Mirror with seashells or marine mirror. Crafts from sea seashells - decor of the mirror with their own hands Decor of the round mirror frame from pipes: master class

Encyclopedia plants 23.06.2020
Encyclopedia plants

Record from: 9-21-2016

This year, I finally implemented my long-standing dream - I made a decor from sea shells. She was collected for a long time - from each trip to the sea brought with him some number of radians. Everything was going to start making crawls from seashells for the interior, but, as they say - "there were brief charges" 🙂 The only thing - the seashells went to the decoration of miniature gardens in the plates, the creation of which I was fond of.

This year I was fortunate enough to visit the sea near Anapa, in Art. Blagoveshchenskaya, where we rested in a campsite on a sandy spit. There were completely extraordinary shells - such as I have never seen in my life. They were large, bright, some are even covered with some lime bloom resembling the formation of corals.

I, of course, all the time of rest was enthusiastically to collect this beauty, in order to subsequently make decor from seashells. Other seashells are smaller, I saved on the Sea of \u200b\u200bAzov, when we traveled to the port of Caucasus under Tamani to meet a friend with a ferry.

When we returned from the sea, we drove in Ikea next to Krasnodar and there I bought two wooden mirrors, hoping to decorate their seashells. The decor of the mirror with your own hands I started on a trip - it's nice to do something creative on vacation, when a lot of free time. To do this, I only needed PVA glue, shells and mirror itself.

How to glue shells to glass

Many people are interested - how and what glue can shells can be glued to the glass - I will say with all the responsibility that it is better to do not come up with PVA glue.

It is necessary to glue the shells like this: extrude the PVA glue on the surface (it must be thick and create a millimeter layer on the surface. It is exactly so, and not as many do it - they simply smear the tassel surface. In the latter case, the shells will be dismiss at almost immediately.

But if you squeeze the glue with a thick layer, then neatly put into the glue of seashells (do not be afraid, the beauty does not hurt), then they will stick very well. When glue dries, it will be thinner and it will be transparent and imperceptible. It is in this way that I glued a shells on the mirror. Large orange collected on the Black Sea, and small ones on Azov.

See the seashells themselves in Macro shot - the glue is not visible at all!

That mirror was originally.

Well, so it was after decorating shells.

The next idea for execution is to make seashells. Fortunately, after the last trip, I have a lot of them.

Required materials for marine mirrors

  • Mirror (any form);
  • Starfish, river pebbles, various small shells. If it happened so that you do not have the ability to separate such materials near the sea, you can buy ready-made sets in stores;
  • Pearl beads of different sizes;
  • Glue composition (optimally - super glue);
  • Adhesive paper either bandage.
  • The necessary tools of labor: scissors, as well as tweezers.

How to decorate the mirror in the marine style

1. Before the start of work, you need to clean the surface of the mirror by the detergent for the glass, it is desirable to rinse the shells thoroughly, the river pebby, this is a rather important point, because the adhesive composition is badly bonded by fat or blurred surfaces.

2. Through the adhesive bandage (either paper), we will make a frame on the mirror.

If necessary, you can also stick the seashells on the mirror surface, however the advantage of this "frame" is that it will help you to clearly limit the place of sticking (serves as a contour), and in case of a cross, the bandage is easier to separate from the mirror, rather than fragile materials.

3. Let's start gluing small shells. First you need to glue a large seashell frame. It is very desirable that they are symmetrically located.

Try not to overload the frame, otherwise it will look excessively cumbersome

Before applying the glue composition on the material, set your selected seashells to the frame, create several steps back, look at the mirror from afar. This will help to determine in advance which shells are much better combined with each other.

The glue must be applied to shells.

4. Moving from the already glued big figures, I will attach small shells on the frame and, moreover, the sea river pebbles of the medium size. Instead of the river pebbles, you can also apply very bright extremely flat peas, sold in flower shops to decorate plants in pots. Do not forget to leave a place for beads.

5. Quite carefully you need to glue starfishes. It is important that they are rather fragile. Therefore, first on the empty certain space is much better to glue the stars, and then it is already near them to place the rest.

6. It remains to fill out the empty places with small small shells, pebbles, beads. For convenience, I advise you to apply tweezers. So it will be easier to apply glue composition on a small material.

Also, by means of tweezers, fill all other passes by beads.

In the same case, if you can't fill in completely all empty places between small shells (for example, on the edges or altogether small "holes"), leave them empty - only thanks to the frame from the bandage they will not rush into the eyes.

For all those who live near the sea, there is an alternative option - to fill the "holes" with adhesive makeup and, accordingly, pour into them sea clean mountain sand. After a while, when the adhesive composition completely dry, it will be necessary to shook the excessive pure mountain sand. Another method - instead of pure sand, apply a small enough light beads, for example, light cream, very light sandy color tones.

7. We turn to the last stage of the decoration of the mirror in the marine style. When all the materials are glued to the frame, it will remain to wait until the glue composition is dry. Following this, you need to clean the surface of the mirror, as well as shells from the remnants of the adhesive composition.

Following this, the decorated frame can also be covered with completely colorless varnishing composition. However, this is completely optional: the varnish composition is needed to enhance the design.

Marine Mirror - Photo

In addition to the functional mission, the mirror serves as a decorative decoration of the entire interior of the room, regardless of its purpose. Basically, the mirrors are purchased in the finished form, and the proposed products are produced mainly standard configurations, but you can also purchase a designer thing, but it will be quite large enough.

It is possible to solve the question independently, making the frame for the mirror with your own hands or decorate the heded materials and personal fantasy.

If the imagination is tugged, you can always resort to the help of Internet resources where you can see a lot of photos with mirror decor options.

Ideas of decoration mirrors

Perhaps, almost everyone knows the amazing property of the mirrors - the expansion of space of the room, making it visually more actual sizes, and the role of stylish interior decoration.

You can decorate mirrors with various materials available in sufficient number. And your irrepressive imagination and a great desire will be made to the reality of any ideas of the decor of the mirrors, besides, made by their own hands, which will make your creation truly invaluable and unique.

The main field for creativity in decorating mirrors is not a mirror surface, but its framing, i.e. frame. To decorate it, do not need special knowledge or experience, this process is quite accessible to everyone, the main thing is to have a good taste and creatively approach the design process.

To decorate a frame for a mirror, you can use: marine seashells, pieces of broken glass or ceramics, tiled fragments, paper, newspapers, jewelry elements, mosaic remains, bamboo sticks, branches of trees and much more.

Use of fragments of dishes

The decor of the mirror from fragments of the batkeas is easy to make with their own hands. Did your favorite cup or plate crashed? Do not rush to throw out the fragments, because of them you can build a decoration for a mirror frame.

Cut pieces with a mosaic with the appropriate tool. Prepare a project of future creation and a field for creativity.

On top of the workpiece, the mosaic components with the help of conventional adhesive, small beads and pebble pebbles will not be superfluous, and other details can be used at its discretion. At the end of the process, it is necessary to steer the frame surface and wipe it with a soft cloth.

Decor with seashells

The decor of the mirror frame using seashells is easier to make a simple, having a glue under hand, acrylic-based paints and a sufficient variety of rockers. Frame surface prepare in advance, clean from dust and contaminants. Apply the glue on top and in the intentional order to put prepared seashells.

Beautifully look straight lines, wave-like, in the form of circles or bends, and other configurations. Seeing the composition for some time, then cover acrylic paint or fasten with varnish.

Decorating stones

Rama, decorated with stones, looks pretty expensive and stylish. Using drops of glass Do not forget that they are quite massive, and therefore it is worth leaving the place around them free. Do not combine dirty and differential stones.

For the decor, an ideal choice will be: pebbles size less than medium, glass in the form of drops, crystal elements, artificial or natural stones, rhinestones and other materials. Use special transparent glue as consolidation.

Decorating the wall with mirrors by the rules

In order not to spoil the wall by future creations, and make the decor mirrors on the wall successfully, it is necessary to comply with certain simple rules:

  • prefer the mirrors of one dimension, it is better to use products in size no more than average;
  • products of non-standard forms, as a rule, are not placed in the frame;
  • round or square mirrors should arrange a beautiful frame;
  • the composition of the same type of mirror frames will look very, regardless of the size of the mirrors;
  • use in the composition no more than 5 mirrors with a spectacular and stylish framed, otherwise violate the harmony;
  • the win-win option will be the use of mirror frames that are perfectly combined with all the stylistics of the interior solution of the room.

Photo of decor mirrors

Every summer, many people go to the sea. But the rest flies instantly, after which only memories remain. Remote the gentle beach can marine seashells who bring with them.

Often these gifts of the sea remain in the closet, without bringing any benefit. But you can make it yourself not only the decor of cardboard or other material, but also from shells.

How to use shells to decorate an apartment and crafts?

To make an individual interior of the room, you can use a variety of decorations that are easy to do.

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From such a material like sinks, you can create a unique photo frame, vases, caskets, etc. Such decorated items will be reminded of beautiful rest, while creating beautiful decorations.

Ideas decor from seashells do it yourself

Especially appropriate shells will look in the bathroom, but they can be added to any corner of the apartment. They can be decorated with a box, vases that will look good, complement the interior.

This decorated item is also used as a gift. In addition, those who have aquarium apply shells as decor

How to decorate seashells. Average mirror: Decor instructions

Perfectly suitable for decorating a simple mirror. For this, acrylic paints also use. It is better to choose tones that will resemble the sea and sand that can paint the waves, a piece of the coast. And to add such an exquisite mirror capable of seashells. They are glued with glue. The main thing is to choose such a sticky material that could withstand steam if decoration will occur in the bathroom.

But in another room there will be beautiful seashells. In the bedroom or living room it is better to use pastel shades when painting the mirror.

Registration of photo frames in marine seas

An shell decor can be made even on the photo frame. At the same time, it will be easy. To do this, it is enough to include fantasy, choose a suitable decorated material, and then glue it to the frame. As a result, it will turn out such a maritime frame as in the photo below.

Decor of seashells do it yourself, registration of photo frames

Such creativity can:

  • sequins
  • beads
  • rhinestones
But you can put such a frame in any corner of the house: ranging from the shelf ending the fireplace. In addition, you can make a whole picture from seashells.

Decorate a transparent vase shells and get a stylish accessory

You can decorate seashells can be a vase from transparent glass. To do this, it is enough to pour out the seafood into the container. Such a vase is placed on the bedside tables, small tables, shelves.

A slightly different option is also offered. Before filling the container shells, you need to pour sand into it. This combination will look harmoniously, and the starfish can add it.

Decor of seashells do it yourself, the design of the vase

We draw up pots for home flowers shellucas

Often, the hostess decorate their indoor flowers in pebbles. But shells can replace them. To do this, it is enough to lay them on the soil around the plant. But, besides this, you can stick seashells to the pot itself.

Thus, it will be transformed, becomes original, attractive. Guests who will come to the house will not be able to not notice such beauty.

Decoration of pots for home flowers shells

Decorating the sea gifts yard, garden or cottage

They are simply laying out near plants, bushes, fountains in the yard. They can transform the pool perfectly.

So, you should not hide the shells in the cabinets or servants. They can originally decorate different items in the house. Even an ordinary soapbox, complemented by seashells, can reincarnate the bathroom.

You can also decorate balconies, suspension. You need to include fantasy, and then create original decorated items.

Everyone who at least once in his life rested on the sea, probably tried in every way to keep the memory of these happy days - photographed on the beach, collected shells in different boxes and bags, which, then, carefully and not very, folded in the hard-to-reach places of his city apartment, creating Chaotic seashell decor.

Unfortunately, returning home and visiting your favorite work, we most often forget about the warm sea, the constant attribute of which are beautiful sea shells. Residents of seaside cities also belong to the seashells everyday: if they can not be sold by resting, why are they needed? Well, except that, of of them, greeting cards did in the long-speded Soviet times.

decor of seashells for the New Year tree

So, gentlemen - shells again in fashion! Do not be lazy and deliver the treasures of Nature's settled in the dark corners - now they will symbolize the beauty of the sea landscape right at your home, because talented designers urge to make their home in unique and cozy with the help of these beautiful eternity of seashells. Have you ever thought about how many years the sink is growing into the sea to which you come? It turns out, a lot, and this is a number with a lot of zeros! Let's follow the recommendations of modern designers - we will collect all our seashells and proceed to creating a new style in the home interior with the help of decoration of seashells - maritime, Mediterranean, or, as it is also called ecological!

    Marine themes in the interior

    Some practical advice

    Photo Gallery - Decor of seashells:

Yes, today they are not as popular as pebbles, and cannot be used to cover the home floor, however, in the decoration of the walls, columns and arches of the shells look just excellent! They can be combined with pebbles, gluing that and more on the walls using special types of glue and plaster.

flower Pot decorated with seashells

The transparent vase filled with seashells will decorate any atmosphere, add well-positioned mirrors to this, as well as the frame-made frames for paintings and photos - you won't lose! Having learned to make wreaths from seashells, you can decorate the doors or hanging caspets for flowers.

In general, visiting the stores, it is necessary to pay attention to a variety of interesting elements of the decor, in which sea shells are used, because they can become both a successful addition to the unique style of your home and the first step towards further improvement. Do not forget about comfortable accessories from artificial materials, the form of which repeats the silhouette of marine shells.

vase decorated with multicolored seashells will make originality in the interior

Decor of seashells in the bathroom

"A rug made of pebbles in the decoration of seashells will not only decorate the bathroom, but will also provide a useful and pleasant foot massage, and being on the floor heated, will create the effect of staying on the beach.

Whatever the overall style of the design of your home, in the bathroom, shells and pebbles are always to the place, because there is water.

It is easiest to put a simple, but an expressive element - a vase filled with seashells. Do not be lazy to encrust the seashells of the mirror headset or the outer surface of the bath - you will just achieve a stunning effect. The same hardworking of us can even postcoat with pebbles and wall seas, creating a decor worthy of Neptune himself.

The rug made of pebbles in the decoration of seashells will not only decorate the bathroom, but will also provide a useful and pleasant foot massage, and being on the floor heated, will create the effect of staying on the beach.

white table decorated with seashells

Shells in the kitchen interior

In the kitchen shells it is worth decorating any vases and vases, a pot and jugs, combining these elements with paintings and photos on marine themes, as well as various souvenirs and dishes in the same style.

Sea style living room

Interesting souvenirs brought from the sea are used as independent elements of decoration of seashells, as well as decorating a variety of items.

Shells do not burn, which means they can decorate the sconium and lamps in any room.

picture of seashells in the living room will always remind of warm sunny days

In massive seashells from distant exotic seas can be saturated with shining candy wrappers, or to plant epiphyts in them - unique miniature decorative flowers.

Spectacular candles are obtained from seashells filled with wax.

A special charm will give the interior of the living room painting, made of seashells, pebbles, and if there is even corals and pearls. Such a picture you will not see the neighbors hanging on the wall, "it exists only in one copy and is a manifestation of your personality. Even unpaired dogs and boat ships, unobtrusively reminding the sea, add the quiet romantic notes to the atmosphere.

mirror decorated with large seashells in the interior of the living room

Shells in bedroom decoration

Marine pebbles always keep the warmth of the summer sun, and the novel sewer scrolls - the noise of the sea surf; All of them will help create in your bedroom a unique and sophisticated aura of magical memories, because only you know, where and when the sea waves presented these expensive gifts.

Try to decorate the seashells of the mirror and the photo frames, decorate with them the chest and elegant tremor - the marine style will tremble you in the world of fantasy, far from the problems and difficulties of everyday life.

Marine themes in decorating mirrors

Mirrors are extremely impressive, decorated with sea shells and pebbles, using additional materials such as decorative beads, ropes or pieces of rope. The elements of the composition can be painted with acrylic paints and cover with shiny varnish, and they are fixed using glue (can be used or a moment).

the mirror decorated with white shells is perfectly combined with a pale blue tint of walls.

For a long time lost among children's toys, a small fish and a key chain in the form of maritime anchors successfully fit into the original decor of seashells invented by you for designing a mirror frame. The decorative rope will symbolize the ship rope on the beloved photo frame, in the corner of which a small starfish is located. The usual things will come to life if their owners will give will of their imagination.

Sexual decor options

"We can decorate the floral vases inside the shells, but it is even better to stick them outside in a chaotic order, or taking an interesting ornament as a foundation"

The number of options for using the seafood in the decor of the room is limited only by the framework of the decorator fantasy; They are essentially endless, however, there are several times proven by the time of successful ideas about which it is worth knowing.

the tremor and mirror, decorated with various-caliber seashells will become key elements of the marine theme in the bedroom

So, teck you the most likely and beautiful seashells, arrange them in shape and sizes, if you wish, change the color with the help of paints - and scatter together with color beads for your favorite photo frame. The photos are decorated in this way can be placed on the shelves or hang on the walls of the living room, bedroom and children's room. If you are endowed with artistic talent - do not hide it, but use the inspiration that has appelled to create a beautiful picture, which people surround you with delight will be contemporary.

Pockets, coffee tables and shelves will gain a completely new form if they put transparent vases filled with sea sand, pebbles, shells, marine stars, corals and pearls. Such compositions are well suited to decorate banquets and richly served tables.

Shells can be decorated with floral vases inside, but even better paste them outside in a chaotic order, or taking the basis of an interesting ornament.

this cracker from shells can be made independently and place on the shelf

On the countryside, shells and pebbles also look great! Scattered here and there: among garden trees and flowers, around a fountain or artificial reservoir, - they emphasize the beauty of the natural landscape and remind you of sunny days spent on the sea coast.

The inner decoration of the house can also be an object of decoration. Soaps in the bathroom and peppers in the kitchen, original Candle sinks, garlands, porridges and even lamp lamps - just a small list of original ideas and the possibilities of using natural materials brought from the seashore.

outdoor Vase decorated with shells

  1. Since shells are taken from natural conditions, which means that shells lived in them, without prior processing, it is impossible to use them to decorate the premises, it is characterized by an unpleasant odor. In addition, large copies that have recently raised from the bottom of the sea are covered with a rather thick layer of algae growing to them, remove that can be removed only after soching in water.
  2. Outwardly, clean shells can be simply pouring boiling water for five minutes, then merge the cooled water and repeat the procedure for another three minutes.
  3. You should not forget that if you wish the seashell, you can paint.
  4. Completes the processing of sea shells a disposable coating acrylic varnish, this will provide a decor from seashells an attractive natural view for many years.

Photo Gallery - Decor of seashells:

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