How to remove scratches on the laminate at home: effective ways and useful recommendations. How to remove scratches on the laminate? How to hide scratches on laminate

Encyclopedia plants 23.06.2020
Encyclopedia plants

Laminate has long been referred to one of the most attractive floor coverings, it can be of any color and look outwardly like a kindly rich. But together with this, the laminate is considered one of the most complex in the use of flooring. He does not like moisture, it is also quite simple to damage, accidentally dropping some sharp or heavy item on the floor. On the laminate there may be local damage in the form of chips, overlay, pulp and other defects. In most cases, the coating can be easily restored.

Positive qualities of coating

Laminate is an outdoor coatingwhich includes individual lamellas that have a multi-layered structure. The basis of such a material is a fibrous stove, which is covered with decorative and protective layers from above. The decorative layer is a special drawing - the one that gives the slasses a special color. For example, the coating of the laminate may look more like a parquet or wooden floor, imitate marble, wild stone and other materials.

Laminate is also considered popular and because of other qualities. Need to consider them a little better to understand how good it is in use.

  1. Relatively budget price. Laminate in comparison with a wooden array or a simple parquet is a bit - at least the cost for such a material is acceptable to a person with an average or low income.
  2. Easy when laying. The process of mounting such a coating occurs quickly and in a short time under the condition of the preparedness of the wizard.
  3. Easy to care for. The laminate is quite easy to clean - to eliminate pollution, the coating is enough just to spend and wipe the wet rag. It does not need to be covered with a special varnish or other composition so that it looks more worthy. The coating is particularly relevant for families with small children: stains from paint or traces from the marker from laminate are simply and quickly removed using a cotton disk dipped in acetone solution.
  4. The presence of a special locking system. The slats are combined with each other with a special lock system that helps to get almost homogeneous coating.
  5. Ease of dismantling. To disassemble the laminate, you do not need to make too much effort, because the glue when installing is usually not applied.
  6. High level of insulation from noise.
  7. Operating time is guaranteed by a manufacturer from 10 to 15 years.

Laminate will look good in the office, children's room and even in the kitchen. There is only one limitation when applying such a material is an indoor humidity indicator. That is, the laminate is not advised in the laminate bathroom, since the coating does not like water and can quickly lose its appearance - to be damaged and grow up.

Over the entire use of the coating on it, noticeable chips and scratches may occur. From this are not insured, the floors in the house even the most accurate person. Cropling accidentally on the floor knife, stuck on the heel, you can easily damage the material. But it is not necessary to get upset because of such a scratched coating - the gender is not fully needed at all, since there are many ways to get rid of such an error.

From the causes of formation on the floor, the scratches can be allocated:

As a result of damage, noticeable scratches appear on the laminate. Eliminate defects on the floor covering by two methods:

  • replacing damaged lamellas;
  • recovery with special means.

Since the first method can come far from everyone, the most optimal way of restoration of the abundant sex will be a selection of a masking agent, which will highlight the surface in the tone of the entire floor. The fact is that it is not possible to fully eliminate the scratch from the laminate. This is not an array, but a multi-layered floor material, the decorative part of which is a paper and a picture printed on it, which is covered with a protective layer of thermosetting resin. That is why you can only hide the hole, chip and other possible damage.

What funds can be found in the modern market Construction chemistry and laminated means?

Pigmented solid wax

Special repair sets are used to eliminate chips and scratches. They include:

  • small bars of the mineral wax component of high density painted in different shades;
  • PVC spatulas or scotch-bright to eliminate excess means.

Since waxes are distinguished by their good adaptation to any coatings.They are well suited to restore materials and furniture from wood, DVP, MDF, chipboard, plastic and plywood. At the same time, they seal surface and deeper scratches, chips, creating a wear-resistant, elastic coating that withstands the impact of direct sunlight and temperatures up to minus twenty degrees Celsius.

The method of using a marker is pretty lung. The laminated floor is necessary to clean well from fragments, dust and other dirt. With the help of a special electric soldering iron or a lighter, the edge of several or one bar need to melt (the temperature is not less than +110 degrees Celsius), mix and apply for a deformed area. After frosting, the excess remains can eliminate the spatula.

Toned small wax crayons

Many can not understand how to make scratches on the laminate. A mixture of mineral wax compositions will be the best choice for an unloaded surface, which are compressed in cylindrical bars. A mixture is created to carry out inside the room, effective when working on an array, laminate from chipboard, MDF and plywood. The main advantage is comfort in use. To do this, you only need to lift the damage place, eliminating the spatula or a cloth, polished. You can combine several pencils at once to get a more suitable color palette. Melting temperature reaches 60 degrees Celsius.

Repair compounds of a semi-liquid type

How else can you close the hole in the floor, restore damaged edges, blows and deep chips? For this purpose, special reserves, which, after polymerization, create more stable coatings protected from abrasion, chemicals and liquids. Polyester compositions are one or two-component synthetic resins (acrylic, epoxide and other). Usually it is white or colorless fast-drying grouts that can be painted in the future.

Aqueous filling mixtures are single-component. They go on sale in the form of one or more shades (there are 24 tones). To get the desired color you can mix the products among themselves.

All drugs are suitable for laminate, parquet board and furniture, which is inside the room. Application outside the house is allowed only during subsequent lacquering or staining. The use method is simple - chip either hole in the parquet is filled with twin, after the mixture neatly and evenly equals the spatula. Excessive remnants of the means are best removed by special scotch-bright or grinding paper.

To restore small blowers and scratches on the laminate one hand movement, use a special color retouching felt-tip pen or a corrective agent. With their help, you can easily disguise small surface damage, as well as darken the edges of the chips and holes before applying the layer of sealant, putty or special wax. This tool is considered very comfortable and accurately useful in every home.

Main advantages:

  1. A thin corrective brush or a marker rod helps to accurately process all defects, without divorce or waste.
  2. Dries very quickly.
  3. Continues to maintain a shade for a long time.
  4. It has the property of frost resistance and packaging tightness.

Enamel and varnish color

When defects on the surface of the laminate, the user must remove the protective transparent layer - overlay. The floor is restored with:

If there is a large number of small or significant damage on the floor, it is best to completely replace the defective area. For this there are two ways:

1. Floor renovation. If you have no more spare slats, start looking for more suitable lamellas. The main thing is to completely coincide the shade and the pattern of the coating, and the locks, if necessary, can be easily adjusted with a sandbumaga or a special saw. Remove the plinth, after disassemble the laminated parquet to the replacement site. On the reverse side of each removed lamellae without fail. Slip the number to after collect everything in the reverse order. Remove damaged plates, install new, excluding everything, even small gaps. Collect the remaining canvas and mounted the plinth back. For sealing joints, use sealing drugs.

2. Replacing a defective board. Floor clean the vacuum cleaner, prepare the necessary materials:

  • new strip of laminate, carpentry and glue-sealant;
  • bulgarian or circular slab;
  • pencil for laminate from scratches, construction knife and pressure tape measure;
  • vacuum suckers, scolding and painting.

If there is no additional material available, you will have to change the damaged fragment on another, removed from the invisible section of the floor, for example, from under the furniture. Scratch will be simply hidden from the eyes. You can make a permutation in the room to hide the flaw.

ATTENTION, only today!

Different materials can be used as an outdoor coating. The most common is laminate. It is quite easily mounted, it is inexpensive, standing to the effects of various substances, durable and

Calculator calculating number

Has a long service life. The laminate will make any house cozy and clean, it does not have to overpay. Therefore, many Russian citizens choose it.

Despite the high wear resistance, during its operation, problems may arise. One of the most common appearance of scratches that spoil its external look. In addition, it becomes vulnerable to the impact of moisture, which can leak into the resulting cuts and lead to the sparrel of the entire material.

Scratches on the laminate: what is the reason?

The main reason lies in the wrong use. Basically, they appear due to the movement of furniture. This process must be carried out in an elevated state of objects. If you do not comply with this rule, but to pull on the floor covering, then damage is not avoided. Since the furniture is sufficiently heavy and has sharp legs, which can easily break the durable laminate. Damage can be of different depths and they are clearly visible. Even minor manifests with white coating stripes.

And here many owners arise quite a logical question, scratched laminate - what to do? There is an option to replace the new one, but this procedure is quite expensive and many have no such means. Then it is necessary to restore the former type of sex on their own.

Ways to eliminate damage to laminate

They scratched the laminate - how to fix the increasing conditions do not know? We will help you figure it out. There are several simple ways. They are proven in practice and act.

First you need to determine the depth of damage. They are divided into deep and small, as shown in the photo. Depending on this, it is possible to choose an individual method for restoring the former type of laminate.

So, if the scratches are small, then you can use the wax pencil. When it is selected, it is necessary to guide the color of the floor covering. They must be one tone. This method is quite simple and does not require special knowledge, can be performed at home. It consists of performing such steps:

  1. Remove dust and dirt from a coating and a plot where scratch appeared. To do this, you can use a wet napkin;
  2. Let dry;
  3. Apply a pencil on damage. It is carried out carefully throughout the scratch from beginning to end. Wax must completely paint it;
  4. Give to absorb It will take a little time, just 5 minutes;
  5. Polish the surface. This is perfectly suitable for a soft cloth napkin.

After these events, the scratches will not be seen. It will not be hurt, not only guests, but you will overcome, where she was. Thus, the appearance of the laminate will be restored without significant cash costs. Such a pencil is quite inexpensive.

If there is deep scratches, then with their elimination it will be necessary to tinker. This work is a bit more complicated, but it is possible. It will be necessary to contact the firm that is engaged in the production of laminate. She took care of solving such unpleasant situations. Since they took into account any possible violations of the rules of operation. There is a special set for repairing floor coverings. It includes the main elements that will help in solving this problem. This is a putty and a pencil from wax. Also attached instructions, adhering to any scratch.

This repair must be made as carefully and carefully. It consists in carrying out such works:

  1. Cleansing from dirt and dust of floor covering and location of damage;
  2. Applying a small amount of putty on the scratch with a spatula;
  3. Removal of excess mixtures. To do this, you can use a wet cloth;
  4. Give dry putty;
  5. Wipe with a dry napkin;
  6. Apply a wax pencil. It will paint scratch and compose its color with the main one.

As practice shows, there are such scratches that belong to the category of hopeless. To eliminate them, it is necessary to apply more to theoretric measures. The laminated coating itself consists of planks, which are stacked in a single whole. In case of damage, you can simply replace it with a new one. In this case, it is not necessary to replace the entire design, it will remain the same. But the main thing is that the strips are not glued, and are interconnected using special locks.

There are several tips that will tell how not to scratch laminate with furniture. To do this, you can sing a soft rug. It will protect him from mechanical damage. It should also move it correctly. It is better to do this, the raid heavy items, even if not at high altitude, but at least one or two centimeters. You can say even moving. Thus, the furniture will not touch the laminate. And then gently put it in the desired place.

Also better to fasten soft nozzles on the legs of the furniture. They will reduce the pressure on the floor, which over the years is enhanced. This leads to the appearance of dents on the laminate. If there are such additional protective elements of such a process, you can avoid.

While removing dirt from the floor it is better to use soft napkins. Since rigid or metal brushes can damage it. This will lead to the appearance of scratches.

Of course, tips, how to restore scratched laminate at home, you need to know each owner. They will help preserve comfort and comfort in the house. At the same time, the appearance of all its components will delight for more than one year. And there will be no need to spend huge money on new repairs. Simple procedures to eliminate any defects will help. To do this, it is better in stock at home to always have the necessary repair kit.


If you know how to move the furniture, not scratching the laminate, you can provide its long service. At the same time, its appearance will be ideal as soon as after laying. This will certainly delight everyone.

Laminate is one of the most popular flooring, they have recently all more often covered rooms, corridors and even the kitchens and public premises. He has several positive qualities: reliability, durability, infant eye appearance. But over time, he, like other flooring, is wears. There are also different unexpected situations, after which defects appear on the floor, which I would like to get rid of urgency. You need to pick up the most acceptable way to remove scratches on the laminate.

Causes of chip

Before rebuilding the appearance of the appearance of the coating, it is important to understand the level and factors of damage.

  • Small disadvantages have every chance to appear due to the elements of dust and sand of a small size. They will not harm the intrinsic basis of the material, but over time, the appearance of the appearance and reduce the protective qualities of the coating;
  • Deeper dents and scratches are formed by heels, other shoes with solid soles, as well as from claws of your pets and drops of various items. In this case, it is necessary to proceed as soon as possible to close the chip, as it is possible to penetrate moisture inside the board and the further damage of the laminate.
  • The most significant damage occurs after the installation of furniture, its movement. Very often, damages occur at the workplace or dining table, as chairs are constantly moving, and because of this they can scratch the floor. In all these cases, it is much more difficult to correct the situation.

What to close?

There are several ways to hide scratches.


The wax pencil (chalk) is one of the most simple in the use and budgetary materials. It has many different shades, which will make it possible to choose the necessary for you without much difficulty. Helps to extend the service life of the coating. It can be stored for a long time and easy to use, but it is able to cope only with minor, but noticeable scratches.


If damage is more significant, then you can use the paste. There are several types of putty, which differ in consistency, and therefore, according to the method of working with them. So, there are solid pastes (they are sold by briquettes), pasty (they are stored in tubes) and powdered. When choosing a paste, it is better to bring a small pattern of laminate to the store in order to make it easier to pick up a kel. If you want to restore the pattern, you will have to take a few shades.

Repair kit

For people who have no free time, there is a special repair kit. It includes a spatula, pencil and putty (grout), but depending on the manufacturer, the equipment may vary. Such a set is recommended to buy immediately after purchasing the coating itself, so that later I did not have to look for it in stores.

Screw tools

If the above methods are not suitable for you, you can use hot mastic or natural wax. The latter is mixed with a suitable cream for shoes. Also, acrylic varnish can also be used to process laminate floor. With it, scratches are removed from glossy laminate. The varnish must be carefully applied to the area with damage, it is not recommended to go beyond its limits.

How to remove?

Thanks to the pencil, small gaps and light loss can be easily fixed with their own hands. Due to the fact that in any store there is a fairly wide range of colors, problems with the selection of the shade will not arise.

You can lure defects without unnecessary trouble both on light and on a dark laminate:

  • Carefully clean the damaged place from the seatic and the smallest particles;
  • Wipe the surface with a dry soft cloth to get rid of unnecessary garbage;
  • Paint the loss of the working surface of the wax chalk;
  • Wipe the extra material with light movements. In no case do not overdo it, otherwise we will erase everything. Then you will have to reinstall all the work.

Thanks to the paste, you can independently repair the floor at home. It does not matter what the structure of the putty, when working it requires special accuracy and attention. During the restoration of the floor with solid pastes, it is worth paying attention to texture and color: to achieve the necessary shade, you may have to get a couple of three briquettes of a different flaker. Comparatively liquid grouts are packaged in plastic tubes that have a wide range of volume in volume.

Method of using paste Next:

  • Clean the surface thoroughly dry;
  • Neatly smeared scratches on the laminate;
  • If the grout is solid, then the surplus wipe with a sponge of soft material and polish the desired plot of rigid. If the paste is more viscous, then you need to clean the repair point of a slightly moistened sponge, after - a rag.
  • Leave until it dry. The processed area should dry in a couple of hours. The paste can also be used to eliminate small dents (if they are completely lungs, then wax chalk is suitable).

Depending on what is included in the repair kit there are different ways to repair the coating. It is also possible to correct defects of different difficulty levels without spending time searching for several means. The principle of work depends on the fund you use. This is described in other items in this section. It is recommended before applying the means around the defect to glue the construction scotch strips. They do not allow excess material to get to the floor.

There is also another way to eliminate damage to the laminate - superhard wax, which is sometimes included in the repair kit.

This operation should be carried out with the help of a special smelter:

  • A pointed stew of the spatula to process the edges of the scratch to eliminate all the jan;
  • Plot to clean and degrease;
  • Pick up wax in consistency with the kel; If you want to restore the drawing, you will have to take a few shades;
  • Preheat the smelter (in the case when the wax smoke, you need to cool the smelter);
  • Fill the choles with a little snuff, because after drying the wax "sits";
  • Wait 30 seconds and remove the remaining ribbed side of the spatula;
  • The surface that has just been processed, clean the sponge for polishing;
  • Cover the lacquer area in order to enhance the protective properties of the coating.

The main thing is that the previously listed methods are temporary and good only when eliminating small and shallow chips and scratches. It is very important to eliminate damage as soon as possible, because moisture can get inside the material. Then the deformation occurs, which is difficult to eliminate. In this case, it is easier to replace the boards with a defect.

If suddenly your apartment flooded, it is almost always (in 90% of cases) the floor in the affected room must be completely overlapping, especially if you chose a cheap laminate. There is only one possible way to keep the material - dismantle and dry carefully. But the laminate does not always return to the initial state.

Replacing the board

If the consequences are so strong that the listed methods are not suitable above, then only one option remains - replacing the board. The closer the lamella with a defect is from the wall, the easier it is to change it. It is possible to do it only with a partial dismantling of the floor. If the laminate was assembled using glue, then problems can occur with the removal of the lamella.

First of all, you need to purchase the board of the right color. Next, everything is determined by the type of your laminate. When replacing the lock board, it is necessary to divide the carefully clamps, in order not to damage them. It is necessary to dismantle the coating from the periphery to the damaged lamella and collect in the reverse order. If your laminate was mounted with glue, then the shift of the board on the intact will take much longer and forces. Often he does not justify the funds spent.

There is such an option: remove a plot with a defect and embed there "Pack", but this method does not allow to achieve the desired result, since it is quite difficult to achieve the ideal similarity with the rest of the slave. But if you still want to use this method, the actions algorithm is reduced below. To work, you will need a plank of the desired shade, a sealant, holding a device with vacuum suckers and a bulgarian for cutting.

  • Purchase laminate of a suitable shade;
  • Using a pencil, draw the circuit of the required site;
  • With the help of a grinder to cut the board according to your drawing;
  • Not to the end of the cutting areas to finalize the chisel and the hammer;
  • Cropped pieces carefully, in order not to break the locks of adjacent slats, remove;
  • The draft floor is diligently cleaned from garbage;
  • Have a new board on one side to remove the lower castle;
  • Then remove the side locks;
  • Tracing using the sucker board to the prepared place, and then remove. The main thing - make sure that the new part is suitable in the figure and size;
  • Apply a sealant along the periphery of the excavation. The main thing is not to overdo it with him, whatever I would have to clean a lot of surplus;
  • Carefully install and press the lamella ship. The glue dries during the half an hour, during this time it is impossible to affect this surface;
  • After the slide residue passed, remove the spatula thoroughly. After the glue was removed, the board must be pressing for weights again and leave for 12 hours.


The main thing is that no restoration does not help if the floor covering is incorrectly operated. It is better not to load laminate initially once.

In order not to constantly repair and mask damage and spend on it precious time, as well as extend the service life, there are several very important rules:

  • Laminate is unstable to the effects of moisture. When washing floors should not be remarked with the amount of water, since there is a great risk of deformation of the coating, especially if the water falls inside to the core of the board.
  • It is better not to lay a low-class coating in places where there is a constant risk of damage (in the hallway, children's, living room). Also, do not save on the laminate, low quality material will be in disrepair much earlier, and in this case you will again have to replace all the coverage.
  • It is recommended at the entrance to lay a rug. Then dirt and dust will not spread further into the room. The mat under the computer desk prevents the wear of the chair on the rollers.

Laminate is used as an outdoor coating for many years. Its popularity increases every year.

And it has its own reasons:

  • Laminate has good wear resistance and has a more democratic price compared to parquet.
  • It does not require special care, varnishing and painting. All that is needed is to fulfill the usual cleaning. And the antistatic coating also helps, the laminate does not accumulate dust and dirt. Spots from the paints, the marker can be easily removed by acetone.
  • Laminate has excellent believable imitation of wood, stone, marble. It can be treated not only at home, but also in offices, shops, cafes. A variety of color range allows you to choose exactly the drawing and color that the interior is necessary.
  • Installation is one pleasure. You just need to insert the plates into the locking mechanism.
  • Good sound insulation. If necessary, you can drain waterproof laminate.

The warranty period on average for ten-fifteen laminate. During this time, can anything happen: and scratching is formed, and dents.

Embossing scratches wax

What to do when scratches appear?

If it happened, and scratch formed on the floor, you should not immediately transfer the entire floor .

Let's look at how to remove scratch on the laminate.

This problem can be solved both personally. One of the easiest and most affordable ways.: This will require and apply it to a problem. You can then polish the place with a dry cloth. And all - scratches as it did not happen.

What else to smear scratches on the laminate? You can make it wax. Wax is used as a reducing agent. It is used if the damage is small, left by dust, water, sand.

And creates a special protective film. But lacqued laminate should not cover, because under varnish, small irregularities and defects appear even stronger. The wax layer will continue to protect the laminate from scratches and damage.

Read more: How to wash the laminate - we understand together

Repair of deep damage

So makes the smear of scratches on the laminate

Deep scratches and dents left after rearrangement of furniture, it is more difficult to smell from heel.

But still, we will examine how to eliminate such damage.

The answer is simple: You can smear them with a special means. To do this, the surface of the floor should be carefully cleaned from dust, fat and dirt, dry. Then, with the help of a special spatula, apply smear defects.

We advise you to ensure that the putty is only on the surface of scratches or dents, it is not worth "crashing" for the edges. If it happened so that the putty fell on the surface, then it should immediately wipe it. After all, after drying it, remove this material will be pretty problematic. It is necessary to scrape it, which can lead to new scratches.

You can buy it in any construction store, consult with the seller. It is most often sold in the form of a powder. It should be breeding strictly according to the instructions. After applying it is worth the waiting for complete drying. This is somewhere 30-60 minutes, it all depends on the scale of damage. After drying, the repair point should be polished with a dry soft cloth.

Modern people are very busy, time is definiciently lacking. So it was for saving time a special repair kit was created.

Use the repair kit

We remove scratch on the laminate with the repair set

Repair set for laminate from Quick-Step includes putty, spatula and wax pencil.

The location of damage is thoroughly cleaned from dust and dirt, the strips of construction tape are glued around the scratches, in order for the extra part of the smelting to the floor. They apply a mask or wax pencil and are waiting for the amount of time.

Read more: Floor insulation in the house sawdust: all for and against

The color of the set is selected respectively to the damaged floor. It will be very simple to do so, because the color of the putty and the wax pencil is almost identical and correspond to many colors of the tree or stone.

All of the above methods are helping if the damage is small, not deep.

In the case of a hopeless state of the laminate board, paint scratches or remove them, most likely will not work. Here you need a radical method - removing the entire damaged board.

Do not be scared: This process is not complicated, unless of course laminate on the glue and if the damaged board is not in the middle of the room, but closer to the wall.

The work is as follows:

  1. You need to carefully remove the plinth.
  2. Disconnect all the planks that are before the damaged place.
  3. Disconnect the damaged bar and replace it with a new one.
  4. Collect a re-disconnected coating.
  5. Attach the plinth back.

Work will take no more than two and two and the floor will be anew and beautiful.

It will be problematic to get the bar of the required color. After all, in stores, the laminate is sold by packages and "one by one" no one will sell it.

In this case, they advise when laying, to acquire one package more: just to solve such problems.

When leaving for laminate, it is not necessary to use metal brushes, scrapers and aggressive alkaline. For washing such floors, special fluids are sold, which include polishing oils. They carefully clean the surface of the laminate, without applying harm to it.

Spots from chocolate, feltwaster, lipstick can be removed slightly moistened in acetone with a soft cloth. Footprints from chewing gum, wax candle needs to be removed by waiting for complete solidification. After that, you need to carefully pose the edge of the chewing and rejuvenate it from the surface. If a stain remains, it should be wired by acetone and then wash the floor with a squeezed cloth. The laminate floor is always brought to complete drying, so there is no visible water divorce.

From furniture, drops of something heavy or acute or for some other reason on the laminate remained non-accurant scratches? Not a problem! As a rule, at home, they are easily able to eliminate or at least make much less noticeable.


The best way to cope with damage to the laminate is to prevent their appearance. Scratches on the laminated floor covering appear from the mechanical exposure to sharp objects, whether the hard shoes, the feet of furniture, falling from the table a knife or something similar. Accordingly, it is important to prevent or at least minimize this impact.

  1. It is recommended not to walk along the laminate in dirty shoes and regularly vacuuming and wash the floors (since it scratches not only sharp objects, but even small sand-like dirt).
  2. The ladies should abandon walking on the floor on sharp thin heels. If so you need to be in elegant shoes, you can always choose something less harmful to the flooring and, moreover, more stable.
  3. On the feet of furniture (especially massive), it is better to make soft linings from felt, felt or similar material. In small places, it is possible to restrict ourselves to the underlying of linoleum pieces or, for example, an old rug.
  4. With a large pavement of the room (frequent walking of a large number of people), it is worth choosing a stable to such intensive exposure to the laminate and, if possible, further protect it with carpet laying.
  5. You should not use abrasive detergents during harvesting and unnecessarily rigid brushes.
  6. Under the frequently movable furniture (lightweight courses, office chairs, etc.) It is worth putting almost imperceptible transparent polymer mats or use soft rubber rollers.
  7. The wax pencil is always kept at hand to remove scratches immediately and prevent them from.

Remember that preventing damage to the laminate is easier than then thinking how to renovate it.

How to remove scratches on the laminate?

The technologies for the manufacture of laminated coating and applying a color pattern can be different. But in the matter of repair work, it almost never plays roles: how and how to smell scratches on the laminate, depends mostly only on damage sizes.

The tiny losses that have not yet turned into full scratches and are minor to the eye, but are felt on the touch, you can tone with a color marker, as well as varnish or enamel on a suitable shade. Varnish is also useful as an finishing protective layer with more serious repairs.

Wax pencil

This method is well suited for small both in depth and by the length of damage to the floor covering. Ordinary wax pencils (or chalks) can be found in almost any office of the office and goods for creativity, specialized formulations for woodwork - in profile stores. The color range of such products is quite extensive, therefore, even to an exotic variant of the laminate, something suitable will definitely be possible.

All that should be done before removing scratch in this way - wipe from dust and degrease the repaired floor section (for example, alcohol). Next, you need to richly grasp the scratch of the wax pencil and polish this place with a soft tight fabric.

Did not find a suitable wax chalk and still decide how to smell scratches on a laminate? Not a problem, as an alternative way is suitable for a conventional shoe cream with a high wax content in the composition. They can be completely replaced with a pencil, and mix with it to obtain optimal color.

Wooden putty

This option will have to resort if the damage to the floor covering is quite large and deep.

Produce putty in three forms:

  • solid (in the form of BROs);
  • pasty;
  • powdered.

Which option from these to choose to restore the laminate, does not matter. It is only important that the putty is designed for woodwork and approached the flooring in color. By the way, mix different shades of the same spacion mixture to obtain the optimal tone is quite valid. But it is advisable to do it immediately before removing scratches on the laminate. Then the mixture will not have time to frozen or burst, will have a uniform color and optimal consistency.

Scratches on the laminate - how to remove putty correctly:

  1. The plot near the scratches is purified from dust, garbage and contamination, degrease (alcohol, acetone or something similar).
  2. The putty is bred in the proportions indicated on the package (if it is not purchased in the finished form).
  3. The area around the scratch with a painting ribbon or tape to protect the floor from the mixture to enter the mixture.
  4. The scratch is filled with putty with a flexible polymer spatula (in no case do it with a rigid plastic or metal tool, it scratches the floor even more). If this is not, a piece of thick rubber is suitable or even a finger.
  5. The floor is cleaned from spacure surplus.
  6. It is waiting for the full drying of the aggregate and polish this plot with a dry soft cloth. If necessary, you can additionally apply a thin layer of matte varnish or transparent wax.

Repair kits

Such sets are a convenient comprehensive solution to restore the laminate, but not all manufacturers of this floor covering are produced. Typical set composition: one or more wax chalk, putty packing and rubber spatula for applying it. Perhaps, at a price, such a kit will cost and slightly more expensive than the purchase of all its components individually, but is guaranteed to be suitable for color and texture to a specific type of laminate.

Waxing chalk and putty should choose a little longer shade than the floor itself. Applied to laminate in a small amount of a thin layer, they are just comparen to it in color.

Replacing the upper layer

This option is suitable exclusively for flooring made by caching - in other words, by sticking to the base from the chipboard of the cleaved paper. Such a material is not particularly durable, but to repair it easier.

In order not to make mistakes and not spoil the floor even more, it is necessary to accurately make sure that the floor covering is really cached. For this, before removing scratches from the laminate, it should be examined attentively. Well, if somewhere in the closet there remained a small cutting of the coating on which you can pre-experiment.

Repair order:

  1. The old layer of paper is neatly removed (from all over a plank or only from a small area - depends on the size of damage).
  2. If the scratch is deep and hurt the chipboard - it is filled with putty (not necessarily suitable color).
  3. From above on the glue on a tree (PVA or analogs) glue a piece of wallpaper or decorative film suitable on color and thickness.
  4. After drying the glue, it is desirable to apply a layer of transparent varnish, this will significantly extend the service life of the homemade coating and will harden it.

Replacing individual associates

In particularly launched cases, when removing scratches is not possible, the damaged laminate band remains only to change. If already much time has passed since its laying, then a great chance is not to find the desired type of coverage on sale. Therefore, in order not to suffer and do not try to pick something like a similar, flooring should be initially acquired with a slight margin and not throw out surplus immediately after laying.

But if there is no spare plate left, and it does not work for sale in color, you can not resort to tricks. A scratched plate or its not quite identical to the color replacement can be shifted, for example, under a massive cabinet or a bed, where it will not be visible at all, but in its place to place a whole intact strip, which has previously lying under furniture.

The laminate replacement occurs according to the following algorithm:

  1. dismantling the plinth;
  2. selling floor covering to the right place;
  3. reverse assembly and installation of plinth.

If you disassemble all the floor covering for some reason it is impossible, that is, the way to replace locally is to cut a damaged area and put a new board in its place. This is done as follows:

  • At a distance of 1-2 cm from the edge of the dismantled board are placed and dried with an interval of 20-25 cm holes.
  • Through the holes of the lines.
  • On the markup, the old board is cut with a circular saw.
  • All sawdust and other garbage carefully clean.
  • The new board is cut off the bottom of the castle.
  • On the perimeter of this new strip of laminate, carbon black is applied.
  • The board is fixed, pressed with severity, remove the excess glue over the floor of the floor.
  • For at least the day they try not to step on the board and do not move it.

Let's sum up

The scratch on the laminate is not at all reasonably hiding the floor under the big carpet, put the furniture or plan to change the change of all floor coverings. Usually such damage can be repaired with wax chalk or specialized putty for wood work. And so that the need for repair occurred as less as possible, it is worth being careful and minimizing mechanical effects on the laminate.

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