Economic and geographical features of Andean countries. Describe the natural resources of the Andean countries

Engineering systems 13.10.2019
Engineering systems

The purpose of the lesson:to form ideas about the economy of Latin America.

training: deepen knowledge of Latin America;

developing: Development of cognitive interests of students, skills to work in a group with a textbook, additional material;

educational: Formation of a culture of communication when working in pairs.

Type of lesson: Combined.

Forms of work of students: collective, work in pairs.

Necessary equipment: Multimedia Installation, Interactive Board, Internet, Eor, Personal Computer .

During the classes

I. Presentation prepared by studying as a leading task on the topic "Formation of a political map of Latin America"

  1. Why is the unified name Latin America preserved for the extensive region?
  2. Latin America's remoteness is a blessing or brake for the development of the district economy?
  3. Why, in the presence of favorable conditions for the development of agriculture, South America is an urbanized area?
  4. Why are indigenous people - Indians spread in hard-to-reach places?
  5. Where did migrants come from in South America?
  6. What ethnic groups call sambo, metis, mulatto?

II. Studying a new material.

Question. What groups of socio-economic division can include Latin America? (NIS - Mexico, intermediate - Brazil, Argentina, Chile, Peru, Lading - Salvador, Honduras, the poorest and backward - Haiti)

Features of the development of the economy of Latin America.

Industrialization of Latin American countries went stages: the strongest shoes for the development of the economy gave world wars, which have positively influenced the economy of countries. Latin America performed a large supplier of raw materials, nutrition, and economic crises in developed countries caused by wars, forced their industry.

Natural conditions and resources.

The task. The class is divided into three groups, each group gets a task to characterize the natural conditions and natural resources of the subregions of Latin America. Select groups of natural conditions that are rich in the territory, give a quantitative and qualitative characteristic. 1-2 people from the group are performing, the rest fill the table. On the basis of the resulting table, it is concluded about the provision of Latin America by this resource, and the similarities and differences are noted.

Natural resources Andean countries La-platters Country of the Caribbean Output
Mineral Provided with copper ores, agriculture, gold, silver, iron ores, lead, tungsten. Manganese, Bokuxites South America is provided with mineral resources sufficient, especially rich in the stocks of magmatic minerals, in the north there is a large oil-gas pool. The economy of countries relies on their own reserves.
Forest Forest resources due to the high-dimensional explanation are diverse, but not rich. There are mixed and coniferous forests. Forest resources are rich and diverse, the area is especially allocated. Amazonia and coast. Atlantic Ocean. Forest resources are rich and diverse. Forests prevail. Tropical belt. Latin America is provided with forest resources. The forest industry focuses on its own reserves.
Land Large ground soil. Fertile soils are located in the south of Brazil, in the steppes of Argentina. Soil fertile with good moisture. Fertile soils are in the east and in the center of the mainland, in the Caribbean area.
Water Rivers mountain and brown, there are mountain lakes. The largest and largest rivers of South America. The rivers are small, but the territory is sufficiently moistened. The provision of water resources is generally sufficient.
Dry, harsh climate, which is affordable for degeneracy, may be meat animal husbandry. Exceptionally favorable climatic conditions. And territory with different climates alternate. Agroclimatic conditions are extremely favorable for growing tropical crops. It is possible to grow cultures of equatorial, subequatorial, tropical and subtropical belts.

After filling out the table, the result is discussed in the class. Joint conclusions are entered into the Count Conclusions.

The task. Work in pairs. Each pair receives for the characteristics of one industry industry. Then there is a performance. All other students enters information in a pre-harvested table.

Economics industry Andean countries La-platters Country of the Caribbean, Central America
Mining industry
Copper ore, Selitras, Gold, Silver, Iron Ore, Lead, Tungsten Manganese, bauxites, iron ores are produced Aluminum ores, oil, nickel, sulfur
Electric power industry Previse HPP
Shipbuilding, mining
Mining equipment
In Brazil, electronics, automotive, shipbuilding, in Argentina - car and machine-tooling Shipbuilding. In Mexico, a large number of assembly shops of American companies: General, Ford, IBM
Ferrous metallurgy Metallurgy is developed in Brazil, in which there are large stocks of iron ore, but no stone coal Black metallurgy is represented in Mexico and Venezuela
Non-ferrous metallurgy The initial stages of the production of non-ferrous metals in Chile, Peru - Copper Industry, in Bolivia - Tin Aluminum production in Brazil Production of alumina on Jamaica, pure aluminum in Venezuela.
Chemical industry Production of mineral fertilizers from Selitra Petrolement, production of mineral fertilizers Petrochemistry on its own raw materials. NPZ developed countries: Netherlands, USA
Light industry Leather-shoe - Argentina, Peru Light industry is well represented. Posted on the coast. Many foreign capital enterprises based on cheap labor
Services sector Tourist infrastructure is well developed, but there are prerequisites for mountain tourism. In Brazil, tourism entertainment is developed. Brazilian carnavals The scope of services in the Caribbean countries is especially well developed. Primorsky tourism prevails.
The overall conclusion and similarity and difference in the regions in the industry: the regions differ sharply in terms of industry development, combines them that in all subregions there is a mining industry, traditional industries.
Agriculture Meat animal prevails In Argentina - animal husbandry, in other countries - crop production The plant prevails
Commodity crops Millet, barley Coffee, Cocoa, Gevei, Sugar Reed Sugar cane, bananas, coffee, cotton, cocoa.
Consumer cultures Potatoes, Barley, Wheat, Tomatoes Corn, millet, sorghum, rice, beans, manica, butat, pumpkin Bananas, rice, corn, fruit
Forms of ownership Large monopolies are foreign capital Small peasant farms are engaged in the cultivation of consumer crops. Small peasant farms are engaged in the cultivation of consumer crops.

Large monopolies are foreign capital

General conclusion: Equatorial, subtropical, tropical and moderate cultures are grown in South America. Consumer cultures that are grown on small land plots are dominated: beans, batt, corn, rice, millet, etc. Large chemical plantations belong to foreign capital. Most of the plantations are located on the coast (colonial drawing of the economy, monocultures are manifested in agriculture).

Characteristics of industries:

Traditional industries - Easy, Food, mining

Old industries: black and non-ferrous metallurgy

New Industries - Mechanical Engineering, Electric Power Industry, Chemical Industry

Newest industries - Electrical Engineering

III. Fixing the material studied

Question. What features characterize the backwardness of Latin America? (Multipleness, predominance of mining industries over processing, monocultural specialization, colonial type of farming and colonial type of farming structure)

The task. Create a model of economics of Latin America.

IV. Homework

  1. Prepare reports on Brazil, Mexico, Argentina.
  2. Reading text textbook.
  3. Task 8, 9 - writing.
  4. Additional task - optional.

Andean countries
(Venezuela, Colombia, Ecuador, Peru, Chile)

Brief description of the countries of the subregion.

    Region specialization:
  • mining and recycling of minerals: oil, gas, copper, tin tin, polymetals, agriculture, precious stones, including diamonds;
  • fisheries;
  • crop - coffee, bananas, sugar cane, flowers.


In 1499, the Spanish Expedition discovered in the Bay of Maracaibo the Indian village built on piles. This reminded the Spaniards the famous Italian city, from the name of which the country name - Venezuela occurred, i.e. "Little Venice" (Capital - Caracas). The country has the largest waterfall of the world on the influx of r. Karony (bass. Orinoco) - Angel.

Oil - 12 reserves of a region, of which 45 reserves in the Maracaibo basin (developed from the 20s of the twentieth century, within its limits, the Unique Bolivar deposit). High sulfur content. One of the world's largest oil terminals.

Heavy oil - "Asphalt belt" Lower course p. Orinoco. Not being developed due to lack of technology.

Guyana - The largest of the new industrial areas of the new development in Venezuela, the largest industrial area of \u200b\u200bintegrated development: electric power industry (Guri - HPP and the largest reservoir in Latin America on the r. Karony), black and non-ferrous metallurgy (Serra iron ore deposit - Bolivar; Boxita). Venezuela ranks first in Latin America for smelting and exporting primary aluminum, and in perspective and 1st place in the world. On the basis of this area - tractor buildings, pulp and paper industry. Here the largest export port of Venezuelan Guayana - Ciudad Guayana.


Capital - Quito.

Main minerals: oil, copper

Basic export articles: bananas, oil, shrimp, coffee, cocoa, sugar. In recent years, along with the Netherlands and Kenya, the largest supplier of flowers into the world market, including Russia.


The capital is Santa Fa de Bogota.

Copper, Emerald (1st place in the world of precious stones).

Main agricultural crops: coffee (Arabica), bananas, cocoa.


La Paz (in translation means "peace") is the actual capital of this highland state. Sucre - the official capital is called in honor of one of the heroes of the liberation struggle against the Spanish colonialists and the first president of this state.

The main natural wealth of Bolivia is Tin. Llanagua, Potosi - Some of the world's largest fields in the world (silver mines existed in Potosi). There are deposits of iron ores.

Indians prevail in the population. Bolivia is one of the most highly mountainous countries of the world, where more than half of the population lives on the Altiplano plateau, located at an altitude of 3300-3800 m, and La Paz is the most high-alley millionaire in such a height.


The capital is Lima (translated from Indian Kechua means "PUP"). This city was located in the center of the Empire of the Inca and was the capital and residence of the Great Inca, he was revered as the "City of the Sun" and was along with the Tarotitian largest city of Decolumbovy America.

Deposits of copper, polymetals, silver, noble and rare metals, precious stones; oil and gas; Growing cotton.

Leader in global fisheries.

State languages \u200b\u200b- Spanish and Kechua - the ancient language of the Inca.


The capital is Santiago.

Copper - 23 reserves of Latin America, copper content in ore - 1.6%, which is higher than in other fields, and also contains molybdenum; Chukikamata - The largest deposit of copper-molybdenum ores, on the basis of which there is a large industrial area of \u200b\u200bChile.

On the territory of Chile is the world's largest field of Selitra.

Tasks and tests on the topic "Andean countries"

  • Countries of the world - Earth population grade 7

    Lessons: 6 tasks: 9

  • Population and countries of South America - South America Grade 7

    Lessons: 4 tasks: 10 tests: 1

  • Population and countries of North America - North America Grade 7
  • Africa State - Africa Grade 7

    Lessons: 3 tasks: 9 tests: 1

  • China - Eurasia Grade 7

    Lessons: 4 tasks: 9 tests: 1

Leading ideas: show the diversity of cultural worlds, models of economic and political development, the relationship and interdependence of countries of the world; And also make sure that it is necessary to be a deep understanding of the patterns of social development and the processes that occur in the world.

Basic concepts: Western European (North American) type of transport system, porto-industrial complex, "Ax of development", metropolitan region, industrial belt, "false urbanization", Latifundy, Shipstayyshnz, Megalopolis, "Technopolis", "Pole of growth", "Growth Corridors"; Colonial type of sectoral structure, monoculture, apartheid, subregion.

Skills: To be able to evaluate the effect of EGP and PGP, the history of settlement and development, the peculiarities of the population and labor resources of the region, the country on the industry and territorial structure of the economy, the level of economic development, the role in the MGR of the region, the country; identify problems and predict the prospects for the development of the region, the country; allocate specific, defining the features of individual countries and give them an explanation; Find the traits of similarities and differences in the population and the economy of individual countries and give them an explanation, draw up and analyze the cardas and cartograms.


Chapter 1. The natural resource potential and dynamics of the development of the Andean countries (on the example of Peru, Bolivia, Chile).

1 Natural resource potential of Andean countries

2 History of development and dynamics of the development of the Andean countries

Chapter 2. Geography of the economic complex of the Andean countries

1 Contemporary state of the economy of the Andean countries

2 Regional differences in Andean countries

Chapter 3. Using the Qualification Work Materials in the School Course of Geography

1 Methodical instructions for developing lessons on Andean countries

2 The main forms of extracurricular work of geography on the topic

Andean countries

3 Scenario Geographical Even on Journey through Andean Countries



Andes are the longest (9000 km) and one of the highest (Mount Akonkagua 6,962 m) of the Mountain Systems of the Earth, which focuses from the North and the West of all southern America; Southern Cordiller. Places of Andes reach the width over 500 km. The average height is about 4000 m.

Andes are a major interchangeable watershed; To the east of the Andes flow the river basin of the Atlantic Ocean, to the west - the pool of the Pacific Ocean. Andes serve most important in South America with a climate barrier, an insulating territory to the west of the main Cordillera from the influence of the Atlantic Ocean, east - from the influence of the Pacific Ocean. The mountains lie in 6 climatic belts and are distinguished by sharp contrasts in the moisturizing of the eastern (led) and Western (visits) slopes.

Andes stretched through the territories of seven states of South America - Venezuela, Colombia, Ecuador, Peru, Bolivia, Chile (Andean countries) and Argentina. In this paper, we will consider the economic and geographical characteristics of the Andean countries on the example of three countries: Venezuela, Colombia, Ecuador.

Andean countries are mountainous countries that differ in terms of socio-economic development, which in turn is closely related to the wide variety of natural, historical, political conditions.

All these countries in the past were Spanish colonies, so for a long time their economic activity was influenced by colonizers. The development of industry occurred very slowly, the main focus was on the development of agriculture. These countries are located in equatorial, subequatorial and tropical belts. They are also called the countries of permafrost, because all year round high positive temperatures, moisturizing in the coastal part excessive, and in anticipation of the leeward side there are weakly dry territories, these are favorable conditions for growing plants, such as coffee, cocoa, bananas, sugar cane other.

The young Latin American states liberated by the struggle for independence from the colonial yoke began to develop themselves. Countries are rich in minerals such as oil, gas, coal, precious stones, various ores. The development of industry begins, the production of agricultural products increases. All this contributed to the development of capitalist relations. In k. 19th century, oil deposits were opened, which increased the penetration of foreign capital.

Now these countries are actively developing new industries. Each of them has its own characteristics that distinguish them from each other. These are differences in relief, respectively, climatic indicators will be different and the result will be various specialization of agriculture. Also, the presence of various minerals will be distinguished by the specialization of industry.

The object of the study is the Andean countries.

The subject of research is the economic and geographical characteristics of the Andean countries.

The purpose of the work is to study the economic and geographical features of the Andean countries. On the example of Peru, Chile, Bolivia

Tasks of work:

examine the natural resource potential of Andean countries.

to identify the dynamics of the economic development of the Andean countries.

consider the current state of the farm and regional differences in the Andean countries.

to identify the possibility of using qualifying materials in the school course of geography.

Work consists of introduction, three chapters, conclusion.

The paper uses research methods: literary, analytical, graphic, statistical, cartographic, comparative.

Chapter 1. The natural resource potential and dynamics of the development of the Andean farms (on the example of Peru, Chile and Bolivia)

.1 The natural resource potential of Andean countries

In the West, the South American Mainland has natural protection against the Caprises of the Pacific Ocean in the form of a large mountain range - Andes. It was the Andes that the consolidating factor was to ensure that a special subregion was allocated in South America, called Andysh countries. Number Andean countries Chile, Colombia, Peru, Venezuela, Ecuador and Bolivia. This is the longest subregion of South America, because he spreads from the fiery land in the south to the Raudibian lowland in Colombia in the north of the mainland. Such a geographical position suggests that in each of the countries described by the subregion, special climatic conditions.

So chili more than other states are entitled to be called an Andean country, because throughout 4630 km the main territory of the state is occupied by Andes. Chile, together with Colombia, differ from other subregional countries in that they have access to both the Atlantic and the Pacific Ocean. Official language of all Andean states He is Spanish, which emphasizes the integration component of cooperation. The subregion is developing a good rate, and the highest growth rates demonstrate chili. After a series of serious political upheavals of the 20th century, Chile immediately paid the economic situation due to balanced reforms and pragmatic attitude towards the export of raw materials. On the territory of Chile, large-scale mining of such minerals, both coal, copper and silver, are produced. The main exporters for all States of the Andean subregion are the United States, China and Brazil. At the same time, Chile have to import major raw materials - oil and oil products from Venezuela.

Today, all countries of the Andean geopolitical coalition are republican, however, according to some foreign policy issues, the leadership of these states there is no consensus. Thus, the highest leaders of Venezuela and Bolivia promote a course of socialist development and not accept the imposition of political will by the United States. At the same time, the economy of these states is in serious dependence on the United States. For example, Venezuela only imports almost 6 billion dollars from the United States. These are cars, and building materials, and electronics.

From the point of view of historical heritage representing special attention to the state of the Andean subregion of Latin America is Peru. Once on the territory of Peru lived ancient incons. The study of these lands has been continuing for more than a hundred years, and interest in the culture of this nation does not dry out to this day. Every year, millions of tourists arrive in Peru, to see the temple complexes of the ancient capital with their own eyes - Cusco. The historical memory of the magnitude of the Empire Inca is reflected even on banknotes - local salts. Thus, on the bill of 5 salts there is an image of the ninth ruler of the Inca - Pachaktec Japacks.

In Peru, in addition to Spanish, the people express themselves at Kechua, the language of Aimar and other Indian adverbs.

The most ambiguous attitude in the subregion is observed in Colombia. The country has serious reserves of minerals, but due to the internal political strife, which is primarily associated with drug trafficking, the development of the state occurs in a low rate.

Ecuador is the least effective state of the subregion. This is associated with a high level of corruption in power, as well as with the policies of the authorities of the authorities in economic processes.

IN andean countries Agriculture is well developed. Thanks to this, from the Andean subregion to many countries of the world, imports of vegetables, fruits, wines throughout the year.

Also see:

Population of Latin America: Ethnic Composition

The population of Latin America is not a regional entity of the national cluster. Nowadays, you can observe serious ethnic changes associated with the migration of subnational communities.

Central America

Continental Central America includes seven states: from Guatemala and Belize in the north to Panama in the south. This is a geographically binder between South America and North.

For as many as 9 thousand kilometers. The states in the territories of which are located its ridges are called the Andascy countries. What features do they possess? How did the presence of the mountains affect their development? In this article we will talk about the main characteristics of the Andean countries.

Southern Cordillera

For its origin, this mountain system is part of the Cordiller located in North America. Andes are young mountains, so they have significant altitudes, yielding only to Himalayas. On average, they reach about 4,000 meters, the highest point is Mount Akonkagua height in 6961 meters.

Andes are the main watershed of the continent, as well as one of the main factors affecting its climatic conditions. They act as a natural barrier, blocking winds from the Atlantic way to western outskirts of the mainland, and the winds of the Pacific Ocean are the path to the east.

Because of the high length of the mountain, they run in five climatic belts - from the equatorial to the southern moderate. In general, they are characterized by severe temperature differences and significant moisturizing slopes.

Andes were formed as a result of active tectonic activity, which does not stop and now. Local landscapes are represented by high ridges, dissected deep canyons and gorges, river valleys and depressions. Here there are many acting volcanoes and often earthquakes occur.

Countries of the Andean Region

The highest mountains of America people settled from the XV century to our era. Andes have become a house for many peoples, including representatives of the most developed civilizations: Naska, urine, Chimu, Tiwanako, Wari, etc.

Militant Incas subjugated local cultures, inherit from them many achievements and traditions, forming a powerful empire. It is located from the North River Pasta (Colombia) to the Maul River (Chile) in the south of the continent, covering the territory of six of the seven modern Andean countries: Bolivia, Ecuador, Chile, Peru, Argentina and Colombia. She did not concern only Venezuela, which also belong to this group.

By virtue of her neighborhood of the state of the mountain region, there are general milestones in history. In addition, they are all Hispanic republics, and the prevailing religion in them is Catholicism.

However, the natural conditions, the composition of the population, the socio-economic development of Andean countries differ. Chile and Colombia have a way out immediately to two oceans, wash the continent, while Bolivia does not have access to the sea at all. The largest in the area from the countries of the subregion is Argentina, but most of the Andean mountain range is located in Chile.


The indigenous population of Andean countries, as well as the entire continent, are Indians. They were never a single ethnic. Even in the composition of the Empire, the Inca, they were many natives from each other. At that time, the Indians had more than 12 million, however, wars and diseases that followed the arrival of colonializers to the continent significantly reduced their number.

In the 20th century, hundreds of thousands of immigrants from Italy, Yugoslavia, England, Germany, France, Asia and the Middle East arrived in South America. Due to this, a huge number of mixed marriages appeared.

Now in Chile, Colombia, Venezuela, the prevailing number of residents belongs to metis. Indians prevail only in Bolivia and Peru, quite a big percentage they are also in Ecuador. In the remaining Andean countries, the indigenous inhabitants of the continent are hardly gaining 5%. Read more about the ethno-racial composition, let's learn from the table.

Natural resources

Andean countries are allocated by major resources. Their climatic conditions allow you to carry out agriculture for almost all year round, growing coffee, fruit, soy, vegetables, sugar cane and other cultures. In wet equatorial forests, cocoa trees, bananas, bamboo, coca, as well as many valuable trees breeds, which are used in industry are growing.

Countries that have access to the ocean use marine resources. So, Peru is the world leader in fishing, Ecuador specializes in shrimp. Mountains of Andes are a major source of minerals. In their depths there are precious stones, metals, various minerals. In intermore deflection are oil and natural gas.

Significant oil reserves are in Argentina, Peru, Ecuador, Colombia. Approximately ½ part of its total number in the region falls on Venezuela. Chile is famous for fields of copper-molybdenum ores and Selitras. However, copper is mined in all countries of the subregion located in the area of \u200b\u200bthe Pacific coast. On the western slopes of the ridges of Bolivia, tin deposits stretched for a thousand kilometers. Colombia is known for its emeralds.

History of economic development

From the beginning of the XVI century, the Spaniards arrived in South America, and all Andean countries soon became their colonies. The minerals of the continent were not yet discovered, so subordinate territories were used to develop agriculture. From here to Europe, they supplied coffee, sugar, cocoa, bananas, wheat, barley, cannabis.

With independence at the beginning of the XIX century, an era of industrial development has come. The subregion opened factories and plants, precious stones and metals, ores, coal and oil were actively mined. Painted foreign capital.

Further development of Andean countries went in different directions. Venezuelan's economy became solely for oil production, large mines opened in Chile, Bolivia and Peru, Colombia turned into one of the largest coffee suppliers, and the Argentine Pampa became the source of meat and wool.

Modern economy

Currently, Argentina, Colombia, Chile and Venezuela are the most developed Andascy countries. At the same time, Argentina is the second on economic development (after Brazil) on the continent. The comparison of the purchasing power parity countries is presented in the table below (IMF data for 2016).

The main economic problem of all these countries is a large separation between the secured and poor layers of the population, the low level of equipment on production, corruption, unemployment. In Colombia, a big problem is a drug trafficking.

To solve these problems, the country is combined into groups. For example, Bolivia, Colombia, Ecuador and Peru are consisting of the Andean community. Argentina and Venezuela are Mercosur, sharing a common market with Brazil, Uruguay and Paraguay. Bolivia, Venezuela and Ecuador are also included in the Bolivarian Alliance of America (Alba).

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