Very strong prayer for children. Prayer Saint Nicholas as a child

Engineering systems 16.10.2019
Engineering systems

Prayer to God Father

Father holy, soupy God! You pose about Chad my (name) Eagle the goodness of your goodness. You gave him being Being, revived his soul to seemlessly, fenced with holy baptism, in hedgehogs, he in appearance with Whea and inherit the kingdom of heaven. Save it in your grace to your end of his life. Promote your grateful, so that Az brought him to the glory of your name and in favor of the near, eight of the mi to this need, patience and strength. Lord, enlighten his wisdom of wisdom, and he loves all the soul, his own soul and with all his thinking. Nasadi in the heart of his fear and disgust from all kindalessness, and it will be impossible in his ways. Lord, decorate the soul of his chastity, long-suffering and every honesty, and every slander, lie and flattery will be merzy to him. Skropy his dear grace, and he succeeds in virtue and holiness and it increases in love of your love of pious people. The guardian Angel is always with him always and keeps his youth from the Thiege Thieves, from the charms and the temptations of this world and from all sorts of shovels. In addition, when it sins before you, do not turn your faces from him, but the worship of His gracious, get the crushing in his heart and on the many generaristics of your cleanse of it. Not lush him and the earthly benefits, but they assured him all the time for the acquisition of blessed eternity. Save it from everyone to attack, troubles and illness and autumn all the days of his belly. Oh blessa, still praying for you: I have fun and the joy of tea about the Chad and you are able to see your judge and with a non-vanity of the solutions: CE AZ and Chado, myself, I gave me, Lord. Yes, I am buying your inaccessible mercy with him, exceeding the Most Holy Name, the Father and the Son and the Holy Spirit, now and are constantly in the eyelids. Amen.

Other prayer to Lord Jesus

The sweet Jesus, my God's heart! You gave me children on the flesh, they are your soul; And my and their souls redeemed, you redeemed our unequal blood. For the sake of the blood of the Divine I beg you, the sweet my Savior: Your Grace Touch the hearts of my children (names) and my gods (names) to protect them with your fear of your divine, keep them from bad inclinations and habits, to direct them on the bright way of truth and good, decorated The life of them all the good and saving, the fate of them, is the sickness of them, and save their souls, imagine weighing fate.

Other prayer, PRP. Amvrosya Optina

Lord, you are all all the weights, all you can and all the worst to escape and come to the mind of the truth. The victims of Choo my (name) Knowledge of the truth of your truth and the will of Tweese, strengthening him in the commandments of your and Mena Greshnago Herm, the prayers of Mother's Mother's Mother, Virgin Mary and Savodeli Mary and Saints (all the holy families are listed), and Son and with the Most Holy and Good and Life-giving Your Spirit, now and is confident, and forever. Amen.

Prayer for the Blessed Virgin

About the Most Holy Master of the Virgin Mother of God, save and save under the telescope of your children (names), all the details, socklocks and babies, baptized and unnamed and in the waters of the mother wearable. By covering their religion of your motherhood, keep them in fear of God and in obedience to parents, the mind of My Lord and your son, let them give them a useful to salvation. I hand them with your maternal look at yours, I can Yako you are the divine cover of your slaves.

Prayer for angel keeper

Holy angel keeper of my Chad (name), the face of your cover from the Demon arrows, from the eye of the seductor and keep his heart in angelic cleanliness. Amen.

Prayers for the blessing of children

Prayer Morning for the blessing of children

Lord Jesus Christ, the Son of God, the prayers for the sake of the Mother of Tweeching Mother I hear, unworthy of your slave (name). Lord, in the gracious power of your Chad, my (names), have mercy and save them, the name of yours for the sake of yours. Lord, forgive them all the sins of free and involuntary, who performed before you. Lord, to nasty them to the true path of your commandments and the mind enlightening your light, in the salvation of the soul and healing of the body. Lord, bless them at every place of your dominion. Lord, save their power of honest and life-giving your cross, under the root of your holy, from flying bullet, arrows, sword, fire, from a deadly wound, water saccination and in vain death. Lord, to protect them from all visible and invisible enemies, from any misfortune, angry, misfortunes, betrayal and captivity. Lord, they healed them from any disease and wounds, from every bad, and facilitate their mental suffering. Lord, give them grace of the spirit of your saint for many years of life, health and chastity in every piety and love, in the world and unanimity with their supervisory, neighboring and long-distance people. Lord, multiply and strengthen their mental abilities and bodily forces, healthy and safe return them to the parent home. Little Lord, give me, unworthy and sinful slave to your (name), the parent blessing for the children of my (names) at the moment of the morning (day, evening, night), for your kingdom is forever, all-way and omnosis. Amen.

Brief prayer for the blessing of children

Lord, Jesus Christ, the Son of God, bless, consecrate, save the strength of your life-giving your cross. (And impose a godfather.)

Prayers in teaching children

Prayer before the teaching

Lord God and the creator of our, and our people who have decorated your chosen your favorite by your law, so that you who listen to him are missed, the children of the mystery of the wisdom open, Solomon and all the seekers who did - open the hearts, minds and the mouth of the slaves of yours (names) To urge the power of your law and successfully learn your useful doctrine, for the glory of your best-willed name, for the benefit and disappointment of the Holy Church and the Disassembly of the Good and Perfect Will Your Will. Getting rid of them from any goat enemy, save them in faith of Christ and purity at all time of their lives, and you will be strong with your mind and the fulfillment of your commandments, and so the scientific will glorify your Most Holy Name and will be the heirs of your kingdoms, because you are God, strongly and love and B. Fortress, and you are pleased with all the glory, honor and worship, father and son and the Holy Spirit, always, now and are constantly and in the eyelids. Amen.

About the successes in the sciences (holy apostle and evangelist John the Bogoslov

Oh, the Great Apostle, the evangelist of the loud, theologian is the most extensive, tired of incomprehensible revelations, the virgin and the beloved of Christ, the John, and with the mercy of us, sinful (names), who spoke to your strong intercession and patronage! We succeed in all of our people's human human and our god, and it's also before the users have had the blood of your Daezhah for us, the unknown slaves of their own, but the lawlessness of ours will not remember, but yes it raises us, and will create with us for their mercy; Yes, gives us a health spiritual and bodily, any prosperity and abundance, teaching us to turn everything into the glory of him, the Creator, the Savior and God of our. At the end of the time of the time of life, our ever-avoidance, holy apostle, merciful tortures, on air solarms we are waiting for us, but will achieve under your leadership and the patronage of the mines of Atano Jerusalem, Jeenest Glory in Revelation, you have mature, God. Oh, great John, save all the hands and countries of Christian, the whole of this, the temple of this, dedicated to the saint of your name, employees and praying in it, from the glad, disadvantages, coward and flooding, fire, sword, invasion of the invalid and internecine brass, save from Everyone of troubles and attack, and your prayers will turn away from us the righteous wrath of God, and we succeed as His mercy; Oh, the great and incomprehensible God, Alfo and Omgo, the source and the subject of our faith! Behold on the begging you we offer the saint John, you really encouraged the ESI to know you, the unfortunate of God, in an unfair revelation. We accept him about us a petition to give us the fulfillment of our speech, in the glory of yours: and the more and most of all commit us to spiritual perfection, to enjoy the life of endless in the heavenly of your ability. Oh, Heavenly Father, creating all the Vladyko, the soul of perfume, all-powerful king! Touch the finger of your hearts of ours, and they, miserable, Yako wax, shed before you, and the Barnish Creature will create, in honor of the fame of the Father and the Son and the Holy Spirit. Amen.

St. John Zlatoust

Oh, the Holy Great John of Zlatoust! You're a lot and different diving from the Lord. Esi, and Yako slave is good and loyal, the whole given to you talents are good smartly: this is for the sake of the universal universal teacher who was yelling the age of anything and any title from you. Bea Beets of obedience, the image appeared to eat, young - chastity shouted, my husband - hardworking mentor, older - kindergarten teacher, inkom - the abstinence of the rule praying - the leader from God inspired, the wisdom of seekers - the enlightener, the Vities of Dobrogolitan - the words of Zhivago Source inexhaustible - Mercy Star, Chief - the Board of Mondogo Image, Truth with Zeper - Densing the inspirer, truth for chanting - patience mentor: Everyone was all, and everyone was a sponsist. Over all the same Siems, there is a union of perfection, too, I will force the Divine, all the dating in your soul in the soul in one of the sameness, and Tyujda love divided by reconciling, in the interpretation of the words of the apostolic to all faithful to everyone. We are sinful, according to one Kiyzho my graduation, the unity of the Spirit in the Union of Peace is not imam, but we are having a vanity, each other is annoying, each other is enviable: this is the sake of our diving, which is not into peace and salvation, but in the hostility and condemnation we are preparing. To you, the saint of God, fall, Rabbi of God (names), Oddor Oburovayi, and in the crushing of the heart, we ask: the prayers of your discharge from the hearts of our all the pride and envy, we are divided, and in the monster of the udeh, the church body is uncomfortable, yes The word of your prayer loved to each other and the binding of the father and the son and the saint spirit, the trinity is unique and inseparable, now and are constantly and forever. Amen.

Rev. Sergia Radonezhsky

About the sacred glabel, reverend and the gardener of our Sergius, your prayer, and faith and love Lucky to God, and the purity of the heart, still on the abode of the abode of the Holy Trinity of the soul, and the Angelskago Communication and the Most of the Virgin at visiting, and the gift miraculous grace The adherent, at the expense of yours from the earthly Napa to God approximate and the sky forces fit, but and from us the spirit of LUVE, I do not retreat, and honest your power, Yako vessel grace is full and overcoming, we are left! Having having a boldness to the furnace lords, the moths save his slaves (names), which is graceful to you believers and to you with love fighting: we succeed from the greatness of our god of our all sorts of gift, everyone and Komugoto is well-consistent, the faith is immaculate observance, the grads of our statement, The world is a diploma, from the glad and the womb of the deliverance, from the invasion of the invalid conservation, which will be concerned, an affecting healing, fallen defending on the path of truth and rescue returns that promote strengthening, prudence in the affairs of good speaking and blessing, infant education, young instruction, learned , orphans and widows the intercession descending from this time of life to the eternal good preparation and a farewell, who has departed a blessed rest, and the entire Court of Court of Summary of the Court of Employee, the gums of the Vladyki, and the blissful voice of the Vladyka of Christ and the blissful voice of the Vladyka of Christ to hear: Prick, my father's blessed, inherit the US Bathroom you kingdom from the addition of the world.

In honor of the icon of the Mother of God "Education"

Oh, the Most Holy Master of the Virgin Virgin, save and save under the blood of your children (names), all the details, socklocks and babies, baptized and unnamed, and in the waters of mother wearable. By covering their religion of your motherhood, keep them in fear of God and obedience to parents, the mind of My Lord and your son, let them give them a useful to rescue them. I hand them with your maternal look at yours, I can Yako you are the divine cover of your slaves.

Prayer after the exercise

Thank you, the Creator, Yako, it was worthy of the grace of your grace, in this very much teaching. Bless our chiefs, parents and teachers who lead us to the knowledge of the good, apply us to strength and fortress to continue the teachings of this.

Prayer for children who are difficult to do

Lord Jesus Christ, our God, truly, in the heart of the twelve apostles and the power of grace of all the spirit of the Spirit, consistently in the form of fiery languages, the mouth of them discovered, so they began to speak different adverbs, - Himself, Lord Jesus Christ, God, ours Your spirit of the Holy Gun (Siah) (name) (name) (name), and Nasadi in his heart (Her), the Holy Scripture, which the hand of yours is prechythalted on the arms with the legislator Moses - now and are also connected and forever. Amen.

Reverend Alexander Svirsky

Oh Sacred Heaven, Angela Earth and Human Heavenly, Reverend and God-Friend Our Alexandra, a fairable plenty of hindrance and one-way Trinity, Many Milicia living in the abyss of your abode and everything, with faith and loved to you, are! We succeed as a temporary benefit to us all the time for the permanent rescue, we need to meet our perpetual salvation: do the victim of yours, the Holy Orthodox Church of Christ in the world, and in the beneficia of the fatherland, in every piety of unbursing: Budy to all of us, The miraculous holy, in every sorrow and the circumstantitory therapy: the most end of the death of the end of the death of the concentrant, and we will not betray on the solarms of the air authorities of the Horrodago Mirodniga, but however, you will encourage the unprecedennaggo to go to the kingdom of heaven. She, Father, Prayer is our nice! Not to the persons of our hope, but it's assisted about us, the slaves of God (names), before the throne of the lifelong Trinity of the Trinity, yes, you will encourage with you and with all the saints, whether and unworthy of the ESMA, in the villages of the Paradise Slaviti, grace and mercy of God in the Trinity of God , Father and Son and Holy Spirit, forever. Amen.

On the security of children from the temptations of the world, and about love and unity between parents and children

Prayer to holy martyrs faith, hope, love and mother of their Sofia

You, the Holy Martyrs of the Vero, Nadezhda and Luba, Slavim, Major and please, I am in acknowledged with wise Matter Sophieu, they are pointing out, Jaco, the image of the goggling care. Beggar, Holy Vero, Creator Visible and Invisible, Yes, Faith Street, Unlassennna and Unhushima will give us. Approach, holy hope, before the Lord Jesus for our sinners, and hope for the benefit does not remove from us, and from every sort of grief and the need to get rid of us. Chatting, Holy Luba, the Spirit of Truth, Comforter, Naskasy and Sorrow, and that over the sweetness of the heavenly low seller to our souls. Close the troubles in our troubles, the holy of the martyr, and I am buying a wise mother with your Sofie, the pray for the king of the kings and the Lord dominating, and it will save (names) under the cover of yours, and I will be purchased and with all the holy holys and welcome the Most Holy and Grand Father's name and Son and Holy Spirit, boring the Vladyka and Good Protetel, now and are also confident and forever.

About the life of children

Saint Mitrofan Voronezhsky

Holy Father Mitrofan, intense with your honest relevance and many great blessings, wonderfully deemed and crawled to you with faithful to you, who believed, Yako Imashi is the grace of our god of our god, absperse VSI and pray for you: moths about us (names) of the God of our God Yes, you will not give anything to everyone who spent the holy memory to everyone and diligently for you, rich gravity: yes it will approve in the Holy Orthodox Church of the Live Spirit of the Right of Faith and Piece, the Spirit of Maintenance and Luke, the Spirit of the World and Joy about the spirit of Holy, yes VSI , Chists from the worldly temptations and carnal lusts and zlago action of evil spirits, spirit and truth are crushed and diligently baked on the observance of his commandments to the salvation of their souls. She wad a holy jealousy of care for the salvation of people, they are entrusted, but unbelievers will enliver, they will be mentioned, doubtful will meet and make sure that the Orthodox church will arouse the holys of the Emirates, believers will observe in faith, the sinners will wake up to repentant, competent and strengthen In the correction of life, repentant and corrected will be approved in holiness of life: and all of all will be introduced by the path to the eternal kingdom of saints taken by him. To her, the saint of God, yes arrange with the prayers of your all offen on our souls and the body of our: and we will glorify our gentlemen in the souls and the television store and our god, Jesus Christ, Jesh with the Father and the Holy Spirit of Glory and Power forever. Amen.

Saint Nicholas Wonderworker

Oh kind of our shepherd and the Bogomdrome mentor, St. Nicholas, St. Nicholas! We hear us sinful (names), who are praying for you and calling for your assistance to your emergence: Wang we's gentle, convoluted, deprived, all slander deprived and mind from a little glad. Fur, waters, do not leave us in the sinful captivity of life, so we will not be a joy of our enemy and do not die in the evil acts of our. Moths about us unworthy of our own and the lord, you are with the facial faces of the prestige: it's a challenge to us with our god of our in the present life and in the future either, and we will not pay our hearts and on the uncleanness of our hearts, but for our goodness we will reward us . Your prediction is hopefully, your concern is praised, your intercession is called to the aid, and at the MEDI DIMENDER WITH YOUR FINDING, AIDS RESEVE: Rob in us, pleases, from evils who are on us, yes for the sire of your prayers will not hurt us and not in motk In the bunch of sinful and in the Tine of our passions. Moli, St. Nicholas, the Christ of our God, let us give us peaceful life and leaving sins, souls our salvation and grandgrieness, now and are confused and forever.

On the intercession of orphan

Saint Dimitry Rostovsky

About the preliminary and copyright miracle-worker Dimitrie, healing human ailments! You are frequently moths of the Lord God of our about all the sinners: I'll pray the task, the slave is yours (name): Budy Mi, before the Lord and the assistant to convert the stratum of the flesh of the flesh, and on the conclusion of the impact arrows of my devil, and, and, Aki is a smooth and bubble beast, Althatt go to the soul of my soul: You are Holytor Christ, my fence, you are my intercession and weapons: you, the great miracle, in the days of your feats in the world Sea jealous about the Orthodox Church of God, Yako True and kind shepherd, unlaply revenge Esi's sins and ignorance of Lyudsky, and from the path of truth in the heresy and splits evading the truth to the path of the truth instructed ESI: Surgery and I am a short-term way to live in life, and I will continuously go on the path of the commandments of God, and unlately goodbye to my love to my Jesus, My Redeemer and Righteous Sucece: To the Sim, at-falling praying, pleases, waters, becoming a soul soul from the brand of this television, get rid of Dark Names: Not Imam Boy Good To my deeds to justify, do not give Satan to the victory over the gentleness of my soul: Raveru from Geenna, the appearance of the teeth, the sainted prayers, the Slavimago of God, the Father and the Son and the Holy Spirit, and the saint of God, and the saint of the century . Amen.

Saint Nicholas Wonderworker

Oh kind of our shepherd and the Bogomdrome mentor, St. Nicholas, St. Nicholas! We hear us sinful (names), who are praying for you and calling for your assistance to your emergence: Wang we's gentle, convoluted, deprived, all slander deprived and mind from a little glad. Fur, waters of God, not to leave us in the sinful captivity of life, let us not be a joy of our enemy and do not die in the evil deeds of our. Moths about us unworthy of our own and the lord, you are with the facial faces of the prestige: it's a challenge to us with our god of our in the present life and in the future either, and we will not pay our hearts and on the uncleanness of our hearts, but for our goodness we will reward us . Your prediction is hopefully, your concern is praised, your intercession is called to the aid, and at the MEDI DIMENDER WITH YOUR FINDING, AIDS RESEVE: Rob in us, pleases, from evils who are on us, yes for the sire of your prayers will not hurt us and not in motk In the bunch of sinful and in the Tine of our passions. Moli, St. Nicholas, the Christ of our God, let us give us peaceful life and leaving sins, souls our salvation and grandgrieness, now and are confused and forever.

Prayers before the icons of the Mother of God "Pokrov of the Most Holy Virgin"

About the Most Holy Devo, Mati of the Lord Highlights, Heaven and Land Tsarice, Hoody and Countries Our Monslat Intercession! We receive a labore-thank-thank you, who is unworthy of your slave, and worship our prayers to the throne of God's son, and gracious will be untolds to our and try to grace your most common name yours and with faith and loved by your who gives your own miraculous image. Major Boy worthy of him is pardoned to life, it's not so good to die about us, Vladychitsa, Yako, all of you are possible from him. Something for you to resort to you, IKO to undoubtedly and soon the intercession of ours: hear us, the autumn of us with a survive cover of yours and succeed at God's Son of Your Shepherd, our jealousy and a vigilance of souls, a town-member wisdom and strength, truth and unilencer, mentor Mind and Smithnantry, Spouse Love and Consent, Chad obedience, inhabitable patience, having a fear of God, grieving grace, rejoice in abstinence: All the spirit of mind and piety, the spirit of mercy and meekness, the spirit of purity and truth. To her, Ms. Presidaya, soothing to the weak people; Racely collect, bothering on the way right to nasty, the old age is supported, Yuniya Ocelomomeri, infants raise and win on all of us the charity of Milostivago your intercession; Erend us from the depths of sinful and enlighten the heart of our eyes to the sight of salvation; Milostiv We are Budi Zede and Tamo, in the country of Economhods an alignment and on the Scary Court of your son; Pretty the same in faith and repentance from the lives of this fathers and the brotherhood of our in the everlasting life from Angels and with all the Holy Life. You are Boh, Mrs., the glory of Heaven and the hope of terrestrial, you are at the bose our hope and the intercession of all those who run towards you with faith. We will pray to you and you, Ioko almighty assistant, our ourselves and our whole stomach, they betrayed, now and are confused, and in the eyelids. Amen.

Strong Mother's Prayer Saint Nicholas Wonderworker About Children

A true Christian can entrust the life of his child only to God and His holy asgets. Only they will be able to interfere, protect, enjoy, calm and send the life of his beloved chad to the right direction.

With each Orthodox Mother when the child's release from the house for a walk or at school is read by prayer Nikolai Wonderworker about children. And the saint, in turn, will take care of the chance, protects and will save from different unexpected situations.

What to ask in prayer

Only a mother is capable of a hot prayer about his blood. In her heart there is no envy and malice, bad and dashing thoughts.

Among the saints of God, the Archbishop of the Mirliki Nikolai is especially loved by the people.

During his lifetime, he helped people, presents about them after death. Children for him are joyful and holy creatures requiring caress, protection and attention. For them, he is a kind guardian and an old-fashioned wizard, pleasing gifts, but requiring obedience and hard work.

Holy always responds to the maternal request for the gift of the health, success and happiness of her children.

Oh kind of our shepherd and the Bogomdrome mentor, St. Nicholas, St. Nicholas! You hear us sinful, you are praying for you and calling on your assistance to help: you will have a weak, disgraceful, dead, all slander and wisely from a little glady: Fur, waters, not to leave us in the sinful captivity of our way, let's not be in joy of our enemy And I would not die in the evil deeds of our.

Moths about us unworthy of our and Vladyka, you are with a challenging faces of the prestigations: you will make it a challenge of our God in the present life and in the future either, but we will not pay us on our business, and on the impurity of our hearts, but for our goodness we will reward us .

At your bole, a petition is hopefully, your concern is urged, your intercession to the aid, and to the MEDIA DIVERSE Freshly, help help: save us, pleases, from evils that are on us, yes for the saints of your prayers will not attack us, and yes Do not wash in the punching of sinful and in the Tine of our passions.

Moli, St. Nicholas, the Christ of our God, let us give us peaceful life and leaving sins, souls our salvation and grandgrieness, now and are confused and forever. Amen.

Nikolai Wonderworker is honored both adults and children. Every year on the night of December 19, he comes to the house to small Christians with gifts that the guys are laid out under the pillow.

For kids, this miracle becomes a fairy tale. And the kids grow up - and the wonderworker remains.

Children's years saint

The great saint was born in the city of Patar in a pious christian family.

His parents were wealthy and god-fearing people, who have not had children for a long time. In an old age after a variety of tear prayers, alms and vow, devoted to the future heir to the ministry of God, the Lord honored them with great grace and granted his son. The boy was called Nikolai - "Winner of Peoples."

From the early years, his beloved desk book was the Holy Scripture. He "soul burned" to God that he noticed his uncle, Bishop Patar John. He built a teen nephew in the reader, then in Diacon, a little later, the young man became a cleric.

Serving Christ

The flock was wise by the wise preaching of a young man and respected him. After the death of a high-ranking uncle - Archbishop, he was elected a bishop in the worlds. But despite the high rank, the saint remained a sample of meekness, humility, mercy, respect and love.

In the times of diocletian persecution to the church, the Christians, together with many Christians, was abandoned, where he spent many years. But being in conclusion, he did not stop preaching Christ among the prisoners, helped the ceamers to transfer and hunger, hunger and cold, torture and pain.

After coming to the reign of the Konstantin of the Great, the freedom was given to the arrestants and the wonderworker was taken to his beloved Vraians.

All my life, the saint mercifully. Rich inheritance, which remained him after the death of his parents, he gave the needy, constantly gave poor families.

How to pray for children a great desirable

In order for the prayer for his favorite children to be heard by the Wonderworker and his republic has been received before Most High, it is necessary:

  • leave all the cases and create around yourself a calm and peaceful atmosphere;
  • issue the thoughts and soul from bad ideas and evil, no one to raise anyone and not blame the neighbor, do not regret yourself;
  • it is necessary to pray often, with faith, and in the absence of it to ask God about her to date;
  • it is advisable to attract households to the prayer;
  • in no case cannot be used magic conspiracies, it is a sin, nasty Lord;
  • parents and relatives should be made by the affairs of mercy, to file alms to the poor, helping those who need, be disinterested;
  • we must not be forgotten about Thanksgiving Sacred for the intercession, then the flame prayer work will soon be more rewarded.

Prayer for children should sound not only in the moments of the disease, grief and other troubles that happened to the child. Heaven is waiting for maternal prayers since the very moment of the birth of the child, and then the Lord must definitely send her blessing to the kid by Holy Prayers to Him Nicholas Wonderworker.

Prayer Nikolai Wonderworker About Children

Good time of day to everyone! We will be glad to see you on our video channel in YouTube video channel. Subscribe to the channel, watch the video.

Children is something that sometimes pleases and upset parents. They can get into a bad company, commit a crime on stupidity or get sick, then the soul is not in place and urgently need to do something. Prayer for children Nikolai Wonderworker, about recovery of a child - then a means that can calm and give hope for permission.

Who is Nicholas Wonderworker

This is not a fictional person. Indeed, such a person lived in the third century to our era. He was born in the family of rich and pious parents. From the small years, he showed interest in the Holy Scripture, prayed tirelessly, fastened. Parents, seeing such a zeal, gave it to worship. After studying Nikolai went to the Holy Land Jerusalem. Here he decided to devote the life to the ministry to the Lord.

His actions and words, he helped sick and poor people. When his parents died, they left him inheritance. Holy waters donated him to poor people. So he secured the attached three sisters so that they would not get to the service rich men, selling the body. He prayed for the health of the sailor, who fell from the mast of the ship during the storm. He gave a secret for Christmas gifts to people. From here and went on the day of St. Nicholas on December 19, put under the pillow with children of treats from Nicholas. This is the most revered from the Holy Orthodox people after the Virgin.

People and now believe in his help, make a pilgrimage and go to the city of Bali Italy to bow down to holy remains. Tribute and respect are captured in the architectural buildings of Turkey, Greece and Russia, which are named in his honor.

What to pray to the saint

Life of Nicholas Wonderworker is an example of bright love to neighbor. You can contact him and ask for help:

  • during long journeys;
  • with illegal conviction and punishment;
  • with spiritual and bodily pains;
  • in the health and well-being of children;
  • in the material wealth of the family;
  • in problems at work or service.

When praying

Prayers are: laudatory, grateful, leaking and repentable. The Word addressed to God through holy waters gives calm, faith and hope. But one should not disturb the saint on trifles, only in case of acute necessity.

In addition, there are favorable days for plea:

  • August 11, you can pray for any help;
  • December 19, St. Nicholas Day in this holiday is asked for health care for children and loved ones;
  • May 22, a favorable day for the Ascension of the Molba on the sky;
  • on holidays dedicated to the Virgin, pray for the health of native people.
  • in the days of the memory of dead close people should pray for the peace of mind;
  • it is impossible to take prayers about the material well-being for baptism, the convention of the head of Ivan the Forerunner, the EXTENTS.

Strong prayer Nikolai Wonderworker about children

Nikolai Wonderworker Patron of Orthodox people, but especially women and children. If the married couple has no children for a long time, you need to ask Saint Nicholas. It is necessary to clarify the clergy, what a favorable time for conception. For example, the church in this regard has its own canons:

  • It is impossible to have sexual relations in church holidays and the days of fasting.
  • On Sunday, wedding day, before the days of the post on Thursdays and Wednesdays.

You should know how to read the prayer for the health of the child Nikolai the Wonderworker to be heard, because the birth of a child is a gift that Lord sent. What to do when time goes, but there is no pregnancy. Believers advise before conception to go spouses to church and ask for a blessing. Very often the lack of children is the punishment of the Lord, for some kind of proges.

It should be confessed and repeated in sins. A prayer for a successful conception should be read not only in the church, but also at home. "God has its own plans," very often he places the duty to adopt or adopt the child. When this happens, its own child appears in the family.

Prayer about the health of children Nikolai Wonderworker

There is nothing worse than the baby's disease, especially very little, who can not speak and say that he has a hurt. The suffering of a child in these minutes rupts the mother's soul to pieces. It remains only to ask for help from Nikolai Wonderworker. To whom to contact. The children are waiting for the feast of St. Nicholas, he is their patron. The prayer for the child's health should know every mother.

If doctors are powerless, you may need to contact God through the saints. With this problem pray to the Matron or Nikolai the Wonderworker.

Text of the prayer for the health of the sick child:

"The wonderworker, the ward of Christ, Father Nicholas! You exude the world, rushing the endless wonders of the sea. Support the Spirit Fortress from sinners, heal the offenders and worked with devil! I pray you, the Father Holy! Pomping sinful Lord Son (name). Sunday for his strength and fortress so that steadfastly endured the test, the burden on his body. The worship of the goodness over the body of it is broken. In order to the Spirit confronted the victims and the shivel of Diavolsky, the temptations are unworthy. To praying along with those whom the Lord accepted in heaven, about the eternal glory of him! Amen!"

How to read

Before reading Molba for the health of the baby should be visited by the temple. Here you have to put three candles to the Most Holy Theotokos, Nikolai, and Christ the Savior. To mentally ask for forgiveness for the sins of free or involuntary. Here you can read a short plea with a request to help in recovery of the child:

"Oh, Saint Nicholas Wonderworker. I fall to your legs and ask about the recovery of a sick child. The miracle dropped from heaven and help him cope with a serious ailment. Before the Lord, God beyond my estimates and ask him for generous and merciful forgiveness. May it be so. Amen."

At the end of buying nine candles. Houses for prayers must be closed in a free room, light three candles with icons. First read "Our Father", a hindy water drinks. Then you can proceed to the main prayer Nikolai the Wonderworker about healing from the child's disease. Any prayer ends with gratitude words. Holy Water can be pouring a patient to the baby in the food secret.

In addition to disease, children fall under a bad influence or bad company. Drugs, alcohol is the miscarius of the devil and should be looking for protection in St. Nicholas. One person will be difficult to cope in such a situation, but prayer will help.

With plenty of the child's health, you can also get to the Most Holy Mother of God, Jesus Christ, Holy Panteleimonu and the Guardian Angel. To heal a baby, you can contact one of the saints, you can ask everyone. The Mother of God the first mother of the Christian world. Of course, it is advisable to treat her with a prayer, because she is more understandable to the flour and suffering mothers. But the prayer is not inferior to Nicholas the ashire.

Prayer about healing of his own - this is not the only way out, but a powerful source of hope. The strongest energy is a word, and if it is drawn to the saints, it has a double force. Even in the century of technical progress, people do not cease to believe in miracles.

How to call to God about your child?

Children are the meaning of any mother's life, her hope and anxiety. And, probably, there is nothing more important for any woman that her child is healthy and happy, because it depends on the maternal happiness.

For his dote, a woman is capable of the most unexpected actions, doing everything for the well-being of the child. However, often no specific deeds and it is not necessary, you can restrict ourselves to prayers. Mother's Prayer for Children - Magical Words that can be used both for prevention and in situations when child needs help.

Types of prayer

Prayers directed by the mother in protecting her children can be the most different. And among them the most popular are the following:

Used periodically, read in defense of the child. As a rule, such words need to be used when the child is fine, and the woman wants it to continue to continue.

  • Words of gratitude.

    They are sent to the holy and in the text contain gratitude for children and for their well-being. Like previous rituals, these are performed mainly when everyone is fine.

  • Words of help.

    These prayers are used in situations where the child has any problems. Words from a pure parent heart rarely remain untrined and always help to solve everything at the best side, simulating the life of a native person.

  • Ritals for certain situations.

    Such prayers include words that a mother can use to help her child in a wide variety of situations. For example, a complex exam, a threat of dismissal, a wedding and so on. In such cases, specific words are read, which helps their native person to make a decision to get rid of doubts, give it certain qualities.

  • This is not a complete list of types of maternal prayers that can be used in everyday life. However, among these prayer rites, you can choose something suitable for any of your situation.

    Daily prayer

    A distinctive feature of this rite is that it can be performed at any time of the day and very often. Some mothers read these words every day to protect their children from various misfortunes and problems.

    "Lord Jesus, your mercy of the Chad I send, Slava God (name),

    Under the shelter his own, you will save, cut from the wicked and dying,

    Fences from the enemy and enemies, give humility and happiness, well-being and purity.

    Sorry for Chado my (name), turning repentance on him. I ask myself,

    For the most expensive person to me pray!

    Save, Lord, and enlighten it, his mind is a reward,

    On the faithful path to the guide, your commandments to fulfill help!

    On all the will of yours! Hear my word!

    These words are read only once. If a woman has several offspring, then on each of them the words are read one time. You can read prayers for one for each child, a gym, a nephew.

    Words of the Mother of God

    If your child doesn't get better something, there are problems, and you want to help him cope with them, then the rite facing God's Mother, will help you with this. You need to read magic words every day at dawn until the problem decides.

    Remember that it is necessary to utter a word for greater efficiency.

    "On the Most Holy Virgin of the Virgin, I will send my word to you,

    You ask you for help and support!

    Do not leave my dyatko, the slave of God (name) without blessing!

    I pray for his well-being and happiness!

    There is a lot of tests and inclues.

    He can cope with them with the support of your will be able!

    Not for yourself, for my dote, I ask! Pressed, climbed

    Maternal heart worried!

    Do not refuse assistance, do not forget about the servant of God (name).

    The mind of our Lord, your son, salvation to give my baby!

    Mother of God, enter me in your maternity image,

    Inhapping the wounds of bodily and spiritual, on the path to the right to direct the Chado my.

    Words of gratitude

    This type of prayer is used when in the life of a child, mother and all close all relatively well. These words are a testimony of what to thank and contact the holy need not only when everything is bad and need help, and then, when everything is fine, and want it to be so. That is why gratitude prayers should not be neglected.

    "Holy Assistants, Guardian Angels, I turn your word to you!

    You will send your gratitude! For all the bright in my life of my baby

    Thank you and praise! For bright days, for happy moments,

    For smiles and laughter Maternal heart your respect for your respect!

    Prayer Nikolai Wonderworthy

    This rite is considered effective from all the misfortunes and can be carried out and then when a child has serious problems, and when it simply doesn't go wrong with the mother.

    Words are read alone early in the morning.

    "O good our shepherd and mentor, Christ Nicholas!

    Hear my words, about my my little man, my sick (name)!

    I urge to help you, he is intimid, a maliciously overshadowed help.

    Do not leave him in the sinful captivity, the average of the evil acts!

    Moths about us creator of our, Lord!

    In order for the life of the slave of God in the purity and tranquility of thoughts,

    To happiness and peace with him stepped up,

    So that all problems and bad weather bypass by

    And those that have already happened, harm did not affect!

    I think about your petition, on your intercession!

    Prayers for children are read in a relaxed atmosphere. You can do it at home or in the church. As a rule, words are pronounced by a semi-coat, a little tax. In addition, at the time of reading should be kept in your hands and concentrate on what you say.

    New article: The strongest prayer for adult children on the site site - in all details and details from a variety of sources, which managed to find us.

    Little we have a child or an adult, if he is sick often or just you worry about him, or maybe everything is fine and you just want your child to be happy, then in these and in other cases you, as an Orthodox person you can pray.

    You can pray in your own words or prayers from the prayer room.

    Prayer parents for children

    The sweet Jesus, my God's heart! You gave me children on the flesh, they are your soul; And my souls redeemed, you redeemed our unworthing blood; For the sake of the blood of the Divine I beg you, the sweet of my Savior, the grace of your touches of my children (names) and my gods (names), protect them with your fear of your divine; Hold them from evil inclinations and habits, direct them on the bright way of life, truth and good.

    Decoiled the life of them all the good and saving, the fate of their way you are the same as you want and save their soul them with the fate of them! Lord, God of our fathers!

    My children (names) and godsmen (names) give heart right to keep your commandments, your revelations and your charters. And fulfill all this! Amen.

    Maternal prayer for Chado his

    Lord Jesus Christ, the Son of God, the prayer for the sake of the Mother of Mother of Mother to hear me, the sinful and unworthy of your slave (name).

    Lord, in the grace of your power of Chado my (name), hindle and save his name for your sake.

    Lord, forgive him all the sinners, free and unwitting, who committed by him before you.

    Lord, to mention it to the true path of the commandments of your and the pleasants and enlighten it and enlighten with the light of your Christ, in the salvation of the soul and healing of the body.

    Lord, bless him in the house, near the house, in the field, work and on the road and every place of your possession.

    Lord, Save him under the cover of your holy from the flying bullet, arrows, knife, sword, poison, fire, flood, from deadly ulcers and from vain death.

    Lord, to protect him from visible and invisible enemies, from all sorts of trouble, angry and misfortunes.

    Lord, healed him from all diseases, to cleanse from all sneakers (wines, tobacco, drugs) and facilitate his mental suffering and grief.

    Lord, give him grace of the Holy Spirit for many years of life and health, chastity.

    Lord, give him his blessing to a pious family life and pious childbirth.

    Lord, Darui and me, unworthy and sinful servant, your parent blessing for Chado My in the coming morning, days, evenings and nights, the name of yours for the sake of yours, because your kingdom is eternally, all-way and omnipotent. Amen.

    Prayers about children

    Every parent wants to protect his precious child and instruct it to the faithful and righteous way. Find out what prayers need to read that your child is always healthy and happy.

    Prayer about kid

    In Christianity, a child under 7 years old is considered a sinless baby. The parents are responsible for the child, and they are obliged to contact the Almighty with the requests of the baby, who can not yet understand what is better for him. You need to pray about a small child regularly, asking for the heavens of intercession and health for the rapid organism.

    "Mother of God, let me in the image of your heavenly motherhood. Allow soul and bodily wounds of my children (names), my sins applied. I am handing a child my wholehegable Lord to my Jesus Christ and your preching, celestial patronage. Amen."

    Such a prayer should be read by a baby's bed, looking at the child. It is best to do it immediately after the child fell asleep. Also, this text is read if the child is ill or is experiencing severe spiritual experiences. With the help of sacred words, you will allocate all the troubles from your child and strengthen faith in his soul in God.

    Prayer for adult children

    The parent is always experiencing for his child, even if he has already entered into a conscious age. He can make terrible acts that will entail consequences, or stand up for a wrong path. How often parents invest in their Chado all love and from childhood they explain what is right, and what is not. And despite this, the bad influence of society prevents a person to lead the right way of life. This prayer will help adult children to avoid mistakes and live happily.

    "Lord Jesus Christ, Budi, your mercy on my children (names), save them under your hands, the faceting from all the Lukavago wrapping, ticking from them all the enemy and the sacrup, the ears and eyes and the eyes of hearty, give them to humble and humility of them. Lord, we all create yours, pity the children of my (names) and turn them to repentance. Save, Lord, and nice children of my (names) and enlighten them the mind of the mind of the Gospel of Your Gospel and to Nasty them on the path of the commandments of your and teach them, Savior, Create Your Will, Yako you are our God. "

    This prayer is read before icons, standing on the knees. Sincere request to protect children from bad will surely be heard by the Lord God and all the saints, before whose icons you said sacred words.

    Prayer of the Mother of God

    Jesus Christ's earthly mother has always been an intercession for people. She is asked about all the most intimate and important, and for each adult, the most significant in life are children and their fate.

    "On the Most Holy Master of the Virgin Virgin, save and save under the hands of your children (names), all the departures, socklocks and babies, baptized and unnamed and in the waters of the mother wearable. By covering their religion of your motherhood, keep them in fear of God and in obedience to parents, the mind of My Lord and your son, let them give them a useful to salvation. I hand them with your maternal look at yours, Yako you are the divine cover of the slaves yours. "

    Prayer is read in front of the icon of the Virgin or in front of it in the church. She will help every child, no matter how many years old have it, and wherever he is. She is able to get rid of ailments and failures. With it, you can clean the soul of the child from terrible sins.

    Prayer for children has always been considered the most potent, because the parent heart is filled with truth love and disinterestedly appeals to heaven for help. Take care of your children and do not forget to click on the buttons and

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    Maternal prayers for the health and well-being of children

    Prayer for Orthodox Christians is a way to communicate with God. Through them, people ask for protection and patronage, praise.

    Prayers who read the child

    The prayer of parents about the child has the greatest force. It was precisely sincere desire of a loving relative can work wonders and can help.

    Prayers of the Virgin about children

    For any parent, the health and happiness of the child is important. Find out what prayers to the Blessed Virgin Mary will help you protect your.

    Prayer for pregnant women

    At that moment, when a woman knows the secret of pregnancy, she is especially necessary to help heaven. Appeal to holy forces will provide.

    8 strong Orthodox Mother's Prayers about Son

    Any Orthodox family becomes happier if God grants the father and mother of the Son, even more joy comes to the house if not one is born, but a few sons. The strong Orthodox mother's prayer about the Son will help in a difficult situation to your tea: in the army and at work, in business and in the marriage, in solving problems with health and drunkenness. After all, the maternal heart can not stay indifferent to any adversity in the life of your child, and a prayer is one of the ways to assist!

    Strong mother's prayer for his son will help in any difficult situation: in the army, at work, illness, business, with marriage and others.

    So that the son could withstand all sorts of adversity, did not meet in his path of trouble and grief, the mother puts over him with defense, constantly praying to God. It is believed that maternal prayer is the most sincere, trembling and, of course, the strongest prayer that helps children go through life without lowering heads. After all, there is nothing more expensive for the mother than her child, to whom she absolutely disinterestedly ready will give all the famous benefits. She is ready to dissolve in his child without a residue and even, if necessary, give their lives for him. Therefore, the heart of the mother freezes from terrible pain, if she feels that something is wrong with her son: maybe he fell ill? The fire of joy and happiness is the wonder in his eyes? The power of the Spirit leaves him? That this does not happen, Mom always turns to God and to all the saints with a request to protect her son from all possible troubles. And it is right. After all, as you know, grace will come to the baby only when it is sent to the Most High, who heard the mother's prayer, which is strengthened by a hundred times, if they pronounce it with bitter tears in his eyes. It is then that one can observe the present miracle.

    How are maternal prayers read?

    As is known to all believers, if there is a sharp desire or need to pray, you do not need to wait for a special day or look for any extraordinary place, where the mother could have appeal to God for the benefit of her son. Orthodox mother prayer will be heard on any day, at any time of the day. Some believe that this sacrament requires a "nasty" place, that is, it is necessary to go to the temple or to church. But this is not a strict rule, the migrating will be heard the Almighty and then when it will turn to the highest forces, for example, from home or asks to help her son, walking down the street.

    There are special rules only when reading the prayer on the road, the request of the Lord to save and keep her child's mother pronounces immediately before the departure of the son or daughter.

    There is a certain sequence of actions in prayers, so before the start of appeal to God, you need to cross three times and be bowed to the bow. And then, read the Psalm, it is important not to forget to specify the name of the child. You should do it, looking at church candles that must be buried near the icons of the saints or before the Face of God. At the end of the sacrament, it is necessary to set yourself to the procession three times.

    Who are praying for the well-being of children?

    Believers know a huge number of prayers and psalms, among which the large section of the Moliteoslov for the Son is clearly expressed. Most often, the mother read the appeal to the Virgin, where the Mother of God is praying to protect their children from the sorrows and misfortunes, diseases and other troubles. And, with the true faith of Mom in God, such a prayer is the strongest charm for her children.

    Try to read one of the strong prayers given here and your situation will definitely improve!

    Types of maternal prayers

    What is mother's hands? This is not different, like two angelic wings, which, carefully hugging, protect the dear son all his life. And the prayer of the mother is a barrier from the troubles and misfortunes, which Mom will defend his child while her heart beats.

    Strong prayer "On Protection"

    Mother cares about her boy not only when he has not crossed the youth threshold, the mother's heart hurts and for the adult son, and the strong mother prayer for his son will help in this! Behind the school, university - ahead of the dizzying career. And in this situation a mother with a special prayer will come to the rescue.

    "Lord Jesus Christ, the Son of God, the prayer for the sake of the Mother of Tweeching Mother I hear me, sinful and unworthy slave yours (your name). Lord, in the grace of your power of Chado my (the name of the Son),

    Have mercy and save his name for your sake. Lord, forgive him all the sinners, free and unwitting, who committed by him before you.

    Lord, to mention it to the true path of the commandments of your and the pleasants and enlighten it and enlighten with the light of your Christ, in the salvation of the soul and healing of the body.

    Lord, bless him in the house, near the house, in the field, work and on the road and every place of your possession.

    Lord, Save him under the cover of your holy from the flying bullet, arrows, knife, sword, poison, fire, flood, from deadly ulcers and from vain death.

    Lord, to protect him from visible and invisible enemies, from all sorts of trouble, angry and misfortunes.

    Lord, healed him from all diseases, to cleanse from all sneakers (wines, tobacco, drugs) and facilitate his mental suffering and grief.

    Lord, give him grace of the Holy Spirit for many years of life and health, chastity.

    Lord, give him his blessing to a pious family life and pious childbirth.

    Lord, Darui and me, unworthy and sinful servant, your parent blessing for Chado My in the coming morning, days, evenings and nights, the name of yours for the sake of yours, because your kingdom is eternally, all-way and omnipotent.

    Amen. Lord have mercy."

    Prayer "About Son in the Army"

    If your son is in war, in a hot point, or other combat zone, we recommend you to read the prayer "Psalm 90 - Live in Help". If your child just left to serve in the usual part, then you will suit your mother's prayer about the Son in the army below. It will help in relationships with commanders and colleagues.

    "The will of the Lord is sent to me, the guardian angel, the defender and the guardian of mine. And therefore I appeal to you in a difficult moment in my prayer, so that you wrap me from a big trouble.

    He oppose me clothed with earthly authorities and I have no other protection, except for the power of Heaven, Cyuy over all of us and the world is managed by our world.

    Holy angel, charming from oppression and offense from those who undressed for me. Remove from their injustice, for I suffer to this reason without any reason.

    I forgive God as God taught, the sins of them before me, for the Lord elevated the raised muddy me and experiencing me.

    On all the will of God, from the same thing, that over the will of God, save me, my guardian angel. What I ask you in my prayer. Amen."

    Prayer for the Blessed Virgin Mary

    This is a kind of universal prayer for your children and can read in any cases to help the son and daughter.

    "On the Most Holy Master of the Virgin, save and save under the blood of your children (names),

    All eliminals, sorties and babies, baptized and unnamed and in wrapping are wearable.

    By covering their reliating your motherhood, keep them in fear of God and in obedience to parents,

    Mind of my sam and son Yours, yes gives them useful to salvation them.

    I hand them with your maternal look at yours, I can Yako you are the divine cover of your slaves.

    Mother of God, enter me into the image of your celebrity motherhood.

    Allow soul and bodily wounds of my children (names), my sins applied.

    Hand the child is my whole Lord to my Jesus Christ and yours,

    Prechilate, heavenly patronage. Amen."

    mother's prayer about Son: About Health and Healing from Diseases

    Prayer "On Son's Health"

    In the event that the mother wants to save his son from the ailments and his birth, who defeated him, she appeals to Jesus Christ, as well as they appeal to the grace of St. Panteleimon. Mother's prayer about the Son about the healthier of Togo, it is customary to pray to the Lord God, when the child will have a long road. Interestingly, the on the eve of the marriage of the mother turns to the Almighty, that the daughter-in-law is worthwhile, possessing humility and meekness. Here is a mother's prayer about the health of the son facing the Lord to God:

    I hope for you and ask for my own son.

    Relive it from Diseases and Havory and cure a sinful soul from the Russian Academy of Sciences Difference.

    Prayer "On Marriage"

    "Lord Jesus Christ, the Son of God.

    Help my chad in the marriage of the righteous, coming for his sinful soul.

    The daughter-in-law of the humble and revered Holy Orthodoxy.

    Yes, there will be the will of yours. Amen."

    Prayer "From Drunkenness"

    Not rare in this world of the suffering of the mother, who realized that the son was painfully addicted to alcohol. And he himself does not get out of the paw of Green Zmia. If you need to heal from drunkenness, the child will help the mother's prayer from drunkenness of the son, drawn with the pliers of the blissful Matron of Moscow, as well as to St. Nicholas the Wonderworker and, of course, with such a grief they call Mother and to the Lord.

    "Lord Jesus Christ, the Son of God. In the sorrow, my son was addicted to drunkenness, completely distant from you. Forbid to him alcohol attraction, give the Orthodox teaching. Let it be cleaned from the thrust exorbitant, and his soul will not be very bad. Yes, there will be the will of yours. In the name of the Father, Son and the Holy Spirit. Amen.

    Blessed Staritsa, Matrona Moscow. In the bowl of bitter son, there was oblivion, from Christ to the death of a bitter gone. I beg, donate soon trouble, so that he did not feel a strong need. Yes, there will be the will of yours. In the name of the Father, Son and the Holy Spirit. Amen.

    Nicholas Wonderworker, the ward of God. In the nauseous drinking, my child dies that the soul creates him, does not understand. Crawled from the son of craving for alcohol, strengthening his weakened will. May it be so. In the name of the Father, Son and the Holy Spirit. Amen.

    Prayer Nikolai Wonderworker "From Prison"

    And it happens so that the son rushed from the righteous track, so for sins his fell in conclusion. And then again comes to the rescue of the prayer, which will tell the caring mother to his ceremony son, no matter what.

    "Oh, the great miraculous and waters of Christ, St. Nicholas, St. Nicholas! You, the fast assistant, and a blessing assistant to all calling the things, the same in mortal troubles.

    Such miracles of mercy You were Esi in the days of your life. Even, by your death, I appeared to the throne of God, in the seven nickname can calculate the mercies of yours, it would have had many languages \u200b\u200bin many languages.

    You keep waters floating; You are many drowning savings. You are kept in the way, the winds are kept by the winds, the Great Snow, Lyut Mraz, Multiple Rain.

    You are followed by houses and estates from mentaling malicious people and magnificent burning. You defend the rustling from the attack of villains.

    You are permitted by the beggar and poor, save them from Christhrich's despondency and sin, poverty.

    You are preparing innocent from slandering and unjust condemnation. You saved ESI from the moster of Triach of the husbands, in the dungeon of the grayers, guessfully defined the launch of the sword.

    Taco, you are given from God the great grace pray for people and rescue sushchya in trouble! Also, you became famous for your help with people between the incorrect Agaryans.

    Does me a tokmo, the ill-faithful and distinguished, not to be owned by, and the Az himself of the Az do you prepare yourself? Get out the care and mee from despair and despair, evil treating me.

    Oh, the great waters of Nicolae! You yourself have undergone a conclusion in the dungeon for the holy faith and, Jaco, a zealous shepherd of Christ, he himself learned the ESI, how hard to deprive freedom and in the bonds stay.

    Since many who praying for you in the UzAh, you helped ESI! Allegorye and me sitting in the dungeon, this misvolution. Darui mi soon, the end of my stay and getting freedom - not for the sake of the continuation of my sins, but for the sake of fixing the firm of life!

    Praying diligently and about this, hedgehog to get rid of the eternal dungeon, yes, I will help you save God, I glorify God, Divnago in his saints, Amen. "

    Prayer Jesus Christ "For all cases"

    Of course, there are such maternal prayers who are considered to be oberbami, as they say, for all occasions. So to speak, universal, allowing to protect the Son comprehensively. Similar polylovia is customary to read several times a day, regardless of the time of day. Usually, this is done truly believers who do not forget to ask the Higher Force in the Protection of His Son and speak of the words of gratitude to the Lord for all the benefits.

    "Lord Jesus Christ, the Son of God.

    My son and the will, the strength and spirit, and the Spirit, and the Spirit.

    Protect him from the influence of the harmful and direct the path leading to Orthodoxy.

    Yes, there will be the will of yours. Amen."


    Without exaggeration, it can be said that the child is more expensive than the life of which she saves as an eye. And the Lord helps in this God, who, no doubt, is watching all the children in this world. Thanks to the Most High Daughter and Sons, it is protected from earthly troubles, from the troubles, suffering and diseases. And it is called this in any way, rather than God's grace, which is nice to the Lord every child when he is born. And in the power of the mother to maintain this grace as long as possible, and it can do it, only constantly hardly praying.

    Not in vain, many centuries ago, the people introduced such a concept as a "father's daughter". It is no secret that at the birth of a girl, madly happy and mother, seeing his full copy in this little "blood". But the mother's sons relate to a special trepidation, as they see their defenders, assistants and support in old age in these young men. But, entitled to his Chado, such responsibility, the mother never forget, and they themselves take care of the sons, keeping their peace, protecting against earthly adversity and struggling from unkind people.

    For her mother, her child is pride and the only sweat. And in order for the life of the baby to develop successfully, accompanying success, dreams came true and managed, the parent prayer for Pado is needed. It will help in any, even the most difficult and difficult situation!

    How to pray

    Mothers need to know Orthodox prayers and communicate with God, screamed for his Chad all the best, pray for the salvation of his soul.

    Milk follows in a relaxed atmosphere, at home at the iconostasis or in the walls of the temple. It is advisable to keep a candle in your hand or burn the lamp.

    The Mother of God is three joy

    According to the established tradition, the maternal prayer for children is assumed by the icon of the Mother of God. If the prayer is made in the child, then after reading it should be cutting the child.

    It is she who is famous for the wonderful healing of the ailments. It is recommended to place her holy face over the children's bed to get rid of the killy. It was the Queen of the Heavenly that will contemplate every minute to the patient of Pado and to preserve him before his son.

    He will help a sick child in case, because of the serious agence, he was on the hospital bed.

    It is necessary to contact him and before the upcoming surgical intervention. The sick child under the auspices of the saint easily transfers the operation and quickly recover.

    Savior is unspecified to save the child from a detrimental preference, will arouse him, hens off the bad effect of disadvantaged buddies.

    The Creator will send True to the path, exhausted forgotten about respect for the elder child.

    The prayer of the guardian angel will be useful for the protection of Chad in his daily concerns, it is he who will constantly patronize the child.

    After all, from the sacrament of the Holy Baptism and until the Ascension to the Heavenly Resident, the guardian angel leads to salvation, protects against temptations and sends to the right track.

    1. Nikolai Wonderworker on fiery maternal prayer will save Chado in far travel, be it hike, travel, military service.
    2. It will help in healing from viral diseases, cure a cold, the frequently encountered seizures of cramps in babies will take.
    3. About the security of the Son, it is necessary to take Moluba Georgia Victorious. It is he who takes care of the security of boys, young men, men.
    4. , Christ for the sake of oborudy, will help children suffering from mental disabilities or physical injuries. She will definitely calm the sufferers and facilitate their fate.
    5. The Holy, whose name is the child is baptized, there will be a whole life to follow the Chojo, set up in his honor.

    Also see:

    Starting a prayerful work, each prayerman dreams of an instant result. But it happens very rarely. The Lord Everything knows about the need for every person and decides that he really is required.

    Many people weak in faith think that the Creator simply does not hear their prayers. But this is far from that. An ordinary layman is not able to fully realize and correctly interpret the situation in a certain time.

    Blessed Ksenia Petersburg

    Tip! You can not raise on God, this is a huge sin. He will give a request only when he considers it necessary to do it. Therefore, without Ropot, pray and will be rewarded by each of him.

    In the family, the mother and father must bring up faith in the child and love to Christ in the child. Parents are obliged to indicate children that there is truth, and that sin. Children must also learn from their parents.

    Lord Jesus Christ, the Son of God, prayers for the sake of the Mother of Tweeching Mother I hear me, a sinful and unworthy slave.
    Lord, in the grace of your power of Chado my, hindle and save his name for your sake.
    Lord, forgive him all the sins, free and involuntary, committed before you.
    Lord, to nasty him to the true path of the commandments of your and the pleasures of him and enlighten it with the light of your Christ, in the salvation of the soul and healing of the body.
    Lord, bless him in the house, near the house, at school, in the field, in work and on the road, and at every place of your ownership.
    Lord, save him under the root of your holy from the flying bullet, arrows, knife, sword, poison, fire, flood, from deadly ulcers (rays of the atom) and from in vain death.
    Lord, to protect him from visible and invisible enemies, from all sorts of trouble, angry and misfortunes.
    Lord, healed him from all diseases, to cleanse from all sneakers (wines, tobacco, drugs) and facilitate his mental suffering and grief.
    Lord, give him grace of the Spirit of your saint for many summer life, health and chastity.
    Lord, multiply and strengthen his mental abilities and bodily powers.
    Lord, give him your blessing for pious family life and pious childhood.
    Lord, Darui and me, unworthy and sinful servant, your parent blessing for Chado at the moment of the morning, day, evening and night name for your sake, because your kingdom is eternally, all-way and omnipotently. Amen.

    Tropear, voice 2nd:
    The memory of the righteous with praise, you will also take the testimony of the Lord, the Forerunner: I showed it the most honest, Yako and in the jets of the cropped, the preachernago was encountered in the brunette. The sufferment to the truth is at the truth, the evils of God, and in the hell, the god of God, the root of the world, crushing the sin of the world and suppress us the Grace. Kondak, voice 5th:
    Pre-proof nice sense, watching the saint of a kind of divine, and the coming in the hell is rid of the coming; Yes, Irodia Ridgets, scalded murder scraping: not the law of Bo God, nor the Live Age Love, but the pretended, crushed. Prayer:
    The Baptist of Christ, the preaching of repentance, Kayuchagosya do not disappear, but copulating with the heavenly, pray to Leldice for me, unfortunately, Ullago, Unreleased and sadnago, in many ways of Wpadsago, in Urezhennagnago the thoughts of the mind of my mind: Az Bo Ember Evil Affairs having the end of the sinful custom; Be boy is my terrestrial mind. What is waving, do not look, and to whom it is resserved, and my soul will be saved? Tokmo to you, Saint John, grace Teso-Genenite, I can be the Lord, on the Virgin, we have a big big born of all, for you have made it possible to touched the tips of the king of Christ, the sins of the world, the Libra of God: the enemy of the sin of my soul, yes ineter In the coming hour, it suffered a good and intimidated MZD with the latest.
    To her, the Baptist of Christ, honest to the forerunner, the extreme prophetic, the first in grace of martyr, postmen and deserts mentor, cleanliness to the teacher and the near friends of Christ, I pray, I resort to you, do not remove me from your intercession, but I will stand me, Padshagosya with many sins; Update my soul with repentance, Yako by the second baptism, in progress of both the head of the ESI: the baptism of cleaning sin, repentance preaching in the cleansing of the focus of the fastest Clean the sins of Dexcorennago and Ponudnoy, the scale of any bad, in the kingdom of heaven. Amen.

    Mother's reeble about their children

    God! The creator of all creatures, accompanying grace for grace, you have done me worthy to be the mother of the family; Your goodness gave me children, and I dare to say: they are your children! Because you gave them being, revived by the soulless soulless, revived their baptism for life, according to your will, adopted them and took his church in the bowels, Lord! Save them in the gracious state until the end of life; There is someone to be parties to the sacraments of your covenant; consecrate your truth; Yes, it will be holy in them and through them the holy name is yours! Nissed me your graceful help in their upbringing for the glory of your name and the benefits of the Middle! Gone to me for this purpose ways, patience and power! Teach me to put in their heart the root of true wisdom - your fear! Ozari them with the light controlling the universe of your wisdom! Yes, you will be in your whole soul and your thinking; And you will flip to you with all my heart and in all my life your words will tremble! Give me a mind to convince them that the true life is in compliance with your commandments; That the work strengthened by piety delivers in this life a serene contentment and in eternity - inevitable bliss. Discover them the mind of your law! Yes, by the end of the days of their own in the sense of all of your own! Nasadi in their heart horror and disgust from any lawlessness; Yes, they will be immaculate in your ways; Yes, they always remember that you, all-god God, Jesetter of the law and the truth of yours! Observe them in chastity and reverence to your name! Yes, you do not spoil your behavior of your behavior, but yes live according to her prescriptions! Forew their hunt for useful doctrine and prevent any kind of good deed! May they acquire a true concept of those subjects that are necessary in their state; Let they enlighten the knowledge of benefactor for humanity. Lord! Umudri me brief with indelible features in mind and the heart of my children's fear of the Commonwealth with those who do not have any fear of your fear, inspire them all the removal from every union with lawlessly. Yes, they do not hit rotten conversations; Yes, they do not listen to people frivolous; Yes, they will not be seduced with your bad examples; Yes, they will not be seduced by the fact that sometimes the way of lawless landscape in the world!

    Heavenly! Give me grace in every very much to serve my seduction to my actions, but, constantly having in mind their behavior, distract them from delusions, correct their errors, to curb their perseverance and the incidence of them, to bring them to the desire for fussy and frightness; Yes, they are not fond of insane thoughts, but do not go after the heart of their own, but they will not be ingenected in their distraction, and yours will not forget and your law. Does not destroy the lawlessness of the mind and health of them, but they will not relax the sins of the spiritual and bodily forces of them. The judge of the righteous, punishing children for the sins of parents to the third and fourth kind, turn off such a kara from my children, do not punish them for my sins; But the sprinkles of their dear grace, and they succeed in virtues and holiness, and they grow in favor of your favor and in love of people of pious.

    Father generous and all of mercy! By the feeling of the parent, I would like to children with my every abundance of the lot of earthly, wanted them blessings from the dew heaven and from Tuka earthly, but will be with them the Holy Will of yours! Their fate of their favor in your favor, do not lish them in the life of urgent bread, send them all the time for the acquisition of blissful eternity, be merciful to them, when they sin in front of you, do not impute them to the sins of youth and ignorance, bring them to the crushing of their hearts when will oppose your goodness to your goodness; Karai and Millui, sending them to the way well-beneficial to you, but do not reject them from your face! Take them with the favor of the prayer, give them success in every kind; Do not turn your face from them in the days of sorrow of them, and they will not comprehend their temptations above their forces. Autumn your grace, yes, your angel goes with them and keep them from every misfortune and an evil way, all-sell God! Having made me mother, having fun about his children, let them eat my life in the days of my life and I support my old age. Acknowledged me, with a hope for your mercy, to appear with them on the terrible court of your trial and with unworthy daring to say: here I am my children who gave me, Lord! Yes, inexpressible goodness and everlasting love of yours inexuredly with them, excellently overlook the Most Holy Name, the Father, the Son and the soul of the Holy, forever. Amen.
    This prayer was distributed to believers in the Kazan Amvrosievsky female desert with. Shamordino.

    The Most Holy Theotokos in front of her icon "The recovery of the dead", or "getting rid of the misfortunes"

    Tropar, voice 7th:
    Rejoice, the fertile of the Virgin of the Delo, in the arms of his preventer of the infant and God wearing. Asked him to date the world. Defeat and souls of our salvation. Son Bo to you, Bogomati, broadcast, Yako all your petitions for good will fulfill. Now for the sake of the sake and we are plummingly, pray, and hoping on the stage, and you will not die, your name is called: you are Boh, Vladychitsa, the recovery of the dead. Prayer:
    The intercession is a diligent, the fragrant Lord Mati, to you resort to Az Okayanny and the sinner of all the sinner man; Won praying to my praying and my scream and the wedding of hear. Yako lawlessness is my forecast of my head, and Az, I am a ship in the Pochin, immersing in the sea of \u200b\u200bmy sins. But you, all-inclusive and merciful laddy, do not contemporary the desperate and ghesh dyingly; Pomemuyu Kayuchagosya in the evil deeme of my, and turn on the way the right loud, the appearances of my soul. On you, Mother Vladychitsa, I have all the hope of my. You, Mother of God, Save and follow your telescope, now and are confronted and forever. Amen.

    Prayers for the Mother of God

    About the Most Holy Master of the Virgin Mother of God, save and save under the blood of your children (names), all the departments, sorties and babies, baptized and unnamed and in the waters of mother wearable. By covering their religion of your motherhood, keep them in fear of God and in obedience to parents, the mind of My Lord and your son, let them give them a useful to rescue them. I hand them with your maternal look at yours, I can Yako you are the divine cover of your slaves.
    Mother of God, enter me into the image of your celebrity motherhood. Allow soul and bodily wounds of my children (names), my sins are applied. I am handing a child my wholehegable Lord to my Jesus Christ and your preching, celestial patronage. Amen.
    From the female monastery in Shu, Ivanovo region.

    Prophet, Forerun and Baptist Lord John

    The Baptist of Christ, the preaching of repentance, Kayuchagosya do not disappear, but copulating with the heavenly, pray to Leldice for me, unfortunately, Ullago, Unreleased and sadnago, in many ways of Wpadsago, in Urezhennagnago the thoughts of the mind of my mind: Az Bo Ember Evil Affairs having the end of the sinful custom; Be boy is my terrestrial mind. What is waving, do not look, and to whom it is resserved, and my soul will be saved? Tokmo to you, Saint John, grace Teso-Genenite, I can be the Lord, on the Virgin, we have a big big born of all, for you have made it possible to touched the tips of the king of Christ, the sins of the world, the Libra of God: the enemy of the sin of my soul, yes ineter In the coming hour, it suffered a good and intimidated MZD with the latest. To her, the Baptist of Christ, honest to the forerunner, the extreme prophetic, the first in grace of martyr, postmen and deserts mentor, cleanliness to the teacher and the near friends of Christ, I pray, I resort to you, do not remove me from your intercession, but I will stand me, Padshagosya with many sins; Update my soul with repentance, Yako by the second baptism, in progress of both the head of the ESI: the baptism of cleaning sin, repentance preaching in the cleansing of the focus of the fastest Clean the sins of Dexcorennago and Ponudnoy, the scale of any bad, in the kingdom of heaven. Amen.

    Prayer 1.

    Holy Father, Spanish God, comes from you every gift or any good. I dormantly pray for children who graded your grace. You gave them life, revived their soullessness, revived with holy baptism, so that they inhabit that you inherited the kingdom of heaven, save them for your good to the end of their lives. Saint your truth, but your name is hid in them. Promote me thanks you to raise them into the glory of your name and benefit to the neighbor, give me the required tools for this: patience and power. Lord, enlighten with the light of your wisdom, but love you all the soul, all the thinking, nasadi in the hearts of their fear and disgust from any lawlessness, and go to your commandments, decorated the souls with their chastity, hard work, long-suffering, honesty, , vanity, abominations, sprouts of Rosoy grace, and succeed in virtues and holiness and are growing in favor of your favor, in love and piety. The guardian angel is always with them and keeps their youth from vigorous thoughts, from the elevation of the temptations of this world and from all sorts of shuffles. If, when they sigrate before you, Lord, do not turn your faces from them, but wake up to them with gracious, it is offended in their hearts repentance on the many busy, to cleanse the sinners and not the lisha of your bonds, but to keep them anything for their salvation, keeping They are from any disease, danger, troubles and sorrow, the autumn of them is free to all the days of this life. God, I pray for you, give me fun and the joy about my children and the opportunity to see me with them on the terrible court of yours, to say with the physical daring: "So the children you gave me, Lord. Amen". Yes, we will glorify your father, father and son and saint spirit. Amen.

    Prayer 2.

    God and Father, the creator and the preservator of all creatures! Express my poor children (names) In the spirit of your holy, but he will award the true fear of God, who is the beginning of the wisdom and direct prudence, according to which who comes, that praise is forever. Referring to their true knowledge of you, keep them from all sledding of idol and false teachings, make it to have increased in the true and saving faith and in every piety, and maybe they will continually fully until the end. Give them a believer, obedient and humble heart and mind, and indebted to the years and in the grace of God and before people. Nasadi in the heart of their love for your divine word so that they were reverent in prayer and in worship, respectful to the servants of the Word and with all sorts of sincere in the actions, shamers in the leggings, shames in the nravas, are true in words, faithful in matters, ditched in classes , happy in the performance of their duties, intelligent and are destinable to all people. Combate them from all the temptations of an evil world, and do not corrupt their thin society. Do not miss them to fall into uncleanness and non-commuting, do not reduce their lives themselves and do not insult others. Budi protect them in any danger, but will not subjected to a sudden diet. Whether we did not see their dishonor and entertainment in them, but the honor and joy, so that the kingdom is multiplied by them and the number of believers multiplied with them, and they will be in the unrest Honor, praise and glorification through Jesus Christ, our Lord. Amen.

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