How to make an individual horoscope yourself. Horoscope by date of birth

Encyclopedia plants 11.10.2019

I think you will agree that in the life of every person there are special days. You have a business meeting on this day, you get a new job place or ask for an increase to the salary. Or maybe make a proposal of hands and hearts? Of course, you want everything to go smoothly, and therefore you just can not worry. What do you say? How to proceed? If you determine the vibration of this particular day and the strength you get, you can only consider your tactics and - you can relax, with consciousness that you control the situation.
So, to determine the personal number of the day, you should add the following numbers (remembering that numerology operates only with one-time number from 1 to 9, that is, January corresponds to 1, September - 9, October - again 1 and so on):
number of the month of your birth;
number of day of your birth;
number of this year;
number of current month;
The number of the current day.
For example:
You were born on March 2. Suppose you want to know the vibration of such a date - September 8, 2014.
You should make the addition of the numbers of the month, day and year: 8 + 9 + 2 + 0 + 1 + 4 \u003d 24 \u003d 2 + 4 \u003d 6.
Then you need to fold the number "6" with the numbers of the month and day of your birth.
6 + 2 + 3 \u003d 11 \u003d 1 + 1 \u003d 2 - personal number of the day.
Do not forget that only a day continues personal day, and you need to re-identify vibration with dates.

Number of day 1.
The number 1 always means the beginning: in this way, it is a wonderful day for some kind of activity, for the realization of something conceived. You will be wary in the morning, full strength and ambitious plans - you are ready to start the day, and today you will exceed everyone in the world!
Forgotten the congestion of the previous nine-day cycle - you "turned over the page", you are resolutely configured to ensure that the coming new nine-day cycle brings you success. It's really nice - to know that you can start all over again and again try the strength there, where you faced the failure.
The unit is invariably vibration of enterprise, and therefore dedicate all its time and the energy of the implementation of some major task, regardless of whether you are big business or not. If you are on a guideline, any creative ideas that arise from you can be implemented without delay. If you take a subordinate position, the spirit of creativity will not work and you - share your plans with a person who has the opportunity to implement them. Among other things, the day is favorable for those who would like to get an increase or an increase to the salary - their chances are very high.
If you are engaged in trade, devote today to expand the clientele. You are waiting for profitable deals, you will open new accounts. You must certainly put negotiations on the agenda with important people for you if your occupation includes such activities.
In such a day, creative forces are manifested - consider it. You can stand new ideas, you can master new skills. Wherever the imagination go, follow him, and new roads will open.
It does not matter what you do, - there is always the opportunity to expand the horizons, and in this sense the day as it is impossible to be more suitable. Even the household can take advantage of the vibration of the "units" by the forces for self-development and sign up in some circle, make new friends, enter the club, break or redeem the garden, take a journey, read a new book.
Expansion of interests and activities will be wrapped for you increased prestige in both the business sector and your circle of communication. Be sincere and pleasant with people. Forget the old disputes and resentment. The vindictive did not make anyone happy. "Forget and forgive" - \u200b\u200bhere is your motto from now on. And if you follow him, you will have many goodwires, and thanks to the feeling of inner peace you will gain what I tried in vain to achieve, disabled with hatred for offenders. Be tolerant and patient, withstand and decisive, let nothing and no one embarrass the world in your soul - otherwise the achieved will appeal to the dust.

Number of day 2.
Two - this is the number of cooperation, so you will not put pressure on the people around others today. Let today the right of a decisive voice gets another - your chief, partner, friends, spouse or spouse. This does not mean that you can stay indifferent and indifferent, on the contrary - it is important that you support and coordinate, as far as possible, plans and activities of others. Your position of mutual concessions will impress them, and they will repay you devotion. Be tactical if you do not agree with something, and try to send people to the right thinking and the right action, without resorting to the volitional methods and dictates. You need flexibility and diplomacy.
Let you have a dynamic person by nature - slow down and give others the opportunity to express yourself. Listen, and not "Slip Solovy": Today I don't get the main role, so it is better to suffer, encourage everyone with whom the case or the case. Who is listening, he learns a lot, even if he learns not stunning news. At the time you have a pause, when you send your attention to people, you will learn something important about them. You may notice some line that has previously slipped away from your view.
Today time for you flows slowly. No hurry and fuss. Do not let me push yourself. The result of hasty in the second personal day will be incorrect solutions and actions.
Two - also the number implied that you can easily find a common language with women. If you follow the spirit of cooperation, today they have today, "you will succeed in all matters at work and at home in which women are busy. Time favors the staff - you will have a service. With purchases it is better to wait - you have everything you need. Dedote the day to what was found on the day before, in your first personal day.
Charm, understanding, tactfulness and readiness to help - this is what is appreciated today. If you have made an offer, in the second personal day you should take it, because the marriage, in the end, is long-term cooperation, isn't it?
Intuition accurately tell you what will be done correctly today. Trust intuition - on such a day it is especially strong. But if you are tuned negatively and intend to argue if you act against the vibration of cooperation inherent in the second personal day, your actions will turn against you. Tranquility! Relax and be happy.

Number of day 3.
Today is a triumph of a personal start - you will shift the star of the first magnitude. All that makes up your "I," must be expressed, since Troika denotes self-expression. Joy, fun, charm, tenderness and inspiration - this is what is suitable for you today. People will pull to you as a magnet. And since you are especially attractive today, will there be the best day for communication or for a conversation about the place that you would like to take, about the addition to the salary?!
Go to the party, on a dinner dinner, for dinner. Day favors cycling activities in societies, firms. If your third personal day falls on a weekend or holiday, do not sit on four walls - there will be time for relaxing. Go to the club, play golf, in tennis - visit any crowded place. Are you a man tied to the house? A great day for you to call friends or go shopping. Today you have a delicate taste, because the self-expression "in focus". Why not buy gifts for the day of birth, to the wedding, for the holiday - those that you will soon need? It is better to do this today, when the vibration of the day gives you the ability of the right choice, because in some other day the mood will not be, and today you will be able to purchase a thing that will make the right impression.
On this day, love and affection triumph. You will undoubtedly experience a special tenderness to those who love. Express your feelings without a rustle, and people will answer you love doubly. Everyone wants warmth and special attention, and the person you have a grateful will be grateful to you - you will be tightly tightened with the bonds of love.
Serious questions, anxiety - all this is not a place today: the day of pleasures and fun. Whatever happens, take it easily, and things will be applied. Witches out of adversity. Nothing will shake you if you do not succumb to, and today you can not succumb to. Your positive attitude will help you to overcome, and you will be surprised that with any crisis it is easy to cope if a person does not focus on the negative side of things.
Do not waste time and attention by swell, although the festivity of the day and introduces into such a temptation. The forces of self-expression and attractiveness dominant in the third personal day should be sent to achieve your goals. Sin does not take advantage of this gift - do not neglect anything to achieve the desired. At work, at home, in society - everywhere make a bet on self-expression and your undoubted charisma is the day, but you will be won forever and you will constantly increase it.
Love for art may wake you up today to go to the exhibition, see the performance or movie. Be sure to do it - you will get a rare pleasure, like any other day. Carefully select the toilet and invite someone for the company. Enjoy every moment of this day, and on its outcome admit: the day is beautiful.

Number of day 4.
On the work agenda, so forget about entertainment. Share the cases to which your hands did not come. Stand early, work late and stick the hard routine. You will have forces and motifs to do everything that you usually postponed due to lack of interest. However, you just need to do a lot, so it's better today than someday then. All your efforts will pay off in the future.
Any activities of a wide scale today will be successful - signing contracts, conclusion of partnerships. Today is a strong intelligence in you, and you can easily handle responsibilities with you.
The vibration of the fourth personal day also draws a person to the house, so the home owners will have a whole land of emergency business. Spouses can build plans for future children together: perhaps consider it necessary to open the trust fund, to prepare children to school; Among other suitable savings, expansion and redevelopment of the house, change the place of residence. All that requires strong mind and detailed planning, it is better to solve today - it is unreasonable to miss the case and not to take advantage of the vibration of the day conducive to the vibration.
A visit to the dentist or a general medical examination is also recommended. We really do not like to do this and always postpone such things to themselves. Tell me: the day has come - and go away with the whole family to your doctors. And if it is impossible, sign up for reception in the nearest day. Health cannot be neglected. If nothing hurts, I don't want to show a doctor, and after all, the doctor's examination can timely identify the disease that you do not suspect.
Inspect your wardrobe - somewhere you need to sew a button, something to fix something, wash something, smooth out. Go to the basement, look into the garage - hover the order there. And in what condition your budget? Check your checkbooks - Are there any errors? And accounts for utilities also carefully check. Don't you spend a lot too much? If so, today is a good day to carefully view the credentials of expenses and delete the optional. Talk about them with your family, stocking of weighty arguments, in a business tone, - and everything, no doubt, will support the transformations offered by you. The carelessness and poor financial affairs can turn into an economic crisis that will delay for a long time - for the entire nine-day cycle.
Wash money wisely if you need to spend them. Be overwhelming. Luxury items will wait to other days.

Number of day 5.
Do not be surprised if the meeting scheduled for today will suddenly be canceled, because the essence of the "five" is variability and action. However, knowing about the nature of the fifth personal day, you will not be upset, you will perceive the change of plans careless and put on something else. You will be rewarded, because on this day one is losing, the other find - again completely unexpected. In fact, such a quick change of events can push you yourself to cancel the planned meeting - suddenly some more urgent and important thing will arise.
Take advantage of the curious vibration of the fifth personal day and plunge into the stream of life. "Diversity" is a keyword for this day, and you will gain a variety, communicating with many different people. Go to where you have not had yet been, where you will certainly meet a new circle of individuals - you will find among them the person you enjoy. Throw off all kinds of precautions, forget about your habits and do everything - or at least something that you always wanted to do. Near some exotic outfit, turn on in some new game - everything that goes beyond the borders of the "norms", will bring you pleasure and pleasantly cheer. You want today's actions - why not try anything, where they put on speed? Yes, you remember the wise saying: "Hurry does not hurry." But if you enjoy the speed "not in a hurry", with a loaf, nothing bad will happen.
The speed also implies hasty judgments, and here you need to be careful. Do not get involved in some adventure, without regardless of your step, especially if we are talking about your career or house. Have fun, but do not need a recklessness!
Most of the day you will spend in conversations - reports, discussions, negotiations and ... quarrels are possible. The smart and witty conversation will bring you interest, but the vibration of speed, under which the dispute will go, you do not benefit, and therefore refrain from disputes. All types of art and media associated with speech will take you today special pleasure - performances, movies, literature, radio and telecasts, as well as lectures. Be sure to make yourself at least something from this list and enjoy the chosen in a pleasant company. Since the fifth personal day is very suitable for entertainment, why don't you come to the theater with friends?
Write all the necessary letters today. Are you covered by the desire to compose a story, play, poem? Follow your motivation, because today is the most suitable vibration for this. Let you fail the literary masterpiece - a note or simply a few lines on the postcard to whom you value, will produce a necessary impression on a person.

Number of day 7.
This is the only day in the nine-day cycle, when it should be kept resting, staying alone. Deep reflections are the key to this day, and therefore, remaining alone with you, take advantage of the case and think about the current problems, your present and the desired future. Clear work of thought and subsequent conclusions and decisions will help you understand yourself and get out of the right way to success.
Now is not the time of action - words slowly come to mind, gestures slow down, because every step needs to thoroughly think about before doing. That is the mood of this day. Perhaps meditation will help you cope with some kind of discharging in your soul, with the weakness of the spirit, since the number "7" is associated with religion and spirituality. Okkult sciences are also attracted; Interest in mysticism, unknown world laws push you to master the secret knowledge.
You will enhance your skills, and you have discovered new methods that give high results should be introduced into general practices or recommend to authoritative individuals. As for your home, all your discoveries can find a diverse application here, which will make it easier for life, it will reduce it and makes a more efficient home management.
Mind and creativity are measured to you today full measure - use your advantages at your own discretion. Anyone of your creative offer will be properly applied by your chief or spouse (wife) and will raise you in their eyes. Perfectly, if you can quietly spend this day on the lap of nature - outside the city, by the sea. Sea coast - the perfect place of rest in the seventh personal day. How to swim well, if there is a day off! And if only the evening is free, you will get great pleasure from some "cultural program." Your thoughts today will be partly engaged in the house and all household problems, and if you have the opportunity to sit down and discuss things with everyone who concerns, do not miss such a case.
Take into account the opinion of everyone before you form your own, and try to find a solution that will be practical and will satisfy the majority. Today it urges the analysis - you are given the ability to clearly think and comprehend things to intuition by force. However, under the influence of the same vibrations of the day, you risk fall into petty and be somewhat unfair. Criticism does not please anyone, and someone may be seriously offended if you do not show tact and diplomaticity. Avoid showing your moral superiority, otherwise you caress enemies.
The day does not favor the topic to invest in the promotion, bonds and engage in other financial transactions. But it is even desirable to think about it, because your ability to foresee will undoubtedly help you make the right decision you exercise tomorrow, in the eighth personal day that is most suitable for this kind of classes.

Number of day 8.
Do not lose a minute on this day of material success. You woke up in the morning to enjoy all the benefits; Let him not change a good mood to dawn to dawn, because the cycle day is most successful.
The number 8 indicates entrepreneurial activities and finances, and also serves good sign in this sense - provided that you attach due efforts. You will be given a decisiveness, and energy will score in you the key, so you can cope with your tasks. If you are stubbornly work on the implementation of a plan, today is just that day when you can reap the fruits.
Your efforts should be aimed at improving the material situation, and therefore, do not neglect the chance to achieve a magnification of a salary or promotion - go to your chief.
Do not wait for a happy occasion - show the initiative and grab about any offer. Be sure to see people who are able to give you help, and without hesitation, ask about the place that you want to occupy. The courage and confidence - that's what you need, and then you will certainly get the desired place or at least "approach" to it. Who does not risk, he does not win.
Thoroughly analyze the state of affairs - maybe you watched any opportunities to earn more money or advance in your endeavors. Change the activity if it does not bring income, and send the released funds to something other, which will bring you a profit.
Today is favorable for capital investment, as well as for loan operations: Give money to debt or take a loan to develop your business.
All your business relationships should be built on diplomacy - show the beat, be careful to people and do not hurt their feelings, otherwise you harm yourself.
It will be great if you do charity, because the number "8" also implies support and help, even if it is only a good advice that allows someone to get out of the predicament. Suppose you cannot make a contribution to the fund of some charitable society - in this case, have a personal assistance to society by taking part in his programs.
Today, your intuition is exacerbated - rely on it in all our undertakings and especially when it comes to money and entrepreneurship. Again the calculation? Yes, you can not lose a favorable time than you would do, whatever they mind, because the case is also "programmed". You just follow the instructions of the highest and more powerful strength.
Be sure to pay attention to you today, dear to you and dedicate a part of the day concerns about your appearance. Today, all this is more important for you than usual. If you decide to visit your loved one, - and today favors such visits, "grab some souvenir that will testify to your attachment.

Number of day 9.
The nine always means, so to speak, "big cleaning" in the house: you should clean up everything and prepare for a completely new cycle, which starts tomorrow, from the first personal day. Refuse all sorts of undertakings that do not bring the desired results and seem unpromising. Such things should not "litter" your life - appreciate time and strength. The said applies to acquaintances, both business and personal. Find courage to abandon burdensome connections, but show honesty and nobility.
Be generous, but do not give in to oscillations. In-use situations are, and obsessive and mercenary people are embarrassed to you, as if leeches, and pull the blood from you, not giving anything in return. You must avoid such situations and protect yourself from such people.
Affairs you have a great set, and do not consider interesting people who you can meet on your life path, and time flies ... Valid times as an invaluable treasure and do not waste him.
Thus, the ninth personal day is designed for "cleaning", which will detect your personal space and allow you to act freely. Do not go on compromises if some decision has already taken any decision.
The nine also points to distances, and therefore you can go on a trip or someone will appear on your horizon from afar. Everything will become clearer during the day, and you should take this turn of things with due attention. We will depart the necessary telegrams, letters and other papers that are waiting for you. If you suddenly need to go somewhere, do not think about it, but immediately gather and go: you will be rewarded.
Vibrations "Nines" mean mysticism, and today you may want to dive into occult sciences - you will discover a lot of new things for yourself. The edges of the world are notishable, and it is possible to look at anything, it is not necessary to subjugate the whole life to this lesson, - just satisfy your curiosity.
Another important side of "nine" is a momentum to work. If you are a household, then today you will cake some extraordinary pie, we will enable the arrangement of the house or garden. Or maybe the day will be marked by inspiration and the rise of mental abilities - for the one who is engaged in solving intellectual tasks. In any case, let out this forces - and you will experience pleasure.
There are also any kind of trust conversations on the agenda. In no case disclose the secrets open to you. Give advice without a screaming of the soul, but do not let yourself get yourself into some kind of deception, refrain from lies.
Today is the day marked by the spirit of competition, and you have chances to overtake others, and therefore you can participate in some kind of sports tournament or do anything worthwhile. Charity on your part will be highly appreciated by those whom you support, and will raise you in your own eyes: This is a decent step on the eve of the new nine-day cycle; Time will come, and your efforts will pay off.
(According to the Jerry Bauer method)

general characteristics

Practical and punctual. In work achieves success in all endeavors. Ambitious. He is often accused of coldness, in fact he loves deeply, but hardly expresses his feelings. Capricorns are honest, simple, true and reliable as the Earth itself.

By this sign born: Zhanna D "Ark, Kepler, Montesquieu, Madame de Pompadur, Maria du Plesi, Moliere, Kipling, Zhukovsky, Shishkin, Perov, Griboedov, A.Mitzkevich, Wilson.

Characteristic by zodiac sign

  • Influence: Saturn, Mars.
  • Symbol: Goat, staircase, tower clock.
  • Colors: Dark green, black, ash-gray, blue, pale yellow, dark brown and all dark tones.
  • A rock: Ruby, onyx, grenade, lunar, lapis.
  • Metal: lead.
  • Flowers: White carnation, black poppies, ivy.
  • Mascot: Black cat, devil.
  • Happy day: Tuesday, Saturday.
  • Unlucky day: Monday Thursday.
  • Favorable numbers: 3, 5, 7, 8 (all numbers divided by 8), 14.
Born from December 22 to January 2 Under the influence of Jupiter - calm, calculating, systematic nature, acquire a state and success, but there is a risk of ruin.
Born from January 3 to 13 Under the influence of Mars - people from which the home boredom felt by bad influence on others.
Born from 14 to 20 January Under the influence of the Sun - workable, they have vital power, passionate, contradictory, sometimes predisposed to the despondency.

Temperament and character

The sign of fate, retribution, philosophy, the beginning of the world, the ruthlessness of time, is distantly connected with instincts and uses moderation and restraint as an internal self-preservation system. In general, the Capricorns do not care about look attractive. It is rarely talking about yourself and consider the charm above their dignity above. They do not demonstrate their advantages, why produce a weak impression or do not produce it at all. They adore the muted light in the premises.
As in other signs there is a low, medium and highest type here, but everyone strive to climb the peak of spiritual or everyday. To achieve them, not everyone has a stock of vitality - excerpt, endurance, despite the greater resistance - the main line of Capricorn.
Some of the Capricorgov - Rock, opposing difficult situations, other like Virgin - "working bees", do not know tired in search of instant decisions or solve the problem with the perseverance of the Taurus, until they find the right and final response until the lead in gold turns. Capricorns can be cold-blooded businessmen or politicians able to conduct transactions. These are patient, fair, loving, though strict fathers who do not demonstrate their love.
Neglecting to Charma and Attractions from Capricors is reflected in clothing. The main motives for men and women are simplicity, moderation, equilibrium, modesty, economy of little imagination. Usually retreat from fashion, many simply despise clothing costs. Ascetic in youth, but then suddenly become extravagant. The only motive forcing them to give clothes at least some attention is ambition. More preferred look correct, rather than causing interest.



Like red guilt, can improve with age when the internal stiffness disappears. Initially, they are alien to people due to a distant connection with instincts. They oppose passion from fear of losses and suffering. They want a minimum of pleasure due to a minimum of pain, but the mask of ice indifference can hide the most painful passions, which are suppressed in avoiding subordination to feelings. Consequence - breakdowns of various shapes.
Some are trying to fill in the inner emptiness of the thirst for power and collecting, others go into silence or into nervous quirks, and, it happens, they are physically in the desert of egoism and misfortune.
Others, agreeing with such a fate, live unfortunately alone, as if indifference was a natural human condition, or pretend to be reconciled with the fate, proclaiming their loneliness proof of their spiritual advantages, hiding dogmatism and bile injuries under the cover of false kindness.
Many people can live a lonely life, without love almost 40-50 years old. Then they open, conjugate everything, against which they fought and what they rejected, and are given to this entirely.
Capricorn women are sometimes very tougher. They hate the role of a housewife, prefer to make a career and achieve independence, than to get involved in seductive novel, often they remain cold in the arms of the partner. Marry, they go through financial and social reasons. Some of them have a complex "Cinderella", they want to be loved, because they consider themselves quite attractive.
Other Capricorns are calm and attractive wives. If the Capricorn lover is not lucky, he can reconcile. The inner weapon is the remoteness of instincts. Capricorns suffer less than other signs.
In the emotional plan, Capricorn must look for Taurus, a virgin, scorpion, especially good Commonwealth with a scorpion. Twins and cancer should be avoided.

How to achieve perfection

Fortune does not often smile Capricorn. Their achievements are their own triumph of the problems of life, they are more often respected than they love. They are honest, reliable, dignity, serious, hardworking, hate loneliness, but with difficulty acquire acquaintance. The incredulous, very conservative, will value with their reputation, are hidden, malicious, a sense of duty has been developed. Capricorns give more than they take, love to do good. Find wise decisions, they drive the desire for success, but they are very prone to a bad mood, although they have the ability to discipline themselves.


Collective power with age. Capricorns are hardy, have high resistance to diseases, they have an instinct of self-preservation. Often it is thin people with a developed bone skeleton. Men with face like a rock, women with big expressive eyes. Capricorns are usually pessimists, they often have the periods of depression, they are tormented by problems, meaningless for others. It makes harm to their health. Capricorn is needed careful self-control, a healthy lifestyle. They need to learn to forget about trouble at work, and leaving the institution, less demand from friends and loved ones.

Elements: Earth

Earthly everyday person, no stunning plans and projects, practicality and reality. Things calls for their names and the same requires from others. You only perceive what you can see, hear and touch, what can confirm with material things provable facts - and no fantasies. You can call as a prose, but for a practical answer they are addressed to you. You really do things, while others only chat about them. Few imagine your hidden depths - you are too proud and independent to open them or demonstrate.

Friends and loved ones need to choose from the ground and water - the land needs water if you do not want to become desert. The land can also exist with fire, if it does not object to his random fun, and with air, provided that it can carry hurricanes from time to time.

Your advantages: Practicality, reliability, ability to live on your income. You do not expect too much from life, consistent, stubborn, hardworking, know how to support and protect.

Your minuses: Boring, no imagination, stubbornness, pessimistic look at things, stubbornness, cruelty and others, worn.

If you are Capricorn - you are the most that neither is the earth, i.e. Hidden, like to manage actions because of the scene, without leaving the scene. If you are a calf, you are reliable and unshakable, personify the power, unshakable as a rock, until your volcanic nutro will work. If you are a virgin - then you are a delna, turn the mountains of work, etc. Your motto: all your time. With him you shifted the mountains.

Home Conditions: Must live on Earth, tightly pressing the soles to their elements, love gardens, greenhouses and drawers with flowers on the windows as a compromise. You need calm stability, reliable work, all things in their places.

Your Spirit, bringing luck - Gnome, he lives in an imperceptible mink, can live in a greenhouse, in a window drawer with plants.


The "Zodiac Working Horse" - adheres to public opinion, many conventions. It makes it thoroughly, persistent in achieving the goal. Many businessmen were born under this sign. Neat and diligent caferals succeed in technical and craft mastery, architecture, good engineers, especially in the field of mechanics and electricity. Proposed to financial activities, it is difficult for them to get along with colleagues due to their scrupulsiness and uncompromising. Success is important for Capricors, he does not like to change the profession.

Imponits a house with historical past. Does not like noise and fuss. Loves shopping, but not losing, however, with the head.


Thrust worker, even on vacation, he has business. He likes a respectable resort to which he can ride from year to year. Prefers the company of old friends and family, interested in history and is engaged in collecting. The best rest is in its own housing by the fireplace in a circle of friends.

Zodiac horoscope

Earth sign. Under the auspices of Saturn. Character stubborn. Mind developed. Capricorn is the most endless and resistant of all the signs of the zodiac - both physically and morally. Secretly, secretly ambitious, he lives real reality, knows how and loves to work. Success manitis him with an extraordinary force. Step by step, step behind the step he goes to the intended purpose, overcoming all obstacles with tremendous patience and incredible perseverance. Nothing can discourage Capricorn and make it turn it out.

Capricorn still puts the target in his youth and is ready to follow her all life. The same thing in work - Capricorn automates her in advance, charting the scheme, develops the details, suggests the order to then not spend time on the little things. This is a magnificent worker in all areas of industry, a talented statesman.

Woman Capricorn.Born under this sign has a characteristic feature: its beauty and charm over the years do not decrease, but they increase, and at the age of 35 she likes more than in 18. But it is not easy for her to care for her, she always erects the barrier among themselves and fans. This type of woman, very loving its independence. They are good secretaries, director, teachers, doctors. Like a male-Capricorn, women of this sign are serious and do not forgive the insult and treason.

Relationships of signs: Unstable marriage with authentic, scales, cancer. On the contrary, alliances with the Virgin, Taurus, scorpion and fishes are much harmonious. The rhythm of life and temperament are so different that despite the large physical attraction, marriages are rarely feasible. Between the Taurus and Capricorn love and great mutual understanding. Often, stubborn and patient Capricorn manages to re-educate a capricious and lying calf.

With the sign of twins, the relationship comes with difficulty, and the long-term union is issued if it is possible at all. There is easily attraction between cancer and Capricorn signs, the friendly relationships are folded, based on respect. Nevertheless, the union comes no soon - too large discrepancies in their views. However, subsequently, such an alliance can become durable, based on respect. A durable union with Lv is very rare, so only friendship and cooperation is recommended. The nature of the Virgin is largely reminded of the Capricorn itself, so happy marriage is possible. With weights not only marriage, but even simple friendly relationships are extremely rare: the difference in the lifestyle and characters is very large. Scorpio and Capricorn combines ambitiousness, love for work. Marriage is possible on the basis of common interests. A union with a shooter in some cases is guaranteed to each other. Very often, the foam manages to change the pedantic character of Capricorn. With your own sign, despite the lack of great physical attraction, Capricorn can form a friendly alliance. With aquietary, despite some similarity of characters, a happy marriage rarely arises. Cooperation is recommended in work and friendly relations. Marriage between fish and Capricorn could be unusually happy thanks to a large spiritual and intellectual similarity, as well as physical attraction. However, sometimes Capricorn's secrets insults thin and impressionable fish.

How to choose a satellite life

Capricorn - late blooms, but charm retains to deep old age. He is practical in everything, even in love. Having a lot of novels, falls in love with difficulty. Very critical, the choice is often successful. Capricorn do not bring loneliness. Capricorn women. They are not easy to confuse. They strive to have influential in practical husbands. Capricorn has a great need for stability. As a rule, they are stupid, they gave money, adhere to all kinds of conventions, do not like extravagant, nor in clothing, nor in thoughts. Converge with aquatic, fishes, tales, a virgin, scorpion, a shooter. Difficult with authentic, cancer, weights.

Sexuality Female

Born under this sign often torments contradictions between her desires and the possibility of their satisfaction. She is erotic and in love, but at the same time strict in compliance with the external propriety. Because of this, her passion often does not find an output that may be the cause of numerous complexes. Men strive for her, feeling the desired partner, but remain in bewilderment, encountering a virtuous image created by it. The attraction accumulating in it from time to time is crushed by all barriers, and she rushes into a short adventure with his head, throwing its principles and affecting the partner with temperament and sophistication. During her marriage, the horns of Capricorn often go to her husband. Tryed by repentance, she rises again to the path of virtue, but the temperament is looking for a way out. In old age, such women turn into closed and grumpy old women.

  • Virgo, Taurus, Scorpio, Fish;
  • Aries, cancer, scales;
  • Aquarius, lion.

It turns out that one can make a personal astrological forecast for the year on their own. Of course, it will not be those details that a professional astrologer would be pampered, but it is possible to use this forecast.

The method is based on the fact that every month after the date of your birth passes under the auspices of some kind of astrological house, simply speaking - every month of your personal year is devoted to something specific, for example, family, work, health issues or creativity.

Each month is counted from the day of your birth, for example, if your birthday is October 13, then the first month of your personal year lasts from October 13 to November 13, the second - from November 13 to December 13 and so on. Consider which areas of life affect every month.

First month

At this time, you focus on yourself and your desires. It would be very good to work on my image, to think at all - what I, what I imagine in my own eyes and in the eyes of others? And the main question of the month - what do I want?

Second month

Now the vector of attention passes into material issues, we are looking for and find solid soil under your feet. We are engaged in health and self-esteem.

Third Month

This is the time to expand links. Numerous contacts, conclusion of contracts, study and the establishment of useful ties - this is what will be interested in you in the third month of your personal year.

Fourth month

The fourth month is associated with the family - in some sense, all our affairs will spin around the family. And can also be on the fore. Issues of real estate, inheritance. This time is to bring order in everything related to home and relationships with the most close people.

Fifth month

This is a month of romance and creativity. Usually all the brightest and joyful events account for this time.

Sixth month

This is the time of work on projects when we destroy each item and shipped into the work process. Also this period, when it should be done health - diagnosis and treatment will be very useful.

Seventh month

At this time, the partnership issues are on both business and marriage. Choose those with whom you are on the way, it is at this time.

Eighth month

This is the most mysterious month, during which anything can happen. It corresponds to the mystical eighth house, which will start someone else's energy, especially sexual.

Ninth month

This is a month of travel and expansion of horizons. You can safely plan distant trips and the beginning of long training - everything will be fine!

Tenth month

Career time and serious solutions. Perhaps this month will change your status.

Eleventh month

This is a very happy and easy period when you can find like-minded people and fulfill any of your desire. Especially successful will be activities related to your true interests.

Twelfth month

This is the time of completion and recreation. Fears and painful experiences can emerge - by the way, that is why we often experience depression on the eve of the new birthday.

Most people are experiencing an overwhelming desire to look into their future. That is why astrology is widely popular. If you do not know how to learn how to draw up a horoscope, now there are various schools and courses of astrology, where you not only learn to make a personal horoscope, but also to decipher it correctly.

In addition to such schools, there are all sorts of astrological programs in the network that allow you to deal with the task yourself. Here are some principles that will help you draw up the right personal horoscope:

Find an astrological program on the Internet by which you can make a natal horoscope, as well as decrypt its value.

In the window that opens on the site you will need to fill out all the fields that the program will offer. This is necessary for a more accurate calculation. You must enter your full name, time and date of your birth. After that, choose the place of residence and the city in which you were born. After you filled all the fields, click the "Calculate" button

Next you will be provided with a special birth horoscope for you or a natal card on which you can see the location of the planets at the time of your birth. It is worth studying it carefully, as well as read the following description. This is what is decoding your personal horoscope.

Carefully learn the texts that give explanations for your horoscope, as well as your further development of events, your capabilities and predisposition. Also read the recommendations on the revision of your weak positions.

After reading your personal horoscope, as well as the text containing all the details and nuances of your natal card. Pay attention to the list of references by which your astrological forecast was made.

Such astrological programs have a mass of positive moments. For example, you can make a personal horoscope not a common, but for a specific date. It is also done simply: fill your birth data and choose a month and year for the forecast. Thus, you can almost instantly find out what awaits you in the near future.

If you did not suit this forecast, you can search for how to learn how to make a horoscope in other ways. Fortunately, there is a lot of information on the Internet.

Click the picture to display the value:

Ascending Sagittarius

Ascending Sagittarius is a male and fiery sign, symbolized by the arrow of onion. It indicates an active, direct and noble character of a person who seeks to a great goal or defending some kind of good deed. Sagittarius are fundamental, of which good parents and teachers are obtained.

It is usually healthy, vigorous, fair, serious and spiritual people, with an open soul, generous, working for the sake of the spiritual lift of others. They have knowledge in the field of philosophy, possess a good foreseen. They are modest, impulsive, performed enthusiasm, love to travel and hate hypocrisy.

Their appearance: full figure, happy smile, scattered hair, elongated face, big nose and ears. The behavior manner is restrained, corresponding to the generally accepted traditions, at the same time they are enterprising. Of these, good businessmen are published, officials, since they strive for power, but do not allow dishonestness when used. They are able to overcome the resistance of their opponents. People with ascending Archers can sacrifice themselves to the good of others, find good luck abroad, or away from the place where they were born.

People belonging to this sign will know the laws and scriptures, they can become good leaders and managers for people, pure hearts. Often there are quarrels in their families, and they sacrifice their love for the convenience of working for the benefit of mankind. They speak well, but lose their money. They are brave and virtuous, but they suffer from countering envious people. They enjoy great respect from scientists and noble people, live long, and the life of their clean.

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