Analysis of the work "Stationery" (A. Pushkin)

Engineering systems 01.10.2019
Engineering systems

The story "Stationander", written by A. S. Pushkin, refers to the cycle. This is a small work, which shows the whole life of a simple person - the station caretaker and his daughter, was written in September 1830, and its beginning of its narration refers to the 1816th year. Realistic of its content. Pushkin some of their works laid the foundations of creative realism

The essence of the conflict is that people standing at a social stage above, or having money, break the fate of those who are not protected to higher.


  • Ivan Belkin, acting as a narrator,
  • Samson sculp, caretaker,
  • Dunya, his daughter.

The heroes of the second plan:

  • Gusar Minsk,
  • The doctor who treated Minsk at the station,
  • Redhead boy, who told about the arrival of Baryni at Samson's grave.

The main character of this work remains a small person - station caretaker. It is no coincidence that therefore the epigraph is dedicated to the person of this profession - "College Registrar, Postal Station Dictator". In Tsarist Russia, the ranks were existed not only in military service, but also on civilian. There were 14 civilian ranks. The college recorder is the latest.

The author of the story, Ivan Belkin, arrived at the post station, where the horses should change and move on. He has to ride a lot in Russia, he communicated with various representatives of this profession, and he had his own idea of \u200b\u200btheir service. The narrator sympathizes to caresses.

When he drove up to the station, lied rain, which managed to soak the author to the thread. He decided to stay here to change clothes and warm up. He was struck by the extraordinary beauty of the daughter of the caretaker. The girl boiled samovar, prepared tea, followed by Ivan Belkin with a caretaker. The old man was proud of his daughter, who watched the station's room, and helped the father to deal with passing.

The next time Ivan Belkin came to this station 3-4 years later. He no longer caught the Dunya. He rushed into his eyes, how he was very old Samson Vyrin. The old man did not want to talk about his daughter, but the Punch offered by the author of the narrative, unleashed the Language and he told Belkin his sad story.

Once a hussar drove through the station, seeing the girl, he fell in love with her at first glance, attacked the patient and searched for three days at the station. Dunya cared for him. When I was going to leave, Gusar suggested to the dun to get to the church, and he himself took the girl to St. Petersburg. One day, the caretaker gathered and went to St. Petersburg on foot. He found her daughter, but Gusar did not allow the old man to meet with the Duni. The caretaker returned to the station, but he strongly fell by the Spirit, began to drink. Cozy and neat once the station acquired a careless look.

After a few more years, this station was closed. Having visited these places, Belkin decided to visit the old caretaker, learned about his death, and that Dunya was a "beautiful lady" visited the grave of his father and cried for a long time. She gave money to the priest on the pominus of the soul and sacrificed the silver Pyatkin boy who escaped her in the cemetery.

Inspecting the station to the station, Belkin draws attention to a series of pictures "Return of the Prodigal Son", hanging on the wall. This biblical topic is just partly consonant with subsequent events. The prodigal daughter returns, being an excellent latter, the mother of charming sons, but it does not find in the living Father.

It can be assumed that the Duna was enough of the mind and a little female tricks to make Husar Minsk marry her, but she did not rod to his wife. By the time Samson Vyrin came to St. Petersburg, she was still the content of Hussar, and lived not in his house. Minsk rented an apartment for a girl. Father's alarm was not groundless, it is based on life experience. Not every poor girl, the more dodged in this way, manages to become a wife and a secular lady. Perhaps if Samson Vyrin could assume that his daughter was happy, he himself would not allow himself to fall in spirit.

The story of Pushkin "Stationander" was written in 1830 and entered the cycle of the "Agenda of the late Ivan Petrovich Belkin". The leading theme of the work is the topic of a "little man", represented by the submarine caretaker Samson Vyrina. The story belongs to the literary direction sentimentalism.

The compressed statement of the station caretaker will be interested in grade 7 students, as well as to all who are interested in classical Russian literature. On our site you can read the summary of the "station caretaker" online.

main characters

The narrator - An official, who "for twenty years, sought, from Russia," from his face is a narrative in the work.

Samson Sharin - Male of the age of fifty, the stationeer "from the respectable class of caretaker", the father of Duni.

Other heroes

Avdota Samsonovna (Dunya) - Daughter Wyrina, a very beautiful girl, at the beginning of the story for her about 14 years old - "Little coquette" with big blue eyes.

Rothmist Minsk - Young hussar, tricking the dangling.

Son of Brewwara "The boy who showed a storyteller, where the grave of Wyrina is.

The story begins with the reflection of the story about the fate of station caretakers: "What is a station caretaker? The fourteenth-class martyr, fenced with its rank of Tokmo from beatings, is not always. " At the same time, according to the narrative observations, "caretakers are generally the essence of people peaceful, from nature helpful."

In May 1816, the narrator drove through *** Skoy province. The man fell under torrential rain and stopped at the station to change clothes and drink tea. She covered the daughter of the caretaker - Dunya, hitting the story of his beauty.

While the owners were harvested, the narrator examined the room - the pictures depicting the history of the prodigal son hung on the walls. The narrator with the caretaker and Duna drank tea, nicely chatting "as if the ages were familiar." Leaning, the narrator kissed the Dunya in the Seine with her permission.

A few years later, the narrator visited this station again. Entering into the house, he was amazed by negligence and dilapidation of the situation. The caretaker himself, Samson screamed, very old and has tripled. The old man did not want to answer the questions about the daughter of the old man, but after two glasses, Punzha talked.

Vinne said that young hussar was driving three years ago. At first, the visitor was very angry that he was not served by horses, but he saw the Dunya, softened. After dinner, the young man allegedly became bad. Bribeling the doctor caused by the next day, Gusar stayed a couple of days at the station. On Sunday, the young man recovered and, leaving, offered to give a girl to the church. Vyrin let go daughter with hussar.

"It's not half an hour," as the caretaker began to worry and went to the church himself. From a familiar Dycachka, Vyrin found out that the Duni was not on dinner. In the evening, the rummer arrived, a lucky officer, and told that the Dunya went with Husar to the next station. The old man realized that Gusar's disease was pretended. From the grief, the "Zalenor's strong hot".

"Already rushing from the disease," the caretaker took his vacation and went on foot to seek his daughter. From the routine of Minsk Samson knew that Gusar was driving in St. Petersburg. To find out the address of the Rothmistra in St. Petersburg, it comes to him and a trembling voice asks to give him his daughter. Minsk replied that he was asking for Samson forgiveness, but he would not give him to the Dunya - "She will be happy, I give you an honest word." Rusing, Gusar put a caretaker to the street, putting several assignations for his sleeve.

Seeing the money, the sculpt was broken and threw them away. After a couple of days, walking through the foundry, Vinin noticed Minsk. To find out of his kucher, where Dunya lives, the caretaker hurried his daughter in the apartment. Going to the room, Samson caught there a luxuriously dressed dressed man and Minsk. Seeing his father, the girl fainted. The angry Minsk "strong hand grabbed the old man by the gate pushed him into the stairs." Two days later, the virin went back to the station. For the third year, he does not know anything about her and is afraid that her fate is the same as the fate of other "young fools."

After some time, the narrator again drove through those places. Where there used to be the station, now there lived a brewer's family, and screamed, sagging, "since the year as died." The narrator asked him to hold him to Samson's grave. The boy, the son of the brewer, told him on the road that the "beautiful lady" came here here "with three little barcats", which, having come to the grave of the caretaker, "lay down here and lay for a long time."


In story « Stationander "A. S. Pushkin identified a special nature of the conflict, differing from the sedimentalism depicted in the traditional works - a conflict of choosing between personal happiness is written (father's happiness) and happiness of his daughter. The author emphasized the moral superiority of the caretaker ("little man"), over the rest of the heroes, depicting an example of the selfless love of the parent to her child.

A brief retelling of the station caretaker is designed to quickly familiarize themselves with the plot of the work, so for a better understanding of the story we advise you to read it completely.

Test on Tale

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Average rating: 4.7. Total ratings obtained: 3233.

The tale of Pushkin "Stationander" is one of the most sophisticated works from the "Lovenkina" cycle, ending with the tragic final. Thoughtful analysis of the work shows that the dramatic separation of relatives of native people has happened is the inevitable problems of class differences, and the main idea of \u200b\u200bthe story is the spiritual inconsistency of the father and daughter. We suggest familiarizing yourself with the brief analysis of Pushkin's story according to plan. The material can be used in the preparation for the lesson of literature in grade 7.

Brief analysis

Year of writing - 1830

History of creation - The story was created in Boldinskaya autumn, this period was for the writer most fruitful.

Subject- From this work in Russian literature, the topic of disadvantaged people begins to reveal.

Composition- The composition of the story is built with generally accepted literary canons, gradually the action reaches the climax, and proceeds to the junction.

Genre - Tale.

Direction- Sentimentalism and realism.

History of creation

In the year of writing the "stationander", Pushkin was necessary to urgently solve his financial issues, for which he went to the generic estate. In 1830, the cholera epidemic began, which delayed the writer for the entire autumn. Pushkin himself believed that it would be a boring and long time, but suddenly the writer declined inspiration, and he began writing the "History of Belkin". This happened the history of the creation and "stationander", which was ready for mid-September. It's time for the "Boldinskaya Autumn" was for the author truly golden, the story came out from under the pen one after one, and next year they were published. Under the authentic name of the author, the "Tale of Belkin" was reissued in 1834.


Having spent an analysis of the work in the "stannaya caretaker", it turns out the multifaceted thematic meaningability of this small story.

The main characters of the story - Father and daughter, and the eternal theme of fathers and children throughout the entire narrative. Father, the man of the old quenching, loves his daughter very much, the goal of his life is to protect it from all the vitality of adversity. Dunya's daughter, in contrast to the father, thinks in another way, in a new way. She wants to destroy the established stereotypes, and break free from gray, everyday rustic life, in a large city, sparkling bright lights. Her insane idea suddenly implements in life, and she easily leaves her father, having left with the first candidate for possession of her.

In the shoot of the Duni from the house, the topic is slipping the topic of romantic passion. Dunya understands that the caretaker will be against such a decision, but, in pursuit of happiness, the girl is not even trying to resist the act of Minsk, and followed by him.

In the story of Pushkin, in addition to the main love topics, the author is affected and other problems of society that existed at the time. Theme "Little Man" It concerns the difficult situation of small employees who are considered for the service, and accordingly relate to them. In this regard, such employees is the meaning of the name of the story, summarizing all the "little people" with a single fate and a difficult share.

In the story deeply disclosed problemsof the moral relations, the psychology of each of the heroes, their point of view was revealed, and what is the essence of existence for each of them. In the pursuit of their ghostly happiness, the Dunya on the first place puts his personal interests, forgets about his native father, who is ready for his beloved daughter for everything. The Minsk has a completely different psychology. This is a rich man who is not accustomed to anyone to refuse himself, and take a young daughter from the house of the Father, for him is another whim. Itself sues the conclusion that each person comes depending on their desires, and well, if these desires are subordinate to the mind, for in another case, they lead to a dramatic outcome.

The theme of the "station caretaker" is multifaceted, and many problems covered in this story are still relevant. What the work of Pushkin teaches, and it happens everywhere everywhere, and the human life depends only on him.


The events of stories are set out from the point of view of a third-party observer who learned about this story from its participants and witnesses.

The narrative begins with the description of the profession of station employees, about dismissive attitude towards them. Further, the story goes to the main part in which the narrator gets acquainted with the main characters, Samson Vyrin, and his daughter of the Dunya.

For the second time I arrived at the same station, the narrator learns from the old man sculpt about the fate of his daughter. Using various artistic agents, in this case, the cheating pictures depicting the return of the prodigal son, the writer masterfully reports all the pain and despair of an elderly person, all his thoughts and suffering, a man who left his beloved daughter.

The third arrival of the narrator is the epilogue of this story, which ended in tragic junction. Samson Vyrin could not survive the betrayal of his daughter, anxiety for her fate, permanent experiences, worked too hard on the caretaker. He began to drink, and soon died, without waiting for his daughter's return. Dunya came, shook on the grave of his father, and left again.

main characters


The writer himself calls his work as a story, although each creation from the famous "Tale of Belkin" can be attributed to the genre of a small novel, so deeply of their psychological content. In the sentimental story "Stationander" clearly viewed the main motives of realism, it is plausible as the main character who could actually appear.

This story is the first product starting the topic of "small people" in Russian literature. Pushkin reliably describes the life and life of such people, necessary, but invisible. There are no people with impunity to insult and humiliate, without thinking that these are living people who have a heart and soul, which are also, like everyone else, can feel and suffer.

The story "Stationander" is included in the Pushkinsky cycle of the stories of Belkin, published as a collection in 1831.

Work on the lint was carried out in the famous "Boldinskaya Autumn" - the time when Pushkin came to the generic estate of Boldino to quickly solve financial issues, but remained for a whole autumn because of the cholera epidemic in the vicinity. The writer seemed that there would be no time more boring, but suddenly inspired, and the story began to go out from under his pen one after another. Thus, on September 9, 1830, the story "The Ummaster" was completed, already on September 14, the "Stationander" was ready, and on September 20 he graduated from the "young peasantry". Then followed a small creative break, and in the new year they were published. The stories reprinted in 1834 under a genuine authorship.

Analysis of the work

Genre, Topic, Composition

Researchers note that the "stationander" is written in the genre of sentimentalism, but in the story many moments demonstrating the skill of Pushkin-Romance and Realist. The writer deliberately chose a sentimental tag of the narrative (more precisely, put sentimental notes into the voice of his character of the narrator, Ivan Belkin), in accordance with the content of the story.

Thematic "stationeer" is very multifaceted, despite the small content:

  • the theme of romantic love (with escape from the house and following the beloved, contrary to the parental will),
  • the topic of finding happiness,
  • the theme of fathers and children
  • the theme of a "little man" is the greatest topic for the followers of Pushkin, Russian realists.

Thematic multi-level work allows him to call it a miniature novel. The story is much more complicated and expressive in the semantic load than a typical sentimental work. There are many problems, in addition to the General Theme of Love.

The composition of the story is built in accordance with the rest of the leaders - the fictional author-storyteller talks about the fate of station carsers, people scored and consisting in the lowest positions, then tells the story that happened about 10 years ago, and its continuation. How starts

Stationery "(reasoning-stained, in the style of a sentimental journey), indicates the belonging of the work to the sentimental genre, but later at the end of the work there is a severity of realism.

Belkin reports that stationary employees are the people's difficult stake, with whom it is impossible, perceive as servants, complain and rustling. One of the caretakers, Samson Vinin, was sympathetic to Belkin. It was a peaceful and kind person, with a sadly established destiny - a native daughter, the charter to live at the station, ran away with Gusar Minsk. Gusar, according to his father, could make it only the content, and now, 3 years after escape, he does not know what to think, because the fate of the selected young fools is terrible. Vinin traveled to Petersburg, tried to find her daughter and return her, but I could not - Minsk paid it. The fact that the daughter does not live with Minsk, but separately, explicitly indicates its content status.

The author, who personally knew the Dunya by another 14-year-old girl, compets his father. Soon he learns that the win died. Later, by visiting the station, on which the deceased scum was once worked, he learns that the daughter came home with three children. Long cried on the grave of the father and left, awarding a local boy, who indicated her the road to the grave of the old man.

Heroes of the work

The main heroes of the story two: father and daughter.

Samson Vyrin is a diligent worker and father, gently loving her daughter raising her alone.

Samson is a typical "little man", not feeding the illusions, as about himself (perfectly aware of his place in this world), so about the daughter (as she does not shine the brilliant party, nor sudden smiles of fate). Samson's life position is humility. His life and the life of his daughter passes and should pass on the modest corner of the Earth, the station cut from the rest of the world. There are no beautiful princesses here, and if they are shown on the horizon - the girls they are fed only the fall and danger.

When the Dunya disappears, Samson cannot believe it. Although things are honored and important for him, the love of his daughter is more important, so he goes to look for her, pick up and return. He is drawn terrible paintings of misfortunes, it seems to him that now His Dunya swept somewhere around the streets, and it is better to die than to keep such a miserable existence.


As opposed to his father, Dunya is a more decisive and persistent being. A sudden feeling towards Hussaru is rather a vigorous attempt to escape from the wilderness in which she stuck. Dunya is decided to leave his father, even if it is not easy for this step (the trip allegedly pulls away to the church, leaves, according to witnesses, acknowledged). It is not quite clear how the life of the Duni was, and in the end she became a wife of Minsk or someone else. The old man was seen that Minsk took separate accommodation for the Duni, and this clearly pointed to its content status, and when meeting with the father of the Dunya "significantly" and sadly looked at Minsk, then fainted. Minsk pushed out, not allowing him to communicate with the Duna - apparently, feared that the Dunya would return with his father and apparently she was ready for this. Anyway, Dunya has achieved happiness - she is rich, she has six horses, servants, and most importantly, three "barchat", so that for her justified risk remains only to be happy. The only thing that she will never forgive themselves is the death of a father who brought his death to a strong longing for her daughter. On the grave of the father to a woman come late repentance.

Characteristic of the work

The story is permeated with symbols. The name "Stationander" had the same tint of irony and light contempt as Pushkin, which we invest in the words "conductor" or "Watch" today. This means a man of a small, capable of looking in the eyes of the surrounding servant, work for a penny, without seeing the world.

Thus, the stationeer is a symbol of "humiliated and offended" face, bug for mercantyl and power.

The symbolism of the story manifested itself in the picture, adorning the wall of the house - this is "the return of the prodigal son." Stationary caretaker was eager for only one - the embodiment of a biblical history script, as in this picture: Dunya could return to him in any sense and any way. Father would have forgiven her, would accept, as the all his life was settled under the circumstances of fate, merciless to "little people."

Stationander predetermined the development of domestic realism in the direction of works that defend the honor of "humiliated and offended". The image of the father-script is deeply realistic, striking beaks. This is a small person with a huge range of feelings and with full right to respect for his honor and dignity.

The history of the creation of the work of Pushkin "Stationander"

Boldin Autumn in the work of A.S. Pushkin has become truly "golden", since many works are created at this time. Among them, "Tale of Belkin". In a letter to a friend P. Plentnev Pushkin wrote: "... I wrote 5 stories from which Baratynsky rzhet and beats." The chronology of creating these stakes is as follows: September 9, a "serve" was completed, on September 14 - "Stationander", September 20 - "Baryshnya-Peasantka", after almost a monthly break, two latter were written: "Shot" - October 14 and "Blizzard " - The 20th of October. The cycle of the "History of Belkin" was the first completed prosaic creation of Pushkin. Five stories were combined by the author's fictional face, which the publisher told in the preface. We learn that I.P. Belkin was born "from honest and noble parents in 1798 in the village of Goryukhino." "There was an average of medium, the eyes had gray, blond hair, the nose straight; The face was Bel and thin. " "Life was the most moderate, avoided all sorts of excesses; It never happened ... to see him suitable ..., he had a great tendency to the female floor, but there was a truly virgin in it. " In the fall of 1828, this cute character "Zalenor is witting a fever, and died ...".
At the end of October 1831, "the story of the late Ivan Petrovich Belkin was published. The preface was completed with the words: "Honor a duty to respect the author of our authors, we bring to him the deepest gratitude for the news delivered to us and hope that the public will appreciate their sincerity and good nature. A.P. ". The epigraph to all the stories taken from the Fonvizynskiy "cheap" (Ms. Prostakova: "That, my father, he still dies to the hunter's stories." Skalinin: "Mitrofan for me"), speaks of the nationality and simplicity of Ivan Petrovich. He gathered these "simple" stories, and he recorded them from different narratives ("caretaker" told him the titular adviser A.G. N., "Shot" by Lieutenant Colonel Il. P., "Undeller" by Customer B.V., "Blizzard "And" Baryshnya "Device K.I. T.), processing them in their ability and discretion. Thus, Pushkin as a real author of the age acting is hidden behind a double chain of sootimy narrator, and this gives him greater freedom of narration, creates considerable opportunities for the Commission, satire and parody and at the same time allows you to express your attitude to these stories.
With a complete designation name of the real author, Alexander Sergeyevich Pushkin, they were published in 1834. By creating an unforgettable gallery of images living and operating in the Russian province in this cycle, Pushkin with a good smile and humor talks about modern Russia. Working on the "Links of Belkin", Pushkin designated one of his main tasks: "Our tongue is needed to give more (of course, according to his spirit)." And when the author asked the author who was asked who this Belkin, Pushkin replied: "Whoever he was there, and it is necessary to write a story here: just, briefly and clear."
The analysis of the work says that the story "Stationander" occupies a significant place in the work of A.S. Pushkin and is of great importance for all Russian literature. It is hardly for the first time the vital loves, the pain and suffering of the one who are called the "little man" are depicted. From it begins in Russian literature the theme "humiliated and offended", which will acquaint with good, quiet, suffering from the heroes and will allow to see not only meekness, but also the greatness of their hearts of the hearts. The epigraph is taken from the poem of PA Vyazemsky Station ("College Registrar, / Press Station Dictator"). Pushkin changed the quote by calling the station caretaker by the College Registrar (the lowest civilian rank in pre-revolutionary Russia), and not the "provincial registrar", as it was in the original, since this rank is higher.

Rod, genre, creative method

"The story of the late Ivan Petrovich Belkin is consisting of 5 stories:" Shot "," Misel "," Coffin "," Stationander "," Baryshnya-peasant woman ". Each of the "History of Belkin" was so small in its size, which could be called her story. Pushkin calls them by stories. For a realistic writer, a reproducing life, the forms of the story and novel in prose were particularly suitable. They attracted Pushkin to their much greater than poems, absolutely beneficial circles. "Tale and novels are read by all and everywhere," he noted. Belkin's story "are essentially the beginning of Russian highly artistic realistic prose.
Pushkin took for the story the most typical romantic plots, which and in our time may well repeat. His heroes initially fall in a situation where the word "love" is present. They are already in love or just crave this feeling, but it is from here that the deployment and discharge of the plot begins. "Tale of Belkin" are conceived by the author as a parody of the genre of romantic literature. In the story "Shot * The main character of Silvio came from the outgoing era of romanticism. This is a handsome strong brave person with a solid passionate character and an exotic non-Russian name, resembling mysterious and fatal heroes of romantic poems of Bayron. French novels and romantic ballads Zhukovsky are paroded in the "blizzards". At the end of the story, the comic confusion with the grooms leads the heroine to the new, proldering happiness. In the story "The Ultimate" in which Adrian Prokhorov invites to visit the dead, the Opera Mozart and the terrible stories of romantics are paroded. The "Baryshnya-peasant woman" is a small elegant comedy of provisions with dressing up in French taste, unfolding in the Russian nobility manor. But she is good, ridiculous and witty parods the famous tragedy - "Romeo and Juliet" Shakespeare.
In the cycle of the "Love of Belkin", the center and the vertex - "Stationander". In the story laid the foundations of realism in Russian literature. In essence, according to its plot, expressiveness, complex rapidly theme and ingenious composition, according to the characters itself, this is already a small, compressed novel that influenced the subsequent Russian prose and generated the tale of Gogol "Shinel". People here are simply depicted, and their story herself would be simple if different everyday circumstances intervened.

Themes of the work "Stationander"

In the "Peters of Belkin", along with the traditional romantic topics from the noble-manor life, Pushkin reveals the theme of the happiness of a person in his broad sense. The life of the wisdom, the rules of consumer behavior, the generally accepted morality are fixed in catechisms, sets, but the following is not all and does not always lead to luck. It is necessary that fate gives man happiness to successfully concern. In the "Peters of Belkin" it was shown that there are no hopeless provisions, for happiness it is necessary to fight, and it will, even if it is impossible.
The story "Stationander" is the saddest and most complex product of the cycle. This is the story of the silent fate of sculpt and the happy fate of his daughter. The author from the very beginning connects the modest history of Samson sculp with the philosophical meaning of the entire cycle. After all, the station caretaker, who does not at all read books, has its own scheme of perception of life. It is reflected in the pictures "with decent German verses", which are shackled on the walls of his "humble, but neutral abode." The narrator describes in detail these pictures depicting a biblical legend about the prodigal son. Samson Vynein is looking through the prism of these pictures to all that happened to him and with his daughter. His life experience suggests that a misfortune will happen to her daughter, she will be deceived and thrown. He is a toy, a little man in the hands of a strong world, which turned money to the main measure.
Pushkin stated one of the main topics of the Russian literature of the XIX century - the topic of a "little man." The significance of this topic for Pushkin was not in the presentation of the kits of his hero, and in the opening in the "small man" compassionate and sensitive soul, endowed with the gift of a response to someone else's misfortune and someone else's pain.
From now on, the topic of a "little man" will sound in Russian classical literature constantly.

The idea of \u200b\u200bthe work

"None of the" Lovenkina "there is no idea. You read - cute, smoothly, smoothly: you read - everything is forgotten, there is nothing but adventure in mind. "Tale of Belkin" are read easily, for they do not make thinking "(" Northern Bee ", 1834, No. 192, August 27).
"True, these stories are entertaining, they cannot be read without pleasure: it comes from the adorable syllable, to tell art, but they are not artistic creatures, but just fairy tales and affection" (V.G. Belinsky).
"Have you reread Pushkin's prose? Make me friendship - Read all the "Tale of Belkin" first. They must be studied and learn to each writer. I did the other day and I can not convey to that benefactor influence that this reading had been on me "(from the letter L.N. Tolstoy PD Holokhwast).
Such an ambiguous perception of the Pushkin cycle suggests that a certain mystery is in the "Perests of Belkin". In the "station caulier" it was concluded in a small artistic detail - wall paintings telling about the prodigal son, which were in the 20-40s. frequent stationery affiliation. The description of those pictures withdraws the story from the socio-domestic plan in philosophical, it allows to comprehend its content in correlation with human experience, interprets the "eternal story" about the prodigal son. The story is penetrated by Paphos compassion.

Character conflict

The analysis of the work shows that in the story "Stationander" - humiliated and sad hero, the final - equally and sorrowful and happy: the death of the station caretaker, on the one hand, and the happy life of his daughter - on the other. The story features a special nature of the conflict: there are no negative heroes here, which would be negative in everything; There is no direct evil - and at the same time, the mountain of a simple person, a stationary caretaker, does not become smaller.
The new type of hero and conflict entailed a different system of narration, the figure of the storyteller - the titular adviser A. G. N. He tells the story heard from others, from the very vyry-on and from the "red and curve" of the boy. Duni Uzo Duni by Gusar - Tie the drama, followed by a chain of events. From the post office, the action is thrown into St. Petersburg, from the house of the caretaker-on the grave behind the Occolina. The caretaker is unable to influence the course of events, but before being bent before fate, trying to reverse the story, save the man from what it seems to be the poor Father's death of his "catty". The hero comprehends what happened and, moreover, goes into the grave from the powerless consciousness of his own guilt and the irreparation of trouble.
"Little Man" is not only a low rank, lack of high social status, but also lost in life, fear of her, loss of interest and goals. Pushkin first drew the attention of readers to the fact that, despite its low origin, a person still remains a person and it is inherent in all the same feelings and passions as people of the highest society. The story "Stationander" teaches to respect and love a person, teaches the ability to sympathize, makes thinking about the fact that the world in which stationary caretakers live is not the best way.

The main characters of the analyzed work

The author-narrator sympathetically speaks of the "Fourteenth Class Martyrs", station carriers accused of travelers in all sins. In fact, their life is a real Katorga: "All the annoyance accumulated during a boring ride, the traveler will take place on a caretaker. The weather is unspecified, the road is bad, the yamper is stubborn, the horses are not lucky - and the caretaker is to blame ... it can be easily guess that I have friends from the respectable caretaker. " In memory of one of them, this story is written.
The main character in the story "Stationander" is Samson scan, a person is about 50 years old. A caretaker was born in about 1766, in the peasant family. The end of the XVIII century, when the score was 20-25 years old, is the time of Suvorov wars and hiking. As is known from History, Suvorov developed at the subordinate initiative, encouraged the soldiers and non-officers, promoting them in service, bringing them a partnership in them, demanded literacy and intelligence. The man from the peasants under the team of Suvorov could reach the Unter-Officer, to get this title for the faithful service and personal courage. Samson Vyrin could be exactly such a person and served, most likely in the Izmailovsky regiment. The text states that, arriving in St. Petersburg in search of his daughter, he stops in the Izmailovsky regiment, in the house of the retired Unter-Officer, his old colleague.
It can be assumed that around 1880 he resigned and received the position of station caretaker and the rank of college registrar. This position gave a small but constant salary. He married, a daughter was born soon. But the wife died, and the daughter was a father joy and consolation.
From childhood, he had to take all the female work on her fragile shoulders. It is written, as it is represented at the beginning of the story, "fresh and cheerful", sociable and inconvented, despite the fact that undeserved insults have fallen on his head. In just a few years, driving along the same road, the author, who stopped at the night of Samson Võrina, did not recognize him: he turned into an abandoned, stunned senior, the only consolation that bottle was served. But the whole thing in his daughter: without having requesting parental consent, the Dunya is his life and hope, for whom he lived and worked, - Beshal with passion to Husar. Daughter's deed broke Samson, he could not move the fact that his cute child, his Dunya, which he could have protected from any dangers, was able to do this with him and, which is still terrible, with him, she became not his wife, and his mistress.
Pushkin sympathizes to her hero and deeply respects: the low-cost man who has grown in the need, with a hard work, did not forget what decency, conscience and honor. Moreover, these quality it puts above the material benefits. Poverty for Samson is nothing compared to the emptiness of the soul. The author is not in vain in the story such a detail as pictures depicting the history of the prodigal son on the wall in the house of WINN. Like the father of the prodigal son, Samson was ready to forgive. That's just Dunya did not return. The suffering of the Father was aggravated by the fact that he knew well than it was often ends like such stories: "Many of them in St. Petersburg, young fools, today in the atlasa and velvet, and tomorrow, you will see, watch the street together with Gol Kabatskoy. As we think sometimes, that and the Dunya, maybe, immediately disappears, so they imagine will be sinned yes you wish her graves ... " An attempt to break the daughter in a huge St. Petersburg ended with nothing. Here, and the station caretaker surrendered - it was finally poisoned and after some time he died, without waiting for his daughter. Pushkin created a rapidly capacious, truthful image of a simple, little man and showed all his rights to the title and dignity of man and dignity of man.
Dunya in the story is shown by the craftswoman on all hands. No one better could cook her lunch, remove in the house, serve the carriage. And the Father, looking at her agility and beauty, could not rejoice. At the same time, it is a young coquette, who knows his strength, who comes into talking with a visit without timidity, "like a girl, seen the light." Belkin sees a guy for the first time when that fourteen years is the age in which it is still early to think about fate. Dunya does not know anything about this intention of the arrival of Gusar Minsk. But, withdrawing from the Father, she chooses her female happiness, let him be short. She chooses another world, unknown, dangerous, but in it she will at least live. It is difficult to blame her in the fact that she chose life, not stagnation, she risked and won. Dunya and comes to the father only when everything came true, he could only dream about, although Pushkin does not mean a word about her marriage. But Sixo Horses, Three Children, Kormilitsa testify to the prosperous completion of history. Of course, the Dunya herself considers himself guilty of his father's death, but probably the reader will forgive her, as Ivan Petrovich Belkin forgives.
Dunya and Minsk, the inner motives of their actions, thoughts and experiences, all over the story of the story, the thing, the father, the red boy describe on the part. Maybe therefore, the images of the Duni and Minsk are somewhat schematically. Minsk is impressed and rich, served in the Caucasus, Chin Rothmistra is not small, and if he is in the guard, it is already big, equal to the army lieutenant colonel. Good and cheerful hussar loved to be an incentive caretaker.
Many actions of the heroes of the story are incomprehensible today, but for the contemporaries of Pushkin they were natural. So, Minsk, having loved the Dunya, did not marry her. He could do this not only because he was a hunch and frivolous man, but also for a number of objective reasons. First, to marry, the officer was required by the permission of the commander, often marriage meant resignation. Secondly, Minsk could depend on his parents who would hardly like to be like marriage and not a nobility of the Duni. The resolution of at least these two problems requires time. Although in the final Minsk was able to do it.

The plot and composition of the analyzed work

Russian writers have repeatedly applied to the compositional construction of the "History of Belkin" consisting of five separate ages. It was written about his plan to write a novel with a similar composition in one of the letters F.M. Dostoevsky: "There is a completely separate one from another one, so that they can even be allowed to sell separately. I suppose Pushkin thought about the similar form of the novel: five stories (the number of "Lovenkina") coming on sale separately. Pushkin has a story really separate in all respects: there is no end-to-end character (as opposed to five "Hero of our time" Lermontov); No general content. But there is a general reception of secrets, "detective" lying on each story. Pushkin's story is combined, firstly, the figure of the narrator - Belkin; Secondly, the fact that they are all told. The tagging and was, I guess the artistic technique, for which the whole text is set. The tagging as common to all over behaience at the same time allowed their reading (and sale) separately. Pushkin thought about the work, which, being as a whole, would be intended in every part. I call such a form using the experience of subsequent Russian prose, a romance-cycle. "
The stories were written by Pushkin in one chronological order, he laid out them not by time writing, but on the basis of the composite calculation, alternating a story with "disadvantaged" and "prosperous" ends. Such a composition reported to the entire cycle, despite the presence of deeply dramatic positions in it, the overall optimistic orientation.
Pushkin builds the story "Stationander" on the development of two fates and characters - father and daughter. Samson Stationery Caidizer - old well-deserved (three medals on polynyaya ribbons) Returning soldier, a good and honest person, but rude and simple, is at the very bottom of the rank table, at the lowest stage of the social staircase. He is not only a simple, but a small person who every passion nobleman can insult, shout, hit, although his lower chin of the 14th grade gave the right to a personal nobility. But all the guests met, calmrified and poured a beautiful and wiggy daughter of His Dunya. But this family idyll could not continue and ended at first glance bad, for the caretaker and his daughter had different fates. Passage young beauties-hussar Minsk fell in love with the Dunya, deftly played the disease, achieved a mutual feeling and took away, as he believed to Husar, weeping, but not a resisting girl on the top three to St. Petersburg.
The small person of the 14th grade did not reconcile with such a physical and loss, he went to St. Petersburg to save the daughter, which, as not without reason, he considered, the cunning seducer would soon throw, will drown on the street. And it itself was important for the further development of this story, for the fate of his Duni. But it turned out that the story is more difficult than the caretaker it imagined. Rothmist loved his daughter and, moreover, turned out to be a conscientious person, honest, he blushed from shame with an unexpected phenomenon of his father deceived by him. And the beauty of the Duny replied to the thief strong, sincere feeling. The old man gradually cut from grief, longing and loneliness, and despite the nourishing pictures about the prodigal son's daughter and did not come to visit him, disappeared, was not at the funeral of the Father. A rural cemetery visited a beautiful lady with three small barcats and a black pug in a luxurious carriage. She silently lay down on the grave of his father and "lying long." This is the popular custom of the last farewell and commemoration, the last "sorry". This is the greatness of human suffering and repentance.

Artistic peculiarity

In the "Peters of Belkin", all the features of the poetics and stylistics of Pushkin artistic prose were relieved. Pushkin performs in them as an excellent novelist, which is equally available and touching the story, and stress on the plot and the front mellows, and the realistic essay of the morals and life. Artistic requirements for prose, which were formulated by Pushkin at the beginning of the 20s., It is now implementing in his own creative practice. Nothing unnecessary, one necessary in the narration, accuracy in definitions, conciseness and compression of the syllable.
"Tale of Belkin" is distinguished by the limiting savings of artistic agents. From the very first string, Pushkin introduces the reader with his heroes, introduces it to the circle of events. Also a scoop and no less expressive outlines of character characters. The author almost does not give an external portrait of heroes, almost does not stop on their mental experiences. At the same time, the appearance of each of the characters appears with a wonderful relief and discouragement from his actions and speeches. "The writer should not cease to learn this treasure," said Lion Tolstoy about the "Peters of Belkin" a friend of the writer.

The value of the work

In the development of Russian artistic prose, a huge role belongs to Alexander Sergeevich Pushkin. He almost had no predecessor. For a much lower level, a prosaic literary language was also located compared to verses. Therefore, before Pushkin, a particularly important and very difficult task of processing the material of the given region of verbal art was inserted. "Stationander" had an exceptional importance for the further development of Russian literature. Very truthful, warmed by copyright sympathy, the image of the caretaker opens the "poor people" the gallery created by subsequent Russian writers, humiliated and offended by the community relations of the then reality for a simple person.
The first writer who opened the reader the world of "little people" was N.M. Karamzin. The word Karamzin echoes the Pushkin and Lermontov. The most influence on the subsequent literature was provided by the story of Karamzin "Poor Lisa". The author laid the beginning of a huge cycle of works about "small people", took the first step in this unknown to this topic. It was he who opened the way to such writers of the future as Gogol, Dostoevsky and others. A.S. Pushkin was the following writer, whose creative attention began to include all huge Russia, its expanses, life villages, St. Petersburg and Moscow were already opening out not only from a luxurious entrance, but also through narrow doors of poor houses. For the first time, Russian literature is so shrill and clearly showed the identity distortion to her hostility. The artistic opening of Pushkin was directed into the future, it pierced the Russian literature into another unknown.

It is interesting

In the Gatchtsky district of the Leningrad region in the village of Express, there is a literary and memorial museum of the station caretaker. The museum was created on the story of Alexander Sergeevich Pushkin "Stationander" and archival documents in 1972 in the preserved building of the Vyrian postal station. It is the first museum of the literary hero in Russia. The postal station was opened in 1800 on the Belarusian postal tract, it was the third
According to the station from St. Petersburg. In Pushkin time, the Belarusian large postal tract was held here, which was walking from St. Petersburg to the Western province of Russia. There was a third station from the capital, where the travelers changed horses. It was a typical postal station that had two corps: northern and southern, plastered and painted in pink color. The houses came out the facade on the road and combined with a brick fence with a large gate. Through them, carriages, strollers, crashes, brutal bugs drove onto a wide packed courtyard. Inside the courtyard there were stables with dentions, a barn, a canopy, a fire calane, a cowzy, and in the middle of the courtyard - the well.
At the edges of the paved courtyard of the mailing station, there were two wooden stables, sheds, a forge, barn, forming a closed square in which the access road was led from the tract. Life was boiling in the yard: the troops went down and drove out, yamshchiki fussed, the stables were tested with treasured horses and removed fresh. The northern corps served as a caretaker's housing. Behind him and the name "House of the Stationery Puber" has been preserved.
According to legend, Samson Vyrin received his name from the name of this village - one of the main characters of Pushkin's "History of Belkin". It is on the modest postal station to AS. Pushkin, more than once, who passed here from St. Petersburg in the village of Mi-Khalovskoye (according to some reports, 13 times), heard a sad story about a small official and his daughter and wrote a story "Stationander".
In these places there were folk legends, arguing that it was here that the hero of Pushkin's story lived, hence the passage of Hussar took away the beauty of the Dunya, and Samson Vyrin was buried at the local cemetery. Archival studies have also shown that a caretaker who had a daughter was served at the Irsk Station for many years.
Alexander Sergeevich Pushkin traveled a lot. The path made by him in Russia is equal to 34 thousand kilometers. In the story "Stationander" Pushkin tells the mouth of his hero: "For twenty years, I have sought it from Russia in Russia in all directions; Almost all postal paths are known to me; Several generations of yammchikov know me; I did not know a rare caretaker, with rare I didn't have things. "
Traveling along postal tracts is slow, with a long "seat" at the stations, became for the contemporaries of Pushkin a real event and, of course, were reflected in the literature. The topic of the road can be found in the works of P.A. Vyazemsky, F.N. Glinka, A.N. Radishcheva, N.M. Karamzina, A.S. Pushkin and M.Yu. Lermontov.
The museum was opened on October 15, 1972, the exposition numbered 72 subjects. Subsequently, their number increased to 3500. The museum is recreated the situation characteristic of Pushkin's postal stations. The museum consists of two stone buildings, stables, a barn with a calander, well, shore and forge. In the main building, 3 rooms: a caretaker's room, a daughter's room and Yamchtsky.

Gukovsky ch. Pushkin and Russian romance. - M., 1996.
Wage. Creative path of Pushkin (1826-1830). - M., 1967.
Lotman Yu.M. Pushkin. - St. Petersburg., 1987. Petrunina N.N. Pushkin Prose: Ways of Evolution. - L., 1987.
Shklovsky V.B. Notes on the prose of Russian classics. M., 1955.

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