What business is better to do in the year. Business ideas with minimal investments

Engineering systems 12.10.2019
Engineering systems

By asking yourself the question of which business will be relevant in 2016-2017 in the context of the crisis in Russia, it must be remembered that his own business is a popular area of \u200b\u200bactivity that allows a person to reveal his aspirations and embody them into reality.

According to the latest estimates, in our country today more than 3 million citizens are entrepreneurs in different legal status - IP, LLC. Business demand is explained by economic features, difficulties with a job. Many businessmen came to understand what they want to work independently, to be implemented in a certain direction. Some have discovered the case not to be subordinate.

Business with minimal investments

In order to start profitably, without investing the large amounts of money, it is necessary to study the market, to identify, in which of its spheres the demand is always consistently great. Below we will provide a list of profitable ideas for opening a business that do not require high costs at the initial stage.

Hairdresser at home

According to research, even during the crisis, people want to look good, so the opening of the hairdresser or beauty salon will be a good solution. For those who cannot afford large investments, you can provide the services of a hairdresser-stylist at home.

Sale of wood

Another type of business without large investments - sale of firewood. In general, even in the crisis, the demand will be great, because today gas has been carried out in each village, and it is necessary to give up at home in the cold period. It does not need to buy equipment, it is only necessary to take a place to store wood and the car for delivery. At the initial stage, you can use the old Gazelle. Additional costs - Purchase chainsaws.

Council. Open this case follows where there is a demand - in areas, small cities.

The demand for firewood is always stable, because it is impossible to drop the house with electricity due to high cost. Alone to prepare firewood may not all, so customers will always. Purchase raw materials for the subsequent workpiece of firewood and sales at low prices can be in forest areas or directly on wood processing enterprises for which it will be necessary to conclude a contract with management.

Fast food

Fast food - Niche, which even in crisis conditions will be in demand. If funds for opening a cafe or purchase of vending machines are not enough, then forget about the dream will not need. To implement the conceived, you can take advantage of the idea of \u200b\u200bopening a trading tray for the sale of Fastfud. So one of the options is the sale of Corn-Dogs (sausages in a dough on a stick). Attachments here will be small, and the incomes are consistently high.

Smoked production

Smoked production can also be a successful business in a crisis, as people want to eat high-quality and delicious food. The demand for products will always be great, since many will not stop celebrating the holidays. Industrial production is based on the use of "liquid smoke", it reduces the cost, but deprives the products of the unique fragrance. The use of the smoke will fill meat or fish with a smoke, no taste amplifiers will need, therefore, the finished product will be high quality. This guarantees constant demand, as most people can not afford the purchase of delicacies especially in the crisis. Investments in this type of business will be minimal.

Council. Before opening a business associated with smoke, it is necessary to issue all documents and permissions to work with food.

Harbage production

Another type of business that will not cease to be relevant even in the conditions of crisis, is the production of bread and baking. Attachments here can be different - much depends on the aspirations and opportunities of the entrepreneur. For those who cannot afford a large starting capital, you can implement idea using the usual one. Over time, the income received from sales will allow you to open your own bakery. Baking bread is one of the most relevant business ideas that make it possible to receive a stable profit into the crisis. At the initial stage, you can oven:

  • bread;
  • buns;
  • cakes.

For convenience, it is necessary to organize production at home, taking orders using the phone or the Internet.

Term focus on fabric

People in the crisis need rest and entertainment. That is why the actual type of business will be the production of knitwear with various images created to order - to thermal on the fabric. Here the focus should be paid to the development of marketing moves. It will be necessary to invest in an advertising company, create groups on social networks if funds are limited. Immediately for thermal printing on the fabric you will need:

  • thermal film;
  • printer;
  • thermobumaga.

Revenues will be stable, as this service is popular.

Business in a small town: what option to choose

Open your business dreams and those people who live in small towns or villages. Before asking yourself, what business will be relevant in 2016-2017 in the context of the crisis in Russia, it is necessary to take into account the peculiarity of the area in which the opening of its business is planned.

The specificity of small cities is a quiet, measured, provincial life, therefore, to open a business follows that not violated the usual mistake, but was interesting to local residents. For the businessman himself, this is a great opportunity to radically change your life, bring paints and variety into it.

In large cities of opportunities for the implementation of business ideas and projects a lot - advertising works quickly, there are many inspiration sources. For a small town, the opening of the boutique or nightclub will be not relevant, but in the conditions of the crisis - unprofitable. That is why the best way to get guaranteed profits is a business at various services.

Photo studio

The opening of the photo studio will become an excellent option. People want beautiful and important events in their lives to be captured by professionals, so the photographer services will be in demand and are relevant even in conditions of saving money. In addition, the photo studio can engage in the manufacture of photos for documents. You can increase profits and receive a stable income by providing the service of field shooting, for example, at weddings or birthdays. In small cities, such services are in demand and cost enough to quickly recoup all attachments.

Computer and household appliances repair services

Repair of household appliances or computers will be repaired as a successful business. In megalopolis, workshops are located in different areas, so finding a specialist is not difficult. Little cities most often have a deficit in such services, so business repairs will make a profit and in demand for residents. Under the crisis, it will be much more profitable to repair the thing than to acquire a new one, the influx of customers will be high, and at the same time income from business.

Private kindergarten

Today, in the context of the current economic situation, it is necessary to take into account the needs of people before opening a business. In small towns, the problem of pre-school institutions is sharply. Children's gardens are few, the queue in them is usually very big, so there may be no places in them. Consequently, the opening of a private kindergarten will be an excellent alternative to waiting or searching for a nanny. The amount of starting capital here is quite large, which must be considered in advance, but also the return on all investments will come quickly. The demand for such a service will be stable, provided that the payment for finding a child in the garden will be acceptable.

Developing Center for Children

For small cities, questions of the circles for children remain relevant. Musical and art schools may not be in the city in general, so the business can be aimed at the opening of the dance school. Many parents are interested in developing children to develop new knowledge and skills. That is why the demand for such a service will be consistently high.

Choosing the direction of work, the businessman must take into account the possibility of self-teaching. As for the starting capital, it all depends on how much students are planned in the group. First you can develop a business, arranging individual classes. It is also not necessary to neglect fashionable areas and trends, it is necessary to teach current areas that cause increased interest. You should also develop a good advertising campaign, as in any other form of business, to gain the necessary number of students in the group.

Satellite television

The installation of satellite antennas will also become a profitable business in a small town, as the teldling signal is not always good, and the Internet speed does not allow watching video online. With the help of a conventional antenna, it is impossible to connect to modern channels, so the demand for satellite television will be high. In order to open this business, you will need:

  1. car;
  2. tool;
  3. the device for setting the antennas;
  4. satellite map.

It is necessary to have a staircase for work at height.

Thus, the business in the crisis of 2016-2017 in Russia pleases the diversity of ideas and the possibilities of incarnation, both in large and small cities.

Business ideas with minimal investments - video

To determine which business is relevant in 2017, it is important first to navigate the region, the settlement in which you want to work. At the same time, not in all cases will have to carry out a complex deep analysis - to assess the most popular areas, which keep stable demand, sometimes it is enough to look around. However, one should not forget that this or that industry in different times can be both more and less demanded. The relevance depends on the set of factors to which:

  • Economic situation in the country and the standard of living of the population.
  • Competition level in the city, region.
  • The type of settlement (a large or small town, whether tourism flourishes there, the number of population, mentality, the average age) - it is easy to guess that very popular in Moscow will be irrelevant in the village and vice versa.
  • The number of potential buyers, customers - the exact figures will not succeed, but the approximate information will be extremely useful and will serve as a decisive factor.

Thinking on what business to open, it is important to be confident in your abilities, the possibilities and availability of an entrepreneurial alike. In addition, it is necessarily important to pay attention to how developed the selected sphere, including achievements abroad. In practice, a lot of ideas in business, which are very successful abroad, and failed in Russia.

Favorable directions

Choosing, what business to do in 2017, it is necessary to take into account the fact that there are niches that remain relevant at any time, regardless of external circumstances. Others differ in rapid development at a certain time, disappearing completely or transforming into something new depending on the factors that were listed above. There is nothing new in it, this is a pattern. People change, their interests and needs change, there is a rapid development of technologies. For this reason, planning the most profitable business, it is important to understand that it may not remain so throughout its existence.

Predominantly advantageous business

Field of activity

What is noteworthy

Entrepreneurs, medium and large companies pay for high-quality, creative advertising good money. There may be services to create slogans and layouts, printing of leaflets, business cards, tickets on tickets, the manufacture of posters, banners, and so on, depending on your capabilities.

Production and sale of environmental foods

Today, on the shelves of stores, a quality product is a deficit. Making the right accent during promotion, the demand for products will be large, and profitability will quickly pay off costs.

Retail household and casual sales

This includes clothing, food products, hygiene items, but always evaluate the level of competition and further concept in development.

Education services

Today, a considerable percentage of adult citizens is engaged in their own education. Among actual areas, tutoring, advanced training, learning languages.


In connection with the economic situation, the standard of living of many citizens decreased, which forces them to apply to the structures for obtaining financial support. Lombard can be discovered both specialized and multifunctional (on reception not only metals, household appliances, but also other valuable things).

Institutions for children

Public kindergartens are famous for limited places and not too high level of arrangement.

Own production of ecoproducts

Considering the options for which business is now relevant in 2017, in first place, perhaps, it is necessary to bring such a sought-after niche as the production of high-quality agricultural products. In the conditions of introducing sanctions on a large list of imports and tangible deterioration in the quality of products on store shelves and the population, and the state is interested in the existence of such a business. From the government, it is even possible to try to get the Grand if we competently prepare a good project that meets all the requirements and regulations.

This sphere is very profitable, equipping its small farming in some environmentally friendly village, it is possible to successfully deal with the cultivation of vegetables, fruits, berries (especially well), the production of dairy products, in particular, cheeses, oils, and so on. Customers will always be on such an assortment, including wholesale deliveries, so such a business profitable from all sides.

Food is always needed, high-quality and domestic valued high. In addition, even when removing sanctions, the benefit will not be lost, since a good foreign product will cost will be significantly more expensive, and there are low-quality cheap products now.

Meat case

Favorable in the Conditions of 2017, the sale of chilled meat is also. Again, food is always in demand, regardless of the economic situation, and meat, as well as dairy products, in Russia is the basis of the diet. What is important, the shaped carcass is always more expensive.

To begin with, you can do something simpler, for example, a cutting chicken meat. Many scene does not occupy, in contrast to pork or beef. The meaning of this business itself is the purchase of whole chicken cooled carcasses, their further cutting by pieces, the production of minced meat and the subsequent sale of a recycled product. The pricing policy in each region is its own, but, nevertheless, the increment on the shaped meat is about fifty percent of the entire carcass. Farm and is estimated at all more than twice.

To start such a business, make a search for suitable premises for its purchase or rent, then find a reliable supplier, for example, in the wholesale market. When choosing a room, it is important to remember that it should be non-residential and comply with all sanitary and fire protection requirements. By registering as an individual entrepreneur and rented premises officially, the latter is important to be reasonably equipped.

Starting stands with a small batch in a couple of dozen kilogram. Next, refer to the correct pricing policy, given the costs and prices of the closest competitors.

Professional photographer

In 2017, such a business, as professional services of the photographer, remains relevant and profitable is very good. Having good equipment and successful experience in this area, including competent digital processing of the footage, to create a client base will not be so complicated.

Despite the fact that today, many people are positioning themselves as photographers, even having their own portfolio and promotional pages, finding themselves among them a truly professional is not so simple. It will be a big advantage to graduate from special courses, thoroughly study the technique, to determine the target audience, develop an advertising campaign, present several successful works.

Today, many more clearly pay for digital processing, because of which photographs lose their naturalness and details. In practice, few people are able to choose the right angle, without circumciding important elements on the edges. Good animal photographers too find hard.

It makes sense to engage in this case only if you have in this ability, and not just a good technique and the desire to earn. As for promotion, social networks is not enough, it makes sense to start your small site and run advertising in the city.

Decorating and design

Among the current business for creative and talented entrepreneurs, a niche of decoration of holidays and creating design in premises and landscape is open.

To open this kind of case, it is desirable to graduate from the relevant courses to be guided not only by personal taste, but also draw ideas from the knowledge gained, which are never unnecessary. Moreover, the availability of documents on professionalism is the reason to establish good rates for their services, showing that they are not taken from the air.

Profitable design and decorating companies always have their portfolio, projects and accomplished ideas. It is important to be able to be able and correctly voiced, present not only in words, but also offering potential customers catalogs of various materials, colors that are beneficial for them. Thematic, and classic options should be thought out in advance, it is important to be able to combine styles and understand them, tracking modern trends.

The creation of your site is necessarily, as well as the spread of bright advertising in the city. It is necessary to clearly think over the spectrum of its services, pricing, not forgetting to analyze the profitability of the idea in your city and the availability of competition.

Repair and mini-hotels

Current business at all times, especially the summer period is the construction and repair services of indoor premises. It is important to discover such a matter, having certain skills, skills, experience and understanding of specific nuances of activity. For the start, the capital is not needed. The registration of an individual entrepreneur accessible, problems with the sanitary and epidemiological service and fire supervision will not be, as we are not talking about and not about the sphere of beauty.

It will take to remove a small office space, make the purchase of the necessary tools to work, create your own website, albeit one-page, form a work brigade of several people. It is advisable to develop and order a working form so that your idea looks solid. For the functioning of the office, the simplest computer or laptop, telephone, printer for printing of estimates and other documents, prepared catalogs with materials and so on.

To do in 2017, it also makes sense to open a hostel - now such mini hotels are becoming increasingly popular, focusing on low cost for guests. This business pays off more profitable other options - on average from six months to one and a half years.

Cargo transportation and cafeteria

Freight transportation in the city, region, country are relevant. In this case, you can work yourself or honeying several carriers with your own cars. Your cargo transport can be available or can be taken in the leasing company. After analyzing competition, the availability of enterprises that will make your potential range of targeted customers, the demand for such services and, making sure that the green light is very profitable for all items.

The most presentable entrepreneurs must have their own website. In the case of freight transportation, it is enough to create a lending - you can cope with it yourself, knowing the principles of promotion, or contacting professionals immediately. Offering services on favorable terms, the client base, in particular, from the same entrepreneurs, is being studied relatively quickly. At first, it makes sense not only to launch advertising, but also call in the company you are interested in, or sending them a letter of cooperation. Of course, for this, your activity should be officially registered.

Catering niches are no less profitable, despite the greater competition in every location. The most favorable and rapid boiled idea is a coffee shop, which will be somewhat easier than a standard cafe. For this business is characterized by constant demand with the right choice of location, depending on which it is oriented. It is necessary to thoroughly think about which establishment is better to open in your city to be able to compete with deservedly.

Development of business on your own skills

As mentioned above, one of the profitable business niches is private education. We are talking about training courses, in particular, profitable language for children and adults, tutoring for schoolchildren and students, design in the field of interior or IT-technologies, martial arts sections, dance training, yoga, and so on. Recent years, the tendency in self-development among the population is stable, and the demand continues to grow in almost every location.

Private kindergartens and pre-school educational institutions are also profitable, including narrow-directed. If you open a small such center, providing it with everything you need and modern, competently pick up employees with pedagogical education and, desirable, experience, you can offer a worthy alternative to state and even some private similar institutions. Parents today prefer to choose the best of the best, especially since private owners have become affordable, and the difference between establishments is large.

After analyzing the situation in his own city, appreciating the demand and financial capabilities of the population, you can take the opening of a specialized center for children with elevated needs. For good reputation and efficient work, special staff education will be required, the best modern techniques and weighty start-up capital. However, for such an idea, you can try to enlist public support.

Car service and hairdressers

Continuing to consider which business is beneficial to have in 2017 and which brings the best income, car wash deserve attention. This segment is always in demand, the number of vehicles in all settlements is considerable, and the competition is not too big, comparing with the same justice.

To open the car wash, a special room and equipment will be required, so the starting capital must be competently thought out. Of course, you can start with the contact washing, where workers will be washed with car wash. Such services are cheaper, creating a certain target audience, but it is worth remembering that progress is moving forward rapidly and the advantage is now automated services.

The most demanded now service centers for maintenance and repair of machines are now. Even small, but with good masters, let him alone or their two, quickly dealt in the city a good reputation.

Whatever ideas attend you in the process of choice, any businesses are important to build on what you know and something oriented. At all times, the masters of the hairdresser are appreciated and good stylists. At the same time, for the opening of a private hairdresser somewhere in a residential area, much money will not be required, and the payback is high. Therefore, boldly discover my job, having planted it carefully.

In practice, it has been repeatedly proven that a successful profitable business can be discovered in a crisis. The most important thing is to find out what product or service is in demand in not very favorable conditions in the market. In this article we will try to figure out which small business is now relevant in 2019 and we describe several ideas that are the most promising in the coming years.

Glass beams

Beginner entrepreneurs who are looking for which business is now relevant in 2019, they often become preferred to this direction of activity as waste processing, and in particular, glass. If you correctly organize the process, starting from acceptance of secondary raw materials and ending with the sale of finished products, you can earn good money. Newbies who want to implement this can issue a state subsidy or get a loan on preferential terms. This is a good option for people who are looking for ways.

In order to organize an enterprise on the recycling of glass, you will not need large financial investments. The largest cost of expenses is the purchase of equipment. Raw materials can be purchased from the population for a penny. Many people gladly get rid of unnecessary glass containers, especially if for it they will also pay some money.

The purified glass battle is purchased by wholesale many industrial enterprises, so no problems should arise with its sales. If you decide to open your own business and do not know which business is relevant in 2019, be sure to consider more this promising idea.

The separator and crusher for the processing of glass waste will cost you 300 thousand rubles. But such a line will not be able to provide high performance. More powerful equipment is much more expensive, approximately 1.5 million rubles.


  • Low competition level;
  • State support;
  • Development prospects;
  • High profits.


  • Expensive equipment;
  • Problems with the collection of glass waste.

To the question of which business is relevant now, it is impossible to give an unequivocal answer, but most often experts are advised to make the processing of any secondary raw materials. It can be both glass and plastic, paper, metal or wood. Choose a suitable and proceed to work. With proper approach, your small processing company can turn into a multi-profile high-profit complex for the collection, sorting and recycling of waste.

Matting glass

We continue the conversation about what business is relevant in 2019 in Russia. We told how you can make money on glass waste. Now let's talk about the glass, or rather about his matting. This is a fairly profitable occupation that allows you to receive a decent income practically without financial investments. In the pores, this case can be engaged in parallel with the main work. To do this, it is necessary to organize in a garage or other utility room a workshop on glass matting. If you do such a promising and profitable business, you can no longer think about what business is relevant today in the context of the crisis.

Most often to mature glass use a special paste. Bank weighing 2.5 kg costs 2.5 thousand rubles. It is enough for the processing of 25-35 square meters. Meters of glass. After matting, the value of the material increases by 50-100%.

If you want to increase the profitability of your business, invite a person with artistic abilities. It will create original drawings and stencils. For one hour of work, you can earn about 2 thousand rubles. If you work only 20 days a month to three hours, your income will be 120 thousand rubles. Matting glass is the easiest answer to the question of which small business is now relevant in 2019, since such a service is in high demand.


  • Simple technology;
  • Minimum investments;
  • High demand.


  • Work with fragile material;
  • Difficulties with finding customers.

To attract consumer attention to your business, give a few of your works to friends or colleagues. They will show them with their familiar, after which the "Sarafan Radio" will start working. If you want to understand which business is relevant to the 2019 crisis, try, experiment and you will definitely find the answer to your question.

Installation of stretch ceilings

According to experts, this is the installation of stretch ceilings. It can be logged in with small financial investments. The installation of the stretch ceiling is not too time-consuming task that does not require any special skills, so any person can do this, regardless of its age and education.

You will need about 70 thousand rubles for the purchase of office office equipment, assembly equipment and consumables. During the day of the brigade of two places 30-40 square meters. Meters of stretch ceilings. The average cost of such a service is 1.5 thousand rubles per 1 square meter. meter, that is, they can earn about 50 thousand rubles. Of these, 30% is the cost of material, 20% - the salary of the workers, 10% - additional costs. The rest of the money is your pure earnings. If you fulfill at least 10 such orders for a month, you can earn a month to 200 thousand rubles per month. When doing this profitable business, you will no longer have to think about what business is relevant in 2019.


  • Saving services;
  • Fast payback;
  • Stable income.


  • Large advertising costs.

In order to quickly promote its proposal on the market and show consumers, what business is current in 2019, try to stand out among competitors with our uniqueness. For example, you can add a cleaning of the room after carrying out repair work or free design of ceiling design. Do not forget that the success of any company depends largely on successful sales.

Cafe healthy nutrition

Reflecting on what business is now relevant in our country, I would like to separately note the field of catering. Many modern people began to take care of their health, so recently there have been many different cafes and restaurants that offer not only delicious, but also an environmentally friendly healthy food. Given the tendency to popularize the proper nutrition, such a direction of activity looks quite promising for beginner entrepreneurs who ask the question, which business is relevant in our time.

At the stage of the formation of a cafe of healthy food will not bring much income, but if you do not ignore your hands and constantly develop your work, in the future you can achieve great success. If you can not decide which business is relevant in our time, try your hand in this market segment. In addition, it is still not fully saturated with other entrepreneurs. Even in large megalopolis, you can find only a few such institutions.


  • Broad development prospects;
  • High profitability;
  • A small level of competition;
  • Fast payback.


  • Difficulties with the involvement of visitors;
  • Problems with the purchase of environmentally friendly products;
  • Large capital investments.

The profitability of such a business reaches a level of 40%. With such high indicators, the payback period will come in 1-1.5 years. A healthy cafe is a great option, but if you do not have experience in this area, it is better to open a cafe on a franchise.

Laser show

In search of a response to the question of which business will be relevant in 2019, novice entrepreneurs consider different areas of activity. A good idea for newbies is the organization and holding of laser shows. This is a faithful way to make money at various solemn events - corporate parties, weddings and anniversaries. To implement such a project, you will need decent startup capital, but it will pay off in the shortest possible time.

The simplest one-color installation costs 500 thousand rubles. For multicolor equipment will have to give about 700 thousand rubles. In addition, you need to buy several screens and a smoke gun. This will take another 100 thousand rubles.

Conducting one laser show costs about 100 thousand rubles. If you hold 10 views per month, all initial investments will pay off in 2-3 months. Newcomers who are interested in what small business is relevant in 2019, you do not need to lose sight of the sphere of entertainment. Here you can find many promising and quite profitable ideas.


  • High profitability;
  • Fast payback;
  • Saving services.


  • Major capital investments;
  • Permanent advertising costs.

To get a good income, you need to constantly monitor all fashion trends. Only, in this case, you can get a reputation as a successful laser show organizer. As you can see, this is a fairly profitable idea for newcomers who want to figure out what kind of business is now relevant in our country.

Eastern Spice Store

In order to determine what small business is now relevant, it is not necessary to seek help from experts. It is enough to carefully examine the market and identify the most demanded goods or services. Do not give up the idea if the chosen market segment has a high level of competition. There are many effective ways that allow us to make a business much more interesting than that of competitors. If you want to avoid the "battle" with other entrepreneurs, choose some narrow specialization, for example, open the store of eastern spices.

Some seasonings are difficult to find in ordinary stores, so consumers often visit specialized outlets that offer a wide range of various spices. If you are wondering what business is relevant in a small town, and at the same time there is still no such store in your settlement, we boldly begin to implement this simple and quite profitable idea. Profitability of selling seasonings and spices reaches 100%.

Entrepreneurs who do not have large starting capital to open the store can rent in a shopping center or a supermarket a small area and set a stand with spices. In this case, you do not have to spend money on advertising, because the goods will be in sight of buyers. It is enough to make a bright, attractive signboard.


  • Small competition;
  • High profitability;
  • Constant demand for goods;
  • Small financial injections.


  • Specific product that requires special storage conditions.
  • For the purchase of spices and rent a trading point, you will spend about 200 thousand rubles. In the city with a population of at least 100 thousand people. Complete payback of business will come in 1.5-2 years.

According to experts, this year will become a real test for small and medium businesses. But if you minimize all the risks, you can read these difficult times. Perspective directions of small businesses in 2019, which we will tell in this article will help you to keep afloat and at the same time get a stable income.


Under the promising areas of business development in Russia, ideas that are directed to the region, where they will be implemented are implied. This is especially true of production:

  • Food;
  • Essential goods;
  • Medicines;
  • Building materials.

These are the most promising areas of business in a crisis, whose development can be obtained by Grand.

Natural goods

A healthy lifestyle is in trend, so the demand for natural food is growing every day. If you decide to open a family business and are looking for the most promising business areas, make it possible to grow organic vegetables and fruits, dilution of poultry or cattle, fish farming and other.

Natural products are products with a small shelf life. They have no preservatives or any other chemical additives, so such products quickly deteriorate. If you want to implement this, you need to take care of sales markets. Environmentally friendly vegetables should fall into the shops directly from the beds, and the meat must be delivered to consumers 2-3 hours after the hammer. If you can not find wholesale buyers, try selling products to the Internet in the store with home delivery by prior order.


In the life of people who are engaged in sewing, knitting, pottery and other handmade work, sooner or later there is a moment when all family members are trimmed and rided, the house is filled with furniture, and lockers in the kitchen are clogged with original dishes. If the desire does not create, it means that it's time to turn your hobby into a source of income.

Handmade is a rather promising direction of small businesses. People who decided to devote themselves to art can perform private orders, create educational projects or produce goods and implement it in the online store.

Almost all the masters seek to strengthen their own significance, including financially, therefore convey their studies. One group master class for one participant costs several thousand rubles. It is worth noting that the most promising direction of small businesses is master classes on the network. To increase profitability, you can parallel to sell materials for creativity. By the way, at this stage of development, you can try to get help with small business from the state. If you manage to convince the officials in the fact that it is really worth it, they can highlight you a certain amount for the development of the enterprise.


If we speak specifically about the most promising areas of business of 2019, the public catering, mediation sphere, tourist services, and all that is associated with housing and communal services can be a good investment of funds.


Some believe that Russia is a country of extinct villages. Indeed, in rural areas it is difficult to find a good job or open your business. But if you find a promising direction of business development, you can get a decent income. For example, you can do rustic tourism.

Many residents of cities prefer to spend vacation in nature. People who have no dacha are renting a house in the countryside for the summer season and try on the role of a peasant. Agrotourism is a great idea. Entrepreneurs who are engaged in such a matter find houses for rent, help the owners make repairs and conduct an advertising campaign. It is a promising direction of small businesses in 2019 will begin to gain momentum, so it needs communicable, interested in the earnings of businessmen.

Personnel search

This new promising business area has many advantages. According to experts, the personnel agency is one of the most affordable activities. Most often, such a business opens newcomers who do not have experience in business. In order to organize a recruitment agency, you will need a small starting capital and several assistants.

Nowadays, many companies face the problem of finding qualified personnel. Therefore, such a service is in great demand. The profitability of the business is 15-25%. Complete payback occurs after 1-1.5 years.


Reflecting on what the direction of the business is promising in our country, it is impossible not to remember the mediation. Such activities are highly profitable with minimal financial investments.

The mediator owns information that has no customer or performer. Thanks to this, he manipulates pricing and makes a profit. This simple work allows you to get a good income.

The most common ideas in the field of mediation:

  • Rent and selling real estate;
  • Repair of apartments;
  • Advertising;
  • Sale of cars and so on.

Many people earn money by hard labor, without even suspecting that they can be "done from the air." Start with essential goods and gradually build a system that will provide you with stable earnings.

Private communal service

Such a promising direction of medium-sized businesses allows entrepreneurs to earn good money at housing and utilities services. According to statistics, out of 6 thousand housing and operating offices operating in our country, only 6% are part of private enterprises. This market segment is practically free, so any newcomer can achieve great success in this area.

You can provide the following services:

  1. Cleaning of the house territory;
  2. Cleaning entrances;
  3. Haircut lawn;
  4. Repair of sports and playgrounds;
  5. Plumbing works and electrician services.

The only drawback of this business is untimely payment of services. Debts for payments for utilities Sometimes reaches 25-35%. In case of non-payment, it is possible to rent basements and compensate for expenses for this.


If you think about the scope of sales. Small costs at the start, fast payback and simplicity of the organization of business processes, attract many novice businessmen.

The most promising ideas in the field of trade:

  • Food;
  • Shoes and clothing;
  • Medicines;
  • Essential goods;
  • Building materials;
  • Presents;
  • Ecoproducts.

If you choose a niche correctly, the business will flourish and bring good income.


Vending business is the sale of goods through self-service machines. Vending is one of the most affordable and promising types of business. To be profitable, you need to purchase several vending machines. The next stage is the choice of activity. It may be for sale:

  • Coffee and tea;
  • Chewing gum;
  • Chips;
  • Cooled drinks;
  • Children's toys and so on.

The payback period of one machine - 1-1.5 years. The highest profitability is the devices with which you can sell goods with a large markup. For example, an extra charge of 300-500% can be placed on the cooked coffee. But chips or children's toys are drawing up not more than 20-30%.

In order for this business to be successful, you need to organize a network of automata in the city. Choose the most passable places in our settlement, determine which product is in demand in the population and proceed to business. For example, an automatic creation of coffee and tea will be very popular at the university or hostel. We can place several payment terminals and an ATM in shopping centers with the same success. After a couple of years, with success and competent approach, you will become a secured person.

Fitness clothing store

Many modern women are ready to pay for clothes for fitness more than an exclusive evening dress. Companies that produce sportswear are trying to make their customers as convenient as possible, so they constantly develop new models. If you are interested, discover a small fitness clothing store.

Such goods are in demand in almost all cities of Russia. In each settlement there are people who are engaged in sports and lead an active lifestyle. If you want business to develop and brings good income, you need to understand well in the specifics of sportswear. Constantly replenish the range of new items, and you will not have a lack of clients.

In addition to clothes, you can additionally single out a separate sale area for sports goods: dumbbells, hula-chupies, rugs for yoga, rope, balls, etc. This whole inventory will certainly be in demand and bring you an additional income.

Social projects

Of course, any social project does not make a profit as quickly as various high-tech startups. But for its implementation, specialized knowledge is not needed. In addition, such projects can safely count on. In addition, they are supported by all sorts of funds. For example, the development fund of the Internet initiatives offers any team of 800 thousand rubles, which will be able to offer an interesting Internet idea containing a social aspect. For this, he takes only 7% of the shares. If you think about paying attention to such interesting offers.

The most promising business area in 2019 in this area is projects aimed at helping elderly people. In our country, the number of pensioners will soon exceed 40 million people, so in the future any development that relate to health care or entertainment for the elderly people will be popular. Also in demand all sorts of developing centers for children, where kids can play, communicate and play sports. Another promising business line of 2019 in the social sphere - processing of garbage and waste. This niche is practically free, so you can achieve great success in this segment.


Unfortunately, many novice entrepreneurs do not have large starting capital, so they are looking for. It can be a beneficial fast food, various flexible media projects or the use of franchises. Such promising directions of small businesses in Russia are available to many beginners, both in knowledge and financial investments.

Franchise attract many layers of the population. This is a ready-made business product, which from the first day of work brings profit. You do not have to create and promote it in the market. The franchise networks have their customer database. This perspective direction of small and medium-sized businesses is perfect for novice entrepreneurs, since the owners of the franchise independently find a place for the future enterprise, develop the design of the room and form an assortment.

Franchise is the most promising business direction in the crisis. You do not have to test the idea because it is tested in practice. Franchise can be purchased in different fields of activity. In our country there are more than 1.5 thousand. Experts recommend novice franchisees, focus on well-known projects that are easier to attract customers. The cost of franchise fluctuates in the range of 150,000-15,000,000 rubles.

Educational projects

This promising business line in Russia is suitable for people who are not strong in creativity, but at the same time have good pedagogical abilities. We are talking about mass learning - courses, circles or studios. The subject of learning can be any:

  • Cooking;
  • Internet technologies;
  • Psychology of communication;
  • Foreign languages \u200b\u200band so on.

If the entrepreneur hires teachers to work, he needs to receive a license for educational activities. To spend money on issuing permits, hire teachers registered as IP.

There are constant demand for certain types of goods and services, and new topical niches for business appear in 2017.


The number of small enterprises in the country is growing annually, despite the forecasts of skeptics. From August 1 of this year, the Federal Tax Service has opened a single register of SME subjects for general use, and 5,523,765 records were on this date. On December 1 - already 5,841,509, that is, in 4 months their number increased by almost 6%. This suggests that the flow of those who want to open their business does not decrease. To understand which business is relevant in 2017, we note the niche, which marks the growth of business activity, and we present forecasts of experts.

Actual business model: Opening of the lease from handymen, income of 1.7 million rubles. in year .

A brief overview of statistics: how little business lives

According to Rosstat, 2015, a significant part of the SME is engaged in trade and household services related to the repair of household appliances, individual use objects (Fig. 1).

Interestingly, the analysis of the number of unprofitable enterprises shows minor fluctuations over the past three years (Table 2). From the given data, we can conclude that this value is rather stable for each type of activity. So, better results in wholesale, retail, and, oddly enough - in construction.

Table 2. The proportion of unprofitable small enterprises in% to the total number of accounting reporting. Source: Directory Rosstat, 2015.


Agriculture, Hunting and Forestry

Fishing, fish farming


Processing production

Production and distribution of electricity, gas and water


Wholesale trade, including trading through agents

Retail, except for trade in motor vehicles and motorcycles

Car repair, motorcycles, household products

Hotels and restaurants

Transport and communication

Real estate operations, Rent and provision of services

Scientific research and development


Health and provision of social services

Providing other utilities, social and personal services

Over the past two years, there is no data yet, and it is clear that the situation in the economy during this time, at least not improved. Assess which industries show large business activity, the RSBI support index is helped, quarterly compiled according to the public survey. Its normal value is 50% and higher. The graph shows that from January of the current year, growth shows all areas of activity (Fig. 2).

Where the entrepreneur is better: trade, services and production

Despite the relative revival, all the indicators are below the norm, things are somewhat better in the manufacturing business. For three years, the largest reduction in profitability has shown trade and services. Real incomes of the population in the 4th quarter of 2015, when the minimum activity was noted, fell by 9.8% compared with the previous decabre.


Gradually, retailers were adjusted under the changed demand of the population, and according to the survey, in the 3rd quarter of this year, 19% of entrepreneurs noted the growth of revenues (13% in the second), and the share of those who had fallen, decreased to 33% (it was 43%). Of course, the advantage is food stores. Changes in demand for product groups and types of services for 6 months (4 square meters. 2015 - 1 sq. 2016) is shown in Figure 4.

The rise in prices did not compensated for the fall in demand (almost 30%) on household appliances and electronics, accessories, cosmetics. Less than others suffered children's clothing and goods (6-7%). As a result, most retailers note the drop in revenue. However, promising trends are also celebrated on this pessimistic background.

Internet Trade and its maintenance

Marked sales growth in online stores. According to Yandex.Market in 2015, it was sold for 23.5% more products than a year earlier. Especially rapidly the flow of buyers from distant from the center of the regions: Urals, Siberia. Thus, thinking about how to open a business in 2017, it is worth paying attention to everything that is associated with online trading, including the storage and delivery of goods. So, according to the director of the SDEK (operator, Novosibirsk) for 9 months 2016, the growth in applications amounted to 76% compared to the same period of the previous year. In the field of delivery, you can open the case on the franchise.

Franchise SDEK

Main activity - Express delivery of goods and documents. Considered offers from all cities, including small, and CIS countries. The size of investments from 200,000 rubles, a paustal fee - 150,000 rubles, royalty of the postponed payment after 6 months - 10%.


In this area, the services oriented services oriented services were less in demand. Requests in people have become more modest, restaurant business asked, the demand for educational courses for adults has decreased. At the same time, the requirements in the B2B segment are constantly growing - business for business is relevant than ever. Perspective niches should be sought in this direction. From the services directly for the population, three niches can be distinguished, which are successfully developing, despite the crisis phenomena.

1. Fast food cafe, fast food

For 2015, the Fastfud Market showed the growth of revolutions by 4%, while as a whole will securely - by 1% (NPD Group). In the 1st quarter of 2016, the attendance of restaurants fell 14%, and the coffee shops and fast food points increased by 4% and 3%, respectively. For 9 months, restaurant revenues decreased by 1.4% in monetary terms, their share in the total volume of catering enterprises - from 38% to 34%, and the Fast Food expanded to 39% (it was 35%).

2. Protection of interests of bank borrowers

The study of the company "Sequoia Credit Consolidashn" showed that for the first 9 months of this year, banks sold a record amount of debts - 245 billion rubles. It exceeded last year's indicator for a similar period by 42%. At the same time, the dollars of sold mortgage loans increased to 6% (1% a year earlier). Considering the recently introduced institute of bankruptcy of individuals, promising the opening of the business to protect the rights of borrowers. As a successful example, you can lead the company "Stop Loan" from the city of Ufa, which for 2015 opened 10 franchise enterprises throughout Russia. This business is relevant, and for the organizer is not necessarily a legal education.

Editor's Note: In more detail about the proposed business model, you can read the article "Business on the Protection of Rights of the Lender".

3. Opening of a specialized pharmacy

Sales of drugs, as can be seen from the study of the store store (Fig. 4), are at the level above the average - 6.3 out of 10. The network pharmacy market is strongly monopolized, and it becomes more difficult to survive a separate entrepreneur. Imported medicines have risen in price, so they began to buy more inexpensive Russian drugs from manufacturers who are trusted. In this situation, the transition to a franchise of the famous brand can be a good way out. For example, it offers a domestic company "Evalar". According to Vladimir Blinka, the first franchisee, who passed under the wing of this brand in 2013, in Novosibirsk over the past couple of years, competition in this market has increased 3 times. At the same time, he retained his position, opened 5 new pharmacies, the average check increased by 30%.

With regard to development services for enterprises (B2B), the outsourcing of all kinds continues to develop: IT service, accounting and tax consulting. The volume of revolutions of these types of business in monetary terms for 2015 grew by 8%. There was a relatively new promising direction - the provision of services by third-party organizations in the field of labor protection, technical security, will be born. We give two directions that are still poorly developed, and the need for which will grow.

  1. Export, processing TKO


As shown above (Fig. 2), production small business shows the highest business index for the last two years. Regional subcontractation (production of details on orders for large enterprises) and agriculture are actively developing. Below are two promising directions for small businesses.

1 Production of children's toys

Selling children's toys showed growth in 2015 by 8%, and although it is less than in previous years, the demand for them is. The problem lies in the fact that they are expensive, since mostly goods are brought from abroad (70% from China). In Russia, they produce only 10%. The owner of the network of children's goods "Market Toy" Oleg Vitkovsky appealed to entrepreneurs Chelyabinsk with a request to organize their production under the brand of the store. Until the offer responded 10 enterprises. All required: Children's furniture, plastic machines, designers. The company's head office is located in Yekaterinburg.

2 Food Production

Food - always demanded goods that do not require advertising. It's difficult to call this niche, but the needs of people are so diverse that there is a place for everyone. This is evidenced by the history of the creation of meat snacks for healthy eating.

Two young entrepreneurs Kirill Prudnikov and Dmitry Kolesnikov paid attention to the fact that most of the products "for snack" are sweet: nuts, bars, and decided to make a snack from dried meat. The case was launched in mid-2015, 500,000 of their funds were invested. In December, they found two sponsors who have invested about 8 million rubles to the project. Now the low-calorie "SMEAT" is sold in 150 points of Moscow and St. Petersburg, in fitness clubs, at gas stations, in a mini-cafe. Revenue in 2016 amounted to 1.7 million rubles. Interestingly, business received an unexpected turn. "Culinary" experts suggested to entrepreneurs that the product turned out to "Asian taste", and in the near future friends are going to present it in China at the exhibition RUSSIN GASTRO in Beijing.

Experienced businessmen say that the key to success in the manufacturing area is the Golden Rule: "Do not look for a way to sell what you do, but to make what is sold." In most, it is fair, but the last example is the exception rather. Hardly meat snacks have a chance to become a massive product in Russia, but thanks to the "exotic" taste, it can become a profitable export product.

Thus, the question: which business is beneficial to open in 2017 - has many answers. The main thing is to find the appropriate option for yourself, and the others you need.

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