Why Khrushchev thaw. Epoch "thaw" in the USSR

Engineering systems 14.10.2019

Conditional name that secured over the second half of the 50s - early 60s., Associated with a political course in domestic and foreign policy.

The term was introduced by the Soviet writer I. Ehredburg, published the story "Thaw" in the magazine "New World" in 1954 signs of "thaw" outlined in the life of the country after the death of Stalin: there was relative liberalization in the internal and foreign policy of the USSR.

Report byXX congress. Criticism of the personality.

An iconic event in the political life of the country was the report on the cult of personality and its consequences, read Khrushchev at a closed meeting of the XX CPSU Congress in February 1956 and became an unconditional surprise for the delegates of the congress. The report first stated about the crimes I.V. Stalin against the party, he was opposed to V.I. Lenin. It had not only general reasoning, but also a story about the fate of several arrested. These were members of the Central Committee and Politburo: N. Voskresensky, A. Kuznetsov, N. Posyyshev and others. Khrushchev spoke about torture over them and their letters before execution. Interestingly, in the USSR, the full text of the Khrushchev report was first published in open press only in 1989

In 1957, a decree was released, forbidden to assign the names of state and public figures to the streets and cities. On the other hand, the criticism of the "cult of personality" allowed Khrushchev to deal with his political opponents within the country, as well as to change the leadership in a number of Eastern European countries. The foreign policy effect on the report was also ambiguous and led to a serious cooling of relations with Albania, China, DPRK and Romania. In 1956, large unrest in Poland and Hungary were held.


The rehabilitation of the victims of Stalinism began almost immediately after the death of I.V. Stalin and shooting L.P. Beria, but she received a bigger scope after the report N.S. Khrushchev, when a commission was created led by to investigate the violations of the legality during the cult of personality. By the fall of 1956, the majority of political prisoners came to freedom, among them were party figures, as well as a miraculous surviving esters and Mensheviks. At the same time, rehabilitation did not affect the "decomposed" and a number of prominent party figures: G.E. Zinoviev, L.B. Kamenev, N.I. Bukharin et al. The reform of the legislation was carried out: the "announcement of the people's enemy" was excluded from the list of punishments, the number of responsibility for political crimes was reduced. The number of prisoners of the Gulag declined more than 2 times.

In 1956-1957 The statehood of a number of republics was restored, arbitrarily eliminated under Stalin, and their residents (Chechens, Ingush, Kalmyks, etc.) were allowed to return to their native places. However, here the heads of the CPSU were inconsistent: the Crimean Tatars and the Volga Germans did not have such permission.

At the XXII Congress of the CPSU in October 1961, the words N.S. again sounded Khrushchev, condemned Stalin and his defenders. According to the Congress Decree on the night of October 31, on November 1, Stalin's body was made from Mausoleum and buried in the grave at the Kremlin Wall. Also throughout the country, monuments of Stalin were inacked. The exception was only the monument in his hometown of Gor. On November 30, the Moscow Metro Station, which bears the name of the leader was renamed Semenovskaya. Stalin's nearest comrades sent to retire: Kaganovich, Malenkov and Molotov were excluded from the party.

Economic and social reforms.

In the period of "thaws", the modernization of the Soviet economy took place, the development of space began, in 1961, Yuri Gagarin became the first person who flew into space. The social obligations of the state expanded, pensions were introduced, the working day was reduced, the fee for education was abolished, the standard of living in the city and the village was significantly increased. However, acute social contradictions were preserved, which led to conflicts, the most famous of which were unrest in

Foreign policy.

Economic successes allowed the USSR to solve wide foreign policy tasks - to maintain their sphere of influence (including a military manner, as when suppressing the Hungarian revolution of 1956) and expand the "socialist camp". One of the first initiatives N.S. Khrushchev was the restoration of Soviet-Yugoslav relations in 1955 in the 50-60s. Communists and their allies came to power in a number of Asia and Africa, and even in the immediate vicinity of the United States in Cuba. The new principles of the USSR's foreign policy were proclaimed: the diversity of forms of transition of various countries to socialism, the need for peaceful coexistence, about the possibility of preventing hostilities.

In confirmation of the new foreign policy of the USSR, almost 2 times reduced its armed forces. From 5.8 million people at the beginning of 1955, the number was brought to 3.6 million people by December 1959. Under this, military bases were eliminated worldwide. In the spring of 1958, the tests of thermonuclear weapons ceased.

The first post-war summers at the highest level between the USSR and the United States occur. Despite this, in 1962, the most acute, who set the world in front of the immediate threat of the beginning of the nuclear war broke out. The following year, there was a split of the Socialist Camp, associated with the Soviet-Chinese conflict.


The criticism of the "cult of personality", the beginning of the rehabilitation of repressed, some freedom and success of the Soviet society (in science and technology) caused the enthusiasm of the intelligentsia, especially young people, which later amounted to a whole generation of social movement, known as the Sixtiets. Thus called Article S. Reedar, published in the journal "Youth" in 1960, in which it was about writers and readers of a new generation. In the late 1950s - early 1960s, the genre of the author's song becomes popular. The founder and the most striking representative of this direction became Bulat Okudzhava. Together with talented poets of that time: R.I. Christmas, E.A. Evtushenko, A.A. Voznesensky and B.A. Ahmadulina he performed on the huge popularity of the evenings in the Polytechnic Museum. At the same time, both in society, and in the party went sharp discussions between "physicists" (technocrats) and "lyrics" (humanities), between the Stalinistians and the anti-Stalinists.

Expansion of cultural ties.

Cultural contacts of the USSR are expanding and with the outside world. In 1956, at the initiative of I. Erenburg, the first exhibition of forty works of Picasso took place in Moscow. She immediately revealed a dual attitude towards him - a restrained official response and thousands of queues in the museum of fine arts them. A.C. Pushkin, where she passed. In the summer of 1957, the International Festival of Youth and Students was held in Moscow. In 1959, at the initiative of the Minister of Culture E.A. Furtsev was renewed by the Moscow International Film Festival. The big prize of the festival won the film S. Bondarchuk "The Fate of Man". In 1963, the scandal broke out, since the main prize was given to Frederico Fellini's film fiction "8 ½".

Literary magazines.

For the first time in the history of the USSR, literary magazines have become platforms, on which supporters of various opinions have the opportunity to publish their articles. Conservative authors, who considered "thaw" harmful deviation from the course for the construction of communism, were primarily printed in October and Neva magazines. Antistaline positions were taken by the editorial board "Youth" and "New World", as well as the "literary newspaper" (since 1959). At the same time, supporters of both directions referred to the ideas of Lenin, but in different ways treated Stalin's era. In the 1950s. The films came out that the party ("Communist", director Y. Reyzman), and ridicule the Soviet leaders ("Carnival night", director E.A. Ryazanov). Also appear films that have not worn ideological nature, but in a new way to the topic of war: G.N. Chukhraya "Ballad about Soldier", M.M. Kalatozova "fly cranes", which became the laureate of the Golden Palm Branch of the International Cannes Film Festival of 1958

Participants of legal disputes of that time did not go beyond the ideology of building socialism. Attempts even to famous writers to go out for these scraps were considered unacceptable. So, in 1957 he published in the West Roman "Dr. Zhivago", which described the events of the Civil War from the smallst positions. For this novel in 1958 B.L. Pasternak was awarded the prestigious international Nobel Prize in the field of literature. But in the USSR, the work of Pasternak was convicted as an anti-Soviet, and under pressure from the authorities he was forced to abandon the premium.

Attitude to the church.

At the end of the 50s. In connection with the course for the construction of communism, the policy of the state in relation to the church is renewed, persuasion to the Russian Orthodox Church resumed. Secretary of the Central Committee L.F. Ilyichev in the speech in December 1961 announced: "Religion, which has always been in modern conditions an anachronism, is now becoming an intolerable interference on our path to communism." The achievement of "society without religion" was announced a program goal. Not only atheistic propaganda intensified, but also to reduce the number of religious associations. So in 1958 there were only 18.6 thousand, including Orthodox - 13.4 thousand, in 1961 - 16 and 11 thousand respectively.

The end of the "thaw".

On December 1, 1962, the exhibition dedicated to the 30th anniversary of the Moscow Union of Artists (MOSC) of the USSR was to be opened in the Moscow Manege. Exposition received approval E.A. Furtsey. Some of the work of the exhibition was represented by the exposition "New Reality", prepared by more than 60 artists representing the artistic directed, organized by the painter EM, organized in the late 1940s. Belutin, who conducted the traditions of the Russian avant-garde of the beginning of the XX century. The Khrushchev came to the exhibition three times bypassed the large hall where the exposition was located. He was rapidly moving away from one picture to another, he returned back, gradually leaving himself, he switched to a square browstick towards artists and their works. The next day, immediately at the exit of the newspaper "True" with an accusatory article, many Muscovites came to the playpen, but the exposition was already removed. However, the persecution of artists did not follow.

On November 29, 1963, Faken "Ocolateral Trouten" appeared in the press, in which the poet Joseph Brodsky was ridiculous. The writer was arrested and sentenced to 5 years of references for the tune. After that, an unprecedented for Soviet society was happening: an open campaign in defending the poet began. For his excuse, about two dozen writers appeared. The letters in defense of Brodsky were signed by D.D. Shostakovich, S.Ya. Marshakom, k.I. Chukovsky, K.G. Powesta, A.T. Tvardovsky, Yu.P. German and others under pressure from a wide public resonance, in 1965 the poet was returned from the link. In 1972, I. Brodsky left the country, and in 1987 he became a laureate of the Nobel Prize.

As part of the campaign for the debate of the "cult of personality" I.V. Stalin, the former prisoner A. Solzhenitsynus allowed to publish the story of "one day Ivan Denisovich", telling about life in Stalin's camps. This story, shocking his fierce truth, was printed in November 1962 in the "New World" to the special resolution of the Presidium of the Central Committee, and brought Solzhenitsyn great fame. The issue of the magazine became a real rarity, many began to rewrite the story from hand, so "samizdat" arose. The duality of the era of "thaw" is evidenced by the fact that permitting the publication of the "one day of Ivan Denisovich", the party leadership at the same time banned the novel in the "Circle of the First", telling about the work of Solzhenitsyn during the years in the "Sharashka" in Marfino.

Strengthening voluntarism in Khrushchev politics, endless reforms and transformations, party reform plans, the introduction of the principle of rotation when appointing as an appointment, as well as the rudeness of the first secretary in communication gradually led him to isolation, undermined the authority of Khrushchev both in the people and in the party leadership. Under these conditions, the nearest environment of Khrushchev decided to remove him from power, which was done on October Plenum 1964. The country quietly met the removal of Khrushchev from the post and the completion of the "thaw". That's what I was written by N.S. Khrushchev in his memoirs about this contradictory period: "Deciding on the arrival of thaw, and going to her consciously, the leadership of the USSR, including me, at the same time they were afraid of her: no matter how the flood did not come from it, which will overlap us, and with whom we It will be difficult to cope ... We wanted to free the creative forces of people, but so that new creations contribute to the strengthening of socialism. It seems that, as they speak in the people, and I want, and ourselves, and Mom does not tell. So it was "

  • 8 Question: The main periods of ancient Roman history. The split of the empire on Western and Eastern.
  • 9 Question: The great relocation of peoples. Falling the Roman Empire.
  • 10 Question: The territory of Russia in the system of the ancient world. Scythian tribes and Greek colonies in the Northern Black Sea region.
  • 11 Question: Eastern Slavs in antiquity. Problems of ethnogenesis of Slavic peoples.
  • Question 12. European states in early Middle Ages. Spread of Christianity
  • Question 14. Old Russian statehood and its features. Baptism of Russia.
  • Question 15. Rus during political fragmentation. The main political centers, their state and social system.
  • Question 16. The expansion of the West and the Ordane invasion on Russia. Igo and discussions about his role in the formation of the Russian state.
  • Question 17. Association of the principalities of Northeast Russia around Moscow. The growth of the territory of the Moscow Principality in the XIV - the first half of the XV century.
  • Question 18.
  • Question 19.
  • Question 20.
  • Question 21.
  • Question 22.
  • Question 23.
  • 24. European enlightenment and rationalism.
  • 25-Great French Revolution
  • 27. War for the independence of North American colonies of England. US education.
  • 28 Question: "Troubletime": the weakening of government began in Russia. The role of the militia to. Minin and the village of Pozharsky in the liberation of Moscow and the exile of alien. Zemsky Cathedral 1613
  • 29. Petrovskaya modernization, its features and importance for the development of Russia.
  • 30. The era of "enlightened absolutism." Internal and foreign policy of Catherine II.
  • 31. European revolutions of the XIX century. Acceleration of the process of industrialization and its political, economic, social and cultural consequences.
  • Question 32; Napoleonic wars. The importance of the victory of Russia in the war against Napoleon and the liberation campaign to Europe.
  • 33. Attempts to reform the political system of Russia under Alexander I.
  • 34. Internal and foreign policy Nicholas I.
  • 35. Modernization of Russia during the reign of Alexander II
  • 36. Foreign policy of Russia in the second half of the XIX century.
  • 37. Russian economy of the late XIX - early XX century. Forcing Russian industrialization "from above". Reforms S.Yu. Witte and P.A.Stolapina.
  • 38. The first Russian revolution (1905 - 1907).
  • 39. Political parties in Russia at the beginning of the 20th century. Genesis, classification, program, tactics.
  • 40) World War II. Prerequisites, move, results. New map of Europe and the world.
  • 41) the political crisis of power in the years. World War II
  • 42) Alternatives to the development of Russia after February 1917
  • 43). The beginning of the formation of a single-party political system
  • 44) Civil War and Intervention (briefly)
  • 45) International relations between the two world wars
  • 46) Economic and political crisis in Russia in the early 20s. Transition from "Military Communism" to the NEPU.
  • 47) The struggle in the leadership of the RCP (b) -VKP (b) on the development of the country
  • 48. Mimic economic crisis of 1929 and "Great Depression". Alternative ways out of crisis. The arrival of fascism to power in Germany. "New course" f. Roosevelt.
  • 49. Comintern as an organ of the world revolutionary movement. "Folk fronts" in Europe.
  • 50.Forced industrialization and policy of continuous collectivization of agriculture in the USSR. Their economic and social results.
  • 51. Soviet foreign policy in the 30s and in the context of the World War II in 1939-1941.
  • 52. The Great Patriotic War. The decisive contribution of the Soviet Union to the defeat of fascism. Results of World War II.
  • 53. Complications of the international situation after the end of the Second World War, the decay of the anti-Hitler coalition, the beginning of the Cold War.
  • 54. Domestic and foreign policy of the USSR in 1946-1953. Restoration of the national economy, tightening the political regime and ideological control in the country.
  • 55. Khrushchev "Thaw".
  • 56. The confrontation of the two world systems in the 60-80s of the XX century. The collapse of the colonial system, the arms race.
  • 57 Development of the global economy for 1945-1991. The dominant role of the United States. HTR and its influence on the course of world community development.
  • 58 Stagnation in the economy and pre-crisis phenomena in the USSR in the late 70s early 80s.
  • 59 Goals, the main stages of "Perestroika" in the economic and political development of the USSR in 1985-1991.
  • 60 USSR Foreign Policy in 1985-1991. End of the Cold War.
  • 63 Domestic and foreign policy of the Russian Federation in 1991-2011.
  • Question 64: Political parties and social movements operate in Russia at the present stage
  • 66 Question.
  • 55. Khrushchev "Thaw".

    The period of the Khrushchev thaw is the conditional name of the period in history, which has been launched from the mid-1950s in the mid-1960s. The peculiarity of the period was partial retreat from the totalitarian policy of the Stalinist era. Khrushchev Thaw is the first attempt to aware of the consequences of the Stalinist regime, which has disclosed the features of the socio-political policy of the Stalinist era. The main event of this period is the XX Congress of the CPSU, which criticized and condemned the cult of the personality of Stalin, criticized the implementation of repressive policies. February 1956 marked the beginning of a new era, which puts its task a change in socio-political life, a change in the internal and foreign policy of the state.

    Events of Khrushchev thaw

    The period of Khrushchev thaws is characterized by such events:

    The process of rehabilitation of victims of repression began, the amnesty was submitted innocently convicted people, the relatives of the "enemies of the people" became innocent.

    The Republic of USSR received more political and legal rights.

    1957 was marked by the return of Chechens and Balkarians to their lands, from which they were evicted in Stalin's time due to the accusation of betrayal. But such a decision did not concern the Volga Germans and the Crimean Tatars.

    Also, 1957 is famous for the International Festival of Youth and Students, which in turn, talks about the "opening of the iron curtain", softening censorship.

    The result of these processes is the emergence of new public organizations. Trade union bodies are submitted by reorganization: the state of the top link of the trade union system has been reduced, the rights of primary organizations have been expanded.

    Passports were issued to people living in the village, collective farm.

    The rapid development of light industry and agriculture.

    Active construction of cities.

    Improving the standard of living of the population.

    One of the main achievements of the 1953 - 1964 policy. It was the implementation of social reforms, which included the solution of the issue of pension provision, an increase in the income of the population, the solution of a housing problem, the introduction of a five-day week. The period of Khrushchev thawed was a difficult time in the history of the Soviet state. For such a short time (10 years) there were many transformations and innovations. The most important achievement was the exposition of the crimes of the Stalinist system, the population discovered the consequences of totalitarianism.

    So, the policy of Khrushchev thawed was superficially, did not affect the basics of the totalitarian system. The dominant single-party system was preserved using the ideas of Marxism-Leninism. Mikhail Sergeevich Khrushchev was not going to fulfill the complete destalinization, because it meant the recognition of their own crimes. And since, renounce Stalin's time it did not work completely, then the Khrushchev transformations did not take long for a long time. In 1964, there was a conspiracy against Khrushchev, and from this period a new era begins in the history of the Soviet Union.

    56. The confrontation of the two world systems in the 60-80s of the XX century. The collapse of the colonial system, the arms race.

    The arms race was voluntary suspended by the mid-60s.

    A number of contracts restricting the accumulation of weapons were concluded. Such

    such, for example, a nuclear weapon testing agreement in the atmosphere,

    space space and submarine (5.08.1963), agreement on

    non-proliferation of nuclear weapons, creating nuclear-free zones (1968),

    aSS-1 agreements (restriction and reduction of strategic arms)

    (1972), Convention on the Prohibition of Development, Production and Accumulation

    reserves of bacteriological and toxin weapons and their destruction

    (1972) and many others. Another "front" of the Cold War was ...

    From the moment of achieving strategic parity (the beginning of the sixties

    years) Military component of the arms race gradually moved to

    the background plan, the struggle for influence in the third countries is played

    world. This term itself was introduced in everyday life due to increasing influence

    non-aligned countries, openly not attached to one of

    configuring parties. If at first, the very fact of confrontation

    two powerful systems on a world map led to the oblivion of decolonization

    (the period of liberation of Africa), then in a later period formed a circle

    states openly and very effectively using their political

    orientation on one or another superpower. To a certain extent here you can

    consign the countries of the so-called Arab socialism, solved at the expense of the USSR

    his specific narrow-national tasks. (1, p.298)

    "Cold War" was carried out not only in politics, but also in the region

    culture, sports. For example, the United States and many countries of Western Europe

    boycotted the 1980 Olympics in Moscow. In response to the athletes of countries

    Eastern Europe boycotted the next Olympics in Los Angeles in 1984

    year. "Cold War" was widely reflected in cinema, and

    propaganda films shot both sides. The United States is: "Red Dawn",

    "America", "Rambo, First Blood, Part II", "Iron Eagle", "Invasion in

    USA". In the USSR, they removed: "Night without mercy", "neutral waters", "case in

    square 36 - 80 "," single swimming "and many others. Despite,

    that films are completely different, in them, with different degrees of talentedness,

    it was shown what bad "they" and what good guys serve in our army.

    Peculiar and very accurate, manifestation of the "Cold War" in art

    reflected in the line from the popular song "And even in the field of ballet, we

    ahead of the planet all ... "

    It is quite obvious that the huge costs that carried

    superpasses, could not continue infinitely, and as a result, the confrontation

    two systems were solved in the economic sphere. This is this component

    it turned out ultimately decisive. More efficient west economy,

    allowed not only to support military and political parity, but also

    satisfy the growing needs of the modern man who are due to

    pure market mechanisms was able to competently manipulate. IN

    the same time is heavy, focused only on the production of arms

    and the means of production, the economy of the USSR, could not, and not going to

    compete in this area with the West. In the end, it affected

    political level, the USSR began to lose the struggle not only for influence

    third world countries, but also for influence inside the socialist


    2.2. The international situation of the USSR from the middle of the 60s - early 80s.

    By the mid-60s. relatively with the first post-war years world

    it turned out to be significantly changed situation. Obstimated then

    the contradictions between the allies on the anti-Hitler coalition were now poured

    in the rigid contradiction of two formed socio-political systems.

    Eastern Europe was under the complete control of the USSR, while Western -

    in a solid military political and economic union with the United States. "Cold War"

    it was in full swing. The main object of the struggle of "socialism" and "capitalism"

    were the countries of the Third World, formed on the ruins of the World

    colonial system. USSR and the United States, who stood the main military

    nATO political blocks and the organization of the Warsaw Agreement, avoided direct

    military confrontation. However, rivalry for influence in developing

    countries remained very sharp, and often led to local military


    Competition of two systems has been deployed in the economic sphere,

    moreover, in the 60s - 80s, it became more stringent. West had B.

    it is a clear advantage: it was more profitable for starting positions, and in the USA

    the years of World War II Economic potential increased significantly. More

    the system of cooperation of developed countries was perfect, whereas

    The "Socialist Block" was entered, in addition to the USSR, the countries playing

    an insignificant role in the global economy, many of which suffered a huge

    damage during the war years. Protracted formation of the mechanism of international

    division of labor within the framework of the CEV prevented by the coordination of national economic

    plans and the implementation of joint projects. As a result, in the middle of the 80-

    x years in Western Europe, the level of international division of labor turned out to be

    an order of magnitude higher than in Eastern. Close-up one step in the integration of countries

    CEV was adopted in 1971 a comprehensive program of further deepening

    and improving cooperation designed for 15-20 years. Most

    large-scale joint economic projects were construction

    oilbreet "Friendship" and gas pipeline "Soyuz", participation of allied countries in

    mastering the raw materials of Siberia and Central Asia, construction

    industrial enterprises in different countries. Soviet Union put in

    eastern European countries in 1965. 8.3 million tons of oil, in 1975 - about

    50 million, and by the beginning of the 80s - 508 million tons. Prices for Soviet oil were

    significantly lower than world prices, as the USSR has committed itself

    deliveries of raw materials at lower rates.

    Cooperation was actively developed in the framework of the organization Warsaw

    Contracts (ATS). Almost every year in the 80s, general maneuvers were held, in

    mainly on the territory of the USSR, Poland and GDR.

    Partial reforms of the "Soviet model of socialism" in any country

    eastern European bloc did not lead to a high-quality increase in efficiency

    production. (4, p.334)

    Reaction to the crisis of the Soviet model of socialism in the Eastern countries

    Europe and the events of the Czechoslovak Spring 1968 was the so-called

    "Doctrine Brezhneva". Its main content amounted to the "theory of limited

    sovereignty »Socialist countries. She was proclaimed General

    secretary of the CPSU Central Committee on the V Congress of the Polish United Workers Party in

    november 1968 her nomination testified to the fact of great attention

    which was paid to foreign policy at the end of the 60s - early 70s.

    "Doctrine Brezhneva" recognized the presence of weak links in

    socialist front, the ability to restore capitalism by virtue

    objective difficulties and mistakes of a subjective nature, the probability of war

    with imperialist surroundings, the extraordinaryness of such a promotion as a military

    help a friendly country in the protection of socialist sovereignty. L.

    Brezhnev stressed that the sovereignty of the socialist state is

    the general property of all Marxist-Leninists: "When the threat arises

    socialism in one country, the threat to the security of socialist

    commonwealth as a whole - this is already becoming not only the problem of the people of this

    countries, but also a common problem, concern for all socialist countries. "

    The policy of "non-interference", in his opinion, directly contradicted the interests

    defense of the brother-kih states. In order not to give up, do not give

    bourgeoisie not a grant of the conquered, prevent the retreat from Marxism

    leninism needs to firmly adhere to "general patterns

    socialist construction. "

    The term "doctrine" as the installation system did not fit in the Soviet

    foreign policy lexicon, it is not in any official party or

    state document. But the existence of the "Doctrine of Brezhnev" never

    was refuted by the political leaders of the USSR, since it expanded

    proletarian internationalism. " At the same time, "Doctrine Brezhnev"

    expressed policies aimed at securing territorial

    state Device in Europe Post-war period.

    Attempts by People's Democratic Transformations were suppressed as from the outside

    (introduction of the military of the countries of the Warsaw Treaty in Czechoslovakia in 1968) and

    from the inside (Solidarity movement in 1980-1981 and its ban with the introduction

    military Board in Poland).

    Chinese version of the reform of the sample of the 50-60s led to the hard

    confrontation of the USSR and the PRC. In 1969, the Soviet-Chinese border occurred

    armed clashes (in the area about. Damansky, etc.). Only after death

    Mao Zedong in 1976 and the death of Brezhnev in 1982 the relationship between two

    counties were normal. To the Maoist flow in the period after "Prague

    communities, priority of national values, denial "Dictatorship

    proletariat "and approval of democratic mechanisms of coming to power and

    mainly in those countries of the third world who received military

    financial and technical assistance to the USSR. For the Soviet Union it was still

    one article of huge expenses to the detriment of their own economic and

    social programs.57. Development of the global economy for 1945-1991. The dominant role of the United States. HTR and its influence on the course of world community development

    Khrushchev "Thaw" is a period in Soviet history, which comes after the end of the Stalinist era. The Khrushchev thaws lasted about ten years, from the mid-50s to the mid-60s of the 20th century.

    Many of our compatriots, the Board of Khrushchev is remembered only in bright colors. However, this is a delusion: if for some new Secretary General spoke by the Savior, then for others - Tiran is not much less bloodthirsty than Stalin, the cult of which he was so zealous.

    Positive aspects of the Khrushchev

    The name "Thaw" Khrushchev Epoch received on the grounds that the number of repression against the "enemies of the people", and the "enemies" of these enemies, has sharply decreased with the "accepted" of the new Secretary General; Many political prisoners were released from prisons.

    Totalitarian regime during Khrushchev began to weaken, as well as censorship; Soviet citizens received some freedom of speech and creativity, resulting in the revival of cultural activities. The Soviet Union has become more open to the outside world; In particular, in foreign policy, the course for "peaceful coexistence" was proclaimed.

    But this is not all the conquest of Khrushchev time.

    • Mass construction "Khrushchevok". This item must be mentioned first. A huge number of ordinary working families finally got their own apartments; To this afternoon, most of the proletariat lived in publications;
    • Liberalization of labor legislation. For example, a reckless article of the Criminal Code was canceled, which had been criminalized percentage;
    • Withdrawal from the criminal code of the concept of "enemy of the people";
    • Sharp jump level of education. Here it is not only that after the war, Soviet citizens were able to start or continue their studies. The country acutely needed to prepare highly professional professionals, scientists and teachers. The openness of the country made it possible to absorb foreign experience. Requirements and state organizations' employees have increased; Thus, the newspaper "Leningradskaya Pravda" reported that the majority of KGB staff had a higher education at that time; For comparison - in 1921, the higher education had only about 1 percent of the Chekists;
    • Pressure on religious organizations, closing a huge number of temples, the persecution of sect of varying degrees of totalitarianism. Under Stalin, the "domesticated" church enjoyed the support of the state. Now, to mislead the Soviet people and distributed superstitions was forbidden.

    To combat religious obscury, Khrushchev used a progressive economic approach: religious organizations were now obliged to report on their income state, trade a ritual props on a strictly established price and pay taxes from these sales - like all other organizations in the USSR.

    Such equality before the law of the church was not kept and one after another was closed, and the buildings of the temples moved to the state, which arranged workshops in them, warehouses and in some cases museums. At the same time, physical strife over priests, repression and torture were practically not applied.

    but on the other hand

    However, the "thaw" was not so rainbow, as it is accepted today to represent.

    • Full ban on private land and socoda. Residents of the cities now did not have the right to keep cattle, and the collective farmers had a personal cattle bought a state. All this caused a deterioration in the living standards of the peasantry. In rural areas, there has been a massive scoring of livestock, there were a scam, similar to the "Ryazan Miracle"
    • It was Krushchev who completely forbade the opening of private enterprises in the USSR. Under Stalin, private artels and workshops (for example, sewing) existed absolutely legally. Private design bureaus cooperated with the state.
    • "Khrushchevki", with all their availability and low cost, had an unsuitable appearance, the apartments in them were small and had a number of shortcomings (for example, thin walls).
    • The period of liberalization lasted for a long time, and after the uprising in Hungary in 1956, the totalitarian regime was again intensified
    • Who had a performance of workers who were suppressed with the help of weapons
    • The arrest of Joseph Brodsky and an unfair trial over him.

    In general, the Khrushchev "Thaw" was full of contradictions. The reforms in the country were carried out inconsistently, liberalization had a limited and temporary character. The Board of Khrushchev was distinguished by short-sightedness, the leadership of the country built absurd plans (such as "to catch up and overtake America" \u200b\u200bby a shock pace), which negatively affected the economy.

    Characteristics of the "Khrushchev thaw" period

    Thaw in the field of culture, science and education

    The epithet "thaw", ", like a vague time or revival, can be considered to be considered as a scientific term, denoting the period of Soviet history from the mid-50s to the mid-60s of the twentieth century. The image inherent in this kind of definitions is not only Reduces their professional accuracy, but only strengthens the perception of the described facts of history, turning simultaneously to knowledge, the mind and sense of a person.

    Historians are unanimous in attributing this period of Soviet history to turning stages in the history of Russia. They focus on the "spirit of rebirth" inherent in it. The approval is that the thaw is a phenomenon of spiritual order, which arose in the crest of the desire for the cultivation of the cult of Stalin.

    The most important consequence of Khrushchev liberalization was a sharp increase in the Soviet Society of Critical Potential. Starting from the late 50s. In the Soviet Union, various ideological flows, informal public associations are formed and declare themselves, and public opinion is executed.

    So, already in 1953-1956 Critic V. Pomerancers in their essay "On sincerity in literature", I. Ehrenburg Roman "Thaw" and M. Dudintsev in the novel "not bread united" set a number of major issues: what should be said about the past, what is the mission of the intelligentsia, what are the Her relations with the party, what is the role of writers or artists in the system in which the party through the "creative" unions recognized (or not) this or that face a writer or an artist, how and why truth, a lie was inferior everywhere. These issues that have previously cost them who put them, at least a few years of camps, the authorities, reacted insecure, fluctuate to the administrative measures (the removal of the Poet of the Tvardovsky, published by Pomerantsev's poet, from the "New World" manual) and warnings in Address of the Ministry of Culture.

    In December 1954, the Congress of the Writers' Union was held, at which the report of Khrushchev about the cult of personality was discussed. According to Khrushchev, history, literature and other arts should reflect the role of Lenin, as well as the grand achievements of the Communist Party and the Soviet people. Directives were clear: the intelligentsia should adapt to the "new ideological course" and serve him. At the same time, all the wines for the victim was fell on Beria and Zhdanov.

    The intelligentsia split into two camps: conservatives, led by Kochetkov, and Liberals, led by Tvardovsky. Khrushchev balancing between these two camps, conducting a dual policy. Conservatives received the magazines "October", "Neva", "Literature and Life"; Liberals - "New World" and "Youth". Shostakovich, Khachaturian and other composers, criticized 1948-1949, restored their position.

    Such were liberal steps in the field of culture. But the "Case Pasternak" most visually showed the limits of liberalism in relation to between the authorities and the intelligentsia. In 1955, Pasternak abroad published the Roman "Dr. Zhivago". In 1958 he was given to the Nobel Prize. The authorities were, of course, are unhappy with this turn. To avoid expulsion from the USSR, Pasternak had to refuse the award and send a statement to the Truth, in which he accused the West to use his work for political purposes. The parcel of the novel for edition abroad was undermined by a monopoly on the right to communicate with the outside world, which the authorities intended to retain.

    Pasternak was filed several standard accusations, such as anti-Soviet, contempt for the Russian people, an unforgivable worship before the West due to material carriage, etc. When the collision between the Pasternak and the authorities forced the intelligentsia to openly make the latter, the last surrendered. Most writers convened on October 27, 1958 to solve the issue of excluding Pasternak from the Writers' Union, met the accusations made against the Nobel laureate against the applause. "Case Pasternak" gave rise to a serious crisis in the consciousness of the Russian intelligentsia, which showed itself unable to openly resist the pressure of power.

    Khrushchev's satisfied with the outcome of the "case", for its part, stopped the offensive on the liberals. Tvardovsky returned the leadership "New World". In May 1959, at the III Congress of the Union of Writers from the Union, Surkov left a special zeal in the campaign against Pasternak, his place in the leadership of the Union ranked Fedin - a representative of a more moderate course. Nevertheless, these measures were insufficient to smooth in the memory of intellectuals depressing the impression caused by the "Pasternak".

    At the end of the 50s. "Samizdat" originated - typewritten magazines born in the environment of young poets, writers, philosophers, historians who met on Saturdays in Mayakovsky Square in Moscow. Later, the collections were forbidden and "Samizdat" went underground. From there, he saw the light founded by A. Ginzburg, the first "Samizdatovsky" magazine "Syntaxis", in which they were published, previously prohibited works by B. Ahmadulina, V. Nekrasova, B. Okudzhava, E. Ginzburg, V. Shalamov. For this, A. Ginzburg was arrested and sentenced to two years of camps. But dissidents could not be stopped, and others accepted the rest of the arrested.

    It is noteworthy that after the XXII Congress, when Khrushchev again turned to the criticism of the cult of the personality of Stalin, the intelligentsia was made another "feed". In November 1962, Roman A. I. Solzhenitsyn "One day Ivan Denisovich" was published from the knowledge and approval of the Central Committee, and the poem of E. Evtushenko "Heirs Stalin" published a month earlier. But after the bloody drama in Novocherkassk and the Caribbean crisis in the same 1962, Khrushchev, who was afraid of the deepening of the destination, which made this process was difficult to turn away, decided to turn away from the liberal part of the intelligentsia and refer to the conservatives.

    Khrushchev instructed the chairman of the ideological commission of the Central Committee of the CPSU Ilyichev, to encourage the intelligentsia to fulfill its responsibilities. I. Ehrenburg and V. Nekrasov underwent sharp criticism; Khrushchev himself in a speech on March 18, 2963. Personally urged the intelligentsia to be guided in his work by the principle of party parties. This appeal put the end of thaw in culture.

    So, the process of concessions of the intelligentsia was combined with her obsession. Khrushchev liberalization sometimes led to an unexpected result that it was necessary to stop and removing in the right direction, and such a pendulum in the long term inevitably remains in place, although, on the other hand, a cumulative progressive movement forward, although small, but still took place.

    Party directives that focused on the development of scientific and technological progress, of course, stimulated the development of domestic science. In 1956, an International Research Center was established in Dubna (Joint Institute for Nuclear Research). In 1957, the Siberian branch of the USSR Academy of Sciences with a wide network of institutes and laboratories was formed. Other scientific centers were created. Only in the USSR Academy of Sciences for 1956-1958. 48 new reeds were organized. They expanded and their geography (Urals, Kola Peninsula, Karelia, Yakutia). By 1959, there were about 3200 scientific institutions in the country. The number of scientists of the country approached 300 thousand. The largest achievements of the domestic science of this time include the creation of the most powerful synchrophasotron (1957); Descent on the world's first atomic icebreaker "Lenin"; launch into space of the first artificial satellite of the Earth (October 4, 1967), sending to space of animals (November 1957), the first flight of a person in space (April 12, 1961); exit on the highway of the first reactive passenger liner - Tu-104; The creation of high-speed passenger ships on underwater wings ("rocket").

    After a long break, work in the field of genetics resumed.

    However, as before, the priority in scientific developments was given to the interests of the military-industrial complex. Not only the largest scientists (S. Korolev, M. Keldysh, A. Sakharov, I. Kurchatov, etc.), but Soviet intelligence worked. Even the space program was only an "application" to the program for the creation of means of delivery of nuclear weapons.

    Thus, the scientific and technical achievements of the "Khrushchev era" laid the foundation for achieving military-strategic parity from the United States in the perspective.

    Condemned in the 30s. The educational system needed updating. It had to meet the prospects for the development of science and technology, new technologies, changes in the socio-humanitarian sphere.

    However, this was a contradiction with an official exchange rate to continue the extensive development of the economy, which was demanded annually hundreds of thousands of new workers for the development of thousands of enterprises under construction throughout the country. Since 1956, they became the tradition of "public calls" youth to work on new buildings. However, the lack of elementary living conditions, the dominance of manual labor was made very high fluidity of young frames.

    To solve this problem, the reform of education was largely conceived. In December 1958, a law on his new structure was adopted, according to which an obligatory eight-year-old polytechnic school was created instead of the existing seven-year-old. The secondary education of young people received, ending either a school of working (rural) youth without separation from production, or technical schools who operated on the base of eight-year-old, or an average three-year labor education school with industrial training. For those who wish to continue education in the university introduced a mandatory production experience.

    Thus, the sharpness of the problem of the influx of labor for production was temporarily removed. However, for enterprise executives, it created new problems with even greater personnel in personnel and low labor and technological discipline among young workers.

    Almost nothing gave and proclaimed the reform idea of \u200b\u200bindustrial training at school. For example, in the Yaroslavl region by 1963, no more than 15% of graduates worked in the specialty acquired at school. There was a sustainable trend of crime growth among juvenile.

    I did not meet the hopes and the system for the preparation of engineering and technical personnel at the correspondence and evening universities. At the same time, the plants created on the basis of the largest enterprises were fully proven. However, they could not change the overall situation in the education system.

    In August 1964, without rejecting the overall course on the rapprochement of the school with life, the Central Committee of the CPSU and the Government decided to restore the two-year-old database in secondary school. The full secondary school has become a ten-year school.

    The period in history from the mid-50s to the mid-60s is considered to be conventionally denoted as Khrushchev Thaw. (Title this period was received by the Tale of the Ilya Ehrenburg "Thaw"). This period is characterized by a number of essential signs: the conviction of the cult of the personality of Stalin and the repression of the 1930s, liberalization regime, the liberation of political prisoners, the liquidation of the Gulag. Some freedom of speech appeared, the relative democratization of political and public life.

    Nikita Sergeevich Khrushchev (1953 - 1964).

    In 1953-1955, Stalin continued to be officially worn in the USSR as a great leader.

    At the XX Congress of the CPSU in 1956, N. S. Khrushchev made a report "On the cult of personality and its consequences", in which the cult of the personality of Stalin and Stalinist repressions were criticized, and in the USSR foreign policy, the course of "peaceful coexistence" was proclaimed with capitalist world. Khrushchev also began rapprochement with Yugoslavia, the relationship with which was broken under Stalin.

    In general, the new course was supported in the top of the party and corresponded to the interests of the nomenclature, since even the most prominent party figures that came to Opal had to be afraid of their lives. Many surviving political prisoners in the USSR and the socialist camp countries were issued to freedom and rehabilitated. Since 1953, the Commission for Checking Affairs and Rehabilitation was formed. Return to their homeland was allowed to most of the peoples deported in the 1930th-E-1940-Russia.

    Liberalized labor legislation (in 1956, criminal liability was abolished).

    Tens of thousands of German and Japanese prisoners of war were sent to their homeland. In some countries, relatively liberal leaders came to power, such as Imre Nagia in Hungary. Agreement on the state neutrality of Austria and the withdrawal of all occupying troops from it was reached. In 1955, Khrushchev met in Geneva with US President Dwight Eisenhower and the heads of the Great Britain and France governments.

    At the same time, the Defalinization was extremely negatively affected by relations with Maoist China. The CCP condemned the desalination as revisionism.

    In 1957, the Presidium of the Supreme Soviet of the USSR banned the assignment of the city figures to the cities and factories in their lives.

    Limits and contradictions thaw [edit | edit wiki text]

    The period of thaws lasted long. Already with the suppression of the Hungarian uprising of 1956, clear boundaries of the openness policies were shown. The party leadership was scared that the liberalization of the regime in Hungary led to open anti-communist performances and violence, respectively, the liberalization of the regime in the USSR could lead to the same consequences. The Presidium of the CPSU Central Committee on December 19, 1956 approved the text of the letter of the Central Committee of the CPSU "On the strengthening of the political work of party organizations in the masses and the suppression of anti-Soviet, hostile elements." It said: " The Central Committee of the Communist Party of the Soviet Union considers it necessary to apply to all party organizations ... In order to attract the attention of the party and mobilize the Communists to strengthen political work in the masses, on a decisive struggle to curb the rims of anti-Soviet elements, which have recently, due to some exacerbation of international The settings have intensified their hostile activities against the Communist Party and the Soviet state" The following said about the recent "activation of anti-Soviet and hostile elements". First of all, it is a "counter-revolutionary conspiracy against the Hungarian people", conceived under the sign of "fake slogans of freedom and democracy" using "dissatisfaction of a significant part of the population caused by heavy mistakes admitted to the former state and party leadership of Hungary." It was also indicated: "Recently, among individual workers of literature and art sitting from party positions, politically immature and customized philists, there were attempts to question the correctness of the party's line in the development of Soviet literature and art, to move away from the principles of socialist realism in the position of non-idle art, put forward Requirements "free" literature and art from party leadership, to provide "freedom of creativity", understood in the bourgeois anarchist, individualistic spirit. " The letter contained the instructions of the Communists working in state security bodies, "Zorkko to stand guard of the interests of our socialist state, to be vigilant to hostile elements and, in accordance with the laws of Soviet power, to prevent criminal actions in a timely manner. A direct consequence of this letter was a significant increase in 1957, the number of convicts for "counter-revolutionary crimes" (2948 people, which is 4 times more than in 1956). Students for critical statements were excluded from institutions.

    · 1953 - mass protest performances in the GDR; In 1956 - in Poland.

    · 1956 - A prostalist performance of Georgian youth in Tbilisi was suppressed.

    · 1957 - Pursuit of Boris Pasternak for the publication of the novel in Italy.

    · 1958 - Mass unrest in Grozny was suppressed. In the 1960s, Nikolaev doctors during interruptions with the supply of bread refused to ship grain into Cuba.

    · 1961 - in violation of current legislation [approx. 1] Rocky and Faybyshenko's currency currency were shot (Rockied - Faybyshenko - Yakovleva).

    · 1962 - The performance of workers in Novocherkassk is suppressed with the use of weapons.

    · 1964 - Joseph Brodsky [approx. 2]. Osud over the poet has become one of the factors of the arising of human rights movement in the USSR.

    Thaw in art [edit | edit wiki text]

    During the period of detonation, censorship was noticeably weakened, primarily in literature, cinema and other art types, where more critical coverage of reality was possible. The "first poetic bestseller" thawed a collection of verses Leonid Martynov (verses. M., Young Guard, 1955). The main platform of supporters of the "thaw" was the literary magazine "New World". Some works of this period received fame and abroad, including the Roman Vladimir Dudintseva "not by bread united" and the story of Alexander Solzhenitsyn "One Day Ivan Denisovich". Writers and poets Viktor Astafyev, Vladimir Tenryakov, Bella Ahmadulin, Robert Christmas, Andrei Voznesensky, Evgeni Yevvetenko, were sentenced to other significant representatives of the period. The production of films was dramatically increased.

    Grigory Chukhray, the first in the cinema affected the theme of dentalinization and thawed in the film "Clean Sky" (1963). Main filmmakers thawed - Marlene Hutsiev, Mikhail Romm, Georgy Delialia, Eldar Ryazanov, Leonid Gaidai. An important cultural event was films - "Carnival Night", "Zastema Ilyich", "Spring on Zarechnaya Street", "Idiot", "I'm walking in Moscow", "Man-amphibian", "Welcome, or an extraneous entry is prohibited" and Others.

    In 1955-1964, television broadcast was distributed to the territory of most of the country. Telebudia is open in all capitals of the Union republics and in many regional centers.

    In Moscow in 1957, the VI World Festival of Youth and Students is held.

    Thaw in architecture [edit | edit wiki text]

    Main articles: To eliminate excesses in design and construction, Khrushchevka.

    Strengthening pressure on religious associations [edit | edit wiki text]

    Main article: Khrushchev anti-religious campaign

    In 1956, the activation of anti-religious struggle began. The secret decree of the CPSU Central Committee "On the note of the propaganda and agitation department of the CPSU Central Committee on the Union republics" On the disadvantages of scientific and atheistic propaganda "" dated October 4, 1958 obliging party, Komsomol and public organizations to deploy a propaganda offensive on "religious remnants"; State institutions were prescribed to implement administrative activities aimed at tightening the conditions for the existence of religious communities. On October 16, 1958, the Council of Ministers of the USSR adopted a resolution "On the monasteries in the USSR" and "On increasing taxes on the income of diocesan enterprises and monasteries."

    On April 21, 1960, the new Chairman of the ROC Council, Vladimir Kuroyedov, appointed in February of the same year, in his report at the All-Union meeting of the Commissioner Council, characterized the work of his former leadership: "The main mistake of the Council on the Affairs of the Orthodox Church was that he was inconsistently conducted by the line Parties and states regarding the church and rolled themselves to the position of servicing church organizations. By occupying a lawyer in relation to the Church, the Council led the line not to combat violations by the clergy of the legislation on cults, but on the fence of church interests. "

    The secret instruction on the application of cultural legislation in March 1961 paid particular attention to the fact that the ministers of the cult was not eligible to interfere with the administrative and financial and economic activities of religious communities. In the instructions for the first time, not subject to registration "sects, the cree and the nature of whose activity wears anti-state and isometric character are identified: Jehovists, Pentecostal, Adventist reformists".

    In the mass consciousness, the statement of the period in which he promises to show the last ass on TV in 1980 was preserved in the mass consciousness.

    End "Thaw" [edit | edit wiki text]

    The completion of the "thaw" is considered to remove Khrushchev and the coming to the leadership of Leonid Brezhnev in 1964. However, the tightening of the domestic political regime and ideological control was started even during the Board of Khrushchev after the end of the Caribbean crisis. Defalinization was stopped, and in connection with the celebration of the 20th anniversary of Victory in the Great Patriotic War, the process of exalting the role of victory of the Soviet people in the war began. Stalin's personality tried to go around as much as possible, he was never rehabilitated. A neutral article remained in the BSE about it. In 1979, on the occasion of the 100th anniversary of Stalin, several articles came out, but they were not satisfied with special celebrations.

    Mass political repression, however, were not resumed, and the devoid of Khrushchev had retired and even remained a member of the party. Shortly before that, Khrushchev himself criticized the concept of "thaw" and even called the "Rogulik" invented His Ehrenburg.

    A number of researchers believe that finally thaw ended in 1968 after the suppression of Prague Spring.

    With the completion of the "thaw", the criticism of Soviet reality began to spread only by informal channels, such as samizdat.

    Mass riots in the USSR [edit | edit wiki text]

    · June 10-11, 1957 an emergency in the city of Podolsk of the Moscow region. The actions of a group of citizens who spread rumors that police officers killed the detainee shofera. The number of "groups of drunk citizens" - 3 thousand people. Criminal responsibility of 9 instigators is attracted.

    · 23-31 August 1958, the city of Grozny. Causes: killing a Russian guy against the background of the exacerbated interethnic tension. The crime caused a wide public resonance, and the spontaneous protests turned into a large-scale political performance, for the suppression of which the troops had to introduce into the city. See Mass riots in Grozny (1958)

    · January 15, 1961, the city of Krasnodar. Causes: Actions of a group of drunken citizens who spread rumors about beating a serviceman when detaining a patrol for violating the wearing form. The number of participants is 1,300 people. A firearm was used, one person was killed. Credited by 24 people's criminal responsibility. See the anti-Soviet rebellion in Krasnodar (1961).

    · On June 25, 1961, 500 people participated in the city of Biysk of the Altai Territory. They entered the drunk, whom the police wanted to arrest in the central market. Drinking a citizen during the arrest had resistant to employees of public order protection. There was a scuffle with the use of weapons. One person was killed, one wounded, 15 were brought to criminal responsibility.

    · On June 30, 1961, in the city of Murom, Vladimir Region, over 1.5 thousand workers of the local Ordzhonikidze plant, almost defeated the construction of honey of the detox, in which one of the employees of the enterprise delivered to the militia. The guards of the order applied weapons, two workers were injured, 12 men are given to the trial.

    · On July 23, 1961, 1,200 people went to the streets of the city of Aleksandrov Vladimir region and moved to the Militian Gown to the revenue of two detainees to comrades. Police applied weapons, as a result of which four were killed, 11 were injured, 20 people were planted on the dock.

    · September 15-16, 1961, street riots in the North Ossetian city of Beslan. The number of rebooting - 700 people. The rebellion arose due to the police attempt to delay five people who were drunk in a public place. The guards of the order was rendered armed resistance. One killed. Seven are given to the trial.

    · On June 1-2, 1962, Novocherkassk Rostov region, 4 thousand workers of the Electrovostroita plant are dissatisfied with the actions of the administration when clarifying the reasons for increasing retail prices for meat and milk, a protest was reached. Protesters workers accelerated with the help of troops. 23 people were killed, 70 were injured. 132 instigators were brought to criminal liability, of which seven later shot (see Novocherkassky execution)

    · June 16-18, 1963, the city of Krivoy Rog of the Dnipropetrovsk region. About 600 people participated in the speech. The reason is the provision of resistance to police officers by a soldier who was in a drunken state, with its detention and actions of a group of people. Four killed, 15 wounded, 41 are given to court.

    · On November 7, 1963, the city of Sumgait, more than 800 people stood on the defense of the demonstrators who went with the photos of Stalin. Police and warriors tried to take away unauthorized portraits. Weapons were applied. One demonstrator was wounded, six sat on the defendants (see Mass riots in Sumgait (1963)).

    · On April 16, 1964, about 300 people defeated the Bronnitsy in the Bronnitsy near Moscow, where a resident of the city died from beatings. Police by their unauthorized actions provoked a people's perturbation. The weapon was not used, there were no killed and wounded. 8 people are attracted to criminal liability.

    Defalinization - The process of overcoming the cult of the personality and liquidation of the political and ideological system created by the VSR during the reign of I. V. Stalin. This process led to a partial democratization of public life, called "thaw". The term "destinalinization" is used in Western literature since the 1960s.

    Sometimes they talk about the three so-called "waves" of detonation.

    · 1 Khrushchev thaw

    o 1.1 Chrushchev's indecision

    · 2 Era Brezhnev

    · 3 Perestroika

    · 4 Overcoming the past

    · 5 after 2000 g

    · 6 Descript support

    · 7 criticism of the program of detection

    · 8 Public opinion about dealerization

    · 9 separate opinions

    · 10 cm. Also

    · 11 Notes

    Khrushchev Thaw [edit | edit wiki text]

    Main articles: Khrushchev thaw, XX Congress of the CPSS, About the cult of personality and its consequences

    The process of partial transformation of the Soviet state-political system began in 1953, when the first steps were made in the elimination of the consequences of Stalinist repressive policies, in the partial restoration of legality and law enforcement. Already in theses of the propaganda and agitation department of the Central Committee of the CPSU and the Institute of Marx - Engels - Lenin - Stalin, under the CPSU Central Committee, the CPSU was said: "The cult of personality contradicts the principle of collective leadership, leads to a decrease in the creative activity of the party masses and the Soviet people and has nothing to do with Marxist-Leninist understanding of the high value of the guidelines of the governing bodies and leadership leaders ... " This application marked the beginning of the process of detonation both in the country and in the party leadership.

    In February 1956, the XX Congress of the CPSU took place, at which the first secretary of the Central Committee of the CPSU N. S. Khrushchev made a report on the cult of personality and its consequences, "where he condemned the practice of mass repression in the USSR and dated their beginning 1934, eliminating From among the crimes of the Stalinist regime "Decrapping", as well as political repression of the early 1930s. Stalin's political behavior was contrasted with the "right" Bolshevik politics, which was generally recognized as legitimate and responding to Lenin ideological principles. All the severity of guilt for the disconnection of political repression was pinned on I. V. Stalin and his nearest environment. At the same time, Khrushchev sought to exclude his involvement in the Stalinist political terror, so the criticism of Stalinism was limited, reliable information about political repression was strictly metered and was presented to the Soviet society with the sanctions of the Higher Party and State Guide. Started by Khrushchev from the XX Congress, the exposure of Stalinism did not affect the essence of the Soviet command-administrative system, bring all the shortcomings of the system to the cult of Stalin's personality.

    The Khrushchev campaign for clearing Stalin's heritage in the public sphere was carried out in the late 1950s. In the process of detonation, all settlements, streets and squares, enterprises and collective farms, which were called Stalin, were universally renamed. Stalinabad, the capital of the Tajik SSR, received the former name to Dushanbe. Staliniri, the capital of the South Ossetian AO, the historical name of Tskhinvali was returned. Stalino (earlier, Yuzovka) was renamed Donetsk. Stalinsk (the oldest city of Kuznetsk) was called Novokuznetsk. Station Metro "Stalinskaya" in Moscow was renamed Semenovskaya (1961). Fabricaria The city of Stalin was returned to the name of Varna, in Poland, Stalinogrud again became Katowice, in Romania, the city of Stalin was returned by Brasov and so on.

    In the same period, almost with 100% coverage were dismantled in the USSR monuments and monumental images of Stalin - from the Giant, height of 24 m (on the banks of the Volga, at the entrance to the Volga-Don channel), before its images in the interiors, for example, in Moscow Metropolitan.

    Equally, the names of the nearest associates of Stalin, declared members of the "Anti-Party Group", were equally from the USSR cards: the name of Perm, Molotovsk - Nolinsk, Moscow Metro, who carried Kaganovich's name from discovery in 1935, was returned in 1955 in honor of .AND. Lenin.

    The process of official destiniy, begun in 1956, reached its peak in 1961 at the XXII Congress of the Communist Party of the Soviet Union. As a result of the congress, two most significant acts of detonation were adopted: October 31, 1961, Stalin's body was made from Mausoleum and buried on Red Square, and on November 11, 1961, Stalingrad was renamed Volgograd.

    Chrushchev's indecision [edit | edit wiki text]

    Information about the Stalinist repressions presented by the Khrushchev XX Congress were far from complete. Some old communists who have passed the gulag, such as Kaka. V. Snow and O. G. Shatunovskaya, urged Khrushchev to bring the defenipation to a logical end, publish documents from the Personal archive of Stalin and to investigate the performers of repression. Otherwise, in their opinion, the danger of the revenge of the Stalinists who fell in the highest echelons of power will be maintained. However, Khrushchev rejected these proposals and arguments, fearing that "the summary of the accounts will cause a new wave of violence and hatred." Instead, he proposed to postpone the publication of archival documents that are overwhelmed by Stalin for 15 years.

    State University of Office

    Institute of National and World Economy

    Specialty: organization management

    Department of Cultural Science.

    Abstract on the topic:

    "Thaw" in the cultural life of the country (Ser.50-60s.) "

    Checked: Levkovich Lyudmila Nikolaevna

    Completed: Ikurs student 3 groups

    Moscow 2004.


    1. Introduction ............................................................ .1

    2. Literature ...................................................... ... 2

    3. Sculpture and architecture .................................... ... 3

    4. Music ............................................................ ..5

    5. Theater ............................................................... ... 6

    6. Cinema ...................................................... 8

    7. Conclusion ......... .. ...............................................10

    8. List of references ................................................ 11

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