The first crusade organized Pope Roman. Years of the first crusade, result

Engineering systems 30.09.2019
Engineering systems

Kingdom France



Byzantine Empire
Cilician kingdom


Seljuksky Sultanat
Fatimid Khalifat.
Abbasid Khalifat.

Commander Guglielmo Embriaco

Gottfried Boulevard
Raimund IV Toulouse
Etienne II de Blois
Baldoon Bullysky
Eustachium III
Robert II Fryndrian
Ademar Monteilsky
Gogo Great
Robert Norman
Bohamund Tartansky
Tancred Tartansky
Alexey I Comnne
Konstantin I.

Klych-Arslan I

Yagi Syan.
Gazi ibn Danishmand
Ifthar hell-Daula

Forces side Crusaders: 30,000 infantry

First crusade It was organized in 1095 at the initiative of the Rome Pope Urban II in order to liberate the sacred city of Jerusalem and the Holy Land from Muslims. Initially, the appeal of the Roman Pope was addressed only to the French knighthood, but later the campaign turned into a full-scale military campaign, and his idea covered all Christian states of Western Europe and even found a hot response in Poland and the principles of Kievan Rus. The feudal and simple people of all nationalities on the ground and the sea were put forward to the east, on the way, freed from the power of the Seljuk Turkings Western part of Malaya Asia and eliminating the Muslim threat to Byzantium and in July 1099 won Jerusalem. During the 1st Crusade, the Jerusalem Kingdom and other Christian states were founded, which are united under the name of the Latin East.

Background conflict

One of the reasons for the crusade was a call for help with whom he turned to Pope Byzantine Emperor Alexey I. Hundreds of years of Byzantium was for the Western Christian world a buffer zone against the Militant Islam, but in 1071, after the defeat with Manzikert, it lost most of the Low Asia (the limits of modern Turkey), always a lively important source of human resources and funds. In the face of the deadly danger, Proud of Byzantium was forced to ask for help.

The winners in the battle of Manzikert were not Arabs, but Selzhuki Turks - fierce nomads who took Islam and became the main force in the Middle East. While the Arabs were relatively tolerant for Christian pilgrims, the new rulers immediately began to blame them obstacles. This was another reason for the appeal to the cross campaign, with whom he made in Clermon Pope Urban II. The assistance of Byzantines has departed to the background compared with the return of the Holy Land, where, as Urban announced, murders, robbery and seizure of new possessions will be allowed, since the victims will be "incorrect", which are more inflicted and rely.

Calls of the Pope of Roman, frantic sermons of Peter's desert and other religious fanatics caused an unprecedented rise. In different places of France, Germany and Italy, hiking were harvested. In addition, thousands of people spontaneously gathered in the detachments and moved forward, robby, killing Jews and Say Chaos on their way.

Over the second half of the first millennium, Muslims won most of North Africa, Egypt, Palestine, Syria, Spain and many other territories.

However, by the time of the crusades, the Muslim world was divided inside, between the rulers of various territorial entities they walked permanent internecine wars, and even religion itself was a split for several flows and sects. This was not confused to take advantage of external enemies - Christian states in the West and Mongols in the East.

Christians of the East

Map of the 1st Crusade

Chronology of the event of the hike

Peasant crusade

Urban II determined the beginning of a crusade on August 15 (the Holiday Ascension of the Virgin) of 1096. However, long before that, Jerusalem independently nominated the army of peasants and a small knighthood, headed by the Amiens monk by Peter Dressman, a talented speaker and a preacher. The scale of this spontaneous folk movement was huge. While Dad (Roman Patriarch) expected to attract only a few thousand knights to the campaign, Peter Dreshemnik in March 1096 led a crowded crowd - consisting, however, for the most part of the unarmed poor people who went on the road with wives and children .

This is a huge (according to objective estimates of everything in the campaign made several tens of thousands of "armies", of which more than 35 thousand people were concentrated in Constantinople, and up to 30 thousand) inorganized in Malnya Asia Halder collided with the first difficulties in Eastern Europe. Leaving the native edges, people did not have time (and many simply could not because of their poverty) stocking of the province, because they went to the road too early and did not find a rich harvest of 1096, which was gone in Western Europe for the first time after several years of drought and hunger. Therefore, they expected that the Christian cities of Eastern Europe will be free to provide them with food and everything necessary (as it was always in the Middle Ages for pilgrims who went in St. Earth), or will be released at a reasonable price. However, Bulgaria, Hungary and other countries, through which the poor route, did not always agree to such conditions, and therefore between the locals and inactive militia, the strength of their food, conflicts broke out.

Siege Nikia

Siege of Antioch

In the autumn, the army of the Crusaders reached the antioch, which was halfway between Constantinople and Jerusalem, and on October 21, 1097 heeded the city.

Siege of Jerusalem


War crimes

Military crimes of the opposing parties

We have reached our sources reporting on cruel cutters, learned by winners, Muslims as well as Christians, in captured cities. Many researchers believe that the term "war crimes" is not corrected for the Middle Ages, when there was no such concept. Many written sources do not always significantly represent an objective position, and judging by all the cruelty of the crusaders was the generation of that time, and much differed from the cruelty of their enemies, and any medieval troops.


1st crusade
Peasant crusade

Truly first Crusade (1095 - 1099) in Saint Earth began on August 15, 1096, when the detachments knights And the soldier under the start of noble warriors, such as Raymond Toulouse, Gottfride Boulevard and Bohamund Tartan, by sea and on land got to Constantinople.
It is important to remember that many of them had sonicate titles, but not land ownership, and therefore were determined to get them in the east.
Among those who headed the campaign, the French bishop of Ademara Du Puy should also be noted - the brave and prudent priest warrior, appointed by the papal legacy and often speaking a mediator in disputes between non-political commander. 7.
Army the army of the crossMaching to the East, represented a deadline picture, including representatives of all Western European states and all sectors of society, but not all countries were equally well represented. IN First Cross campaign Most of France, Western Germany, including the modern territory of Benilyuks, as well as the Norman states of Southern Italy, participated.

Military organization differed. In Northern France and in the Norman states of southern Italy, the process of feudalization has already been completed. In these states, the feudals were mediated in the class, which is a military elite.
The feudalization ends in Flanders and in southern France, but in Germany, the military feudal elite elastically began to develop, and in many regions of Italy, the task of armed defense took on a national militia. 2.

Byzantine Emperor Alexey was not too glad to this "Misceller" movie the Cross, because he hoped for the arrival of obedient mercenaries, and not these independent, unpredictable and, probably dangerous "barbarians".
The weak point of this enterprise was in distrust, very quickly arose between the Greeks and Franks - the name and the Greeks, and Muslims called crusadsev Regardless of their nationality. one
Thanks to thin maneuvering, Alexey persuaded crusadsev swear that they recognize him by the emperor of all the land owned by the Byzantiums that they it will be possible to win against the Seljuk. Crusadsev The cunning was forced to keep the word in the siege of Nicea, but everything was quickly forgotten when the historical march of Malny Asia began, in the battle of Dorilee (1097), who was crowned with the first victory.
Although armor knights - crusadsev It was a difficult wear, especially in a hot climate, but she attached the power and power of the iron fist with an attacker connoun. True, the light cavalry of the Turks left a direct clash, preferring to circling and hiding, holding a distance and shelling crusadsev from the bows.
But this equilibrium was shaky, because the arrows of the Turks could apply only a limited damage, while among crusadsev There were many professional crossbars whose weapons had much greater range and slaughter power.
Consequently, the result of any collision depended on the strategy, the temporary factor, as well as strict uniqueness - the things in which the European's feudal arousal was usually inferior, since his leaders belonged to each other with jealousy, and knights She cared personal glory more than the success of the whole army. one
With a temporary factor first crusaders Especially lucky - they appeared when there were no unity in the possessions of the Seljuk.
After the major victory of the Turks over the Byzantines at Manzickete in 1071, Selzhuki Ruma (Anatoly) has not yet managed to fully master Turkey.
The Seljuk Empire, spreading on the territory of Iraq and Iran, quickly collapsed. The central government over the south-east of Turkey and Syria was absent. There were several Turkish, Armenian, Kurdish and Arab rulers who captured the city and castles among themselves.
In the desert and in the valley of Euphrates, the Arab Bedouin tribes retained complete independence and participated in the general war of all against everyone for fertile land.
The Fatimid Caliphate in Egypt was also in decline, although it was not so noticeable. Fatimides dreamed of conquering all Islamic lands, but these dreams were left when the power of Shiite Caliphs actually moved into the hands of more realistic viziers.

The position of Vizier took an Armenian family, which managed to restore order in Cairo, lost during several civil wars and political coups. Control took trade on the Red Sea and ports on the Syrian coast. Palestine Fatimids was considered as a buffer from threatening Turkish aggression.
This situation arose only once, because those success, which were achieved during The first crusade hike, it was not possible to achieve more. Moreover, the amplification of Muslims was followed, which, despite episodic failures and lesions, ended with exile crusadsev From Palestine after two centuries ...
First aim knights The troops were Nikeya (now the city of the isp in the north-west of Turkey), once the place of large church councils, and now the capital of the Sultan Sultan Kylych-Arslan (Kilidge Arslan or Lion Sabl). The city stood on the eastern shore of the Ascan lake, which favored the development of trade relations with neighbors. On the other hand, it was protected by the mountains - a natural obstacle on the path of possible invaders. Fertile surroundings were rich in forests.
In addition, Nikeya, the walls of the testimony of Stephen Bloua guarded about three hundred towers, was well strengthened: "... The city is protected by the fortress walls, in front of which the water filled with water, which comes there from streams and small robusts, which are a significant obstacle for All those who intended to precipitate the city. Further, the city had a numerous and militant population; Thick walls, high towers that are very close to each other, connected by strong fortifications, gave the city to the fame of an impregnable fortress. "
Sultan Kylych-Arslan hoped to defeat francs in the same way as the peasant army, and therefore did not take seriously the approach of the enemy. But he was destined to be brutally disappointed. Its light, armed onions and arrows, cavalry and infantry were defeated by Western cavalry in the open battle.
However, Nikeya was located so that it was impossible to take it without military support from Askan lake. Cut off the water from the side of water only after the emperor Alexey Komnin sent to help crusaders The fleet accompanied by a detachment under the command of the commanders of Manuil Wuwutumite and Tatika.
Manuel VuTUMIT on the orders of Alexei Komnin agreed with the deposited of the city and retained this agreement secret from crusadsev. The emperor did not trust the leaders of the campaign and rightly suspected that it would be difficult for them to stay from the temptation to break the promise to him in Constantinople to transfer the conquered cities of Byzantium.
June 19, when according to the plan of the emperor, Tatiki and Manuel with crusaders The walls of Nicea stormed, the deposited suddenly stopped resistance and surrendered, putting into the city of the detachments of Manuel Wuwutumite - it seemed that the victory was obsessed only through the efforts of the Byzantine army.
Having learned that the Byzantines took the city and took citizens to defend the emperor, crusaders They came into indignation, as they expected to plunder nice and replenish the stocks of money and food. 3.
But the fall of Nicea raised the morale crusadsev. Inspired by the victory Stefan Bluasky wrote an adels wife, which calculates in five weeks to be at the walls of Jerusalem.
And the main army crusadsev It moved further on the sun chosen from the sun of Anatolia.
July 1, 1097 crusaders They managed to win the scene on the former Byzantine territory near Dorilei (now Eskisehir, Turkey).

Taking advantage of the traditional tactics of horse archers, the Turks (the number of them, according to some information, exceeded 50 thousand people) caused a heavy damage column crusadsevwho are not enough of what was in an explicit minority, but also could not enter the nearby battle with the elusive, moving opponent.
The situation was critical. But Bohamund, fighting in the forefront, managed to inspire the fight of his people. eight
The column of Bohamund was already ready to break the system when a heavy cavalry of the second column crashed into the left flank of the Turk warriors Cross, headed by Gottfried Bouillon and Raimund Toulouse.
Kilidge Arslan failed to ensure covers from the south. Turkish army turned out to be clamped in vice and lost 23 thousand people killed; The rest are set in panic escape.
Common losses crusadsev amounted to about 4 thousand people. 7.
Slightly to southeast army crusadsev It was divided, most of them moved to Caesara (now Kayseri, Turkey) towards the Syrian city of Antioch (now Mr. Antakya, Turkey).
Antioch was one of the largest cities in the eastern part of the Mediterranean. Above it 450 towers elevated with powerful fortress walls. The fortress fence intensified by the river, mountains, sea and swamp. At the head of the garrison, Bagasian (Baggi-Zyuyyyyan) was known for his fearlessness.
Emir Bagasian skillfully established the defense of the city. Shortly after the start of the siege, the Turks made a good choice, which led to severe losses among disorganized crusadsevAnd subsequently they often resorted to such tactics.
From Syria, Turkish armies were deposited for the rescue, but both times were repulsed in battles in Harenka (December 31, 1097 and February 9, 1098). For a while among crusadsev Hunger raged, because they did not take care of the delivery of provisions, and the reserves quickly melted.
Saved precipitated the extremely timely arrival of small English and the Pisa fleets, who captured the Laodica (Sov. Latakia, Syria) and Saint-Simeon (Sovar. The city of Samandagv, Turkey) and delivered the province.
For seven months, the siege relationship between commander troops crusadsev Rank to the limit, especially between Bohamund Tartan and Raimund Toulouse.
In the end, June 3, 1098 after the seven-month siege - mainly thanks to Bohamund and the betrayal of one of the Turkish officers - Antioch was captured. 7.
Bohemund Tartan managed to join a secret conspiracy with a kind of Firuz, who commanded the detachment of the antihighs, defended a plot of three towers. He agreed to miss "through itself" knights In the city, but, of course, not free.
At the Military Council, Bohamund Tartentsky outlined his anti-pool plan. But, like Firuz, also not free - he demanded that Antioch become his personal hold.
Other participants in the Council initially indignant such a frank greed of their associates, but bohmund scared them: the army of Emir Kerboga was already close.

On the night of June 3, 1098, Bohamund Tartan was the first to go up the leather staircase on the fortress wall above. 50 followed by 60 knights His squad.
Crusaders, suddenly broke into the city, arranged a terrible massacre there, having interrupted more than 10 thousand citizens. In the night battle fell and buggy. But his son managed to get along with a few thousand warriors in the city citadel, which christians They could not take. eight
Byzantines and Armenians helped crusaders take the city.
On June 5, Emir Mosul Kerboga arched to Antioch. Now crusaders From the precipitated turned into deposited. Soon hunger began in Antioch, and every night more and more warriors Cross descended on the ropes from the fortress walls and ran into the saving mountains. Among such "rope fugitives" were very noble people, like, for example, French Graf Stefan Bluasky.
Yet the newly new owner of the Antioch Principality, the second time saved the participants First cross hike . First, boaemund Tartan installed among knights The most strict discipline, ordered to adjust the houses of those who refused to fight. It was an effective measure.
Hardly not the most significant event First cross hike There was a wonderful acquisition in the Antioch of the Holy Spear (\u003e Spears of Fate), which, according to the Gospel Miof, Warrior Longin pierced the edge of Christ.
Apostle Andrei, visiting the vision of Provencal peasant Peter Bartholomew, indicated the location of the spear. As a result of excavations in the temple of St. Peter the precious relic was discovered.
Stands notice that few of the historians or theologians believe that Spear\u003e was precisely the (actually, and among themselves crusadsev Even then many doubted), but the effect it was truly miraculous. 7.
"The piety of our people," writes Chronist Raimund Agalsky, "the Lord bowed to to show us a spear."
This happened on June 14, 1098, when, being surrounded by Muslim troops of Mosul Kerboga, crusaders Already lost hope for a safe outcome of the protracted siege of Antioch. The Lord of this miraculously, as contemporaries believed, sent the news about her support of the people.
And indeed, June 28, 1098. Army Atabek Mosul Kerboga was crushed cross soldiers. 6
June 28 Boamund Tartan led crusadsev On the shaft from the fortress. Attack on the Sultansky army, which, with its numerous, was weakened by internal parties, turned out to be a victorious: Mosulians fled.
Bohamund Tartan, now the prince of Antioch, won a brilliant victory over Emir Kerboga. eight
In July - August 1098, an epidemic of plague happened in Antioch. One of the victims of the epidemic was the bishop of ademar du Puy. After his death, the relationship between the commander of the campaign was raised even stronger, especially between Bohamund (which was firmly removed to preserve control over Antioch) and Ramunda Toulouse (which insisted that crusaders We must return the city of Byzantium, according to this Alexey Ovath).
After a long distinction with Raymund, the antioch will convinced Bohamund, who succeeded even before the fall to force it from the rest crusady The leadership consent to the transfer of this important city to him.
While disputes went because of the antioch, in the troops, disgruntled delay, there was an excitement, which forced the princes, stopping the distribution, move further. The same was repeated and then: while the army rushed to Jerusalem, the leaders argued because of each taken city. 3.
Among the simple parquency called to continue crusadeThe position of the ebionites (members of the heretical Christian sect) was popular, whose preachers stated that deprivation are the condition of salvation.
They accounted for a whole group, which became a shock detachment of the Christian army, terrifying the horror on Muslims. The detachment was poorly armed, they had no copies nor shields, only sticks, and even confidence that providence would help them. The cruelty of the emissions kept not only Muslims in fear, but also crusadsev: This group not only killed Muslims, but sometimes after the battle, her members became real canned and devoured their victims.
December 1098 crusaders Captured Maarath Al-Numan in Syria. In order to prevent Barmones to give the will of their greed, the womb destroyed the inhabitants and completely destroyed the city. So so they forced the barons again to take the way to Jerusalem ... 9
After taking Antioch warriors Cross Without much obstacles, they advanced along the coast south and on the way seized several port cities. Through Beirut, Sidon, Tir, Akon they came to Haifu and Juff, and then turned to the east.
In an abandoned residents of the city of Ramla, they left the Roman Catholic Bishop.
On June 6, 1098, Tancred, the nephew of Bohamund Tartan, finally entered into his army in Bethlehem, the place of birth of Jesus. From the top of the nearby mountain in front crusaders Panorama of Jerusalem opened. They called this mountain of Monzhua - "Mount Joy".
Jerusalem was a well-fortified city, defended the city's strong army of Fatimides, far exceeding the number of precipitated.
Christians\u003e and Jews lived here in the relative peace and harmony with Muslims. For several centuries, Muslims have ruled the city. Islam showed greater tolerance to other religions, however, the Muslim rulers were charged with special taxes, but never forced them to go to Muslim.
However, learning about the approximation of the Christian troops, they were not thinking from the city of all Christians. Muslims feared, as if they did not betray them with their Western uniforms.
Jerusalem was thoroughly prepared for siege, food reserves were plenty. And in order to leave an enemy without water, all the wells around the city were in disrepair. Crusaders For the storming of the city lacked stairs, taranans and siege cars. It was necessary for them to mine in the vicinity of the city of wood and build military equipment. It took a lot of time.
By the time of the assault of Jerusalem almost all crusaders recognized the commander of Gottfried Boulevard; Help His Ramunda Toulouse and Tancred.
To fully block the city, troops crusadsev It was not enough, but to expect that the besieged succeeded to worry hunger, did not have to. Despite the strong lack of water, crusaders Began to resolutely prepare for the storm: build a high wooden siege tower and a ram.
The rain of arrows rainped from urban fortifications, they rolled the tower to the wall, shouted the wooden bridge, and Gottfrid led the troops to the attack (part of the army climbed onto the walls along the storm stairs). Apparently, this was the only one in the entire two-year-old campaign operation coordinated from beginning to end. 7.
As a result crusaders I managed to take Jerusalem. Tancred immediately took the al-aks mosque, an important Muslim shrine.
The capture of Jerusalem has become a great achievement of Christians, which they noted the mass cutting. If not to consider the Egyptian commandant of Jerusalem and its closest environment, it was not possible to escape almost anyone, whether Muslim or Jew, a man, a woman or a child.
According to the chronicles in the rum, up to 70 thousand people died ...
On the events of those days the chronicler writes so:
"Entering the city, our pilgrims chased and killed Saracin (so the Europeans called all Muslims of the Middle East) to the very temple of Solomonov, accumulated in which they gave us the most cruel battle for the whole day, so their blood flowed throughout the temple.
Finally, defeated the pagans, our many men and women were praised in the temple and killed how much they wanted, and how much they wanted, left alive. (...)
Crusaders Quickly scattered throughout the city, grabbing gold and silver, horses and mules, taking yourself at home, full of all kinds. After that, completely happy, sobbing from joy, our headed to the coffin of the Savior of our Jesus Christ and picked up their guilt in front of him. " five
A senseless and cruel massacre in Jerusalem remained for a long time in the memory of Muslims and Jews.

The purpose of the campaign was achieved, and many crusaders came back home. The remaining continued to fight along the eastern coast of the Mediterranean, where, in the end, four states were founded. crusadsev:
Edessa County - the first state based crusadersand in the East. It was founded in 1098 by Bullduin I Bullesky after the conquest of Jerusalem and the creation of the kingdom. It lasts until 1146. His capital was the city of Edess;
Principality of Antioch - was founded by Bohamund I Tartan in 1098 after taking the antioch. Principality existed to 1268;
\u003e The Jerusalem Kingdom existed until the fall of acres in 1291. In submission of the kingdom there were several vassal senory, including the four largest: the Principality of Galilee, the County of Jaffa and Askalon, Transortion and Senoria Sidon.
Tripoli county - the last of the states based during The first crusade hike. It was founded in 1105 by the Graph of Toulouse Raimund IV. The county existed until 1289. 3.
Gottfried Boulevard, who called himself "The Defender of the Coffin of the Lord," was elected the first ruler of the Jerusalem kingdom. In the zenith of his fame, it reached Aqaba on the Red Sea; In addition, he became an actual ruler and other conquered territories.
The Roman Catholic Church has spread its influence in Holy Land: After the death of Gottfried Daimbert, the newly proclaimed Patriarch of Jerusalem, the successor of the deceased in the Antioch Ademara, in Christmas 1100 coronated Brother Gottfried Baldhini I received the title of King Jerusalem, and appointed a number of Archbishops and Bishops.
Jerusalem was the most important state crusadsevAnd he was obeyed all before or later by their settlements. Many crusaders And their descendants are also assieved in the East, settling mainly in the cities.
In the East, there was an ancient urban culture, and even if it looked at the outside of the outside, inside, they were often striking luxury, facilities and comfort. As for external arrangement, such as sewage, street lighting or plumbing, all this was much better than at home crusadsev.
Christians lived in the East very freely. They began to dress in oriental: wearing turbans, long light clothes. Quite quickly got used to the Arabic kushans, argued with ginger, pepper and clove, began to drink wine and fruit juices.
Many aliens From the West, even learn to read and write that for Muslims was quite common. Ill, Christians willingly appealed to local doctors and allowed themselves to be treated with natural means.
Fulcherija Chartres writes:
"In the past, west people, we now have become the people of the East; Man from Reims or Chartra became a Tyrian or Antioch.
We have already forgotten places where they were on the light; Their names have already become for many of us unfamiliar or never heard words. Many have now own homes and servants, as if inherited from fathers. (...)
Who was in his homeland the poor, God made here with rich. " five
States crusadsev Never stayed safe. Even in the period of heyday, they could not push their borders to the natural section, the desert, which would facilitate the defense of the territories. The threat of the Turks held the control over such key cities as Aleppo and Damascus constantly retained.
Even in their own lands crusaders They remained a few and dispersed class of the feudalists who rule the Muslim population, whose loyalty was very doubtful.
Crusaders It was unlikely that long without the help of two specially formed military monastic orders - Knights of the Temple (Templar) and John (Hospitallers). Like monks, members of the orders gave vow to live in poverty, chastity and humility; At the same time, these were warriors, obliged to defend Saint Earth And fight "incorrect."
In the late 1120s, the Turks under the leadership of Zengi from Mosul managed to achieve a certain unity and stop Promotion crusadsev.
In 1144 crusaders Lost Edessa - the most remote and open state for attacking. All this pushed Europeans to the beginning of a new campaign.
The number of warriors who participated in First cross campaign , given by different chroniclers in different ways, from 100 thousand people at Rimon Akuiler up to 600 thousand at Fulharia Chartresk.
Both of these chronicles themselves took part in the campaign.
The letter written by Pope after the capture of Jerusalem, reporting on the state of the army, speaks about 5 thousand horse warriors and 15 thousand infantrymen.
The number of participating in individual battles could be much less; in victory crusadsev In the battle under Antioch, all the forces are alleged, due to the lack of horses, only 700 cavaliers were consistent. 10
Fantastic success First Cross hike Forced crusadsev Continue war. If initially the main task First Cross hike It was "free" holy places, then before the end of the campaign crusaders They became more and more and more to realize their missionary task.
Barely crusaders They entered Jerusalem, how they began to extend to destroy the Islamic world in general.
Meanwhile, Muslims changed their attitude towards Christians\u003e. The former indifference was replaced by hatred.
Jihad began, who, ultimately, resulted in the fear of the Ottoman Empire ... 2

Information sources:
one. " Crusades "(Magazine" Tree of Cognition "№ 21/2002)
2. Military historical Almanac "Soldier" №7
3. Wikipedia website
4. "Saladine and Saracines 1071-1291" " (Almanac "New Soldier" №70)
5. Vazol M. " Crusaders»
6. Lucitskaya S. "The idea of \u200b\u200bthe appeal of the Inovers in the Chronicles First cross hike »
7. "All World History Wars" (according to the Harper Encyclopedia of Military History Dupyui)
8. Shishov A. "100 Great Communion Middle Ages"
9. TAT J. " Crusades »
10. Norman A. "Medieval warrior. Armament of the times of Charles Great and

Forces side

Encyclopedic YouTube.

    1 / 5

    ✪ First crusade (briefly!) - Lamb 17

    ✪ First crusade (tells the historian Svetlana Luchitskaya)

    ✪ Hour of truth - east! Crusades

    ✪ Crusades. Video Tutorial on Universal History Grade 6

    ✪ Cross hiking


Background conflict

One of the reasons for the crusade was a call for help with whom he turned to Pope Byzantine Emperor Alexey I Comnin. This appeal was due to several circumstances. In 1071, the Army of Emperor Roman IV Diogen was divided by the Sultan of the Sultan-Seljuk-Selzhuki Alp-Arsalan in the battle of Manzikert. This battle and the subsequent overthrow of the novel IV Diogen led to the beginning of the Civil War in Byzantium, which did not poison until 1081, when Alexey I was asleep at the throne. By this time, various leaders of the Seljuk Turkings managed to take advantage of the fruits of civilians in Constantinople and captured a significant part of the territory of Anatolian plateau. In the early years of his reign, Alexey Komnin was forced to conduct a permanent struggle on two fronts - against the Normannes of Sicily, which came in the West and against the Seljuk Turks in the East. The Balkan possessions of the Byzantine Empire were also subjected to devastating raids of Polovtsy.

In this situation, Alexey often used the help of mercenaries from Western Europe, whom the Byzantines were called francs or celts. The commander of the empire highly appreciated the combat qualities of the European cavalry and used mercenaries as shock parts. Their corps needed constant replenishment. In 1093 or 1094, Alexey, apparently, sent to the Pope asking for help in hiring another building. It is possible that this request and served as the basis for calling to a cross campaign.

Another reason could serve as rumors about atrocities that were going on in Palestine. At this point, the Middle East turned out to be on the front line between the Sultanat of the Great Seljukov (which occupied a significant part of the territory of modern Iran and Syria) and the state of the Fatimides of Egypt. Seljukov was mainly mainly mainly Muslims, Fatimides - mostly Muslim-Shiites. Christian minorities in Palestine and Syria were protected by a certain and during hostilities, representatives of some of them were subjected to robbery. It could give rise to rumors about terrible atrocities, creative Muslims in Palestine.

In addition, Christianity originated in the Middle East: there were the first Christian communities on this territory and most Christian shrines were located.

On November 26, 1095, a cathedral was held in the French city of Clermon, at which there was a passionate speech in the face of the nobility and clergy of Pope Urban II, having encouraging the gathered to go east and release Jerusalem from the dominion of Muslims. This appeal is leed on the fertile soil, since the ideas of the crusade have already been popular among the people of Western European states, and the campaign could organize at any time. Pope's speech only identified the aspirations of the large group of Western European Catholics.


The Byzantine Empire had many enemies on their borders. So, in 1090-1091, Pechenegs were threatened with her, but their Natisk was removed with the help of Polovtsy and Slavs. At the same time, the Turkish pirate Chuck, dominates in the Black Sea and Bosphorus, bothered his coast near Constantinople. If we consider that by this time most Anatolia was captured by the Seljuk Turks, and the Byzantine Army suffered a serious defeat from them in 1071 in the battle of Manzikert, the Byzantine Empire was in a crisis state, and there was a threat to its complete destruction. The peak of the crisis came for the winter of 1090/1091, when the head of the Pechenegs on the one hand and relatives to them the Seljuks on the other threatened to cut off Constantinople from the world around.

In this situation, Emperor Alexey Komnnin led a diplomatic correspondence with the rulers of Western European countries (the most famous correspondence with Robert Flande), calling them about help and showing the plight of the empire. There was also a number of steps towards the approach of the Orthodox and Catholic churches. These circumstances caused interest in the west. However, by the beginning of the crusade of Byzantium, the deep political and military crisis has already overcome and dwells in the period of relative stability from about 1092 years. The Pechenezhska Horde was defeated, Selzhuki did not lead active campaigns against the Byzantines, and even on the contrary, the emperor often resorted to the help of hired detachments, consisting of Turks and Pechenegs, to pacify their enemies. But in Europe, it was believed that the position of the empire was poorly, counting on the humiliating position of the emperor. This calculation was incorrect, which led to many contradictions in the Byzantine-Western European relations.

Muslim world

Most of Anatoly on the eve of the crusade was in the hands of the nomadic tribes of the Turks-Seljuk and Seljuksky Sultan Rum, who adhered to the Sunni flow in Islam. Some tribes in many cases did not recognize even the nominal power of the Sultan, or enjoyed broad autonomy. By the end of the XI century, Seljuki pushed Byzantium in her borders, taking almost all Anatoly after the victory over the Byzantines in the decisive battle of Mancikert in 1071. However, the Turks were more concerned about the solution of internal problems than the war with Christians. A constantly renewable conflict with Shiites and the Civil War, which broke out due to the rights of inheritance of the Sultan title, were raised to themselves much more attention to the Seljuk rulers.

On the territory of Syria and Lebanon, the Muslim semi-autonomous cities and states, guided primarily by their regional, and not by general immune interests.

Egypt and most of the Palestine controlled shiites from the Fatimid dynasty. A significant part of their empire was lost after the arrival of Seljuk, and therefore Alexey Komnet advised the Crusaders to conclude a union against the general enemy with Fatimids. In 1076, at Calif Al-Mustala, Selzhuki captured Jerusalem, but in 1098, when the crusaders had already moved to the east, Fatimids walked the city. Fatimida hoped to see in the face of the Crusaders the power that would affect the course of politics in the Middle East against the interests of the Seljuks, the energous enemy of Shiites, and from the very beginning the campaign was a subtle diplomatic game.

In general, Muslim countries underwent a period of deep political vacuum after the death of almost all leading leaders at about the same time. In 1092, the Seljuk Vazir Nizam Al-Mulk and Sultan Melik-Shah i died, then in 1094 Abbasid Khalif al-Muktadi and the Fatimid Caliph al-Mustanasir. And in the east, and in Egypt, a fierce struggle for power began. Civil war among Seljukov led to the complete decentralization of Syria and the formation of small towns entitled among themselves. In the Fatimid Empire also existed internal problems. .

Christians of the East

Siege Nikia

In 1097, the detachments of the Crusaders, defeating the Army of Turkish Sultan [ ], started the siege of Nikei. The Byzantine Emperor, Alexey I Comnin, suspected that the crusaders, taking the city, will not give it to him (according to the vassal oath of the Crusaders (1097), the Crusaders were to pay the captured cities and territories to him, Alexy). And, after it became clear that Nikeya is sooner or later, the emperor Alexy sent ambassadors to the city with demand to surrender to him. The townspeople were forced to agree, and on June 19, when the Crusaders prepared to the storm of the city, they were disgraced with chagrin that the Byzantine army was "helped". After that, the crusaders moved further on Anatolian plateau on the main purpose of the campaign - Jerusalem.

Siege of Antioch

In the autumn, the army of the Crusaders reached the antioch, which was halfway between Constantinople and Jerusalem, and on October 21, 1097 heeded the city. After eight months of siege, early in the morning of June 3, 1098, the Crusaders broke into the city. Open the gate to them helped the betrayal of the floor of the Firuza. In the city, the Crusaders staged a bloody massacre: "All the squares of the city were clogged with the bodies of the dead, so no one could be there because of strong sinic." Emir Yagi-Siana, accompanied by 30 warriors, fled from the city, leaving his family and children, but then the accompanying threw him and he was killed and beheaded by local residents. By evening, the Crusaders seized the whole city with the exception of the citadel in the south of the city. Four days, on June 7, the army of the Kerboga approached and after an unsuccessful storm asked him.

The battle lasted all day, but the city was held. When night came, both sides continued to be awake - Muslims were afraid that a new attack will be followed, and Christians feared that the siege guns would be precipitated in some way. On the morning of July 15, when the ditch was looked in, the crusaders could finally be easily closer to the towers to the fortress walls and set fire to the bags protect them. It became a turning point in the attack - the Crusaders shouted on the walls of Wooden walkways and rushed to the city. The Knight of Letold broke through the Knight, Gottfried Boulevard and Tanchred Tartan followed him. Raimund Toulouse, whose army stormed the city on the other hand, learned about the breakthrough and also rushed to Jerusalem through the southern gate. Seeing that the city fell, the emir of the Garrison Tower of David surrendered and opened the Yaffian gate.


States based by crusaders after the first crusade:

Briefly about the first crusade hike 1096-1099. It can be said that it became the beginning of the European Military Campaigns in the Middle East. Its participants, putting the liberation of the Holy Land, exacerbated relations between Christians and Muslims, but at the same time contributed to the revival of international trade.

Reason to the beginning of the first campaign

At the end of the XI century. In the Middle East, Islamic influence increased. In 1071, Christians suffered a serious defeat from Muslims in the east of Anatolia. The anger of the Pope caused and news from the Holy Land, that the pious pilgrims-Christians allegedly undergo bullying on the part of the "non-obeys". This was the reason for the "armed pilgrimage" in Jerusalem and the liberation of the Globa of the Lord.

Fig. 1. Clermont Cathedral.

Pope Urban II in the Clermont Church Cathedral in November 1095 did not bother words, brightly describing all the horrors of unfortunate Christians in Palestine. Obviously, he all exaggerated. The fact is that the Muslim rulers of Jerusalem charged the "For entry" fee to the city. Christian pilgrims seemed humiliating. Moreover, holy places were really destroyed in Jerusalem and the monuments of Christianity were destroyed. Put this end - the purpose of the first crusade.

Participants of the hike

Representatives of all the layers of the population of Europe participated in the Military Campaign. These were:

  • large and medium faeodals;
  • small knights;
  • peasants and urban poorness;
  • craftsmen and merchants;
  • catholic Church.

Each group had its causes and goals of participation in crusades.

The rulers and secular feudal feudalists saw the opportunity to enrich them, expand possessions or get new, head state. The merchants and artisans believed that as a result of the crusades, they would be able to make up the opening of new trade routes and markets. Peasants, urban poor, small artisans sought to gain freedom, land or discover. The Catholic Church examined hiking as a way to extend the influence on the East.

Course of events

Date 1096 - Speech by Western European knights to the east. The direction of the first crusade took on the holy land. The morale of the participants of Pope Roman Urban II tried to support what promised to release all sins - and those that were committed in the past, and those that will be committed in the future.

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In the spring of 1096 thousand peasants, which sometimes adjoin the groups of small knights and citizens, were connected to the detachments and moved to the east. Without reaching Nicea in Malaya Asia, they were defeated by Selzhuki. The Knight's army has moved several columns later, in August 1096, under the leadership of Gottfried IV Duke Boulevon.

During the years of the honesty, the crusaders (they were so nicknamed for the crosses, faded on raincoats) were repeatedly pushed at ambuses, they were fighting off the robbers, suffered from heat. In July 1099, the Crusaders approached Jerusalem. Knights-Christians with shouts "God wants!" broke into the city and arranged there a bloody side.

Fig. 2. Capture Jerusalem Crusaders.

The result and consequences of the campaign

The results and consequences of the campaign 1096,099 were ambiguous.
They can be represented as a table.

As a result of the campaign in the Middle East and in Asia, a number of crusaders states arose. They existed for a short time. A few spiritual and knightly orders appeared: Templars, Teutons, Hospitallers and others.

Brief history of crusades

Cross trips (end xi - end of the XIII century). Hiking of Western European knights in Palestine to liberate the coffin of the Lord in Jerusalem from the power of Muslims.

First crusade

1095 - At the Clermont Cathedral of Pope, Roman Urban III called for a cross campaign to liberate holy places from Uga Saracinov (Arabs and Seljuk Turk). The first crusade consisted of peasants and low-income citizens led by Petrom Amiensky preacher. 1096 - they arrived in Constantinople and, without waiting for the approach of the Knight's troops, crossed into small Asia. There is poorly armed and even worse than the trained militia of Peter Amutes without much difficulty broke the Turks.

1097, Spring - In the capital of Byzantium, the detachments of the crusaders knights focused. The main role in the first crusade was played by Feedals of France: Graph Raimond Toulouse, Count Robert Flande, Son of the Norman Duke Wilhelm (future conqueror of England) Robert, Bishop Ademar.

The campaign also took part graphic Gottfried Boulevard - the Duke of Lower Lorraine, his Baldwin and Eustafium brothers, Count Gogo Vermanduans - the son of the French king Henry I and Count Bohamund Tartan. Pope Urban wrote to the emperor of Byzantium Alexei I Comnin, that 300,000 crusaders go to the campaign, but several tens of thousands of people participated in the first crusons, from which only a few thousand knights were armed.

The detachment of the Byzantine Army also joined the Crusaders, and the remnants of the militia of Peter Amutesky.

The main problem of the crusader was in the absence of a single command. The duke and counts did not participate in the campaign did not have a common suzeraine and did not want to obey each other, considering themselves no less notable and powerful than colleagues.

The first to earth of Malaya Asia crossed Gottfried Boulevard, and behind him and other knights. 1097, June - Crusaders took the fortress to Nice and moved to Kiliki. The army of the Crusaders was two columns. The right commanded Gottfried Boulevard, left - Boamund Tartan. The army of Gottfried advanced Doriley valley, and Bohamund walked Gargon's valley. Niche Sultan Soliman on June 29 attacked the left column of the Crusaders, who did not have time to retire from Dorilei. The crusaders were able to build Wengburg (closed line of sumports). In addition, their location was covered by the Buffus River. Bohamund sent Gottfreed a messenger with a detachment to notify about the approach of the Turks.

The Turks have wrapped in the infantry of Bohemund degrees of stones and arrows, and after they began to retreat. When the Crusaders rushed after the retreating, their unexpectedly attacked Turkish cavalry. Knights turned out to be scattered. Then the Turks burst into Venburg and cut out a significant part of the infantry. Bohamund managed with the help of a cavalry reserve to discard the enemy, but reinforcement came to the Turks, and they again pushed the Crusaders to Vengenburg.

Bohamund sent another messenger to Gottfried, whose column has already hurried to the battlefield. She arrived in a timely manner to force the Turks to retreat. After the Crusaders, they rebuilt for a decisive attack. On the left flank, South Italian Normans Bohamund stood on the center, in the center - the French Graph Ramunda Toulouse, and at the right - Larringans of Gotfrid himself. The reserve remained infantry and a squad of the knights under the general command of the Bishop of Ademara.

Turks were defeated, and their camp went to the winner. But the light Turkish cavalry was able to go away from persecution without special losses. Severe knights did not have a chance to keep up with her.

The new attacks on the connected forces of the Crusaders of the Turks did not. However, the transition through anhydrous rocky desert itself was a serious test. Most of the horses fell from nonsense. When the Crusaders, in the end, entered Kiliki, the local Armenian population met them as liberators. There were founded the first state of the Crusaders - the county of Edessa.

1097, October - the army of Gotfrid after the seven-month siege collapsed by Antioch. The city tried to repel Sultan Mosul, but suffered a heavy defeat. Bohamund founded another state of the Crusaders - the Principality of Antioch.

1098, autumn - the army of the Crusaders nominated to Jerusalem. On the way, she took possession of Accra and in June 1099 went to the sacred city, which was defended by the Egyptian troops. Almost the entire Genoese fleet, driving siege guns, the Egyptians were destroyed. But one ship was able to break through in the Laodice. The siege cars delivered to them allowed the crusaders to destroy the Jerusalem walls.

1099, July 15 - Crusaders took Jerusalem attack. August 12 not far from Jerusalem, in Askalon, a large Egyptian army landed, but the Crusaders managed to break it. At the head of the Kingdom founded by them, Gottfried Boulevard stood up.

The success of the first crusade was contributed by the fact that the united army of Western European knights opposed the aggudic sultanates to each other. The most powerful Muslim state of the Mediterranean - the Egyptian Sultanate - only with a large delay moved to Palestine the main forces of his army and the fleet, which the crusaders managed to be divided into parts. Then the obvious underestimation of Muslim rulers threatening danger.

For the defense of the Christian states formed in Palestine, spiritual and knightly orders were created, whose members settled on the conquered lands, after the bulk of the participants of the first crusade returned to Europe. 1119 - was founded (Knights of the Temple), a somewhat late appeared the Order of Hospitallers, or John, and at the end of the XII century appeared.

Second crusade (briefly)

The second crusade, which was undertaken in 1147-1149, ended to no avail. It took part in some estimates, up to 70,000 people. Crusaders were headed by the King of France Louis VII and the German Emperor Conrad III. 1147, October - German knights were defeated by Dorilei from the cavalry of the Iconian Sultan. After the army of the conrad, epidemics collapsed. The emperor was forced to join the troop of the King of France, with whom he had earned before. Most German warriors preferred to return to their homeland. The French in January 1148 were broken by Honami.

In July, the Crusaders for five days to no avail the strongly fortified Damascus besieged. 1149 - Conrad, and then Louis returned to Europe, realizing the impossibility of expanding the limits of the Jerusalem kingdom.

Third Crusade (briefly)

In the second half of the XII century, the Sultan of the opposed Crusaders of Egypt became Saladine (Salah Ad-Dean), a talented commander. He broke the crusaders at the Lake Tiberiaty and in 1187 he captured Jerusalem. In response, the third crusade was proclaimed, which was headed by Emperor Friedrich I Barbarossa, the King of France Filipp II August and English King.

When crossing through one of the rivers in Malaya Asia, Friedrich drowned, and his army, having lost the leader, broke up and returned to Europe. The French and the British, moving by the sea, captured Sicily, and after landed in Palestine, but acted in general unsuccessfully. True, after the Mimely siege, they took the fortress to Accra, and the king of England seized the island of Cyprus recently deposited from Byzantium, where he took a rich prey. There was the Kingdom of Lusignanov, for a whole century, which became the stronghold of the Crusaders in the East. But the distinction between the English and French feudals caused the care of the king of France from Palestine.

I could not take Jerusalem depriving the help of the French knights. 1192, September 2 - Richard signed the world with Saladin, according to which only the coastal strip from Tyr to Jaffa remained under the control of the Crusaders, while Jaffa and Askalon were previously destroyed by Muslims to the ground.

Fourth crusade (briefly)

The fourth crusade began in 1202 and ended in 1204 by the conquest instead of Palestine Constantinople and a significant part of the possessions of Christian Byzantium. The capital of the empire took the storm on April 13, 1204 and plundered. The first attack, which was taken by the 9th day from the sea, the Byzantines beat off.

Three days later, with the help of cake bridges, the knights climbed onto the walls. Part of the crusaders penetrated the city through the break, made with the help of a trumpeted guns, and already from the inside opened three Konstantinople gates. Inside the city of the army, the Crusaders did not meet any resistance, since few defenders fled on the night from 12 to 13 April, and the population was not going to take on the weapon, considering the struggle senseless.

After the fourth campaign, the scale of the following crusades were largely reduced. 1204 - The King of Jerusalem Amori Luzignan tried to approve his power in Egypt, affected by drought and hunger. Crusaders were broken by the Egyptian fleet and landed in Damiette in the Nile Delta. Sultan Al-Adil Abu Bakr concluded a peace treaty with the Crusaders, giving them the previously disheveled by the Egyptians Jaffa, as well as the Ramla, Lidda and half of the sides. After that, for a decade, there were no major military conflicts for a decade between the Egyptians and Crusaders.

Fifth crusade (briefly)

The fifth crusade was organized in 1217-1221 to conquer Egypt. He was headed by the Hungarian King Andrash II and Duke Leopold Austrian. Crusaders of Syria met aliens from Europe without much enthusiasm. The Jerusalem kingdom, who survived drought, was difficult to feed tens of thousands of new warriors, and with Egypt, it would like to trade, and not fight. Andras and Leopold made raids on Damascus, Nabulus and Basean, besieged, but did not take the strongest Muslim fortress Tavor. After this failure, Andras in January 1218 returned to his homeland.

Dutch knights and German infantry arrived at the Palestine in 1218 in Palestine. It was decided to conquer the Egyptian Fortress Damiett in the Nile Delta. She was on the island, it was observed with three rows of walls and was protected by a powerful tower, from which the bridge and thick iron chains were stretched to the fortress, blocking access to Damiette from the river side. The siege began on May 27, 1218. Having used its vessels as floating cut-cutting guns and applying long assault stairs, the crusaders seized the tower.

Having learned about this, Egyptian Sultan Al-Adil, who was in Damascus, from not transferred this news and died. His son Al-Kamil offered the Crusaders to remove the siege of Damiettes in exchange for the return of Jerusalem and other territories of the Jerusalem kingdom in the borders of 1187, but the knights under the influence of the papal legacy polegias responded with refusal, although Sultan promised to find and return even pieces of a life-giving cross captured by Saladin.

Pelagii actually headed the army, reconciled different groups of the Crusaders and brought the siege to the end. On the night of the 4th to November 5th, 1219, Damietta was taken by storming and looted. By that time, the overwhelming majority of its population died of hunger and disease. Of the 80,000, only 3,000 were survived. But the proposal of Pelagia go to Cairo Crusaders rejected, realizing that there was not enough forces to conquer Egypt.

The situation has changed when, in 1221, new knights from South Germany arrived in the Damiett. At the insistence of Pelagia, Al-Kamil's peace proposals were rejected again, and the crusaders attacked Muslim's position from Mansur to the south of Damietta. His brothers from Syria came to the aid of Al-Kamil, so the Muslim army for the number was not inferior to the Crusaders. In mid-July, the spill of Nile began, and the camp of the Crusaders was flooded, while Muslims prepared in advance to the rampant of the elements and were not injured, and then cut off the armies Pelagia path to retreat.

Crusaders requested the world. At this time, the Egyptian Sultan was most afraid of the Mongols already appeared in Iraq, and chose not to tempt happiness in the fight against knights. By the conditions of the truce, the Crusaders left Damiett and sailed to Europe.

Sixth Crusade (briefly)

The sixth crusade headed in 1228-1229. German Emperor Friedrich II Gogenstaofen. The emperor himself was excited from the Church of Pope Gregory IX from the church, who called him not a crusader, but a pirate that was going to "kidnap the kingdom in the Holy Land." Frederick was married to the daughter of the King of Jerusalem and was going to become the dominated by Jerusalem. The prohibition of the campaign did not affect the Crusaders, who walked behind the emperor in the hope of prey.

1228, Summer - Friedrich landed in Syria. There he was able to persuade Al-Kamilo, who fought with his Syrian emirs, to return to him Jerusalem and other territories of the kingdom in exchange for help against his enemies - both Muslims and Christians. The appropriate agreement concluded in Jaffa in February 1229. On March 18, the Crusaders were entered in Jerusalem without a combat.

Then the emperor returned to Italy, broke the Pope sent against him and forced Gregory, under the conditions of the Saint-Germen world, 1230 to remove excommunication and recognize the agreement with the Sultan. Jerusalem, thus, moved to the Crusaders only due to the threat, which their army created al-Kamil, and even thanks to the diplomatic art of Friedrich.

Seventh crusade hike

The seventh crusade was held in the fall of 1239. Friedrich II refused to provide for the crusader army headed by the Duke of Richard Cornwell Territory of the Jerusalem Kingdom. Crusaders landed in Syria and, at the insistence of the Templars, entered into an alliance with the Emir of Damascus to combat the Sultan of Egypt, but together with the Syrians were defeated in the battle of Askalon in November 1239. Thus, the seventh hike ended to no avail.

The eighth crusade

The eighth crusade took place in 1248-1254. His goal was again the rest of Jerusalem, captured in September 1244 by Sultan As-Salih Eyub, Nazhm Ad-Din, who helped a 10 thousand-thousand Khorezmian cavalry. Almost all the Christian population of the city cut out. This time, in a cross campaign, the leading role was played by the King of France Louis IX, and the total number of Crusaders was determined at 15-25 thousand people, of which 3 thousand were knights.

In early June 1249, the Crusaders landed in Egypt and captured Damietta. At the beginning of February 1250 gave the fortress of Mansura. But there the Crusaders themselves were deposited by the army of Sultan Moazzam Turan-Shah. The Egyptians were sobered by the Fleet of Crusaders. The army suffering from hunger, Louis Legged by Mansur, but few people got to Damietta. Most were destroyed or turned out to be captive. Among the prisoners were the king of France.

Among the captives, epidemics of malaria, dysenteria and zing are spread, and few of them survived. Louis in May 1250 was released from captivity for a huge redemption of 800,000 nonsense, or 200,000 livra. At the same time, the king demanded that the crusaders leave Damietta. The remnants of the "Christian Militian" went to Accra. Soon, in the same 1250, Turan-Shah was killed, and Mamli came to power - hired warriors in the service of Sultan. The first Mamluk Sultan was Muiz Aibek. With it, active fighting against the crusaders almost stopped. Louis for another 4 years remained in Palestine, but not having received reinforcements from Europe, in April 1254 he returned to France.

Ninth crusade

The ninth and the last crusade took place in 1270, he was summoned by the successes of the Mamluk Sultan Beibars. Egyptians in 1260 divided Mongolian troops in the battle of Ain Jalute. 1265 - Beybars captured the fortress of Crusaders Caesa and Arsuf, and in 1268 - Jaffu and Antioch. The crusade was again headed by Louis IX Holy, and only French knights participated in it. This time the goal of the Crusader was Tunisia.

The number of the army of the Crusaders did not exceed 10,000 people. By that time, the knights no longer sought far to the east, as they were easily found in Europe, constantly shaken by feudal crossbursions. He played the role as the proximity of the Tunisian coast to Sardinia, where the Crusaders and the desire of Louis have a database to strike in Egypt from Sushi. He hoped that Tunisia would easily capture, as there were no largest forces of Egyptian troops.

The landing in July 1270 was successful, but soon the epidemic of the plague broke out among the crusaders, from which Louis himself died on August 25. His brother Charles I, the king of both Sicili, arrived in Tunisia with fresh forces than saved the crusaded army from the collapse. On November 1, he signed an agreement on which the Tunisian Emir resumed in full payment of Dani Kingdom of both Sicily. After that, the crusaders went from Tunisia. After the fall of the ninth campaign, the days of the Crusaders in Palestine were considered.

1285 - Sultan Egypt Mamluk Klavun captured Marabu Fortress, Lodica and Tripoli in the Jerusalem kingdom. The latter stronghold of Christians in Syria remained accrehe. 1289 - a truce was concluded between Klavun and King of the Cypriot and Jerusalem Heinrich II, but it was violated by the troops of Henry, invaded the border areas of the state of Mamlukov. In response, Sultan declared warriors.

The garrison of accrements, which received reinforcements from Europe, has already received 20,000 people. But in the ranks of Christians there was no unity. In the fall of 1290, Klavun made a campaign, but soon fell ill and died. The army was headed by his son Almelik Azsharaf. In March 1291, Muslims approached the walls of the accre. They had 92 siege machines. Negotiations on the truce offered by the defenders of the city were not crowned with success. The fifth of May the Sultan army began assault. On the eve of the King of Henry with a small army arrived in Accra, but on the night of May 15 on May 16, he returned to Cyprus, and about 3,000 defenders of the city joined his squad.

The remaining garrison numbered 12-13,000 people. They beat off the enemy attacks until May 18, when the Muslims were able to break the gate, to disassemble the defendant breaks in the walls and broke into the streets of accrements. The Egyptians killed Men Christians and captured women and children. Part of the defenders was able to break through to the harbor, where she sat on the ships and went to Cyprus. But the storm rose to the sea, and many ships sank.

Several thousand remaining on the shore of the Crusaders were hidden in the castle of the Templars, which Sultan's troops were able to capture the storm. Some of the Christian warriors were able to break through to the sea and sit on the ships, the rest were exterminated by the Egyptians. The accruitment was burned and counted with the Earth. It was a retribution for the murder of the Egyptian garrison of accraces, which Korol England Richard Lion's Heart. After the fall, the accrements of Christians left several small cities in Syria, who were under their control. So there was an inglorious end of crusades.

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