Results of the reign of Prince Oleg. Whoever was a prophetic prince Oleg years of life and the history of the Board

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At the board of Prince Oleg Novgorod and Kiev principalities united into a single state. Ancient Russian power gradually gained power. Prince Molla in one way or another, it was possible to extend his power to Crivich, Drevlyan, Northerners, Radmich, Tivers and other Slavic tribes. Under the protectory of Kiev turned out to be all the way "From Varyag in Greeks" And his branch on the gums and Western Dvina. Prince Oleg first struck the power of the Khazar Kaganat. He successfully fought with the Viuant Empire. In 907, he concluded with the Greeks favorable for Russia on the world and trade, which was later confirmed in 912. In the text of the document, Oleg first named "Grand Duke Russian".

Preparation for campaign. Prince Oleg wished to establish his control throughout the trading path "From Varyag in Greeks" And sought to establish themselves in the south. In the second half of the 9th century, the Scandinavian village appeared on the Middle Dnieper, now known as nests. He became the base base of the aliens from the north on the way to Kiev. For three years, the prince of Oleg in Novgorod remained, preparing a conquering campaign. In 882, by collecting a huge army, he went to the "Dneprovsky countries".

Predecessor: Askold and Dir. Successor: Igor Rurikovich Religion: pagan Death: Buried: Kiev or Ladoga

Oleg (Veus Oleg., Dr.-Russian. Olg., mind. or G.) - Varyag, Prince Novgorod (C) and Kiev (C). It is often considered as the founder of the ancient Russian state.

Origin of Oleg

In the chronicles there are two versions of the biography of Oleg: the traditional one in the "Tale of Bygone Years", and in the Novgorod first chronicle, which retained fragments of an earlier chronicle of the arch (not reached to this day) with confusion in chronology.

Beginning of the Board. Capture of Kiev

Hike on Byzantium

Novgorod version of the biography. Oriental hiking Oleg

"We'd Olg to the Mainhouse, and from there in Ladoga. Druisies are also told, IKO is going to him for the sea, and I will go to the foot of Zmia, and with the dick; There is a grave of him in the lady. "

This information contradict the Russian-Byzantine Treaty of 912, where Oleg is referred to great Prince RussianBut at the same time, they are better consistent with the eastern news about the Russia of this period (see below).

The name of the Russian leader in the message is not named, and in Russian chronicles, the campaign will not be mentioned. Perhaps a vague hint at him is the phrase of the Novgorod Chronicles on Oleg " others affect that he went for the sea ....

With the identity of Oleg sometimes try to tie a certain Russian leader H-L-G-W , which, according to the Khazar source, the so-called "Cambridge Document", captured by agreement with Byzantium, the Khazar city of Sumkec at the Taman Person, but was defeated by the governor Schurktsz Pesach and sent by the last to Constantinople. Byzantines burned the fire of the courts of Russia, and then H-L-G-W He went to Persia, where he died with all the army. Name H-L-G-W Restore as Helm, Halgo. It is referred to in the document "Runer of Russia", which makes him very tempting his identification with Oleg. However, the events described belong to Igor's Board (the campaign of the Byzantium coincides with the campaign of 941, and the campaign for Persia with Ruses in 944 to the Azerbaijani city of Berda). In historiography there were attempts to interpret this message as evidence of Duumvirata Igor and Oleg, in this case the life of Oleg lasts to Ser. The 40th century of the X century, and the beginning of his reign is assumed later than indicated in the chronicle.


The circumstances of the death of the thing Oleg is contradictory. According to the Kiev version ("PVL"), his grave is located in Kiev on the grief of the Shchikovice. Novgorod chronicle puts his grave in Ladoga, but also says that he went "for the sea." In both options there is a legend of death from the serpentine bite. According to legend, the magic predicted the prince that he would die from his beloved horse. Oleg ordered to lead the horse, and remembered the prediction only four years later, when the horse had long died. Oleg laughed at the wrappers and wanted to look at the bone of the horse, got up his foot on the skull and said: "Is I afraid of him?" However, in the skull of the horse lived a poisonous snake, which was deadly stung by the prince.

This legend finds parallels in Icelandic Saga about Viking Orwar Odde, who was also deadly on the grave of his beloved horse. It is not known whether Saga has become a reason for the invention of the Russian legend of Oleg, or, on the contrary, the circumstances of the death of Oleg served the material for the saga. However, if Oleg is a historical character, then ORVAR ODD - hero of the adventure saga, created on the basis of some oral legends not earlier than the XIII century. Here's how Orvar Odd died:

"And when they quickly walked, struck ODD foot and bent. "What was it, what did I hit the foot?" He touched the tip of the spear, and saw everything that it was a skull of the horse, and the snake came immediately from him, rushed to Odda and stung him in his foot higher ankle. The poison immediately worked, the whole leg and thigh swollen. From this bite, so weakened ODD that they had to help him go to the shore, and when he came there, he said; "You should now go and cut down a stone coffin to me, and someone will stay here to sit beside me and will record that story that I complain about the acts of my and life." After that, he began to assign a story, and they began to record on the table, and how was the way Odda, so there was a story [implies]. And after that dies ODD "

For some time, it was customary to identify Oleg with the epic rich in Wolgy Svyatoslavich.

Historiography on Oleg

The death date of Oleg, as well as all the chronicle dates of the first century of Russian history (the safe period), is conditional. Historian A. A. Shamatov noted that 912 is also the year of the death of the Byzantine emperor Lion VI - Allegonist Oleg; Perhaps the chronicler who knew that Oleg and Lev were contemporaries, timed the end of their boards to the same date (a similar suspicious coincidence - - and between the dates of the death of Igor and overthrow from the throne of his contemporary, the Byzantine Emperor Roman I). Considering the same that the Novgorod tradition refers the death of Oleg by the year (see above), the date becomes even more dubious. The duration of the reign of Oleg and Igor is 33 years old, which is suspicious in the epic source of this information.



  • Novgorod first chronicle of senior and younger fabrics. - M.-L.: "Publishing House of the Academy of Sciences of the USSR", 1950. - 659 p. // "izbornik". Estorіya Ukraine IX-XVIII
  • Completely assembled by Russian ltopises. Toma 2. Ipatiev's smttop. Identia Second. - Petersburg. Typographіya Aleksandrov.1908 // "ізборник". Estorіya Ukraine IX-XVIII
  • About Oleg and Odda - Article E. A. Rydzevskaya
  • Karamzin N. M. Oleg Ruler

Wikimedia Foundation. 2010.

In 879, leaving the Minor Son Igor, the Novgorod Prince Rurik died. The Board took into his own hands Oleg Probe, Prince Novgorod, from 879 and the Grand Duke Kiev from 882, seeking to expand his possessions, the prince gathered a strong army. It includes Crivichi, Ilmenie Slavs and representatives of the Finnish tribes. Moving to South, Oleg joined Smolensk and Lyubek to his possessions. However, the plans of the young ruler were more ambitious. Giving power in the conquered cities faithful to him, the warlike prince moved to Kiev. The campaign of Oleg to Kiev was crowned with success. In 882, the city was captured, and his rulers Askold and Dir were killed. Oleg climbed to the Kiev throne. The same year is considered the date.

The Board of Prince Oleg in Kiev began with strengthening urban walls and protective structures. The borders of Kievan Rus were also strengthened with small fortresses ("stages"), where they carried the permanent service of the warriors. In 883-885 The prince took several successful hikes. Slavic tribes were subject to the shores of the Dnieper, Radmichi, who lived on the shores of the Dniester, Bug, Supne, Dresa and Northergy. By order of Oleg in the captured lands were built cities. The conquered tribes were obliged to pay gras. Actually, the entire internal policy of Oleg, as well as other princes of that time, was reduced to the collection of filing.

Oleg's foreign policy was successful. The most important event was the campaign for Byzantium in 907. Prince collected a huge trip for this to this case (according to some information, up to 80 thousand people). Byzantium, despite the defensive tricks of the Greeks, was captured, suburbs - looted. The result of the campaign was the rich tribute, as well as trade benefits for Russian merchants. After five years, the world with Byzantium was confirmed by the conclusion of a written contract. It was after this hike that the Great Kiev Prince Oleg, the founder of the State of Kievan Rus, became known as the prophet (i.e., the sorcerer).

Prince Oleg, one of the greatest rulers of Russia, died in 912. His death is shrouded in legends. According to one of them, the most famous, Oleg asked his death of the Magnipseed on the road. He predicted the prince of death from his beloved combat horse. On this horse, the prince never sat down, but ordered the close to take care of him. After many years, Oleg wished to see the bone of the horse, deciding that the magician was wrong. He stepped on the skull, and the poisonous snake crawled out of him and stung the prince. After the death of Oleg was buried in Kiev. There is another version of the deception of the prince, according to which the militant Oleg died in battle.

The biography of Oleg, who became the first prince, the life and acts of which were confirmed by the chronicles, became the source of many legends and literary works. One of them - "Song of the mean Oleg" - belongs to A.S. Pushkin.

  Later 850 Birth of Oleg.

  862 The date of the chronicle report on the vocation of the Union of Slavic and Finno-Ugric tribes of the Dynasty of the Varyagov - Rüric, Sineus and Trumor. The beginning of the jurisdiction of Rurik in Ladoga, Sineus - in Belozer, and Trumor - in Izborsk. The arrival of Oleg in the composition of the Varyagov detachment on the land of Northern Russia.

  864 The death of Sineus and Trumor. The chronicle indication that "one Rurik accepted the whole power and began to hand out her souls to her city." Rurik, together with a friend, settled in the settlement at the source of Volkhov.

  Later 864 Participation of Oleg in Military campaigns of Prince Rüricovsky.

  Later 864 Rüric's marriage on the "umann princess" Efanda, Oleg sister.

  Later 864 The uprising in Novgorod under the leadership of Vadim's brave vs. Rüric. Returik return to Novgorod. Murder Rurik Vadim Brave and suppressing the uprising. The escape of many "Novgorod husbands" in Kiev to avoid reprisals.

  Later 864 Rüric Supreme Casuals Askold and Dir get permission to go by military campaign on Byzantium. Arrival of them in Kiev and the liberation of the city from Khazar Dani. The beginning of the journal of Askold and Dira in Kiev.

  Later 864 Birth at Prince Novgorod Rurik and Ephande Son Igor.

  865 Military campaign of Kiev Prince Askold against Polotsk. Oleg participation in the campaign of Novgorod Prince Rurik against Askold. Preservation of Polotsk under Rüric Protector.

  Later 865 Wars of the Kiev prince Askold with rallies and evidence.

  867 Arrival in Kiev Byzantine bishop and mass baptism of Rus. "District Epistle" Patriarch of Foto by Byzantine bishops, where he reports the baptism of Rus.

  869 The campaign of the Kiev princes of Askold and Dira on the curvice. Oleg participation in the military campaign of the Novgorod squad against Askold and Dira.

  End of the 860s. Appointing Oleg Igor's teacher.

  874 The campaign of Kiev Prince Askold for Byzantium. Conclusion of a peace treaty between him and the emperor Vasily I Macedonian. The baptism of the friend of Rus in Constantinople.

  879 Death of Prince Novgorod Rüric. The adoption of guardianship Oleg over the juvenile son of Rurik Igor.

  879 The beginning of the Novgorod replacement of Oleg as "Senior in Roger Rüric."

  End of the 870s. The hike of rules on the Caspian and attack on the city of Abaskun (Abbezgun).

  882 The start of promotion to the south of the troops of Prince Oleg, who consisted of Ilmensky Slam, Curvic, Mary and Weighs.

  882 Capture of the prince of Oleg Land of Dniprovsky curvaches and the city of Smolensk.

  882 Capture of prince Oleg Land of Northerners and City of Love.

  882 Hike Prince Oleg on Kiev. Murder of Prince Oleg Kiev rulers of Askold and Dira. Beginning of the reign of Oleg in Kiev. Combining North and South Rus under the rule of Oleg. Creating an ancient Russian state with a center in Kiev.

  Later 882 The construction of the prince of Oleg Cities-fortresses and "Ostrog" to approve their power to protect against the nomads of the Great Steppe.

  Later 882 Oleg obliges the Novgorod residents to pay annually 300 hryvnia for feeding and the content of the squad of Varyagov, designed to defend the northern borders of the state.

  883 Conquering Kiev Prince Oleg Trevlyan and the imposition on them to Dani.

  884 Victory over the northerners tribe and covering him with tribute.

  885 Submission of the radar and the imposition on them to Dani.

  885 War of Prince Oleg with streets and tivers.

  Later 885 Successful Wars of Kiev Prince Oleg with Khazari, Bulgarians and other peoples of the Prawn.

  898 Conclusion of the Union Treaty Between Ugra and Rus. Overlay on Russia Dani for peace and military aid.

  Con. IX century The invasion of Pechenegs in the Northern Black Sea region.

  X-XII centuries. Folding ancient Russian nation.

  903 The first mention in the Chronicles of Pskov.

  907 Hiking of Prince Oleg in the land of Vyatichi, Croatians and dlebov.

  907 The campaign of Prince Oleg on Constantinople. Leaving Prince Igor Rurikovich by the governor in Kiev.

  907 Conclusion of a peace treaty with Byzantium. Establishing duty-free trade with Byzantium.

  Later 907 Prince Oleg got a nickname prophetic.

  909-912 Military hiking of rules on the southern coast of the Caspian Sea.

  911 The campaign of Prince Oleg on Constantinople.

  912 September 2 - the conclusion of a peace treaty with Byzantium. Oleg for the first time named "Grand Duke Russian". In the Rus agreement, the state was first mentioned as a state.

  912 The death of the Grand Duke of Kiev and Prince Novgorod Oleg.

- novgorod Prince in 862 - 879 g.

Rurik, according to Russian chronicle legends, - Konung, the leader of the Varangian squad, called "from behind the sea" by the Novgorod Slavs (Slave, IMPROVED) in order to terminate the civil servant in Novgorod and founding ancient Russian state. For the first time, Novgorod Slovenia invited him in 859 He agreed to defend his tribes from enemies, disassemble their disputes, to pronounce the old custom and truth.

But not all Slavic princes agreed to take Rüric. Therefore, in the same 859, they spent back in Scandinavia, deciding to choose the ruler among themselves. In 862, he took advantage of his gravestones in Novgorod and captured power there. The uprising of Novgorods against Varyagov, led by Vadim, was suppressed. Rurik executed Vadim and his associates, part of Novgorod fled to Kiev.

According to the chronicles, Rurik sat down to prince in Novgorod, his brothers Sineus - in Beloser, Trumor - in Izborsk. Novgorod was built on the site of the old Slavyansk, and since he was a new city, and called Novgorod. Rurik erected in Novgorod an impregnable for enemies Kremlin, built a large trading area. Soon, merchants from many countries began to go here, the city became rich and known.

After the death of the brothers (864), Rurik became the ruler of the Novgorod land. He sent his archolld and Dira warriors to Tsargrad, so that they would go there the road. They stopped in Kiev and became pronomized there.

In 879, Rurik withered, fell ill and died.

Results of the Rüric Board.

1. He founded the first dynasty in the history of Russia - Dynasty Rurikovich.

2. He founded Novgorod, who already became a major shopping center with it.

3. Stopped crossbows of princes.

4. Ensured the security of the borders of Novgorod Russia.

Oleg (prophetic)

Oleg - Prince Novgorod after Rurik's death (879-882), Grand Duke Kiev in 882 - 912 g.

The main activities.

The main directions of the active foreign policy of Oleg were North - West, Eastern and South. Northwest The main goal was to ensure safety from Varyagov raids. For this purpose, Oleg began to pay the annual tribute to 300 hryvnia.

On the eastern direction The main goal was the liberation of a number of Slavic tribes from the power of the Khazar Kaganat. Oleg made several campaigns against these tribes and subordinate northern (884.) and radar (885). Directly with Eastern neighbor, Rusi - Khazaria - Oleg did not fought.

In the southern direction Oleg sought to establish the equal relationship between Russia with Byzantium. To this end, he went hiking to Constantinople. In 907 and 911 g. Peace treaties were issued between Byzantia and Russia, which determined the procedure for relations between them, their inhabitants, trade.

Internal policy of Oleg. It was aimed at establishing the solid power of Kiev over East Slavic tribes. He acted both by force and diplomacy: suppressed the speeches of the unhappy tribes ( eg, Drevlyan in 883), installed various sizes of tribute for different tribes ( eg, Radmichi and Northerners paid a smaller tribute compared to others). In the subordinates Kiev tribes persecuted the power of local princes, the obligations must obey the Great Prince. In the remote areas of the state, Oleg sent its governors from among their warriors, entrusted to them the construction of cities and fortified mills for troops.

Oleg Board Results:

1) Most East Slavic tribes were subordinate to the authorities of the Great Kiev Prince;

2) many cities are based;

3) a number of Slavic tribes freed from the power of the Khazar and entered into Russia;

4) thanks to the payment of Dani Varyagi, Northern Russian lands were disturbed;

5) contracts with Byzantium provided favorable terms of trade for Russian merchants;

6) Rus confidently entered the international arena.

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