The theory of functional systems P. to

Engineering systems 11.10.2019
Engineering systems

FS is the morpho-physiological basis of the MPF as a set of all processes occurring in various systems that ensure the functioning of PVF (afferent and efferent components).

Studying the physiological structure of the behavioral act, P.K. Anokhin came to the conclusion about the need to distinguish between private integration mechanisms when these private mechanisms enter each other into complex coordinated interaction. The main provisions of the theory of the functional system were formulated by P. K. Anokhin back in 1935. The theory of functional systems proposed by PK Nanochene postulates a fundamentally new approach to physiological phenomena. It changes the traditional "organ" thinking and opens the picture of the holistic integrative functions of the body. Arriving on the basis of the theory of conditional reflexes I.P. Pavlov, the theory of functional systems was its creative development. At the same time, in the process of developing the very theory of functional systems, it went beyond the framework of the classical reflex theory and took shape into an independent principle of organizing physiological functions. Functional systems have a cyclic dynamic organization that is different from the reflex arc, all the activities of the components of which are aimed at ensuring various adaptive results beneficial for the body and for its interaction with the environment and their likes.

The most principled position of the theory is that the systems can be the most diverse to the type of tasks, they are solved, and the complexity of these tasks, but the system architecture remains the same. This means that various functional systems - from the thermoregulation system to the political control system - have a similar structure. The main components of any functional systems are the following:

Afferent synthesis;


Model of action results (action acceptor) and action program;

Action and its result;


Afferent synthesis is a generalization of information flows that come both outside and from outside. Subcomponents of afferent synthesis are dominant motivation, a decorated afferentation, start-up affamentation and memory. The function of dominant motivation is ensuring general motivational activation. The "root cause" of any action is the need, motivation. The rewarding animal will not be feverishly looking for food, a person, devoid of ambition, is little concerned about the desire for promotion by the service staircase. The function of the installation affamentation is ensuring general readiness for action. As soon as it appears in the environment, it appears that it is capable of satisfying our need, the mechanism of launch afforentation is included. Starting afforentation initiates behavior. Thus, on the basis of the interaction of motivational, sleep arousal and memory mechanisms, the so-called integration or readiness for certain behavior is formed. But so that it is transformed into targeted behavior, the impact on the part of the starting stimuli is necessary. Starting afforentation is the last component of the afferent synthesis.

The processes of afferent synthesis, covering motivational excitation, start-up and sleep affamentation, memory apparatus, are implemented using a special modulation mechanism that ensures that the tone of the bark of large hemispheres and other brain structures are necessary. This mechanism regulates and distributes activating and inactivating effects emanating from the limbic and reticular brain systems. The behavioral expression of growth in the level of activation in the central nervous system created by this mechanism is the emergence of approximately research reactions and the search activity of the animal.

The completion of the stage of afferent synthesis is accompanied by the transition to the decision step, which determines the type and direction of behavior. The decision step is implemented through a special and very important stage of the behavioral act - the formation of an acceptor apparatus of the results of action. This is a device programming the results of future events. It actualized innate and individual memorial memory in relation to the properties of external objects capable of satisfying the emergence of the emergence, as well as methods of action aimed at achieving or avoiding the target object. Often, the entire search path in the external environment of the respective stimuli is programmed in this apparatus. It is assumed that the acceptor of the results of the action is presented with a network of inserted neurons covered by annular interaction. Excitation, hitting this network, continues to circulate in it for a long time. Thanks to this mechanism, a long-term retention of a goal as the main behavior regulator is achieved.

The following stage is the execution of the behavior program. Efferent excitement reaches actuating mechanisms, and the action is carried out.

Thanks to the results of the results acceptor, in which the goal and methods of behavior are programmed, the body has the ability to compare them with incoming afferent information about the results and parameters of the acting action, i.e. with reverse affamentation. It is the results of comparison that determine the subsequent construction of behavior, or it is adjusted, or it is terminated as in the case of the final result.

Therefore, if the alarm on the perfect action is fully consistent with the prepared information contained in the action acceptor, the search behavior is completed. The appropriate need is satisfied.

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Theory of Functional Systems P K. Anokhina

as the basis of human behavior in real living conditions

In physiology, under human behavior, you can consider the holistic activity of a person aimed at meeting biological and social needs. Biological needs are primary, aimed at preserving an individual and type. They define instinctive behavior. Social PTRs are determined by the interests of society. The general scheme for the formation of the interaction of neurons and physiological measures of human behavior organization is most successfully formulated by P.K. Anocyne and disciples in TFS. According to it, for complex forms of targeted behavior, a preliminary understanding of the goal, tasks and expected resorts are characterized.

The term system is used to note the collence, the organization of a group of elements and its degradation from another group of elements. PC. Anokhin (1975), analyzed different variants of the system approach and suggested that one interaction of the elements is not enough to limit the degree of freedom of each system element. He introduced the concept of a system-forming factor that would limit the degree of freedom of system elements, created an orderly in the system and would be isomorphic for many systems, allowing you to use the system as a unit of analysis in different situations.

Result - system-forming factor

As determinants of behavior, Anokhin considered result System- This is a useful adaptive effect that reached the body when implementing the system. So As determinants, behavior in TFS considers not the past event, but the result is the future. When analyzing the external behavior of the individual, we can describe the result as a certain ratio of the body and the external environment, which terminates the action aimed at achieving it.

To understand the adaptive activity of the individual, it is necessary to study not the functions of individual organs or structures of the brain, but the organization of the integral relationship between the body and the environment. In this case, the components coordinate their activity to obtain a specific result. Anokhin introduced such a definition of FS: the system of the Naza is such a complex of selectively involved components in which the interaction and relationship gain the nature of the interaction of components aimed at obtaining a useful result.

To ensure such a form of activities of the central nervous system, several stages (stages) of the formation of relevant mechanisms can be distinguished.

Afferent synthesis feedback

Starting Afferentation Memory Acceptor Result


Afferentation Solutions

motivation reaction

Result parameters

Receptors Results

Afferent synthesis.The first stage is afferent synthesis. This is an analysis of incoming information consisting of 4 components: biological motivation, environmental conditions (solo affamentation), memory and start-up afferentation (directly incentive). The most important prompting motive is the motivation, which forms the dominant focus of the excitation, to which other components are connected. When forming the first stage of the behavioral act, sensory information is of great importance - a flat-end and start-up affamentation. The structural base of this phase is the frontal and dark associative shares of the crust. There is a barrier (convergence) of nerve pulses from various CNS structures providing afferent synthesis. There is also a large number of "neural traps", in which the nerve impulses circulate a long time. These processes are further enhanced by the convergence of the activating effects of subcortical structures and especially its integrative structures - the Russian Federation, the limbic system, amino-specific brain systems.

2nd stage - formation of a program of action. As a result of the interaction of these factors, afferent (incoming) synthesis forms a program of action consisting of a set of reflex teams to executive bodies (muscles, glands). For example, for motor reflexes, executive teams go from the pyramidal neurons of the crust. Health is important to master the side options for behavior, which may prevent adequate response.

3rd stage of the results of the action result.The most significant and controversial in this hypothesis is the assumption that simultaneously with the above-mentioned mechanisms is formed, the so-called "acceptor of the result", that is, the neural model of the intended effect effect. In ensuring this mechanism, ring interactions of neurons are involved, which, for example, when performing motor reflexes, pulses are obtained from collaterals of the pyramid tract, transferred to the executive bodies.

4th stage - Feedback in the organization of the FS. Result parameters. Receptors result. The value of feedback in the organization of the FS.

The execution of commands (reflexes) leads to the result, the parameters of which are evaluated by receptors. Information about this assessment through feedback channels comes to the response acceptor. If the effect coincides with the preliminary model of the result, the reflex reactions stop - the goal is achieved. If there is no coincidence, then adjustments are entered into the action program - and efferent excitation leads to continuation of action. This happens until the result is achieved with the existing model. For example, achieving a tongue value. These processes are provided by associative cortex zones, where there are neural traps in which information is stored on the same mechanisms as short-term memory.

After performing the appropriate behavioral act, the entire FS neurons chain disintegrates. If for several repetitions to reach the resort, the limbic system is included, which increases the activity and interaction of various brain departments. But if it does not manage to get the result, there may be negative emotions. In principle, not only complex behaviors, but also simpler functions of the body can be formed by the same scheme. For example, thermoregulation under different lesion conditions. The center of thermoregulation in the GPT. So The location of the formation in the CNS of the accent agent is determined by the most performed function. Another example, when performing complex movements, such an acceptor is formed in the cortical department of the motor analyzer.

Functional systems underlie the organism self-regulatory devices. The following features are characterized for self-regulating systems:

    The adaptive effect achieved is vital for the body. Vital constants (conc. Glucose, salt composition, etc.) are laid genotypically. There are hard (osmotic) and plastic (blood pressure) FS.

    Self-regulation is a cyclic phase process that has specific structures and mechanisms forming FS. All self-regulatory devices are dictated by the fact of deviation of the final adaptive effect or the inconsistency of the input perturbing power of the system needs.

    One of the mandatory conditions of self-regulation is information about the final adaptive effect in the central nervous system, as well as the leveling of unwanted illustrative influences at the system input.

    The size of the FS may be different, depending on the complexity of the adjustable behavior or function. For example, blood sugar regulation is carried out on the basis of internal devices and mechanisms.

Another FS with an extensive factor of external factors - the amount of NA-in in the bloodstream depends on many parameters and continuously fluctuates. The receptor apparatus of this plastic constant is located in lateral GPT. Decline conc. B-B excites glucosoches. Neurons, the center of hunger is initiated, a sense of hunger arises - behavioral acts are organized - food behavior.

5. In the case of an extreme impact on the body, self-regulating systems form protective-adaptive reactions and maintain the constancy of the inner medium. The power of the maximum possible protective device should be greater than the severity of the maximum possible deviation of this adaptive final effect from the constant level. For example, no matter how high blood. Pressure that reduces its factors should be stronger than the factors that increase it. In the norm of shelter Pressure keeps at a certain level.

Many industries apply in practice the theory of functional systems P. K. Anokhin, which is evidence of its versatility. Academician is considered a student of I. P. Pavlov, only in his student years it was lucky to work under the sensitive leadership of V. M. Bekhtereva. The impact of the principal views of these great scientists pushed P. K. Anokhin to the creation and substantiation of the general theory of functional systems.

Historical background

Some results of research Pavlov and today are studied in educational institutions. It should be noted that Darwin's theory was not removed from the school program, but the specific evidence of its truth is not provided to the scientific community. She is perceived by "on faith."

However, observations of the Earth's ecosystem confirm that there are no: plants are divided with each other nutrients, moisture, evenly distributing.

In the animal world you can see that individuals do not kill more than need to ensure their livelihoods. Animals that violate the natural natural balance through abnormal behavior (for example, begin to kill everyone in a row), as this sometimes happens to some representatives of the wolf pack, they are exposed to their own conifers.

Observations of primitive tribes, preserved in the twentieth century, studying their culture, can be concluded about the primitive person who felt, understood, knew that was part of the environment. Killing some animal for food, he left something from those killed by him, but not as a trophy, but as a reminder of someone's spent life to continue his.

From this it follows the conclusion about the existence of the ancient people the concept of generality, depending on various environmental factors.

Petra Kuzmich Research Scope

The theory of P. K. Anokhina, on the contrary, is built on the basis of an extensive experimental base, a well-structured methodology. However, this concept of academician led many years of observations, practices, experiments, theoretical studies of the results. Not the last role in the formation of a systematic approach to the problem of targeted activity was played by the results of experiments Pavlov, Bekhtereva, Sechenov. At the same time, the concept of functional systems cannot be called "copying" or "continuation" of the theories of listed authors by virtue of the dimensions of the methodology, the overall structure.

Methodological approaches Pavlov and Anokhina

With a detailed consideration of concepts, it can be noted that the positions of the methodology by the authors are understood and explained completely differently.

Methodological principles used in the concepts of authors
P. K. Anokhin I. P. Pavlov
The author does not support the concept of versatility of methodology for all accurate sciences. He emphasizes the importance of the influence of exogenous and endogenous factors on mental processes.The universality of the methodology for studying the subject of all accurate sciences is the main record of the study of the study of mental processes (most likely, this is an attempt to bring the study of consciousness to the level of "scientific relations" with the help of mechanical transfer of research methods from other spheres of science).
It distinguishes the laws by which live matter and inorganic world are functioning. Justles its position by the presence of "internal focus on survival" in living organisms, which is not characteristic of non-living subjects.Mental processes, on Pavlov, are subject to compliance with the laws governing the development and operation of the material world.
Under the concept of "integrity" understands the mobilization of the body's internal forces to achieve a particular goal."Integrity" (close relationship) is manifested when exposed to the body of external factors.

The hierarchy of processes implies the presence of feedback, which implies an impact on the management center coordinated elements of the system. On the basis of these interactions, the steps of the hierarchical structure are distinguished:

  • molecular;
  • cellular;
  • organ and tissue;
  • organized;
  • population-species;
  • ecosystem;
  • biosphere.
The body is seen as those who are in each other levels of organization. Hierarchy is considered as a vertical organization of management or a pyramidal organization of control centers without the possibility of the opposite influence of the following components of the system.
The reflection mechanisms are dynamic, and not static, folded due to various external factors programmed to a particular period of time. The body has the ability of a leading reflection.Conditional and unconditional pea reflexes are manifested independently of other organism reactions and consist of two processes - braking and activation.
Consciousness can not be reduced to physiological reactions, arising based on their development.Elementary thinking arises on the basis of a combination of individual reflexes caused by a particular sensation or symbol.
The creator of the theory of functional systems is based on the postulate "The law of things - in the thing". Therefore, all processes are managed by the laws inherent only by them. Consequently, the structure of world laws resembles the principle of "Matryoshka", and not "pyramids". Since management takes place with various laws, then the study methods should be different.The concept is based on the postulate "The law of things - out of things", which indicates the independence of the law from the managed process. At the same time, the hierarchy of the subordination of laws (pyramid) is built. Consequently, all processes are subordinated to universal laws in compliance with living, inanimate nature, mental education.

These main methodological principles of authors allow us to conclude about their "opposite". The theory of functional systems of Peter Anokhin cannot be a logical continuation of the materialistic teaching I. P. Pavlova.

Influence of work V. M. Bekhtereva

The historical fact is the differences between the creator of objective psychology and Pavlov. Thanks to the vigorion and petty, the last Behterev was not awarded the Nobel Prize.

The author of the theory of functional systems describes the functioning of the Pavlov school as the sound of a set of hypotheses (taken on faith) against the background of one fundamental discovery (conditional reflex). Indeed, the works of the famous physiologist (these are several volumes of Pavlovsky environments) - this is a discussion with the staff of the main hypotheses and assumptions.

The scientific works of Pavlov received recognition of the world community and were, for their time, rather progressive, but Reflexology, decorated by Bekhterev, had the missing Pavlovsk theory. She studied the influence of human physiology on his socialization and behavior.

It should be noted that after the mysterious death of Vladimir Mikhailovich and "Reflexology", and "objective psychology", as scientific trends, were "frozen".

Studying the legacy of Bekhtereva and Anokhin, you can see some general principles in the methodology for studying the subject. The attention is worthy of attention and the fact that the theoretical assumptions of both authors have always been based on practical studies, observations. While Pavlov admitted the "crushing reviews" only because of personal dislike.

The appearance of the concept, its development

The foundations of the theory of functional systems were laid back in the thirties of the twentieth century based on the study of the interaction of central and peripheral nervous activities. The rich practical experience of Peter Kuzmich received in the All-Union Institute of Experimental Medicine named after A. M. Gorky, who served as the basis for creating in the forties of the USSR AMN and the Leningrad Institute of Experimental Medicine.

Academician was able to study nervous activity not only in the generalist level. The first steps were made in the studies of the embryological aspects of the functioning of the highest nervous activity. As a result, structural and functional approaches in the theory of anocyne systems are recognized as the most perfect. It highlighted private mechanisms and their integration into a more complex system of supreme order.

Describing the structure of behavioral reactions, the academician concluded that the integration of private mechanisms into a holistic behavioral act. This principle was called the "functional system". Not a simple amount of reflexes, namely, combining them into higher-order complexes, according to the theory of functional systems, initiates human behavior.

With the help of the same principles, it is possible to consider not only complex behavioral reactions, but also separate motor acts. Self-regulation is the main effective principle in the theory of the functional system of Anokhin. Achieving the planned goals that benefit for the body occurs through the interaction and self-regulation of smaller system components.

In the publication of the book of Anokhin, the philosophical aspects of the theory of the functional system included chosen works covering issues of natural and artificial intelligence, physiology and cybernetics, as well as system-forming factors.

Systemgenesis as the basis of the theory

The "functional system" definition is described as obtaining a useful result through the interaction of elements with a wide constantly transforming distributed system. The universality of the theory of the functional system of Anokhin P. K. is to apply it in relation to any targeted action.

From the point of view of physiology, the functional systems are divided into two categories:

  • The first one is designed to preserve the constancy of the basic parameters of the body using self-regulation, for example, maintaining body temperature. In the case of any deviations, the processes of self-regulation of the inner medium are launched.
  • The second provides a device to the environment due to the connection with it, which regulates the change in behavior. It is this system that underlies various behavioral reactions. Information on the change in the external environment is a natural stimulus to adjust various behavioral forms.

The structure of the central system consists of replacing each other stages:

  • afferent synthesis (or "bringing" to the organ or nervous center);
  • decision-making;
  • acceptor of the results of action (or "adoption" of the results of the action);
  • efferent synthesis ("endowing" transmitting impulses);
  • formation of action;
  • assessment of the result achieved.

Miscellaneous kind of motifs and needs (vital (thirst, hunger), social (communication, recognition), ideal (spiritual and cultural self-realization)) stimulate and adjust the form of behavior. However, to switch to the stage of targeted activities, the action of "starting stimuli" is required, with which the transition to the decision step is taken.

This stage is implemented on the basis of programming the results of future actions through the attraction of the person's individual memory in relation to the surrounding objects and methods of action to achieve the goal.

Goaling in theory

Allocation of behavior in the theory of the functional system of Anokhin is a key point. Direct attitude to goaling have both positive and negative leading emotions. They define the vector and promote the allocation of the goal of the behavior, laying the basics of morality from the position of the theory of functional systems. Situational emotions act as a behavior regulator at this stage of achieving the goal and can provoke a refusal of the goal or a change in the plan to achieve the desired one.

The principles of the theory of the functional system of Anokhin P. K. are based on approval of the impossibility of equating the sequence of reflexes to targeted behavior. Behavior differs from the chain of reflexes by the presence of a systematic structure based on programming actions with a leading reflection of reality. Comparison of the results of action with the program and other related processes and determine the focus of behavior.

Functional system scheme

Academic and Cybernetics Theory

Cybernetics is a science on the patterns of management processes in various systems. Cybernetics methods are applied in cases if the collision of the system with the environment caused certain changes (adjustments) in the method of behavior of the system itself.

It is easy to see that there are certain verge of contacting cybernetics and the theory of the functional systems of Anokhin. Briefly describe the ratio of Peter Kuzmich to the new in those days of science. It is rightly called the propagandist and developer of cybernetics issues. This is evidenced by articles included in the Collection "Philosophical Aspects of the Functional System Theory".

Interesting in this regard, the book "Selected Works. Cybernetics of functional systems. " It describes in detail the questions and problems of cybernetics and their possible solution with the help of the theory of functional systems, which is provided as the basic principle of management among biological systems.

The role of P. K. Anokhin in the development of a systemic approach is to substantiate scientific theory with accurate physiological argument, in contrast to its predecessors. Anochen Theory is a universal model of the body, which has accurate wording. It is also impossible to bypass the functioning of the model based on the processes of self-regulation.

The universality of the theory of functional systems is expressed in the ability to study the activities of systems of any complexity, since it has a sufficiently worked-structured model. With the help of numerous experiments, it was proved that cybernetics patterns are peculiar to any functional systems included in living organisms.


The theory of Anochen Peter Kuzmich's existing for more than fifty years determines a person as a self-regulating system, which is in unity with the outside world. On this basis, new theories appeared on the occurrence of diseases and their treatment, as well as many psychological concepts.

Academician PK Anokhin in the fundamental works on neurophysiology - mechanisms of conditional reflex, the ontogenesis of the nervous system introduced the concept of a system-forming factor (system result). Using the system of P.K. Anokhin understood the useful adaptive effect in the interaction of the "Organism - Wednesday" interaction, achieved when implementing the system.

The behavior of the individual can be described as a result of a certain interaction of the body with an external environment. Moreover, to achieve a certain result, the initial impact is terminated, which makes it possible to implement the next behavioral act [Flusher, 1978]. Therefore, in systemic psychophysiology, behavior is considered from the position of the future - the result.

Based on the generalization of the experiments, P. K. Anokhin came to the conclusion that to understand the interaction of the body with the medium, it is not necessary to study the "functions" of individual organs or structures of the brain, but their interaction, that is, the coordination of their activity to obtain a concrete result.

In systemic psychophysiology, neuron activity is associated with any specific "mental" or "bodily" functions, but with the provision of systems in which the cells of the most different anatomical localization are involved and which, distinguished by the level of complexity and quality of the result achieved, are subject to the general principles of the organization Functional systems [Anhin, 1975,1978].

That is why the systemic patterns identified in the study of neural activity in animals can be applied to develop ideas about systemic mechanisms for the formation and use of individual experience in a variety of human activities [Aleksandrov, 2001].

In TFS P. K. Anokhina developed the concept of isomorphicity of hierarchical levels. The isomorphism of levels is that all of them are represented by functional systems, and not by any special processes and mechanisms specific to this level, such as peripheral coding and central integration, classical conditioning and instrumental learning, regulation of simple reflex and complex arbitrary movements and T . p. Regardless of the level of the system-forming factor for all these systems, the result is a factor that determines the structural organization levels, their ordering is the history of development.

This conclusion is consistent with the submission to transform the sequence of mental development steps in the levels of the psychic organization - the concept of the concept of Ya. A. Ponomarev on the transformation of the stages of the phenomenon in the structural levels of its organization. And with the position of L. S. Vygotsky, who considered that "the individual in his behavior detects in the frozen form the various finished phases of development". J. Piaget also emphasized the correspondence of the development stages of the organization of behavior, believing that the formation of new behaviors means "assimilation of new elements in the already constructed structures."

Functional system model

Academician PK Anokhin suggested a model of organizing and regulating a behavioral act, in which there is a place for all major processes and states. She got the name of the model functional system. Its general structure is shown in Fig. one.

Model functional system. Fig. one.

Essence of this concept pk Anokhin is that a person cannot exist isolated from the world. It constantly experiencing certain environmental factors. The impact of external factors was called anocyne placement afferentation. Some influences for a person are insignificant or even unconscious, but others are usually unusual - they cause him a response. This response is character approximate reaction.

All objects affecting a person and the conditions of activity, regardless of their significance, are perceived by a person in the form of an image. This image correlates with information stored in memory, and human motivacponte. Moreover, the process of comparison is most likely through consciousness, which leads to the emergence of a decision and behavior plan.

In the central nervous system, the expected result of actions is represented in the form of a kind of nervous model called anocyne acceptor results action. The result acceptor of the action is the goal to which the action is directed. In the presence of an action acceptor and the action program, formulated by consciousness, direct execution of the action begins. In this case, the will is included, as well as the process of obtaining information on the fulfillment of the goal.

Information on the results of the action is the nature of feedback (reverse affamentation) and is aimed at the formation of the installation but with respect to the action performed. Since information passes through the emotional sphere, it causes certain emotions that affect the nature of the installation. If emotions are positive, the action stops. If the emotions are negative, then adjustments are made to the performance [Maklakov, 2001].

A lot of studies in the field of artificial intelligence are faced with the problem of the absence of any powerful theory of consciousness and brain activity at present. In fact, we have sufficiently scarce knowledge about how the brain is learning and achieves an adaptive result. However, at the moment there is a noticeable increase in the mutual influence of the field of artificial intelligence and neurobiology. According to the results of mathematical modeling of cerebral activity, new goals are put for experiments in the field of neurobiology and psychophysiology, and the experimental data of biologists in turn largely affect the vector of development of AI.

Based on the foregoing, it becomes clear that for the future successful development of the Bionic AI, it is necessary to the tight cooperation of mathematicians and neurobiologists, which will eventually be fruitful for both regions. For this, in particular, it is necessary to study the current success of theoretical neurobiology.

At the moment, there are three most worked and partly experimentally proven theories of the structure of consciousness in the field of theoretical neurobiology: the theory of functional systems P.K. Anokhina, the theory of selection of neuronal groups (neodarvinism) Gerald Edelman and the theory of global information spaces of Jean-Pierre Sames (originally formulated by Bernard Baars). The rest of theories are either modifications mentioned or not confirmed by any experimental data. This article will talk about the first of these theories - Theories of functional systems PK Anokhina.

Paradigms of reactivity and activity

First of all, it must be said that with all the variety of theories and approaches used in psychology, psychophysiology and neuroscience, they can be divided into two groups. In the first group, as the main methodological principle that determines the approach to the study of the patterns of the brain organization of behavior and activity, reactivity is considered, in the second - activity (Fig. 1).

Fig. 1. Two paradigms of neurophysiology - reactivity and activity

In accordance with the reactivity paradigm, the reaction should be a behavioral in an individual, pulsed with a neuron. In the latter case, the impelmentation of the presynaptic neuron is considered as an incentive.

In accordance with the paradigm of activity, the action is completed by the achievement of the result and its assessment. The scheme includes a model of the future result: for a person, for example, contact with an object-purpose.

According to the reactive approach, the agent should not be active in the absence of stimuli. On the contrary, when using the activity paradigm, we can assume the case when the agent did not have any stimulus from the external environment, however, according to the agent expectations, he had to do. In this case, the agent will act and study to eliminate mismatch, which could not be in the case of the simplest unconditional response agent on an incentive from the external environment.

Theory of functional systems

In the theory of functional systems, behavior is not considered as determinants of behavior in relation to the behavior of the event - incentive, and the future is the result. Functional system There is a dynamically folding wide distributed system from heterogeneous physiological formations, all parts of which contribute to obtaining a certain useful result. It is the outright value of the result and model of the future, created by the brain, makes it possible to speak not about the reaction to incentives from the external environment, but about full-fledged goal.

Fig. 2. General architecture of the functional system
(OA - Placement Afferentation, PA - Starting Afferentation)

The architecture of the functional system is shown in Fig. 2. The scheme presents a sequence of actions when implementing one functional system. Initially, an afferent synthesis occurs, which accumulates signals from the external environment, memory and motivation of the subject. Based on the afferent synthesis, a solution is made, on the basis of which the program of action and the acceptor of the result of the action is formed - the forecast of the effectiveness of the action committed. After that, the effect of the action is directly accomplished and the physical parameters of the result are removed. One of the most important parts of this architecture is the return affamentation - feedback, which allows you to judge the success of one or a lot of action. This directly allows the subject to study, since comparing the physical parameters of the resulting result and predicted result, it is possible to evaluate the effectiveness of targeted behavior. Moreover, it is not necessary to note that a very many factors are influenced by the choice of this or that action, the combination of which is processed in the process of afferent synthesis.

Such functional systems are produced in the process. evolution and learning during life. If we generalize, the whole goal of evolution is the production of functional systems that will give the best adaptive effect. Functional systems produced by evolution develop even before birth, when there is no direct contact with the medium, and provide a primary repertoire. This fact indicates the evolutionary nature of these phenomena. Such processes received a common name - primary systemogenesis .

System-evolutionary theory, developed by Schosharkov V.B. Based on the theory of functional systems, even the concept of "start-up incentive" rejected and considered the behavioral act not isolated, but as a component of the behavioral continuum: the sequences of behavioral acts made by the individual throughout his life (Fig. 3). The next act in the continuum is implemented after reaching and evaluating the result of the previous act. Such an assessment is the necessary part of the organization's processes of the following act, which, thus, can be considered as transformational or transition processes from one act to another.

Fig. 3. behavioral continuum

From all of the above, it follows that the individual, and even a separate neuron, must have the ability to produce an image of the action and the ability to evaluate the effectiveness of its behavior. When these conditions are fulfilled, the behavior can be called targeted with confidence.

However, the processes of system genesis occur in the brain not only in the development (primary systemgenesis), but also during the life of the subject. SystemsEgenesis - This is the formation of new systems in the learning process. As part of the system-breeding concept of learning, the formation of a new system is considered as the formation of a new element of individual experience in the process of learning. At the heart of the formation of new functional systems, the selection of neurons from the "reserve" (presumably low active or "silent" cells) is the formation of neurons. These neurons can be designated as suited cells.

Neuron selection depends on their individual properties, i.e. From the features of their metabolic "needs." Selected cells become specialized relative to the newly generated system - system-specialized. This specialization of neurons relatively newly generated systems is constant. Thus, the new system turns out to be "adding" to the previously formed, "layering" on them. This process is called secondary system genesis .

The following provisions of the system-evolutionary theory:
On the presence of various types of "silent" cells in the brain of animals;
about increasing the number of active cells in training;
The fact that the newly formed specializations of neurons remain constant
that when learning, the involvement of new neurons is happening than the retraining of old,
Consistent with the data obtained in the works of a number of laboratories.

Separately, I would like to note that, according to the current ideas of psychophysiology and system-evolutionary theory, the number and composition of the functional systems of the individual is defined both by the processes of evolutionary adaptation, which are reflected in the genome and individual lifetime learning.

The theory of functional systems is successfully investigated by simulation simulation and various adaptive behavior management models are based on it.

Instead of imprisonment

The theory of functional systems at one time first introduced the concept of focusing behavior by comparing the prediction of the result with its actual parameters, as well as training as a way to eliminate the mismatch of the body with the medium. Many provisions of this theory are already needed to be substantial revision and adaptation with new experimental data. However, at this moment, this theory is among the most worked and biologically adequate.

I would like to once again note that from my point of view the further development of the affairs of the AI \u200b\u200bis impossible without close cooperation with neurobiologists, without the construction of new models based on powerful theories.


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