Communication in the modern world. Culture of communication and its role in the life of modern society

Encyclopedia plants 26.09.2019

Activity communication and speech activities, speech situation and its components, types of speech interaction depending on the situation of communication.

    Chatting and speech activities.

The whole life of a person is in communicating. Random or intentional isolation is a hardest test for people, for some reason devoid to communicate. Recall, in connection with this, the experiences of involuntary "Robinsons", the state of the cosmonauts of the "single", the horror of a single conclusion, the volunteer chief, the cruelty of punishment by a boycott. The fact is that communication is one of the main needs of a person, due to its essence itself: a person is a social being.

As a synonym, the term "communication" in science is used by the term "Communication". Communication is possible not only between people. Information processes take place in the animal world, in technical systems - everywhere where the transmission and receipt of information takes place. When it comes to human communication itself (communication between people, human-machine communication, human communication with animals) uses mainly the word "Communication".

Communication permeates all our material and spiritual activity, supports it. It is easy to find that any production activities include certain types of direct or indirect communication. Working collectively (employees, students, etc.), as well as family members, groups of friends constantly coordinate their efforts, exchanging with oral or written messages, support the relationship between themselves in the form of certain relationships. Even if a person works alone, it is not completely turned off from communication: his intentions, goals, tools, tools and techniques of work are largely created by others and transferred to it with a social tradition. His forms of thinking, his knowledge, their speech embodiment, all material and spiritual culture associate it with other people, constituting part of mediated communication, no less necessary than the immediate one.

We will look at the types and forms of communication, taking into account the important role that communication in human life plays.

The role of communication in our life is extremely large. In communicating and through it, the person is assisted by the organization and norms of the team, adopted means of communication, language, culture. In the process of communication takes place in the team, socialization.In communication is carried out and impact on the team, in communication The features feature are drawn up.

The vital successes of individuals and societies as a whole depend on the development of their communicative means and the ability to communicate. This is especially true for modern society, in which the role of information processes has increased so much that many philosophers now define it as the "information society".

We communicate, as you know, animals. People, unlike them, inherit the techniques of communication is not biological (Genn), but through imitation and training: our communicative opportunities are not part of the human biological nature, its "nature" - they constitute an important part of culture or tradition, are of social character. The ability to communicate a person gets during the communications itself from other people, and sent communication is also primarily on others, for society. There are cases of education of human animals (15-wolves, 5-bears, 1-pavians, 1 - leopards, 1 - sheep, etc.). Naturally, in all cases, children had no human speech on human communication skills. All of them demonstrated the animal behavior.

Communication is so important for people that it is committed not only as part of any other activity, but also forms an independent type of activity - cOMMUNICATION ACTIVITY (Friendly and official meetings, visits, receptions, parties, picnics, family holidays, etc.).

Communication activities are based on speech activities. The mechanisms of the occurrence of speech are studied by special discipline - psycholinguistics. Consideration of the circle of its problems is not our special task, so we will restrict ourselves to understanding the problem of the schematic consideration of the processes of transition of mental activities in the speech.

In order to speak to a person (normally) need a motive or a group of motives (motivational stage), then adapting to the situation (afferentation) is carried out, possible consequences are taken into account. At the third stage, the speech intention turns into speech activities. In the process of preparatory stages, a language is selected, the level of learning is taken into account, the system orientation occurs. The accounting of the action of a functional-style factor, emotionality, individual characteristics of the speaker - thrust to stereotypes or neoplasms, etc.

As a result of the implementation of the speech intention, conditions for the speech situation arise.

    Speech situation and its components

The components of the speech situation are: Address (communication initiator), addressee (information user), observer (random member of the Communication Process, the nature of the relationship between the addressee and the addressee, the purpose of communication, the way to ensure contact (auditory, visual or their totality), communication code (option The language system used by the speaker), the conditions of communication, including also means of communication.

1. The tracking.

2. Instant part:

a) means of communication;

b) the ability to communicate correctly;

c) the words of great people about communication;

d) Communication feature.

3. Conclusion

What is the role of communication in a person's life? What do we understand under this concept?

Communication - A complex process of interaction between people, which consists in the exchange of information, as well as in perception and understanding of each other partners. Subjects of communication are living beings, people. In principle, communication is typical for any living beings, but only at the human level, the process of communication becomes informed, related verbal and non-verbal acts. A person who transmits information is called a communicator receiving it - recipient. Contents of communication - information that is transmitted from one living creature to another. The purpose of communication is responsible for the question: "For what the creature is entering the act of communication?". It may be information about the internal (emotional, etc.) of the subject of the subject, the situation in the external environment. The most diverse content of the information is

case if people are subject to communication. Means of communication: Methods for coding, transmission, processing and decoding information, which is transmitted in the process of communication from one being to another. Information coding is a way to transfer it. Information between people can be transmitted using sense organs, speech and other iconic systems, writing, technical recording and storage facilities.

One of the basic principles of modern life is to maintain normal relations between people and the desire to avoid conflicts. In turn, respect and attention can be earned only when observing politeness and restraint. Therefore, nothing is valued by people around us as expensive as politeness and delicacy. But in life, we often have to face rudeness, sharpness, disrespect for another person's personality. In society, good manners are the modesty and restraint of a person, the ability to control their actions, carefully and tactfully communicate with other people.

Do you know how to communicate?

I am sure that everyone will say: "Yes, of course." But in what form is this communication? Most often it is just a conversation, information sharing. At the same time, everyone knows that the concept Communication Much extensive than our usual: "Hi! - Until!". Although it is a tremendous role in communication between people, but everyone knows that people, such as loving, do not need words to express their feelings, thoughts.

They are quite enough to see each other. Also, a faithful interlocutors has great importance among people. Have you ever had to communicate with someone with the help of views, gestures? Of course I had to! But if you understood each other, it means that this understanding was the result of a very difficult job. So, what is still necessary to communicate correctly? It is necessary, first of all, to respect the interlocutor, listen to him with possible attention, not interrupting and giving it to speak, not "hazard" communication channels. It is necessary, just to look accordingly, so that there is no mismatch, try to speak only what we think in order not to make dissociations.

All this if not universal ways to communicate, then at least they will help to communicate more correctly and find a common language with people.

We still have not forgotten that I wrote our great compatriot - Mikhail Vasilyevich Lomonosov 230 years ago:

"... When there is no compliance with the cooked parts to the construction of any Mahina, the other mutually does not report anything mutually, then all their being is in vain and useless. Similarly, if every member of the human kind could not explain their concepts to another, That would not be deprived of us were this consonant general business business, which is managed by the connection of our thoughts, but we could hardly worse whether we were wild animals ... "

It is impossible to imagine the development of a person, the very existence of an individual as a person, his relationship with society outside communicating with other people. K. Marks and F. Engels noted in this connection: "... The real spiritual wealth of the individual entirely depends on the wealth of his real relationship ...". Historical experience and everyday practice indicate that the complete isolation of a person from society, withdrawing it from communicating with other people, leads to a complete loss of human personality, its social qualities and properties.

Communication includes all the diversity of spiritual and material forms of human life and is his urgent need. It's no secret to anyone, the Polish psychologist E. Melibruda writes that "interpersonal relationships have no less meaning for us than the air that we breathe." The insurmountable attractiveness of communication for a person is well expressed in the famous statement of the French writer A. De Saint-Exupery: "The only real luxury is the luxury of human communication." But do we often think about the need to analyze the processes of our communication?

As you know, the need for communication is due, ultimately, the need to jointly participate in people in the manufacture of material goods. As for the sphere of spiritual life, the need for social experience occupies the central place here in the acquisition of cultural values, in mastering the principles and norms of behavior in society and a specific social environment, and all this is impossible without contact with other people.

Interest in the problem of communication goes its roots in the distant past. Communication, interaction processes between people, their relationship, the questions faced by a person who comes into contact with other people, always attracted close attention to themselves. Psychologist and sociologist I.S. Kon writes that "people invariably consider genuine friendship rare and flourishing it, as a rule, refer to the past." This kind of longing in real friendship, the sincerity of communication in the past is exaggerated. After all, in our time, you can observe many manifestations of genuine friendship of people, their sincerity and self-sacrifice. A bright example is the manifestations of friendship in the difficult years of the Great Patriotic War. But now it is difficult to imagine a person who does not have friendly feelings for loved ones, to comrades by profession, according to common inconsistencies, interests, aspirations.

It may seem that with the concept of communication, well known to everyone, no special problems arise. It seems that everyone knows what communication is perfect. With this word, the usual ideas about the contacts and relations of people with each other are associated with friends, about meetings with friends and unfamiliar people, about personal relationships arising on the basis of professional, amateur, creative and other common interests.

The elementary function of communication is the achievement of relationship, and for the beginning - on the external, preliminary, formal level. It would seem that it may be easier! A smile, a handshake, an approving nod, a welcome gesture ... But already at this simplest level, the most unforeseen and annoying misunderstandings are possible. Russian, the British, Americans as a welcoming gesture use the handshake. Laplanders rub noses. The self-sustaining sniffs each other. Latino hugging, the French kiss each other on the cheek.

When entering into contacts with other people, we are far from always realizing that we use in this signs - units of conditional code, language that has come down from deep centuries, communicative tools, millennium created by huge creative teams - nations and races. Elementary languages \u200b\u200blike the language of welcome gestures range not only from one national culture to another, but also within the national culture itself from one professional, class or age group to another and even from family to the family. Hence it is clear how universal is this source of mutual understanding or, on the contrary, misunderstanding of people.

But if this is the case in the sphere of the most elementary communication skills, how much the possibility of mutual misunderstanding, melting in the semantic plan of human communication, which includes a range of complex psychological, moral, cultural and ideological motifs, the alloy of thoughts, moods and feelings that one Man exchanges in the process of communicating with others!

The needs of modern society, its spiritual and material spheres make the problem of communication extremely relevant. Without the appropriate development of communication forms, such areas of human activity as education, education, health care, science, art, politics, ideology, etc. are practically impossible.

What is the initial point of any communication that gives birth to mutual understanding or, on the contrary, misunderstanding, rejection? Maybe this is a meeting, a handshake, greeting, acquaintance? Everything seems to be clear. To confirm, people need to begin to see each other, meet. How else?

We see that the role of communication in a person is huge! It is impossible to imagine no day without communication. It is necessary for a person like air!

List of references:

1 . Andreeva G.M. Social Psychology. - M., aspect Press, 1996, p.56.

2 . Lomoms B.F. Communication and social regulation of individual behavior, psychological problems of social regulation of behavior, - M., 1976, p.125.

3 . Nomov R.S. Psychology. Book 1: Basics of general psychology. - M., Enlightenment, 1994, p.231.

4 . Andreeva G.M. Communication and optimization of joint activities. MSU, 1987, p.75.

5 . Otherwreedman M.N. Human communication. - M.: Policy, 1988, p.121.

6 . Shmelev A.G. The sharp corners of the family circle - M.: Knowledge, 1986, p.54.

7 . Roger A.E. I say, we say ...: Essays about human communication. - M.: Knowledge, 1990, p.287-288.

8 . Lisin M.I. Problems of ontogenesis of communication. M., Pedagogy, 1986,

9 . Leontyev A.N. Activities, consciousness, personality. - M., 197, p.90

Lecture 4.1. Introduction to the psychology of communication

The ability to communicate with people is the same goods purchased for money, like sugar and coffee. And I am ready to pay for this skill more than any product in this world.

J. Rockfeller

    The concept of communication. Communication in the modern world

Have you ever wondered about the role of communication in the life of each of us and society as a whole? How long can we live without communication? Can a person exist without communication at all? Communication is a natural human habitat. This is a complex process in which people interact are exchanged by information, influence each other, seek to understand each other.

Often, the terms "Communication" and "Communication" are used as equivalent, synonymic.However, according to other researchers, communication - This is a connection, in the process of which information is transmitted. In this case, the object that receives information may be not only a person, but also a car, an animal. Communication is always a bilateral process based on the interaction of equal partners - subjects of communication.We will take the first point of view and we will consider the terms "Communication" and "Communication" as synonyms, because in human communication, communication in pure form is practically not found, because the transfer of information is usually in society it is a bilateral process, speech interaction.

Communication -the process and the result of establishing contacts between humans or the interaction of subjects through various iconic systems; This is a complex, multifaceted process of establishing and developing contacts between people, generated by the needs of joint activities and includes the exchange of information, developing a unified strategy of interaction, perception and understanding of another person. "

The development of communication in the world is determined by the development of all social processes. Communication varies not only because of the continuous improvement of technical means of communication between people, but also due to changes in some social functions of a person as an individual, personality and subject of activity. Features of communication in the modern world associated and with values \u200b\u200bthat contribute to social monitoring, and with a change in lifestyle and its relative standardization in connection with the development of mass culture.

1. If several centuries ago prevailed direct communication between people, then the last century diddominant mass and mediated communication .

Ψ Internet, mobile phones

2. With regard to direct interaction, it should be noted that the number of forced contacts between people increased . This is especially noticeable in big cities, where the lifestyle itself determines the inevitability of contacts of completely unfamiliar people with each other. A trip to work in public transport, shopping of goods in the store, viewing performances - all this time methods that are associated with numerous contacts. The peculiarity of such contacts is that, firstly, they are numerous; Secondly, superficial. Both are not a criterion of high-quality communication:

Ψ Proteins in a cage

3. In the past few decades, various various educational technology communication . People are increasingly realizing that many of their problems are associated with the inability to communicate. The development of civilization that determines the continuous improvement of communications and diverse information channels leads to contradiction between form, means of communication and its content, depth.On the one hand, a person without much difficulty can establish contact even with those subjects that are located away from it; On the other hand, the improvement of communications does not provide the quality and depth of communication. There is such a phenomenon as loneliness in the crowd - loneliness among people especially in major cities.

Ψ Vishnevsky "loneliness in the network"

4. Many media communitations create illusion of communication . Working at a computer or watching evening television programs contribute to the development of the sensation of interaction with others. For example, sociologists have determined that the middle city modern man holds about 5 hours a day (!). This is a very dangerous trend, because the subject looking to an interesting information program for him, the illusion of the presence of another person and communicating with it is created. But in fact no communication happens. it quasom those. Imaginary communication, imaginary, apparent. Console quasi(from lat. -quasi) is used before the word to express dubiousness, the vianess of the indicated phenomenon. If the individual systematically looks at any transmission, it creates an illusion of acquaintance with leading, the feeling that he knows them well, although in fact he only has some sustainable idea of \u200b\u200bthe television image (image) leading. Increase the share of quasobobismin the interaction of a person with his world around him - also one of the features of modern communication.

Output.It is clear that superficial, shallow, forced contacts between people with their manifold, an increase in the share of quasi-competitive, as well as the predominance of dominant mass and mediated communication reduces its quality everywhere. What can the quality of communication be determined? First, the level on which the interaction occurs; secondly, the number of needs that a person satisfies in the process of communicating with other people; Third, the possibilities of self-development personality.

    Communication functions

Communication is performed by a number meaningful functions:

    perceptive function - perception of each other partners in communication and establishing on this basis mutual understanding;

    informative function - transfer of information, providing the necessary information;

    interactive - organization of interaction between people, for example, approval of actions, distribution of functions, influence on mood, belief, behavior of the interlocutor by using various forms of impact;

    motivational function (inappropriate) - encourages employees to better execute tasks using beliefs, requests, orders, etc.;

    expressive function - contributes to the emotional expression of feelings, experiences, respect for what is happening and allows you to satisfy social needs;

    the control function is to track the behavior of employees in various ways on the basis of hierarchy and coinlaith.

    Levels and types of communication

Communication, along with the communicative (information transfer), performs other functions: regulatory (serves to regulate behavior), perceptual (contributes to the perception of each other's interlocutors), suggestive (suggestion function), etc.

Types of communication

1) official - unofficial (private, private);

2) oral - written;

3) dialogic - monologic;

4) interpersonal - public;

5) direct - indirect;

6) Contact - distant.

Communication levels:

Communication can occur at different levels. Communication levelsin turn, in turn, the overall culture of interacting entities, their individual and personal characteristics, features of the situation, social control and many other factors. Especially influential are the value orientations of communicating and their attitude towards each other.

The most primitive level of communication - fatic (from Lat.Fatuus- stupid). He implies a simple exchange of replicas to maintain a conversation in conditions when communicating is not particularly interested in interaction, but are forced to communicate. Such communication is a certain nature of automatism and limitations. His primitiveness is not that the replicas are simple, but in the fact that there is no deep meaning for them, content. Sometimes this level is denoted as conventional (Convention - Agreement). If the word phaathe indicates its simplicity, the word conventional determines its standardization. The standardization of communication, in turn, occurs in such social situations that are ordinary, well-known individuals and therefore the interaction occurs at the level of a simple habit. Such communication does not require any understanding, does not contain any positive or negative points: it is not a source of human activity. At the same time, it should not be underestimated. Fatic communication is necessary in standardized situations. If it does not adequately situations, then a person may face negative social sanctions. Often, this level of communication is determined by the etiquette norms of the social layer, the representative of which are subjects of interaction. The peculiarity of this level of communication is also the fact that the subject does not receive any new information.

Next communication level - information. At this level, it is exchanged interesting for interlocutors with new information, which is the source of any types of human activity (mental, emotional, behavioral). The information level of communication is usually stimulating and prevails in conditions of joint activities or at a meeting of old friends. It should be noted that the information level is not associated only with the content of the conversation. This may also be the information of the paralyingvistic, context plan. In any case, this level contributes to the active inclusion of a person in the Communication process. Often, communication levels change in the process of one conversation. For example, the dialog begins as an informational, but gradually moves to the fatiac level or vice versa.

Personal the level of communication characterizes such an interaction in which the subjects are capable of deep self-discharge and comprehending the essence of another person, and the surrounding world. This level of interaction occurs in special situations and under certain conditions when a person appears inspiration, illuminated, a sense of love, a feeling of unity with the world, a feeling of happiness, etc. These are special situations of spiritual lifting and personal development, so this level can be still defined as spiritual . Personal level is deeply moral: it removes all restrictions when interacting precisely because they become completely superfluous. The personal level of communication is largely determined by the identity of the value orientation of interacting entities and the possibilities of communicating to comprehend the essence of the phenomena of the surrounding world by insuring (insight) in the process of interaction.

Personal or spiritual level characterizes only such communication, which is aimed at activating the positive attitude of the actors of interaction to themselves, other people and the world in general. Therefore, the personal level is a promial level, i.e. Useful for society, because the by-effect of such communication is the moral improvement of people. As for the fatic and information levels, they may have a socio-positive (prosocial) and socio-negative (antisocial) context. Thus, the phaatic level can be carried out in labeling norms (prosocial) and vulgar (antisocial). The same can be said about the information level. It should also be added that the information level is either a business or emotional or emotional business. At the same time, each of the three subspecies of this level can be both promal and antisocial.

Abstract on the topic:

"The role of communication in the mental development of man"

nizhny Novgorod 2010

    1. Communication in the broad sense of the word, types of communication, the role of communication;

    2. Technique and admission of communication;

    3. The concept of communicative abilities;

1. Meeting in the broad sense of the word, types of communication, the role of communication.

Have you ever had to think about the role of communication in our life? Why do we communicate? Why do we need communication so much? Let's find out this ...

Communication in the broad sense of the word is the process of establishing and developing contacts between people, generated by the needs of joint activities, including the exchange of information and the development of a unified strategy of interaction, mutual perception and attempts to influence each other.

Communication is of great importance in the formation of human psyche, its development and the formation of reasonable, cultural behavior. Through communication with psychologically developed people, thanks to extensive ability to learn, a person acquires all its higher cognitive abilities and quality. Through active communication with advanced personalities, he himself turns into a person. If from the birth of a person was deprived of the opportunity to communicate with people, he would never have become a civilized, culturally and morally developed citizen, would have been doomed until the end of life, only outwardly resembling a person. This is evidenced by numerous facts described in the literature and show that, being devoid of communicating with themselves similar, human individual, even if it, as an organism, is quite preserved, nevertheless remains a biologically creature in his mental development. As an example, the states of people who are from time to time are among the beasts and which a long period, especially in childhood, lived in isolation from civilized people or, already adults, as a result of an accident, were alone, for a long time isolated from themselves ( For example, after shipwreck).

Especially important for human mental development has

his communication with adults in the early stages of life. At this time, all his human, mental and behavioral qualities, it acquires almost exclusively through communication, as it is up to the start of school training, and even more definitely - before the onset of adolescence, it is deprived of the ability to self-education and self-education.

The mental development of a person begins with communication. This is the first type of social activity that arises in his life and thanks to which a person gets the information necessary for its individual development. Thus, business communication forms and develops its abilities, serves as a means of acquiring knowledge and skills. In it, a person improves the ability to interact with people, developing the necessary business and organizational qualities for this.

Personal communication forms a person as a person, gives him the opportunity to acquire certain traits, interests, habits, inclinations, assimilate the norms and forms of moral behavior, to determine the goals of life and choose the means of their implementation. Diverse in content, targets and means communication is also performing a specific function in the mental development of the individual. For example, material communication allows a person to receive the objects of material and spiritual culture necessary for normal life, which act as the condition of individual development.

Conditional communication creates a state of readiness for learning, formulates the settings necessary to optimize other types of communication. Thus, it indirectly contributes to the individual intellectual and personal development of man. Motivational communication serves as a source of additional energy for a person, a kind of "recharge". Commission as a result of such communication, new interests, motives and objectives of activity, a person increases its psycho-energy potential, developing it itself. Actors

communication that can be identified as interpersonal exchange of actions, operations, skills and skills, has a direct developing effect for an individual, as it improves and enriches its own activity.

Biological communication is self-preservation of the body as the most important condition for maintaining and developing its vital functions. Social communication serves the public needs of people and is a factor contributing to the development of forms of public life: groups, teams, organizations, nations, states, the human world as a whole. Direct communication is necessary for a person in order to study and brought up as a result of widespread use in the practice of data from birth, the simplest and effective means and methods of learning: conditionalflex, verbal and non-verbal. Mediated communication helps assimilate the means of communicating and improving their ability to self-education and human self-education, as well as to conscious management by the communication itself.

Non-verbal communication contributes to the development and improvement of human communication capabilities, as a result of which it becomes more capable of interpersonal contacts and discovers more opportunities for development. As for verbal communication and its role in the mental development of the individual, it is difficult to overestimate. It is associated with the assimilation of speech, and it is known to underlie the entire development of a person as intellectual and actually personal.

2.Cheel and communications.

cash communication. This can be trained, but to a much lesser extent than technology and techniques for communication. Under the means of communication is meant how a person implements a certain content and purpose of communication. They depend on the culture of a person, the level of development, upbringing and education. When we are talking about the development of human abilities, skills and communication skills, we primarily have in mind the technique and means of communication.

Communication technique is the ways of pretending a person to communicate with people, his behavior in the process of communication, preferred means of communication, including verbal and non-verbal.

Before communicating with another person, it is necessary to determine their interests, relate them to the interests of a communication partner, to evaluate it as a person, choose the most appropriate techniques and communication techniques. Then, already in the process of communication, it is necessary to control its move and the results, be able to properly complete the act of communication, leaving the partner with the partner, a favorable or unfavorable, impression of itself and making it so that in the future he has arisen or did not arise (if this desire does not have ) The desire to continue communication.

At the initial stage of communication, its technique includes elements such as the adoption of a certain expression, poses, the choice of initial words and tones of statements, movements and gestures that attract the attention of a partner of actions aimed at its pre-order on a certain perception of the reported (transmitted information).

The facial expression must correspond to the three moments: the objectives of the message, the desired result of communication and a demonstrated relation to the partner. The possession of the posture, as well as the expression, also serves as a means of demonstrating a certain relationship or to a partner for communication, or to the content of what is reported. Sometimes subject

communication consciously controls the posture in order to alleviate or, on the contrary, it makes it difficult to comply with the act of communication. For example, a conversation with the interlocutor face to face with a loved one facilitates communication and refers to a friendly attitude towards him, and a conversation, looking to the side, standing in a cold or back and at a considerable distance from the interlocutor, usually makes it difficult to communicate and testifies to the unfavorable attitude towards him. Note that the posture and expression of the person can be controlled consciously and develop unconsciously and besides the will and desire of the person himself demonstrate its attitude to the conversation or the interlocutor.

The choice of initial words and tones, initiating the act of communication, also has a certain impression on the partner. For example, the official tone means that the communication partner is not configured to establish friendly personal relationships. The same goal is the underlined appeal to "you" to a familiar person. On the contrary, the initial appeal to "You" and the transition to a friendly, unofficial tone of communication are a sign of a friendly relationship, the preparedness of the partner to establish informal personal relationships. Approximately the same testifies the presence or absence of a friendly smile on the face and at the initial moment of communication.

The first gestures that attract the attention of the partner for communication, as well as the expression of the face (facial expression), are often involuntary, so communicating people in order to hide their condition or attitude towards a partner, they take away their eyes towards eyes and hide their hands. In these situations, difficulties often arise in the choice of first words, there are often molts, speech mistakes, difficulties, about the nature of which much and interestingly spoke 3. Freud.

In the process of communication, some other types of equipment are applied and

conversation receptions based on the use of the so-called feedback. Under it, communication is understood by the technique and techniques for obtaining information on the communication partner used by the interlocutors to correct their own behavior in the communication process.

Feedback includes conscious control of communication actions, observation of the partner and evaluating its reactions, the subsequent change in accordance with this behavior. Feedback involves the ability to see himself from the side and correctly judge how the partner perceives himself in communication. Careful interlocutors most often forget about feedback and do not know how to use it.

The feedback mechanism implies the skill of the partner to relate its reactions with estimates of its own actions and conclude that it was the cause of a certain response of the interlocutor to said words. The feedback also includes corrections that make a communizing person in their own behavior, depending on how it perceives and evaluates the actions of the partner. The ability to use feedback in communication is one of the most important points in the Communication process and in the structure of human communicative abilities.

    The concept of communicative abilities.

Communicative abilities are the skills and communication skills with people, on which its success depends. People of different age, education, culture, different levels of psychological development, having different life and professional experience, differ from each other by communicative abilities. Educated and cultural people have more pronounced communicative abilities than uneducated and low-cultural. People whose professions suggest not only frequent and intensive communication, but also

performance in communication of certain roles (actors, doctors, teachers, politicians, executives), often have more developed communicative abilities than representatives of other professions.

The technique and techniques applied in practice have age features. So, in children they are different from adults, and preschoolers communicate with the surrounding adults and peers differently than the older schoolchildren do. Takes and techniques of communication of the elderly, as a rule, differ from the communication of young.

Children are more impulsive and immediately in communication, non-verbal funds are dominated in their technique. In children weakly developed feedback, and communication itself often has an overly emotional nature. With age, these features of communication gradually disappear and it becomes more suspended, verbal, "rational, expressive economical. Continuing to be improved.

The professionalization of communication is manifested at the preset stage in the choice of tone of statements and in specific reactions to the actions of the communication partner. The actors are characterized by the game (in the sense of acting) communication style with others, as they get used to frequent execution of different roles and often get off with them, as if continuing the game in real human relationships. Teachers and managers due to the established undemocratic traditions in the field of business and pedagogical communication are often characterized by the arrogant, mentor tone. Doctors, especially in psychotherapists, in communicating with people, increased attention and sympathy usually appear.

So, communication is the most important and integral part of our life. So live, having fun, develop and chat!

List of references:

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man (3)Abstract \u003e\u003e Psychology

And people surrounding man. Feelings are performed by life and activity man, in it communication With the surrounding people motivating role. In a relationship...

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