Pie with jam on a meat grinder. Grated pie - the best recipes for tea

Engineering systems 18.10.2019
Engineering systems

The grated pie is one of the most simple in the preparation of sophisticated dishes. With his pasting, even a beginner master will cope with his first time. The speed of preparation of this dessert will allow you to prepare this delicacy even a very busy business woman. Based on the basis of the crumbly sandy dough, and cottage cheese, fresh fruits or homemade jam can be used as a filling.

Casting cake with jam - photo Recipe step by step

Even if the house does not really like a currant or other jam, then from a piece of delicious crumbly cake from a sandy dough, hardly anyone refuses. The cake itself is preparing pretty quickly. The main time goes on the cooling of sand dough.

Time for preparing: 1 hour 30 minutes

Quantity: 6 servings


  • Flour: 300 g
  • Margarine: 200 g
  • Sugar: 150 g
  • Busty: 10 g
  • Vanillin: to taste
  • Cold water: 40 ml
  • Egg: 1 pc.
  • Jam: 1 tbsp.

Preparation instructions

Crashing cake with apples

Aromatic grated pie with apples will remind her home about warm summer. This delicious dessert due to speed and ease of preparation can be a daily addition to family tea party. This cake is so delicious that it can be used as a festive dessert.

For cooking required:

  • 100 gr. high-quality margarine;
  • 2 chicken eggs;
  • 1 full glass of sugar sand;
  • 2 cups of flour;
  • 0.5 teaspoon of soda, which must be paid off with vinegar or lemon juice;
  • 3 large apples.
  • For lubrication form 1 tablespoon of vegetable oil.
  • 100 grams of sugar powder to decorate the finished product.


  1. For sand dough, two eggs and a glass of sugar sand are whipped into a white foam foam. Sand grains should disperse in a mixture completely.
  2. Margarine is warmed up heat. You can put it in a microwave oven for slow warming up. Soft margarine is driven into the egg-sugar mixture. When the mass becomes homogeneous, flour and rejected with soda are gradually added.
  3. The finished dough is divided into two equal parts. One roll in a bun and remove into the freezer. The second part is rolled and placed on the bottom of the form for baking.
  4. Apples are rubbed on a coarse grater and neatly lay out on the dough layer. The workpiece is removed for some time in the refrigerator or just a cool place.
  5. After about an hour, when the dough in the freezer will freeze, it is rubbed on a large grater on the layer of apples. The surface of the cake is smoothed and put the oven in heated to 180 degrees.
  6. The grated pie with apples is about 25-30 minutes. The top of the finished product is sprinkled with sugar powder.

Cottage cheese cake recipe

A grated pie with cottage cheese filling is a fairly frequent guest of a home tea party. Each hostess uses its own delicious filling, but the basic recipe almost always remains identical. It's easier and faster prepare for this recipe from the frozen sand dough.


  • 100 gr. high-quality margarine for baking or butter;
  • 2-3 chicken eggs;
  • 200 gr. sugar sand;
  • 2 cups of flour;
  • 1 package baking powder for a dough or half a teaspoon hawed soda vinegar.

The dough often add vanillin and lemon zest.

For cooking filling have to take:

  • 200 gr. cottage cheese of any fatness;
  • 100 gr. Sahara;
  • 1 bag of vanilla sugar;
  • lemon zest from half lemon.


  1. Preparation begins with egg connections and sugar. The mixture can be whipped with a fork or use a blender, a mixer.
  2. Margarine or butter is warmed up to a semi-liquid state and poured into a mixture of sugar and eggs.
  3. Next to the future cake add flour. It is suited gradually, achieving a sufficiently plastic mass.
  4. The dough is separated into two equal parts. The grated pie can be made of two layers of grated on a large grater of the test. One part can immediately distribute on baking tanks, and only to freeze the second.
  5. Products for cooking fillings are mixed in a blender and lay out on the first layer of the test.
  6. Starting is closed with a test, which, after freezing, rub on a large grater. The product is baked in a hot oven to a golden crust of the order of half an hour.

How to cook grated cherry pie

The grated cherry pie is a real summer dessert. Soft and tender sweet-sour cherry will make a regular cake with luxurious delicacy. Fresh berries or frozen cherry can be used for cooking.


  • 100 gr. margarine or butter;
  • 2-3 eggs;
  • 200 gr. sugar sand for cooking dough;
  • 100 gr. Sugar sand for cooking cherry filling;
  • 2 cups of flour;
  • 400 gr. Fresh or frostbed cherry;
  • 1 bag of vanilla sugar.


  1. For the preparation of the dough, the eggs and sugar are whipped by a blender before the appearance of white foam and the complete dissolution of the grain of sugar sand.
  2. In the resulting mixture, melted to 40 degrees oil or margarine are poured.
  3. The mixture is whipped and gradually add all the flour from this recipe. At the end, a baking powder and vanilla sugar are added.
  4. The finished dough is divided into two equal parts and is cleaned into the freezing chamber. An hour later it completely freezes.
  5. The solid dough is a clutch on a large grater, creating the first layer of the test. It is laid out mixed with sugar cherry. In a very juicy cherry when preparing a filling, you can add 1-2 teaspoons of starch, which will connect the juice of berries and will not let him find it when cooking. Starting is closed by another layer of grated on a large grater of frozen dough.
  6. The workpiece is sent to the hot oven for 30 minutes. The surface of the finished cake sprinkles with powdered sugar.
  7. To bake the grated lean pie is needed in the oven preheated to 200 degrees about 20 minutes. The finished product can be sprinkled with powdered sugar, sweet powder or nuts.

Lean grated pie - dietary recipe

Tasty and appetizing baking becomes a real help with those who seek to observe the post. Her recipes will come in handy and those who control their own weight and follow the nutrition. For the preparation of a lean grated cake required:

  • 1.5 cups of flour;
  • 75 ml of water;
  • 75 ml of vegetable oil;
  • 100 gr. jam or jam;
  • 0.5 teaspoon salt;
  • 0.5 teaspoon of soda, redeemed by vinegar;
  • 100 gr. Bread and breadcrumbs.


  1. Flour is sieved through a sieve and mixed with breadcrumbs. All vegetable oil is added to the mixture and are thoroughly mixed with a spoon or blender.
  2. Sugar and salt are added to the water, the resulting mixture is thoroughly mixed up to their complete dissolution.
  3. Then the soda is introduced, redeemed by vinegar.
  4. The resulting liquid is poured into a mixture of flour and breadcrumbs. After careful mixing, lean oil dough is obtained.
  5. The dough is divided into two equal parts, which are removed for 1 hour in the freezer. During this period it will become solid and it can be grate on a large grater.
  6. The first half of the test is clutch on the grater to a smooth layer on the bottom of the baking tank. Oil dough does not require lubrication of oil baking tank.
  7. The jam neatly lay out. Over the jam rubbed the second part of the frozen oil dough.
  8. After baking, the finished pie can be served on the table and start a tea party. It is kept for a very long time, keeping freshness.

As a filling, you can use not only jam, but also fresh berries. In the berries for receiving a homogeneous filling that will not be spread, you can add a little starch.

How to cook grated pie on margarine

Those who prefer to reduce the number of calories, you can also pamper yourself with a grated pie. Only in such a situation the product needs to be prepared on butter, but on high-quality margarine for baking. To obtain a delicious test you will need:

  • 100 gr. good margarine for baking;
  • 2-3 chicken eggs;
  • 2 cups of flour;
  • 200 gr. sugar sand;
  • 0.5 teaspoons of soda, redeemed by vinegar or lemon juice;
  • 1 bag of vanilla sugar.


  1. Eggs are driven into deep tank and thoroughly stirred with sugar sand. The finished mixture of sugar and eggs should be homogeneous, and all tanks of sugar are completely dissolved.
  2. Margarine on the water bath is adjusted to a liquid state, but they do not let him boil.
  3. Warm margarine is poured into a mixture of eggs and sugars, mixed thoroughly.
  4. Next, add flour and soda, which is pre-quenched with vinegar or lemon juice. Optionally, you can add vanillin or vanilla sugar.
  5. The finished dough is divided into two identical parts and cleaned in the freezer. An hour later, the dough will freeze and will become solid.
  6. The first part is a clutch on the bottom of the baking tank on a large grater. On the grated layer inves any stuffing. You can use jam, fresh fruit, cottage cheese. From above rubbed the second ball of frozen dough.
  7. The cake put in a hot oven and bake 25 minutes before the appearance of a golden crust. The temperature in the oven should be 180-200 degrees. Ready delicacy sprinkled with powdered sugar or sweet powder.

Recipe for a very tasty sandy grated cake

Very gentle grated pie is obtained from a classic sand dough. For the preparation of sand dough it will take:

  • 2 cups of flour;
  • 2-3 yolks of chicken eggs;
  • 75 ml of cold water;
  • 200 gr. sugar sand;
  • 1 vanillin bag;
  • 1 package baking powder for dough.

All products used should be very cold.


  1. Oil or margarine knife with a wide blade chopped into a small crumb. By consistency, such a mixture will be similar to breadcrumbs.
  2. The resulting mixture is formed by a slide. Make a small recess in the center, like a volcano. Egg yolks are driven into it and continue to chop the mixture with a cold knife.
  3. Gradually pour ice water, sugar and baking powder are added. Hands the dough only completion, quickly connecting all the components.
  4. The finished dough for an hour is sent to the freezer. Then roll up to mix all the components once again, share the ready mass into two equal parts and again give it to freeze. To cooking the cake, the dough will be ready yet in about an hour.
  5. One part of the sand dough is distributed by hand on the bottom of the dishes for baking. You can grate it on a large grater.
  6. On the bottom layer lay out the filling. Traditionally, a jam, jam, berries, fruits, cottage cheese with sugar can be used for a grated cake.
  7. The top of the cake is formed from the second part of the frozen dough. It is rubbed too on a large grater.
  8. Pie bakes at a temperature of 200 degrees 20-25 minutes. You need to put immediately into the heated oven.

The grated pie "On the ambulance" - a very simple and fast recipe

To prepare a grated cake on the ambulance, the hostess will need not only the minimum amount of time, but also the most modest set of products. It includes:

  • 2 cups of flour;
  • 100 gr. butter or margarine;
  • 1 cup of sugar sand;
  • 6 tablespoons of jam or jam;
  • 2-3 eggs;
  • 0.5 teaspoon soda.


  1. The first in the blender is driven eggs and sugar are added. The mixture is prepared until all the granites of sugar sand disperse, and a sufficiently dense white foam appears on the surface.
  2. Next, the soft oil is introduced and thoroughly mixed.
  3. Lastly, flour, soda, vanilla sugar are added. When used to mix the blender components, the dough is almost not heated and cooled faster to a solid state in the freezer.
  4. The finished dough is divided into two characters in size. One is still divided into several parts (for a faster frost) and remove into the freezer. The second immediately rolled into the reservoir, with a thickness of about 5 millimeters.
  5. The first layer of the test lay the selected pointing option. On top rolling the subporposed pieces of dough in turn.
  6. The oven warm up to a temperature of 200 degrees. The cake itself bakes about 20 minutes. It can be sprinkled with powdered sugar, decorate with nuts or sweet multicolored confectionery.

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Grated pie. Recipe


Tired pie - incredibly tasty and very light in the preparation of dessert, loved by children and adults. Cake is preparing, indeed, it is very simple, and the result will make you glad and your loved ones. Although the pie is not a reference dish, and you are unlikely to find it in the restaurants of the city, he, nevertheless, occupies his honorable place in the kitchen of many families, and is an indispensable dessert both on weekdays and on holidays. Because of the ease of preparation and uncomplicated ingredients that will always be in the house!



As a filling for this cake, any sour sweet-sweet filling is suitable - great apricot jam or jam, cherry, plum, apples, or pineapples.

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We need:

1 pack of margarine;
1 egg;
2 tablespoons sour cream;
1 teaspoon of soda (redeemed by vinegar);
flour (on the eye);
1 cup of sugar;
Jam or jam (to taste).

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As we have already spoken, the child will cope with the preparation of a grated cake. For the test, we melt margarine, where after add sugar, egg, sour cream, soda, and one glass of flour.

The resulting dough we divide into three parts. 1/3 test We mix with flour and send to the refrigerator. The remaining dough is rolling on a lubricated sunflower oil baking sheet.

From above on the dough laying the jam (you can use any jam or jam; it all depends on your taste) and smear the uniform layer. From above on the jam on the grater three dough from the refrigerator, thus we sprinkle our grated pie.

We bake the cake in the oven preheated to 180 degrees for 30-35 minutes. Thus, grated pie is ready.



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Curly Pie with Apricot Varev



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- 500g flour
- 1 egg
- 200g margarine
- 2st. mayonnaise
- 150g sugar
- pinch of soda
- Half Lemon Juice
- jumped (to taste)

Grate margarine on the grater, mix with flour and soda, hand in the crumb
In sugar, drive the egg, rub, and add lemon juice, mayonnaise, mix to homogeneity:
Add an egg-mayonse mixture into flour with margarine. Knead the dough.
The third part of the test is removed in the freezer for 20 minutes:
In the form of a shining parchment, put the dough with hands, a little appling and evenly distributing the dough throughout the parchment.
Dough to lubricate jam or jam (the thickness of the layer of the layer on your taste):
A little frozen dough grate on the grater evenly distributing over the entire surface of the jumped

Bake the cake at a temperature of 200 degrees 20-30 minutes (baking time depends on the oven). Cut ready-made pie to pieces



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Cherry Cherry Cake


The most festive terrid cherry pie looks. Bright red cherry contrasts perfectly with a gentle ruddy dough, which will give your dessert a truly magnificent appearance.

We need:

Flour - 3 cups of flour;
Busty - 1 pack;
Margarine - 200 grams
Sugar - 100 grams;
Egg - 1 pc;
Lemon - 1 pc;
Salt to taste;
Soda - pinch;

Before starting cooking, it is necessary to turn on the oven - it should be heated to 170-180 degrees. Margarine must be well cooled, you can put it for several minutes in the freezer.


Add a burst burst pack for a dough - 3-4 cup flour will be quite enough single package. If there is no breakdown, you can add citric acid mixed with food soda.

Cool margarine in the refrigerator, and cut into small pieces with small pieces, it takes each other in the flour and gently begin to chop with a knife. All flour should turn into an oil crumb.
Now we knead the dough, add one egg and a little cold water with salt. The dough must be strong and mild, it should be well oil, so as not to stick to the hands.
Separate the dough into two unequal parts - about two thirds will go to the bottom layer of the cake, the second cooled in the freezer.

The remaining dough rolling on a lubricated sunflower oil with a baking sheet, a slightly appling with a spoon and evenly distributing the dough all the opposition.
From above on the dough laying out the prepared cherry, you can with bones, who loves. Cherry folded a smooth layer, if necessary, add sugar powder, or sugar - so that the cake is not very sour.
Then the second part of the cooled dough rubbing on the grater and evenly sprinkle the top of the cherry fill.

We put the cake in the heated oven. We bake the cake to the ruddy crust and get out of the oven.

The finished grated cherry pie cut into pieces and sprinkled with powder.

Tip: Cut the cake to the portion pieces needed to be still warm, because after the pie cool, it will cease to be soft, but will acquire a firm sand consistency.

Gentle cherry cake will melt in the mouth - call guests, cover the table and a pleasant appetite!

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Curly lemon pie

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Wonderful and simple pie, a favorite school breakfast of my childhood.

We need:
250 g mayonnaise
250 g of softened margarine or butter
1 cup of sugar
1/2 h. Salt spoons
1/2 h. Spoons soda
720 g of flour (4.5 glasses)
dense jam, jam or jelly (at least 500 g)


Mix mayonnaise with butter / margarine room temperature and sugar (can be mixer). Add salt and soda. Gradually adding flour (3 cups), knead the dough in a convenient container (again the mixer). The remaining 1.5 cups of flour pour on the table, lay out the dough on it, knead your hands.
Approximately 1/3 - 1/4 tests separating and put in the freezer until it hardens. Most of the test roll over the tray, make "sides", lay out the jam and dissolve. Dough from the freezer rubbed on a coarse grater and pour the pie from above.
Preheat oven and bake the cake at the average temperature until readiness. Ready pie cut into squares.



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Curly sand cake with jam - video recipe


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Called pie with fresh red currant.

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Curly Pie with Strawberry Jam

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The grated pie is an excellent and very nutritious dessert. The ease of its cooking is really surprising, especially at the moments, when it wants something tasty or suddenly you have gotting guests, and there are very few times. The grated pie always likes to children, and adults are just delighted with him.

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I do not know why, but in my childhood, I was shaking the shopping cookies for three types: sandy, solid (gallery) and fruit gingerbread. Gingerbread was something special, with them very tasty was the pair milk.

He did not even pay attention that the gingerbread was not quite the first freshness. Halbage cookies did not like at all, well, how could there be a "plate" from almost fresh and tasteful test?

But the shortbread cookie is yes, it was popular. And if you still smear them with honey or jam! I am sure that the boy's bad, in a fairy tale "About military mystery", ate precisely shortbread with jam. I still imagine a barrel of jam and a basket of cookies! I wonder what kind of jam was given? Not crimson, there are bones. I'm judging by myself. We usually have a peak, currants or drain.

Already an adult has trigted a wonderful version of that very "jam barrels and cookies baskets" - pie, or cookies, from a sandy test with currane jam. Also an option, but grated pie is something!

Shortbread dough, probably, the simplest thing you can cook quickly. It is tight enough, it will not stick to the hands, quickly sneaks. Let's be a stove grated cake with jam

Grated pie. Step-by-step recipe


  • Flour 4 glasses
  • Oil 200 gr
  • Vanillin 1-2 gr
  • Egg 2 pcs
  • Sugar 1 cup
  • Food soda 0.5 h.
  • Vinegar 0.5 h. L.
  • Smorodine jam 1 cup
  1. The oil is a bit soften, do not melt, but soften. Leave it at room temperature in the kitchen or cut into pieces and put for 10-15 seconds in the microwave. It can flow slightly, on the surface. You can cross it for a fork, and it will not be similar to the cream.
  2. Mix butter, vanillin and sugar. Convenient to do this mixer. It turns out the creamy mass.

    Mix oil, vanillin and sugar then add eggs

  3. Add eggs and mix again.

    Stir the oil, sugar and eggs

  4. Sycot to extinguish with vinegar and pour into the mixture. Mix.
  5. Fly to sift. It is necessary that there are no lumps, and the whole grains did not fall. ATTENTION: Set aside 0.5. Glass flour. She will need later.

    Add to a mixture of oil and sugar 3.5 cup flour

  6. Add to a mixture of oil and sugar 3.5 cup flour. Mix the dough carefully. If your mixer has special spiral nozzles for the test, the task is simplified to a minimum.

    Mix the dough carefully

  7. If everything is done correctly, the dough will become elastic, dense and will not stick to the nozzles of the mixer or the hands.
  8. It is believed that the sanding dough should lie in the cold and grow. I do not know, I have not tried. We use without cooling.
  9. Divide the dough into two parts. Approximately three-to-four.
  10. Most of the part - as it is, and to a smaller part - add the remaining 0.5 cup of flour and slow down to a homogeneous state.
  11. On a baking sheet (about 30-35 cm in size) put a leaf of parchment paper, or special paper for baking. Put on the paper a larger piece of dough and dry hands stretch the dough into a thin layer so that it completely covered the baking sheet. The thickness of the test of the test should not be more than 15 mm. Well, naturally, too thin, too, do not do.

    Put a larger piece of dough and dry hands stretch the dough into a thin layer

  12. Further open the jar of homemowed jam. Of course, it is impossible to try it without it. And smear all the jam on the dough.

    Smear all jam on the dough

  13. Do not be afraid, there will not be much, most likely, not enough. Kidding. Will be just right.
  14. Next, roll the ball from the second part of the test. Take the usual grater with large cells, and do what gave the name to this cake (grated pie) - grate the dough, and sprinkle the jam to the uniform layer.

    Grasp the dough and sprinkle the jam uniform layer

  15. That's it. All difficulties behind - grated pie.

    Put a grated pie in the oven

  16. Preheat oven to 200 degrees and put a grated pie to be baked for 20-25 minutes.
  17. Finished grated pie cut into a sharp knife on the rhombic. Large or small, you decide. After cutting, leave the grated cake to cool so that the jam is slightly frozen and does not flow.

1. Margarine get in advance from the refrigerator so that it becomes soft. In some recipes, Margarine is offered to melt - this is also an option, but then the dough does not come out. If you want to quickly cook the pie, and there is no time for softening, then use the emergency option - roll out a pack of margarine rolling. And put the broken "Plast" into the warm place (battery or near the burner) for 5-10 minutes. We add sugar to soft margarine. We are whipped with a mixer or kneading fork.

2. Add egg to the test.

3. We beat the dough again. It does not have to be homogeneous. Visible lumps, as we have in the photo.

4. Add a sifted flour with a breakdler and turmeric. The latter will not affect the taste strongly, but on the color of the dough it is very much - it will be yellow.

5. We mix the dough on the table or in a bowl. We divide the dough into two unequal balls. The one is less - will be climbing. We send the dough into the refrigerator for 30-40 minutes.

6. Bakery baking sheet or parchment paper. A larger piece of dough roll over the rolling pin and shift into the form. Canceling the edges of the dough, forming flights.

7. Put the jam not a very thick layer. If there is only liquid jam in arsenal, mix it with starch and a little heat. It does not cut, as the starch thickens the jam when baking.

8. Give the second piece of the dough and three it on the grater directly on the pie. By the way, it is from here that the name of the cake is grated.

9. We bake the pie for 30-40 minutes at 180 degrees. But still focus on your oven - the dough must be drunk.

10. The finished cake is fully cold and cut into pieces. Aromatic, tasty and simple pie is ready. You can try.

This cake was called due to the special assembly technology. Shortbread dough for it is rubbed on the most ordinary kitchen grater. Due to this baking, it turns out very beautiful, the korzh is not hard, the factory, perfectly combined with any sweet fillings: cottage cheese, jam, fruit. Here are collected by step-by-step recipes of a craft cake with jam. This stuffing is convenient because there is practically in any refrigerator, it does not require preliminary preparation.

Shopping cake with jam - General preparation principles

The dough is always shortburry, it is prepared on oil or on margarine, sometimes mayonnaise, sour cream or other dairy products are added. The task is to make such a mass that can be rubbed. To do this, there are two ways: knead the soft dough and cool or knead the dough and one piece add more flour so that it turns out dry, easily rubbed.

What is added in the dough:

Granulated sugar;


Jam for grated pie can be taken any, but it is better not to use too liquid product. It will not be very convenient to use if there are large bones in the stuffing, for example, from cherry. Take what is found, we deposit between the layers of a grated cake and bake!

Preparing grated pies with jam in the oven. In some step-by-step recipes, the temperature 180 is indicated, in the other 200, but all these parameters are suitable for sand dough. The main thing is to warm up the furnace, it is not worth it in the cold oven.

Casting jam pie: step-by-step recipe on creamy oil

One of the easiest and most famous step-by-step recipes of a grated cake with jam. This option is on an ambulance hand, the dough does not need to withstand in the freezer or in the refrigerator, quickly knead, form and send it into the oven. The only thing that is desirable to do in advance is to remove the creamy oil in advance from the refrigerator.


200 grams of oil;

250-300 grams of any jam;

2/3 of Art. sugar sand;

1 tsp. baking powder (from the bag);

3 1/3 cup of flour into the dough;

0.5 cups of flour for sprinkling;

By pinch salts and vanilla.


1. We lay out the softened oil into a bowl comfortable for the kneading dough, fall asleep sugar sand, which will be used only in the test. We take a fork and rub well. It will take about three minutes.

2. One by one add raw chicken eggs. We continue to stir. The weight of the consistency will resemble not very thick cream.

3. It's time to add a pinch of salt to enhance taste, as well as a little vanilla to improve the flavor. Stir.

4. We introduce three glasses of flour. And in the same stage, a bakery breakthrower is spared right in a bowl, a slight teaspoon is enough. We begin to knead the dough.

5. At the end, add two more complete spoons (0.3 Articles) flour, wash the mass to smoothness. The dough will be thick, but not tough. Separate from it the fourth part. Lay down while to the side.

6. The remaining large piece need to roll out, lay out in the form or on a baking sheet. If the dough is a bit sticky, then you can roll over a piece of parchment or simply stretch in shape with your fingers, that is, the rope does not use. At the edges we make sides, enough half a centimeter so that the filling does not flow, did not burned to the opposition.

7. Displays jam on the reservoir, stretch the spoon. Since the cake is not very big and thin, you don't need to add a lot of filling. We also consider that the dough is sweet, it is better not to take a shrill jam.

8. To the remaining piece of the dough, which we separated, add half a glass of flour, but not immediately all, it may take a little less. We place a steep dough. A piece should be dense, but the flour's inclusions should not be in it.

9. We take the grater, rub the cooked dough right over the cake. The grater is kept a canopy, but move to sprinkle the jam uniform layer of crumbs.

10. We ship the grated pie with jam to the oven breathed up to 200 degrees. We prepare until golden, but not dark color. On average 20-25 minutes.

11. We take out of the oven. Let it stand for ten minutes at room temperature.

12. Spicy knife cut the warm pie. If this is not done, the sandy dough will cool, it will not work neat and smooth pieces.

Shopping cake with jam: step-by-step recipe for oil with mayonnaise

Another variant of a very successful sand dough. In a step-by-step recipe, a creamy oil, and mayonnaise, and mayonnaise are used. For the filling, you can use jam with any taste, but do not take too liquid. This recipe without a baking powder, that is, the classic sandy dough is preparing. If you want to make it softer, you can add a pinch of soda.


270 grams of flour;

50 grams of mayonnaise;

100 grams of oil;

A pinch of salt;

100 grams of sugar;

200 grams of jam.


1. Stay in the bowl of softened butter. If it did not turn out, the piece can be placed in the microwave oven, but not to warm up. We put the product defrosting function, scroll a bit, remove it.

2. Add a pinch of salt and mayonnaise to oil, it is better not to use cold sauce. Stir up to homogeneity.

3. Egg is broken into another dishes, add sugar sand to it, shake a whisk to light foam.

4. Pour the egg mass to cream oil with mayonnaise, but we do not add everything at once. It is better to do it in two or even in three receptions, stirring up to homogeneity.

5. Add to the dough flour. Replace the most ordinary sandy dough. If it gets a little soft because of the oil, then nothing terrible. In the refrigerator will grow.

6. Separate a third of the test, put in the package, remove into the freezer.

7. The rest of the dough is also put in the package or simply cover the bowl so that the crust does not swell on top. But we remove it just in the refrigerator. Without both pieces of half an hour.

8. Take the test from the refrigerator first. It froze, it became harder, now it rolls out perfectly. We make a subtle layer, shift on a baking sheet or in a suitable form.

9. We make on the bottom of the puncture with a fork so that the bubbles do not inflate, the cake did not turn out to be a curve.

10. Put a layer of jam. Evenly stretch the filling over the entire reservoir with a spatula or ordinary spoon.

11. Take out a piece of the dough that was removed into the freezer. Immediately take the grater, rub on top to the filling. If it suddenly goes somewhere, it is neatly with your fingers or a fork, put the chips, put on an empty place.

12. Such a cake bakes in the oven at 80 degrees from 30 to 45 minutes, depending on its thickness, as well as jam density. If the filling is liquid, then it may be necessary to take a little more time.

13. After baking, we cut pie pie pie, while it is warm, then a little more cool.

Casting cake with jam: step-by-step recipe on margarine with sour cream

In fact, sour cream in this step-by-step recipe for a grated cake with jam can be replaced with even kefir or spokeshaw. Margarine Choose fat so that there are no less than 70% in this case, in this case the dough will get very gentle, crumbly. By the way, the same it is obtained when using culinary fat. Here on technology, both layers will be uttered. But at the request of the bottom of the cake you can simply roll out, as in previous recipes.


200 grams of margarine;

40 grams of sour cream;

3 cups of flour;

0.5 h. L. soda;

Jam anyone;

180 g of sugar;

Pinch of salt, vanilla at will.


1. Margarine chopped pieces, leave in a warm place for half an hour, you can simply hold in the kitchen on the table.

2. Add sugar and flour to margarine, to lose everything to the state of not very sticky crumbs. It is convenient to make hands.

3. Add salt to eggs, shake up for a fork, pour into the cooked flour crumb, start the test of the test, add a rejected soda and sour cream. Either we take a double portion of the bass. Since it contains acid. It is not necessary to quench it.

4. Dough by hand. If suddenly, the eggs are large or margarine not fat, the dough is weak, then we sleep more flour. But you do not make a cool lump.

5. We divide the mass into two different parts, one about a third, it is for top. We remove everything for an hour in the refrigerator or for 20-30 minutes in the freezing chamber. Cover. So that the slices did not fall into the crust.

6. Take out a large piece, we rub on a baking sheet through a large grater, roll up with your hands.

7. Lubricate or water with a small amount of jam, we do not add a lot too much. If it is with pieces, then first decompress them so that it is evenly, and then distributing syrup.

8. From above, we rub the remaining piece of sand dough from the freezer.

9. We bake the grated pie at 190 degrees to complete readiness.

It is not necessary to lubricate a baking tray or shape for a cake, the sandstop dough will not stick, but you can raise a piece of parchment. If the jam is found, it will not nourish and will not need to wash it off.

Jam too liquid? You can add a few cropped cookies, chopped nuts, a very tasty filling is obtained with coconut chips.

If the jam is too sweet, then you can add an apple chopped with small cubes or any other fruit. Another option is to pour a bit of lemon juice. By the way, the zest can also be added to the filling or in the dough itself for the cake, baking with it is very fragrant.

The sandy dough loves the cold and in it it is well kept. You can cook it in advance from the evening and at breakfast to please the households with fresh pastries. Or prepare the dough in the morning, and after work it is quickly made a grated pie with jam on our step-by-step recipes.

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