The best recipes of jam from paradise apples (ranets). Transparent jam from whole apples

Encyclopedia plants 17.10.2019
Encyclopedia plants

In its garden, the elegant tree of paradise apples was once very fashionable. And now these low trees return to dachensons with all variety varieties. They are derived from apple-diet and traditionally have a yellow-green color. As a result of crossings, the red color of fruits was obtained - "Burgundy wine". And all sizes and forms are not counting.

Cook or not cook?

Some varieties of paradise apple It is pleasant in the latest form, but they are stored for about 2 months and gradually lose taste. For long winter evenings the reason to remember the sunny summer, it is necessary to take care of it in advance and weld transparent, amber capacity from paradise apples. Spilled on the jars, it will delight the eye, and posted on a saucer - captivate with its aroma.

Consider several jam recipes from paradise apples. All of them have the same foundation, the difference is only in fragrant additives. Upon respecting all the rules, the apple remain integers and become transparent, completely drinking syrup. The capacity of paradise apples takes almost three days. If you try to cook it at a time, you will most likely get an apple porridge with tails.

Of course cook!

To prepare the basis, we need:

  • 1 kg of apples
  • 1 kg of sugar sand
  • 250 ml of water

Different varieties of paradise apples are color from Salad to Dark Red. You can take any fruits, but from bright yellow production will be especially beautiful.

Fruits go through, wash and dry. Fruit, if it is longer than the fetus, cropped with scissors half. Ideally, they also remove the blossom, such a jam is much more pleasant, but there is a risk that the apples are not welded entirely, but crack. Each fruit is poured a couple of times to the toothpick so that the syrup is easier to penetrate inside.

In a wide saucepan, pour water, sugar sugar and boil all. Share the boiling syrup of the apple, immediately turn off the fire and leave the future capacity to appear for a day.

The next day gently tilt the saucepan In different directions, so that the upper fruits drowned in the syrup. It is impossible to interfere with a spoon, so as not to damage the integrity of the apples. Put a saucepan on fire again and boil 5 minutes. Harvesting from apples already acquires amber color. After a short boiling, we remove the foam and retain everything for a day. During the third boiling, you can add a pinch of citric acid if the variety is too sweet.

The readiness of the jam is checked in the usual way. Apple must evenly host in syrup, and the drop of cold syrup is not to spread on the saucer. If the capacity does not yet seem ready, the last cooking can be lengthened to fifteen minutes. Having finished cooking, we break out the resulting dessert from the paradise apples on sterilized banks and rush with covers. Banks flip upside down and keep cooled under the plaid.

After cooling, you can put a few jars on sunlight and admire transparent fruits with dark seeds inside. Now it is considered fashionable to take photos of beautiful desserts and place in the framework, on the wall of the dining room.

For a variety, you can explore a few more recipes for the preparation of "paradise" jam.

Recipe "Harvesting from paradise apples with lemon and ginger"

2 kg of fruits - 1 kg of sugar, grade 1 lemon, a glass of water.

Apple go through, wash, pierce the toothpick. Fold in coat And omit 2-3 minutes to boiling water, then cool in cold water. Wear a syrup of prepared sugar and a glass of water. After dissolving sugar, add ginger and zest to syrup, boil another 5 minutes.

Paradise jam

Purple the apples in syrup and peck for five minutes. Stop until the next day. Prepare in three reception, as indicated above, then roll.

Recipe "Paradise apples with orange and cinnamon"

Ranetok kilograms - 1 kg of sugar, 2 orange, cinnamon stick.

Prepare apples in the usual way. Oranges cut into thin semicircles, put into wide dishes, pour the glass of water and boil until soft. There are sugar and continue boiling until it dissolves. Further pour into the syrup of the apple and act in terms of the plan. Cinnamon add at the very end.

And can bake?

Recipe with walnut for oven

Jam, boiling in the oven - And at all exotic, and takes less time, and the apples will definitely remain whole, because during cooking nobody will disturb them.

On a kilogram of sweet ranets - 200 g of sugar, 200 g of walnuts and lemon.

Prepare products: apples wash and pierce toothpick, walnuts Ceingback, lemon cut without peel. Wear a glass of water and sugar syrup. Turn on the oven to heat it up to 250 degrees. Products immerse in syrup and cook for 10 minutes. Then shifting them into the clay pot, put it in the oven and follow the moment of boiling. Immediately drop the temperature to 100 degrees and 3 hours resting. The readiness of the jam can be judged by its consistency, similar to Honey.

Recipe "Royal Jam"

This method is very laborious, but the result is worth it. The main thing is to act according to the instructions:

  1. Rinse apples, pierced for a fork.
  2. Each, another wet apple cut into sugar and leave to dry.
  3. Laying a baking sheet, decompose the fruits in a sugar crust and put in the oven at 120 degrees for 20 minutes, for caramelization.
  4. In the enameled dishes pour juices, boil, then pour sugar with a thin flowing, stir and bring to boil again.
  5. Share apples in syrup and cook 30 minutes.
  6. Remove out of the dishes, rewind in sugar again and go into the oven, now for 15 minutes
  7. Pee again in syrup 30 min
  8. Again to cut in sugar and - in the oven for 15 minutes.
  9. The last time you cook apples in the syrup of 10 minutes and you can roll.

No, better - in a slow cooker!

Modern technologies are completely eliminated from hassle. You can simply do:

1.2 kg of washed and thorough frosts fold into a multicooker container, pour the glass of water to pour out there, pitch a kilogram of sugar, put a sliced \u200b\u200bleather without leather. Include "quenching" for 2 hours. Periodically stirring.

Recipes cooking jam from ranets You can come up with a lot. Apples are well combined with vanilla, cinnamon, citrus, lingonberry, nuts, and some experimenters even add bay leaf, basil and fragrant pepper. Radial jars with a transparent dessert of different species - a wonderful gift for winter holidays. Do not forget to do photo: Jam from Ranetok is really great!

Fruits and berries


Paradise jam - Really paradise transparent delicacy, the taste of which is much more interesting and more pleasant to ordinary apple jam. Thanks to the miniature sizes of fruits at home, it is possible to weld the paradise jam from the whole apple. IN this case Fruits do not have to grind for the preparation of delicious delicacy. Due to this, it turns out a fairly interesting winter blank containing pearl small fruits, and even with tails that float in the transparent sweet syrup entirely.

Cooking a paradise jam from ranets with tails for the winter on this step-by-step photo recipe with a detailed technological instruction - a pleasure! First, during the process there is no difficulty, because the recipe and the truth is very simple. Secondly, paradise apples do not require such special training, such as ordinary large apple fruits. In this recipe, paradise apples are harvested for the winter and with frozen, but with a fruit, of course, not everything is so simple. Each apple tail must be shortened, and this is the procedure, in fact, tedious. However, for the sake of such a magnificent home delicacy, not sin and worry.

We will proceed to cooking a paradise jam for the winter at the proven year of grandmother's recipe! In it, by the way, you will learn some important secrets about cooking such a treat.



    After charming miniature apples were collected, proceed to their careful preparation. First, the paradise fruits very well, and then half the cut of their fruits.

    Now on each apple, you need to make several punctures with toothpicks.. It must be done so that the apples do not burst during cooking and the apple flesh did not boil.

    Next, punctured fruits should be sampled so that when cooking jams, they remained as beautiful and bright. For this, apples will board with steep boiling water in the number of one cup for five minutes. After, the water from the apples must be drained into a separate saucepan, and the remaining cast fruits rinse in cold water.

    We take the water that got after the treatment of apples, and add sugar sand to it.

    Then we mix the liquid well, after which they will boil a couple of minutes. As a result, we got a sweet syrup for apples.

    Hot syrup pour fruit, and after gently mix them. Next, we leave the fruits in the syrup for twelve hours.

    The next day, the blurred apples put on the slab to boil. After the boil, apple treats to claim five minutes and again leave to appear for twelve hours.

    Such a jam procedure must be carried out at least three times. Each time apples should be pressed for twelve hours, and you can even more.

    The third cooking jam will be the last. This time it needs to be boiled until complete readiness. Time for this will require approximate twenty minutes.

    I put ready-made paradise delicacy into sterilized jars, but you do not immediately roll it off, but we will wait for the jam.

    After that, a transparent jam from paradise apples is hermetically closed and sent to the pantry. Of course, do not forget the delicacy to try.

    Bon Appetit!

Good time or night, my reader!

Hooray! I got a jam made of small apples, as I had to be able to once with my grandmother, in the times of her life! It is called the variety of an apple tree, from which I prepared this miracle, "Ural Self-Bulk".

As a child, I loved to be touched by translucent apples in syrup. Ideal they got my grandmother. And this taste of childhood is just unforgettable!

But due to the fact that in those days I was a child, I naturally, I didn't need a recipe for cooking. The main thing is that it was very tasty and that's all. Real Paradise Apples!

Becoming an adult, what I only do not trim the ways of cooking this jam. Apples were collapsed and everything was obtained Poros - Malash. As a result, I abandoned all my attempts to prepare this scholars and beauty. I must say that I generally rarely cook jam. Instead, it is intensely using frost vegetables and fruits. But the apples do not frozen, so we store winter varieties, already, until the end of March, in the pit. The benefit that the harvest this year allows it to do.

Here, quite recently, my wonderful girlfriend "dug" on the Internet one simple recipe for the preparation of paradise apples in the syrup, prepared herself, she turned out, as a result, she shared with me. I listened, but did not burn with a desire to take again for the useless idea for me. I decided in the search engine just to score the request you need, to which, of course, came the right answer.

I drove ... And I got apples in the syrup exactly - in - exactly like my grandmother! And in appearance, and to taste, and in quality! Transparent, amber, melting in the mouth. Joy was not limit! Finally, I didn't explain my family on my fingers about the taste of this, you can say the royal dessert, which was taught in childhood, and gave to try and prepared this pleasure for the winter.

Want to share with you, my reader? Then write or remember the recipe and act!

Paradise apples, recipe like a grandmother


  • Apples (Ural bulk or gold china) - 5 kg
  • Sugar sand - 2 kg 700g
  • Water - approximately 1.5 liters

My way of cooking:

1. My apples carefully, we do not clean from the fruits
2. Give each apple for a fork or in several places toothpick, put in enameled pelvis

3. Cook syrup - in water we fall asleep sugar, bring to boiling and complete dissolution of sugar

5. Fire turn off and leave apples for a day (can be smaller) for impregnation
6. We bring to a boil and turn off again, we leave for a day
7. We again bring to a boil and boil approximately 3 - 4 minutes

Thus, cook for about three days.

Everything! Paradise apples, like my grandmother are ready!

If extraordinary little apples fell to your eyes - you will definitely hurry them to purchase them. This variety of apples wears the name "paradise". And after all, not just like that! From the paradise apples, transparent jam with tails is just amazing!

Yes, yes, you did not hear - cooked jam made of solid fruits, directly with the fruits (tails). After all, it is this detail is the so-called "business card" of this famous delicacy.

By themselves, "paradise" apples have a rather tart taste (on an amateur), and they are not stored for a long time, no more than 2 months, after which they begin to lose their taste. But their jams are extremely tasty and beautiful, with a transparent amber overflow.

To the note by the hostess: if you want to prepare an amber jam from solid fruits, certain secrets of cooking should be observed: transparent jam is brewed by short-term approaches for 3 days. Otherwise, you will succeed just "apple porridge" with tails.

Paradise apples with tails transparent

Ingredients components:

  • "Paradise" apples (without the presence of rot and wormochin) - 1 kg;
  • White crystalline sugar - 0.8 kg;
  • Lemon - 1 pc.;
  • Water - 400 ml.

Phased cooking description:

  1. Wash apples thoroughly, if necessary, removing the leaflets and the color. Then every fruit is covered in several places, using toothpick.
  2. Lower the thicker apples for a few seconds in boiling water, and then immediately remove them and move it into the pelvis with cold water.
  3. Next, proceed to the preparation of sugar syrup. To do this, you should enter the amount of sugar in hot water (400 ml) indicated in the list of ingredients and bring the resulting fluid to a boil. After 3 minutes of boiling, remove the syrup from the fire and cool slightly (the syrup should remain warm).
  4. Apples remove from the water and place in a wide pelvis, designed for cooking jam. Then pour them with warm syrup and leave until the syrup is completely cooled;
  5. Next, put a pelvis on fire, bring its contents to a boil and negotiate not more than 10 minutes with weak boiling;
  6. After a day, add to the apples sliced \u200b\u200bon the slices of lemon and again put the pelvis on the fire. Bring the content to boil, check for 10 minutes and remove the pelvis from the plate. Remember, it is impossible to stir jam! Only shake slightly. Otherwise - you risk damage the integrity of fruits;
  7. The next day, repeat all the above-described cooking actions. After that, you will need only carefully package a beautiful amber jam in a pre-prepared container and tightly sod.

If you think that cooking an exquisite amber jam from paradise apples is completely difficult in syrup on the winter, you are deeply mistaken. Using the video prescription below, you can easily prepare it yourself. So, do not doubt - be sure to cook it! Your household will be delighted!

Jam from small apples whole with cinnamon

Ingredients for cooking:

  • Little apples "Paradise" - 1 kg;
  • Sugar sand - 1 kg;
  • Apple juice - 1st;
  • Cinnamon - if in powder 1 tsp, if one piece is 1 pcs;
  • Oranges - 2 pcs.

Step-by-step cooking description:

  1. Cooking jam from small apples is very convenient to the fact that the fruits do not require special processing and training. They do not need to be cleaned from the peel and the core, and then cut into the slices. Everything is extremely simple - it is worth only to take away good apples (without damage, worm and the presence of rot), thoroughly wash them, to dry out and peel into several places with a toothpick or shrinkage. Then, already fragible fruits are lowered for 2-3 seconds in boiling water and immediately move to a bowl, filled with cold water.
  2. Washing oranges cut together with the zest on the slices, pour apple juice and tires until soft. Then enter sugar sand to them and stir up to the full dissolution.
  3. After the sugar is dissolved, to lower the prepared apples into the orange syrup, bring to a boil and after 10-12 minutes, remove from the fire. Leave for the night.
  4. The next day, re-put the future jam on the stove, boil (certainly on weak heat) and cook for about 10 minutes. Remove from the fire again and leave to the night.
  5. At the last stage of cooking, a day later, cinnamon is added to the apples, the mass is slightly mixed, by easy shaking of the container and again boils with weak boiling for 10 minutes.
  6. Finished jam decompose into sterile jars, sunk and turn upside down, leave before cooling. Store in the basement or storeroom.

So that the delicacy was transparent, jam from paradise apples with tails should be boiled only on low heat. Since intensive boil helps to change the characteristic amber shade in a darker. And besides, the taste of jam from intensive boiling is lost and becomes caramel-pull (like burnt sugar).

Wild apples practically do not differ in taste from ordinary. Therefore, the compote from the paradise apples on taste quality is nothing inferior to the compote from ordinary. These wonderful apples are of no more than five centimeters in diameter. For a very appetizing and aesthetic appearance, which they save both in "twists", they are often used as decoration of desserts. But you can simply eat apples, as a separate delicacy, they become soft, impregnated with syrup, do not lose their aroma.

Varieties such apples are not so much. It has developed historically when large-scale varieties brought out, then small apples are unknown forgotten. We have only three varieties of wild apples - Siberian, Chinese and Ranetki. By the way, the name is "paradise" -locks received from Botany, who highlighting one of the types of low-spirited apple trees called it "paradise", that is, the paradise, the name was stuck and gradually spread to all small apples. The disadvantage of such apple trees is that they are not frost-resistant. Therefore, there are more in the southern regions of Russia. In the northern regions and the middle strip plant hybrids. Gardeners appreciate these trees and for appearance - fragrant flowers in spring, bright fruits in autumn, beautiful shape of crowns and delicious fruits that are widely used in home billets.

Useful properties of wild apples

Paradise apples are rich in vitamins and minerals. They have a lot of useful pectin for intestines. 28 microelements, including minerals such as magnesium, phosphorus, iodine, calcium, iron. And, of course, as in all apples, a whole list of vitamins - C, E, A, B1, B2, PR. They are wonderful antioxidants, clean the intestines, eliminate dysentery and colitis, due to the content of a large amount of fiber. There are substances in them that normalize pressure, derive extra cholesterol, toxins, slags. Fruits are useful in rheumatism, diseases of the kidneys, liver, skin problems. Polyphenol, contained in apples, warns the appearance of cancer cells. In them, ten times more biologically active substances than in ordinary large apples. And this package of utilities can be saved in canned, closing the compote from the paradise apples for the winter.

Simple recipe compote from wild apples

The process of preservation of wild apples cannot be called complex or time consuming, everything is done very simple. Consider a simple compotion recipe from apples step by step.

For one 3-liter jar of compote, you will need:

  • paradise apples - 700 grams;
  • sugar - half a kilogram;
  • water - 2.5 liters.

Compote from apples, conservation stages:

So that the fruits in the compote are not bursting, and they retained a beautiful view, you must neatly fold into the toothpick every apple in several places at the stage of their preparation.

Recipes compotes from wild apples with additives

Some believe that compote only from apples - unplantned, does not have a saturated taste, and prefer to do apple compote with additives. For a compote from small apples for the winter, this is also possible.

You can combine wild apples with cinnamon and cloves, making compote on the above recipe by adding spices to taste (in the classic version, on the 3-liter bank - 3 booton cloves, cinnamon stick) and still need to add 1 teaspoon of citric acid on jar. For fragrance, vanilla sugar is also added.

Tasty compotes are obtained with a combination of apples with hawthorn, grapes, pears. These berries and fruits ripen in the same period as paradise apples. Consider a recipe for a compote from paradise apples with a hawthorn, it is a fairly successful combination and in taste characteristics, and in appearance. Fruits are close in size, well combined in color. And the compoted to winter, it turns out very fragrant and tasty.

The raisher of the recipe is that the maximum of their taste quality compote reaches itself in conservation, stolen at least a couple of months.

For the recipe you need one liter of water:

  • 150 grams of hawthorn;
  • 50 grams of apples;
  • 150 grams of sugar;
  • 0.5 teaspoon of citric acid.

Compote from paradise apples for the winter, the recipe is stepdown:

Compote from small apples will fall to taste to you and your households. You can make several different conservation options to try, choose for yourself the best combination of flavors, apples with cinnamon, mint, hawthorn, or compote from apples in pure form. Enjoy the taste, and get the charge of vitamins and other useful substances that these fruits are rich.

Cooking Compote from Paradise Apple For Winter - Video

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