Beam Mission Mag. Mission Mission Beam: Yes Creation

Encyclopedia plants 28.06.2020
Encyclopedia plants

The task of this embodiment, which during life does not change. This is the purpose.

When we unsuccessfully choose a lesson who give a significant part of their time, work becomes hard and uninteresting. We begin to look for pleasure in food, eating a tasty mood, torment yourself, to suffer, hurt.

Knowing your mission ray, we are easier to find answers to questions: who am I? What makes me brings joy and filling with happiness? What to devote to your activities?

When we find ourselves, it becomes much easier to live, a lot of power appears - as if the wind blows in the back. We need less effort to achieve a greater result. Favorite business can do without a break on food and spend less time to sleep. Forget about diseases, and they are about us.

What is the nature of the mission rays?

Divine energy coming to man is divided into 12 parts. These parts of cosmic energy are called the rays of the mission. Rays are egriral. The egregors of the mission perform the role of delivering to us a certain type of energy and take us.

A person is not able to take all divine energy. Yes, and no need it. As a study of any material occurs in a stages of the topic of the theme and the accumulation of experience goes to his note from the incarnation of the mission of the mission.

As soon as they manage to live in their tasks, the egregor is gratitude in the form of a tide of strength and optimism. Our personal energy is actually very small. Only on their power will not achieve a lot. It is much easier to live, getting cosmic divine energy. We can do this by implementing according to the beam; In other words, finding your destination.

On the other hand, without fulfilling his destination and ignoring the mission, we get a sentence from the Egregar in the form of difficult life circumstances.

Types of mission rays

Basic rays

Rays of state. It does not matter what the "owner" of the basic beam does, it is important as. In any activity, it is important to take their properties from the state.

Working rays

The main task is to be implemented in society. Rays actions. It is important what you do, and not like.

Dark rays

Owners of magical abilities.

Higher rays

Capable to take a large stream of energy. It is important and what to do and how. Ancient souls get to higher rays.

Ray and breaker

People with the characteristics of a purely one beam are rarely found because there is another manifestation of space energy, irregular, ignore which will not be released either. The right actions will learn to implement the tasks of the beam in the style of the subloof.

Couple of opposites

Rays form six pairs of opposites:
Magician (I) - Dad (V),
Papals (II) - power (XI),
Empress (III) - Devil (XV),
Star (XVII) - Sun (XIX),
Moon (XVIII) - White Map (),
Jester Fool (0, XXI) - World (XXII).

Opposite rays solve the same tasks in different ways. It is not easy to fulfill your destiny if the beam and the opposite time.

People related to the fate with the "owners" of the opposite beam, having understood, create successful tandems together.

How to find out your ray

You may only learn the mission's beam only by asking Tarot's cards. Make a division of seven tel and see what type of energy is in the atmanic body. Of the twenty-three senior Arkanov Tarot (including a white card), twelve correspond to the properties of the mission rays.

Other rapid ways to determine their rays are unknown to us.

Pick your ray, carefully studying the characteristics of all twelve, it is impossible.

First, we choose what we like now. But the energy of the beam is manifested for a long time. Perhaps in this period of time we work out a different task, and we are under the influence of other energies.

Secondly, not all our strengths are well known to us. Some still have to learn, or restore any lost abilities.

Thirdly, most of their properties we know and have already been successfully applied in practice. But the question is not in what we know, but in definition, what mission will we give more forces to life.

Fourth, checking the beam by observation requires a sufficiently long period of time. Acting according to his beam, we get generous support and gratitude from the corresponding egregor, but not immediately. The fruits of our work is the result of long-term activities. Is there enough life to selection and test of all combinations of rays and rainy? Them for a minute (12x12 + 144) one hundred forty-four! And if you consider that the dark rays of the mission (the devil and the moon) can be evolving and commissioned, then options and more than 14x14 \u003d 196.

Although after the determination of his ray and the subloacing, strength and confidence appear, the self-development does not end. We continue our spiritual path. We develop, we have complicated tasks, interests are changing. We can continue to change jobs, activities. Only already more consciously. Understanding your destination, we have the opportunity to change your race of classes more consciously and is already only in form, but not essentially.

"Mission" ("Light" or, as elsewhere called, "type of egregional energy") characterizes that the path that we are destined to pass in the life and experience to purchase. Knowing your "beam" helps to understand their goals and objectives, talents, abilities and the style of life in which we will feel the most harmonious.

"Light Mission" explains many psychological peculiarities man and helps to answer questions correctly - what makes sense to develop in yourselfand what, on the contrary, should be left; that I will immediately get betterAnd what will require excess energy costs? In addition, this knowledge often helps to make the right choice in difficult life situations.

There are 12 types of "mission", which correspond to 12 senior tarot arkans (or types of egregor): "bright" rays - magician, festival, empress, dad, power, star, sun, jester, world, bk; And "dark" - the moon and the devil.

"Dark" rays are more difficult for passing and require more serious internal work, "bright" rather simply indicate our talents and features.

"Property" is an additional energy to our ray, the percentage of which compared to the "beam" is less, but which also has a direct and very noticeable impact on our life. Sometimes "beam" and "lateral" coincide - then it turns out as if "beam in a square", the properties of which are very reinforced by the same "diamond".

"Luch" and "proprietary" during life do not change - therefore they are only once.

The main task of the personality, from this point of view, is learn to implement "Light" in the style of "subloop" (For example, "the world in the style of the magician", or "dad in the style of the star"). Thus, we realize all our talents in the most harmonious form, neutralize the internal contradictions and become the most effective.

Attention : "Light" and "Radia" do not report a specific form of activity that can be our self-realization (as well as knowledge of its society, for example, nothing directly about the profession reports). The specific implementation of the laid energies 1) can be diverse, there are many creative solutions; 2) depends on the free will of the person; 3) Throughout life, most likely changes - only the type of energy carried out into the world and the states that are achieved.

"Light Mission" gives us knowledge of energies prevailing and directionwhere you can develop and reflect. This is information about what type of task we implement (For example, the task is to become a doctor. But we do not know specifically - a gynecologist, surgeon or oculist). Therefore, the knowledge of the "beam", unfortunately, does not save us from the question "Where to go". This solution is not an indication for the lazy "go there and you will be happy" ( therefore, no, when I can not tell you with the mysterious and convinced species "Masha, my child, become a marketer in Loreal- at this level, Masha, most likely, will have to think herself, she was just born for this).

Knowledge of the mission ray is for those who want to explore themselves, look for a better contact with your inner creature, who wants to deeper to understand the essence of the processes taking place with him and "what is all this, by and large? Why was I born? What is my way? What states and processes seek? ". Well, so on. There will be no answer to all the answers, because these answers can only live - they cannot be theoretical, but food for reflection and experiments will appear.

How does it really work?

Example about me: My "Mission Light" is a world, with a diagnostic "Mag". It says to me, if it is very brief and constructive, that's what:

At the beam, the world in the basic model is present three nines (these are three cards from the Tarot deck, which are components of the state of the world). Therefore, from the very beginning, a person with a ray of the world begins to develop signs of three nine.

9 cups - Ecumenical love, opened spiritual eye, the ability to see the best qualities in man (and at the same time know exactly that there are also the worst, but not focus on them) and contact them, knowing that in the end they will respond and we will help Man evolve.

9 Swords - The worldview in which a person can take everything that comes to his life path, and know that it is good, because the Lord is merciful. It is not fatalism as "notable because it is useless," and the ability to persistently react to the "answers" of the Universe and internally understand that everything that happens is useful and filled with love aimed at evolution.

9 Pentacles - This is when, at the right moment, the person appears all the resources that he is needed (in case he is in contact with Egregor).

A task- Create a certain universe, a certain world in which people come and they acquire the qualities of peace and harmony.

It can be clubs, cafes, trainings or any other places where people come. It may be art, such as books or films.

Richard Bach, by the way, the excellent example of the realized world is the books that he creates, and are the world that comes up for people to the qualities of three nine.

Nevertheless, meditation, acquaintances and new books, which often understood little, but gave a good sensual experience, they did their job, and I am ready to write an article.

Let's first see what tells us the theory of this mission ray. We know that a man with a mission mission ray is the one whose task to learn to work with ideas. To be able to issue them, to convey, implement ... Mage is a person who always knows the answer to the question "What to do?" (Unlike, who knows, "who is to blame" \u003d)). Unlike the jester, whose creativity is often cut off from reality and has no framework, untimely and inappropriate, the ideas of the magician are practical and are mainly aimed at solving quite specific tasks.

But the magician is much more than invent the idea and realize it.

The magician is the first Arcan, and that is why he is so important. Yes, there would be nothing without a jester, but without the Mage there would be no one ordered current world, which we know it now, - suitable for life that operates according to certain rules. It was under the arkan magician begins the gospel of John.

1 In the beginning there was a word, and the word was with God, and the word was God.
2 It was at the beginning of God.
3 All through it could be, and without it, nothing would be noted that it was noted.
4 There was life in it, and life was light of people.
5 And the light in the darkness shines, and darkness did not open it.

Quote was given in order to show the importance of the idea expressed in the Word. It's as if the first impulse, which was then picked up and tested for compliance with the objective reality of Papes, filled with the love of the Empress, proven and turned into the experience of dad, delivered by force ... Yes, the jester appeared and brought his ideas from nothing, but the magician came up with How from this viola of incoherent and not always suitable for the implementation of ideas to do something worthwhile. He said the word in which the will was concluded, and this will could create something new. God created the universe. People with a mission ray mage make things are immeasurably smaller, but also very important for other people.

The magician in the generally accepted, not a triological sense is the one who, concentrating the will, has the ability to influence the implementation of events in the material world. That is, Magu is important to know, what He does (idea), for what (have motivation), what should happen as a result (practical purpose), and possess will in order to create it. If we say as simplified as much as possible, then the magician is when the idea came, the man voiced her and she was realized. And this is a very important sacral process that is very incorrect to reduce simple creativity. This is not creativity. This creation is in the highest sense of the word, as a person can know him. Each design of the magician is his small universe, where he is the Creator.

For representatives of other rays, these universes may seem very ordinary. The organization of the holiday for the magician will be a field for inspiration and the implementation of ideas, accounting - an interesting challenge, where you can show your creativity to optimize and introduce new technologies, the family is a place where it will create an interesting and disheartal life, and so on. The magician can not be just an artist as the sun, but he can draw wonderful paintings if he knows why he does it - for example, for a logo of some organization. And suitable to this creative as possible.

Thinking carefully, the first similarity that I discovered when I learned about my mission ray - this is a frequent feeling of sudden inspiration, but the lack of interest to bring the matter to the end. Then he gradually came memories about how it happened in the emergency situations of other people, I just took and instantly issued some kind of optimal solution.

Of course, in the real world, people with a ray mission mission do not necessarily have magical abilities like those in Harry Potter \u003d) in the case of a magician, the implementation of his idea simply occurs with the help of representatives of other rays - for example, forces. Magu the idea came, and it is the power concluded in his word, pushing other people to embody her. That is, the magicians are very well invented and they are very inspired, but it is not to bring it to the end - no matter.

Despite the initial unconsciousness of the magician by her ray, he explained a lot in me! For example, nonsense, not the ability to endure a rigid framework, the presence in the actions and thoughts of Yansk energy (despite my attempts to be mimicy).

By the way, about Yansk energy - the magician is not exclusively the "male" beam, as an empress - female. In Mage, the main - activity, mobility of the mind, impulse (but not necessarily impulsiveness), and these qualities are traditionally considered men, in contrast to female passivity and adoption. Nevertheless, in the real world, the girl with a ray mission magazine usually feels very comfortable - in the beam itself there is no task for women to take their male beginnings. Although no one has canceled the individual characteristics of each.

What can not be done if you are the magician?

Magu can not think a lot. Of course, intelligence is the main tool, but it is important to maintain its mobility, flexibility, impersonal. As soon as the magician begins, on the basis of his ideas, build a large structure from fears, doubts, thousands of weighing "for" and "against" - he immediately loses in the speed of considerations, which is permissible for pahaps or dad, but not for him.

What before I never noticed in myself - a bunch of ideas really climbs into mind. Only most of them do not pass by fear filters, laziness, winding a heap of problems for execution. In addition, it is often trite forgotten if not written. So far, I'm just getting acquainted with this energy, trying to understand it and feel it to start productively and harmoniously use it.

The magician knows how to masterly control the word, it is for him - the main tool. But it is important to know the border between "convey your idea" and "Omplify to satisfy your ego." Some magicians are inclined to fall into the demagogy for the sake of demagogy, and this is simply unconstructive use of their talents.

For the magician there is no strict rule "not to lie", as for festivals, but "do not lose," there is.

For example, I have a friend, the brother magician. Often the lack of knowledge in some kind of region (and deep academic preparation is not fundamentally important) did not become an obstacle in order to be included in the discussion, for example, historical events. Having only a vague idea of \u200b\u200bthe names of the people about which she argues, she was important for something to prove his opinion, which she did not have before the discussion before the discussion.

This ability to quickly invent, get out and influence with the help of the word could be used more constructively.

And also - Magu can not be focused on the result. It should enjoy the process, finish to the end instead of him.

I noticed a lot, only I focus on the very result, already nauseous from everything starts and all infuriates

Therefore - do, while I like it)

What if your ray of the Ministry of Communications is a magician?

As with all representatives of the basic rays (magician, festival, empress), it is difficult to make recommendations regarding a particular place of work - because the energy of ideas, clarity and love is needed everywhere. Therefore, it is especially important here that a person does. The magician, whatever he been doing, should always find constructive solutions for problems of different levels. But! Specific problems. You see, even on the images of Arkanov, the jester goes to nowhere, and in front of the magician - a table with objects, that is, a specifically defined field for activities where it creates specific things.

So we create, magicians) offer the universe your ideas, optimize, introduce a new, look for other points of view. In addition to you, no one will do.

How to interact with a magician?

Mages are usually friendly comrades. Everything is interesting for them, they tell a lot, and, of course, they have a lot of ideas.

The question is how ready you are willing to support these ideas. It will be easy for you if you are an easy-to-lift person, pick up the suggestions on the summer, even better - if you have enough strength to realize at least a small part of what the magician offers.

Even in everyday life, the magician will tell you how to revive the fading flower in a vase, how faster to get into the house and how best to spend the day off. Many misses these recommendations by the ears, and in vain - the magician knows what he says.

Mages are useful for worlds, forces work well with Papes. Not very rushing with dads that enjoy only experience. It is not clear to them how to realize something that has just come to mind, without a careful study of the issue. Incomprehensible to the stars. Stars - Comrades are serious, and they have one thing that they burn. Mages in their eyes are "scattered on trifles", too quickly light up and cool too quickly.

But the main thing in communicating with the magician, as with any other person - the desire to understand and accept it as it is. And then, maybe it will allow you to be part of his creations.

If you are interested - you can always help you help you.

The information given by me below is a very brief overview of the defold. The way I understood it.

1. It is believed that each person comes to this world with some particular mission. The alignment on the mission's beam will help to learn what kind of mission is entrusted to you by the Heavenly Chancellery. It is not necessary to consider that Taro will give you a program for the rest of my life and tell you how you should live and what to do to implement the divine idea. Not.
The alignment will tell you in which direction you should move.

2. The mission during life does not change.
The author himself says that Egregor is changing. This comes from the fact that a person grows and spiritually develops. Judging by what I read, I had the impression that people who spelling Egregore did not speak directly, but imply a certain spirit, which looks after a certain person or group of people, combined with a common idea. But something tells me that the "Spirit" egregor cannot be called)
Therefore, we will simply say that the energy is changing, under which a person goes to fulfilling his mission.

3. There are even subtlety - lateral. This is an addition to the main beam, which allows you to fully realize your mission.

4.Well cards that may indicate a mission ray in a deck 12. This is a magician, supreme priestess (festival), empress, priest (dad), power, devil, moon, star, sun, white card, fool, peace. With the scenario, all the older arcanes are used, and if the map lay down on the position of the beam, the names of which in the transfer of the radiation you did not see, then you are not yet ready to find out the mission assigned to you. If you really want, you can try to repeat in a couple of weeks. But often do not do this. Do not bring why in vain fate.
Also, it is believed that if you have already learned your mission, the lion's schedule cannot be done anymore, because the heavenly office and has already made you a gift, giving you knowledge about how you effective and happy to live.

5. Subtleties. Maps Devil and Moon are the dark rays of the mission. They, in turn, are divided into ruled and evolutionary.

  • Charged Devil and the Moon are rays that can be "split", i.e. Switch to the light side of the energy. If it succeeds, the devil becomes priest, in the moon - priestess.
  • The evolutionary dark rays are not cleaving. People living in them do not suffer very much from their "darkness", and only by the end of life, remaining in complete loneliness will understand that it seems that they did something wrong. Unfortunately, it is impossible to do and help. Yes, they do not need it.
Himself layoutit is pretty simple. It is general, which means that the cards tausch and pulls the one who is guessing.
As already mentioned by me above, senior arcanes and a white card are selected from the deck. The client is having a deck with a deck, and stretching any 7 cards to put them on the table to each other, shirt up (by the way, the Issue believes that the cards can not be just shooting from above, but you need to pull from where it fell).
Next, a tarologist is entering the alignment. Lying from above the seventh card - and there is a ray card. I remind you that if the card is not radial, then this means that you are not yet ready to know your mission. Do not be mistaken, everyone will find out when it comes. Immediately there is a visible top))
How to find out the diamond. You collect the rest of the 6 cards that were pulled by the client, tasuch with the rest of the older arcans, and ask a deck, what is the result of your client. Pull the map, and look at it. If it is not radial, you can repeat this action two more times, but no more. If all three times falls out of the ray card, you can ask a deck, whether the diagram is that the beam (yes yes, it also happens. In this case, the mission type is called "clean"), and see the answer.
If not depending on anything, you have not been calculated anywhere - again, repeat after a couple of weeks.

Very interesting alignment. When you finally find your mission ray - it is very happy) immediately arise such thoughts as "oh that's why everything always wanted to do so", and it becomes easier to self-realize.

This alignment is part of the defold on 7 bodies, its description I will lay out a little later.
Its author is also the Issue.

The only thing that I did not have it is not clear - if the client fell a dark beam, how to understand, evolving it or challenged? Nowhere for some reason there is no information. Based on the fact that about evolutionary archers it is written that they understand that somehow they do wrong only at the end of life, it can be assumed that the character of the dark beam can say desire or not the desire to change the client.

For me, this is perhaps one of the most significant information that can be obtained from tarot cards.

What is a mission ray.
Mission's beam is a man's mission itself. What he was born. This is his purpose. These are the tasks that he feel satisfied. This is what he can do (has abilities) and what he needs to do (what he is important for the world).

For which it is useful to know your mission ray.
Knowledge of the ray allows you to take yourself and your features. For example, I am Papals, - a person transmitting information. "I don't know what I know until I asked me." My business is to answer questions. Being a Pythia (like in a matrix): sit and wait until I come to me with a question and answer it. However, when I studied at school, I worried that I was inactive and not possessing leadership qualities. I went to trainings and tried to become "not myself." It is clear that I did not succeed. And it is clear that from this I was upset even more. And then the knowledge of my beam came. The buddy went to study at the tariff course and in the evening in the kitchen took the map and told me about me. About the "secret me", with which I fought for a long time. And only then I realized that my silence is my instrument, and not depression, as it seemed. It can be said that the knowledge of the strengths of his ray - inspires, and knowledge of the weak - warns and shows with which you need to work.

History of mission rays.
For the first time about the rays of the mission, I learned from the Issue Kotelnikova, which in turn indicates Blavatsky Agni Yoga and Alice Bailey and her book about seven rays. The Issue tied the theory of rays with Arkana Tarot, calculated the missing rays and understood how to determine them using Tarot's cards.

Rays 12.
Rays of Energy: Magician, Papeese, Empress
Rays Actions: Dad, Strength, Star, Sun
Dark rays: Moon and Devil
Higher rays: jester fool, peace and white card.

How the mission ray is determined.
To determine the beam, the tarologist makes the alignment of "7 bodies". If one of 12 radial cards falls in a certain position, then it indicates a human beam.
Beam has every person. He is alone and does not change throughout life. However, it is not always shown. Only in the case when a person is ready to know his beam, and when this knowledge will be useful for him. If the first time the beam did not seem, it usually means that now is not the time. What is more important to pay attention to other tasks, which are voiced in the resulting settlement. And the knowledge of the beam can now knock and distract from an important. For example, if a man has a "commander", and in the next month it is important for him to master the role of the drummer, he will probably refuse to drum and thereby deprive himself an important experience.
If the ray does not go out for the first time - the next time the beam can be viewed after 21 days when the human energies are fully replaced.

You can sign up for a consultation to determine the mission ray by mail: [Email Protected] Or on Skype: Ekaterina.shmeleva (Catherine Dickerman. Tarot). Payment through MTS, Sberbank or Paipol. You can (and preferably) to make audio recording consultation.

Cost of consultation (from hour to two hours) - 3,500 rubles.

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