Obsessive behavior. Psychological reasons of OKR

Engineering systems 12.10.2019
Engineering systems

Live with obsessive-compulsive disorder (OCC) is not easy. In this disease, obsessive thoughts arise that cause severe alarm. To get rid of anxiety, a person suffering from OCR, often forced certain rituals.

In the classification of mental diseases of the OCR, there are alarming disorders, and anxiety is familiar with almost everyone. But this does not mean that any healthy person understands that you have to experience the suffering from OCD. Headaches are also familiar to everyone, but this does not mean that we all know that they feel suffering from migraines.

The symptoms of the OCC may interfere with man working normally, live and build relationships with others.

"The brain is designed so that it always warns us about the dangers of threatening survival. But in patients with OCP, this brain system works incorrectly. As a result, they are often overwhelmed by the real "tsunami" of unpleasant experiences and they are not able to focus on any other, "explains the psychologist Stephen Filipson, the Clinical Director of the Center for Cognitive-Beneficial Psychotherapy in New York.

OCP is not associated with some one specific fear. Some obsessions are well known - for example, patients can constantly wash their hands or check whether the stove is not included. But OCD can manifest itself in the form of pathological storage, hypochondria or fear causing someone harm. A prevalence of the OCR, in which patients tormented by a paralyzing fear about their sexual orientation.

As in the case of any other mental illness, only a professional doctor may diagnose. But still there are several symptoms, which, according to experts, may indicate the presence of OCD.

1. They are traded with themselves.

Suffering OCPs are often confident that if they once again check the plate or look at the symptoms of the disease, which they allegedly suffer, will finally be able to calm down. But the OCD is most often deceptive.

"In the brain there are biochemical associations with the object of fear. The repetition of obsessive rituals is even more convincing the brain that the danger is really real, and thereby closes the vicious circle. "

2. They feel the obsessive need to perform certain rituals.

Would you agree to stop performing familiar rituals (for example, do not check 20 times a day, whether the entrance door locked) if you paid $ 10 or $ 100 or another sufficient amount for you? If your alarm is so easy to "bribe", then, most likely, you are just stronger than usual afraid of robbers, but you have no OCC.

For a person suffering from this disorder, the fulfillment of rituals seems to be a matter of life and death, and survival can hardly be assessed with money.

3. They are very difficult to convince that fears are unfounded.

The verbal design "Yes, but ..." ("Yes, the last three analyzes showed that I don't have any other disease, but how do I know that the samples did not confuse in the laboratory?").

Since it is rare, it is possible to be absolutely sure of something completely confident, no beliefs help the patient to overcome these thoughts, and he continues to suffer anxiety.

4. They usually remember when symptoms began.

"Not all sick OKR can accurately say when this disorder manifested itself, but most will remember," says Filipson. First, it comes simply an unfortunate anxiety, which is then drawn up into a more specific fear - for example, that you, preparing dinner, suddenly strike someone with a knife. For most people, such experiences pass without consequences. But the suffering from the OCR seem to fall into the abyss.

"At such moments of panic concludes a union with a certain idea. And to break it is not easy, like any unhappy marriage, "says Filipson.

5. They absorbs anxiety.

Almost all fears that are tormented by patients with OCD have certain bases. Fires are really happening, and on the hands really completely bacteria. It's all about the intensity of fear.

If you are able to live normally, despite the constant uncertainty associated with these risk factors, you most likely have no OCR (or very light case). Problems begin when the alarm is completely absorbed, interfering with normally function.

If the patient is afraid of pollution, the first exercise for it will touch the door handle and do not wash after that

Fortunately, OCC can be adjusted. An important role in therapy is played by medicines, including some types of antidepressants, but no less effective and psychotherapy - especially cognitive behavioral therapy (CCT).

Within the framework of the CPT, there is an effective method for treating OCC - the so-called exposure with the prevention of reactions. During the treatment of the patient under the supervision of the therapist, they specifically put in a situation that cause more and more fear, while he needed not to give in to the desire to make a familiar ritual.

For example, if the patient is afraid of pollution and constantly washes his hands, the first exercise will touch the door handle and do not wash after that hand. In the following exercises, the apparent danger increases - for example, you will need to touch the handrail on the bus, then to the crane in the public toilet, and so on. As a result, the fear gradually begins to weaken.

Do not part with an antiseptic for hands? Your wardrobe literally decomposed on the shelves? Such habits may be a reflection of the character or belief of man. Sometimes they intersect the invisible edge and turn into obsessive-compulsive disorders (OCD). Consider the main reasons for their appearance and the treatment methods offered by doctors.

Description of the disease

OCC is a mental disorder that reflects on the quality of a person's life. Specialists belong to it as a phobia. If the latter include only obsessions, a compulsion is added to the OCD.

The name of the disease occurred from two English words: obsessio and compulsio. The first means "obsession of the idea", and the second can be interpreted as "coercion." These two words are wicked successfully, it is possible, since they reflect the entire essence of the disease. People suffering from OCD, in some countries are considered disabled. Most of them spend a lot of time meaningless due to compulsions. The obsessions are often expressed and phobias, which is also negatively reflected in the quality of life of the patient.

How the disease begins

According to medical statistics, the obsessive-compulsive disorder is formed in the interval from 10 to 30 years. No matter when the first symptoms appeared, the patients are treated between 27 and 35. This means that from the moment of the development of the disease and before the start of treatment it takes several years. The obsessive-compulsive disorder of the individual suffers from every third adult. Among the patients of young children is much less. This diagnosis is confirmed by each second child out of 500.

At the initial stage, the symptoms of illness are manifested in the form of obsessive states and various phobias. During this period, a person can still realize their irrationality. Over time, subject to the absence of drug and psychological assistance, the disorder is sharpened. The patient loses the ability to adequately regard their concerns. In advanced cases, treatment implies hospitalization with serious medicines.

Main reasons

Scientists still can not list the main factors contributing to the emergence of a mental illness. However, there are a large number of theories. According to one of them, among biological factors, obsessive-compulsive disorder causes the following:

  • violation of metabolism;
  • injuries and damage to the head;
  • hereditary predisposition;
  • complicated course of infectious ailments;
  • deviations at the level of the vegetative nervous system.

In a separate group, doctors offer to make socio-public causes of disorder. Among them, most often meet the following:

  • upbringing in a strict religious family;
  • complex relationships at work;
  • frequent stress.

Inherent in this mental illness, can be based on personal experience or imposed by society. A vivid example of the consequences of such a disorder is to view criminal news. The people who have appeared are trying to overcome the actions that convince in the opposite. He can rechect a closed car or recalculate banknotes from the bank several times. Such actions bring only short-term relief. Get rid of independently from hardly you will succeed. In this case, the help of a specialist is required. Otherwise, the ailment will completely absorb a person's psyche.

This disease is subject to both adults and kids. However, children less often suffer from its manifestations. The symptoms of the disorder may vary depending on the age of the patient.

How does the disease occur in adults?

An obsessive-compulsive disorder whose symptoms will be presented to your attention below, all adult people have about the same clinical picture. First of all, the disease is manifested in the form of obsessive painful thoughts. These may be fantasy on the topic of sexual violence or death. The person constantly pursues the idea of \u200b\u200bearly death, the loss of financial well-being. Such thoughts lead to the horror of the patient. He clearly understands their baselessness. However, it cannot independently cope with fear and superstitions that all his fantasies once will be afraid.

Disorder also has external symptoms that are expressed in the form of repetitive movements. For example, such a person can constantly recalculate the steps, several times a day to wash his hands. The manifestations of the disease often celebrate colleagues and colleagues. In people who suffer from OCC, there is always an ideal order on the table, and all objects are placed symmetrically. Books on the shelves stand or alphabetically, or in color scheme.

An obsessive-compulsive disorder is characterized by a peculiarity of growth in crowded places. The patient even in a crowd can enhance panic attacks. Most often, they are caused by fear catching a dangerous virus or lose personal things, become another victim of pockets. Therefore, such people seek to avoid public places.

Sometimes syndrome is accompanied by a decrease in self-esteem. OCD is such a disorder, which is particularly subject to a minting personality. They have a habit to control everything, starting with affairs at work and ending with diet of domestic animals. The decrease in self-assessment occurs due to the awareness of the changes occurring and the inability to deal with them.

Symptoms in children

OCC in small patients is less common than adults. The symptoms of the disorder have a lot in common. Consider several examples.

  1. Even enough adult children often pursues the fear of getting lost among a large number of people on the street. He makes the guys hard to keep parents by hand, periodically check if the fingers are tightly.
  2. Many kids are the eldest brothers and sisters scare shipping in the orphanage. Fear of being in this institution makes the child constantly ask if his parents love.
  3. Almost all of us at least once lost personal belongings. However, not all experiences on this pass without a trace. Panic because of the lost notebook often leads to a manic recalculation of school supplies. Teens can even wake up at night with the purpose of rechecking all personal belongings.

An obsessive-compulsive disorder in children is often accompanied by poor mood, sullen, increased flexibility. The appetite disappears, the terrible nightmares are tormented at night. If within a few weeks, all the attempts of parents help children turn out to be unsuccessful, you need a consultation of a children's psychologist.

Diagnostic methods

If symptoms appear indicating the alarming obsessive-compulsive disorders, it is necessary to seek help from a psychological health professional. Often people from the OCD are not suspected of their problems. In this case, close relatives or friends should extremely accurately hint at this diagnosis. In itself, this disease does not pass.

Its diagnosis is only a psychiatrist, which has appropriate qualifications and experience in this area. Usually the doctor draws attention to three things:

  1. A person has pronounced obsessive obsessions.
  2. There is a compulsive behavior that he wants to hide in any way.
  3. OKR interferes with the usual rhythm of life, communicating with friends and work.

Symptoms of the disease to have medical importance should be repeated at least 50% of days within two weeks.

There are special estimated scales (for example, Yel-Brown) to determine the severity of the OCR. They are also used in practice to trace the speakers of the therapy.

Based on tests and conversations with the patient, the doctor can confirm the final diagnosis. Usually, psychotherapists explain to consultation, which represents and what manifestations has an obsessive-compulsive disorder. Examples of patients with this illness from show business help to understand that the disease is not so dangerous, you need to fight. Also at consultation, the doctor tells about the tactics of treatment when the first positive results should be waited.

Can a person help himself?

OCP is quite common pathology. It can periodically arise from any person, including absolutely healthy mentally. It is very important to be able to recognize the first symptoms of the disorder and seek qualified help. If there is no such possibility, you should try to analyze the problem and choose a certain tacty of combating it. Doctors offer several options for independent treatments.

Step 1. Examine, which is an obsessive disorder. An obsessive-compulsive disorder is described in detail in specialized literature. Therefore, anyone can easily learn its main causes of appearance and signs. After studying information, it is necessary to write out all the symptoms that recently cause concern. Opposite each disorder you need to leave a place to compile a detailed plan, as you can overcome it.

Step 2. Third-party help. With suspected OCC, it is better to turn to a qualified specialist. Sometimes the first visit to the doctor is difficult. In such a situation, you can ask a friend or relative to confirm the previously written symptoms or add others.

Step 3. To look at your fear "in the eye." People with obsessive-compulsive disorder usually understand that all fears are fiction. Every time the desire arises to double-check the locked door or wash his hands, you need to remind yourself about this fact.

Step 4. Remember yourself. Psychologists advise constantly celebrating steps towards success, even the most minor. You need to praise yourself for the changes acquired and the skills gained.

Methods of psychotherapy

OCD is not a sentence. Disorder well treats with psychotherapeutic sessions. Modern psychology offers several effective techniques. Consider each of them in more detail.

  1. The authorship of this technique belongs to Jeffrey Schwartz. Its essence is reduced to the resistance to neurosis. The man first realizes the presence of a disorder, and then gradually trying to fight him. Therapy provides for the acquisition of skills that allow themselves to stop the obsessions.
  2. Method "Stop thoughts". She was developed by Joseph Wolpe. Psychotherapist suggested treatment on the basis of an assessment of the patient's situation. To do this, Volpe recommends a person to remember one of the recent attacks of disorder. With the help of leading questions, it helps the patient to estimate the importance of symptoms and their influence on everyday life. The psychotherapist gradually leads to the awareness of the unreality of fears. This technique allows you to fully overcome the disorder.

The above techniques of therapeutic impact are not the only one in their kind. However, it is they are considered the most effective.

Medicia treatment

In advanced cases of obsessive state syndrome, drug intervention is required. How to treat obsessive-compulsive disorder in this case? The main drugs to combat the ailment are inhibitors of serotonin reverse seizure:

  • "Fluvoxamine".
  • Tricyclic antidepressants.
  • "Paroksetin".

Scientists from all over the world continue to actively study obsessive-compulsive disorders (OCD). Regarding recently they managed to detect therapeutic capabilities in agents, which are responsible for the release of glutamate neurotiator. They allow to significantly soften the manifestations of neurosis, but do not help get rid of the problem forever. The following drugs are suitable for this description: "Memanthin" ("Ryluzol"), "Lookidin" ("Gabapentin").

All known antidepressants are used only in quality with their help, it is possible to eliminate neurosis and stress voltage, which occur against the background of obsessive states.

It is worth noting that the drugs listed in the article are released from pharmacies only by recipe. The choice of a specific medication for treatment is carried out by a doctor, taking into account the state of the patient. The duration of the syndrome is played in this matter. Therefore, the doctor should know how long-range compulsive disorder has emerged.

Treatment at home

OCP refers to a group of mental illness. Therefore, cure disorder without third-party support is unlikely to succeed. However, therapy with the help of folk remedies always helps calm down. To this end, the characteristics are advised to prepare ragners on herbs with sedative properties. These are the following plants: Melissa, mother-in-law, Valerian.

The method of respiratory gymnastics cannot be considered folk, but it can be successfully used at home. For such treatment, the recipe or third-party support for specialists is required. Therapy by changing the strength of breathing allows you to restore the emotional state. As a result, a person can soberly assess everything that happens in his life.


After the course of treatment, the patient needs social rehabilitation. Only in case of successful adaptation in society, the symptoms of the disorder will not return again. Supporting therapeutic measures are aimed at learning a productive contact with society, relatives. At the stage of rehabilitation, assistance from loved ones and friends becomes paramount.

An obsessive-compulsive disorder (OCD) is a mental illness manifested by obsessive thoughts, doubts and accompanied by a constant rechecification of perfect actions.

An obsessive-compulsive disorder is not such a serious pathology as schizophrenia or depression, but this mental disorder is able to significantly violate the quality of human life, to help reduce self-esteem and even deterioration of the social position of the patient.

The reasons

The obsessive-complisher disorder can develop due to the interaction of a number of factors. First of all, it is hereditary predisposition. A person inherited certain personal features, a model of behavior in psychotrambulating conditions can be transmitted.

The development of this mental disorder can have sudden mental injuries (a life-threatening situation, the death of a loved one, a natural disaster) or a long stay in stressful conditions, when a person's mental psyche "is depleted." Examples of such a situation - an uninteresting, hated work for a person, with which he cannot quit (lives in a small village, where other work cannot be found).

Symptoms of the disease

The first manifestations of obsessive-compulsive disorder appear in adolescent or early mature age. At this time, obsessions arise, which are regarded by patients as something absurd, illogical.

The main obsessions characteristic of the OCC are obsessive thoughts and compulsive actions.

And now let's stop in detail on each individual symptom.

Obsessive thoughts

Obsessive thoughts - Practice thoughts, images and attractions, which arise in addition to the will of a person, again and again come to his mind, and which he is trying to resist. Such thoughts "pianic" in the head do not give a man of peace, he would also be happy to switch to something else, but again and again obsessive thoughts arise in his mind.

We are all different, therefore, the obsessive thoughts for each of us their own. However, all obsessive thoughts can be divided into obsessive doubts, obsessive pollution fears or contamination and contrasting obsessions. So, let's talk about each of these groups separately.

Obsessive doubts

The obsessive doubts arose probably from each of us. Did I do everything? Is the decision right to accept? Did I closed the door? Was the gas turned off? Did you write everything in response to the ticket during the commissioning of the entrance exam? Familiar thoughts, right?

Obsessive doubts may be related to the issues of life (whether the door is closed, whether gas is turned off), with official activity (the bank's employee will doubt whether he correctly pointed the bill for which the money transferred, the teacher was correctly appreciated by the apprentice). To make sure that everything is done, the person will again and again check the gas, light, water, the number of the current account. And even if everything carefully do, after some time, doubts may return again (and suddenly the crane was not closed until the end, and I did not see it; what if I still confused the numbers in the account number?)

If such thoughts sometimes arise - nothing terrible, it happens almost everyone. But if you have forced many times to check whether the gas is turned off, the light is still not sure that everything is disabled, in this case it is better to visit the psychiatrist. You may have an obsessive-compulsive personality disorder. Here, by the way, a small anecdote on this topic.

The emergence of various obsessions, especially obsessive doubts, is characteristic of such a personality disorder.

Contrast obsessions

Contrast obsessions can also occur with an obsessive-compulsive disorder. These are bright ideas arising in the imagination of a person, unpleasant in meaning, blasphemous thoughts.

Contrast obsessions include absolutely ground fear to cause harm to themselves or others. It may also be desire to continue someone's replica ironic, an offensive statement. This group of obsessions can be classified as an obsessive presentation of sexual content - obsessivity by the type of forbidden representations of sexual acts with animals, representatives of their own sex.

Obsessive ideas of pollution

The obsessive ideas of pollution are otherwise called mizophobia. They can manifest themselves to be blocked to ground, feces, urine, fear of penetration into the organism of microorganisms, harmful substances.

Sometimes the fear of pollution is not strong. At the same time, a person for many years only is too hard with his hands or several times a day without visible causes the floor. This kind of phobia does not significantly affect the quality of life of a person, and others are regarded only as an increased chiper.

Much worse if the obsessiveness of pollution ideas are complicated. At the same time, various actions appear, rituals aimed at preventing contamination. Such a person will avoid touching subjects that could be contaminated. On the street, he will be published only in special clothes, allegedly protecting against pollution. Hands will also wash in a certain sequence and in no case will it violate it (otherwise it will assume that the hands remained dirty). In the later stages of the disease, some people even refuse to go out to do not blocked there, do not pick up some infection.

Another manifestations of Mizophobia - the fear of becoming some disease. Most often, patients fear that the pathogenic microorganisms will fall into their body from outside with some unusual way (for example, due to contact with old things belonging to a sick person).

Obsessive actions

Compulsive actions - Stereotypically repeated, obsessive actions. In some cases, obsessive actions acquire the form of protective rituals: performing certain actions under certain conditions, a person tries to protect himself from something. It is like this compulsion that can most often meet with OCC.

Among obsessive actions, especially in children's and adolescence, ticks prevail. From ticks in organic diseases of the brain, they differ in that they are much more complex movements that have lost their initial meaning. For example, to obsessive actions, you can count your hand movements, as if casting back long hair (although a person has long been walking with a short haircut) or attempts to blink hard with eyes, as if Sorinka got into the eyes. The performance of these movements is accompanied by a painful sense of non-convulsion, a person understands the meaninglessness of these movements, but they still perform them.

Many of us have bad habits - someone bites the lips, someone turns the ring, someone else comes smoothes. However, these actions are not accompanied by a feeling of obsession.

If you are hard to monitor yourself, you can get rid of such habits. Or if someone from the side pays attention to that the man at that moment is serving his lips, then this person will stop doing this, and his mental state will not break.

If there are obsessive thoughts and actions that are becoming increasingly absurd, it is necessary to take into account that similar symptoms may be observed at. It is also characterized by the progression of emotional depletion, the loss of familiar interests.

Treatment of disorder

Antidepressants (Anafranil, imipramine, amitriptyline, fluvoxamine) can be applied for the treatment of obsessive-compulsive disorder. With contrast obsessions, the best effect is the antidepressant sertalin (gold).

Tranquilizers (hydroxyzine, alprazolam, diazepams, clonazepams) may also be prescribed for the treatment of OCR.

With an obsessive fear of pollution accompanied by a complex system of protective rituals, neuroleptics (Sonapaks, Trucal, Reeazine) can be used.

In most cases, effective treatment of OCC is impossible without the use of psychotherapy. Her goal is to reduce the self-control of a person, to teach him to relax. One of the methods of psychotherapeutic treatment is a targeted and consistent contact of a person with the things he avoids. This is done so that the patient learned to consciously control its emotions in such situations.

An obsessive-compulsive psyche disorder (it is also called the neurosis of obsessive states) can significantly worsen the quality of life. Despite this, many of those who notice the alarming symptoms are in no hurry to the doctor, explaining this by prejudices, a feeling of false shame and other reasons.

Obsessive compulsive disorder: what is it simple words

An obsessive-compulsive disorder (OCD) is a neurotic pathology, which is characterized by the emergence of restless thoughts provoking the implementation of actions that have a patient value of the ritual. Thus, a person succeeds for some time to reduce the level of anxiety.

The symptoms of the OCR are manifested in the form:

  • obsessions - obsessive thoughts, images or motivations to the action that the patient gets in the form of stereotypes;
  • compaulsi - repetitive actions caused by experiences and fears. They fulfill the role of "magic" rituals that can protect against trouble or prevent an undesirable event.

A vivid example of OCC psychologists consider:

  • nosophobia - pathological fear of incurable states;
  • mania constantly wash your hands because of fear to catch the infection.

It is noteworthy that people suffering from OCR tend to have a high intellectual level, punctual, conscientious and neat.

Causes of occurrence

The reasons for the development of the OCD are definitely not established, but there are various hypotheses about this.

Symptoms and treatment of bipolar affective disorder:

  1. Biological. It considers as causal factors:
    • brain pathology, including those that became the result of generic injuries;
    • functional anatomical anomalies;
    • features of the work of the vegetative department of the CNS;
    • hormonal disorders.
  2. Genetic, which does not exclude the development of OCD in the presence of hereditary predisposition.
  3. Psychological theories, including:
    • psychoanalytic explaining the obsessive states by the fact that they are a tool for reducing anxiety in cases where it, together with aggression, is aimed at another person;
    • exogenous psychotrarming, which as a reason puts forward the theory on the impact of severe stressful situations associated with family, labor activity, various types of sexual relations.
  4. Sociological theories explaining the OKR by the fact that it is a pathological response of the body to psychotrauming situations.

Mechanism of the formation of the disease

As mentioned above, there are different explanations of the formation of an obsessive-compulsive disorder. At present, the priority is the neurotransmitter theory, which is part of the biological one. Its essence is that the cause of the OCP lies in the wrong communications between the individual parts of the cerebral cortex and the complex of subcortical neural nodes.

The interaction of these structures provides serotonin. Scientists came to the conclusion that with an obsessive-compulsive disorder there is a shortage of this hormone caused by reinforced re-capture, which creates interference in the transmission of the pulse to the next neuron.

Summing up, it can be stated that the pathogenesis of the OCD is quite complicated and not studied sufficiently.

OCR in men, women and children -scension in manifestation

Many people suffer from obsessive-compulsive disorder, while the number of men and women are approximately the same. As for the age indicators, it is believed that symptoms manifests itself more often in adults, however, there is information that up to 4% of children and adolescents to some extent suffer from OCR. Among the people of old age are also a considerable number of those who suffer from obsessive states. The statistical data provided contains information on the number of people who applied for help.

Manifestations of pathology in men and women have a lot in common, in particular:

  • always manifests itself first by obsessive thoughts;
  • restless flow of consciousness generates anxiety;
  • among the fears are born actions that remove the nervous tension and, according to the patient, are able to prevent terrible consequences.

For men, the source is alarm:

  • labor activity;
  • development of career and business;
  • the desire to maintain and multiply the cost.

For example, a man is experiencing that it can be dismissed from work and leave without means of existence. Alarm, anxiety is born, in connection with which a person begins to compulsize: to pray or perform other rituals (actions), which, as it seems to be, will miraculously help to avoid trouble.

Women's alarms are more determined by:

  • experience for the health of family members;
  • fear before the possibility of divorce;
  • pathological fear of loneliness.

There is a special - postpartum OCP, when a mother is worried about the health and life of a newborn baby so much that it takes the nature of pathology. She is tormented by the thoughts that he can:

  • suddenly get sick and die;
  • fall and get injured;
  • stop breathing in a dream.

This leads to the fact that the essential part of the time is dedicated to the experiences and behavior dictated by the OCR.

Observation-compulsive disorder in people of old age is associated with such phenomena as:

  • loneliness, without perspective anything change;
  • low-effective lifestyle;
  • experiences about the health and well-being of younger relatives;
  • worsening quality of life;
  • the development of ailments leading to physical restrictions.

Older people stop sleeping at night, they begin to call the grandchildren and children often to make sure that those alive and healthy. Inexplicable rituals are born on the go - so that everything is fine, it is necessary:

  • swim;
  • shift things in the closet;
  • change colors on the windowsill;
  • perform other actions.

Children arises for the most part, due to genetic reasons or due to problems at school, at home, in a circle of friends. Children often suffer from:

  • weak achievement;
  • quarrels and loneliness;
  • violent actions of a physical and psychological nature.

Like adults, against the background of elevated anxiety, they begin to perform certain rituals.

Types and types of obsessive-compulsive disorders and their distinctive features

It is noted that the OCD can flow in a chronic, progressive or episodic form:

  1. A chronic state suggests that the disorder is constantly present, is stable and unchanged.
  2. The progressive state means that the patient is experiencing a chronic process, the symptoms of which increases, which is dangerous.
  3. An episodic character is characterized by the fact that signs are manifested from time to time. There are cyclic, conditional and mixed varieties of an episodic form of disorder, while:
    • cyclic conditions depend on the biorhythms of the body;
    • conditional are manifested under the influence of traumatic circumstances, which can be attributed to the sharp change of the usual lifestyle, the impact of psycho-emotional stresses, various pathology of the body;
    • mixed represent a combination of biorhythmic and conditional factors.

Depending on the degree of predominance of the main symptoms, several types of OCC are classified:

  1. Mixed, including both compulsices and obsessions;
  2. "Clean" types - obsessive and compulsive.

It is noteworthy that in one-component types, at nearby examination, one way or another, the effect of the steam component is traced.

For example, a person, leisurely folding items on the table in a certain order (compulsion). It performs these actions in order to suppress a feeling of anxiety (obsession), which inevitably manifests itself from contemplating the disorder.

Compaulsia can be expressed:

  • external actions (recalculation of strips on trousers, shocking small objects, frequent washing of hands and so on);

The obsessions are present in the form:

  • annoying thoughts (for example, about their own professional incompetence);
  • non-profitable fears;
  • doubt in the impeccability of their own actions and reasoning;
  • obsessive alarm about personal relationships;
  • exciting memories relating to the distant past;
  • pathological fear to do something wrong or detect signs (character, appearance, lifestyle), which condemn and ridicule in society;
  • obsessive feeling of physical discomfort.
  • feeling anxiety arising suddenly and prompting a certain action.

Signs and symptoms

The symptoms of obsessive-compulsive disorder are manifested as follows:

  • a person worries about the order, small, insignificant details, imaginable dangers so much that many truly important moments of life go to the background;
  • perfectionism does not allow to complete the started case due to endless alterations caused by doubts and experiences about insufficient quality;
  • all the time and attention is devoted to work in the name of high results. At the same time, a person sacrifices with rest, friendship, interesting leisure, although objectively "game is not worth a candle", that is, victims are not comparable to the remuneration for the results of labor;
  • the suffering from the OKR is highlighted by a pathologically high level of consciousness and responsibility, meticulous and completely not flexible in matters of morality and ethics;
  • a person is experiencing real suffering when it is necessary to throw off the spoiled and unnecessary things;
  • difficulties arise whenever it comes to the need to divide at least a small part of their authority with other people. If this happens, then solely on the condition that the work will be carried out by existing rules;
  • people with OCD are characterized by character hardness and stubbornness. In addition, they are extremely economical and reluctantly spend money, because in the future difficulties, tragedies and catastrophes, which will require financial costs,

If someone has found or a close man of 4 and more signs of those listed above, there is a chance that these are symptoms of development of obsessive-compulsive personality disorder.

Methods of treatment

Therapy of obsessive conditions includes drug treatment and psychotherapy as mandatory elements.


It involves the use of such medical techniques as:

  1. Cognitive-behavioral correction, which was developed by the American psychiatrist D. Schwartz. The technique gives the patient the opportunity to resist the effect of disorder, changing the order of ritual actions, simplifying them to gradually minimize. The method is based on a conscious attitude of a person to its mental problem and the phased resistance to its signs.
  2. "4 steps" is another technique developed by the same psychiatry specialist. Its action is based on the fact that the doctor explains the patient:
    • which of his fears are justified, and which provoked by the effects of the OCR, and therefore do not make sense;
    • as, hitting this or that situation, a healthy person would operate;
    • how can I stop obsessive thoughts.
  3. Exposure and warning is one of the most effective forms of correction of behavior in suffering from OCC. At the same time, the exposition lies in the immersion of the patient to the conditions provoking discomfort in connection with the obsessions. The doctor instructs how to resist urges to perform compulsive actions, forming a prevention of a pathological response. According to statistics, the overwhelming majority of these treatment achieves a persistent improvement in the state. Effect from psychotherapy can last many months.

Other species of psychocorrection are used in the treatment of OCC:

  • group and family
  • rational and obverse:
  • other views.

Medical therapy with psychotropic drugs

Maximum efficiency at the OCC showed antidepressants. When increasing anxiety in the first stages of treatment, they are complemented by tranquilizers. In case of chronic occasion of the OCR, when antidepressants from a number of inhibitors of serotonin inefficient are ineffective, more and more are prescribed atypical antipsychotic drugs.

It is impossible to treat the disease at home and is unacceptable.

How to live from the OCD and is it possible to get rid of it completely

Universal answer to this question does not exist, as it all depends on:

  • severity of disorder;
  • features of a particular person;
  • the presence of motivation to overcome the problem.

The latter is extremely important, as it will come to put up with the situation and adapt to the standards of disorder, it would be wrong. So that life is long, happy, rich and interesting should be aware of the problem and take measures to solve it. Of course, it is better to immediately consult a doctor. Many are trying to cope with the disease independently, but in the absence of special knowledge and skills it can lead to the fact that time will be wasted, and the symptoms will increase.

To change life for the better, IMPORTANT:

  • get the maximum amount of information about obsessive-compulsive disorder. New knowledge will give an understanding of where obsessive states come from and how to manage them;
  • to be open to positive changes whatever they seem unreal;
  • understand that the process of healing requires time, perseverance and patience;
  • communicate with other people suffering from OCD. Such communities are on the Internet. They are useful not only to talk, but also a chance to get a new, useful information.

The OCR, which lasts the years, extends, selects a lot of effort and time, makes discomfort, but has long been treated for a long time and successfully.

Obsessive-compulsive syndrome - mental disorder, having an episodic, progressive or chronic character. This condition is accompanied by the presence of anxious and obsessive ideas, and special actions that allow these thoughts to move for a while.

Obsessive-compulsive disorder is accompanied by alarming ideas that immediately disappear

Symptoms of obsessive-compulsive syndrome

An obsessive-compulsive disorder, also known as neurosis of obsessive states, is manifested by obsessions and compulsions that replace each other. It is important that both of these signs of the disease are present.

The term "obsession" comes from the Latin word "obsessio", which means "siege, covering". So called obsessive, constantly repeating thoughts causing an alarm in a patient.

Among the frequent topics that appear in patients during the obsession, allocate:

  • fear of infection or pollution;
  • cruel, bloodthirsty thoughts and images;
  • obsession by order and symmetry;
  • fear of losing or not to have the right thing;
  • fear to harm yourself or others;
  • religious and moral ideas;
  • superstitious thoughts and beliefs;
  • erotic fantasies aimed at a certain person.

The occurrence of the obsessive state causes anxiety in a patient, acute resistance. Trying to confront the obsession, a person begins to perform compulsive actions.

The term "compelling" comes from the Latin word "compulsio", and translates as "coercion." So called special actions, rituals, helping the person to distract from obsessive thoughts, images or ideas. Rituals can be as physical (example: permanent handwashing for fear of pollution), and mental (example: reading prayers or spells to ourselves).

The obsessions and compulsices are manifested in patients to varying degrees.

There are 3 main options for combining them:

  • predominantly obsessive ideas (number MKB-10 F42.0);
  • mainly obsessive actions (the number of MKB-10 F42.1);
  • mixed obsessive thoughts and actions (number MKB-10 F42.2).

To other symptoms of the OCD, in addition to obsessions and compulsions, include:

  • pain and feeling of tingling in the chest;
  • fatigue, chronic fatigue;
  • full or partial loss of appetite;
  • severe swelling of the legs;
  • constant colds;
  • problems with sleep;
  • worsening memory;
  • dyspnea, difficulty breathing.

One of the Symptoms of the OCD - memory loss

Unlike schizophrenic states, accompanied by intrusive ideas and thoughts, with OCC, a person clearly realizes that the obsessions come from him. He also understands the meaninglessness of compulsive rituals, but can not fight with them.

Causes of Development of OKR

The obsessive state syndrome arises as a result of 3 groups of factors:

  1. Physiological, or medical reasons. These include heredity, head injuries, complications of infectious diseases, neurological deviations. Problems in the work of neurons, a reduced number of neurotransmitters also enters this group.
  2. Psychological reasons. This group includes depression, phobias and psychosis, stressful states trauming memories in children and adults.
  3. Social reasons. Such factors belongs to improper education, complex relationships with relatives and peers, pressure from society.

The exacerbation of impulsively compulsive disorder leads:

  • overpriced or understated self-esteem;
  • a tendency to perfectionism;
  • constant stressful situations;
  • problems in relations with people.

The exacerbation of the obsessive-compulsive disorder causes "magic realism." So called the patient's conviction in the ability to influence the world through spells, prayers or "magical" rituals.

The diagnosis of OCP is more often found in impressionable, wounded, inspired people. For this reason, women put it almost 2 times more often than men.

When to contact a doctor?

Fully cure a obsessive-compulsive personality disorder at home is impossible. To smooth this condition and reduce its manifestations on their own, you can try the following techniques:

  1. Take your diagnosis as a feature of your psyche. Do not try to run away from him.
  2. Realize the unrealities of your alarms and fears. Calculate the idea that nothing terrible will happen if you do not fulfill the ritual.
  3. Quickly praise, reward and delight yourself. Promotions for the refusal of the ritual will allow you to get used to the fact that compulsions can be avoided.

In order to avoid attacks, observe a calm and measured lifestyle

Massage, swimming, relaxing baths will help reduce anxiety. Well work sports and yoga, listening to relaxing music.

If the compauls and obsessions do not get rid of themselves, and the manic obsession of rituals begins to interfere in everyday life, you need to immediately or psychiatrum.

If you ignore the need for treatment, OCC can seriously complicate life.

Diagnosis of obsessive compulsive disorder

To establish the availability of the OCC and determine what caused its appearance, a psychotherapist or psychiatrist conducts such diagnostic measures:

  1. Personal consultation with a specialist. The doctor talks with the patient, polls him, and in the process of the conversation establishes whether the person suffers from obsessions and compulsions.
  2. Psychometric methods. Include the filling of questionnaires and tests that detect the symptoms of the obsessive-compulsive state. The most popular option is the test scale of Yele-Brown.
  3. Laboratory researchwhich includes general and hormonal blood tests, as well as a genetic study on schizophrenic disorders.
  4. Instrumental diagnostics with special devices. This group includes CT and MRI brain, electroencephalogram, an angiogram.

First, the diagnosis is found to consult a psychotherapist, and then additional surveys are appointed.

After all groups of research, the doctor may endure the verdict, which caused the neurosis of obsessive states in a particular case, and whether the patient suffers at all.

Treatment of OCD

An obsessive-compulsive disorder is treated with nootropics, antidepressants of symptomatic drugs and psychotherapy.

Medical therapy

Nootropics, antidepressants and psychostimulants are used to get rid of the OKR. Also used symptomatic therapy.

Groups of drugs Influence on obsessive states Examples of funds
Nootrops Normalize blood circulation in the brain, improve memory, intelligence. Applied with organic brain lesions causeing an obsessive-compulsive state. Picikalon, Nootropyl, Phenibut
Psychostimulators Organic damage to the central nervous system neutralize, allow you to cope with the organic pathologies of the brain provoking the OCD. Vivanse, Ritaline, Dechedrine
Tranquilizers Relax, soothe, eliminate stressful states, anxiety, fear and manifestations of depression. Penazepam, hydroxyzine
Natural sedatives Remove stress, soothe, relax deeply. Allow you to overcome the alarming states and fears arising from the OCC.

Used as symptomatic therapy, also help reduce stress and depressive states.

Persen, New Passitis, Valerian Extract
Chemical sedative Corvalol, Bromommofora


Antipsychotic drugs Increase the concentration, eliminate stress and overvoltage, reduce anxiety. Used as symptomatic therapy. Galloperidol, Quetiapine, Clozapine
Antidepressants Stimulate the production of neurotransmitters, help to overcome depressive states accompanied by intrusive neurosis. Melipramin, Trizadon, Fluoksetin
Vasodinating drugs Restore brainwatering, expanding brain vessels. Help to cope with dementia and neurological pathologies that cause OCC. Nitroglycerin, Lipopord, Mefakor
Antagonists of potassium Strengthen the arteries and vascular walls, improve the blood circulation of the brain, stimulate the metabolism. Help with neurological deviations accompanied by OCD. Nimodipin, Lomir, Cinnarizin
Vitamins Group B. Strengthen nerves help to cope with stress, depression, anxiety. Angovit, Pents, complies in

The drug to strengthen the nervous system


For the correction of obsessive-compulsive syndrome caused by psychological and social factors, such methods are used in psychiatry and psychology:

  • supporting conversations with a psychotherapist;
  • deep-psychological and behavioral therapy;
  • art therapy: drawing, modeling, origami;
  • game classes with playing certain roles.

Classes can be carried out individually, together with family or groups. Depending on the symptoms, these methods can be combined or carried out by one one. Also, the techniques can be complemented by hypnotic effects.


Unlike many other mental abnormalities, the forecast for the OCP is very favorable. An obsessive-compulsive disorder is good to treat. 70% of patients who applied for treatment for a psychotherapist successfully got rid of their illness in the first year after visiting the doctor.

Despite the possibility of rapid cure, in the absence of professional assistance, the OCP will noticeably spoil the life to patients. It often disorders in relations with friends and family life, often provokes problems in career activities.

OCP is good to treat, but patients should be forgotten by some specialties in employment

Having a record "OKR" deprives a person with the opportunity to get into the army, takes some employment opportunities.

Examples of obsessive compulsive disorder

Examples will help more clearly and submit an understanding about painful condition.

Example 1.

A characteristic example of an obsessive-compulsive state will be the fear of infection. With an obsessive idea, the patient is alarming, in contact with the subjects of public use and other people. Comcoupulsia in this case is manifested by a constant washing of hands, which lasts everything longer every time.

Example 2.

Another option of the obsession can be the obsessive idea of \u200b\u200b"correct" alignment of things. Asymmetry, lack of order or inconsistency of the current alignment of objects of the one that the patient considers "proper", causes his fear and discomfort. Compaulsia in such cases is "correct" to attach things.

Example 3.

In children, the disease is often manifested in the intrusive idea of \u200b\u200bforgotten items and accessories for school. Feeling constant excitement about this, the child again and again rechecks his backpack to make sure that everything is needed on the spot.

When OCPs, strange thoughts come to mind

People with obsessive-compulsive disorder suffer from obsessive thoughts that try to drown out no less obsessive actions. To get rid of OCC uses drug treatment and psychological therapy.

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