Fire alarm electrician training. Electrotechnical department Is the profession an electrician ops hard?

Encyclopedia of Plants 04.03.2020
Encyclopedia of Plants

What exactly does an OPS electrician do? We will ask the developer of the curriculum, Vladimir Nikolaevich Melnikov, Honored Master of the Russian Federation, who is actually the creator of this profession, to answer this question. He was the first at the end of the 80s to begin mastering the profession “Electrician of security and fire alarm systems.

From 1954 to 1988, within the walls of our educational institution, electricians were trained in two directions:
1) Electrician for lighting and lighting equipment
2) Fire safety electrician
In 1988, the main directorate of non-departmental security in Moscow proposed, as an experiment, to start training electricians for the security guard for the needs of the department. Graduates were employed in the district educational institutions of Moscow and were engaged in the installation of security alarms in apartments, banks, shops, cash desks, etc.
With the emergence of private firms in the early 90s, a new stage in the development of this profession began.
We are currently the only educational institution that trains specialists in this field. In 2008, a college with this profession won the national project and received 67 million rubles for development.

Students study security, alarm and fire alarms, systems for restricting and controlling access to premises, security television systems, security perimeter alarm systems, notification transmission systems, fire extinguishing systems, smoke removal and warning systems. They also study telephony and electrical installation, as an option, there is a study of car alarms.
Students continue to study OPS while training to be electrical technicians. Half of the theses were done on OPS, as well as on car alarms.

Our graduates are engaged in the installation of alarms either in private security or in commercial organizations. Non-departmental security currently provides security both by technical means of signaling and physically - by the arrival of an armed motorized patrol within 2-3 minutes.
I myself have been a user of this type of alarm for many years and express my gratitude to the non-departmental security, but at the same time I recommend that you also install either "Phobos - automatic machine" or "Antey", and if funds allow, then "Vista" or "String". A similar package of services for wealthier citizens can be offered by the Gulfstream company, which is able to equip any facility in Moscow or the Moscow region with its own security console.

An OPS electrician has the right to access electrical installations up to 1000 Volts. From this it follows that he can work as an ordinary electrician or telephone operator. Fire alarm electricians are also engaged in the installation of local networks. The OPS electrician installs detectors to protect doors, walls, room volume, fire detectors, self-operating fire extinguishers, notification speakers, readers, intercoms, TV cameras, turnstiles. They install console equipment, install detectors and television cameras to protect the perimeter of buildings and territories, install fire extinguishing, smoke removal and warning systems.

For the first time, the College begins to train specialists in the installation of car alarms and video recorders on vehicles of all types. It's no secret that a car is a welcome and easy prey for thieves, because, unlike an apartment or a bank, it cannot protect itself with steel doors and bars, and therefore needs enhanced protection, which ensures the constant demand for specialists in installing car alarms. From September 1, 2012, we begin training in the installation of car alarms from leading manufacturers such as StarLine, Pandora, Magnum, Sheriff.

The training program includes the study of security, fire, alarm, emergency sensors and detectors, security and fire alarm devices, fire extinguishing stations, fire warning devices, engineering automation control devices, powder, aerosol, gas and water fire extinguishing systems, smoke removal. We also study access control systems, video surveillance, perimeter protection, wiring methods, electrical circuits, etc.

The electrician of the security and fire alarm system today is one of the most demanded and highly paid professions. The average salary in the industry is 35,000-50,000 rubles. At the same time, students begin to earn money from the moment they go into practice at the rate of 800-900 rubles a day + compensation for meals 102 rubles a day + a scholarship of 400 rubles a month + an allowance for the poor in the amount of 600 rubles. A deferment from the army is provided for the entire training period. During training in college, production training is conducted in workshops 1-2 times a week. On the days of theoretical classes, all students are provided with hot meals (salad, first, second, third, dessert (fruit)).

Since the College specializes in the direction of OPS, the discipline "Technology of security and fire alarms" is profile in all electrical specialties of full-time and part-time departments.

Admissions office phone number 8-499-124-47-79

8-916-504-27-18 (Melnikov Vladimir Nikolaevich)

Department Electrotechnical (Krzhizhanovskoe)

With the development of technology and technology, fire protection of industrial and residential premises is increasingly carried out by various security systems and complexes. Safety and reliability are valued above all. But a specialist is still responsible for the quality of the functioning of a system of any complexity. First of all, the performance of security systems is ensured by competent installation, and only then by professional service. In this regard, the demand in the labor market for professionally trained electricians of the fire alarm system (fire and security alarm) is increasing.

Given the high pace of construction and commissioning of residential and industrial facilities, the need for specialists capable of performing installation, commissioning, commissioning of fire alarm systems at a high professional level will only increase.

It is possible to undergo training in the specialty of an electrician of a security fire alarm (OPS) both in educational institutions and in retraining courses for specialists.

NOU DPO Interregional Training Center on a permanent basis conducts professional retraining of the specialty Electrician OPS. Also, if you want to improve your qualifications and receive the appropriate qualification category, you can take training as an electrician for the repair and maintenance of electrical equipment, which is also offered by the Interregional Training Center, both remotely and in person.

Depending on the level of training, experience and quality of knowledge, a specialist in this profession can be assigned a qualification grade from 3 to 7. Further training in order to increase the grade is also carried out on the basis of our Training Center. The highest 7th grade can only be obtained by a specialist with secondary specialized education. The higher the rank of a specialist, the more opportunities for professional implementation he has: performing more complex operations, managing employees with lower ranks, professional growth, etc.


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OPS electrician - the name of the specialty, which means "security and fire alarm electrician". An employee for this position is required in every company that has installed a fire alarm for itself.

In order to get this job, you must meet professional requirements, as well as have a set of personal qualities that will make the performance of job duties productive and effective.

The documents

In his work, the OPS electrician relies on the job description, the legislation of the Russian Federation, as well as the regulations adopted at the enterprise.

An employee reports to the immediate management or director of the organization, depending on the hierarchy in the company.

The job description should contain a list of duties, requirements, rights and responsibilities that are assigned to the employee.

Familiarization with the document occurs at the time of acceptance for the position, as well as in case of changes to any of the documents.

An employee who has qualifications corresponding to the Unified Tariff and Qualification Reference Book of Works can become an electrician.

Groups of electricians

There are five groups, into which the employees of this position are subdivided. For each category, their requirements and responsibilities are indicated, associated with permits for working with electrical equipment.

The categories of OPS electricians are subdivided into the third, fourth, fifth, sixth, seventh. The tallest is the third. For this category of employees, the highest degree of responsibility is established, their powers are the broadest. The seventh grade is the lowest, employees with this grade can have secondary specialized education and bear minimal responsibility due to the simplicity of the assigned work.

An electrician of a higher qualification should know everything that an electrician of a lower grade must know. This statement is relevant for all categories except the lowest, seventh.

Required knowledge

Each category serves a certain type of equipment, fulfills its duties. Depending on the admission, electricians perform more precise and responsible work or do more minor duties.

For example, the instruction of an OPS electrician of the third category requires him to know:

  • devices and rules of technical data of the serviced equipment;
  • the order in which the performance of monitoring and control systems is checked;
  • rules for the cultivation of cables in boxes, cabinets, boxes and boxes;
  • the ways in which the detectors are mounted;
  • rules for working with the simplest tool that is used when installing signaling devices at entrusted facilities;
  • methods by which they are looking for malfunctions in the operation of the alarm, as well as ways to eliminate them;
  • fundamentals of electrical engineering;
  • security and fire safety rules;
  • instructions according to which the workplace is kept in order;
  • the main types of deviations from normal operating modes;
  • requirements for the use of basic means of protection;
  • the order of actions that are aimed at preventing dangerous situations;
  • rules for providing first aid to victims in the event of injury, poisoning or sudden illness;
  • rules aimed at protecting the environment;
  • internal labor regulations;
  • rules of sanitation, hygiene, health and safety.

The personal qualities necessary for working in this position include punctuality, scrupulousness, responsibility, and the ability to work in difficult conditions.


The job description of an OPS electrician instructs him to perform work:

  • repair of signaling lines and maintenance of the line;
  • inspection of cable routes;
  • cleaning contacts and contactors, cords, switches, buttons and other main and;
  • laying lines and hanging lines according to simple schemes;
  • soldering and installation of branch, connecting and terminating couplings;
  • verification of the installation carried out using simple devices;
  • elimination of defects that appeared during the assembly of simple circuits;
  • maintenance, installation, adjustment, repair of devices;
  • attaching detectors to building structures using screws, brackets, dowels;
  • installation of tap boxes, laying of wires in boxes and on building structures;
  • digging special trenches, work on the implementation of auxiliary activities;
  • checking the operability of active and passive detectors and elements of access and control systems.


Regardless of what category the OPS electrician has, he has the right to:

  • providing him with personal protective equipment, the necessary tools and materials, a workplace equipped according to his needs;
  • creating a comfortable working environment and conditions that meet labor protection standards;
  • informing the immediate management about the shortcomings that have been identified in the company's activities within the framework of its responsibilities;
  • making suggestions for eliminating detected faults.


The OPS electrician is responsible for the performance of his direct duties. In addition, in his activities, he is responsible for:

  • improper performance or non-performance of work that are listed in the job description;
  • non-observance of health and safety rules, internal regulations, fire safety;
  • violation of the safety of the material and technical values ​​entrusted to him;
  • causing material damage to the organization, in this paragraph the liability is determined within the framework of the current legislation.


The work of an OPS electrician provides for a high level of responsibility. Employees in different regions of the country can count on different salary levels. However, most often for this position, the level of payment is set from 15,000 rubles.

If there is a vacancy in a large company, the candidate needs to understand that he will be responsible for the system that protects a large number of people.

Now all shops, offices and organizations take care of their own safety. Fire and burglar alarms help them in this matter. The installation of such systems is carried out by an electrician of the security and fire alarm system.

In terms of their operation, both systems are very similar. Their job is to transmit a signal to the operator's console. Security system sensors detect a burglary attempt, and fire detectors - fire and smoke.

The installation of alarm systems provides maximum protection against the entry of unauthorized persons into the room and against fire. Every self-respecting organization installs such protective equipment, so the profession of an electrician of a security and fire alarm system will always be in great demand in the labor market.


Installation of protective equipment requires a very responsible approach to work. The main duties of the specialty of a security and fire alarm electrician include:

  • installation of fire and electrical contact sensors;
  • production of sensor seats in the ceilings;
  • making a furrow for wiring;
  • adjustment of piezoceramic and vibration sensors;
  • installation of a junction box;
  • wire lead;
  • installation of an alarm button;
  • installation of control and reception equipment;
  • installation of a photobeam element;
  • setting the sensitivity of ultrasonic equipment;
  • maintenance of rechargeable acid and alkaline batteries;
  • telephone seal.

Specialists of the SPO 220703.03 "Electrician of security and fire alarm systems" in accordance with the job description are required to know:

  • the procedure for checking radio wave equipment;
  • rules for setting up ultrasonic devices;
  • ways of detecting malfunctions in photobeam devices;
  • the use of instrumentation;
  • tactical and technical information about capacitive devices;
  • the design of the perimeter alarm system;
  • methods of sealing telephone communication;
  • the procedure for installing the protection system;
  • methods of testing the performance of ultrasonic equipment;
  • rules for handling special devices.


Anyone who wants to get an education in the specialty "electrician of security and fire alarm" today can easily find a good college, where they will study and master this profession. A large number of specialized educational institutions that train such specialists, annually accepting secondary school graduates for training.

After graduating from the specialty SPO "Security and fire alarm electrician" college graduates can easily find a job in a good organization that provides services for the installation and maintenance of protective equipment.

Graduates of specialized educational institutions are able to:

  • install smoke removal and fire extinguishing devices;
  • find optimal locations for sensors;
  • install control panels;
  • mount rotary mechanisms and cameras;
  • configure multiplexers;
  • install surveillance monitors;
  • set up control and monitoring equipment;
  • install expanders;
  • regulate relay modules;
  • diagnose the access system;
  • find the causes of problems;
  • adjust the sensitivity of the warning system.

At the college, the training program for an electrician of a security and fire alarm system provides for an internship in organizations involved in the installation and maintenance of protective equipment, and the study of the following subjects:

  • fundamentals of diagnostics;
  • inspection of objects;
  • features of power supplies and storage batteries;
  • production automation;
  • radio electronics;
  • drawing;
  • electrical materials science;
  • diagnostics of protective systems;
  • installation technology for protection systems;
  • economic theory;
  • electrical engineering;
  • control and measuring equipment;
  • life safety.


Having mastered the profession of an electrician of a security and fire alarm system, graduates of specialized educational institutions have to decide where and with whom they will work in the future. Nowadays, there are a large number of organizations that will gladly recruit such specialists.

Qualified employees of organizations carry out work on the installation and adjustment of the performance of protective systems. This kind of work requires a lot of responsibility.

According to the job description, specialists are obliged to:

  • install perimeter protective systems;
  • test security and fire equipment;
  • install photo-ray devices;
  • check the performance of the time-keeping system;
  • regulate the control system;
  • set up sound recording equipment;
  • install radio stations;
  • mount capacitive sensors;
  • tune radio wave devices;
  • install centralized surveillance consoles.

Specialists who are involved in the installation and configuration of security systems should be well aware of:

  • the procedure for checking the incoming control;
  • ways of setting up sound recording devices;
  • methods for adjusting the sensitivity of sensors;
  • ways to determine the optimal footprint for sensors;
  • rules for installing radio stations;
  • the procedure for setting up a centralized monitoring station;
  • the principle of operation of photobeam elements;
  • the rules for drawing up complaints;
  • ways to check the performance of signaling devices;
  • telephone sealing methods;
  • the procedure for installing alarm buttons;
  • device of ultrasonic devices;
  • the procedure for setting up a capacitive converter;
  • methods of testing the performance of radio wave equipment.

Now such specialists receive good salaries, and they are given the opportunity for career growth. When choosing a specialty, you should pay attention to this profession, because today on the labor market there are a large number of excellent offers for the employment of security and fire alarm electricians.

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