Setting the synchronization and account display settings. Google Android account synchronization error: how to get rid of it

Engineering systems 21.10.2019
Engineering systems

Like Android users, we think that it is easy to transfer photos, music, video, etc. Between Android phone and computer. However, have you ever had important contacts on Android? Did you move contact with Android to a computer? Do you often save Android contacts? My answer is no. Undoubtedly, contacts are important for us, but we always ignore the creation of copies of the contacts of the Android phone. In this case, Google is sufficiently noble, giving you the ability to synchronize Android contacts with Google using Google Account.

First method: Synchronization of contacts with Google on Android directly

In Method 1, you need to make sure that your Android i phone.

Step 1: Enter Google Account

Settings tab On the Android phone, find the "Account"\u003e "Google Account", log in to your Google account with the address and password Gmail. If you do not have it on your phone, simply create Google account on Android.

Step 2: Make Backup Android Contacts in Google

Tab "Synchronize Contacts". Wait a few minutes to synchronize Android contacts with Google.

If you enable this button, Google automatically synchronizes your Android contacts as soon as you are connected to the Internet. If you disconnect it, it does not synchronize your Android contacts even when Wi-Fi isneed.

Thus, the Android phone must be connected to Wi-Fi. And every time you move contacts from the phone to Google, your previous backup of contacts in Google will be replaced with a new backup.

Second way: how to export contacts from Android to Google using a USB cable

The second method is a bit more complicated in the implementation to synchronize Android contacts with Google. This requires a USB cable.

Step 1: Contact Exports

Tab "Contacts" On the Android phone, you will see a list of contacts. Select the contacts you want to synchronize from Google.

Step 2: Select Contacts

Menu Tab at the right bottom of the contact list\u003e Import / Export\u003e "Move Contacts to Phone". You will see that your contacts are transferred to the internal storage or on the VCARD file (VCF).

Step 3: Export Phone Contacts in Google

Connect the Android phone using a USB cable to a computer. Log in to your Gmail account on PC. Click "Contacts"\u003e "Advanced"\u003e "Import". Click "Overview" to proceed to a backup of synchronized contacts, click "Open" to import phone contacts in Google.

If your PC already has a backup copy of Android contacts, you can skip two steps above and immediately go to step 3.

Tip: Gmail Allows users to import telephone contacts in the VCF or CSV file. This method allows you to synchronize Google contacts with Android phone using a USB cable. But you will need some time to make all the operations on the Android phone.

Third way: Synchronization of phone contacts with Google using Google Applications

If you only need to sync contacts on Android with Google, then these two methods are suitable for you. But if you want to synchronize all your contacts with Google, including randomly deleted contacts on the phone, you can follow the three method. This is the perfect choice for you. Before you start moving phone contacts in Google, you need to use third-party tool and Google Contacts application for Android. The goal is achieved in two steps.

Step 1: Backup Android contacts on PC.

After the contacts scanned, click Contacts on the left, and you will see detailed information. Black contacts are those that are now in the phone, red - were before, but now removed.

Select the contacts you want to restore and press Recover, so these contacts are loaded onto a PC. The exported Android contacts are stored in three formats on the computer in HTML, CSV and VCF.

Step 2: Import contacts in Google

Log in to your Google account, click Contacts\u003e Advanced\u003e Import to Synchronize Backup Android Contacts in Google. (This step is the same as step 3 of the two method).

After complete synchronization of phone contacts with Google account you can control the contacts on

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Those who try to use all the standard Android capabilities are often encountered with synchronization problems. For example, your smartphone works fine, games from the market are loaded, but mail will stop coming, and new contacts and photos are not added to Google account.

The good news is that to solve the problem you do not have to reset the settings or reflash the smartphone. The only thing you need is to remember the password from your account. If you have everything in order with this, follow further instructions.


Go to Google Account in Android settings. Most likely, under the name of the mail, you will see the next picture.

To make sure the availability of a problem, open the account menu. You will read messages about problems, and under items there will be a fairly old date of the last synchronization.

Now you made sure that the case is really in the account. Let's get everything.

Synchronization recovery

Go to "Applications" in Android settings.

Here you need to find the stock program Gmail. Go to its settings and click "Erase Data".

Agree with system warnings.

Without leaving the Gmail settings, scroll down a bit and click "Run".

The main window opens with the name of your account. Boldly go to Gmail.

After entering the password, you will see that the account is not synchronized. You can perform one-time synchronization or adjust it for a certain time and conditions. Act at your own discretion. We advise you to configure everything immediately. It takes a few minutes.

When everything goes, mail and other notifications from the system will start immediately. To check whether everything is in order with contacts, calendar, etc., go to Google's account in Android settings. Here you will see the latest date of the last synchronization.

Most often, this method eliminates the user from the problem for a long time. If it does not help, try saving all the important information and reset the smartphone settings to the factory or reflash the device to the latest available version of Android.

Synchronization is the exchange of data between browsers on your devices. For intermediate data storage, the Yandex server uses where the information is transmitted over a protected channel, and passwords are in encrypted form. The data on the server is protected by the authorization system used on Yandex services. Synchronization provides data access from all your devices and data recovery if the device is lost or broke.

  1. How synchronization works
  2. Enable synchronization
  3. Change the List of Synchronized Data
  4. Disable synchronization

How synchronization works

The default is synchronized passwords, tables on the board, bookmarks, auto-complete and open tabs.

After you have enabled synchronization, it will be executed every time you change the data stored on the server. For example: You add a bookmark to your smartphone - the browser sends it to the server and at the same time downloads all the changes you made on other devices (starting from the moment of last synchronization).

Synchronization will allow you:

  • Customize the browser equally on all your devices.
  • Restore passwords, bookmarks, tabs and browser settings, even if your device fails.
  • View on synchronized devices Open tabs, bookmarks and closed sites.

At any time, you can disable synchronization or change the data list you want to synchronize.

Enable synchronization

Synchronization works when performing the following conditions:

  • on all devices (computer, smartphone, tablet) Yandex.Bauzer installed;
  • all devices are used by the same

Synchronizing data with Google Account is a useful function that has almost every smartphone on Android OS (not counting the Chinese market oriented devices). Thanks to this feature, you can not worry about the safety of the contents of the address book, email, notes, records in the calendar and other branded applications. Moreover, if the data is synchronized, then access to them can be obtained from any device, you just need to enter your google account on it.

On most mobile devices running android, data synchronization is enabled by default. However, various failures and / or errors in the system work may well lead to the fact that this function will be deactivated. About how to enable it, we will also tell me further.

Note: On some smartphones, it is forcibly synchronizing the data in a simpler way - using a special icon in the curtain. To do this, it is necessary to omit it and find the button there. "Synchronization", made in the form of two circular arrows, and set it in an active position.

As you can see, there is nothing difficult to enable data synchronization with google account on the android smartphone.

Turn on the backup function

Some users under synchronization imply data redundancy, that is, copying information from Google's branded applications to the cloud storage. If your task is to create a backup application of applications, address books, messages, photos, videos and settings, then follow these steps:

After performing these simple actions, your data will not only be synchronized with Google account, but also to be stored in the cloudy repository, from where they can always be restored.

Common problems and elimination options

In some cases, data synchronization with Google Account stops working. The reasons for this problem are somewhat, good, to determine them and eliminate quite easily.

Network Connection Problems

Check the quality and stability of the Internet connection. Obviously, in the absence of access to the network on a mobile device, the function in question will not work. Check the connection and, if necessary, connect to stable Wi-Fi or find the zone with a better coating of the cellular communication.

Auto shockronization is turned off

Make sure that the automatic synchronization feature is enabled on the smartphone (5th item from the part "Turn on data synchronization ...").

No entrance to Google Account

Actual OS updates are not established.

Perhaps your mobile device needs to be updated. If you have a new version of the operating system, it must be downloaded and installed.

To check the availability of update open "Settings" and alternately go on points "System""System Update". If you have installed Android version below 8, you will need to open the section. "About phone".

Google - the whole basis of the Green Robot is built on it. When buying a new mobile friend, first of all you need to create your account. After its creation, make some more manipulations for the correct work, the last stage of which is synchronization.

How to perform all these processes and how to enable Google account synchronization on Android at the last stage, described in detail below.

Creating an account

Create it is quite simple, following the advice:

  1. In the proposed field, enter any "name" to choose. It will be registered as an email address. And you have to come up with only the beginning of the address, since the ending @ is set by default.
  2. Come up with a reliable password.
  3. After pressing "OK", a user drawer is created.

In mandatory, you need to remember the address and password, since in the future they will repeatedly be in demand.

Copying and recovery

After creating an account, the system will propose to set backup and recovery. What does it mean?

  • backup is the preservation of all information on the carrier, which is transferred to the account of its owner;
  • recovery - Since the gadget is a computer brainchild, a failure may occur at any time. In addition, the owner can reinstall and reset to the factory settings on its own initiative. If any reinstallation, all information will be deleted. In order not to lose it, the "restoration" will help, which after reinstallation will restore everything, without loss. The whole base will be stored in the so-called "cloud".

How to enable Google account synchronization on android

Synchronization is able to make work as comfortable as possible. Main advantages:

  1. Browser. After synchronization, the user with each entrance to the sites on which is registered (for example, classmates, VKontakte, Avito) will access them. There will be no need to enter login and password every time.
  2. Contacts. The function is convenient not only on smartphones. Most modern tablets are issued with the capabilities of the phone (with their help you can make calls). All rooms available on the gadget will be synchronized with Google, it will allow you to change all phone numbers when changing or loss of the SIM card.
  3. Access to applications. Applications can be safely downloaded from a special play of Play Market, which is installed on all Robot devices. Such applications include games, antivirus programs, movies, music, books, social networks, text editors, browsers, live wallpapers, translators and many others, depending on needs. All the options for Play Market will be available only after synchronization.

To disassemble how to do this, the following recommendations will help. As an assistant, the Lenovo tablet is on the Robot Robot RAM version 6.0.

First of all, go to the settings, scroll to almost the end to the "personal data", to find the Account Count.

A window will open in which to select Google.

Next, click on the post address (will appear automatically), synchronization will begin. Please note that it requires connection to the Internet. The process can start independently, and manual pressing for all arrows may be required.

The process is completed. With this system operation, the following parameters are synchronized:

  • browser (in this example chrome);
  • gmail (email user);
  • Play movies;
  • photo;
  • disk;
  • applications;
  • the calendar;
  • contacts.

Gadget is ready for full and planned work!

Periodically, the update is required, especially after disconnecting the Internet, to overall improvement and for other reasons. To do not bother with all the above manipulations every time, you can turn on automatic mode. How to enable it, consider in detail below.

  • To start to act on the already familiar scheme. Go to settings, walk to "personal data", select the Account Count.

Important! When you turn on autosynchronization, a faster battery consumption is possible. Synchronization will constantly work in the background, regularly updated, and accordingly - the technique will be in active status, and the battery life will become less long-term.

To disable auto mode, you need to remove the "tick". But when the system messages are not coming off! For example, about the received letters on the mailbox. This may cause an important information in time. So you have to choose: to regularly enter your mailbox, in manual control, connect synchronization of the base or sacrifice the battery charge, but on time to receive all important news.

If you decide to buy a new smartphone or you need to transfer many information from the gadget, the synchronization will become a chopstick. If you get on from any media at the top account, you can open all the data from the original source.

As can be seen from the article, the problem of how to enable the usual or automatic synchronization of Google account on Android, is quite easy to solve. The tricks that make it very easy to help simplify the use of the beloved "robot"! Make your virtual space as comfortable as possible!

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