Cashier with a fiscal drive. What a fiscal drive to buy for online box office - detailed guide

Encyclopedia plants 30.09.2019
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Fiscal drive (FN) - Cryptographic tool in online office. This is an analogue of the ECLZ in old devices. His task is to sign checks so that they cannot be faked.

Tasks of the fiscal drive

  • To form a fiscal sign and sign a check.
  • Encrypt the data before sending an OFD.
  • Decipher messages from the OFD.
  • Store information about Cashira, opening and closing shifts.
  • Store information about the checkout, the Inn, the fiscal data statement.

The cash holder can change the FN independently or contact the service center.

Requirements for the fiscal drive for online cash registers

  • The storage case must be sealing.
  • Blocked after 30 days if the opening of the open shift ceased to transmit the data of the OFD.
  • After replacement, it is necessary to store 5 years.

Companies and entrepreneurs on the basis that went to online cash offices in 2017 are changing the fiscal drive every 13 months. It also concerns sellers of excise goods, seasonal trading, payment agents and sellers that use an automatic calculation means. Simplified, UTII and services change the FN once every 3 years.

In December 2017, the Registry contains 8 models of fiscal drives with a period of operation 13, 15 and 36 months. For a complete list of registered devices, see the FTS website.

Models of fiscal drives in the registry

Can IP use the drive for 13 months?

Not. In the spring of 2017, manufacturers did not produce fiscal drives for 36 months. Therefore, the FNS allowed IP to use the device for 13 months. In a letter dated 05/23/2017 No. EF-4-20 / [Email Protected] Tax wrote that if there is no entrepreneur's faults, it is not caught.

Now the registry has models with a period of 3 years and if the special services or services will buy a drive for 13 months, they are flying them for 2000. But if in 2018 there will be a shortage of devices, as in 2017, the tax should not be fined. At the same time, the entrepreneur must prove that his guilt is not. For example, manufacturers of drives will not have time to produce devices.

Fiscal storage devices for cash
at 13, 15 and 36 months
We will advise what to choose

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Where to buy a fiscal drive for online box office

You can purchase a cryptographic agent in several ways:

  • together with the new cash register or a set of modernization;
  • separately at the regional partner of the CCT manufacturers;
  • fiscal data operator.

In the summer of 2017, FN was shortage. Entrepreneurs could not buy a fiscal drive and months stood in line. The tax was not penalized companies that concluded the contract and waited when the technique would be in stock. In 2018 and 2019, online tickets go 3 times more people than in 2017. And although manufacturers have become more, better in advance.

The average price of the fiscal drive for 13 months: 6000-7000 ₽. For 36 months: 12 000-13 000 ₽.

Formats of fiscal data

The main difference between them lies in the list of details and the procedure for their inclusion in the fiscal document. The newer format, the greater the details used and the harder structure of the document. For example, in FDD 1.0, the "feature of the calculation method" specifies, as desired, and in FDD 1.1 it is obligatory.

You can find out the FFD of your box office from the FN registry on the FTS website. If your box office works with FFD 1.0 - Update it. To do this, refer to the engineers of our TTO or by the end of 2018, change the firmware yourself. Go from version 1.0 to 1.05, without replacing the fiscal drive and without re-registration of the CCT in the tax authorities. If your box office already works in 1.05 format, nothing needs to do.

Transition of versions 1.0 and 1.05 to version 1.1 is possible only with the replacement of the FN.

How the FN is arranged

Externally, the fiscal drive is similar to the ECLZ. It consists of a microcircuit with a firmware that provides the digital signature of the checks, and the memory block for storing checks. Also inside the FN is a non-volatile timer, which is started with the first non-destined in the ICP.

In FN and ECLZ, the same connectors, but to upgrade the cash register under 54-ФЗ, it is not enough easy to insert the drive to the ECLZ place. The kit is required specifically for your CCT model. It includes equipment and software.

The law adopted in July 2016 made adjustments to 54-FZ "On the use of CCP". According to the changes made to the legislation, all commercial organizations from July 1, 197 should use a fiscal drive for online cash desks. New CCT, deciphering as a cash register technique, should transmit sales data directly to the tax. The law applies to all retail sales companies that must go to a new system since July 2018. Since the entry into force, the use of old cash registers is illegal and punishable. Delay received:

  1. Individual entrepreneurs on Patent and Paters of UTII, which can change the system of cash registers until July 2019.
  2. Entrepreneurs, in which hired employees are not used and employment contracts are not issued.

The list did not include legal entities for UNVD, working in retail and catering.

What is a fiscal drive

Online cashier - special equipment intended for printing barcodes and link links, sending copies of checks in electronic form operator of fiscal data (OFD) and buyers themselves. The online cash register has a built-in drive and can easily interact with accredited OFD. The fiscal drive (FN) is a flash drive (memory chip), which records sales information and sending it to the OFD. The latter processes the data and transmits them to the tax. FN allows the tax service to receive information about the amounts passing through the company's cashier. The main functions of the equipment are concluded in:

  1. Storage checks from sales operations.
  2. Processing information and assigning codes to each check for subsequent verification.

Fiscal drives for online CASS are removable devices that need to be purchased separately. This is a mandatory replacement for the electronic control tape of the protected used in the CCT of old samples. Connectors for connecting FN and ECLZ are the same, but they are not interchangeable.

What is the difference in online cash register without FN and with FN

Old cash regulatory models recorded data on financial transactions performed on an electronic tape, which, with a certain frequency of the company engaged in retail trade, provided in the FTS. According to modern law, the fiscal drive must be used instead of the tape. It allows:

  1. Save data on the amount of financial transactions and information about goods sold.
  2. Independently replacing the FN after its service life, and not to invite employees of the maintenance center KKM, as it was with electronic ribbons.
  3. Much less often to replace the FN, the amount of memory of which is 256 MB, which exceeds the possibilities of ECLZ 64 times.
  4. Produce about 240,000 operations without replacing the fiscal drive.

FN is a budget decision for retailers, allowing to use equipment during the year with a sales volume of up to 700 operations per day.

Important! After the expiration of the shelf life of the equipment, it must be replaced immediately. But the old FN is not disposed of. All data from it must be transferred to the tax, and the device itself must be stored within 5 years after the end of its operational period.

How to choose a fiscal drive

Types and models of fiscal drives that need to be used in modern cash registers are indicated in the official registry of the FTS. All devices have the same functional, prescribed by the current legislation. They differ by:

  1. The term of operation and flowing out of it.
  2. Versions of supported fiscal documents (FDD).
  3. Technical parameters defining the manufacturer.

The latter implies the compliance with the requirements of specific tax regimes, the possibility of processing payments when selling certain categories of goods and services, the operational term of the device.

Differences of fiscal drives for their service life

The fiscal drives used today differ in terms of their operating and version of the supported FDD (fiscal documents). Permitted equipment can be divided into three categories:

  1. Devices with a validity of 13 months that can handle fiscal documents of versions 1.0 and 1.05.
  2. Drives designed for use within 36 months and designed to work with fiscal documents of versions 1.0, 1.05, 1.1.
  3. Devices with a validity period of 15 months during the operation of the CCT in normal mode and 13 months when using the cash register offline.

According to the provisions of 54-ФЗ, the device with an operational period of 36 months should be used by companies operating on USN, ESHN, UNVD and PSNs.

FN for 13 months and more can use:

  1. Companies engaged in retail trade in excisable goods.
  2. Economic entities working seasonally.
  3. Entrepreneurs combining the tax system described above with the general one.
  4. Companies in which the CCT operating offline is used.
  5. Firms acting in the role of payment agents.

Companies that work only on the OSN can choose any equipment, regardless of its service life.

Important! If an enterprise should use a fiscal drive with a service life of 36 months, and the CBT is equipped with devices with smaller operating parameters, the tax service can apply strict penalties to it.

An attempt to save and buy a FN for 36 months (if it is permissible by law), instead of 13 or 15, is useless. It is important that the law is not yet regulated by the use of drives with a period of 15 months. However, it is more expedient to attract them to the category of devices for 13 months. Unlike the latter, the FN is characterized by a large amount of memory.

How much are the fiscal drives for online cash registers

The price of the fiscal drive depends on the service life, but to choose the equipment on the basis of the provisions of the Law:

  1. The cost of the device for 13 months on average is 7-8 thousand rubles.
  2. Equipment for 15 months will cost approximately 8 thousand rubles.
  3. The fiscal drive, designed for 36 months of work, costs about 12-13 thousand rubles.

After the entry into force, the FTS can take certain sanctions against individual entrepreneurs and companies. The fine size can be at least 10 thousand rubles or up to 50% of the total amount of revenue for the period when the equipment has already had to be used. The size of the fine for companies can reach 100% of the existed amount and amount to at least 30 thousand rubles.

Also, the new legislation from July provides for the introduction of fines for the use of cash registers when performing fictitious calculations. Individual entrepreneurs for such a violation can be fined a maximum of 10 thousand rubles, companies - by 40 thousand. For administrative responsibility, both those who have information about the product in cash checks will not correspond to the reality or transfer of data to the tax will not be performed on time. A fine for IP in this case can be up to 50 thousand, for companies - up to 100 thousand rubles.

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In March 2018, there are 14 models of fiscal drives (FN) on the market. At first glance, they differ only in service life, but it is not. It may happen that the device for 36 months will work only 15. We will tell you what a fiscal drive to buy for a particular type of activity and taxation regimen.

What is a fiscal drive and why he need

Fiscal drive (FN) - chip within the online cash register. This is an analog of the ECLZ in the apparatus of the old sample. It saves data on CCT operations, stores checks, encrypts documents that come from the operator or are sent to it.

Differences of the drive from the old eclz

What a fiscal drive to choose for different SNOs and activities

Duration of drives of drives: 13, 15 or 36 months. The digit on the box is the maximum life of the device, and it happens that it differs from the real one. For example, if the QKM works offline and does not transmit information, then the fiscal drive for 36 months will work 18.

The duration of the use of FN is influenced by 2 factors:

  • what is written in Art. 4.1 of the Law 54-FZ;
  • what is specified in the technical manual of the device.

For example, in the passport "FN 1.1 Rick" it is written that it will open 1110 days. And in the passport of the fiscal drive for 36 months "Evening", it is said that it does not work with the main tax system at all.

Restrictions on the term of work in the passport of FN Rick for 36 months

According to the 54-FZ law, the device for 36 months apply some LLC and IP:

  • services sector;
  • patent;
  • ENVD;
  • Eschn.

The law specifies the minimum life, for example, if a device is 13 months stop, you will receive a fine of 1500-3000 ₽.

The fiscal drive for 13 months is used:

  • OSN, except services;
  • sellers of excise goods;
  • businessmen in remote areas that use the cash register offline;
  • payment agents;
  • seasonal business.

Since this is the minimum validity period, these businessmen can buy a fiscal drive for 36 months instead of 13, but it is not always profitable. For example, if a restaurant, then the FN will work at 13 and 36 months equally - 410 days.

Before buying a device for 15 or 36 months, look at his passport. The model for 36 months can work for you just over a year.

Table: Duration of fiscal drives

All kinds of fiscal drives from us!
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for 5 minutes.

When it is unprofitable to buy a fiscal drive for 36 months

  • Sell \u200b\u200bthe suppression: engine oil, cigarettes or alcohol. Then the FN will work for about 13 months.
  • We live in a remote area and the CCM does not send checks of the ICD. The drive will work at least one and a half years.
  • Punch more than 200 checks per day. FN for 36 months created for small businesses. He does not have enough memory for a large number of checks. It is more expedient to purchase a model for 13 or 15 months.

Examples of using different drives

  1. Cafe on UNVD provides. FN will serve 36 months. A businessman will write a penalty if it sets a drive with a smaller service life.
  2. IP works seasonally, and by law 54-FZ can use a fiscal drive for 13 months or 36. Both devices will work out the specified period.
  3. The company on USN implements the suppression. You can choose any model, but they will all work out 410 days.
  4. SP came to the lists of terrain distant. Online box office works autonomously and does not send information fromd. You can use any drive. The device for 36 months will work 560 days (18.5 months). If IP sells excise goods, the FN will work 410 days.

How to choose a model of a fiscal drive

The storage model is the numbers in the title: FN-1 or FN-1.1. Different models work with different formats of fiscal documents.

The drive version is indicated in the title

Format of fiscal documents (FDD) - the view with which the Cashier works and the tax. There are only three formats: 1.0, 1.05 and 1.1. The more digit after the point, the more mandatory details should be in the check. For example, in the 1.0 check check, it is not necessary to indicate the "sign of calculation coming", and in 1.1 - necessarily.

The FN-1 models work only with FDD 1.0 and 1.05, and 1.1 fiscal drives support all possible formats. Initially online CCT worked with 1.0 format checks, but the tax gradually refuses. Since 2019, all entrepreneurs are obliged to switch to FFD 1.05 or higher. To do this, you will have to buy a new drive, update the box firmware and a commodity system. But it is possible that the FTS will allow not to acquire a new FN when switching from 1.0 format to 1.05.

Therefore, before choosing a drive, contact your CTO or the manufacturer of the cash register. Find out if you need to update the firmware.

Clarifications of the FNS on the fiscal drive for 36 months

MGM-FN-1 is not suitable for business

MGM-FN-1 is a reusable test fiscal drive. He does not sign checks and does not transmit information to the tax. This model is not included in the registry and is not suitable for business. MGM-FN-1 use cash desk manufacturers and software developers to test equipment and customize programs.

Fiscal storage devices for cash
at 13, 15 and 36 months
We will advise what to choose

Leave the application and receive a consultation.

Current list of devices in the registry of the FTS

To see all models of allowed FN, download the excel file from the tax site.

List of registry drives in March 2018

Price of fiscal drives

The average cost of the fiscal drive for 13 months: 6000-7000 ₽, for 36 months: 12 000-13 000 ₽.

According to the experience of 2017, we note that the closer to the extreme term, the higher the price. In the summer of 2017, the drive was impossible to buy neither the manufacturer or suppliers. Entrepreneurs waited for devices for 2 months, and prices rose 2-3 times. In the most peak FN cost 20 000 ₽, although a few months before it could be checked for 7000 ₽.

It is likely that in the summer in 2018 there will also be a deficit. We advise in February-March.

Fines for incorrect work with FN

Work at the checkout without a drive. The information is not sent by the FNS and the tax believes that you do not use CCT at all.

  • Fine for companies - 75-100% of unrecorded revenue, but not less than 30 000 ₽.
  • Penalty for IP - 25-50% of unrecorded revenue, but not less than 10 000 ₽.

The validity of the fiscal drive is lower than it is supposed. Tax finish, if you are required to buy a device for 36 months, and bought for 13.

  • Companies - 5000-10 000 ₽ or warning.
  • IP - 1500-3000 ₽ or warning.

Tax issues a warning only to small and medium businesses, if the violation is the first. Large business in any case receives. The first violation or not, the tax checks on its base.

In June 2017, due to the deficit of devices, entrepreneurs on the simplist bought a fiscal drive for 13 months, although according to the law 54-FZ should be used for 36. The tax did not write out the fines, because businessmen were not to blame against violation. In 2018, fines will be.

Let's summarize

  1. Instead of ECLZ in online cash desks there is a fiscal drive (FN).
  2. The fiscal drive valid on the box may differ from the real one. For example, a device for 36 months will last only 410 days if the businessman sells the suppression.
  3. From January 1, 2019 it is impossible to form checks in 1.0 format, only 1.05 or 1.1.
  4. FN-1 supports only FDD 1.0 and 1.05. Fiscal drive 1.1 works with all possible formats.
  5. You can see the characteristics of all FN models in the registry on the tax site.
  6. It is better to buy a device in February-March, because in the summer they are becoming more expensive due to increased demand.
  7. If a businessman is obliged to buy a fiscal drive for 36 months, but bought at 13, fine up to 3000 ₽ for IP and up to 10 000 ₽ for companies.

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