Cool hour on the topic of politeness began upbringing. Cool hour on "politeness"

Encyclopedia plants 30.06.2020
Encyclopedia plants

Class hour "Politeness for every day" Objective: Development of students' skills to behave in accordance with moral standards, rules of behavior, ethics rules.

Behavior is a mirror in which each shows its face. I.G.. "Nothing costs us so cheap and not appreciates so expensive as politeness." Cervantes. - courtesy gives rise to politeness. E.Orotterdamsky. - Beware of what you do not approve in others. - Do not make another of what you do not want yourself.

In the Code of decency in the East, an old verse is given: a person who is not familiar with the rules of courteousness, which does not comply with decency, is harmless to one, but also to others; Shame falls on the heads of his parents and all persons who have and do not have any attitude towards him.

Proverbs: In someone else's house, do not be negotiated, and be friendly, to sweeten the lot, and they don't get angry, they walk to dinner, and to dinner, where we are glad, there are no student, and where we are not happy Guests walk - it is necessary to drive to themselves, I will be able to call you to call, mind and meet

The situation is the first mother and dad went to the cinema. Soon come. Natasha at home alone. Watching a music club. Call. In the doors Nikolai Ivanovich. He works with his father. Hello, Natasha. Dad is at home? Pope No, Natasha impatiently looks at the guest. Her hand on a gate jetty. Sorry. Bye. What would you do on the site of Natasha?

The situation of the second door knocked. Sergey, continuing to eat, shouted: enter, openly! On the threshold appeared ... Marina. It was a complete surprise. Of course, they are familiar. But she lived far away and studied not in his class. What should be done first? How to be with dinner: continue or leave? Is it possible to ask, why did Marina come? If she urgently needs a book that will have to search for a long time on the rack in the next room, how should I do?

Situation Third Soon, to school. The lessons have not yet been made. And my mother asked to get potatoes and rub the floor with a damp cloth. But Igor will not take it to work. In the morning I looked at him for a minute of neighbors, two brothers. And all do not leave. Played in table hockey. Coached for the detention of the criminal Bologna Tusu. Worked out on the carpet of Sambo receptions. Devastated a vase with candy. Then they found a songwriter and began to sing songs. Home to send them? What about the duty of the owner? Do the owner's debt? And lessons? And Mine please?

Dear friends. It is always very difficult to educate yourself. This does not know how to even very smart dolphins and very, very kind of elephants. But the real people brief themselves all their lives. And they begin with childhood. Yes Yes. When some boy or girl is trying to make all his might always be a polite and kind person, it means that this child has already begun to raise himself.

The commandment of owning themselves among the crowds of the confused, you swear for the confusion of all, believe in itself the unorter of the universe and the faultful to let go of their sin. Let an hour did not break through, wait, not tired, let the liars lie, do not condescend to them, they will be able to forgive and not seeming, good-friendly, generous and wise of others.

Thieme dream, without becoming a dream of dreaming, and think, thoughts not deifying, I will equally meet the success and crowding, not forgetting that their voice is false. Stay, when your word creaches Plut, to catch fools when the whole life is destroyed and again you must recreate everything from the basics,

Thieme to put in joyful hope of a card, everything that has accumulated with difficulty, to lose everything and begins to become, as before, and never regret that. Thieme to force your heart, nerves, the body to serve you when everything is empty in your breast for a long time, everything burned out, and only the will says: go!

Stay simple, chatting with the kings, stay honest, speaking with the crowd, be straight and hard with enemies and friends, let everything be considered with you. Fill out the meaning every moment, hours and days are an inexorable run, then the whole world you accept the possession, then, my son, you will be a person.

Class hour for grade 1 "School of Politeness"

Goal: acquaint with ethical behaviors; give an idea of \u200b\u200bpolite communication; Form the habit of conspilation of courtesy.

Equipment: Song "Smile", semi-deceive flowers, advice-memos for each student, signs with "polite" words.

Classroom time

Song "Smile" sounds. We sing it all together.

Teacher's introductory word

Teacher. What do you think, why did we start with the song?

(Listened to the statements of children.)

And when such a song does not sound, do we remember that to another person you should always treat carefully, warmly, kindly?

Pupils. Not always.

Teacher. What do we call a man who never forgets about it, and because everyone is easy and nice to him?

Pupils. Such a person can be called brought up.

Teacher. True, polite, brought up. Today will go talk about politeness. After all, this is one of the most important qualities of an educated person.

Politeness at school begins

To never end.

She is fixed over the years

And remains with a person forever.

Teacher. Until the XVI century, "Trust" meant "Expert", one who knows the rules of decency, generally accepted forms of expression of a good attitude towards people. Politeness is the ability to behave so that others be nice to you.

Let us try to determine which connoisseur of politeness rules. To do this, play the game "politely ignorant." If politely - clap twice, it is impolite - one.

Say hello when meeting

Push and not apologize

Help climb

fallen things -

Do not get up referring to the teacher -

Take bus tickets -

Do not give way in transport -

Do not notice mom's discontent -

Teacher. Do you always communicate with people with people with people? Name such "magic" words. (Children are called, the teacher highlights the signs with "polite" words.)

Game "Share Loudly"

Words are short of these

Everywhere heard in the morning.

They live on white light.

Remember their long time.

Even an ice boulder melts

From the word warm ... (thanks).

Severe old stump,

When hear: ... (Good afternoon).

If there is no longer

Let's say mom we ... (thanks).

Boy polite and developed

He says, meeting: ... (Hello).

When we get scolded for pranks,

We say: ... (Forgive me, please).

And in France and in Denmark

On the farewell they say ... (goodbye).

Need to know how twice two

All magic words

Per day, perhaps, times up to one hundred

I say ... (please).

Comrades! Title

In the morning in the dictionary:

Thank you, sorry,

Allow, allow,

Thank you.


What is "Hello"?

Best of words

Because "Hello"

So "be healthy".

Remember rule.

You know, repeat.

Seniors are the first word.

In the evening broke up,

Met in the morning

So, the word "Hello"

It's time to talk.

Game "Polite Hyperships"

Choose leading. His task is to find out in the voice of the spoken. Water tie eyes. One of the students pronounces some word of politeness: "Hello", "Good evening", "all the best", etc. The task of the leading is to find out the student in voice.

Teacher. Let's try to check if it is true that there are magical words. And for this, let's play in one game, which is called "Magic Flower-Seven Scenery".

Magic Flower-Seven Scenery game

The teacher takes the homemade flower - chamomile and explains the conditions of the game: the "Wizard" takes off the petal and, pretending that he throws him, gives someone at wishes with words from the famous fairy tale:

Fly, fly, petal

In the West - east,

North, south,

Come back by making a circle,

Just touch you land

Flowers can be prepared in advance.

So that children do not go away from the topic, the teacher starts the game itself, giving himself such a task. He can suggest the first to play, what words to this or another student is better to say. For example: "Sorry, Peter, I accidentally pushed you today, I'm sorry, please"; "Katya, I was wrong that I did not give you pencils today. Do not be angry with me, I will definitely share with you next time. "

Teacher. Have you noticed how "magic" words are pronounced?

Pupils. Politely, with a smile.

Teacher. Why is a smile so decorate the said word, phrase?

Let's be with you guys, we will agree that you always surround everything around, turning to them, we will give only good words and a smile. Then everyone will have a good mood.


Here is the guide of the game: at my request you are executable specific commands. How should I ask you about it? Of course, politely. And what kind of polite words can I say? We agree on an important condition: if I do not utter a magical word, then you do not perform the command. (Teacher during the game offers a variety of teams.)

Teacher. And now we will arrange a contest on the most polite.

Competition "The Most Polite"

So, the tasks are not an extra

Tasks for respect for respect!

(You can suggest discussing situations in groups.)

1. The boy shouted the passage: "How much time?" And made 3 errors, name them. (You can not shout, you have to say calmly. It is necessary to turn to the passing, apologizing for the fact that you were disturbed, and to consume polite words: "Sorry, please, could you tell you, what time is it?")

2. Two boys collided in the doorway. No way can dispay. Which of them should give way, if one is 8 years old, and another -11? (The road is inferior to one who is polite.)

Teacher. Guys! Sometimes during the change you are striking the game, but gradually, entering the excitement, start fighting. Innocent struggle often turns into a fight.

The game in the courtyard is beginning again

The boy in the game does not want to take.

Remember, Drachun-Zabyaka,

What is this game, not a fight!

Good business soccer and hockey,

Neighbors they turn into friends

And in games with friends we ourselves

Must be friends.

Long live politeness and kindness,

Long live good faces!

And let the one who is angry - shakes!

Comes, friends, happy time

Wonderful days will come -

Guys are friendly with everyone,

They will stop stopping them.

There will be no other boys

Golden years will come,

And in a clean room in dirty boots

Will never come in.

Fasten the wind fresh

Violets will bloom.

All nuneys will disappear

Forever will disappear.

Violets will dissolve

In winter, spring will come

And in school locker room

Silence will come.

Let the rudeness disappear,

Disappear forever

Let the recipes doctors

Will appear in each, in each pharmacy

Medicine from rude children.

The child is spoiled on the chair,

Noisy and stick to everyone

He was prescribed pills,

He accepted and polite became.

Break will not be children

Will not gnaw nail.

And everything will be in the world

Love such children.

Competitions for memory from magical flowers - seven specials

For you, friend, I am

Ten very important rules.

These rules are simple,

You will remember them quickly.

How woke up - get up so

The will of Leni do not let!

Petal dew washed

Soap wash you!

Dropping do not wait

Go to school on time!

Before shuting the door,

Whether all took with me - check!

At school, in the class not Sori.

Saw See - pick up!

You are the work of another respect.

Himself he called - remove himself!

Do not pull the chalk pocket -

This is my dear, no matter!

Be in clothes Neattens:

Avoid and holes, and stains!

Houses are not friends;

Kids regrets, love;

Know, good marks,

How fruits in the garden on the branch;

So that you could be proud of

Must do you work a lot!

Without politeness person

Believe me, it costs very little!

Be friendly,

Modest and attentive!

(Memo can print on flower petals and distribute to everyone.)

Teacher. What are you great! Now you can arrange a real exam. You are ready?

Exam on a polite person

This form for first-graders is very interesting. She gives them to feel like big, serious people. Questions for the exam is good to write on cards or postcards, take turns to pull out and answer questions. You can come up with prizes or special cards or any signs. Who has more prizes, he will be the most knowledgeable rules of a polite person. You can come up with for awarding medals, letters, pennants, badges, etc.

Sample exam questions

1. What needs to be done before entering someone or an apartment! (Knock or challenged.)

2. What words are pronounced at a meeting and farewell?

3. Who should be given to (visiting or in transport) the place?

4. Do you need to remove the header when I came to visit, theater, library?

5. If you ate candy, what will you do with candy?

6. Why not need to tear flowers in the forest? Why can not catch beetles and butterflies?

7. Is it possible to call polite one who offends animals?

8. Why is a truly polite person will never lie, boast, offend his friends?


Teacher. Let's repeat the words of courtesy. I read you a story, and you insert the necessary word chorus. Once Vova went to the theater. In the tram, he sat around the window and looked at the street with interest. A woman entered the tram with a little boy. Vova got up and said to the woman: "Sit down ... (Children choir:" Please "). The woman was delighted and said in voyas: ... ("Thank you.") Suddenly the tram unexpectedly stopped. Vova almost fell and strongly pushed some kind of man. The man wanted to get angry, but Vova said: ... ("Sorry, please.")

(Story can continue at the discretion of the teacher.)

Additional material

In fairy tales, fabulous heroes also talked magic words to make any other magic. Let each of you force the character of the guess fairy tale and say the necessary words.

1. With what words could you cook a tasty sweet porridge? ("Once, two, three, pots, cook!")

2. What words ordered Emele to pronounce the pike, which he let go back to the hole? ("By whining the courage, in my opinion".)

3. What words taught Pinocchio Fox Alice and Cat Basilio, arguing that they are magical? ("Krekus, Fex, Peka".)

4. With what words could cause Sivka-Burku? ("Squa Burk, prophetic canophage, stand in front of me like a leaf before grass!")

5. In the writer's writer Valentina Osseva, there was a boy named Pavlik, who recognized the magic word. What was it for the word? ("You are welcome".)

6. In the eastern fairy tale, Ali-Baba and forty robbers were magical words that could open the door to the cave. ("Sym-sim, open the door!")

7. In the fairy tale of the writer V. Kataeva "Dudge and pitcher" Magic shoe helped the girl's wife to find a strawberry on the forest lawn. What had to be said for this? ("Dudge, play!")

8. In another fairy tale V. Kataeva, the girl was presented with his wife's magic flowers-sevenicetics, which every petal could fulfill any desire. What words did it have to pronounce? ("Fly-fly, petal, in the west to the east, north, through the south, come back, making a circle. Only touched the earth, to be in my opinion led!")

From the history of words

Thank you . Where did this word come from?

In antiquity, when they wanted to thank a man for a good deed, they told him:

Save you God!

Save God turned into a short thank you. Forget this word is never worth it. There is even a proverb: "My taper not regret!"

And they say

Mom asked her daughter to wash the dishes behind her.

The girl somehow slipped the cup, and about the saucer and forgot.

Everything? - Mom was surprised. - Well, thanks and on that. And began to twist anew.

Yes, - stretched a capricious girl, - I'm doing everything for thanks. If only candy was given.

Thank you and that means: Made little, and sometimes bad, for which you should not say "Thank you."

Behind thanks, meaning: do something for just so, without reward. This is usually told with displeasure.

If in a word or case

Anyone helped you

Do not hesitate loudly, boldly

Speak: "Thank you!"

Thank you . Where did this word come from? Gratitude was often expressed and the direct word "thank you!".

It consists of two parts - good and give. Fortunately, or an old "woeful," meant "good", "good", that is, everything is kind and serving to our happiness. This kind and desired to give, or rather, to give a person for his good attitude. So it turned out to all my acquaintances I thank you.

And they say

Grandmother! Do you want me to do your own mustache - and will you become a grandfather?

No, thank you! - laughed grandma.

In this case, thank you for refusal.

Sparrow called cats,

Promised tea and crumbs.

He said: "Thank you!

I'm already fed today.

How to look at claws

So losing appetite! "

Class hour "politeness for every day"

purpose : development of students' skills to behave in accordance with moral standards, rules of behavior, ethics rules.

Registration :

1) Book Exhibition:

- "politeness for every day."

2) on the walls posters with statements:

- "Behavior is a mirror in which everyone shows his face."I.G..

"Nothing costs us so cheap and not appreciates so expensive as politeness."Cervantes.

- "Physicice gives rise to politeness."E.Orotterdamsky.

- "Beware of what you do not approve in others."

- "Do not make another of what you do not want yourself."

"Golden Rule".

- "That very man is empty, who is all filled with itself." Fidroous.

"The person has no choice - he must remain man."

"It's not so difficult to become polite, tactful and delicate, just wanting."

1 uch.

Good day! - They told you.
- Good day! - You answered.
How two threads tied
Warm and kindness.

2 uch.

Hello! - You will tell a person
- Hello! - He will smile in response.
And, probably, will not go to the pharmacy
And healthy will be many years.

3 uch.

We wish you "Good Way!"
- It will be easier to go and go.
Will lead, of course, good way
Just good to know something.

1 uch.- Do you know what date is November 21? No, and sorry! November 21 - International Day greetings! Yes, yes, greetings.

The idea of \u200b\u200bthis holiday belongs to two American young people, the brothers of McCorms, who offered in 1973 to spend the day of friendship and mutual understanding between the peoples of all countries of the world.

And even if this day, every person wishes good and happiness to close and unfamiliar people, and of course, will give them their radiant smile.

Hello children! Hello, people, we love you!

(Performed song "We wish you happiness").


BUT Would you be surprised if I said when meeting with you:

- "Be cheerful! Rejoice!. I see you!".

- "Is your cattle? Did you eat today? ".

- "Do you sweat well?". "Peace with you!".

Probably, some welcome caused you a smile? And in vain.

After all, for example, words: "Is your cattle?" - This is a greeting and wish of well-being. Indeed, in the old days, the basis of the life of the Mongols - nomads was his herd. Healthy animals - enough food - everything is safe in the family. So it turns out: wish the health of the cattle feeders - it's like wishing his health to himself and his loved ones.

And what greetings do you know?

2 uch.

Do you know that the slaves of ancient Rome have exposed overwhelmed heads.

The knights raised took heavy helmets and tightened the combat mitches.

Great Ladies squatted in deep reneranous.

Military gives each other honor.

A woman who milking a cow, spoke "the sea under the cow!".

The girl drawing the water "fresh to you."

Thousands on a hundred per day, one thousand on the week. "

Teacher:And what does all this unites?

3 uch. - All these greetings are united by one - "the wish of good and well-being."

1 uch.

Not from thrust to Suslovye
And noted yesterday,
This is fraternal with love wishes of good.
And it seems like better,
And on the heart of cheerful,
Since other well-owned wishes on Earth.

2 uch.

Bowing we told each other
Although there were quite unfamiliar.
What did we say to each other?
Just "Hello",
More we didn't say anything
Why on the droplet of the sun
Added in the world?
Why the drip happiness
Added in the world?
Why on a drip of joy
Life has done?

Teacher.In the code of decency in the East, an old verse is given:

"A person who is not familiar with the rules of courtesy, who does not comply with decency, is harmless to one, but also to others; Shame falls on the heads of his parents and all those who have any attitude to him. "

3 uch. In the old days, in Russia in the village, it was customary to greet even with unfamiliar people. But much more depends on how you greeted.

Peter - Yes, well, with these healthy - some trouble. I will soon become nervous on the street. I'm on the street only and turn my head, so that someone knows not to miss. As I see, "Hello!" shout. And I still have a reprimand: "What about what you, Petya, uncompute just horror!".

(Let's see how Petya greets )

Petya runs down the street. Hands in your pockets, the cap on the eyes is sharpened, the collar raised, the legs can be thrown into the cans. Towards him honey. Sister. He snapped on running cheerfully "Drawish", not that "stuck" and rushed forward. And she only spread his hands and sighed heavily: "They teach them, teach, but a little sense."

1 uch. "No, say hello to a person so that" the world's drip added in the world, "you also need to be able to.

Here are answered, for example, who greet the first, if they met:

Junior and senior?

Boy and girl?

Two boys? And by the way, who serves first hand?

You walk with a comrade on the street. He greeted the person unfamiliar to you, suspended. Do you need to say hello to you?

Teachers talk in the school corridor. Among them, Ivan saw his class teacher and passing by, politely said: "Hello, Svetlana Alekseevna."

Teacher. Do not tell me what an error is allowed? Or maybe everything is in order?

2 uch. - In the speech of a cultural person who knows how to communicate, must be words of politeness. Politeness - an integral quality of communication.

(The music of V. Savelieva sounds "if good you")

3 uch.

If you are polite and not deaf to conscience,
You will give a place without protest the old woman.
If you are polite in the shower, not for sight,
In trolleybus you will help to climb a disabled person.
And if you are polite, then sitting in the lesson,
You will not crack with a comrade as two forties.
If you are polite, then in a conversation with aunt,
And with grandfather, and with a grandmother, you will not take them away,
And if you are polite, then you are in the library
Nekrasov and Gogol take not forever.
And if you are polite, - someone who is relaxing,
You will be a defender, not a robe.

Teacher -Let's play speech etiquette.

(Each cards are heard)

1. Name the words of greetings.

2. Express the request.

3. What words are best to start acquaintance?

4. How is it accepted to apologize in the cultural society?

5. Are there a few words of consolation and approval in your reserve?

6. Words of gratitude.

7. How to say goodbye to people to meet you again?

8. Ira is offended: "Yesterday you, Vitya, went to meet me and did not say hello. It is impolite. "Thevity is surprised:, why should I say? You saw the first, I would greet. Who is right?

9. Olga says: "It is not at all necessary to greet with all families. Here we have a neighbor so harmful that I do not want her health to desire. What do I pretend? ". Is Olga?

10. You called you. Your reaction?

Teacher - A person is a public creature and does not live isolated from other people. He meets in a family of families with relatives, celebrates holidays with close people, invites friends and causes visits himself. And here also apply certain rules for etiquette. Many of them were reflected in Russian proverbs, for example: "In someone else's house, do not be negated, and be friendly", "Sleep the lot, and not catching off," "for lunch,", "where We are glad, there are no student there, and where we are not happy, the age does not happen, "," go to visit - you need to drive to you, "I'll be able to call for a visit, I will know and meet," "I arrived - I did not greet, I left - I did not say goodbye - they talked about ignorant Guest. "He has four corners, he is glad himself," they discussed a non-micro-refinery.

Teacher -And what do you do in the following situations.

(Distribute cards)

1. You came to visit the buddy, and he celebrates his birthday. What do you do?

2. A buddler who does not like your parents came to visit you. How to do?

3. Imagine that your buddy came to visit you, sat on the chair and broke it. Your actions.

4. You came to visit and saw that there is a unpleasant person. Your actions.

5. Imagine that in the company of comrades you tell you any story, but you do not listen, interrupt. What do you do?

6. If you have no hours, you can contact passersby on the street. How to ask a question?

7. If you called a friend, but I did not come there, then you need:

8. A woman with shopping was shled down the street. She fell one sweat, and she did not notice. But I saw a boy who walked next, what should he do?

9. If you sit and enjoy drink tea with a mint gingerbread, and suddenly your classmate suddenly comes. What should be done?

1 uch. - And now look at the scene.

After the competition, Lena said Thane: "You know, come to me today at five. I will show you your postcards and player new. Listen to music. "

Okay, - Tanya replied. - I will come.

Hours in six Lena has already ceased to wait for a girlfriend. She decided to dine, and at this time sharply and strongly called the call. While Lena went to the door, someone several times, I'm not posing for a long time, pressed the call button.

Hi, "Tanya said. - It's me. She passed into the room, threw a wet jacket and a hat in a chair and looked around:

And you have nothing. Suitable. What's this? - And she grabbed the cat statuette made from seashells.

This mother from Sochi brought. For memory.

Great done. - Tanya pressed rigorous, and the shells split.

Lena looked frightened, but said nothing. And the guest at this time is already a spit in the hands of markers, alternately trying each color on a half-written sheet of paper, which lay on the table. Then Tanya went to wander around the rooms.

How much is? And where did you buy it? She ringedly asked her torn crystal vase, macro on the wall, Ekiban on the coffee table. Ekibana she did not like.

What are all the junk in the house hold? - on the face of Tanya, contempt of the tastes of the owners.

But the dressing table in the room of the parents caused her special interest. She opened the bottle of perfume, turned him over and shook her head, until he poured almost half. Then I anointed my hands with cream, I smelled them and, saying that I smell like strawberries, I also smeared my face. Then she rebuilt into powder and, fragrant cloud scattered on the carpet.

Lena, at that time he boiled tea and invited guests to the table. That critical looked around the cups with tea, a vase with jam, the sugar, and pulled the handle of the refrigerator.

You are sausage devil, Flax: Is it a selegant, or what? And come on. I know how salty love.

And, having fun and wrapped in plenty of tea, Tanya took the jacket and cap.

Well, I went. Until. Tomorrow I will come. Yes, I have two cassettes, I look at home. I will give somehow, - and she ran along the stairs.

And you guys have no such guests? How do you feel about them?

Teacher:Let us discern a few situations.

The situation is the first

Mom and dad went to the movies. Soon come. Natasha at home alone. Watching the "Film Club". Call. In the doors Nikolai Ivanovich. He works with his father.

Hello, Natasha. Dad is at home?

Pope is not, - Natasha impatiently looks at the guest. Her hand on a gate jetty.

Sorry. Bye.

What would you do on the site of Natasha?

Situation Second

Alyosha returned from school with friends. On the way argued about who runs faster all. Sasha argued that hepard, Vitya said - Antelope. You did not have time to challenge, and the house of Aleshin. I did not want to part. Alesha offered: "Let's go to us guys. I have "life of animals" there. And eat, but I want to eat great. "

And my mother will not swear? - asked Vitya.

Well, you! She is not like that!

The boys opened Mom Alyosha. She was in an old dress, in apron. From under the jams, hair was embarrassed. In the hands of a wet rag. The bathroom worked a washing machine, and in the room where boys were held, all the furniture was shifted. It can be seen, a big cleaning began.

Sorry, guys, - we have a mess. I will now prepare you to have a snack.

The boys began to refuse, rushed to leave. The owners persuaded them to stay. Everyone was awkward, not good. Who is to blame for this?

Situation Third

On the door knocked. Sergey, continuing to eat, shouted: "Come in, open!" On the threshold appeared ... Marina. It was a complete surprise. Of course, they are familiar. But she lived far away and studied not in his class.

What should be done first? How to be with dinner: continue or leave? Is it possible to ask, why did Marina come? If she urgently needs a book that will have to search for a long time on the rack in the next room, how should I do?

Situation fourth

Soon, to school. The lessons have not yet been made. And my mother asked to get potatoes and rub the floor with a damp cloth. But Igor will not take it to work. In the morning I looked at him for a minute of neighbors, two brothers. And all do not leave. Played in table hockey. Coached for the detention of the criminal Bologna Tusu. Worked out on the carpet of Sambo receptions. Devastated a vase with candy. Then they found a songwriter and began to sing songs.

Home to send them? What about the duty of the owner? Do the owner's debt? And lessons? And Mine please?

Teacher - And now the quiz - "Is it right?

You must answer the choir, or no.

"Is it correct?"

1. In public transport, hairstyle?

2. After eating to leave a spoon in a plate?

3. Go to the theater in a sports suit?

4. Cookies and pies to take with a tray with your hands?

5. Randomly taped someone to step on his leg, politely apologize.

6. enter public transport in dirty dirty clothes.

1 uch. And now determine what is incorrectly served on the festive table.

(Time 1 minute)

2 uch. Once the ancient Eastern sage asked: "Who did you study wellness?" "At the uncompatory," he answered, "I avoided doing what they do."

Unfortunately, there are adults and children with a double standard of behavior: in humans they are alone at home - others. In school or at work they are polite, helpful. And at home with loved ones are not ceremony, rude and netthatic. Think and remember, do you not behave like this with my mother, grandmother or with younger sister? This speaks of low culture and poor education. Need to educate the culture of behavior. Have you witnessed cases of ugly behavior at school, in the theater, in public transport?

(Children share their observations)

3 uch.Yes, unfortunately, we are quite often visible by people who do not remove the headdress at the entrance to the library or theater, on the street they throw wrapper from sweets or ice cream on the sidewalk, go to the mint costume, dirty shoes, allowed rudeness, are impolitely answering questions, Pushes and do not consider it easy to apologize. What are these people called?

(Non-ultimate, impressive, uncompatible. )

(Children answer)

And now draw 1 caricature on an uncompatible gross person. The author of the most funny drawing will receive a prize. Time to perform the task is 5 minutes. (Everyone will perform the task.)

Teacher - And now listen to the chastushki.

Play-ka, Balalaika,
Balalaika three strings.
Well, remember, guys,
How we must behave.

The train includes three girls:
"Wow, how many people here!
Occupy space faster
And then grandma will take! "

Petya deftly catches fish,
Can make boats to make
Only "Hello" and "Thank you"
I can not say.

Aunt Simima requested
Sold pet on the attic.
"Sorry, aunt Simima,
I am not at all a loaf! "

Says a lazy mother;
- Remove your bed!
- I would, Mom, removed
Only I was still small. "

Kolya quarrel with friends,
Goes into the course of fists,
Usadi under the eyes
Do not pass bruises.

Teacher - And now I offer you such a task. Within 5 minutes, three groups will write their suggestions to the overall set of laws of communication of our class. As a basis, you can take the experience of all mankind. Someone will remember the commandments from the Bible, someone advice psychologists.

1 uch. Dear friends. It is always very difficult to educate yourself. This does not know how to even very smart dolphins and very, very kind of elephants. But the real people brief themselves all their lives. And they begin with childhood. Yes Yes. When some boy or girl is trying to make all his might always be a polite and kind person, it means that this child has already begun to raise himself.

2 uch. - Let's cultivate tactfulness, politeness, preventability towards other people. Let's learn kindness, the ability to distinguish what is good and what is bad. Let's talk to each other compliments.

(Performed song B.Sh.Okuzhava "Let's talk to each other compliments)

Poem "Commandment"

1 uch.

Welcome themselves among the crowd of confused,
You swear for the confusion of all
Believe yourself in the universe
And the faulty let go of their sin.
Let an hour did not break through, wait, not tired,
Let liars lie, do not kill them,
Clever to forgive and do not seem to be good
Generous and wise others.

2 uch.

Tell you dream without becoming a dream dream,
And think, thoughts not deifying,
Equally, meet success and ruling,
Not forgetting that their voice is false.
Stay good when your word
Calculates Plut to catch fools,
When the whole life is destroyed and again
You have to recreate everything from the basics

3 uch.

Quality to put in joyful hope
On the map everything that has accumulated with difficulty
To lose everything and begone, as before
And never regret what.
Cleament to force a heart, nerves, body
You serve when in your breast
For a long time, everything is empty, everything burned down,
And only the will says: "Go!"

4 uch.

Stay simple, chatting with kings,
Stay honest, speaking with a crowd,
Be straight and hard with enemies and friends,
Let everything at your time be considered with you.
Fill the meaning every moment,
Hours and days inexorable jogging
Then the whole world you will take possession,
Then, my son, you will be a man.


Teacher - And finally, our three farewells. Think over them.

Passionate first.

- "compassionaster and friend" - such an appeal was taken in letters to friends in Russia in the XIV century.

- "compassionaster" - the one who comongs, compassionates, sympathizes, the one who needs any person.

1 uch. - A part of the second.

- Shakespeare believed that a smile could be achieved more than a sword.

Want to win friends - Smile! It is estimated that 97 shades of a smile are mentioned in the works of L. Tolstoy. And how many shades do you use?

2 uch. - A part of the third.

- Imagine that you constantly observes the person you are very respectful, and therefore you do not want him to change my good opinion about you. Make all your actions under the "look" of this person.

1. Expand the knowledge of students about polite and good words, polite communication, polite speech and their application in life events. 2. To teach appropriately consuming polite words, 3. Welcome politely, saying goodbye, thank, to express a request. 4. Reliable respect for the eldest and friendly attitude towards each other.

Class hour in grade 4.

Topic: "Talk about politeness"

Objectives lesson:

Expand students' knowledge of polite and good words, polite communication, polite speech and their application in life events.

Teach appropriately consuming polite words,

Politely welcome, say goodbye, thank, express a request.

Reliable respect for the elder and friendly attitude towards each other.

During the classes

I. Org. moment. Teacher's introductory word.

- What means of communication do you know?

(Children say that "smile")

- Especially highly appreciated in communication smile. Look, almost everything in humans is intended for himself: legs - walk, mouth to absorb food, the eyes watch everything else besides smile. The smile is intended to other people so that they were with you well, joyfully, easy.

- Smile to each other.

Smile to me.

- How did it feel like?(Joyful)

I. I. Introduction to the topic of the class hour.

Eastern wisdom.

Politeness is a coin that does not cost anything, but accepting pleasure.

-How do you understand these words?

-How do you think we are talking about a class hour?

- Let's define the topic of our lesson.

- Let's talk to you today about politeness.

III. Staging a learning task

Reading a poem by a student S. Mikhalkov "Lapusy"

I do not know what to do -
I started older I am sad.
Will say dad:
- Open the door!

True her, hero! -
I'm in response angry

I answer:
- Blood himself!

For lunch, mom will say:

- Bread, lap, pass!

I whisper in response stubbornly:

- I can not. Follow myself!

I love my grandmother

Anyway, I am gross.

I love a very grandfather,
But my grandfather object ...
I do not know what to do -
I started the eldest I am sad

And they to me:
- Darling,
Eat Rather, I foghes my soup!

And they to me:
- granddae, -
Lagged, paw, on a barrel!
I am such a conversion

I hate, not tolerant,

I boil from perturbation

And therefore grure.

2. Analysis of the poem.

How can you call such a boy?

Why does he behave like this? (- The boy rudely talks to his parents, because he does not know the polite words and the rules of courtesy.

- He rustled all, because he was spoiled.

-He became rude, as he did not like how he was treated. He considered himself an adult, and he was constantly called Lapuge.

- And what expressions "feed!", "Close himself!"? Rough, ignorable, they simply need to be banned. They offend the interlocutor, spoil the mood.)

Output: It is impossible to express his resentment.

And how can we help him?

Have you had such situations?

Why do we need to be polite? (raises the mood of people, makes life easier for them)

What works mention about politeness?

IV. Children's discovery of new knowledge

-What man can be called polite? ( Polite people are educated people who follow the rules of behavior adopted in society.

A polite person is a courteous, attentive, it is easy to install with him and maintain contact, trying not to cause trouble, does not insult a word or a matter, but they do so that people who surround you are nice, comfortable - good.)

-How formed the word "polite"? (preparation of children)

The word polite formed from the ancient Russian word "Trust", with the help of the suffix "Liv". "Truck" - an expert ("Went" - know). Literal meaning of the word "polite" - knowing howlead

We'll see. What denotes the word courtesy in the ethics dictionary.

Politeness is the quality of a person for whom respect for people has become the daily norm of behavior and the usual way of communioniwith surrounding.

What is politeness? Politeness is polite speech, polite actions)

- But is there always frequent use of "polite" words, is the indicator of human politeness?

- But listen, what story happened to one boy on change:

During break

On the change, the boys were worn as a pesty. And Igor, of course, is faster. And, it is not surprising that he had hit the teacher to the teacher, almost knocking her down. Anna Vasilyevna stopped Igor and asked:

- What should I say?

- Hello! - answered Igor.

After these words, the guys laughed.

- Why did the guys laughed when Igor's answer heard?

- Can Igor be called polite, because it uses polite words in speech? (no, why?

- So in order to be polite, is it enough to use in your speech "polite words"?

- How to use them? (Right.)

V. Primary fixation

Who knows how to use magic words properly? Now check.

Picture on the face of grief, fear, anger, surprise and show your companion on the desk. Now hand "time" And sadly sadded and showed joy.

1. Ask for a pencil. (give someone who politely asked)

2.gate. (with a friend, with a teacher)

3. The student lost the phone. Your actions.

4. You came to the student on the leg. Your actions.

I am very glad that you know polite words and know how to apply them. Let me read them again.

Teacher: And now let's play.

Game "not mistaken, please"

I will ask you to fulfill the task, but it is necessary to fulfill them only when I call the "magic word".

Stand upyou are welcome ! Raise your hands!please , Praise in your hands!Fill.Jumpyou are welcome . Hands forward.

I said, hands forward!

Sit down, you are welcome !

VI . Independent work in pairs.

- pick up synonyms for word polite

Pick out antonym

VII . Situations:

one). Distribution(prepared in advance)

Hello. Who is this?


What Masha? And where?

Teacher Now listen to another dialogue.


Hello. Can I talk to Masha?

Hello. Masha no home. Does she pass something?

My name is Katya, we learn from Masha in one class. If you do not complicate, please give Masha that I called.



All the best, Katya.


What dialogue did you like more? Why?

Recall the rules for communication by phone.

(Individual message student)

1. Start any conversation from greetings: "Good day!", Hello! ".

2. Find out, whether you got, where you need.

3. Do not forget to introduce yourself.

4. Polithically please contact. Do not forget wordsplease be kind.

5. Clear the purpose of your call.

6. Do not take the phone for a long time.


Make up your phone dialog.

You called a friend, but made a mistake number.

2) Listen to the poem "If you are polite" (read prepared children)

If you
And the conscience is not deaf,
You are a place
Without protest
Old woman.

If you
In the shower, not for sight
In trolleybus
You will help

If you
Then sitting in the lesson,
Will not be
With comrades
Throw like two forty.

And if you
You mom
And help her offer
Without request - that is,

And if you
Then in a conversation with aunt,
And with grandfather,
And with grandmother
You will not overcome them.

And if you
Then you are in the library
Nekrasov and Gogol

Take not forever.

And if you

You will be a little book
In the tidy, not smeared
In the whole binding.

And if you
Someone who is relaxing
You will be a defender
Precently not timeline.

What manners and habits did you hear about?

VII I. . Total lesson

Do you consider yourself a polite person? Test.

7-8 "Yes" - you are polite

5-6 "Yes" - you try to be polite, but still need to rush

1-4 "Yes" - you need to learn a lot

IX . Reflection.

- And now, guys, I want you to assess your work at our lesson.

1 - I understood everything, pleased, became more likely, I am ready to continue further;

2 - satisfied, but I did not understand, I want to know more;

3 - I did not understand anything, not pleased.

- Attach paper berries on the court of politeness that matches your mood and your knowledge.

Polite words - raise the mood to people, talk about respecting the opposite to the interlocutor, about his delicacy, tact, sensitivity, readiness to provide a service to the one who needs it. No need to buy for good words, we must try not to upset people with your inattention.

Publication date: 16.12.17

"Nothing costs us so cheaply and is not appreciated as expensive as politeness." (M.Servantes)

Class hour in grade 5

Subject: Alphabet of politeness.

Purpose: Develop students' presentings about politeness, speech ethics and culture of communication.


Ø develop ethical norms of behavior in society and communicate with each other;

Ø develop an emotional moral scope of students;

Ø to promote the education of the culture of communication with each other, to promote the self-education of the child's personality;

Ø develop the ability to compare, analyze, summarize;

Ø collect the speech of students:

Ø develop the ability to work together in the group

Equipment: Cards with syllables, poster, epigraphs, cards, Cards with situations, Pooh text, Cards with politeness rules

The form: conversation.

Methods:discussion, workshop practices, gaming (modeling of life situations in the story game).

Form of work: Individual, group, work in pairs.

Technologies: Problem, vitagenic, moderation.

Class hour.

1. Organizing time.

2. Motivation.

Teacher: Hello guys! I'm glad to see you all! Today we go to an amazing country, it is unusual, it is not on the map, but it exists. In this country, everyone can live, but there is their own rules, their customs who violated these rules automatically deprives citizenship. So, let's try to obtain the citizenship of this country. And to learn its name, you must collect the syllables that were confused by the blow of the wind. On the table, each group lies with cards. Baister! Let's see who will cope quickly.

(Guys collect the name of the mysterious country)

I solved the mystery. Well done! What is this country?

(This is the "country of politeness").

Teacher: Wonderful! So guys, what do you think, what are we going to talk about today? What is the topic of our class hour?

(About politeness, about politeness of people to each other, about cultural communication.)

Teacher: Thank you, right. The topic of our classes - "ABC is courtesy."

What do you think is what is the purpose of our classes?

(Develop your idea of \u200b\u200bpoliteness, about speech etiquette, about the rules of behavior in society).

Teacher: Well done! Do you think guys, what tasks are facing us?

(Repeat polite words, explore the rules of polite and friendly communication with each other, learn how to use politeness words).


Teacher:Today our lesson is devoted courtesy - What you need to learn from childhood to grow real people, kind, responsive, cultural. These are very important qualities for a person. What is politeness?

Politeness is the ability to behave like this

To others be nice with you.

4. Work on speech ethics (work with a poster - "Country of politeness")

Teacher: So, on the road! I will read the beginning of the phrase, and you must finish it with a polite word (individual work).

1. Even the ice boulder from the word warm ... (Thank you)

2. Related old stump when hears .... (good day)

3. The boy is polite and developed, says when meeting ... (Hello)

4. When we get scolded for pranks, we say, sorry ... (you are welcome)

5. And in France, and in Denmark they say for goodbye ... (bye)

Teacher: Thank you, great! Everyone is well remembered polite words!

The first area of \u200b\u200bour country is called "Words of greetings."

Let one representative from each group write one word on the poster (on flower petals).

(Children write the words : hello, hello, good afternoon, good morning,

good evening, welcome you.)

Teacher: Thanks guys. Let's continue our journey. To get into another area of \u200b\u200bour country, work in pairs And remember the words of apologies and gratitude, requests and farewells.

(Children call words: sorry, sorry, to blame; thanks, thank you, very grateful, very nice; I ask you, be kind, be kind, you will not be difficult; Goodbye, forgive you

Teacher: What are you great! How well know these words! I hope that you do not just know these words, but also apply them in life. Accordingly, the region of our country will be called

"I apologize and thanks." (Sorry, sorry, to blame.Thank you, thank you very much, Thank you, very grateful.)

"The words of the request and farewell." (Please ask you, allow, be kind, be kind, if you do not care.

Goodbye, forgive, see you, all the best, while staying happily.)

Teacher: Please write these words on flower petals for each area of \u200b\u200bour country. Thank you guys, in our "country of courtesy" grew beautiful flowers of a good and sensitive attitude of people to each other. However, politeness can be expressed not only with the help of words.

4. Game Minute

Teacher: Expressing gratitude, people at different times have committed certain actions. They could walked each other in the belt, could only tilt their heads slightly, and women did a renewress.

Stand up, turn to your neighbor, smile to each other and, in thanks for a smile, bow, and let the girls make a ventrant.

Teacher: How beautiful you got! Man lives among people. People constantly affect each other. This effect may be unpleasant, painful if people do not take into account each other's interests. It can be bright and warm if they care about each other. That is why people have developed the rules of conduct. These rules are called politeness.

Lack of politeness is called rudeness. In response to the politeness of one person, another thanks .

5. Rules of courtesy (Game "Pot")

Teacher: We all need to learn to be polite to be pleasant to be in school and adults, and children. Let's open several important politeness rules for yourself - this will be our first secret. These rules are in a magic pot.

(Children go to the table, take the butterfly cards, read the rules and stick them to the poster.)

In the cards printed the rules of courtesy:

Teacher: If we think about each other, we will be polite to each other, and in response to politeness to answer thanks, then we will be all good in class, at school and in any other place.

6. Situal workshop.

Teacher: Well, let's look in practice how well you own the rules of culture of communication. (Each group receives a card with a task, time for thinking - 1 minute)

Situation 1.

After the work, Mom prepared dinner, washed the dishes and walked to wash the lingerie. Dad went to the garden to water the cucumbers. And Petya comfortably settled on the sofa and began to look at the favorite transfer "in the animal world."

A polite person constantly thinks about people around.

Situation 2.

Marina for his birthday presented a large set of marksters. The next day, she proudly showed her gift to girls in school. "I will not give them to anyone while they are new," she said to his girlfriends.

Be polite with your comrades.

Situation 3.

Kohl, ran into the class, shouted:

- Hi, gray!

- I am now, the briefcase Sveta turned the thick thump. That was funny when she fell into a puddle!

A polite person does not cause other trouble and offensive.

7. Summarizing. Reflection

Teacher:And now we will listen to the passage from the poem of S. Marshak "If you are polite" (reads a prepared student)

If you are polite
And the conscience is not deaf,
That place without protest
Save the old woman.
If you are polite
In the shower, not for sight
In trolleybus you will help
Climb a disabled.
And if you are polite,
Then sitting in the lesson,
Will not be with a comrade
Throw like two forty.
And if you are polite,
You will help you mom,
And help her offer
Without request, there are either themselves.
And if you are polite,
Then in a conversation with aunt,
And grandfather and grandmother
You will not overcome them.
And if you are polite,
You will be a little book
In the tidy, not smeared
In the whole binding.
And if you are polite, -
Someone who is relaxing
You will be a defender
Pred strong, not Robine.

Teacher: Here and approached the end our class hour. See how our "country of politeness" flourished, how many politeness and kindness in it. Let's summarize. Continue, please, the following suggestions:

1. Now I know that ...

2. Now I learned ...

3. For myself I noted that ...

Thanks for the judgments expressed.

Guys, you must remember that respect is the person who follows the established rules and standards of behavior (i.e. etiquette), does not forget that the main thing is not only what he does, but and how he It does, in what form. The same act in one case can be appropriate and beautiful, and in the other - rough and tactless. It all depends on how much we take into account the circumstances, the mood, features of the nature of the people we communicate with.

Guys, you must stay friends. When you graduate from school, you will become workers, doctors, builders, captains ... There are hundreds of professions, among them each of you will choose the one that will become the most interesting for you. But, first of all, you must grow real, good people: good, bold, polite. And this need to learn.

So what is politeness? (Opened words: respect, attentiveness, care, decency, tact, goodwill.

Long live good, respect and hardness to each other!

What is politeness?

These are words, and actions, and external manifestations characterizing a good attitude towards people. The lifetime of man characterizes certain signs of politeness, which are not exhausted only by everyday polite words. The concept of politeness deeper.

Until the XVI century, "Trust" meant "Expert", one who knows the rules of decency, generally accepted forms of expression of a good attitude towards people.

Pupil manifests itself, first of all, in the polite behavior of a person. The manifestation of politeness is not only words, but also the behavior of a person as a whole when they lead the desire to show respect and good attitude towards a person, being tactful and attentive to him.

« Nothing costs us so cheap and not appreciated so expensive as politeness. "


Situation 1.

After the work, Mom prepared dinner, washed the dishes and walked to wash the lingerie. Dad went to the garden to water the cucumbers. And Petya comfortably settled on the sofa and began to look at the favorite transfer "in the animal world."

The task:

Situation 2.

Marina for his birthday presented a large set of marksters. The next day, she proudly showed her gift to girls in school. "I will not give them to anyone while they are new," she said to his girlfriends.

The task: Comment Act a girl. How would you do in her place?

Situation 3.

Kohl, ran into the class, shouted:

Hi, gray!

I am now, the briefcase Sveta turned the thick thump. That was funny when she fell into a puddle!

The task: Comment on a boy act. How would you do in his place?

Rules of politeness

In politeness, the attitude towards other people is manifested.

A polite person always greets and says goodbye.

A polite person does not cause other trouble and offensive.

A polite person does not respond to rudeness to rudeness.

A polite person friendly and attentive to other people.

Rules of politeness

In politeness, the attitude towards other people is manifested.

A polite person always greets and says goodbye.

A polite person does not cause other trouble and offensive.

A polite person does not respond to rudeness to rudeness.

A polite person friendly and attentive to other people.

Rules of politeness

In politeness, the attitude towards other people is manifested.

A polite person always greets and says goodbye.

A polite person does not cause other trouble and offensive.

A polite person does not respond to rudeness to rudeness.

A polite person friendly and attentive to other people.

Rules of politeness

In politeness, the attitude towards other people is manifested.

A polite person always greets and says goodbye.

A polite person does not cause other trouble and offensive.

A polite person does not respond to rudeness to rudeness.

A polite person friendly and attentive to other people.

Rules of politeness

In politeness, the attitude towards other people is manifested.

A polite person always greets and says goodbye.

A polite person does not cause other trouble and offensive.

A polite person does not respond to rudeness to rudeness.

A polite person friendly and attentive to other people.

Rules of politeness

In politeness, the attitude towards other people is manifested.

A polite person always greets and says goodbye.

A polite person does not cause other trouble and offensive.

A polite person does not respond to rudeness to rudeness.

A polite person friendly and attentive to other people.

Rules of politeness

In politeness, the attitude towards other people is manifested.

A polite person always greets and says goodbye.

A polite person does not cause other trouble and offensive.

A polite person does not respond to rudeness to rudeness.

A polite person friendly and attentive to other people.

Rules of politeness

In politeness, the attitude towards other people is manifested.

A polite person always greets and says goodbye.

A polite person does not cause other trouble and offensive.

A polite person does not respond to rudeness to rudeness.

A polite person friendly and attentive to other people.

Rules of politeness

In politeness, the attitude towards other people is manifested.

A polite person always greets and says goodbye.

A polite person does not cause other trouble and offensive.

A polite person does not respond to rudeness to rudeness.

A polite person friendly and attentive to other people.

Rules of politeness

In politeness, the attitude towards other people is manifested.

A polite person always greets and says goodbye.

A polite person does not cause other trouble and offensive.

A polite person does not respond to rudeness to rudeness.

A polite person friendly and attentive to other people.

Rules of politeness

In politeness, the attitude towards other people is manifested.

A polite person always greets and says goodbye.

A polite person does not cause other trouble and offensive.

A polite person does not respond to rudeness to rudeness.

A polite person friendly and attentive to other people.

Rules of politeness

In politeness, the attitude towards other people is manifested.

A polite person always greets and says goodbye.

A polite person does not cause other trouble and offensive.

A polite person does not respond to rudeness to rudeness.

A polite person friendly and attentive to other people.

Rules of politeness

In politeness, the attitude towards other people is manifested.

A polite person always greets and says goodbye.

A polite person does not cause other trouble and offensive.

A polite person does not respond to rudeness to rudeness.

A polite person friendly and attentive to other people.

Rules of politeness

In politeness, the attitude towards other people is manifested.

A polite person always greets and says goodbye.

A polite person does not cause other trouble and offensive.

A polite person does not respond to rudeness to rudeness.

A polite person friendly and attentive to other people.

Rules of politeness

In politeness, the attitude towards other people is manifested.

A polite person always greets and says goodbye.

A polite person does not cause other trouble and offensive.

A polite person does not respond to rudeness to rudeness.

A polite person friendly and attentive to other people.

Rules of politeness

In politeness, the attitude towards other people is manifested.

A polite person always greets and says goodbye.

A polite person does not cause other trouble and offensive.

A polite person does not respond to rudeness to rudeness.

A polite person friendly and attentive to other people.

Rules of politeness

In politeness, the attitude towards other people is manifested.

A polite person always greets and says goodbye.

A polite person does not cause other trouble and offensive.

A polite person does not respond to rudeness to rudeness.

A polite person friendly and attentive to other people.

Rules of politeness

In politeness, the attitude towards other people is manifested.

A polite person always greets and says goodbye.

A polite person does not cause other trouble and offensive.

A polite person does not respond to rudeness to rudeness.

A polite person friendly and attentive to other people.

Rules of politeness

In politeness, the attitude towards other people is manifested.

A polite person always greets and says goodbye.

A polite person does not cause other trouble and offensive.

A polite person does not respond to rudeness to rudeness.

A polite person friendly and attentive to other people.

Rules of politeness

In politeness, the attitude towards other people is manifested.

A polite person always greets and says goodbye.

A polite person does not cause other trouble and offensive.

A polite person does not respond to rudeness to rudeness.

A polite person friendly and attentive to other people.

Rules of politeness

In politeness, the attitude towards other people is manifested.

A polite person always greets and says goodbye.

A polite person does not cause other trouble and offensive.

A polite person does not respond to rudeness to rudeness.

A polite person friendly and attentive to other people.

Rules of politeness

In politeness, the attitude towards other people is manifested.

A polite person always greets and says goodbye.

A polite person does not cause other trouble and offensive.

A polite person does not respond to rudeness to rudeness.

A polite person friendly and attentive to other people.

Rules of politeness

In politeness, the attitude towards other people is manifested.

A polite person always greets and says goodbye.

A polite person does not cause other trouble and offensive.

A polite person does not respond to rudeness to rudeness.

A polite person friendly and attentive to other people.

Rules of politeness

In politeness, the attitude towards other people is manifested.

A polite person always greets and says goodbye.

A polite person does not cause other trouble and offensive.

A polite person does not respond to rudeness to rudeness.

A polite person friendly and attentive to other people.

Rules of politeness

In politeness, the attitude towards other people is manifested.

A polite person always greets and says goodbye.

A polite person does not cause other trouble and offensive.

A polite person does not respond to rudeness to rudeness.

A polite person friendly and attentive to other people.

Rules of politeness

In politeness, the attitude towards other people is manifested.

A polite person always greets and says goodbye.

A polite person does not cause other trouble and offensive.

A polite person does not respond to rudeness to rudeness.

A polite person friendly and attentive to other people.

Rules of politeness

In politeness, the attitude towards other people is manifested.

A polite person always greets and says goodbye.

A polite person does not cause other trouble and offensive.

A polite person does not respond to rudeness to rudeness.

A polite person friendly and attentive to other people.

Rules of politeness

In politeness, the attitude towards other people is manifested.

A polite person always greets and says goodbye.

A polite person does not cause other trouble and offensive.

A polite person does not respond to rudeness to rudeness.

A polite person friendly and attentive to other people.

Rules of politeness

In politeness, the attitude towards other people is manifested.

A polite person always greets and says goodbye.

A polite person does not cause other trouble and offensive.

A polite person does not respond to rudeness to rudeness.

A polite person friendly and attentive to other people.

Rules of politeness

In politeness, the attitude towards other people is manifested.

A polite person always greets and says goodbye.

A polite person does not cause other trouble and offensive.

A polite person does not respond to rudeness to rudeness.

A polite person friendly and attentive to other people.

S. Marshak "If you are polite"

If you are polite
And the conscience is not deaf,
That place without protest
Save the old woman.
If you are polite
In the shower, not for sight
In trolleybus you will help
Climb a disabled.
And if you are polite,
Then sitting in the lesson,
Will not be with a comrade
Throw like two forty.
And if you are polite,
You will help you mom,
And help her offer
Without request, there are either themselves.
And if you are polite,
Then in a conversation with aunt,
And grandfather and grandmother
You will not overcome them.
And if you are polite,
You will be a little book
In the tidy, not smeared
In the whole binding.
And if you are polite, -
Someone who is relaxing
You will be a defender
Pred strong, not Robine.

In politeness, the attitude towards other people is manifested.

A polite person always greets and says goodbye.

A polite person does not cause other trouble and offensive.

A polite person does not respond to rudeness to rudeness.

A polite person friendly and attentive to other people.







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