collection of information;
analysis of information and design of the competency model;
Verification of the validity of the competency profile project.
3. Running the model to work.
Methods for developing a model or competency profile:
1. Interview to obtain behavioral examples
The interview method for the receipt of behavioral examples allows you to determine the competences necessary for the qualitative performance of work. Asking people to focus on the critical situations that they encountered in work, you can collect data on the most important competencies. The respondents tell bright brief stories about how they coped with the most difficult, the most important sites of their work and at the same time showed the competences necessary to fulfill this work.
2. Work with a group of experts
The role of experts can be managers, the best employees or third-party experts. A group of experts in the discussion process determines the personal characteristics of the staff necessary to perform work at the minimum acceptable and highest levels.
3. Competence libraries
The use of competency libraries ensures the collection of a large amount of data for statistical analysis in a short time. However, the data of such libraries and collections are limited, and therefore, when they are used, competencies are often overwhelmed, which were not included in the collection of its compilers. The libraries do not allow to identify new competencies or provide detailed information about the nuances of competencies. Competency libraries are often used as an auxiliary source of information that allows you to supplement the created competency profile with new competencies that failed to fix at other stages of the profile development.
4. The method of repertoire lattices
The head brings together employees to the group on any of the signs that it itself determines as an important characteristic of the successful performance of work. Thus, qualities are found that are inherent in only high-temperature employees.
5. Analysis of the working task
Employees or observers list each task, a function or action that makes a worker during work. This method gives very detailed descriptions of work, useful for analyzing some competencies in the development of a competency profile. For example, the specification of the technical tasks required in operation can be used to set the cognitive skills necessary for operation.
6. Direct observation
For employees who perform work tasks, it is observed with the written fixation of the behaviors that they demonstrate when performing these tasks. This is a good way to identify or check the competencies proposed by expert groups when reviewing or in an interview with behavioral examples. However, this method of roads is ineffective for the initial collection of behavioral examples.



rU: Competence (personnel management)

Wikimedia Foundation. 2010.

Corporate competency models are given an important role in the personnel training system, and personnel management. In some companies, the competency model is key in working with personnel, in others - competency profiles are used as applied tools. For example, to evaluate personnel.

The use of competencies in the assessment of personnel allows HR managers to analyze not only the results achieved by the employee over the past period, but also ways to achieve such results. Well-worked competencies will help streamline certification measures; If the standard competency model is selected, not adapted to the strategic goals and specifics of the company, it will not work efficiently.

For Western specialists of competence - abilities, opportunities, a number of related, but different sets of behavior, the intentions of the person manifested in the relevant situations. Today in the West is a very widely used description of activities from the position of the competence approach. Methods developed, questionnaires for the formation of a competence profile for various activities.

In the dictionary of Russian personnel managers, the term "competence" appeared in the last 6 - 7 years. Work on competencies is conducted in the joint Western Russian and most of the major Russian companies in Moscow and St. Petersburg. But interest in this tool management of personnel is growing everywhere.

There are many definitions of the concept of "competence". Many personnel experts and experts offer their own interpretations. But two approaches to the understanding of competencies are considered basic, American and European.

Personnel Management Dictionary. The American approach determines the competence as a description of the behavior of the employee: competence is the main characteristic of the employee who possesses which it is able to show proper behavior and, as a result, to achieve high results in the work.

The European approach determines the competences as a description of working tasks or expected results: competence is the ability of an employee to act in accordance with the standards adopted in the organization (definition of a minimum standard that must be achieved by an employee).

The competency model is a complete set of competencies and indicators of the behavior necessary for a successful implementation by the employee of its functions that are manifested in relevant situations and time for a particular organization with its individual goals and corporate culture.

Competency profile is a list of competencies, an accurate determination of the level of their manifestation relating to a specific position.

In our opinion, competence is a behavioral characteristic, the necessary employee for the successful performance of working functions, reflecting the necessary standards of behavior.

The competence is the ability necessary to solve work tasks and obtain the necessary results of work. The concomitant concept of "competence" is knowledge and skills, abilities, accompanying efforts, stereotypes of behavior.

An effective competency model should be clear and easy to understand, be described by a simple language, to have a simple structure.

Most models can be described with 10 - 12 individual competencies. The more competencies contains a model, the harder it is to implement it into corporate practice. According to experts, when the model includes more than 12 competencies, it becomes difficult to work with specific competencies, since the differences between individual competencies in such a model are still small.

The competency model consists of clusters (blocks) of competencies. Competence clusters are a set of closely related competencies (usually from three to five in one "bundle"). Each cluster of competencies has levels - a set of related behavioral indicators.

Behavioral indicators are standards of behavior that are observed in the actions of a person with a specific competence.

Typically allocate the following types of competencies:

Corporate (or key) - competencies that support the proclaimed mission and value of the company and, as a rule, are applicable to any position in the organization, often a list of corporate competencies can be found in the presentation and information materials of companies.

Management competencies applied to all levels of management. Used to evaluate managers.

Special competencies used with respect to certain groups of posts of different departments. For example, special competencies are developed for employees of each of the departments: sales, information technology, financial department, etc. These are knowledge and skills that determine professional duties, the level of owning them, the ability to apply them in practice by individual categories of employees.

Personal competencies that have an overefessional nature and necessary in any field of activity. Under personal competence, spiritual maturity is meant, awareness of the person's own life goals and the meaning of life, understanding itself and other people, the ability to understand the deep motives of behavior.

Practice shows that some organizations use only key competencies, others develop and use only managerial - to evaluate top managers, and part of the companies develop special competencies only for employees of the Sales Department.

Competencies are also divided into simple and detailed:

Simple - this is a single list of behavior indicators, which can be developed, for example, by the company's head;

Detailed are competencies consisting of several levels (usually three-four). The number of levels is determined at the stage of development of the competency model.

The competency profile describes not only what is expected from employees, but also how they should act. Before conducting evaluation activities, it is necessary to revise and update the competency profiles, given that over the past period, the content of the employee could change.

Information for thinking

Terms that worth distinguish

Technology of creating competencies

Technology for creating competencies includes several stages.

First stage: Formulation of the company's strategy and goals. To do this, survey the company's main individuals, its owners, top managers, who, as a rule, determine the strategy, competitive advantages, key performance indicators and factors of the company's success in the market.

Second Stage: Allocation of key tasks of the company's personnel activities arising from its development strategy. It is important here to understand what the behavior of employees in the organization should be to determine what a particular worker can give the other members of the team and the organization as a whole in the framework of those responsibilities that it will be endowed or performs them. At this stage, it is necessary to connect employees to the development of their competencies.

Third Stage: Determination of already directly behavioral reactions that should appear from employees during solving work tasks. For this, it is studied in detail and analyze the activities of the best employees, the method of critical incidents determine the effectiveness and inefficiency of their behavior, the staff of the levels for which the model is created are carried out. Expectations from external clients can be conducted. In order to reduce the subjectivism of the surveys carried out, it is necessary to use a complex of certain techniques.

Fourth Stage: Selection of total weight characteristics and grouping of identified behavioral indicators in general categories - clusters. This is quite a difficult job, because It assumes a multiple comparison of the model elements with each other, the allocation of common and private features. Also, do not do without interpretations, and here may appear ambiguity and subjectivism. It is possible to neutralize subjectivity through the work of the project groups.

Fifth Stage: Creating an assessment scale in each level of competencies to describe an invalid (unacceptable employee's behavior organization), permissible (minimum requirements to perform work well) and outstanding (better behavior) levels of behavior of employees in the workplace.

The competency system can be created in two ways.

The first way is to adapt ready-made models to a specific firm. Such standard models are created as a result of research on management experience of leading companies, as a rule, foreign.

The second way is to create a model of competencies from scratch. At the same time, you can resort to the help of external consultants or to develop competencies yourself. The choice of the method will depend on several factors: what monetary, temporary resources is the organization, how well it represents the process of this work and how much the company wants to understand the competences so that they become a working tool and justified all costs. The result of data collection efforts, the analysis and modeling of competencies should be a model of competences of employees of a particular organization around which the company's personnel management system is built.

Competences that are understandable for employees of the organization detailed description, which significantly facilitates the possibility of their diagnosis, can be characterized through the levels of their severity.

The first level is the level of understanding - the employee understands the need for these competencies, he tries to show them, but it does not always work.

The second level is the basic level - the competence is developed normally, the employee shows the quality necessary for the work.

The third level is a strong level (complements the basic level) - competence can manifest itself in labor processes, when solving complex tasks.

The fourth level is the leader's level (complements the basic and strong levels) - the employee sets the rules for the collective when not only it, but others begin to show this competence, the employee helps others show the necessary skills.

Assessment on competencies

The competency assessment is usually used to solve the following tasks:

1. Assessment of the current level of competencies of employees and their compliance with the required level. The need for staff assessment occurs mainly at the stage of stable growth and development of the organization. By this time, a positive and negative work experience has already been gained, certain corporate standards have been developed and operated, including personnel management. And if the organization introduced a competency model, then competence, of course, will become an integral component of staff assessment. The competency assessment system allows adequate to evaluate not only the results of the activity (which was reached and the goals were achieved and the right) were achieved), but also makes it possible to ask an employee the right direction of development.

2. Forming a personnel reserve from employees who have demonstrated the best results, and the subsequent creation of individual development plans for each "reserve". A competence approach allows you to determine which training should be a manager who claims to career growth so that the structure of his knowledge and skills corresponds to its next career step. To this end, a common corporate training and development system of employees in reserve must be formed in the company, which includes measures to develop professional and personal qualities.

3. Development of trainings (individual and group) programs aimed at developing specific competencies. Employees who have received high estimates (regardless of position) can act as coaches and mentors. Competences serve as a criterion for choosing what and how to teach. Moreover, practice shows that to influence professional knowledge, experience (ie, competence) is easier and easier than competences. It is enough to send an employee to retraining courses, advanced training where it can gain experience and increase his professional knowledge. Despite the difficulty of changing the internal installations of human behavior, the impact on its motives, experts propose to train staff for competencies.

4. Selection and staff staff, conducting evaluation interviews in the selection of candidates. The method of selection for competencies is most often used in companies with low performance efficiency, staff fluidity, low percentage of employees. During the selection of personnel, the professional competency model is the criterion of the selection of the necessary employees, which significantly saves the time and means spent on the search process. Search and selection are becoming more specific and efficient, because The company clearly represents who she is looking for. In addition to the set of new employees in formal criteria (education, knowledge, work experience), the possibility of selection of applicants for corporate criteria for the organization, department appears. In this case, the compliance of the candidate corporate and special competencies is an important condition for success compared to other applicants for the position.

5. Personnel motivation as a process of prompting an employee to activities to achieve its goals and objectives of the company. If the company's requirements are laid in the company's claims, then it is necessary to determine the relationship between competencies and remuneration principles, i.e. Competences require certain behavior in the workplace, and the remuneration motivates this behavior. The formation of the competency model is necessary for the adjustment of the company's compensation policy towards employees who have successfully passed the estimated activities. The dependence between the results of the assessment and the change in the compensation package exists in companies where there are problems with the involvement of qualified personnel and there is a need to substantiate the labor compensation of qualified employees.

Advantages and disadvantages of staff assessment

based on the competency model

There are certain advantages of assessing staff based on the competency model.

To organize these benefits are the following:

1. The development of uniform standards for describing performance efficiency contributes to the establishment of mutual understanding between employees of various departments and different levels. For example, a single understanding is produced, what is "effective work" and what "team work" means.

2. Consistency in the evaluation of the employee: All experts are equally understood that such a "valuable quality" of the employee, and know that it is necessary to evaluate, and what can be ignored.

3. The ability to identify the strengths and weaknesses of each employee and use this information for career planning and development.

4. There are grounds for forming a personnel reserve and career planning staff.

5. The quality standards are being developed.

For employees, these benefits are others:

1. A better understanding of what an employee does and what qualities it is necessary, as well as what claims are presented.

2. The possibility of obtaining feedback on its strengths and weaknesses, the total potential and career prospects.

There are also disadvantages of the staff assessment method based on the competency model, which are reduced to the following:

1. A sufficiently long and time-consuming preparatory process, including the preparation of the list of competencies, the formation of a group of experts and their training.

2. A detailed assessment of each criterion, the level of its severity is the process is quite laborious and therefore expensive.

3. In the formation of competencies, errors related to the development are possible.

Intersecting competencies. Similar indicators are used to determine two or three different competencies - this leads to confusion when conducting evaluation measures and reduces the accuracy of the evaluation itself. To prevent such an error, it is necessary to find a couple of employees such that one of them is well-owning both of these competencies, and the other would not have owned one of them. If such employees are found, it can be concluded that competencies do not intersect;

Complex competencies. Too bulky and difficult to formulated competencies greatly complicate work;

Conflicting competencies. Competences may contain allegations meaning opposite things - for example, several contradictory, i.e. Excluding each other behavioral indicators. To check whether the competence is contradictory, it is necessary to choose an employee who would have owned one component of competence and would not possess the second. If there is at least one such person, then the competence of contradictory and it will make confusion in the assessment of personnel;

Competences containing in the description are not indicators of behavior, but the desired result. The indicator should not indicate the result of the activity, since the result is a consequence of good possession of competence, and not the definition of the competence itself;

Poorly worked competencies. Competences are not described in detail, therefore the types of behavior will be described not enough in detail;

Competences incorrectly defining standards. For example, the competence of "decision-making" (the head can be able to make decisions, but will they be correct?). The error in determining standards is that the competencies are not divided into levels: qualified and unqualified performers in this case will receive the same assessment;

Models of competencies borrowed from another company. In this case, it will not be relevant for employees - they will not see the values \u200b\u200bof competencies in their daily work;

Incorrectly certain competencies. Employees may detect a contradiction between everyday work and competences, which will lead to ignoring the competencies;

Unsuccessfully embedded competencies. Employees do not understand why competencies are needed, management does not consider them important, and their application during the estimated activities remains empty formality. Most likely, the reason for the failure is that the staff attracted little to the discussion at the stage of development of the competency model;

Non-timely implemented competencies. When a lot of significant changes occur in the company (new products, work methods are being introduced), which affect the interests of most employees, then competencies are considered as less important project;

Incorrectly used competencies. Behavior indicators should not be used as a rigid employee assessment criterion. It is important to remember that competences are only a tool for assessing personnel, and its use does not exclude the use of other estimates during certification events. Subaming of behavioral indicators defined by the Company, personal interpretation by their head or personnel manager belonging to the assessment commission should be avoided.

Information for reflection. 25 of the most popular issues on the interviews on competencies

Arling S. Hirsch, career consultant, author of the books about the secrets of a successful career, in the book "101 Verified recipe for organizing and planning your career" leads a list of the most likely issues.

Tell me about how you:

1. Effectively completed work under pressure.

2. Allowed a conflict situation with an employee.

3. Used their creative abilities to solve the problem.

4. missed the obvious solution to the problem.

5. convinced the team members to work according to your scheme.

6. Could not complete the project on time.

7. managed to predict and prevent possible problems.

8. Reported about well-done work.

9. They should have taken a responsible decision during the lack of information.

10. They were forced to accept an unpopular solution.

11. They should have adapted to a complex setting.

12. Agencies agreed with the opinion that was different from your point of view.

13. Felt dissatisfaction with their own behavior.

14. Used their personal qualities to achieve the goal.

15. Communicated with an angry client.

16. Presented a successful decision or project.

17. overcame a complex obstacle.

18. I overestimated or underestimated the importance of something.

19. Established the procedure for urgency in the work on a comprehensive project.

20. Won or lost an important contract.

21. They were forced to dismiss anyone for good reasons.

22. Chose the wrong decision.

23. Embankment in the choice of candidacy when admission to work.

24. rejected a good job.

25. Were removed from work.

When is the competency model effective?

There are certain criteria for an efficiently working model of competencies formulated by Mark Parkinson.

Competencies should be:

1) exhaustive. The list of competencies must completely overlap all the important functions of work activity. It is easily achieved by 10 - 12 competencies.

2) discrete. Separate competence should relate to certain activities that can be clearly separated from other activities. If competencies overlap, it will be difficult to accurately assess work or people.

3) focused. Each competence should be clearly defined, and it is not necessary to try to cover too much with the help of it, as sometimes they say, to "inflate" it. For example, "technical competence" must be completely specific.

4) available. Each competence must be affordable formulated so that it can be used universally. It should not be overly used by corporate jargon, which may be unequal interpreted by all managers.

5) congruent. Competences should strengthen the organizational culture and strengthen the long-term goals of the company. If competencies seem too abstract, they will not benefit and will not be accepted by managers.

6) modern. The competency system should be updated and must reflect these and future (predictable) needs of the organization. Like any method of analyzing work, it will require the contribution of those who have a strategic vision.

A competence approach as a tool for personnel management gives a clear definition of professional and behavioral requirements for the employee, depending on its leading level, the profession occupied by the position and the tasks performed.

The versatility of the model lies in the fact that:

1. The model allows you to directly associate the personnel management system with the strategic goals of the organization. This connection is built through the determination of professional and personal qualities of managers and specialists, key competencies of the future company.

2. Competences contribute to the formation of corporate culture of the company and achieving the general vision of the mission and the objectives of the organization as the management of the company and its employees.

3. The model describes the actual observed behavior of people at work simple and accessible to managers and specialists by the language, which increases returns when using competencies.

4. The competency model underlies the system of working with personnel:

The procedure for hiring staff is facilitated - the ability to compare the characteristics of the candidate with the requirements for posts;

Employees are given a clear idea of \u200b\u200bthe requirements for them, on the standards of successful performance;

The efficiency of training and development of employees increases, because training programs are formed to achieve corporate standards specified in the competencies;

The head receives criteria for assessing the performance of subordinates and, as a result, to assess the conformity of personnel with challenges to the company;

The development of personnel and career planning is ensured.

Thus, the competence approach is today the basic personnel management in the organization.

T. Talloshkin

head Department of Sociology History

Ural state state

mining University

yekaterinburg city

Signed in print

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