How to determine the character of a man in his appearance. Sexual potential - how to determine by appearance

Engineering systems 11.10.2019
Engineering systems

The first impression of a person plays a very important role. Yes, sometimes it is deceptive. Nevertheless, just on the first impression of the appearance we judge a person. And the life experience often allows us to be completely true for one or another features of appearance to determine the characteristics of the character.

By the way, the observations of the relationship between the appearance of a person and his character laid the beginning of physiognomy - knowledge systems, which makes it possible to determine the type of person's personality and its mental quality on the basis of the analysis of the characteristic features of the person and expression.

Physiognomy is the expression of the person and figure of a person, due to the structure of the face, skull, torso, limbs, whatever expressive movements. Family people considers physiognomics, allowing you to draw conclusions about the emotional manifestations of a person. Also separately, the kineyk is isolated, studying the combination of human televitations in the process of communication, phrenology, which detects human psyche connections and the surface of its skull's surface and so on.

The character of a person in his appearance.

Features of the structure of the neck, shoulders, hips and feet can tell about the character and preferences of the person. For example, a short neck is a clear sign of stubbornness and short-sightedness, and the long usually happens at melancholic. The "bull" neck testifies to the fearlessness of man. Well, and the owner of a thin neck can be considered a romantic and timid man.


When communicating, be sure to pay attention to the shoulders of the interlocutor. If they are narrow, man is clearly shy and inclined to their senses. And the broad shoulders will evolve that he is extremely bold. Widelabriced people often cause trust and know how to arrange to themselves.


Massive and wide thighs usually issue a disadvantageous person. The hips of the rounded shape have soft and inappropriate personalities. But the narrow and severe thighs are a sign of a strong character and endurance. By the way, the slender legs "say" about the ability to achieve the goals set.

Of course, people most often pay attention to each other's faces. Therefore, it is very important to know how to determine the character of a person by the features of his face. So, a smart person distinguishes high and slightly convex forehead. But the owners of narrow forehead are distinguished by excessive flare. High polishes often come from people with some strong motivation. If the forehead of the interlocutor has a square shape, you have a pathologically honest person.


The character of a person can "tell" and his eyebrows. Thin eyebrows give outward and ambitious people. Comprinished eyebrows are often a sign of cruelty and rudeness, and wide is a clear sign of sincerity and simplicity.


Deeply planted eyes characterize people as greedy and envious. Wide-open eyes usually have real dreamers. And the owners of small eyes are characterized by eloquence and curiosity. By the way, narrow eyes are able to give a cruel man, usurper.

Some character traits can be revealed in the form of a nose. So, a sharp and long nose indicates the rigor and the hot spirits of its owner. Light and capricious people most often have a slightly rumped nose. Well, a wide and thick nose testifies to the rudeness of man, notes

Very often, going to the interview, we worry. After all, we do not know what the character of a possible boss, a selection manager. And I want to make a pleasant impression on them.

Sometimes the head and personnel is enough to look like a pair of issues to decide, the person of the organization is suitable or not. And not always work experience plays an important role. It happens that a less experienced employee will take on a higher paying job.

Managers on recruitment carefully check many aspects of the nature of the future employee.

The concept of character and its types

Character is a combination of individual identity features aimed at certain actions in various life situations.

An old proverb reads: "Sing the act - you will get a habit, lay the habit - you will soon become a character, we will soon become fate." The essence of this proverb comes down to the fact that everything is interconnected in life.

The character of a person is determined by his attitude towards others, to work, things, to themselves.

Many factors are influenced by the formation of character: family, school, institute, life situations. Any character trait may change both in the best and worse.

There are many classifications that will answer the question of how to determine the type of character of a person.

The main types of character can be classified into 3 groups:

  1. Depending on the temperament: melancholic, choleric, sanguine, phlegmatic.

Choleric - fast enough, movable, sometimes hot-tempered people.

Melancholics are impressionable and vulnerable people. Such people are most prone to sadness.

Flegmatic - stubborn, balanced, slightly slow.

Sanguines - Movable, Stubborn, Fast, Cheerful.

  1. In jungle, depending on the properties of the psyche, 2 types of character are distinguished: introvert and extrovert.

Introverts are quite closed people who do not like noisy companies. They thoroughly analyze and pay attention to any trifles.

Extravents sociable and fun. They have a lot of friends. They are more negligent to small things.

  1. According to the classification of the Krechera, the types of character are distinguished depending on the physique: asthenics, athletics, picnics.

Asthenics are prone to Sudob. Long arms and legs, face stretched. People with such a physique are quite closed and stubborn.

Athletics have a well-developed muscles. Such personalities are characterized by authority, practicality, self-confidence and peace of mind in any situations.

For picnics is characterized by overweight, small growth and a wide face. So people are characterized by society, emotionality.

How to determine the character of a person

Basic ways to determine the type of character - observation and testing. Every time the personnel will give fill in the job seeker a questionnaire, which consists of a large number of questions. This profile helps determine the temperament and type of work that is suitable for a person.

There is a theory that you can determine the character of a person in appearance. After all, many showrooms, in particular, the "lies' theory" and "mentalist" show that according to the expression of the person and human behavior, it is possible to determine the features of its character.

Below we consider in more detail the definition of a person's character in the face and eyes.

People with a round face of good-natured, peace-loving, soft, sincere and open. I appreciate a stable relationship.

The rectangular form characterizes a person as a purposeful, which has good organizational abilities, sensitive and tactful, balanced, with a high level of intelligence.

The oval form of a person testifies to excessive person's audit, as well as his practicality and hard work. Such people have problems in relations with people.

People with a triangular form are complex nature. They can be quick-tempered, cunning, single, but have a great creative potential.

The square shape of the face speaks of the desire to dominate and aggression. Such people are smart, but quite aggressive.

People with a trapezoid face shape are soft and kind, cheerful, friendly. They should not be managers.

The ratio of width and length of the face will talk about the confidence of a person in itself. Those people who have a width of the face is more than 70% of the length, quite confident.

The distance between the eyes testifies to the patience to errors. People who are widely located the eye tolere belong to others. The size and shape of the lips indicate generosity. People with thin lips are more detained, but with a more complete upper lip - generous.

Very often they say that "eyes - mirror of the soul." People with deep color eye have a big charisma. Small eyes talk about excessive jealousness of a person, big - about sensuality. Also small eyes and lower dual centuries indicate the impermanence of man.

Love with round eyes possess a tough character. Narrow eyes testify to secrecy, deeply planted - about cunning. Large eyes with a half-closed century will tell about the powerful person. People with big eyes and folds on centuries have abilities to leadership.

Thus, there are ways to prompt how to determine the character of a person, but the first impression and theory may be erroneous. Only long communication will help to figure out the character of a person.

After the show of the series "Lie Theory" ("deceive me"), where the main character, like a living "lie detector", calculates the criminal at the slightest changes in the facial expressions or body position, many dreamed of learning how to recognize the emotions of people at first sight. It's time to take up the lessons!

"The appearance of a person will give you much more tips than you could assume, provided, of course, that you will be quite attentive," says French lawyer, author of the book "How to understand and resist the techniques of deception and manipulation" John B. Domon.

Careful observation can be performed, for example, within the framework of the conversation, without exciting suspicion from the interlocutor. An obvious inspection of legs to the head is felt as veiled contempt. And do not forget that when physically analyzed, what is not, sometimes it is also important as what you will see.

Sources of visual information

Gait and general view

"When you plan to go to the meeting, it is worth following the golden rule: come for a fifteen minutes to the planned time and set out in the place where the object cannot see you from. This will allow you to carefully watch him without his knowledge. Take a policy, such as Sarkozy. Funny To see the difference in his body before and during the interview - at first he has nervous tick, and when the interview begins, Sarkozy is trying to hide it, Mr. X is the same. Looking at how he goes to meet you, You will receive as much information as during the conversation. Just two sets of received data will be very different. In the first case, Mr. X behaves almost naturally, and in the second he tries to impress you. "

"When we study the situation during the demonstration, we know a lot even before the manifestation actually starts. This allows us to identify the leaders, take pictures of them, assess their potential impact on their supporters, the significance of the internal problems, if any, the defects of their organization are "(From the conversation of the author with a former employee of the General Information Police Service).

It seems to me that after you read these statements, nothing will be needed anymore. So there are professionals, so a good manipulator will begin its analysis even before the object will understand it. He will begin his observation with a gait.

Some examples of gait

Free, power gait

This is a person who does not allow the surrounding to distract himself from the intended goal, who appointed a meeting and decisively goes to her. He has a specific goal: come on time. Hypothesis: This is a person who is able to take responsibility in fairly many things.

Lit is uniform, but the person is constantly turning

This is a walking of people who stare on their shadow, let's "justify the defendant for the lack of evidence." Hypothesis: Either this is a little scattered person, or he has a pretty high libido and he is always ready for various love adventures.

Careless, slightly slow gait, a man goes down, lowering his head

Hypothesis: The object thought about her own, he was excited, passive or feels bad.

Nervous gait, useless movements, man jumps from the slightest noise

The object is always trying to meet with other people. Hypothesis: This person is experiencing stress or very tense and disturbed.

When a person came to the meeting place, you need to greet each other. Handshake also provides quite a lot of information.

Contact, handshake

Pretty sluggish handshake

Hypothesis: tired, passive person, or, if several people came to the meeting and you are the only one who so greeted it, then you can not imagine any interest to the facility.

Handshake when a person is dug into your hand as an eagle in prey

Hypothesis: He decided to break your fingers, deliberate tactics, social manifestation of confrontation. Mistrust.

Taking you in one hand, the second hand is man puts you on my shoulder

Hypothesis: either an object assesses you or in front of you another manipulator. In both cases, ahead of you is a great pleasure from communicating with him.

Man takes you by hand with two hands

Hypothesis: He intends to ask you about something, to report something.

These observations made at the very beginning of the meeting (also you used many methods from the above to "scan" your interlocutor) will allow you to understand whether the behavior that you analyzed without his knowledge is that it demonstrates to you in Further.

If the behavior before and after the meeting is the same, you must check your first observations and can continue the analysis. Otherwise it becomes clear that this person sufficiently respects you (as an ally or as an enemy) to hide your natural behavior from you.

"In the same way, when you definition, you should not immediately go away, but it is worth moving to your supervisory point and see how this person will behave, breaking with you. Did his behavior changed? If so, how is it related to your Conversation? Did the object returned to his habitual behavior? All this is the bread pressing for scout, mentalist or illusionist - they all collect information without the knowledge of another person.

If you go, accompanied by the object of your interest, the way the same.

Observations for walking

Man goes next to you, dropping his head

Hypothesis: His behavior shows that he is a weak man or hides something.

Man goes in the same rhythm as you, looking forward right in front of yourself, nothing around him interests

Hypothesis: The object is excited, but does not want to show it. It is thinking about something or concentrated only on a conversation, perhaps he dominates the hearing memory.

Man walking, putting hands in pockets

Hypothesis: Contrary to the generally accepted presentation of the hand, put into pockets, do not indicate the absence of self-confidence, rather, on the contrary. This person is relaxed and accepts the most convenient pose.

Man walks, trying to impose your rhythm

Hypothesis: This is a person who is accustomed to dominate, he is only interested in what he can get from you.

Observation of the eyes

Circles under the eyes will immediately tell you that the person did not sleep. Meanwhile, the bags under the eyes will be reported much more. Some people have bruises under the eyes at all are not connected with insomnia, while the bags under the eyes laid his owner with guts. If they are "heavy" and, in addition, the face of the object elapsed so as not to say bloated, then most likely this indicates a reception of one of two substances: alcohol or marijuana.

Alcoholism is confirmed by such recognizable signs as the smell of mouth, characteristic complexion and premature aging.

Of course, reddened eyes can simply indicate that a person recently cried - "It's obvious, Watson."

In any case, the condition of the human eye immediately shows whether it is in a state of stress, and it also takes toxic drugs or not.

If a person is wearing glasses, you definitely need to pay attention to them. Before many people refused to wear contact lenses, believing that they had too sensitive eyes for this. The same can be said about hair removal on the body or about Botox injections.

Observation of the teeth

Due to the high-cost dental services, people having beautiful teeth occur from a fairly wealthy environment, whose representatives can afford it. And on the contrary, a person with a pleasant appearance, who has no tooth and who is forced to smile so as to hide this drawback, clearly does not have money to turn to the dentist.

Another important indication: What kind of tooth is missing? It all depends on age. Let's take as an example of a person about forty: a natural evolution assumes that long-range teeth will fall out, since they are stronger at risk of caries or infection. If the missing or inserted tooth is located in front, you can almost certainly argue that it was lost as a result of an accident, fall or quarrel.

Surprisingly even teeth indicate that a person, no doubt, enjoyed in the past services of orthodontist. This relatively expensive intervention is most often performed in adolescence and indicates the financial capabilities of his parents. Naturally, black spots on the teeth indicate that your interlocutor is a smoker or was it.

Observation of the arms

The location of the wristwatches is very important and can give you some signs that, however, are able to bring you to a false mark, so do not rush to make premature conclusions. For example, a classic postulate: a person who carries the clock on his right hand, - Lefty. But if you come across the accordionist (I know, it rarely happens), then you know that the clock on the right hand will interfere with him to play. The same is true for some other musical instruments, such as violins.

Naturally, the purity of the nails is an important detail that cannot be missed. A person with manicure has means to take care of him. Sometimes, however, the appearance is deceptive. For example, singer Serge Ginsburg dressed quite carelessly, dirty. But if you look at the pictures where his hands are visible, then make sure he has a manicure. Ginsburg came up with a role for himself - it's no secret to anyone, but similar small details make it possible to understand how much this person was different from what appeared before the public.

White nails are often a sign of anemia. Yellow nails, especially on the indicated and large fingers, they say that a person smokes a lot. Purple squeezing of the index finger indicates problems with blood circulation. Equally as an unusual redness and coldness of the hands. Such problems are often found in women. Nails, destroyed by points, may indicate some form of eczema or psoriasis.

Observation of hair

Naturally, it is possible to look at the hair only if they are visible. Also less people in our days are hats, so closed hair can talk about the desire to hide the baldness or, of course, it has become relevant recently - testify to the religious beliefs of a woman.

Women rarely hide their hair, unless, of course, it does not require religion. Thus, if a person is constantly carrying a headdress, it is most likely a sign of the baldness caused by the disease or accepted by medicines.

To determine whether the hair is painted in a person, no matter, men or women, can, comparing the hair color with eyebrows.

Watching shoes

Many people who carefully monitor their appearance, no matter how paradoxically, neglected shoes. Mainly a man. Therefore, if you see a well-dressed man with carefully selected and well-groomed shoes, know that it devotes a rather significant part of his time to create a impeccable image. Especially if the rear of the heels is not stopped. About them the average men forget most often.

The state of the woman's heels will immediately give you valuable information about her financial position, because the heels are quickly extinguished with the sock, the skin will spoil them from any, even the smallest scratch. Women are much harder to contain shoes in order and significantly more expensive.

Nowadays, more and more women wear low-heeled shoes to unload legs, but fashion for high heel is quickly returning, so do not deprive yourself the material for analysis.

To be continued...

You met a man. How in a few minutes you can understand what personality in front of you? Most of this question answers something like this: "I immediately see, this is a good person or not." But further it turns out that besides the inner sensation, "good - bad" there is nothing. And in relationships with this person, adhere to the old rule - "Time will show ..." And the time shows different things ...

It is believed that physiognomy is the most ancient science in the world and originated in China. Chinese physigen children say that even his fate can be read by person. Physiognomy - in essence, this is the relationship between the characteristics of the character of a person and the proportions of the face. The meaning of this system is that the muscles of the face react to the smallest signals of our nervous system and under constant reduction form a specific constitution.

This system is based on the idea that most of the information we perceive at the subconscious level. Wherever you find yourself, everywhere you make an initial judgment about another person on external signs: on his face, physique, clothing, conversation manner, etc. When you first meet a person, then instantly take an intuitive judgment. Subsequently, you complement or change this judgment.

I think you have also heard the thesis, which at the genetic level there is a transmission of individual character properties from parents to children. So, these individual properties of character can be determined by similar features of the face, the shape of the eyes, ears, nose, fingers, etc. Another thing is when you know how to make an instant analysis of the external manifestations of the interlocutor. So you can easily determine the course of his thoughts, response speed, self-esteem, style of behavior, temperament and type of thinking, motives of actions, various inconsistencies and predisposition.

It should be noted that the female face is read more difficult - for cosmetic means a woman hides a lot. But in this case it is difficult for her to "change" the shape of the face, eye. So let's consider a human face, and learn to read it: what kind of hidden merits or shortages it says. Formists allocate five most important features: eyebrows, eyes, nose, mouth and ears.


In men, eyebrows are read easily, women are difficult, since very often in women eyebrows are subject to cosmetic processing. However, in all cases there is one clear sign: the eyebrow is thicker and tougher, the inconsistency and stubborn character of a person. The subtle external end of the eyebrows speaks about nobility, wide - about masculinity and enterprise, even a tendency to rigidity is possible.

Long, elegant eyebrows are calm, conservatism. Elegant eyebrow line is longer eye - outstanding intelligence. Short and thin eyebrow - a person is in a state of struggle. Short and rude eyebrows - in love by nature, a tendency to frequent change of course. If the eyebrows are almost invisible - you have a tricky person. Short and thick eyebrows are independence, but also aggressiveness, hot temper.

Comeded into one eyebrow line - resourcefulness, determination, straightness. A brilliant black mole inside eyebrows - success. Eyebrows in the form of boomeranga - ingenuity.


This is a truly "soul mirror." Nothing more fully talks about a man as his eyes. You can remake everything in your face, but the expression, the shape of the eyes will remain unchanged.

So, big eyes mean susceptibility and sensitivity, masculinity and power. Small eyes - complacency, stubbornness, jealousy. If the edges of the eyes are bevelled up - the human is inherent in sensitivity, courage, determination. The eyes are beveled down the book - good nature, optimistic, attentiveness. If the outer corner of the eye is long and sharp is the mind and insight. An outer corner of the eye bent to the top - courage, recklessness, greed. If the corner of the eye looks down - humility, humility.

Overweight walking on the middle of the eye - insight, dexterity. If there is a slightly falling all the entire eyelid - big sexual attractiveness, but the cold heart. The upper eyelid, departing from the middle to the corner of the eye - pessimism. The general saving of the lower eyelid in women is heat and femininity. Wake-up in the middle of the lower eyelid - egocentricity. Naked eyelids, both the upper and lower - fatigue from life.


Long nose is typically characteristic of conservative personalities. A super long nose means a tendency to intelligent achievements and capriciousness. Long and wide nose is a steady nature and a calm temperament. Short nose - open character, optimistic and friendly.

Skinny and bony nose is a weak concentration. Bony nose with small hubber or high inflection - pride, stubbornness, aggressiveness and determination. Small, compared to other features of the face, nose in women - petty jealous. High nose in a woman with a serving back - the ability to compete with men for a high position.

The tip of the nose also happens different shapes. The round shape of the tip of the nose is a prosperous person. If the tip of the nose disperses - a supercourse nature. Pointed, not a meaty tip of the nose - a tendency to betrayal. The tip of the nose, like the beak of the eagle - avenue. Full, large, convex nose tip - kindness, heat, readiness for self-sacrifice. A ridiculous nose, whose openings are visible nostrils - free sexy morality, inability to keep secrets.

By the way, during the life of the person's feature, the person change, depending on which lifestyle it leads and, accordingly, which muscle groups are more involved. So, some features acquire bright severity, others - as if erased. Therefore, at least an accurate look in the face of a person can give a fairly accurate, and most importantly - operational information.

Of course, this is only a small share of interesting science - physiognomy. You can still "read" mouth, ears, chin, etc. The most complete characteristic of a person can be given by considering his face in aggregate, but it is possible to start the study of physiognomy with the consideration of individual features. This will help you quickly navigate where there is little information about the partner with which it will be done.

The legendary Coco Chanel said: "At 20 years old, you have such a person who gave you nature, in 40, which they did, and in 60, which they deserve".

Let's try on the example to show how only a few values \u200b\u200bcan work.

All well-known actors of the comic genre Jim Keri and Pavel Volya. Many will agree with the fact that in the manifestation of charisma each of them at the height. These are energetic and original people. If we did not know their work on the stage and in the cinema, and they were evaluated in total for three physiognomic signs (the shape of the nose, the direction of the tip of the nose and the form of the chin), then the psychological portrait would be as follows.

Jim Carrie:
- round chin (orientation for feelings and attitudes towards oneself of other people, friendliness);
- the tip of the nose is slightly directed, drunken (energy and optimism, not critical perception, active cognition of a new one);
- Rounded nose tip (credulity, tolerance for other weaknesses).

Pavel Volya:
- elongated triangular chin (severe concentration and purposefulness excluding moral aspects, and other opinions);
- directed down the tip of the nose (skepticity, caution, calculation);
- a pointed tip of the nose (insight, the need to work out the details, and clarify the essence of things).

From the listed values, we can conclude that Jim Keri is really an energetic optimist who pleases others with the help of children's mischief, ease and impedition behavior. And Paul Will, like a knife through the oil, passes through the spirits and motives of other people. It succeeds at the expense of fine insight, sarcastic and skills to notice the details. And although this behavior can sometimes be firmly confused with opponents and cause aggression, it does not scare him. A strong concentration on their own ideas does not allow distracted by "Whose moral principles there."

In these examples, we looked at only a few positions and applied them to the method of expressing ourselves in public. The physiognomy has a richer and multifaceted tool for predicting behavior and determining the inner essence of a person. The Center for the study of the identity of the Laboratory of Visual Psychodiagnostiki was created to promote such areas as physiognomy and chirology. The main desire of the company, to make our techniques efficient and easy to use, they are all tested by time.

Boyko Vladimir,

practical psychologist, chiromerant, specialist in the field of visual psychodiagnostics.

Is it possible to determine the character of his sexual behavior and his sexual potential, or the level of sexuality? Under it is understood as the so-called sexual temperament - that is, how much a person needs sex and how often. As well as the sexual abilities of it. Sexuality is important not to be confused with the concept of sex, as often happens. Sexual call a man outwardly beautiful, charming, or sociable, humorous, soul of the company, etc. (This is especially brightly illustrated by the actors). Often under the expression - "He is so sexy!" People imply exactly the external beauty. But not the sexual abilities of this person. Whatever it seems strange, but in fact people who receive the title of "sexual" (correctly called - sexy) in fact often have underestimated sexual potential. Why this happens and how to correctly determine the sexual abilities of a person, and will be discussed in this article.

In sexology, sexuality is called the term "sexual constitution". It is seriously taken to the analysis of sexuality and in assessing the compatibility between a man and a woman. Especially appropriate is the assessment of sexuality for those who are going to marry. Since sex is one of the important components of harmony in a pair. If the sex constitution of partners is radically different - then the likelihood is very high. Especially over the course of several years. Partner with a strong sexual constitution, regularly inconsistent with sexual satisfaction from a person with a weak constitution (and the difference can be very significant, for example, one needs sex once every 1-2 days, and another - for example, once every 2 weeks, or even once a month ), either starts to hurt and quarrel with his spouse, or will go to the left "- it already depends on a particular pair. In any case, serious disagreements and nonlands in the family are very likely.

To evaluate the sexual constitution, usually take into account the set of features, which is quite simple. Just pay attention to a few moments in appearance:

1. Foot length.

For many it may seem amazing - after all, it was the long-legged model in our time they filtered the tabloids of the "most attractive and sexual" people of the planet. However, scientifically proven that the legs are shorter - the person is sexier, the more he wants to get, and the more he can give in sex. In sexology there is a concept - a trochanter index (from the title of the point in Latin on the femur), which is calculated by the formula: The length of the body is divided by the length of the leg (from the floor to the highest point on the femoral bone, more precisely - to a slightly protruding burgger of the femur, where It is attached to the pelvic joint). The resulting figure and will make it clear to which sex constitution for the most part the person is inclined. Namely:

  • For women:
    The index from 2.01 to 2.05 is a strong sexual constitution;
    from 1.97 to 2.00 - the average sexual constitution;
    From 1.88 to 1.96 - weak sexual constitution.

  • For men:
    from 1.99 to 2.00 - strong sexual constitution;
    from 1.92 to 1.98 - the average sexual constitution;
    From 1.85 to 1.91 - weak sexual constitution.

If there is no possibility to measure the length of the leg of the person you are interested in, you can always approximately evaluate this without resorting to measurements - most often it is low people are more sexy than high. The shorter legs - the sexier and temperamental man. Or rather - the shorter legs relative to the total length of the body. It happens that when he grow under 2 meters, legs are not long in relation to the length of the whole body. And this also needs to be considered.

It is enough to remember the rule: the more testosterone in the blood (which is directly connected with the level of sexuality) - the shorter and wide in the human bone. This is due to the fact that during the growth of the body, the human tubular bones are not growing simultaneously: the closer the bone to the heart - the later its growth is completed and the bone growth zone is weaker. The more testosterone - the earlier the puberty happens, and thus the growth of tubular bones ceases, especially - more distant from the heart, like the bones of the legs.

2. Hair.

Pay attention to the degree of body hairiness. In a man with a high sexual constitution on his chest, hands and legs - a lot of hair. His hair on his face is growing rapidly, so the shaved account for more often than the rest. Moreover, bristles are made of hard and dark hair. All of the above is usually observed in dark-haired people. It is believed that brunettes are the most passionate and temperamental agents. The male so-called type "Macho" is a bright illustration. The larger in the body of a hormone testosterone - the darker of pigmentation. Therefore, most brunettes have a strong sexual constitution. In bed, they occupy the position of the leaders, experiment much, are very energetic and asserts. However, for those women who love a lot of tenderness and sensitivity in a partner, they are not very suitable. Their horse is strength and quantity. Blondes are distinguished by the weakest sexual constitution, prefer to be driven in bed. Their temperament is calm, they are balanced and do not like to risk. But they have fine sensitivity, sensitive, gentle and very romantic. They catch the slightest nuances of the mood, perfectly feel the partner, perceive and share his emotions, adjust to it, and are prone to unrestrained fantasy in sex (another thing that they will not initiate the experiments themselves, but will be happy to follow the initiative of a more active partner). The glitters have a combination of sexual qualities of brunettes (especially if the hair is hard), and blondes (especially if the hair is soft and naughty), - the so-called golden middle.

Excess Testosterone hormone in men often cause early baldness. Therefore, bald men, for the most part, holders of hypersexuality. No matter how regrettable, it may seem to representatives of the beautiful half of the population, most of which love men with a chapel.

Temperamental women are also distinguished by a more pronounced amount of hair on the body than the remaining representatives of the beautiful floor. But, of course, it does not look like a man.

An important feature that takes into account sexologists is the nature of the lobcas. The more hair in this area is the sexier man.


  • for men - the horizontal nature of the exhaustion (for the female type) is a weak sexual constitution;
    Solving with the transition in the form of a thin walkway to the navel (on the male type) - the average;
    The same thing, but with excessive overeximation - a strong sexual constitution.

  • For women, a weak, horizontal and strong cone with the transition to the exhaust limbs describe a weak, middle and strong sexual constitution, respectively. And the more tough hair - the Testosterone, more.
3. Eyebrows.

Help define sexual abilities can also feature faces. Let's start with an eloquent characteristic sign - the nature of the eyebrows. As it should be expected, having familiarized themselves with the checkpoint 2. The relationship here is extremely clear - the eyebrows are more pronounced, thick and broad - the big sexy appetites have a person. It is energetic, assertive, decisive and big gourmet. As a rule, pronounced eyebrows are a supplement to dense body shatter. Most often - at the dark-haired representatives of humanity. And vice versa - rare, shapeless, unobthewable, or narrow eyebrows from nature noticeably reduce the sexuality of their owner, as well as the will and strength of character. Such eyebrows usually accompany the light and soft televir on the head in combination with a weak body shatter.

4. Nose.

Another noticeable factor among the features of the person pointing to the sexual behavior of a person is rightfully considered to be the nose. The more noticeable, outstanding, large, wide is the nose - the more sexy, energetic and enduring their owner. At the same time, a meaty, wide thick nose indicates a greater physical strength of its owner, a high degree of sensuality and erotic giftedness. In bed, such a person is not only very hardy, but also can finely feel a partner, be with him both passionate and gentle. And the nose is straight, eagle, - gives pronounced masculinity, strength, leadership and aggressiveness. The owner of such a form of the nose is not too listened to the other, focusing on his feelings and desires, it does everything in its own way. He does not take sensitivity in relations, but of activity and passionism - even debt. The nose crochet down makes a person critique - he limits not only his sexual desires, but also a partner. And the nose with very soft outlines - the full and round will show that his owner and in sex, as in life, too soft man, is strongly focused on the partner and ignoring his needs.

5. Lips.

Lips give information about the emotionality and sensuality of their carrier. A person who loving sexual joy and with the developed feelings and emotions of the lips are more complete and thick, than others. Especially worth paying attention to the bottom lip. It is she who is the most faithful indicator - in voluptuous sensual lovers of pleasure the lower lip thicker. Especially if she is also filled forward - here it can even go about promiscuity. If the lips are complete - does not mean that a person belongs to a strong sexual constitution. But he is sensitive, sensitive and loves sex.

If the lips are thin, then the person is distinguished by leader inclinations, a great power of will, restraint in feelings and sexual pleasures. He is inclined to subordinate others and limit himself. Its sensuality is noticeably weaker than the thick-lifted. What applies to both fantasy in bed. This does not mean that a person has a weak sexual constitution. Especially if thin lips are combined with a wide lower jaw and wide eyebrows (which happens quite often), and not a gift - testosterone is usually expanding the jaw and thus often narrows the lips. Such people are strong, physically hardy and active, but not a bit or diverse in bed. But they do not apply to a weak sexual constitution. Another thing, if with thin lips, adjoin the signs of weak sexuality in man.

6. Chin.

As already mentioned, a wide jaw often has very sexy people. Therefore, the chin also needs to pay attention. What he is massive - the more in the man of sexual strength. People with a wide chin love physical pleasures, very passionate and enduring sex, but most often fear of deep feelings, failures and humiliation in love. Sex with them is intense and hot, but tenderness is missing.

7. Eyes.

Little eyes with swelling lower eyelids give a lover of sensory pleasures. Sensual ages often belong diagonal eyes, slightly lowered to the temple. The eye color is also important - than it is more intense and warmer - the more hot and energetic people in bed. Dark brown eyes are inherent with passionate age. Sexuals can often be called a person with green eyes - it is inventive in bed, gentle and sensitive, in sex - gourmet, is very elected in the choice of partner, it gives a lot, but also requires a lot.

8. Neck.

From the damn face, we turn to the body again. As testosterone shocks and thickens parts of the body, the level of sexuality will show the neck. Representatives of the strong constitution of the neck often short. But even with long legs, a large full, wide and muscular neck gives a person in its owner with a large margin of physical forces. A wide neck adds to a person's scores in favor of strongly pronounced sexuality. Such a person loves physical pleasures and it is difficult for him to confront themselves to pamper himself.

9. Fingers, brush.

Hirology can also help in determining the degree of sexual strength. Look at the brush hands and fingers:

but). Greater sexual strength and passion, up to aggressive fierce manifestations, are inherent in:

  • for men - owners of coarse hands are greater than medium size, at the base - wide, with fleshy thick round (in cross section) with fingers (especially with a wide thumb), wide nails, red leather, expressed lines and venera hill (pad on the palm near the thumb );

  • for women - the average size of the brush and fingers (which, however, is a short, especially thumb), with thickened first phalanges, oval nails, elastic wide palm with red (or dark) deep lines and the same color of the skin, with a developed large Venus hill.

b). Strong and constant libido, sensuality and passion, which are valued above the feelings, but without aggressive outbreaks in men and considerable women, prone to nimphomania of women, are inherent in:

  • for men - a man with a hand of smaller size, rudeness and redness than in the previous case, with square fingers less wide, elastic palm, and not rough;

  • for women - less red and more pale skin, softer and embossed palm and fingers than in the previous case.

in). Good sexual attraction while simultaneous ability to deep strong feelings, skill, if necessary, own yourself - in people:

  • for men, with an even smaller hand and a tubercie Venus, an elastic palm, harmoniously expressed lines and knotted fingers, between which small lumets are visible. And if the joint of the thumb between the two nodules is narrowed - the man is sophisticated and inventive in love caresses;

  • for women - with longer fingers (especially with a thumb), smaller and width of palm, more even lines of heart and head.

d). Weak sexuality, reduced interest in sex with an increase in the direction of high matters, imagination and words in men, coldness and inclination for frigidity in women - in people:

  • for men - with a white room with a sluggish loose palm, especially if smooth fingers narrowed to ends. Sexuality is close to zero - if these signs are combined with a little pronounced pale heart line. The same can be said about the owner too narrow sophisticated hand, practically flat, with its size no longer plays roles;

  • for women - with narrow, flat, small, weak, sluggish, faded or gray, knotted hand.
10. Other important features.

The above features of the appearance of people are easy to see. But to complete the picture, I want to add some more important signs that are taken into account in sexology when determining the sexual constitution. They do not belong to appearance, so you can learn about their character only with a closely familiar with a person. They require his answers to questions. Nevertheless, these signs will give additional information to determine the sexuality as a whole. Namely:

  • Age of the awakening of attraction to the opposite sex:
    In men:
    up to 11 years - strong,
    from 12 to 14 - average
    From 15 - weak sexual constitution.

    Among women:
    9, 12 and 15 years old - respectively.

  • The age of the first ejaculation in men:
    up to 12 years - strong,
    from 13 to 15 years - average
    At 16 and older - weak.

    Or the age of receiving the first orgasm in women: 13, 23 and 35 - respectively.

    As well as the age of first menstruation in women:
    about 10 years - strong,
    about 13 - average
    About 16 is weak.

  • The maximum number of seeds per day (throughout the lifetime) in men:
    From 6 and more, less than 4 and less than 3 are a strong, medium and weak constitution, respectively.

    Or the term of pregnancy after the start of regular sex life in women:
    immediately - strong,
    after 4 months - average
    After 10 years - weak.

11. Movement.

Well, finally, a few words about behavior and manner behave for which you can say something about the sexual manifestations of a person:

  • The graceful and more beautiful man dances, the better he owns his body, the better he feels, and therefore, and even more so he is sexy and the better he owns the art of love. Plastic people are more inventive in this matter. But the infertility simple movements of the dancing with high probability will be shown to the same manifestations and sex.

  • The gait of the rotational, Valya, or the jumping will indicate a person who knows the lot. And the sluggish, screaming gait - on the contrary, such a person lacks energy and fantasy, determination and confidence, which is reflected in his behavior in bed. A very fast gait will show a impulsive lover - he is passionate, but hardly he loves slow and long sex. A gait with a military straightening will indicate a strong person who owns, but not distinguished by a special fantasy in bed.

We looked at many signs of human sexuality. Some of them are more important, some - less. But it is important to remember that it is not worth determining the overall level of sexual potential. The more appearance features you take into account - the more accurate the result will be.

Yana Novikova specifically for the site

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