Make chickens from minced meat. Secrets of cooking delicious boiler

Encyclopedia plants 21.10.2019
Encyclopedia plants

Cutlets at home - simple at first glance everyday dish. True, many mistresses complain that the cutlets are obtained by rubber, rigid or simply fall apart during frying. But our article will help you cook juicy, air and very tasty cutlets.

The recipe for a homely kitlet can be found in the culinary book of each mistress. The taste of a meat dish largely depends on the quality of the minced. Many buy it already in the finished form, but still do not be lazy and twisted the mince yourself, because it is possible to be confident as a product.

To cutlets get juicy, but not fat to use pork and beef.


  • on pork and beef pork (kilo finished minced meat);
  • baton;
  • egg;
  • three bulbs;
  • 300 ml of pure water.

Cooking method:

  1. Slices of white bread omit in water or milk.
  2. The pieces of meat are twisting on the meat grinder together with the bow (there are several pieces of garlic for piquancy and aroma);
  3. In the finished mince, we drive the egg, put the soft bread (pre-pressed from extra liquid) and spices to taste, mix.
  4. From the minced me, we make the cutlets and roast to ruddy color, then we pour some water and steamed for 10 minutes under the lid.

In breadcrumbs

Homemade minced meatballs can be failed in breadcrumbs. Such a meat dish becomes worthy of a treating family or festive dinner.


  • 450 g mincedi;
  • baton;
  • egg;
  • crackers for breading.

Cooking method:

  1. In the minced mellow Melko chopped onions, clumsy in water (milk) Baton and spices to taste.
  2. From the minced me, we make cutlets, pack them in breadcrumbs and fry to an appetizing crispy crust.

From chicken minceda

Today there are several options for cooking meat kitt. Many hostesses choose chicken meat for mince. Chicken cutlets are preparing faster, they do not get so fat and very tasty. We offer you an original recipe for cooking a diet meat of poultry.


  • 750 g of chicken minced;
  • two bulbs;
  • polka milk;
  • baton;
  • two chips of hops-Sunnels and paprika;
  • two spoons of tomato puree;
  • five spoons are sour cream.

Cooking method:

  1. Through the meat grinder I miss the bread and bow in milk.
  2. The resulting mass with salt and pepper mix with minced meat.
  3. In principle, you can already fry the cutlets in a pan, but there is a more interesting way.
  4. We take a baking sheet, lubricate it with oil, lay the cutlets and put it in 20 minutes (180 ° C).
  5. From sour cream, tomato paste, as well as paprika and hops-Sunnels make a tummy. We take out the cutlets, water their fragrant sauce and return to the oven for another 20 minutes.

Juicy Cutlets home-made fish minced

From the meat of fish you can also cook delicious cutlets, which are good, both hot and cold.

Sea or river fish suitable for cooking, pike perch, cod, polytai, cobster and other types of white fish are used.

The most important thing is that there are no bones in meat, otherwise the dish will be spoiled by an unpleasant surprise.


  • 1 kg of fish fillet;
  • sugar spoon;
  • 50 g Manka;
  • dill.

Cooking method:

  1. With the help of a meat grinder, grind fish fillet together with the bow.
  2. In the crushed mass we add a semolina, sweetener, chopped dill, salt and pepper. If the minced meter turned out to be liquid, then you can add another mankey.
  3. From fish minced meat, we form the cutlets, sprinkle them with breading and fry to rosy.

From beef and turkey with semi

For all fans of dietary food, there is also a recipe for a delicious boiler. From meat, we will use beef and turkey.


  • 600 g of beef and turkey meat;
  • two bulbs;
  • garlic;
  • 60 g Manka;
  • 50 ml of water.

Cooking method:

  1. We twist the beef and turkey on the meat grinder, the bulbs and garlic lobes are also crushed on the meat grinder or just use the grater.
  2. In the minced meat, potatoes, of course, you can use the bread or grated potatoes in milk, but it is a manka that hold the shape of the kitlet better.
  3. Together with the semi, add salt, pepper, you can and other seasonings for your choice, mix and retard half an hour.
  4. Next, we form the cutlets, sprinkle with flour, first fry for three minutes on each side in a pan, then there are ten minutes in a saucepan with water.
  5. Finished homemade stuffing cutlets are served with sour cream sauce.

Preparing in Kiev

Cutlets in Kiev is a real classic of cooking. Such a dish conquered many gourmets with its juit, aroma and crispy crust. This is a restaurant dish, as it is not so easy to prepare it, but if you try, you can master such a culinary masterpiece.

Oksana 03.09.12
Appetizing cutlets. It is immediately clear that not fat, you can eat and not recover.

Lada 03.09.12
And I skip onions together with meat through the meat grinder, quickly and comfortable. True, sometimes small pieces of onions come across the mince. I'll try on a small grater.

Be sure to try, especially since it does not require much time. And it helps to deceive children who horror how they do not like to eat onions. Yes, and some adults)))

Light 20.11.12
And according to your recipe you can cook cutlets from another meat, such as fish or poultry?

Sure you may. Very gentle and juicy cutlets are obtained from chicken minced. On the same amount of minced meat (700-800g.) Add bulb and all other ingredients. The only one must take into account that chicken meat is preparing much faster than beef or pork. It is important not to cut the cutlets. You can fry under the lid.

Lida 02/15/13
To fry the cutlets how much oil needs to pour and what better to use? You can pour oils completely slightly, so that the cutlets are not so fat, and therefore calories?

Lida, thanks for the feedback. Of course, the smaller the vegetable oil is used when the kitlet is frying, the better, the less calorie it turns out the dish. For this reason, it is better to use frying pan with an opponent coating. Oils should be poured so that it covers the frying pan with a thin layer. It should be borne in mind that when oil heats up, it becomes less viscous and spreads better on the surface.
What kind of oil is better for frying the kitlet? The variety and brand does not have a fundamental value, but it is very important - any oil cannot be used twice, because at high temperatures it is formed carcinogenic substances. Therefore, for frying the kitlet, meat, vegetables, we always use only fresh vegetable oil.

Katya 03/26/13
It turned out oh-o-o-delicious cutlets, gentle as promised. Thank you!

eugene 02.05.13
A little chicken minced beef added to beef. Such tasty came the cutlets that even the mother-in-law was not kept and praised :)

Natalia 08.11.13
The recipe is generally classic, only I do not quite understand why mayonnaise add to the cutlets that he can give. Moreover, as far as I know, mayonnaise is not recommended at all. And I also like it when a few grated raw potatoes are added to the cutlets, just a little bit, they are juicy and delicious. And about flour 100% hit, crackers make cutlets exorbitantly fat.

Natalia, thanks for the feedback. Try somehow to prepare meonice cutlets, it is not necessary, and the eggs are not needed, because mayonnaise performs the function of eggs. Regarding the heating of mayonnaise ... When heated mayonnaise can escape, but in the case of a boiler it is not important, but in general for salads and not only I advise you to use the mayonnaise prepared at home. Such mayonnaise contains natural eggs and vegetable oil))).

Valya 23.02.14
Usually I am preparing meat cakes only on eggs, but what can you still use mayonnaise I learned for the first time ...?! And what makes the cutlets this product? Juiciness ..?

And juiciness, and tenderness, and to form such cutlets is much easier than with an egg.

Elizabeth 22.11.14
Very gentle cutlets turned out, my men were deviated by one smear. Thanks for the delivel tips.

Victoria 01/21/15
Alena, I also add to the minced meat in a raw potato, rubbed in a small grater - so the cakes are better shaking and do not disintegrate during frying. And it is still tasty if the cutlets are not in crumbs or flour, but in chopped in a crumb of walnuts.

With walnut nuts delicious)))

Vika 01/30/15
Yesterday, I also decided to fry the cutlets. Made them from chicken minced me, but for some reason I did not succeed in making it beautifully. They came out a bit short, but the taste was cool. In general, I still need to practice slightly)). And so far there is, as they say, and we will eat. In general, here is my work.

Vika, cutlets are very appetizing)))

Marina 05/16/18
Alena, hello. Tell me, please, I have minced pork and chicken, how much do you need to fry the cutlets on each side? Thank you!

Marina, stuffing cutlets (pork + chicken) fry a little faster than just from pork. Fry, as usual, to ruddy crust. It is impossible to say the exact time, depends on the size of the cutlets, frying pan, stoves, fire strength, etc. Please note when you roasted the cutlet on the one hand, and then on the other, the moment occurs when the cake is kind of like "fits", becomes more round. This is the signal that the protein inside the cutlets curled, i.e. Meat has already prepared. Just in case you can fry a couple of minutes on medium heat))))

Catherine 19.01.19
Alain, tell me, please, do you scroll through the meat grinder once or twice?

Catherine, I scroll out once. If the meat contains a lot of live, and the meat grinder does not cope with it from the first time, then you should scroll twice.

Secrets of cooking delicious boiler

Preparing mince:

  • Of course, the main condition-high-quality meat. Put the minced meat (if you trust the seller) or cook yourself with meat grinder. Better Turn the meat through a large nozzle. Fore care meat.
  • Very tasty cutlets are obtained from the mixture of mincedi: beef, swine and chicken. They combine pork with one of the two other birds or beef. by mood and desire.
  • Now let's go to the bread! Bread that you plan to use for meat minced meat will need to soak in cold, boiled water, and no matter how in milk. If you smear the bread in milk, then it deprives your pieces of juiciness, since with frying meat and milk proteins interacting with each other.

    For the cutlet mass, it is best for a smooth, white wheat bread, because fresh bread will give the finished cutlets an unpleasant stickiness. Keep in mind that white bread well increases the volume of products, it absorbs the released meat juice and gives chopped meat sufficient puff, softness and juiciness. Just do not need to put a lot of bread into the mince, because he absorbs the oil well enough in which the cutlets are frying in the pan, and therefore they will turn out very fat. In meat minced meat, you can add 15 or 20 percent of the roll in relation to the mass of meat.

    If you are cooking the schnitzels and cutlets out of ground meat, then the bread, wetted in water, before adding it to the cooked mince, does not need to press much.

  • To improve the properties of the minced meat, instead of a roll, you can add a bit of low-fat cheese or sour cream.

    Onion. If you put onions in the cutlet mass, then it will be better not to skip it through a meat grinder, but just finely chop. The luxury gives the cutlets juiciness.If you add a passioned bow into the mince, it will give the dish a special flavor and will continue the shelf life of the kitlet.

    Garlic, salt, pepper or other favorite spices-to taste.

    Eggs. If you want to get juicy cutlets, no need eggs!Since nothing but an additional rigidity, they will not be added to you, and then the cutlets will definitely lose juits.egg protein, because when frying it is quickly folded, the meat highlights a large amount of juice, and the cutlets are dry.Eggs in minced meat as a binder component are usually mixed only in the publication, so that you can then put in the cutlets more bread and water - as it will simply fall asleep without eggs without eggs.

    C. the stakes themselves are not stuck to each other, and it would be more convenient for you to cut them, add a little starch to the mince. I love to add a grated potato.

Connected all ingredients.

step 2:

  • Fully embroidered minced stuffing for the preparation of juicy cutlets, put in a plastic bag (and better in two or in one dense polyethylene package) and enter the meat about a solid surface. A similar procedure is well compacted by meat, and after that it will no longer fall apart in the pan, as the hostess often complains and therefore prefer to add eggs to the pittal. Bring meat about the table and after this procedure, put it in the refrigeratorresting - from 2 o'clock to the day.

To confess, I do not often do it, I don't even do it. But the younger generation sometimes we are specifically asking the cutlets to prepare, the procedure of beating minced me very much :) At times, when they come to visit, I eat such cobbles.

How do I do?

  • So that the cutlets were "air", the cutlet mass must be mixed for 10-15 minutes. But I'm lazy. I mixed the minced meat in the kitchen processor container, I put the test mode, 5-7 minutes I am free.

We form cutlets:

    When forming, the kitlet is very helpful, to give them such desired suitions, put a piece of ice in the middle of each cake in the middle of the cake and a small piece of butter.

    And so that in the process of cooking, meat minced meat does not remain in your hands, your hands must be wrapped with water.

    Filmed cobttop I advise you to cut in a breaking egg-lever (or, to save juices, it is better to cut into the flour in the flour, and after it is already in the egg) - when you put the pole on the egg, the egg will provide an impenetrable shell and help save, so Just all delicious juices inside the cutlets (if there is a desire, then after the roller in the egg, you can border the cutlet in ground breadcrumbs). Panning can be partial: only in one egg or only in flour. Another way is in the flour and then in the egg. Complete breading (or it is also called "Vienna panicing") looks like this: first in the flour, then in the egg, and in breadcrumbs. Sometimes they make a double bedding: also in flour, in the egg, in breadcrumbs, again in the egg, and then once again in breadcrumbs.

    Cutlets from minced meat and onions with garlic need to fry right away, without waiting until they become dry.

    Cutlets need to fry on a well-preheated pan, then the juice will not flow out of them, and the cutlets will turn apart juicy and tasty.

    Proper pan - with a thick bottom. Cast iron - Ideal

  • Oil - red, frying pan - clean.
  • After each of the roasted batch, remove all sorts of priestroy.
  • Fire is close to minimal.
  • Fry from two sides. When you press, ready-made cutlets must be a little. On the cut - grayish. Not red, not pink.

I hope tips will be useful!

How to make cutlets with tasty and juicy? For the best taste - better Farsh scroll into the meat grinder Alone and mix several types of meat. You can add a small amount of water to the scarf - it will give the tenderness to cutlets, they will be soft and blended perfectly.

For juiciness - does not hurt a piece of creamy oil. If add solid cheese - cutlets will gain a beautiful aftertaste. When adding bread to mince - the cutlets are becoming very juicy, but only if initially this bread is invented in cold boiled water. If you take white bread, your product will swallow and increase significantly in size, and if you add a stale wheat bread - then the cutlets will become sticky.

For smell, you can put a finely chopped onion. Also to taste you can add any porridge to the cutlets, whether it is rice or buckwheat. And yet, we will open a small secret to you, if you put a few spoons of sour cream, then it will soft and juicy.

Remember, the cutlets do not necessarily add eggs - because of this they can become slightly rigid.

What is needed for successful cooking meat? First of all you need good preheat fry.

If you make your cutlets in breadcrumbs, we advise you to fifteen minutes to put them in the freezer. Thus, the breading will stick well, and it will not turn around with frying.

We also recommend using a vegetable oil during frying, which will certainly save your cutlets from burning, but a juiciency takes them, and pretty melted fat. The cutlets prepared on it will be appetizing and gentle.

First, fry the cutlets on a very heat before the appearance of a grilled and crispy crust, and then add water, reduce the gas and extinguish them until complete readiness.

When you want to delight yourself and your relatives - prepare the cutlets for them, in any way convenient for you. If you follow our advice - your cakes will always be well roasted, juicy, tasty and appetizing smelling.

The cutlets have long become a symbol of a cozy and warm house, where the hostess prepares food with all the soul, wanting to please and delicious to feed his beloved family. They can be eaten both in cold and hot, serve as an independent dish or with a side dish. The shops are the most popular meat dish, which are prepared from the minced meat. Initially, the cutlet was a piece of meat on the edge. The dish was prepared in Europe, and in Russia it appeared under Peter I, which was an innovator and loved to introduce both foreign customs and European culinary masterpieces in Russian life. At the end of the 19th century, the recipe for the preparation of the cutlets was changed and it became the very shepher, cooked from chopped meat. In addition, the cutlets began to prepare not only from meat, but also from birds and fish, vegetables and rice.

Recipes Boiler are replete with a variety, but the most delicious, of course, homemade. Not a single restaurant of high kitchens around the world will not be able to offer the cutlets with tastier than just a good mistress. The main secret of cooking is in proper roasting. Many are faced with a problem when, despite a fringe crust on top, it remains raw inside the pellet. However, this can be avoided by following the Basic Rules: Begin to prepare only on a split frying pan, and not on warm. According to many experienced owners, it is best to fry the cutlets on melted fat, and not on the vegetable oil. Featherly delicious cakes made from a mixture of different Farming species. If you decide to fry the cutlets in breadcrumbs, you should not begin to prepare them immediately after drank in breading. Place them for 15 minutes in the refrigerator, then proceed to frying. This will help to avoid the fact that the crackers will turn and burn. After the cutlets are twisted on both sides, add water, cover it with a lid and extinguish until readiness. Knowing these simple rules, you always prepare appetizing, juicy and rooted cutlets!

Recipe Cutlet Beef Heb


    500 GG of beef minor; 1 egg; 1 Patched bulb; 150 ml of milk; 3 Slice of white bread; flour / breadcrumbs, salt. Salt.

How to fry beef cutlets in a frying pan:

Stit onion on the grater. Felt bread into pieces and soak them in milk. Scroll through the bread with hands to a homogeneous mass after it softening. Prepare a bowl and lay stuffing into it. Add the milk-grain mass, egg and onions. Swell and thoroughly mix the mince with the rest of the ingredients. Form the cutlets and cut them into the flour or in breadcrumbs. Fry cakes in a frying pan with hot vegetable oil from two sides until readiness.

Recipe of delicious homemade boiler with potatoes


    500 graft pork or beef (can be mixed in any proportions of both types of minced meat); 50 grams of the reptile bow; 200 gr potato; 2 eggs; 2 tbsp. milk; pepper, salt; breadcrumbs; vegetable oil.

How to cook:

Clean the potatoes and onions, soda them on the grater. Mix meat with potatoes, onions and add milk to avoid potato darkening. There, send two tablespoons of vegetable oil, eggs, salt and pepper. Optionally, you can add passed through the press garlic. Mix everything thoroughly with your hands. If it seems to you that mince liquid, just add flour. Take the cutlets and sprinkle them with breadcrumbs, then fry from two sides to ruddy colors in a frying pan with hot oil. Then reduce the fire, add some water, cover the lid and extinguish for about 10 minutes. A pleasant appetite! You can fry the cutlets and without the use of breadcrumbs. An additional juiciness will be given finely powdered raw potatoes added to the minced meat.

Fast domestic cutlets - recipe


    600 grams of pork minced meat; 3 egg yolks; 100 Gy of solid cheese; 1 Replination of the bulb; 3 tbsp. sour cream; 2 tbsp. Potato starch; black pepper ground; salt; vegetable oil.

How to cook:

Clean, wash and finely cut down onions. Cheese Suitoriate on a large grater. Put minced meas in a bowl, add egg yolks, pepper, salt, cheese and sliced \u200b\u200bonions. Mix everything thoroughly. Add sour cream and mix again. Pass the potato starch and smear everything with your hands. Place the cutlets and fry them from two sides to ruddy colors in a pan with a hot vegetable oil. Suppose delicious cheese cutlets to the table with vegetables or any other garnish. Bon Appetit!

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