Than King Solomon is famous. Solomon - biography, information, personal life

Engineering systems 15.10.2019
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Tsar Solomon (Shlomo, in Islam - Suleiman) (1011 - 928 BC. Er) - one of the main characters of the Abrahamic "Scriptures".

Solomon in "Holy Scripture" is referred to as the Great and Wise Ruler, the carrier of all sorts of virtues (real and imaginary).

The merits of King Solomon are considered, among other things, the construction of the main (and only one) Jewish temple located in Jerusalem, and the composition of several books of the biblical canon:

  • "Song of the song";
  • "Book of proverbs";
  • Some Psalm "Psalmier";
  • "Ecclesiast book."

The author of the last mentioned book Solomon could certainly be: "Ecclesiast" ("the conversation desperate with his ba") is a classic ancient Egyptian poem based on Egyptian religion and philosophy and echoing with another Egyptian poem - "Song of the Arfist".

The authorship of the remaining listed works of the biblical canon also remains the question. For Jewish recorders of the late Time, Tsar Solomon is the personification of the ideal ruler, and his era is a kind of "golden age" of the Hebrew state.

Therefore, it is not surprising that his figure is paid so close attention.

The name of the king

The name of Shlomo comes from the Jewish word "Shalom" - "The world (lack of war)", as well as from the word "Shalem" - "whole, perfect", apparently, these are words related. Solomon is mentioned in the "Bible" and under other names, for example - Iedidia ("Beloved by God, a friend of God"); So his father was called - King David, when God forgive him for the rape of Bathswi and the murder of her husband.

How he came to power

Shlomo, apparently, was the legitimate heir of the Jewish throne, since he was a companion of his father in the last years of his life. When David became very old, the authorities tried to usurp the other son - Adony. He entered into conspiracy with the main priest of the airfare and the warlord Joav, declared the people about her acceleration and made a magnificent holiday about this.

However, Virsavia, the mother of Solomon, and the priest Nathan reported on this David. Adony decided to escape and disappeared in the tabernacle (marching church). Solomon, by that time I had already actually became the heir to the throne, agreed to pardon his brother, if he surrendered and shown. He did it. The rest of the conspirators Solomon executed, forming the new government then.

It is reported that Solomon allegedly agreed with God; He gave him great wisdom and patience, as he asked a new king, and Solomon swore to raise the people in loyalty to God.

Relations with other states

As confirms the meaning of his name, Solomon was a peace-loving ruler and did not want to lead any wars. Nevertheless, he created the United States of Israel and Jews, which occupied a significant territory. The basis of the richness of the treasury at Solomon was a trading path from Egypt to Damascus, held on its territory; Also Solomon traded horses and chariots, performed intermediary transactions.

It was unlikely that it was unlikely to earn such fabulous wealth, which attribute to the legendary king. Archaeologists were found that during Solomon in the Israeli kingdom there were many copper mines and smelters, apparently, it was the main source of budget replenishment.

Solomon was friends with the rulers of neighboring countries, including the Egyptian Pharaoh, thus, the centuries-old enmity of the Jews and the Egyptians ended. To strengthen friendship, Solomon took the daughter of Pharaoh as his first wife. In a friendly relationship, he was also with the Phoenician King of Hiram - he was in his debt, in the account of which he gave way to Hiram some villages in his country.

The Israeli king did not even decide to deal with the dismissal - rebelled by Aramaites, who expelled the Jewish representative from Damascus and declared himself a ruler.

Attitude towards your country

Solomon was an excellent administrator, diplomat, builder and entrepreneur. Having received a not particularly rich state from the Father, living in patriarchal tribal structures and few people interesting, he made it a real ancient superpower, with which neighboring countries were forced to be considered - even such powerful as Egypt.

The Israeli kingdom itself became rich and prosperous, and first of all it concerns Jerusalem - Solomon made him a luxurious megapolis, besides, the only center of the Jewish religion. Meanwhile, Idealize Tsar Solomon is not necessary. It was a rather powerful ruler, who saw only his slaves in subjects.

Luxury at his courtyard reached madness, and one of the symbols of this luxury was the monstrous sizes of Gaarem Solomon. The king led his country to flourishing by iron, often not worrying about simple subjects or showing violence in their respect. Solomon and the queen Sava famous became the story that the Queen of the Sabey state came to Solomon, who was located in the Arabian Peninsula. In the Bible, their relationship is described foggy and mysteriously, however, apparently, King Solomon was with her in love.

It is difficult to find at least one ruler or just a significant historical figure whose life would be shrouded in so many legends and secrets as the life of King Solomon. His name has become a synonymal of wisdom in centuries, and the period of his rule is the "golden age", the heyday of the Israeli kingdom.

Solomon was born in 1011 BC. in Jerusalem. His parents were the powerful king of Israel David and Beauty Bathsavia. The only source in which you can find confirmation of the real existence of the legendary ruler of the combined Israeli kingdom is a torus. Therefore, from a scientific point of view, it is still difficult to say to this day, whether Solomon is a historical personality.

This is what the Holy Scripture tells about the history of the emergence of the future of King Solomon: "Once, in the evening, David, getting out of bed, walked on the roof of the royal house and saw a bathing woman with a roof; And the woman was very beautiful. And sent David to scheduling, who is this woman? And they told him: this is Baths, the daughter of Eliam, the wife of Uria Hatteyanin. David sent servants to take her; And she came to him, and he slept with her ". In order to get rid of her husband's husband, King David ordered him to send him to a military campaign and, so that certainly the warrior did not return home, given instructions: "Check Uriah where the strongest battle will be, and retreat from him, so that he is amazed and died.". When the Uriah died, the king was able to marry Bathsvia, and the son was born in due time.

As you know, sooner or later all the secret becomes a clear, and the treacherous act of the king is no exception. The scandal broke out in Jerusalem. The Prophet Nathan openly cursed the House of David, condemning it to the fratricide discord. In addition, he predicted that Baby Baby Baby would die. So it happened. David then repeated before the Lord, and Nathan announced that he was forgiven. Soon, beautiful Bathsvia gave birth to the second son, which Solomon was ordered (Shlomo), that is, the "peacekeeper". The second name gave him at the birth of the prophet Nathan: Iedidia - "Loves of God."

By the time Solomon was born, the fortieth king David had already two dozen siblings from different wives. Naturally, they unleash perceived the news about the appearance of another heir, and each other were far from fraternally.

Two senior son of David, Amnon and Avissal, died in fratricide internecine conflicts. Adononia remained next to the seniority. Formalities demanded that it was he who climbed the Israeli throne after David, but the Great Ruler promised Bathsavia, which will make Solomon with his successor. Hardened by the injustice of the Father, Adonya found support in the person of the Joava warrod and the High Priest of Evyatar, who also believed that Adonia had more right to the throne than Solomon. Adony, being already confident in his own victory, arranged a luxurious feast in honor of his coronation. However, Bersries penetrated the king and recalled the promise given to her: "Whether you didn't swear, Mr. My king, a servant of yours, saying:" Your Son Solomon will be king after me "? Why did Adonion reigned? " And David appointed 18-year-old Solomon with his successor. Having learned about your failure and about the failure of my intrigue, Adony ran, fearing the violence, in the temple and grabbed the horn of the altar in the form of a bullish head, - this meant that he asked for protection in Gd. Solomon came to Adonia and promised that he would not kill him, if henceforth would behave adequately.

Soon David died, and Adonia again tried to get to power. He decided to marry Avichag, servantly King David at the end of his life. Solomon saw the attractions of adonia on the throne, since, according to custom, the right to the throne, who comes to the wife or concubine of the king, and ordered to kill adonia.

After this execution, Solomon decided once and for all to get rid of the remaining "well-wishers" - the adonance of Adonia Joawa and the old enemy of the David dynasty, the relative of the first king of Shaul. Solomon did not lead the blind thirst for revenge, and there are no documents confirming the use of the king of the death penalty. In relation to Joava and Shemy Solomon only performed the will of David.

Solomon ruled the Israeli kingdom from 967 to 928 BC. As mentioned, the king was unusually wise. Once, before the construction of the temple, the BC was Solomon in a dream and promised to fulfill any of his desire. Solomon asks: "Give the same slave your heart is reasonable to judge your people and distinguish with that good and that evil."

"And he told him ... For the fact that you asked for this, and did not ask for a long life for himself, I did not ask for my wealth, I didn't ask for your souls of your enemies, but I asked my mind to be able to judge," I'll do it Word Your: Here, I give you a heart wise and reasonable, so I didn't have this before you, and after you will not rise like you; and what you did not ask, I give you, and wealth and glory, so not There will be similar to you between your kings in all days of yours; and if you walk through my way, keeping my charters and my commandments, as your father went to David, I will continue your days. " (Kings).

Solving to unite his people with a common matter, one task, Tsar Solomon built the main shrine of Judaism - the first Jerusalem temple on Mount Zion. The ark of the covenant was placed in this temple - the greatest shrine, inside which was kept, obtained by Moses from the Lord himself.

David also wanted to build a decent product for the ark, but did not have time. Solomon continued his father-started. He concluded a deal with the king of the Phoenician Tire of Chiram, in whose country, the famous for the whole Middle East are the Lebanese cedars.
Under the contract, in exchange for cedar wood, Solomon pledged a large amount of oil, meat and grain every year. 30 thousand people who were harvested by wood were sent to the shooting range; Another 150 thousand inhabitants of Israel mined the stones in the mountains and transported them to Jerusalem. Build the temple forced almost all healthy men. The construction lasted for 7 years, and the famous legend about the main mason is connected with it, whose name was in one sources of Hiram, according to others - adonions. He refused to reveal the secrets of his craft, and for it was killed. Heirs of Hirama allegedly founded to protect the mystery fraternity of "free bricklayers" (Masons), making it the emblems of the circulation, a square and plumb.

The erected church was a huge building in which up to 50 thousand praying could fit. In the center of the temple was located "Holy Saints" (Davir), where the ark was installed on the stone pedestal, guarded by the gilded statues of Cherubs. The temple was destroyed in 586 BC. Babylonian king Nebuchadnezzar II, but before this ark mysteriously disappeared. Fans of secrets are looking for it so far.

Many still consider Solomon to the personification of wisdom, and even there is a saying: "Severing Solomon in a dream can hope to become wise" (Brahot 57 b).

As if atypically, for those times it was neither sounded, King Solomon was a peaceful ruler and, unlike his father, the wars could practically did not lead. At the same time, he managed to expand the territory of Israel from the Nile to Euphrates. It was at the same time that the ruler, the Israeli kingdom became a significant and rather influential state of Asia.

The strategy of the foreign policy of the Israeli kingdom Solomon began to build with the establishment and strengthening of friendly relations with neighbors. At the beginning of his reign, he put an end to the harmonious age-old enmity between the Egyptians and the Jews, taking the daughter of the Egyptian Pharaoh in his wife and strengthens the southern borders of the state. Most likely, it is precisely for the purpose of rapprochement with neighboring peoples and strengthening their power, Solomon took himself to wives Moavityanok, ammonites, Edomites, Sidonankas and Hittites, who belonged to the most significant genus of these peoples.

Tsar Solomon was a good diplomat, builder and merchant. He turned the agricultural country into a strong, economically developed state that had a great influence in the international arena. He rebuilt and strengthened Jerusalem and other cities of her kingdom, first introduced to the Jewish army Connection and chariot to the Jewish army, built a merchant fleet, developed crafts and maintained trade with other countries.

The new composition of the government of King Solomon consisted of the high priest, commander of the troops, the Minister of Taxation, the head of the royal administration and the head of 12 governors, as well as several court chroniclers.

When excavations in Jerusalem, many cups for cosmetics, mirrors, hair studs, jugs for imported incense are found - this proves that the court ladies vigilate the fashion. The king settled the prey and mirror of copper, and also built a large fleet, which every three years sailed to the country of the officer, making gold and wood of valuable rocks.

The book of Henry Raider Haggard "Solomon King Solomon" was released in 1885 "Solomon's" Solviva seekers to go to search for treasures. Haggard believed that Solomon owned diamond and golden specks. Most archaeologists are confident that the king mined copper ore in his cops. In the 30s of the last century it was suggested that Solomon's mines were in South Jordan. And only at the beginning of the 21st century, archaeologists have found evidence that, indeed, the copper mines found in Jordan in the town of Hirbat-En-Nahas may be the legendary specks of King Solomon. Obviously, Solomon was a monopolist in the copper production market, which gave him the opportunity to get super-profits. The ambassadors from various countries arrived in Jerusalem to conclude peace and trade agreements with Israel, and brought rich gifts.

One of the rusty of Solomon was an extraordinary luxury everywhere: "And the king of silver in Jerusalem is equivalent to simple stones". Special attention deserves the throne of the king. In the second Targum to the book, Esther says that 12 gold lions and as many golden eagles squeezed out opposite each other on the steps of the throne of the king of Israel. At the top of the throne - a golden image of a pigeon. There was also a gold candlestick with fourteen cups for candles, on seven of which the names of Adam, Noah, Shem, Abraham, Yitzhak, Yakova and Job were engraved, and on the seven others - the names of Levi, Keate, Amrama, Moshe, Aaron, Eldad and Hura. As stated in Targum, when the king climbed the throne, the lions with the help of a mechanical device stretched their paws so that Solomon could rely on them. In addition, the throne himself moved at the request of the king. When Solomon, going on the throne, reached the last stage, the eagles raised him and seated on the chair.

Understanding the importance of education, aware of the influence of education for the future of the state, wanting to spread the TOROR in the country, Solomon built synagogues and schools. However, the tsar did not differ in charge: when it was necessary to determine the leap year, he invited 7 academic elders to him, "In the presence of which silence kept" (Shamot Rabba, 15, 20).

About the wisdom of the king go legends. Once Solomon turned to the court sage with a request: "Help me - a lot in this life can bring me out of myself. I am very prone to passions, and it hinders me!" To which the sage replied: "I know how to help you. Put it is a ring - the phrase is carved on it:" It will pass! "When it floats a strong anger or strong joy, look at this inscription, and she sabs you. In this you will find salvation From passions! "

Solomon followed the sage advice and gained calm. But the moment came when, looking, as usual, on the ring, he did not calm down, but on the contrary - even more came out of himself. He ripped a ring from his finger and wanted to cherish him away in the pond, but suddenly noticed that there was some inscription on the inside of the ring. He looked at and read: "And it will also take place ..." According to another legend, the ring with engraving is the source of wisdom and calm - it was done for Solomon to the first-class jeweler, who threatened the death penalty in the event of unsuccessfully completed work.

There is another famous story, which testifies to the dismissions and the mind of the Great Tsar. Once, two women came to the king to court, who could not share the baby among themselves - both argued that the child belongs to her. Solomon, not thinking for a short time, ordered to cut the baby in half, so that every woman got into part. When one of the women in horror screamed: "Give her better, but just don't kill him!", Solomon decided to favor this woman - it was her mother's mother ...

Court of King Solomon

Legends say that Solomon was obeyed by all animals and birds. Gemstones at the Solomon Palace delivered demons, the angels guarded them. With the help of magical perverse on which the name of the B-ha was engraved, Solomon recognized many secrets about the world from Angels.

Having learned about the wisdom and the fabulous wealth of King Solomon, he was visited by the legendary Queen Sava from the country of Saba in the territory of the current Yemen to experience his wisdom and make sure his wealth. The queen brought numerous gifts with them. The SAST state successfully traded with neighboring countries with spices and incenses. Trading routes crossed the territory of the kingdom of Solomon, and the passage of caravans depended on the will and the arrangement of the king, which was the true cause of the visit of Queen Sava. There is an opinion that it was just a "delegate", the "ambassador" of the country and was not a dynastic queen. But with the king could only talk to him according to the status, so the messengers "assigned" temporary status to negotiate. Folk legends gave a romantic color to this visit. The blinded by the beauty of the Tsaritsa Sava, Solomon praised the passion to her, she replied to him with reciprocity, all questions about the promotion of caravans were settled. Returning home, the queen gave birth to a boy called Menelik. Ethies argue that their imperial dynasty occurs from him. In Ethiopia, the queen is considered to be their countrywoman.

Solomon and Queen Sava on Fresco Piero della Francesca from Basilica San Francesco

During his reign, Solomon also allowed errors that became a catalyst for the collapse of the state after his death. There was time, and the revenues of the king ceased to cover costs. Grand construction and rapid economic development required the workforce: "And the Tsar Solomon's concern was all Israel; the obligation consisted of thirty thousand people."

Solomon divided the country for 12 tax districts, which were required to contain the royal yard and the army. The Knee of Yehudi, from which was from Solomon and David, was freed from taxes, which caused discontent and increased the degree of social tension in society. Jerobes from the knee of Efraim, who held a prominent post in the royal administration, raised the rebellion, and then fled to Egypt, where he hospitably accepted Pharaoh Susakim. Another threat was the robber aim, who captured Damascus and became the king there, constantly attacking the northern Israeli lands.

The wastefulness and thrust of Solomon to luxury led him to loss of solvency. Solomon was unable to pay the king of Hiram, and was forced to give him about twenty of his cities to debt.

The priests also had reasons for discontent. The king had many wives of various races and religions. Solomon allowed them to worship their gods, built for them as the temple, and at the end of life, he himself began to participate in pagan cults.

Tsar Solomon in old years old. Gustav Dore engraving

Tsar Solomon attribute the authorship of many books and literary works. It is believed that he wrote the book "Ecclesiast", but scientists found the Persian and Aramaic words in it, proving that the book was written by several centuries later. Peru Solomon is also attributed to the "Song of Songs" ("Shir A-Shirim") - a great book about love.

Already in the Middle Ages, Solomon attributed many other writings - mostly of the occult and magical. Astrologers and alchemists so as not to be accused of heresy, declared the king, recognized by the Holy, their patron.

At the end of the life to Solomon came Gd and said: "For the fact that you are done, and you have not saved the covenant of my and the charters of my, which I commanded you, I will rejust you the kingdom and give it to your slave; but in your days I will not do this for the sake of David, your father; From the hand of the son of your east of him " (Kings).

According to most sources, the Board of King Solomon continued for about 37 years, and he died at the age of 52, watching the construction of a new altar. The approximate king did not immediately bury him in the hope that the ruler just fell into a lethargic dream. When Chervi began to sharpen the royal staff, Solomon was finally recognized as dead and buried with all the honors.

After the death of King Solomon, as a result of numerous uprisings, his kingdom fell into two weak states - Israeli and Jewish, which were mired in permanent internecine wars.

Solomon himself, looking at the disappointing results of his reign, could well say the sad words embedded in his mouth by the author of the book Ecclesiast: "I betray my heart to know the wisdom and know the madness and stupidity: I found out that this is the Tomorrow of the Spirit; Because in many wisdom a lot of sadness, and who multiplies knowledge, multiplies grief. "


Date of Birth: 1011 BC e.

Age: 83 years

Date of death: 928 BC e.

Activity: King, legendary ruler of the United Israeli Kingdom

Family status: was married

Solomon: biography

The legend, which helps some people cope with stressful situations, states that Tsar Solomon lived a long time ago. The life of this wise ruler was not calm, so he turned to the court philosopher for advice. The thinker told his lord about the magic ring that did not have the price, on which "everything passes".

"When a strong anger or strong joy falls back, look at this inscription, and she sobs you. In this you will find salvation from passions! ", - said the king sage.

Much time passed, Solomon packed his anger with this precious gift. But once, looking at this laconic inscription, Solomon did not calm down, but on the contrary, it went out of myself. And then the angry king ripped the ring from the finger in the hope of throwing out of his way into the pond, but I noticed that it was written on the reverse side "and it will pass."

As for the biography of King Solomon, disputes are going to this day. Some believe that David's Son lived in fact, others are confident that the wise ruler is biblical falsification. Be that as it may, Solomon is an integral Character of Christian and Islamic (Suleiman) religions, which left a trace in culture: its image is used in picturesque paintings, prose, verses, films and cartoons.

The origin of King Solomon

Solomon was born in 1011 BC. in Jerusalem. The only source indicating the reality of the existence of the legendary ruler of the combined Israeli kingdom is the Bible. Therefore, confirm or refute whether Solomon is a historical personality, biographers and scientists can not to this day.

Judging by the description of God's book, Solomon is the son of the second king of Israel David. According to the New Testament, the Messiah family from the genus David is.

Until the seeker, David was a simple shepherd, at the same time she showed himself a man not only kind and trusty, but also strong and bold: to protect his sheep, he could deal with his bare hands with a lion or bear.

The parents of Solomon, Baths, accounted for the daughter of Eliam and according to the Bible, possessed rare appearance: David, who walked in his possessions, saw Bathing Bathsavia, and her beauty struck the king. Therefore, David ordered to deliver the girl you like, who at that time was considered the wife of Uria Hetteyanin - a military personnel in the army of David, to the palace. Virsavia got pregnant, and then the cunning David ordered the Hetteyanin warlod in a letter so that his beloved spouse did not return from the battlefield alive:

"Put urius where the strongest battle will be, and retreat from him, so that he is amazed and died" (Samuel book 11:15).

After this incident, David acquired ill-wishers, and Nafan (Nathan), which is in the Holy Scripture as a prophet and one of the authors of the book of kingdoms, cursed the leader, conquer his future to fratricide conflicts.

Later, David repented in his treacherous act and kneeling forgiveness from God. The Prophet said that the Lord forgave the other person who wished his death, however, he recalled:

"... the lamb must pay fourly."

Thus, in the life of David there was a lot of bitterness and sorrow: his younger son died, and the daughter of Flamar was raped by the son of Amnon (who died of his native brother). At the time limit, the king was born her son. By sending Spromon's offspring, David and Bathsvia predetermined the future of the son, because the name of CHOLOMO translated from Hebrew meant "Peace" (ie, "not war"). In fact, Solomon was afraid of armed conflict, so during the reigns did not use a numerous army.

The second symbolic name of Solomon - Iedidia (translated as "beloved God") - given him in honor of the condescension of the Most High to David, who admitted that he made one of the seven death sins - adultery. Wirzavia was a pious woman who always remained in the shade. The beloved leader of the Israeli people was not immediately in the details of the policy, but was engaged in raising children.

Beginning of the Board

According to the legend, not paying attention to the fact that Solomon was the last of the sons of David, the king wanted to make the younger offspring with his receiver. But also for power, the eldest son Adony struggled, having the right to do this, because the ancient traditions of the crown belonged to him. Therefore, the true heir created a special teleper detachment headed by Jooh and Aviafar. And, taking advantage of the weakness of the parent, tried to attract Nathan, the brave Vaneya and the royal guard, but did not receive support from David's subjects.

David learned from the mouth of the Prophet about the current conspiracy, so he managed to anoint the world of Solomon to the reign in order to convey to him necessary to manage the country of the gift of the Holy Spirit. At the same time, God set the condition to the autocrat, so that he would in any way shy away from the ministry of the Most High. Having received a promise, the Creator endowed Solomon wisdom and patience.

There is a legend of Solomon Court, which proves the rationality of the ruler. Two women came to the king with a selection to determine who had a true mother's mother. And then Solomon gave a cruel advice: do not argue, but to cut the child in half, so that each gets half. One of the parishioners said that let it be so, and the other fell into panic and despair. Thus, Solomon resolved the debate and found out who is a true parent, and who only pretends.

Therefore, the usurpactor attempts of Adony were doomed to Fiasco: the young man ran and found his refuge in the tabernacle. It is worth noting that the newly connected king forgave his brother and ordered to pardon, but the fate of his associates of Joava and Aviafar was sad: the first was executed, and the second was sent to the link. However, Adonia could not avoid harsh punishment, because he tried to take himself to Avisagu Sunshatyanka, the servant of the king of David, asking Brasevia to apply for him before Solomon. But the wise king found that his brother again wishes to declare his rights to the throne and ordered to execute Adonia.

Internal and foreign policy

Getting rid of a dynastic competitor, Solomon became a full ruler of Israel. The wise king for political purposes took into his wife the daughter of Pharaak Sheshonka I, since Egypt at all times was considered a country with exceptional fertility and indiscreated riches (it is only worth remembering the Treasures of the Queen).

Having made the proposal of the hands and hearts by the Nile Beauty, the Jewish ruler received a Tel-Heger in Israel - a biblical city in Israel (under Tremame III, the country was dependent on the Egyptian rulers, so the city was adjusted to the Egyptians). Also, the king also received the king at the expense of the Via Regia trading path ("Tsarskaya Road"), which began from Egypt and stretched to Damascus.

It is also known that Solomon supported friendly relations with the Phoenician king of Hiram I Great. When David's son became a full-fledged ruler, he began to execute the will, left by his father, and began to build a temple. Therefore, Solomon asked to assist in Hiram, who had unable wealth, therefore, the rulers concluded a union among themselves.

The Phoenician king sent Cedar Solomon, cypress, gold, as well as builders, and in return received olive oil and wheat grain. However, the construction of the temple left Solomon in debt, so the leader of the Jewish people gave the chiram part of the southern lands.

Fresco "Solomon and Queen Savskaya"

Among other things, there is a tale of the Tsaritsa Sava, who, having learned about the wisdom of the ruler of the Israeli kingdom, decided to experience Solomon to riddles. It is concerned that after the visit of the queen, Israel became a prosperous and rich gold country:

"And she presented the king one hundred and twenty gold talents and the great set of incense and precious stones" (3-king. 10: 2-10).

It is worth noting that this biblical plot in the future became a reflection to create legends and legends. Some writers decorated this story with a love tie of Solomon with his unexpected guest from Sabey, but in the holy book about the "weekly" relations of the Tsaritsa Sava and the Son David silent. It is known that Solomon had 700 wives and 300 concubines.

End of Board and Death

It is noteworthy that the king was a wise politician, during his reign, he managed to end the hunger, as well as buried the ax of the war between the Jews and the Egyptians. The Bible states that the beloved wife of Solomon was an innovative alien. Therefore, the tricky woman persuaded the beloved to build a pagan altar, which became an apple of discord between the Almighty and the ruler.

For this, the oppressed god promised to the autocrat that after his reign on Israel wures misfortunes. But shortly before the death of Solomon in the country, everything was not cloudless: due to construction projects, the royal treasury was empty, and the uprisings of Edomyan and Arameyan began (conquered peoples).

Talmud says that Solomon lived 52 years old. The king died at the moment when he watched the construction of a new altar. To eliminate lethargic sleep, the leader's body has not betrayed the earth for a long time.

Bible and mythology

According to ancient legends, after the World Flood, which destroyed the highly developed state of Atlantis, the human civilization had to line up again. As the new society develops, people found the remains of past culture, among which were also technological advances.

The knowledge gained and artifacts were expensive as they contributed to the progressive development of those states that they were acquired. As a result, there was a need to transfer them in such a way that all knowledge remained secret from simple, not close to the management of people.

Therefore, among the rulers, a ban on written fixation of knowledge was taken, all the information was transferred from mouth to mouth. King Solomon was the first leader who recorded all the accumulated esoteric knowledge from different traditions in writing. Of the well-known works of the king, his treatise "Solomon's keys" reached us. Small Key consists of five sections, one of them, "Goetie" describes 72 demons, which in the current science it is customary to be human hormones.

These papers have gained popularity due to the original way of reading information - for the convenience of perception, some of the information in the manuscript is drawn by schemes and signs. Among these drawings, "Solomon Circle" are of great importance (it is a model of the planet Earth and used to be used in despondency) and the Star of Solomon (based on Indian Teaching about Chakrah, used in amulets). It is also believed that Solomon became the author of the "Book of Ecclesiast", "Song Solomon songs", "Books of Solomon".

Image in culture

  • 1614 -, picture "Solomon Court"
  • 1748 - Handel, Oratoria "Solomon"
  • 1862 - Guno, Opera "Queen Savskaya"
  • 1908 -, Tale "Sullaify"
  • 1959 - King Vido, drama "Solomon and Queen Savskaya"
  • 1995 - Richard Rich, Cartoon "Solomon"
  • 1995 - Robert Young, drama "Solomon and Queen Savskaya"
  • 1997 - Roger Young, documentary "Tsar Solomon. Wise of wise "
  • 1998 - Rolf Beyer, Roman "Tsar Solomon"
  • 2012 - Owned Barbe, cartoon "Printing of King Solomon"

Solomon (Dr.-Heb. שְׁלֹמֹה, Shlomo; Greek. Σαλωμών, σολωμών in septuagint; Lat. Salomon in Vulgate; Arab. سليمان Suleiman In the Quran) - the third Jewish king, the ruler of the United Israeli Kingdom during his highest heyday. The son of King David and Bathsavia (Bat Shevy), the co-guarantee of David in the first two years of his reign. During the Board of Solomon in Jerusalem, the Jerusalem Temple was built - the main shrine of Judaism.

According to different chronologies, the dates of the Board belong to the beginning of the X century BC. e., 972-932 BC e., 960s - approx. 930 BC e., 967-928 BC. e., according to the traditional Jewish chronology approx. 874-796 BC e.

Solomon - a character of a multitude of legends in which he acts as the wisest of people and a fair judge, often he is attributed to the magical qualities (understanding of the language of animals, power over jinnings).

Traditionally, it is considered the author of the "Book of Ecclesiast", the books "Song of Solomon", "Books of Solomonov", as well as some psalms (Ps. 126 (Masorette text - Ps. 127), Ps. 131 (Masoret. Ps. 132). In The Orthodox and Catholic Church is considered the author of the Secondary Book of Wisdom Solomon.

The historicity of King Solomon, as well as the historicity of King David, and the historicity of the Israeli kingdom is the subject of scientific discussion.

Histority Solomon

The Bible is the main source of information about life and the Board of Solomon. In addition, his name is mentioned in the writings of some antiquity authors, which Iosif Flavius \u200b\u200bwrote about the deduction of biblical stories, direct historical evidence of its existence was found. Nevertheless, it is considered to be a historic figure. On this board, the Bible has particularly detailed factactology with many personal names and numbers. The name of Solomon is mainly associated with the construction of the Jerusalem Temple, destroyed by Nebuchadnezzar II and several cities whose construction was also associated with his name.

At the same time, quite plausible historical canvas adjacent to obvious exaggerations. For later periods of Jewish history, the reign of Solomon represented a kind of "golden age". As it happens in such cases, all the benefits of the world have been attributed to the "sun-like" king - wealth, women, non-residential mind.

Solomon names

Name Shlomo. (Solomon) on Hebrew comes from the root "שלום" ( shalom - "Peace", in the meaning "not war"), as well as "שלם" ( shalem. - "Perfect", "whole"). Solomon is mentioned in the Bible also under a number of other names. For example, he is called Weedidia ("Beloved by God or a friend of God") - a symbolic name, this Solomon in the sign of the favor of God to his father David after his deep repentance regarding adultery with Bathshevia.

In Aggad, Tsar Solomon is also attributed to the names from the book of Solomon (ch. 30, Art. 1 and Ch. 31, Art. 1) Agur, Bean, Yak, Lemuel, Itael and drew.

Biblical narration

The Sacred Scripture states that Solomon was born in the capital of the Israeli kingdom - Jerusalem (the first book of Paralypomenon, Ch. 3, Art. 5). The Bible was mentioned by the wife of Solomon Naam Ammonitanka (IVR. - נעמה) (the third book of kingdoms, 14: 22.31) and the daughter of Solomon - Tafaph (IvR. Tafat טפת), (third kN. Kingdoms 4:11) and Vasamafa (IVR. Baibamat בשמת), (third kN. Tsar. 4:15).

The successor was his son Roveam (the third KN. King. 14:21).

Rise to power

Tsar David intended to convey the throne to Solomon, although he was one of his younger sons. When David Odreachrel, the authorities tried to usurp the other son, Adony (3 Tsar. 1: 5). He entered a conspiracy with the High Priest Aviation Affare and Commander of Joava, and, taking advantage of the weakness of David, announced himself to the successor to the throne, appointing a magnificent coronation.

Solomon's mother, Virsavia (Ivre. - בת שבע Bat Sheva), as well as the Prophet Nafan (Ivre. נתן Nathan) notified David about it. Adony fled and disappeared in the tabernacle, grabbed "For the horns of the altar" (3 Tsar. 1:51), after his repentance, Solomon pardon him. After coming to power, Solomon dealt with other participants in the conspiracy. So, Solomon temporarily removed the airfather from the priesthood and executed Joawa, who tried to hide in the run. Artist of both executions, Vanya, Solomon appointed new commander for troops.

God gave Solomon to the reign, provided that he will not deviate from serving God. In exchange for this promise, God gave Solomon unprecedented wisdom and patience (3 Tsar. 3:10 - 11)

The composition of the government formed by Solomon:

  • High Priests - Sadok, Aviafar, Azaria;
  • Commander of the troops - Vanya;
  • Minister of Taxation - Adoniram;
  • Court chronicle - Iosafat; also scribes - Elichorf and Achia;
  • Akhisar - Head of the Tsarist Administration;
  • Zavuf;
  • Azaria - head of the governors;
  • 12 Vicers:
    • Ben-Hur
    • Ben Decker,
    • Ben Hesed,
    • Ben-Avnadav,
    • Vaana, Son Achiluda,
    • Ben-hever,
    • Achinadav,
    • Achimaas,
    • Vaana, son fucking,
    • Josafat
    • Shy
    • Gever.

Foreign policy

The basis of the welfare of Solomon was held by his possessions a trading path from Egypt to Damascus. He was not a militant ruler, although Israel and Jews engaged in his power under his power occupied a significant territory. Solomon supported friendly relations with the Phoenician King of Hiram. Great building projects left him indebted to the chiram (3 kings. 9:15). To repay the debt, Solomon was forced to give him a village in the south of his lands.

According to the biblical narration, having learned about the wisdom and the glory of Solomon, the government of the Sabey kingdom arrived to Solomon, "To test him with riddles" (the third book of kingdoms, ch. 10). In response, Solomon also knew tsaritsu, giving " all she wanted and what she asked" After this visit, according to the Bible, unprecedented prosperity began in Israel. In a year, 666 gold talents (third book of kingdoms, 10: 14) came to the king of Solomon. Subsequently, the story of the Tsaritsa Sava was overgrown with numerous legends until the assumptions about her love tie with Solomon. Christian rulers of Ethiopia considered themselves taking place from this connection.

It is believed that Solomon ended with a half-behable admission of Jews and Egyptians, taking the daughter of the Egyptian Pharaoh as the first wife (the third book of the kingdoms, 9:16).

End of reign

According to the Bible, Solomon had seven hundred wives and three hundred concubines (3 kings. 11: 3), among whom were alien ones. One of them, by that time his beloved wife and had a great influence on the king, convinced Solomon to build a pagan altar and worship the deities of her native land. For this, God warmed up on him and promised many deprivation by the people of Israel, but after the end of the reign of Solomon (as David was promised to be promised the country's prosperity and in his son). Thus, all the reign of Solomon passed quite calmly. Atolon died in the fortieth year of his reign. According to legend, it happened at the time when he watched the construction of a new altar. To avoid mistakes (suggesting that it can be a lethargic sleep), the approximated did not bury it until the worms began to sharpen his staff. Only then was officially recognized as dead and buried.

Huge costs of building a temple and palace (the latter was twice as long as the temple) exhausted the state treasury. The construction service was serving not only prisoners and slaves, but also ordinary citizens of the king (the third book of kingdoms, 12: 1 - 5). During the life of Solomon, the uprisings of conquered peoples (Edomyites, Arameyan) began; Immediately after his death, an uprising broke out, as a result of which a single state was broken by two kingdoms (Israeli and Jewish). Share Talmuda Solomon lived 52 years old.

Solomon in Islam

According to the Quara Suleiman was the son of the prophet Davud. From his father, he learned a lot of knowledge and he was elected Allah to the prophets, and he was given mystical power over many creatures, including jinn. He ruled the huge kingdom, which in the south extended to Yemen. In the Islamic tradition, Suleiman is known for his wisdom and justice. It is considered a sample ruler. It is no coincidence that many Muslim monarchs wore his name. The language tradition has some parallels with Aggada, where Solomon is represented as "the wisest of people who could speak with the beasts, and they submitted to him." In the Jewish tradition, there is a motive of humility of this proud king.

According to the Islamic tradition, Suleiman died on the 81st year of life.


According to the legend, at Solomone, the sign of his father David became a state seal. In Islam, the six-pointed star is called Solomon's star. At the same time, medieval mystics called the Solomon Printing Pentagram (five-pointed star). It is believed that Solomon's star was based on the Maltese cross of the Knights of John.

In the occultism, the pentacle with the name "Star Solomon" is considered to be 8-finite star. Due to more rays, a circle is formed in the center of the star. Often the symbol fit into it. These signs were widely used in magic, alchemy, Kabbalah and other mystical exercises.

Image in art

The image of King Solomon inspired many poets and artists: So, the German poet of the XVIII century. F.-g. Klopškt dedicated him to the tragedy in verses, the artist Rafael created the fresco "Court of Solomon", and the artist Rubens wrote the picture "Court of Solomon", Genndel dedicated to him orally, and Guno - Opera. I. Kookin used the image of King Solomon and the motive of "song songs" in his story "Sullaif" (1908).

According to the relevant legends, Solomon and Queen Savska (1959) was removed.

Legendary Solomon (1011-928 BC) - Third Jewish king, son of David from Bathsavia. With it, Israel has reached the vertex of its influence and power. After the end of the reign of Solomon (965-928. BC) in the country there was a period of interdiscructures and the collapse of the once unified state. This monarch was famous for his own wisdom and justice. The main achievement is considered to be the construction of the Temple, which was so dreamed of righteous David.

Rise to power

Solomon was one of the younger sons of his father, which did not prevent the influential prophet Nathan to allocate him among other children of David. The capable boy grew up a worthy man. Formally, he was not listed by the heir to the throne, but the chain of several events led to what he became the king of Israel.

After the death of the two senior sons, David promised his beloved wife Bathsavia to convey Trone Solomon. This decision did not like the adoni. This son of David, who became senior due to the death of Avshaloma and Ammon, decided not to obey the will of the Father. He was supported by several influential people, including the High Priest Evyatar and the leadar Joav. On the side of Solomon, the prophet Nathan remained.

The adoni party openly announced his claims to power and began to collect new supporters. Meanwhile, dying David commanded to anoint on the kingdom of Solomon (what he says about Carn Solomon). After committing a sacred ritual, the people swore to the heir. Adonia, frightened to revenge the brother, hid in the sanctuary, but came out from there, when the new ruler promised to preserve his life.

Soon David died. Adonia persuaded Wrasenia to ask her son's decision on his marriage with AvisAgoy - one of the concubines of the late father. According to the ancient laws, such a marriage gave the right to the throne. Tsar Solomon, whose biography shows an example of a far-sighted policy, understood the plan of a rebellious brother and ordered him to kill him and some of his high-ranking minions. It was the only case when the monarch allowed the death penalty.

External and domestic policy

Having won the dynastic competitor, Solomon began a full-fledged board by Israel. He hurried to make friends with Egypt. Marrying on the daughter of Pharaoh, the Jewish monarch received a city of Heger. The reign of Solomon was also marked by the continuation of friendship with the Phoenician sovereign Hiram who had a good relationship with David.

The ruler of Jews loved horses and ordered to create the first Jewish cavalry. Neighboring kings and profitable trade gave large revenues. Solomon spent them with a scope, trying to achieve greatness in everything. His grand enterprises laid a heavy burden on a simple population. Because of this, the conflict with the knees of Menashe and Efraim began in power. The story of King Solomon, with all the grandinality of his personality, was distinguished by his own mistakes. Forcing the stroke tribes to work diligently, the ruler strengthened their separath sentiment. In part, for this reason, the disintegration of Israel after the death of Solomon became the natural and logical outcome of the internal Jewish conflict.

Construction of the temple

No matter how conflicting the king Solomon, the biography of this monarch of antiquity is most famous thanks to the construction of the temple. His father, David, conquered Jerusalem, who belonged to the Jewuseums and moved the ark of the covenant. He, together with the judges from Sedrin, prepared a plan of the future temple. David did not have time to implement the construction of the main religious construction of the Jews and bequeathed the execution of this idea to his son.

King Solomon, whose biography represents an example of one of the best diplomats of antiquity before starting to build the temple, enlisted support for foreign specialists. The ruler of the Phoenician city of Tira Hiram assisted him, sent to Jerusalem many artisans and carpenters (including her best architect Hiram Abiff).

Building materials were supplied from Lebanon: sandstone, cypress trees, cedar. Stones were trimmed by Kamenotesami like Hiram and Solomon. Copper, necessary for utensils and temple columns, was mined in the copper specks of the gouma, in the south of Israeli Highlands. In construction, almost 200 thousand workers were involved.

Completion of construction

The construction of the temple continued for seven years and ended in 950 BC. e. For a celebration dedicated to his solemn consecration and the last two weeks, the elders arrived from all kinds and knees. In the temple was postponed after which the king read the prayer. Construction has become a matter of nationwide importance. It turned into the personification of the merger of all Israel.

The temple was conceived as part of the complex, which included including the royal palace. This majestic building dominated all the buildings of Jerusalem. Separate entrance combined a cult factor with the Solomon Palace. The whole complex was built back nine years.


According to Torah, God was twice to Solomon. For the first time it happened during one of the sacrifices. Tsar Solomon, whose biography characterizes him as a smart ruler, asked God of wisdom and talent to rule his own people (which was given to him).

For the second time, the revelation occurred already after the construction of the temple. God promised to take the genus David under his patronage, if the people do not disappear from Solomon. However, closer to the old age, the king began tolerately treat pagan cults. Contemporaries tied this change with the influence of the monarch's intercommunicate wives. On the oilseed mountain, Solomon even built the temple for Moloch and Kimosh - Fountains of the Jews of the Gods. Such an act caused dissatisfaction with many zealous to the faith of the Jews. For this, God took the power over Israel from Solomon's son, which led to the breakdown of the country.

The ruler of Judea and the queen Sava

The livelihood of Solomon is connected with the legendary figure of the Ancient East - Queen Sava. This woman is the rule of the Arabian state of Saba. He having heard about the glory and wisdom of the Jewish king, she arrived in Jerusalem in order to experience the mysteries. This visit is described in detail in the Old Testament.

After a friendly visit of the government of Suba in Israel, a period of prosperity and prosperity began. Some researchers believe that Solomon had love relationships with Queen. From this connection, Etherurators Ethiopia conducted its origin. Their dynasty was called Solomon.

In Europe, interest in the plot of relations between the king of Israel and the queen Sava was revived in the Renaissance era. The legendary government was devoted to the frescoes of the famous artist Piero della Franni. In the literature, Queen Savskaya hit the works of Bokacho, Heinrich Heine, Gustava Flaubert, Reddard Kipling and many other writers.

Six-pointed star

To emphasize your respect for the late father, the Jewish king made him a sign of a state symbol and seal. So the famous six-pointed star of Solomon appeared. In the Middle Ages, it was also associated with the Occult Pentagram and the Maltese cross used by knights by John.

Star Solomon was used in Alchemy, Magic, Kabbalah and other mystical practices. The Jewish king wore a ring-sector on which this ancient symbol was depicted. With the help of powerful artifact Solomon subjugated 72 genie - desert fiery demons. The star was his military talisman. Solomon did not part with him in any battle.

Wisdom and death of Solomon

An important embodiment was his work. Historians believe that he was the author of several Old Testament books, which are important parts of the Bible. During his life, Solomon voiced more than a thousand tribia, some of which had the basis of the book of Solomon Proverbs. This work was the 28th part of Tanaha. Also, the authorship of Solomon is the book song song and the book of Ecclesiast.

The death of King Solomon came in 928 BC. Eh on the fourth dozen of his rule. Approximate, without believing the death of the elder, did not harbor the deceased until the worms began to eat his staff. In Arabic sources, Solomon is called Suleiman and is considered to be the forerunner of the Prophet Mohammed.

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