How to write a time set in minecraft. Three ways to make a night in minecraft

Encyclopedia of Plants 30.09.2019
Encyclopedia of Plants

Often, players are faced with the question of how to make a night in Minecraft. For beginners, it may seem that looking for an answer to it is simply stupid. Well, you see, who wants to be in the middle of the night, surrounded by skeletons, zombies and all sorts of other evil spirits?

Why is the night necessary?

But those who have played for many hours already know the beauty of the dark time of the day. First, taking down hordes of zombies is fun. Secondly, playing at night is quite difficult, which only adds to the interest of the game. Thirdly, the dark time of the day may be needed for a task, to build a building or shoot a video. And, of course, do not forget that it is at night that the most valuable resources.

Waiting until the sun itself hides behind the horizon, sometimes it takes a very long time. That is why it is so important to know how to make a night in Minecraft. There are several ways to do this.

How to write night in Minecraft? Cheats

by the most simple option are codes. In order to be able to use them, you must first enable cheats for players on a single map or get operator rights when playing on servers.

To change the times of day through the command line (it is activated by pressing the slash key - "/"), you must enter the following expression - "time set parameter". As the second argument of this cheat, the words night are used - night, and day - day. Therefore, to quickly switch to the dark period of the gaming day, you must enter the following from the keyboard: /time set night.

In addition to such time management, there is another possibility. It gives you much more control over the time of day. So, instead of the parameter "day" or "night" in the cheat indicated above, you must enter a number from zero to 24 thousand. If you enter the code /time set 0, then we get the morning. Well, how to make a night in Minecraft according to this method? The evening starts with the number 12,000. Therefore, if the player wants to switch instantly to a certain moment of the night, then it is enough to enter a number from 12 to 24 thousand.

creative mode

The above night enable method is suitable for survival mode. Unfortunately, in creative it will not work. In order for the player to have the opportunity to create bizarre buildings shrouded in darkness, it is necessary to do a simple procedure. Now we will talk about how to put the night in Minecraft version 1.8.2. First you need to download a program called PocketinvEditor. Its goal is to change the maps of the game for a specific gamer. Since the utility changes some of the Minecraft parameters, everything should be done very deliberately, because one wrong step can lead to unwanted glitches and bugs in the game.

We create new world in creative mode. We remember its name. Next, download the map setup utility from the Google store. We install it. After that, we run the program and look for the newly created world. Now you need to select the edit card information item. At the very bottom of the menu that opens, we find the parameter "Lock day cycle to time" (Lock day cycle to time) and enter the value -1 in the field. Now in the created world it will always be dark, and you will be able to translate all your ideas into reality.

Command block

A whole mechanism can be used to change the time of day. To create it, you will need elements such as a button, red dust, command and any other block. If everything is set up correctly, then the player will experience eternal night.

It is important to remember that command block available only to those who have cheats configured or who are the server administrator. To get this item in the console, you need to enter "give character_name 137". After the block appears, right-click on its interface. Enter the command "time set number" in the text field. The value is set, as in the case of cheats, in the range from 0 to 24,000. Now, using red dust, a line is created to the button. In order for it to be constantly activated, it is enough to install another block on top of it.

We hope this article helped you figure out how to make a night in Minecraft.

How to make a day in Minecraft

Many users of the Minecraft world complain about a short day in the game, which is 10 minutes of real time. Another 3 minutes is spent between day and night, when every 10 seconds the light level is reduced by 1 point. The remaining 7 minutes are spent overnight. Since at night on the territory virtual world dangerous mobs appear, which not every player has a desire to fight, then it becomes necessary to increase the duration of daylight hours.

Collective agreement

On a small server, gamers can chat with each other and go to bed at the same time. Due to this, the time will automatically switch. Unfortunately, the process is very inconvenient and requires a lot of organization of all players. In most cases it is not used.

Effective Ways

More efficient methods:

  1. Server administrator. It is he who knows how to make a day in minecraft and can do it by typing a special command in the console - / set time ***, where * is the time. This parameter can take values ​​from 0 to 24000. Zero will mean the inclusion of dawn, and midnight - 18000. Noon corresponds to the number 6000.
  2. Players in the mode single player, admins and creative owners can enter /time day in the console to activate the day. Night is included in the same way, only night is written instead of day.
  3. In single player mode, you can write the command: /timeschedule x y. The variables x and y are the time of day and night, by setting which, you can set the server to an eternal day.

How to make a night in Minecraft?

Night is such a time of day in Minecraft when the whole world is inhabited by aggressive mobs, since they appear in the dark. The duration of the night is only 7 minutes. And if you decide to hunt monsters, you don’t have much time for such entertainment, because with dawn all night mobs will burn in the sun. At night, you can get valuable resources, such as gunpowder from a creeper, which is needed to create TNT, or bones from skeletons, from which bone dust is created, sometimes necessary in farming. There are two ways to extend the night time if you are looking for a long hunt.

Creation of the night

Unfortunately, there are no mods for switching from day to night or its extension, so you won’t be able to automate the process - you have to do everything manually.

First you need to make sure that you have the ability to enter cheat codes enabled (in a single player game). If not, then while in the game, press the Esc key and in the menu that appears, click the "Open for web" button. In the settings for the network, set the use of cheats to "on." and click "Open World to the Web". After this operation, you can "cheat" as much as you need.

Now press "T" (a chat window will open) and in command line write "/set time xxx", where xxx must be set to a value from 18500 (evening). The value 18000 corresponds to midnight. If you do not need any specific time, but just want to extend the night, write "/time night".

But what if you don’t want to enter commands into the console every five minutes, because this greatly distracts from the fight against mobs? In this case, you need to set eternal night.

How to make eternal night in Minecraft

You can set the desired time of day forever using the command block. Since it cannot be crafted, in order to get it, enter the command "/give your nickname is 137". Place the command block on the surface, open its interface with a right-click and in the text field that appears, write the command "tame set 17000". Next, you will need redstone, a block of any material, and a slab or button. Then you need to use redstone to connect the command block to the block on which you installed the plate or button. Thus, if you click on a button or a plate, then the parameters you entered will take effect, and the night will be until you enter other values. For example, in order to capture eternal night, you need to use the "/time day" command.

Also, for eternal night, you can create a structure of this kind: place several repeater blocks on the surface, including a command block with the command “tame set 17000” written there, connect the circuit at the corners with red dust and give a signal by placing a torch next to one of the redstone blocks from red dust.

Knowing how to make a night, you can always diversify your game.

Articles / Guides for Minecraft | How to change the time of day in Minecraft

Surely many of you wondered how to change the time of day in Minecraft. The question, it would seem, is not an easy one. After all, you see, playing at night is completely different. Surrounded by skeletons, zombies, spiders, and other bunch of bloodthirsty monsters that are just waiting for you to gape. Yes, and it’s difficult to build something normally, the lighting is not very good.

Of course, if you have a bed, then you know how to pass the time. Well, if not? If there is no time / desire / resources? Then this article is for you! So, now we will tell you how to make a day in Minecraft.
Commands for changing the time of day in Minecraft

In order to change night to day, or something else, there are two ways:

Method 1

/time set *time of day* - available parameters: day (day) and night (night)

Accordingly, it changes the time of day to morning or evening.

Method 2

200?"200px":""+(this.scrollHeight+5)+"px");">/time set *pure 0 to 24000

I personally like this way much more. After all, here I can set not only dawn (0), or evening (12500)

By changing the number, we can accordingly get:
morning: /time set 0

200?"200px":""+(this.scrollHeight+5)+"px");">/time set 6000


200?"200px":""+(this.scrollHeight+5)+"px");">/time set 12000


200?"200px":""+(this.scrollHeight+5)+"px");">/time set 18000

Just be sure to be careful not to put a space - the code will not work.

By the way, below is a video on how to make eternal day or night
Watch a video review on changing the time of day in Minecraft

Minecraft how to make eternal night or day!

Few people want to spend a lot of time at night on the street of the Minecraft world: it's dark, hostile mobs spawn. In reality, it also often happens, only instead of mobs, all sorts of really unpleasant personalities act. Fortunately, in Minecraft, unlike in real life, you can not wait for the end of the dark time of the day, but instantly, at will, make a day. So what needs to be done for this?

Making a day in survival

In survival mode in Minecraft, in order for the day to come immediately, you just need to sleep on the bed. The bed can be made as follows (see picture below).

Let's calculate how many resources we need for the bed:

  • Boards (any) - 3 pcs.;
  • Wool - 3 pcs.

That is, we need for this:

  • Cut down one block of Tree (any);
  • Hunt Sheep;
  • Make a Workbench (Yes, I'm Captain Obvious).

Also, if there are no Sheep in the territory, you can craft a Wool Block from 4 threads that fall out of Spiders and their Webs. In total, we need 16 threads.

After we have made the bed, it needs to be put. It has two parts, so you need to have 1x2 free space. She is placed with her feet towards you, with a pillow away from you.

Make sure that during sleep, no hostile mob can appear near you, otherwise you will immediately wake up. And then, until you get rid of the monsters standing near you, you will not be able to go to bed, and the day will not turn on. To enter the sleep state, right-click on the bed while standing in front of it.

Some facts

You can’t sleep during the day in Minecraft (and who needs it?). Also, if you try to sleep in Downworld or in the End, then the bed will explode, because in other worlds there is no night. But you will have additional explosives. Only you will be destroyed along with the bed if you are not equipped with good armor and healing potions. Such actions are similar to the Creeper's explosion, only with a wider explosion radius and setting fire to the area.

It is also worth noting that Cats love to sit on beds. It doesn't do anything for you, but it's hard to get them out of bed.

Day in Creative (for building maps)

If you are playing with cheats enabled, then the day can be enabled with a simple command: /time set day
You can also disable day and night altogether with the following command: /gamerule doDaylightCycle true

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