How well to study at school. How to start well study at school

Engineering systems 15.10.2019
Engineering systems

All good parents want their child to be the best, especially in school. And you never thought if you need to demand from a child more than he can do?

1. Theory and Practice

"Learning is light and ignorance is darkness". How many times in life we \u200b\u200bhad to listen to this controversial saying undoubtedly, a great man? Those who began to consider probably confused with the account. It is unlikely that the author of the quotation, A. V. Suvorov, is, it is a good teaching that helped achieve such heights. If it were so, then already b, at a minimum, two thirds of the world would become talented commander, ingenious scientists and writers, exclusive speakers and managers. And where are they all? Alas, their units, unlike those million, who learns perfectly.

Of course, no one says that getting good marks in an educational institution is bad. But remember how our ancient wise men said: "Knowledge does not add mind." It was believed that if the knowledge gained you do not add wisdom if you can not apply this knowledge in practice, they will become useless to you and in life. And for what, tell me for mercy, drag the cargo of uselessness and emptiness throughout life?! Right were our ancient! Well, they are the wise men.

Surely, in this many now recognized ourselves. Answer yourself honestly for one question. Here you are, like your faithful servant, well studied at school. Consider how many percent of these knowledge do you, at least sometimes, use in your daily life? I am somewhere from 1% to 5%. Well, plus, minus. The profession, which I dreamed of from childhood, could not get, because I did not have enough passing point (in cash equivalent). I, even, do not remember where my certificate is lying. Do you know yourself?

And now the main thing. When I continued my education after school, I had an amazing case I remembered for my life. A new teacher was put to us, about which the loaf of glory stretched the madly strict teacher, whom everyone was afraid. The first pair of lessons. The teacher is found, indeed, the Terrible View. We all stumbled into textbooks so that there were no visible to our individuals. And here hear: "No, not, not! Raised heads! Books closed! I give a task: you come to the workplace (indicates which specifically). There is such a situation (indicates which one). Your actions!". In short, for those two hours we learned and learned more than in the previous six months. Eh, if everyone taught all the teachers!

This is me that remember how much unfortunately, our theory dispelled with practice. You come to work and the first thing that? Right! You start learning again. As experience shows - Practice is the best teacher! Mark Fabi Quintilian said well: "Practice without the theory is more valuable than the theory without practicing."

2. Theory and example

Dear Parents, before giving your child's chading for a twice, remember how you studied! Are you an impeccable example for imitation? Often I hear the ridiculous phrase: "Yes, I learned poorly, but I will do everything so that my child learned well!" Allow, what does your "all" mean that?! Well, I know by experience that "all" includes: the same subtletiles. Various punishments, in the form of deprivation of a child of any pleasures. At worst - "gratitude" to the teacher. The learning process is over. Such actions you only turn out a person. Remember, the child will be motivated for success, only if he will see a successful example in front of him!
And a very important point. If you have an unfavorable atmosphere in a family for one reason or another, then be your child, at least seven spans in the forehead, he will simply not be up to study.

3. Theory and Memory

Sherlock Holmes did not remember the name of the Prime Minister of England. Remember how Dr. Watson indignant about this? What a great detective answered that the information is posted in his head just necessary and so carefully that at any moment he can get the necessary. Is it really convenient? Think how many unnecessary trash in our heads in the age of information technologies! Is it somehow developing memory? By no means.

4. Theory and Health

"Moved forward, science tirelessly crumbles herself." V.Gugo
From such a pessimistic statement, I want to ask yourself: "Does the knowledge gained, for example, is our health?" For myself, I replied: "No." You - as you wish. I know such mammies that dream of growing geniuses that just deprive the child of childhood. This is at least. I wonder if such children will say "thank you"? Which of us in school did not earn scoliosis, headache or gastritis? And how many children from overload falls into fainting? Well, everything will be perhaps life. I will not campaign to learn the sleeves. In no case! Just do not forget that in everything you need to know the measure.

5. Theory and Time

The most valuable thing is that we can give - this is the time because it will never be returned and you will not replace anything. It is not known how many to the family is written. And if you give your precious time to know the knowledge that you will not be useful in life, it will be quite offensive. Remember the children devoid of childhood only because their mommy had the idea of \u200b\u200b"Fix", as from his own child to make a "man." For such parents, I will reveal another secret: the fact is that the Lord has already made a person from your child! Do not forget, please, about it.

6. Theory and ... Education

A very interesting header, isn't it?! And then everything is simple: remember where your diploma is already lying on the higher education and what kind of work "feeds" you? Well, here I have, about the same.

And last. Alas, not everything in life solves multigidance and good education. Do not forget about such important things as talent and luck. Without them, at all nowhere!

Why should I learn? If you are asked by this question, then apparently you still study at school, and you are tormented by some internal contradictions. Thinking over this, then you sometimes become in some opposition because you simply do not want to learn, or you are just tired. Let's figure it out, why need to learn, and why knowledge is so important in our lives.

Why do people learn, and why do they need it?

Many children often hear from their parents, which is necessary to learn that without knowledge in life it is impossible to achieve something. Sometimes you do not understand why they insist on this so, and what they don't care what they do. First of all, I would like to note that educated people are more comfortable feeling in society than nonsense. What explains this trend?

Try to answer yourself if you can entrust the serious task to an uneducated person? Is it possible to rely on it if we are talking about a narrow-controlled case in which the hands of a specialist are needed and only? The answer is obvious - no. After all, great cases decide smart people who in the period of their lives "granted the granite of science", for the sake of the benefit of their future and not only. Based on this, you can make an easy conclusion that you need to study in order to be able to be able to and have an idea of \u200b\u200bwhat others do.

We learn to ...

Not to mention that learning is needed for the sake of banal reading skills, spelling a beautiful speech, still need to learn for the sake of a specific goal that you pursue in your life. A person who wants to become a doctor is working daily and replenishes the reserves of his knowledge in the field of medicine. He knows perfectly well, so Ryano pursues this goal without asking himself from the series "Why need to learn?". In parallel with him, other people who want to become lawyers, teachers or programmers act in exactly the same way. That is, they know what they want and, accordingly, study: one jurisprudence, other educational sciences, and the third all the coding nuances. So should I study or not? Answer ...

If you have a dream or a goal that is associated with your profession, then you know perfectly well what needs to be done - to teach the branch of science with which your activity will be associated with, arithmetic. However, if you do not know who you want to become, it is quite likely that your mental torments will lead to the eternal question for you "Why need to learn?".

I do not know who I want to be, what should I do?

Many teenagers who are about to complete a secondary school, do not know who they want to become in life. Nowadays, this is a fairly common trend, which is explained by some factors. First of all, it's too lazy! A person who prefers to spend time lying on the couch and watching TV (and now it happens more often at the computer), often does not know what kind of profession wanted to master.

But the thing is that in most cases he has nothing to choose from. He is accustomed to idleness and does not think about serious issues. His interests are directed only to rest and entertainment, it is looped on those things that contradict the power of the will, the desire. Therefore, it is necessary to find a profitable occupation for yourself, and if it does not like it, then do not stop and look for the following. Having tried many areas and sectors of a particular area, you will understand that you are closer and already determine your further actions that will be related to study.

Otherwise, it may be that a person diligently studied at school (either at the institute), learned many sciences and is interested in learning. But he also does not know who he wants to be in life. A lot of thoughts are intertwined in his head, generating multi-story contradictions about the future. Often, such people are simply too ambitious, they are afraid to stand on the wrong way, thereby instilling themselves in a pit of uncertainty. In this case, tests for knowledge can help!

On the Internet there are many tests and questionnaires that are based on your knowledge and interests, can give a worthy answer, who could you work. The result formed from your answers will show you a priority staircase from a variety of spheres in percentage ratio - from more to a smaller. Next, you already consider this or that sphere of activity in which we are looking for a vacant profession. To give one hundred percent answer to you, of course, no one can, because it is impossible to climb into your head. You are the blacksiest of your happiness, so listen to your heart and make the right choice in favor of your future.

Knowledge is a trail into the world of discoveries.

How much should I learn? You can answer this question the proverb "Age Live, learning a century." Naturally, everything in the world know simply impossible, because there is no limit to perfection. Knowledge reveal the eyes to many things that occur in the world. Yes, what is there to speak, the whole world is a solid knowledge!

You just need to have a desire, and as soon as you begin to defeat your own fears - your pleasure will not be the limit. The first positive result made by stubbornly labor is the strongest motivation and tag to new discoveries! Live learning, meaning to live in your pleasure, that is, a happy life. "Teaching is light, and unacceptable - darkness," so let's not sit in the darkness of Yersie and ignorance, and we will not sleep in the rays of light and happiness.

If you are a school student or a student of the institute or another educational institution, then you know about your experience that studying is complex, and that it is very difficult to get it. It is doubly difficult for textbooks and notebooks, if the window is wonderful weather, friends are called to join their games, and in general, there is a lot of cases, which are much more fun and more interesting. Meanwhile, there are ways, with the help of which can be motivated for a good study of even the most negligent students.

How to start learning well? You can give a few answers to this question. One of the methods of motivation is the motivation of money. Offer parents to enter a system of promotions. To do this, you can offer such a scheme: in the first and second week you do not get any money from them. If during this period, all your estimates will be positive, you begin to pay a declared earlier amount for pocket expenses. If for the next two weeks your performance does not fall - the amount per pocket expenses increases. Two more successful weeks - the next increase, but if you receive at least one "Troika", it all starts from scratch.

Another The option of how to start well to learn is to argue with your classmates. Choose a partner who has about the same level of knowledge, and also wanting to fix their position. Again, some of you can improve your performance stronger. By condition, whose average ball indicators for the agreed period will be lower, it will have to respond within a certain time to respond to some obsolete nickname, invented by the winner.

Very good results in school can be achieved when you learn to find pleasant moments in this process. Turn the routine session of textbooks into a fascinating process is quite simple, the main thing is to attract your imagination and smelting to this.

The powerful argument in favor of good studies may be the desire to become a specialist in any profession. As a rule, everyone wants to become a lawyer, a manager or a financade at the end of the school and the institute, but in order to master these professions, it is necessary to have a certain luggage of knowledge. Clearly knowing who you want to be in the future, you will be easier for you to express priorities and pay more attention to those sciences that are more important to achieve your goal.

Try to develop for yourself the routine of the day and learn to follow it clearly.

The schedule must be compiled in such a way that he takes into account your classes at school, a small rest after them, performing homework and preparation for lessons, visits to circles and sections, as well as time for walking. Clearly follow the items of your routine, you will begin to have time to do everything, and all your classes will not seem hard to you. Getting used to living in such a rhythm, you will begin to learn better, making much less effort for this.

The next statement may seem conflicting, but, nevertheless, in order to learn well, it is necessary to rest more. Each person has its own endurance limit and perception. A person who is in a state of fatigue is practically not able to perceive new information, which means he needs to relax, and the best view is a healthy dream. If the sleep does not help you cope with overwork, then take time to arrange for yourself walking in the fresh air, do any distractions and relaxing things.

A very good way to improve progress can be an attempt to imitate someone. Find this person similar to which you would like to become. Examine all available information about him, especially about how he studied at school, and try to learn as well or even better than your idol. It is important that the applicant for the title of your idol be correct and positive, otherwise you can turn into an asocial person, and your estimates will become even worse.

Another recommendation to everyone who thinks over how to start learning betterIt is to never postpone the performance of homework in the "Long Box". This will allow you not only to start learning well, but also give you more free time to all other classes.

Armed with our advice and starting to fulfill some of them, you can make sure that the study may be interesting, the main thing is to find the right approach to it.

School is an integral part of your life. Thanks to her you get the basics of knowledge, choose a future profession, so knowing how well learned at school, you will definitely succeed in life. There are many effective techniques to improve performance. At the same time, it is not important, an excellent student you or are in the ranks of the lagging, or just want to pull up the estimates. This reliable instruction in any case will be useful for you.

Method 1. Proper preparation

  • Use multicolored markers and bright self-adhesive paper for labeling and highlighting objects. This is a great way to miss any little thing.

Method 2. Setting goals

Method 3. Training Skills

  • Do not worry about what you are too much asking during the lesson. After all, it is better to ask now and assimilate the material, otherwise the gap formed in knowledge will certainly result in the future.
  • Activity During the lesson, much indicates performance. Even if your question may seem stupid or elementary, remember that in the desire to understand there is nothing galloping. It often happens that the same question worries many, they simply do not decide to ask him. Be bolder!

Method 4. Homework and self-test

  • Rewind abstracts. It may seem completely useless and tedious to you, but in reality you will remember much more information. In addition, due to the correspondence of the abstract, you can detect gaps in knowledge and immediately eliminate them.

  • Take a textbook on the subject that is particularly difficult for you. Carefully view the tables, repeat the terms, read the resume at the end of each chapter.
  • Do not forget that holidays are created not only in order to relax. Of course, you need to be afraid, but also to look preferably at least every other day - so passed material will remain in memory.
  • Ask parents or buddies to repeat with you what is the most difficult.

Method 5. Classes in the group

Repeat the material with friends. If you do with buddies, it will allow you to focus.

  • The group should consist of people who can concentrate. Empty conversations only take time.
  • Someone can be difficult to engage in the group, because pleasants can distract from affairs. Or maybe you just like to work alone - it is important to understand that it is not bad. This fact does not mean that you are not adapted to teamwork - on the contrary, you can become an excellent member of the team, if you understand everything correctly.

Method 6. Solving problems

Feel free to ask questions to a tutor. What you need help is not ashamed, but commendable. It says about your desire to understand how well learned at school.

  1. Show persistence. Bring every work started to the end. Do not forget to encourage yourself for good results.

Method 7. Control and exams

Do not worry. It is necessary to worry about because of the controls to those who did not prepare them completely. But you have everything under control!

Method 8. Do not forget about health

  • Use the World Wide Web as a working tool, not fun. View videos, virtual games, social networks are very distracting from studying.
  • It is not worth looking with a quiet envy to look at classmates who do not perform homework - they are not an imitation sample at all. Focus on learning, and success will come to you, and not to them.
  • Read as much as possible. Do not bind to one genre - understanding of the texts of different styles will only benefit you.
  • Do not sit on the back of the desk - you must see the board and teacher well to better learn the material.
  • Carefully train - this will help you quickly and efficiently perceive new information.
  • Actually be smart very cool! Sometimes intellectuals are taken for eccentrics, but you should not worry. Smart people achieve success in life, and this is a fact.
  • Ask parents to view your work - maybe a teacher or you yourself wrong appreciated it.


  • If you are hard, do not worry. It is hard in teaching - easily in battle, as they say.
  • Try to calmly treat marks and testing. The excitement is a completely normal phenomenon, but only as long as it prevents you from demonstrating your talents.
  • No need to write off. Why risk your own estimates!
  • Do not spend time in need. It is fraught with extreme stress and a decrease in the quality of work.
  • Remember that with real friends you can not only have fun, but also learn, find out something new.
  • Be sure to take breaks so that the work is more effective. Having postponing homework, you risk losing a couple of hours of sleep, and your estimates can decrease if you do not share the work on time. Do not be an enemy yourself!

The decision to study well at school refers to the number of correct and intelligent. First, it is quite possible, it will be useful in the future. And secondly, in the present from excellent marks there may be tangible benefits. Going to a rink with friends, go to a concert of your favorite group or an excursion to another city, getting a wicked device for a birthday - all this becomes much more likely when you can see the diary: I tried. And most importantly, it's not really difficult to learn. For good studies do not have to tool from morning to night, throwing all your hobbies and entertainment to the far corner. You just need to know some subtleties of this case. So, kids, are you ready to learn all the secrets of excellent students? Go!

One of the main secrets of good progress we conscise the athletes. Training and preparation for serious competitions takes a huge amount of time. But it is also impossible to study. The recipe is simple: no need to be distracted in the lessons. Write a note, to push your neighbor on the desk, imperceptibly get the phone and carefully send SMS - give up all these pleasures, and that's what you will notice. If you are engaged in the lesson only the lesson - most of the material you can easily digest there. Houses do not have to learn long and tediously, dying through the debris of unfamiliar words and concepts. You will be surprised to find that it is enough to repeat just once again - and you all know. Another plus - the teacher sees that you work in the lesson, delve into the essence. When issuing estimates it will start.

Feel free to ask questions if something is incomprehensible. The little "misunderstanding" today will turn into a few lessons in what will have to return to the beginning and deal with the Azov. And even a simple topic will begin to seem very difficult. So do not try to "slip" something - the school system is so arranged that you will still be returned to any topic, and the gaps in knowledge will still be noticeable.

Well, what do you say? It must be done. But if you performed the first two points, it will be very easy. The main thing is not to be distracted by correspondence, games and so on. Having done all the lessons in two hours, you will free up a lot of time on your hobbies.

Although he says the folk wisdom "Foldful belly to the teaching deaf", but we are still not "belly", but the brain. And he needs food. So do not forget to have breakfast before school, and do not save dining money to buy comics of your dreams. If you will go well at school, chances that your cherished book will appear, there will be much more. Take care that the portfolio next to the textbooks was an apple or small chocolate. So it will be easier for you to move all the studies.

Be sure to write them (only personally). Trying to fit a difficult question to a small piece of paper, you automatically extract the most important information and remember it. It is not necessary to use written cribs.

No matter how cool - stereotypes work. And the analogy: neat, combed - means a good student, in addition to the teacher's desire. Use it. Leave jeans and shabby sweater for another case. Suit, ironed shirt and neat hairstyle - what you need. To enhance the positive effect, add to this tie.

For the girl, the best option will also be a rigorous suit. You can find a very beautiful, but business option. Excluded: cosmetics, which is visible, causing outfits, high heels - all that goes beyond the image of the "exemplary student".

In the end, the classic style is a kind of school dress code. If it seems to you that it is boring, imagine that at school you are agents on the task. Legend is an exemplary student (ka).

As soon as you find yourself behind the threshold of the school, reincarnate, look for your image and feel free.

Help lagging
In your class, obviously there are students who study worse in many subjects. Take time to work out with them and help your studies. From this there will be a double use: and you will make a good deed, and while you will explain the material yourself well - checked!

As you can see, there is nothing too complicated in good performance. Performing these uncomplicated recommendations regularly, you can learn well at school without sacrificing our personal time.

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