Make a tree pestle. Mortar and pestle for cooking natural seasonings

Encyclopedia plants 04.03.2020
Encyclopedia plants

Complexity: 20
Complexity of study: 10
The ritual, in ancient times, a very popular elderly sorcerer and witches, who did not like to use some vulgar broom. From the last stump distinguished noticeably great comfort and carrying capacity. The maximum weight lifted by the stage depends on its size and quality of manufacture, constituting on average from two hundred to five hundred kilograms. (In the Museum of the Institute, there was a copy, raising about one and a half tons. Unfortunately, during the disaster he disappeared and considered to be destroyed.)
Since the process of manufacturing the stupas is very laborious and requires high time spending, at present they are unlikely to deal with someone. However, in the outback still you can meet the current specimens - well-made stupa could serve as a single generation of rustic signs.
The principle of the action of the stua is based on a special magical processing of high attractiveness for the spirits of air, which becomes very comfortable for it to hold. Nevertheless, the stupa is not a constant living for perfume, and only works together with a broken broom, some of the perfumes from which goes into the patch, neutralizing its weight. After that, the perfume remaining in the broom can push the punch in any direction.
Use the stupa is simple: you need to sit into it, take into the hands of the broom and say an activating conspiracy. After that, the stupa will move in the direction where the broom knob is directed. The maximum speed and height of the flight is like the pebble itself, but maneuverability is much worse due to the massiveness. The bottom of the stupa is always directed towards the resulting vector of acceleration, so that the equilibrium of the pilot is not needed, but when a collision is confused with something quite it is possible. To land, you need to either pronounce a stopping conspiracy, or maneuver omit the pitch to the ground and jump out. In the case of a loss of contact with a broom or a pilot of the Stupa begins to slowly decrease, at the same time the horizontal speed due to air resistance.
To control the level, aviation skill is required, but thrown from the dexterity required to manipulate the broom.


Production of the Stupa itself:
One piece of wood, dried by natural death (7)
Fire burning from natural reasons (3)
Manual tools (4) Magic themselves (2) and not previously used (3)
The material serves as a rule, oak - find another tree of suitable sizes is difficult. A piece of trunk is peaked out, the core is neatly burned, after which the product is brought to the edge of the chisel and the chisel.
Work requires knowledge of a blacksmith for the manufacture of tools and professional skills to work on a tree (crookedly made tools increase the complexity additionally).

Actually ritual:
Extended stupa
Shamansky Buben.
Preliminary fusion of stupas with smoking from forest herbs for three days (9)
Ritual dance (4) and 2 hours spell (8)
During the final spell, the texts of the activating and stopping conspira were also defined, which can be absolutely any, at the discretion of the magician. Very often the magicians cut out the texts of conspiracies on the edges of the stupa to always be at hand.
Diaharmonia level (0): Stupa rises into the air and flies, but after 1-6 minutes, it completely loses stability, starting randomly rotate for all three axes of coordinates.

Useful advice:
For the recipient: Maximum flight acceleration in meters per second per second is calculated by a simple formula: the lift force of the broom used, divided by the full take-off weight of the steps, is multiplied by 5.
For Likhach: Contact Stups with Earth With a large horizontal speed converts translational movement into a bubbling.
The fitness of the stupa to use is determined by whether it can theoretically hold water inside (two or three bullets not counting).

Another textile doll Baba Yaga appeared on white light. The lady's lady, rich (even a means of movement is available) and frozen fashionable.

You can consider it in the photo, I already talked about the skirt.

And today I will tell you how to make the surface of the Stupa. Stupa from Papier - Masha (several layers first newspapers, then napkins on PVA glue based on thick watercolor paper, dressed on a tin can).
The surface is slightly rough. All this should dry very well. Many layers, sushi 2-3 layers. The process can delay the week and more.

Cover with a mixture of black acrylic with lacquer construction. Dried.
Intrun a larger relief with a glue pistol.
I miss the brown acrylic paint with varnish, partially leaving black in the recesses not closed.
Tinging lighter shades of brown. All the time I add a little varnish in the paint.
It turns out several layers of paint with varnish.
Sent on metallized acrylics (silver here).
When everything dries, spraying the lacquer.

Why in paint add varnish? Once faced with such a problem when using colors for acrylic paints. When applying the next layer of paint, the previous one began to sail and mix with it. As a result, there was no translucent multi-layeredness. That is, you need either every layer to cover with varnish, or pick up paints that will not be mixed. If you are simply the current paint become varnished with a brush, the paint will still flow. And to splash lacquer in layers - it is to endure stench. Therefore, I found such a solution - add varnish in paint. I take a building kolacher and knead them on the palette with a construction acrylic varnish. It turns out resistant paint. And you can interfere with different shades as needed.
That's all the wisdom.

And here is the guilt of a long drying and layer painting.

If you are cooking at home (at least occasionally), there is a minimal set of tools and devices that allows you to make it competently and comfortably. In my experience, we sometimes spend on not the most necessary things and gadgets, such as a device for extracting seeds from cherries, but on obvious things save. Because with a conditional knife and so everything is clear, and why overpay for it? ..

I am writing this article for a variety of people. For young families who only drove into their first one's own housing - you will learn what items you need to buy in the kitchen first of all, and with what you can wait. For those who, on the contrary, the kitchen accumulated too much junk - you will understand that you can throw away, and what will have to look for a replacement. For lovers of impulsive shopping - so that your purchases brought not only a momentary pleasure, but also many years benefits. For those who suffer with a choice of a gift for a friend or girlfriend - you will know what to pay attention to, come to visit, then not to miss the gift. And for all others - after all, in the end, all the above is just my personal opinion, so additions and comments are welcome.


The knife is the main tool without any kitchen can do. Professional chefs take their knife in all trips, and an ordinary cook or a housewife should be taken to choosing a knife seriously. If you talk about the minimum necessary set, then first of all you have to have a cook knife: This is the main knife, which can be used for 90% of all kitchen action. As a cook knife, usually choose between a European chef or a Japanese Santok - it is best not just to take the first one, but to hold some different knives, check how convenient they fall into the hand, and do not save on quality.

In addition to the cook knife, it is useful to have a shorter and thin universal knife to clean and cut vegetables, fill fish and cut meat with bones. In principle, this set of two knives should be enough for you, but if you wish, it can be supplemented with an ax (chopping stuffing, cut the bird), a knife for cutting (thin and smoothly chop vegetables, fresh or salty fish, meat), bread knife (relevant in The case, if you buy or bake bread with hard crust and gentle crumbs) and other excesses up to the Japanese Daba or knife for.

Cutting board

It is quite logical that if the first number in the list of shopping is a knife, followed by it there should be a board on which you will cut. And then I want to warn you from the temptation not to spend time and money to choose good boards, but to buy the first thing that happened: of course, the board the tool is not paramount, but misappling with the choice, you will make a serious mistake. To begin with, we define the material from which the board is made. Boards made of glass and other solid materials I suggest not even considering - the knife on such a board is fastened over the week.

By and large, the choice must be made between a tree and plastic. The tree gives a warm tube cut, it is natural material, and such a board, if it looks decently, you can make an interior item. On the other hand, plastic is a more modern material for a cutting board: plastic does not absorb smells of products, it can be washed in a dishwasher, it tupits knives even less than solid wood species. As for the size of the board, then I suggest dancing from the size of your kitchen: It is clear that the more the board, the more convenient, but it needs to be stored somewhere. And no matter how much material you choose, I recommend to start a separate board for fish, and plastic.

mortar and pestle

They did not expect? After the knife and the boards, the tools that are in every kitchen, the mortar and pestle were suddenly in the list. Where they are taken, why are they needed - it is not clear. Alexey, did you not want anything for sure?

I answer: no, did not fit. Mortar and pestle, if you still do not use them, can bring your cooking on a new level. It is not necessary to walk far behind examples: remove the pepper with ground pepper from the table, which exiled before you brought it out of the store, start seasoning with fresh black peppers - and their taste instantly acquires completely different sound and volume. The mortar is indispensable for the preparation of sauces, spicy blends and marinades, it is possible to rub the spices in it, put the garlic, grind seeds and nuts and so on. It is not necessary to think that the mortar can be easily replaced by a blender - heat that occurs during the friction process, releases the essential products, so the taste of all your seasonings will be deeper and saturated. If I convinced you, choose a stone mortar of a roomy volume with high sides and a pestle that comfortably falls into the hand.


Okay, I promise no more exotic. Skovorod - What could be easier and more familiar? Meanwhile, the rules for choosing a frying pan can safely write thesis: non-stick coatings are improved every year, but old good frying pans from cast iron, steel and cast aluminum take positions either are also not going to. Aesthetes give preference to copper, fans of exotic, realizing that there will be no word about the wok in this article, disappointed.

So, my first advice: Forget about the non-stick coating. In those rare cases when it is really necessary, it is quite possible to do with a circle of parchment, laid on the bottom of the frying pan, in the rest of the adhesion of the products - the consequence of incorrectly selected temperatures and the heat of frying, and not the "wrong" material. A good cast aluminum frying pan will serve you for a long time if there is no excesses - all my life. The Second Council - for a start, it is enough to do with two copies - a medium-sized frying pan for a kitlet, omelettes, steaks, chops, and the like, and a large-sake with high sidelights, in which you will prepare various stew. If after that the kitchen will remain a place, and in the wallet money, so be, take a frying pan with a non-stick coating, at the same time and compare.


The above mentioned about the frying pan in a large extent applies to the pots, and here I also recommend cast aluminum. First, in a saucepan, it is very convenient to carry out a primary roasting of those products that will then be cooked in it, so it is desirable that it has a thick bottom for a uniform heat distribution. Secondly, it is worth at least two pans of different volumes: smaller to cook eggs, cook sauces and portion dishes, and more so that it can be prepared for the whole family soup or boil spaghetti.


If you think that we have already figured out with the mandatory program, it only seems to you: without sieves, toohere anywhere. Blanch the greens, throw back the cooked vegetables, rinse rice - how to do without sieves? If you do not have a little colander - you can draw a ready-made pasta to the sieve, if there is no steamer - sieve and then come to the rescue. Finally, another feature of the sieves, which is also not worth neglected - rubbing sauces, cream soups and mashed potatoes to give them a homogeneous and smooth texture.

Good news is that high-quality sieve will not require serious investments from you. The main thing when buying is to make sure that the handle is well attached to the sieve and will not be bludging, and the grid will not fall out of the circumference framing the edge of the sieve. You can take a small sieve with a diameter of centimeters at 10: this is not such a useless thing, as it may seem at first.


You can argue about the tool to give the remaining place in this list (for sure when writing an article I missed something out of sight, and I will correct in the comments), but the grater in the kitchen is an important and necessary thing. More precisely, not so: the bad grater is not useful to you, and you will come up with how to do without it, but the good will save you a lot of power, and at the same time your fingers will save.

So, what properties should have a good grater? It should be firmly standing on the table (very desirable base of rubber or soft plastic), have several types of holes for different tasks, be acute (as in the case of a knife, cut into a stupid grater easier than acute). Of course, I, like everyone, like MICROPLANE graters, especially good, they have a small grater, on which it is gorgeous, both cheese and garlic with ginger, but all of them are too fragile for my hands, and quickly break. In general, if you feel overwhelming you strength, choose a reliable grater so that it does not fall apart in your hands on the first day.

Part I.
To understand what mortar, we need to be in the household, first find out what her appointment, what kind of work it performs in our och. skillful handles? From the answer to this question depends - which mortar we need.

The fact is that the task of the transformation of something else was in the dust concludes two works in itself - crowded and rub. Which differ in principle from the point of view of the application of rough power. In the first case, the force is used vertical - shock, in the second - horizontal - the force of friction.
The shape of the mortar thus comes down mainly to two types. What exactly?
The rubbing of any products is more convenient and easier to conduct circular motions, so the optimal mortar designed for rubbing should have a flat (stone for rubbing) or a hemispherical (mortar) inner surface and cylindrical or close to the hemisphere rubbing the massive pestle surface.
Narrow and high staps in the shape of a glass, as opposed to low and wide intended to withstand shock loads, that is, the crowd.

But this is not all the requirements for the mortar, because you can make a substance such as dry and containing different amounts of aggressive and not very liquids, getting at the outlet or powder or pasta. And it is from here that flows the difference in the material of the mortar.
Obviously, the properties of the material must respond to these tasks - do not fall apart from the blow, do not spoil the moisture, do not absorb anything too much and not deliver the products being processed into the mortar. Hence the important properties of mortar materials with a plus sign:
- hardness, that is, the ability to resist pressure from the outside, with the same abrasive resistance (abrasion resistance)
- Plasticity - the ability to deformation without breaks and destruction
- density, that is, the internal structure of the material with which impact resistance is directly related
- Chemical resistance

There are no advantages without minuses that there is a continuation of the merits:
- Softness
- fragility
- porosity, i.e. Ability to absorb moisture, dietary paints and smells
- chemical activity, i.e. Ability to interact with grinding products

Here from this stove and will dance.

Part II.

Let's start, so to speak, on seniority. The first in our everyday came the mortars of stone. Slices of rock - granite and basalt lay here and there around the cave, it was necessary to simply choose the appropriate. Only flat stones still did not know that they are future mortars, and rounded stones did not know that they were a pestle. As the apple rolled down a rounded pestle on a saucer, rubbing everything on hand to get - grains, seeds, roots, vegetables, nuts, fruits. Over time, on flat stones, a little deepened the middle and raised the edges, and the pestle turned into a similarity of the rolling, or even curved in the form of the letter "g". Such archaic mortars are still preserved, for example, in India (Pata Varvanta, Sil Bhatta), in Indonesia (COBEK and ULEK-ULEK), in Mexico (Metate and Metlapil), for rubbing vegetables and spices, grains, rice, corn, Cocoa beans and preparation of vegetable pastes of the type Guacamole, Sambal or seasoning and oil and paste.
And although mortgages over time acquired a more civilized species - and became such as Molcajete and Tejolote in Mexico or Krok Hin in Thailand, and basalt and granite retained their meaning and so far. The hardness, density and abrasive resistance of these materials are the highest of natural stones. By the cons of basalt, poor politicality can be attributed, therefore spices and pastes obtained in such mortars have an inhomogeneous, coarse structure.
But with this perfectly copes polished granite and mortar from other natural stones, once called by genuine: Jashers and Chalacedones - Agat, Onyx, carnelian. All these stones are perfectly polished, have excellent hardness and density and eventually get thin powders from incense and spices and smooth pastes simple enough.
They have and one common drawback - all stone mortar risks split when they hit the soul, so they can only rub. Nephmit has the best properties of natural stones - the impact resistance is several times higher than in some metals.
The undoubted pluses of all stone strokes and the fact that they do not absorb water do not react with an acidic juice of fruits or dyes.
In one sad exception, marble does not withstand the specified conditions. Its hardness in much lower than the remaining stones, it absorbs moisture quite well and reacts even with weak acids - lemon and acetic. Do we need it? What to do if the marble mortar is already? Do not throw away. If it neatly rub only dry spices and prepare non-aggressive pastes, for example, from a baked garlic or bow on an oil basis, it will serve no worse than others.

Part III

Another ancient natural material for the mortar is a tree. It is clear that in such a forest country, like our, wooden stupa had a lot of walking, but they were not triturated in them, and Thuscles. Large wooden stups still enjoy in Japan (USU and KINE) to obtain rice flour and starch from sticky rice.
For a mortar-glass, in which it is convenient to push, even the average hard rocks of the tree - oak, Canadian Maple, not to mention the hardest - Samshet and Kizil. The fact is that the properties of the wood are such that the impact strength of the end sections is ten times higher than the longitudinal. That is, in the human language - if the mortar and pestle are sharpened or hollowed as Pinocchio, in the longitudinal direction of the fibers, the pistil and the bottom strength will be higher than some metal. That is why she was made oatmeal and any other interpretation in our narrow and high oak stups with a thick bottom. And also the poppy in them and pressed linen and hemp oil from seeds.

From the obvious advantages - the tree does not react with edible acids and alkalis.
But from the minuses: perfectly absorbs smells and food dyes, and most importantly - moisture, because of which even the firm wooden mortar is cracking.
The most popular mortar, solid solid wood, are designed rather for dry, seeds or oily products - herbs, seeds, nuts, etc., have sufficient hardness and durability and allow them not only to move, but also to rub. The oil film formed on the tree with time will protect it from absorbing moisture and cracking. Cheap glued mortars are least durable and more exposed to moisture.
The ratio of pros and cons of a wooden mortar as no other material depends on the nobility of the breed, and the best of them serve as a gift option rather than really needed in the farm. That is, let's say, decorated with an intricate thread of a mortar from an ebony, presented with his beloved mother-in-law / mother-in-law, or a colleague / head of an Indonesian layer from a palm tree is hardly indifferent. Since olive mortars are often offered in the appropriate gift kit with olive oil and olives, it is logical that the olive paste-tapenada is the best use for such a gift.

Part IV.

But we cannot wait for mercies from nature, and invented porcelain, which has no less hardness, durability, moisture and chemical resistance than natural stone. After a small time after the appearance of a porcelain, he was assigned to the pharmacist, and since then, physicians and chemists use porcelain "services". Porcelain mortar and pestle (SURIBACHI and SURIKOGI) allow Japanese, for example, to get the finest rice powder or homogeneous soybean pasta, to rub the sesame for goma-dzio or leaves and seeds of Japanese pepper for seasoning - Kinome.
The main drawback of the porcelain is fragility - it is quite easily overcome, due to the thickness of the wall, well, the treatment neat with it. Porcelain is not intended to get a nutmeg or even just black and fragrant pepper in a similar thing. This, to put it mildly, is inconvenient and inexpedient. And for this there is a more fitted material.

Part V.

After time, humanity decided to improve and streamline in nature. Metals were a big gift for such experiments. With rather medium surface hardness, inferior to stones, china and even some varieties of wood, metal at the expense of its internal structure has very high impact resistance, or is able to increase this strength and hardness in the processing process. The surface of metal mortars is well polished, which allows you to get very thin powders and break, for example, nutmeg or dried ginger in almost dust.
Historically, the first in this competition was copper, and its derivatives - bronze (initially alloy with tin) and brass (initially alloy with zinc). Bronze and brass have a very beneficial property - high abrasion resistance. This property is very useful for handmade mills for coffee and spices. By the way, there is not even an old coffee, and in a simple old brass mill of some more good than in a soulless modern coffee grinder. Bronze and brass travelers are a good choice for modern handicrafts.
But for mortar-glasses, of which we choose the appropriate, abrasion resistance is not basic advantage.
Clean copper has a high plasticity, which means it easily changes the shape when the bronze is the most fragile of copper alloys, therefore, the layer of brass with high impact resistance is preferable. The top shik will be silver-colored mortar from the newest alloys - Melchior (initially copper-nickel alloy) and nezilber (initially copper with nickel and zinc).
But the trouble is the surface of such mortars in the greenhouse conditions of the kitchen - high humidity, an aggressive atmosphere and an elevated temperature, as well as in contact with the acids is covered with a greenish-brown chain - patina. What is good for articles and monuments, it is bad for us with you. Composite parts of the plaque - Malachite, Jar-Median and others, the essence of complex and simple poisons. How to deal with it? It is elementary, as they say, Watson is cleaned, clean and clean it again. No wonder in all literary monuments of past centuries, such attention was paid to the cleaning of the metal (read copper) dishes. Internal surfaces in contact with food must shine as a well-known copper pelvis.

Following the bronze epoch, the time of iron, cast iron and steel came.
"Founding" as a material for a mortar is inferior to brass and bronze, because although it is a solid, but fragile - if desired, a cast-iron mortar can be easily split. In addition, cast iron, being porous, absorbs moisture and rust that there is a big minus. But the crowd of water in a glass-glass is not very convenient, so that such a lack is easily reduced to no use of metal mortar and mills for the purpose - only for dry spices. And it is easy to remove thorough care - wipe the dry cloth or paper or dry after use and store away from the kitchen plate.

Iron and steel, although the fixed cast iron, also rust quickly and well, if only this iron is not meteorite. But this is already from the field of fiction. The reality is that it is not able to stand in place. Technical progress did not bypass the routine homework and stainless steel brought ancient mortar to the level of complex mechanical devices - electric mills and blenders.
Glass containers and steel parts that do not absorb foreign odors and moisture and not aggressive environments, and most importantly - the modern power of these kitchen monsters make the grinding of the process that does not even be mentioned - the cooking time is so much reduced, and all the minutes of previous generations are eliminated. However, it seems to me that, together with the disadvantages, the heat and soul, filling the vintage mortars, are leaving, from which they would not be created, because the slow process and consistent addition of components in the mortar allows you to get it up, and the main thing is to move in the process of grinding flavors and tastes Products used.

Literature and materials:
1. "Clay plates or stone squeezed. How to save myself about yourself for centuries, "illustrated by a wrappers, Sumer Publishing House, 5000 years before your era
2. "On the impact of the density of wood on the mental abilities of Pinocchio", the magazine "Woodings" is ed. L. Alice, 1827
3. "Jade Rod or Memories of Former Mandarin", unmanufactured manuscript 1149g (alive.) Founded in the fishing village on about. Taiwan.
4. "Gloss", the Journal of the Company of Maissen Porcelain, Germany, 1865.
5. "Stone flower - ten steps to success." Manual for beginners, 1898, Mednogorsk typography
6. "Application of new Mr. Nobel Materials in Kamnezn Art", Magazine
"Factory Bulletin", 1905, Kolyvan

Once you will develop the usual purchased spices in bags, and want to crush fresh cinnamon, carnation, pepper, quinam and other seasonings yourself, for which the best tool is a mortar with a pestle. Spices, garlic, nuts or seeds, chopped into a mortar, highlight natural aromas and oils; You will immediately notice the difference in taste! Let's start learning the first step to learn how to use a mortar and pestle, so you will increase the level of your culinary skill into several steps.


Choosing a mortar and pestle

Grind the spices with pestle to the required consistency. Hold the mortar with one hand and, holding the pestle another, rotational movements shred the spices until the mass acquires a homogeneous look. Try evenly, press and crush the spices, leading the pestle on the bottom and the walls of the mortars. Continue until you achieve the desired degree of grinding.

  • Below are other techniques of grinding and crushing of spices, each of which will allow you to get a different consistency, which will affect the taste and the smell of the final product.
  • Place the spices for storage or use them. You can either pour fresh spices in a glass jar with a tightly closing lid, or measure and use them for cooking on a recipe.

    Other gem techniques

      Examine other techniques of grinding. This option is ideal for use in baking, cooking sauces and other dishes. You can crush the spices to the condition of coarse, medium or fine grinding.

      • Fold the ingredients into the mortar and hold it with your hand.
      • Tight and convenient to hold the pestle in the second hand.
      • The rounded end of the pestle is strongly pressing on the ingredients and rotate it around the axis.
      • Grind until you achieve the desired result.
    1. Larger spices and seeds can be crumbling, slightly hitting the pestle on them. If some part is not amenable or just too large, carefullyBut hard to hit the pestle on it. After that you can change the technique to get a smaller grinding.

      • First rub the components. This will reveal stronger particles and it will be easier for them to grind them.
      • Tweak or press. Using a wide end of the pestle, carefully push the unnecessied seed or a piece. Make short and accurate blows to speed up the process and save power.
      • So that the spices are not poured in the process, cover the bowl of the mortar with your hand or rag.
      • Melt again if you need. When most of the ingredients are filling, several light disorderly blows of the pestle will help finish crushing.
    2. Use the crushing technique. If the recipe you need to use crushed, not ground spices, then it means that they should not be washed into powder. The following technique is also suitable for processing garlic.

      • Fold the ingredients into the mortar.
      • Rotate the pestle to burst and crush the ingredients.
      • Continue until all components are fragmented, but not cloth.

    Cleaning mortar and pestle

    1. Clean the mortar and pestle after use. The cleaning method depends on the material from which your mortar and pestle are made. Refer to the instructions attached to them for proper cleaning. Below are the most widely used methods:

      • If the mortar and pestle can be washed in a dishwasher, you can use the usual cycle.
      • If they can not be washed in a dishwasher (for example, wooden sets), wash them in warm water and dry well before cleaning for storage.
      • If you are molty dry components, then it is usually enough just to wipe the tools with a dry clean towel.
    2. Do not use detergents without need. As mentioned above, many mortar and pestles have a slightly porous structure, and can absorb a little soap, which will then affect the taste qualities of your next grinding. Washing with warm water and wiping dry usually enough to clean these items.

      Try using dry rice to get rid of the eyes of the eyes and stains. Sometimes it is difficult to remove the spots and smells of strong spices. A great way to get rid of them is the fine grinding of dry white rice, which should absorb the smell and the color of the last crushed spices. Replace rice and repeat the process until the ground rice remain white after grinding.

    • Some herbs contain oils and fibers, due to which thin, but strong plaques, which are difficult to remove on the surface of the mortar, are formed. If you can't exude a knife tip, try to soak them in warm water or alcohol. If the plaques are sufficing enough, you can constrain their shallow sandpaper.
    • Other use: Grinding medical preparations (for example, aspirin for dissolving in water), grinding of natural dyes to smaller consistency, grinding of granular food for animals, etc.
    • Crushes, not bey, so as not to damage the stone or ceramic mortars and pestles.
    • What else to do a mortar and pestle? Try the following: Grinding fresh herbs in a small cleaner (perfectly suitable for the preparation of herbal oil), crushing garlic for garlic crop, cooking hummus, almond paste or cooking flour according to ancient technology.
    • Consult with the pharmacist before grinding medications; Some drugs can not chew and grind, they should be swallowed entirely.


    • One remark about crushing: ceramic, stone and wooden stupas can split, if you hit too much, or if nothing is scattered in them. Most metal strokes are intended for grinding relatively soft components, in order to avoid the appearance of the pits and chips.
    • Note that the mortars and pestle once used to grind toxic or harmful substances, no longer can be used for cooking food. It is better to remove them from the kitchen, and keep them with the rest of the tool that you use in your hobby, garden or chemical experiments.
    • Meet the pharmacist before grinding medications, some of them are absorbed too quickly, if fragmented.
      • Never shrug and do not eat medicine covered with a special shell (gastrointestinal). Such medicines look like transparent capsules with powder or liquid inside. Otherwise, you can get a serious stomach disorder.
    • If you want to make a mortar and pestle yourself, never cover the inside with varnish.
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