Opening Australia Version Ancient Greeks. Who discovered Australia

Encyclopedia plants 13.10.2019
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For 50 thousand years before its opening by European navigators. In the anhydrous deserts, in the tropical jungle and on the coastal plains of this continent, no one century lived with their rich traditions of culture, religion and distinctive style of life. By the time the opening of Australia James Cup was held, the indigenous population of the continent had more than 300 thousand people who spoke 500 languages. And now Australia, the opening of the mainland of which was held twice, before the world understood all its importance for the global economy and culture, continues to open the puzzles of his thousand-year history.

History of discoveries

The opening of Australia is the result of centuries-old searches by Portuguese, the Dutch and the British of the Southern Country (Terra Australis Incognita). In 2006, archaeologists have found an ancient Egyptian hieroglyphs on the territory of Australia, which gave rise to among some scientists a hypothesis that this continent of Egyptians opened the first 5,000 years ago.

If you take a new story, then scientists agree on the fact that the year of the opening of Australia - 1606. This year, Dutchman V. Janzzon studied the northeastern part of Australia - Cape York Peninsula.

But the opening history of Australia is numerous riddles that will still have to solve scientists. So, the guns found by archaeologists give rise to some researchers to believe that in the XVI century. Portuguese visited Australia, but there are no confirmations in documentary sources.

Study of "New Holland"

The entire XVII century is the history of the opening and research of Australia by sea travelers from the Netherlands, who called it first by New Holland.

After said Yanzzon, in 1616 D. Hartog described part of the west coast of the continent, in 1623 Y. Karstenz made a map of the west coast of the York Peninsula, and in 1627 the southern coast of the unknown to the end was still investigated by F. Taisen and P. Neith.

The chief ruler of the Netherlands India Anton Wang Diemen in 1642 sent to the expedition of the famous Marishatel A. Tasman, who opened the land called Van Dimemen (modern island of Tasman). On January 29, 1644, a new expedition went to swimming, which was headed by Tasman. ExpeditionsDocked that New Holland is a separate mainland.

For the Netherlands, the opening of Australia seemed not worthy of much attention, since she already had comfortable sea bases in southern Africa and on Java, and at the very island did not grow costly oriental spices in European markets. Nothing also indicated the presence of mineral deposits here, no other types of animals were discovered, which could cause interest among the then Europeans.

Studies of Australian British British

It took more than half a century before the business of the continued mainland after the Dutch continued English researchers and travelers. So, the expedition of V. Dumpyr managed to study in more detail the northwestern part of Australia and open the islands unknown persons in this area.

And in 1770, the "next" opening of Australia was held - this time James Cup.

After Cook, the discovery and research of Australia the British continued: in 1798, D. Bass discovered the strait between the mainland and the island of Tasmania, in 1797 - 1803 M. Flinders passed the continent and made a map with more accurate outlines of his southern coast. It was Flinders in 1814 with a proposal to change the name "New Holland" to Australia, and by the 1840s F. King and D. Wekeken completed the study and compilation of the map of the Australian coastline.

The XIX century brought new geographical discoveries of Australia by travelers and researchers from different countries, but already inside the continent. As a result, a large waterproof ridge appeared on Australia map with the highest point of the continent - Mount Kosyushko; Desert, endless plains, as well as Darling and Murray - the floppy.

The full map of the British colony, which was Australia, was drawn up by English scientists already at the beginning of the twentieth century.

James Cook and his contribution to the study of Australia

James Cook was born in 1728 in a farmer's family from Northern Yorkshire. But not justifying the Hope of the Father, he became Jung on the cocelter "Frylav" in 1745. James became fascinated, and he began to study astronomy, algebra, geometry and navigation, and its inborn abilities contributed to career growth: already in 1755, he received a proposal to take the place of captain on the Frandship ship. But James decided to enter the service in the Royal Navy, where he began to serve from the ordinary sailor. Cook quickly retired before the title of assistant captain, and already in 1757 she passed the exams for the right to rule the ship alone.

James Cook

In 1768, Cook went on an expedition, which was supposed to observe the passage of Venus through a sunny drive, as well as open new lands for the British crown. It is believed that in 1770 during this round-the-world travel on the ship "Indevior" and made James Cook discovery of Australia. Then he was forced to stop at an unknown ledity of the mainland due to the broken obtained. Cracking the ship, Cook sent him along a large barrier reef, discovering an unknown person until the shed between Australia and New Guinea.

But the opening of Australia did not stop the Cook in search of the unexplored land. Returning to England in 1771, in a few years he again goes to swim in search of southern mainland - the mythical terra of Austlis (Antarctica). The conditions of this journey did not allow Cook to reach Antarctica, and on returning to England he convinced everyone that the southern mainland simply does not exist.

Who discovered Australia?

It is believed that the discoverer of Australia is James Cook. In 1770, he reached the Eastern Coast of Australia. Cook named the new South Wales newly open land. He explored the locality where modern Sydney is now, that is, the Botanical Bay. Not far from this place in 1788 the first English colony was formed.

There are hypotheses that say that Egyptians and Europeans visited Cook on the shores of Australia.

It is difficult to imagine that the ancient Egyptians suspected of the existence of Australia. However, many scientists suggest that it is quite possible. When studying the mummies of the ancient Egyptians of the period of the new kingdom, it was found that special eucalyptus oil was used to embalming the bodies of the Egyptians. Plants of which made oil were produced only on the northeast coast of Australia. Accurate and indisputable data indicating this fact is not represented.

In favor of these hypotheses on the discovers of the authorities, another fact says. These are silhouettes carved on Australian rocks. The figures are rather reminiscent of the inhabitants of the Ancient East, but not Australian Aboriginal. These finds were made on the North Coast of Australia. In addition, images of beetles were found, which were reminded of sacred for Egyptians, scarab beetles.

It is also known that the Dutch was on the shores of Australia before Cook. During his journey between the Netherlands and the island of Java, the Dutch could accidentally stumble upon the shores of Australia.

The fact is that the usual path of the Dutch on Java passed through the Cape of Good Hope, and then straight to the island through the Indian Ocean. Some navigators went too far to the East before turning to the island, and therefore they met on their way the coast of Australia. The first European on the banks of Australia, say Bill Yanzon.

The material set forth in the article is focused on the formation of an idea of \u200b\u200bwho is the deferred continent. The article contains reliable historical references. Information will help to receive truthful information from the history of the opening of Australia by navigators and travelers.

Who discovered Australia?

Every educated person today knows that the opening of Australia James Cook occurred when he visited the eastern coast of the mainland in 1770. However, these lands were known in Europe long before the advent of the famous English navigator.

Fig. 1. James Cook.

The progenitors of the mainland's indigenous population appeared on the continent of about 40-60 thousand years ago. This historical segment is given an ancient archaeological finds, which were discovered by scientists in the heads of the Swan River in the western tip of the mainland.

Fig. 2. River Swan.

It is known that people found themselves on the continent due to sea routes. This fact also points out that it is these pioneers and become the earliest marine travelers. It is believed that at that time at least three heterogeneous groups were settled in the territory of Australia.

The discovers of Australia

There is an assumption that the ancient Egyptians became the discovers of Australia.

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From history it is known that Australia was opened several times different people:

  • egyptians;
  • dutch Admiral Willem Janson;
  • James Cook.

The latter is recognized as the official opener of the continent for humanity. All these versions are still controversial and contradictory. There is no unambiguous point of view on this issue.

In the studies that were conducted on the territory of the Australian mainland, images of insects were found, externally similar to scarabs. And during archaeological studies in Egypt, the researchers discovered mummies that were embarrassed using eucalyptus oil.

Despite such obvious evidence, many historians express reasonable doubts about this version, because in Europe the continent received fame significantly later.

Attempts to open Australia were taken by the seafarers of the world back in the XVI century. Many researchers of Australia make an assumption that the first Europeans who pulled down on the continent were Portuguese.

It is known that in 1509, Molukkskiy Museums from Portugal were visited, after which he moved to the north-west of the mainland in 1522.

At the beginning of the 20th century, they found ship tools in this area, which were created in the XVI century.

The unofficial version of the opening of Australia is recognized by the one that states that the Dutch Admiral Villem Yanszon is considered the latter discoverer. He could not understand that he became an opener of new lands, since he considered that she approached the lands of New Guinea.

Fig. 3. Villem Janzzon.

However, the main history of Australia's research is attributed to James Cook. It was after his travels to the uncharted lands began to actively conquer the mainland by Europeans.

What is the story of Australia? Briefly consider the events related to its discovery. Some researchers express their assumptions, according to which the first Europeans who have reached the coast of Australia at the beginning of the seventeenth century were Portuguese.

What is the history of the opening and research of Australia? Briefly this information is represented in encyclopedias, but they do not have interesting moments that confirm the interest among travelers to this territory. Among the evidence that the Portuguese become the reproductors of Australia, the following arguments can be given:

  1. Dieppa cards, which were published in the middle of the XVI century in France, contain the image of a large land plot between Antarctic and Indonesia, named Java-La Grande. All explanations and designations on the map are made in Portuguese and French.
  2. At the beginning of the sixteenth century, Portuguese colonies were located in Southeast Asia. For example, Timor Island, which is located 650 kilometers from the Australian coast, attributed to Portuguese travelers.

French "Trail"

What other interesting facts contains the history of the opening of Australia and Oceania? We will tell you that the French navigator Binot Polmier de Gnegneville talked about what he landed on unknown lands near the Cape of Good Hope in 1504. It happened after his ship demolished winds from the planned course. Thanks to this statement, this traveler has been attributed to the opening of Australia for a long time. After some time it was found out that he was on the coast of Brazil.

Opening Australia Dutch

We will continue the conversation about what the history of the opening of Australia and Oceania. Let us briefly focus on the first undeniable fact registered in the winter of 1606. The expeditions of the Dutch East Indian company, whose supervisor acted as Villem, managed to land on the coast from the board "Doves". After sailing from the island of Java, they went to the southern part of New Guinea, moving along it, the Dutch expedition managed to reach the coast of the Cape York Peninsula, located in the northern part of Australia. Team members were confident that they were still off the coast of New Guinea.

It is the story of the development of Australia that is briefly considered in the school course on geography. The expedition did not see which divides the coast of Australia and New Guinea. On February 26, the team members landed close to the place where the city of Waip is currently located. The Dutch was immediately attacked by the aborigines. Later, Janson with his people explored about 350 kilometers of the coast of Australia, sometimes making landing on the shore. His team constantly stumbled on hostile natives, so several Dutch sailors were killed during cruel contractions with aborigines. The captain decided to return. He did not understand that he and his team managed to open a new mainland. Since Janson, in the description of his coastline, described it as a swampy and deserted place, no one gave his new discovery. The East Indian company sent an expedition in the hope of enriching jewels and spices, and not at all for serious geographical discoveries.

Louis Vaes de Torres

Describing a brief history of Australia's research, it can be said about how this traveler moved through the same strait, which was first passed by the Yanson team. Geographers have assumptions that Torres with his comrades managed to visit the northern coast of the continent, but not found written evidence of this hypothesis. After some time, the strait began to call Torres in honor of Louis West de Torres.

Famous expeditions

The history of the opening and research of Australia is also of interest, briefly narrowing about the journey of the next ship of the Dutch East Indian company, which Dirk Hartog was ruled. In 1616, the ship managed to reach the West Bank of Australia, near the shark bay. For three days, the navigators studied the coast, and also explored the islands located near. The Dutch did not find anything interesting, so Hartog decided to continue swimming, taking a course north along the coastline, which was not previously investigated. Then the team went to Batavia.

Where describes the history of the opening of Australia? Briefly grade 7 examines information about the expeditions here from Europe in 16-17 centuries. For example, teachers tell about how in 1619 Jacob D'Erodel and Frederick de Hautman on two courts went to research on the Australian coast. When promoting north, they opened the reef stripes called the Khautman's cliff.

Continuing research

After this expedition, other Dutch sailors have repeatedly turned out to have these shores, calling the land of New Holland. They did not even try to explore the coast, since they did not find any commercial interest here.

Beautiful coastline Even if they walked their curiosity, it clearly did not stimulate them to learn what useful resources Australia has. The history of the country briefly tells about the study of the Northern and West Coast. The Dutch was concluded about infertility and unsuitability for the use of northern land. Sailors did not see in that period of the eastern and southern shores, so Australia was undeservedly recognized as uninteresting for use.

First buildings

In the summer of 1629, the vessel of the East Indian company "Batavia" because of the shipwrecks turned out to be at the rocks of Hutman. Soon there was a rebellion, as a result of which a small fort for protection was built as part of the crew. He became the first European building in Australia. Geographers suggest that at the turn of the 16-17 centuries, about fifty European courts reached the territory of Australia.

The history of the development and settlement of Australia briefly narrates on the discoveries made by ships in 1642, he tried from the south to overtake the new Holland, while found the island, named Earth Wang Dimemen. After some time, he was renamed Tasmania. With subsequent movement to the East, after a while, the ships were in New Zealand. Tasman's first journey was not successful, travelers could not approach Australia.

The history of Australia briefly tells that Tasman only in 1644 was able to study in detail the north-west coast in detail, to prove that all lands were discovered and analyzed in earlier expeditions, are components of one mainland.

English studies

The history of Australia briefly notes the English contribution to its study. Until the second half of the seventeenth century in England, there was practically no information about the lands that were opened by Dutch travelers. In 1688, a pirate vessel, on board, was the Englishman William Dampir, turned out to be on the northwestern coast, near Lake Melville. This fact has retained the history of Australia. Briefly in the preserved records it is said that after repair, the ship returned to England. Here the dump was published a story about the journey, which caused genuine interest among the English admiralty.

In 1699, the Dampirm went on second journey to the Australia coast on the Roebuck ship. But within the framework of this trip, he did not find anything interesting, so the Admiralty decided to stop the financing of the expedition.

Expedition Cook

Talking about the history of the opening of Australia, the expedition of the 1170 year should not be left without due attention, the leader of which was Lieutenant James Cook. On the sailboat "Attempt" his team went to the southern part of the Pacific Ocean. The official purpose of the expedition was the work of astronomical observations, and in fact, Cook received from the Admiralty tasks to explore the southern part of the continent. Cook believed that since the New Holland there is a west coast, therefore, it should be east.

At the end of April 1770, the English expedition landed on the eastern bank of Australia. The place of landing first called Stingera Bay, then he was renamed Botani Bay because of unusual plants that were found there.

Open lands were called Cup of New Wales, and then the new South Wales. The Englishman did not even imagine how large the discovery made by him.

British colony

The lands that the Cook opened, decided to colonize using them in the form of the first colonies for convicts. The fleet headed which Captain Arthur Philipp, included 11 ships. He arrived in January 1788 in Australia, but, recognizing the region uncomfortable for settlement, they moved to the north. The Governor Filipp has published an order, according to which the first British colony in Australia was created. Soils around the Sydney Bay were not suitable for agriculture, so farms were based near the Parramatta River.

The second fleet arrived in Australia in 1790, various materials and supplies were delivered here. During the way, 278 convicts and team members died, therefore, in history, he is called the "fatal fleet".

In 1827, a small British settlement in King Georges Sound was built by Major Edmund Liezer. He became the first governor of the colony created for the convicts.

South Australia founded in 1836. She was not intended for the cavalo, but some of the former prisoners moved here from other colonies.


It was mastered almost in fifty thousand years before her official opening by European travelers. Not one century in the anhydrous deserts and tropical jungle of the continent, people who have a distinctive culture, religion lived. After the colonization of the Australian coast, a period of active study of the territory began. Among the first serious researchers who managed to study the river beds McKori, Locklan, geographers call John Oxley. Robert Berk became the first Englishman who was able to move the mainland from the north to south. The opening of Australia has become the result of the centuries-old searches for the Dutch, Portuguese, the British of the Southern country.

In 2006, the archaeologists found ancient Egyptian hieroglyphs in Australia. This fact led to the nomination of the original hypothesis about the opening of the Egyptian contingent.

Scientists agreed on the fact that the most likely time of the opening of Australia can be considered 1606. It was then that the Northeast part of the Cape York Peninsula was studied by the famous Dutch, V. Yanszon.

The history of the settlement of Australia is summarized in this material. Until now, it is associated with numerous mysteries, which still have to be scholars. For example, guns discovered during archaeological excavations give reason to believe that the Portuguese visited this territory in the fifteenth century. A full map of the British colony, which was Australia, scientists managed to draw up only at the beginning of the last century.

America opened Columbus, and Australia - Captain Cook. Both of these allegations have long been converted many times, but they continue to live in the consciousness of the masses. Long before on April 20, 1770, the head of Captain Cook stepped onto the shore of Australia, marigors from the old world were already planted.

According to a number of historians, Portuguese are the discoverers of Australia. They argue that the expedition under the command of Cristovan de Mendons in 1522 visited the North-West Coast of Australia. It is not known, it happened intentionally or by chance. Unknown and details of this navigation. The only material testimony that came to us became small bronze guns with the image of the Portuguese crown minted on them. They were found in 1916 on the shore of Robak Bay (Western Australia) and date back to the early XVI century.

2 Expedition of the Willem Yanzzon

The first European who visited Australia is the Dutchman Villem Janzzon. On November 28, 1605, Captain Janzzon went out of the Bantama on the ship "Dufken" for unknown land. Walking from the north of Kai and Ara from the north, he reached the southern coast of New Guinea, completely unfamiliar to the Dutch. Janzzon called him "swamp earth" and traced the coastline for 400 kilometers. Overcoming the island is the island, Janzzon turned to the southeast, crossed the central part of the Arafur sea and unexpectedly saw the coast. It was Australia. In the western part of the Cape York Peninsula, near the mouth of a small river, in May 1606, the Dutch produced the first documented landfill of Europeans at the Australian continent.

Janzzon led his ship along the flat deserted shore. Although the Unknown Earth, as the Dutch was convinced, stretched further south, on June 6, 1606 at Cape Kerver ("Rotate") "Dufken" turned 180ยบ and moved back to the way back. During the landing in the Bay of Albatross, the Dutch first entered into contact with Australian Aboriginal. The fight immediately, several people died on both sides. Continuing movement to the north, the sailors traced and put on the map the coast of the Cape York Peninsula almost to its northern tip. The total length of the investigated coast of Australia, which Yanszon dubbed New Holland, amounted to about 350 kilometers.

3 Expedition Jan Carsten

The collapse of the English ship "Trawel", which took place on May 25, 1622 on the reefs near Monte Bello and Barrow Islands, showed that the complete rapidness of waters, the coast of the North-West and Northern Australia, threatens with great dangers. The management of the Dutch East India Company decided to explore the ocean to the south of Java and trace the South Coast of New Guinea. To perform this task from Batavia in January 1623 on two ships - "Feather" and "Arnham" - the expedition of Yana Carustens went. More than a week, Dutch sailors walked along the southern coast of New Guinea. On the morning of February 16, Carswens saw away a high mountain range - it was the western part of the Maoca Mountains. Five days later, the group of Dutch landed to the shore to replenish stocks. The local population was very hostile. As a result, the clash killed 10 sailors, including the captain of Arnham.

On March 20, the expedition reached the south-western tip of New Guinea. The weather worsened, began a storm. On March 28, Krassense sent the navigator on a boat with 12 sailors to explore the seamless shore. He reported that the sea is even smaller to the east, and the desert land is visible. Meanwhile, it was dangerous to go along the coast: the shallow and reefs began to come across more and more. The Dutch turned into the open sea.

On April 12, the Earth appeared on the horizon. It was Australia. Two weeks, Carsten's ships went south along the western shore of Cape York Peninsula, sitting on land several times - in the mouths of the rivers and in the bays. The aborigines meet them held quite peacefully. The flat and lowland coast of the North-West Australian Carswens characterized in his report as "the most barren on earth." The Dutch was not even able to find here in sufficient quantity of fresh water. In addition, the flagship ship of the Feather expedition was damaged. Carswens instructed his wips, the captain "Arnham", to complete the study of the coast, and he himself turned to the north and safely reached Moluk Islands. Colter, moving south, managed to reach Karpenary Bay. Taking advantage of the passing southeast Monson, he turned from here to the north-west and, following this course, opened a large peninsula, later named after his vessel by the Arnhemland peninsula.

4 expeditions Abel Tasman

By the beginning of the 1640s. The Dutch knew and caused the following parts of Australia on the cards: in the north - the West Bank of the Cape York Peninsula, the protrusion of Arnhemland, all the west coast of the mainland and the western part of his southern shore. However, there was still no clarity in what is this mysterious land: a separate continent or a giant protector of another unopened greater southern mainland? And the Pragmatic Directors of the East India Company also worried another question: what is the potential benefit from these newly open lands? What are their commercial prospects? Answered to these questions was the expedition of the Dutch navigator Abel Tasman, published in 1642 from Batavia on two small ships "Chemskerk" and "Zehn". Tasman did not meet any mainland and only on November 24 from the side of Zhekhana saw a high shore, named Lav-Dimemene land (now Tasmania). Tasman did not understand whether this is the island of whether or the southern protrusion of Australia, and the Land Wang Dimeman was considered to be the peninsula for an even more than one and a half centuries, the bass was passed. After going next to the south-in-war, Tasman opened New Zealand, and the expedition was practically ended at this, leaving a lot of unresolved problems.

In 1645, the governor of Batavia Van Diemen sent Tasman to a new expedition to the banks of Australia. Three Tasman's Ship spent and shooting the southern shores of New Guinea for 750 kilometers and completed the opening of the Karpenaria Bay, bypassing his East and for the first time South and West Bank. Experienced sailors, the Dutch never noticed the entrance to Torres Strait. In total, the expedition explored and caused about 5.5 thousand kilometers of the coast on a map and found that all the land, previously discovered by the Dutch, are parts of a single mainland - New Holland. However, Tasman did not find anything deserving from the point of view of commerce on this mainland, and after 1644 the Dutch fell completely to the Green Continent.

5 Expedition James Cook

In 1768, James Cook went to his first round-the-world swimming. In April 1770, Cook approached the eastern bank of Australia. On the shore of the bay, in the waters of which the ship "Endeavor" stopped, the expedition was able to find many previously unknown species of plants, so Cook called this bay botanical. From the botanical bay of Cook headed northwest along the east coast of Australia.

A few kilometers north of Botani Bay James Cook discovered a wide natural passage to a huge natural harbor - Port Jackson. In his report, the researcher described it as an ideal place for a safe parking lot of ships. Many years later, it was here that the first Australian city was founded - Sydney. The next four months went away from Cook to climb up to the Baypenaria Bay, to the area wearing the name of New Holland. The navigator made a detailed map of the coastline of the future Australia.

Not quite happily passed by a big barrier reef, "Endeavor" finally got to the northern tip of Australia. On August 22, 1770, James Cook, on behalf of King George III, solemnly proclaimed the land-held land with the ownership of Great Britain and called the new South Wales.

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