Exceptionally useful kitchen appliance: mixer for kneading and whipping the test. Stirring for dough: Household Tests with a bowl for kneading at home Household mixer for kneading test

Encyclopedia plants 20.06.2020
Encyclopedia plants

The mixer is necessary at each kitchen. He accelerates the process of cooking dishes and mix high quality products. Modern models are distinguished by greater versatility: instruments can knead the dough, beat cocktails and even grind vegetables and chop meat. The best mixer for the test can be determined without problems - the main thing is to know where to look for and for what criteria to choose.


Features and advantages

Since the mixer, nevertheless, initially the device for mixing the test, then its characteristics must be quite simple: somewhere good power, somewhere more speeds, and somewhere nozzles.

The advantages of the mixer:

  • to knead the dough - thanks to a large number of nozzles, even the standard model copes with a liquid dough on pancakes and a thick mass on cakes. And how quickly the mixing will occur, it will depend on the power itself;
  • beat cocktails - with the help of a large number of speeds, you can also make foams, thick smoothie or simply knead the cream to the nitness of ice cream.
  • grind - Additional accessories with which manufacturers equip some models can even replace the blender. It is also worth emphasizing that even the easiest mixer best copes with the mixing function than the most equipped blender or combine. Although the latter is the most universal model from kitchen appliances.



Mixers can be different power, with a large set of speeds and not very, and devices can be several. In order to choose the right device, you need to know what they happen.

  • planetary - is a steady unit, with a fixed bowl.In addition to the whiskers themselves, spinning in different directions, the container itself is spinning in such a mixer. The opposite direction of movement is created, which gives the maximum homogeneous texture of mass, liquid or cocktail. In some models, the bowl can be disconnected, spin at different speeds and be able to fix. Models of this type of cumbersome and weigh more of their analogues;

  • submersible - the easiest and simple type of mixer.The form resembles the oblong device, the basis of which is fixed, when activated, in hand. He is on the weight of all the time of use, so it's not to keep it for a long time - my hand gets tired. The whines are located on the back of the mixer and plunge into any dishes in which the dough is located. This device does not go to the set of a bowl, but you can use any capacity from home dishes - the main thing is that it is deep;

  • stationary is a classic mixer model, fixed on the stand and steadily installed on the table.Such a mixer has a bowl in a set that is not removed - only all products are kneaded. The advantages of such an appliance is its autonomy: only you only need to install the desired mode, add products to the bowl and click on the button, and it will do the rest. By cons referring the inability to choose the volume of products that should be seen. Due to the specific size of the bowl, you should always adjust the amount of test inside, otherwise you can overload the device;

  • universal - household appliance, which connects the stationary and submersible type of mixer. To knead a biscuit or thick dough is best suited. His feature is an opportunity, if desired, remove the bowl and turn a steady design to a regular manual mixer. In this case, the device can easily be approached for the kneading pancakes, whipping or for a custard. Also, in the presence of certain nozzles, the mixer can perform the functions of the blender.

That's what you should know: For the preparation of lighter consistency and liquid dough, the easiest model is suitable - manual mixer. It has low power and can easily knead the base for yeast dough. For a steep, custard test or cream, a stationary blender is needed - it has more performance, it is capable of working longer, and with additional tools, such as a hook, can cope with large loads at high speeds.

The universal mixer is suitable for wider use, and the planetary will need to be confirors.


Each mixer has its own indicators, thanks to which you can easily calculate what functions it can perform and how long will last. For example, when buying an instrument, you should pay attention to the following indicators:

  • power is the main criterion by which the functionality and the capabilities of the device are determined. For example, a submersible mixer has a small power range: from 180 to 400 W. It is better to choose an indicator from 450 W - with such a power mixers easily cope with the dough for crust and sand test, and those above 800 W - are already designated as professional;
  • speed \u200b\u200bis another important indicator, since at the expense of it you can change the time of whipping or kneading. Standard models (even the simplest) have 3-5 speeds. Various modes are necessary to obtain excellent textures: from air to the tight and homogeneous. In professional and universal models, up to 25 speeds may be present;
  • additional nozzles - the more accessories and nozzles are presented in the set, the most universal device. For example, having a siter, a nozzle-handle, blades and grinder, the mixer will be already a mini-komban, as it will be able to perform all the functions at once: crumbling, grind, mix, squeeze and ... beat.


Device and principle of operation

The functionality and the work itself of any mixer is quite simple: there are several bangs (or other nozzles), which, when pressing the button, begin to rotate at a certain speed and stir up to a homogeneous texture of a liquid or mass.

The nozzles allow you to change the possibilities: when using a whisk, the dough is whipped to a tender foam, using a shovel for a fork, you can interfere with thick masses. The mixer, with the test function of the test, can easily cope with any consistency of the test: from liquid consistencies to pancakes and pancakes, to a dense dough for cortes or cakes. Sometimes the dispenser is embedded in the mechanism, which allows you to control the amount of product obtained.

How to choose?

For the house is the easiest and even most professional device- Depending on which functions will perform a mixer, you should pay attention to the number of speeds, power and availability of additional nozzles.

If the mixer is used only sometimes, for the most basic functions, then a manual device with a power of 200-350 watts is suitable. In this case, the mixer will beat the liquid, mix the cocktails and knead the rigous consistency for the test.

For greater loading and love for cakes, cupcakes and lush pastries, at home, you will need a mixer, the power of which is 500-800 W in a stationary view. It is better if it is universal - that is, with the ability to transform with the submersible mixer. It is necessary that such a device has more than 5 speeds, and several different nozzles.

Lovers of donuts and pies are dedicated, or how to feed the family and guests without disturbing their energy balance

Photo: O6Oi.ru.

Starting working with the dough, unwittingly think about how to simplify the process of kneading, get rid of flour flying in all directions, which is then very difficult to collect. And if the test you need to knead a lot and quickly, and besides, the guests are already practically on the threshold? To help in such a situation will come dough mixing machine for home.

As a rule, apply testsome At production - in cafes, bakeries, restaurants and other institutions where bakes buns and bread of their own production.

Design features of the testes

There are several varieties of testing machines.

  • Spiral toughness make it very high qualityly knead the yeast and bezing dough for bread, pizza and puff pastries. The movement of the spiral imitates the manual kneading, so that the dough is saturated with oxygen. Such machines have high performance.
  • Planetary tests - in essence these mixers designed to work with liquid text when baking confectionery products and making mayonnaise, mousse, etc. often they are equipped with a whipping wrencher, a spatula and a hook for the knead, which makes the aggregates of this type are more versatile, but less productive .
  • Horizontal tests designed to knead steep texts for dumplings, dumplings, etc., are used mainly at catering facilities.

Speed \u200b\u200bof work

Special attention when choosing an aggregate should be paid to the number of speeds in the machine. In modern aggregates, their number varies from one to ten.

Features Boards (Bowl)

Deja is performed in the form of a bowl or trough. For household tests for homesufficient is the volume of decay from 4.5 to 10 liters. During the operation of the machine, it can be fixed (characteristic of planetary models) and rotating (as in spiral aggregates).
The undisputed indicators of high-quality and fast work are power. In various aggregates, this parameter can be from 300 to 2000 W.

Choose a test for home: cookies, cakes or buns?

When choosing an assistant, which can quickly and easily knead the necessary test volume, you need to identify several criteria:

What the dough most often will have to produce (sandy, yeast, puff).
- Characteristics of the knead, the presence of additional functions.
- Performance (from this the capacity of the bowl).

Manufacturers and models of household tests: quality, performance and price in the "one bottle"

By choosing which one is necessary tests for home,it is necessary to decide on the manufacturer and price.
Today the market is presented quite a lot testing machines, price which are sometimes different from each other. Several examples of the most popular manufacturers and models:

Gastrorag tests manufactured in China are one of the most inexpensive. The price of planetary dough mixing machines of this brand starts from 200-300 dollars.

Photo: www.gastrorag.ru Gastrorag QF-B5

For centuries, the famous American brand Kitchenaid is supplied to the global home appliances market mixers for kneading test. Products have excellent technical characteristics that allow the brand to hold the leading position among the most famous manufacturers of planetary mixing mixers. For home use, for example, the Kitchenaid 5KSM150PE model with a bowl of 4.8 liters is suitable. You can additionally connect 12 nozzles to the machine: juicer, meat grinder, etc. The price of the unit is about 1000 dollars.

Photo: nrgstore.ru Kitchenaid Artisan 5ksm150pse

Planetary Combine manufacturing Italy - "Olimpic Multifunzione". The machine with a bowl of 5 l and a capacity of 1000 W is aimed at the rapid preparation of small volumes of a variety of text. Its versatility is impressive - she is capable of kneading the dough even on pasta, making it elastic and melting in his mouth. The price of the model is about 500 dollars.

Photo: marcato.com.ru Olimpic Multifunzione

German manufacturers represent the brand of budget mixers for the CLATRONIC test. With a very large capacity for the knead and low rate of processing, this technique is famous for its electronics. For home preparation, the test is perfectly suitable for the CLATRONIC KM 3323 model with a capacity of 5 liters and with a capacity of 1000 W, the price of which starts from 160 dollars. You just need to put all the elements into the car, set the necessary indicators on the display and after a short period of time get ready-made products.

Photo: Nadavi.com.ua Clatronic Km 3323

Small council. When buying a test, pay attention to the presence of a timer, with which you can accurately set the time for the knead and calmly do your affairs.

Each family loves freshly baked pies, pizza, cakes and other dishes made from dough. However, knead the dough in large volume, especially if the family consists not from a couple of a person, quite problematic. With such difficulties, those who are on their own prepares pasta, or cakes on Easter are facing. Now there is an alternative that can help in the cooking process - these are machines to knead the test. Such equipment can become an indispensable kitchen device with a large number of useful features and features.

Types of household tests and their characteristics

There are many a wide variety of machines for measuring the test, which have a different type of embodiment. Depending on the drive and the specifics of the rotation of the nozzle, you can prepare the dough of different types. Each of the types of tests is designed for specific tasks, for example, mixing yeast or biscuit dough.


Planetary type tests is designed for the preparation of liquid test, for example, for pancakes. Also, the adaptations of a particular type are used to whip and manufacture various confectionery products, including creams, combining two functions - dough and mixer. Usually, the machines of this device are equipped with several nozzles - this is a whipging and a special blade, consisting of several longitudinal and parallel crossbars. A feature of such devices is the rotating shaft, due to which the whipping mechanism turns repeat the rotation system of the planets. That is, the lever turns around in such a way that a separately rotating nozzle smelled all the dough, moving from the edge of the container to its center.


Horizontal tests are special machines that are most used to produce tests on an industrial scale. Usually, such installations can smear large volumes of mass, which is very convenient for operation within pizzerias or small bakeries. The name of the type of tests "horizontal" was obtained thanks to the functional features, as part of which the blades smelting the dough are located horizontally. Given this feature, the rate is not made to the depth of the capacity, but on its dimensions relative to the plane, which facilitates the operational parameters of the equipment. Thus, several screws with blades in a horizontal position rotate, raising the dough from the bottom and mixing it with the rest of the mass.


Spiral tests are the most common, as well as the planetary type of machines that are intended for home use. You can find industrial devices equipped with a spiral nozzle for measuring the test. All machines for mixing the test of a similar type are equipped with a rotating nozzle of a curved view that is similar to a spiral. In some models, an element may be present that allows you to rotate not only the nozzle, but also the bowl itself with the mixture. These machines are perfectly suitable for mixing tight test types for baking bread, pies and other drills.

Varieties of the type of test

It is necessary to understand that various system kneading systems are used depending on the consistency of the material being processed. Thus, the solid dough for baking bread is mixed in horizontal machines. Thanks to their technical device and power, it does not constitute any complexity of the density and thick dough.

Preparation of biscuit, puff and other types of medium density test is well obtained in spiral and planetary machines. However, if we are talking about a liquid consistency test, which is used for baking pancakes, the planetary tests will help prepare raw materials for baking in the best possible way.

What volume of the bowl is better to choose

Not always the big size of the bowl, that is, the bowls for the test, is evidence of the quality or high functionality of the household appliance. The choice of capacity should be carried out by relying on how often and how many tests is kneaded. If the family is large and consists of more than four people, the optimal volume of the bowl should be five liters. Accordingly, in each test there are restrictions on the severity of raw materials, loaded in Dej.

It is believed that for household use it is better to acquire cars that are designed for weight from 2.5 to 4 kg. It is important to remember that if the test is purchased in order to mix the test for private bakeries or pizzerias, it is best to buy large units that will allow you to cope with the ever-increasing volumes of raw materials.

What is the test mixer better for home: manufacturers review

To date, millions of various companies producing equipment for home offer a wide range of machines for measuring the test. The most famous in wide circles such manufacturers like Kenwood or Bosch, but the famous brand is not always a guarantee of high quality. For this reason, the following is the rating of those tests for home use, which correspond to the price-quality criterion.

Mixer Tests Bomann KM 370 CB on 5 liters

The Bomann Mesal Test Machine is a high-quality household appliance of German production with fairly good technical characteristics. At the same time, this unit is located in a low price category with respect to the analogues with the same production indicators. The test case is made of plastic, and its five liter bowl consists of stainless steel. Complete with the device go two nozzles, one for whipping, and the other to knead the test. It has a dough seven speeds, which allows working with different types of baking. 1200 watt device power.

Food processor with doughness FIRST FA 5259

FIRST FA 5259 test model - is one of the most popular options that can be found in the kitchens of modern owners. The device received great popularity due to its simplicity in operation and quality work. The technical characteristics of this machine are similar to the functionality of the luxury devices, the price of which is several times higher than Fa 5259. This machine for kneading the test can boast a large steel bowl for raw materials by almost 7 liters, which makes it possible to knead about 2.5 kilograms of the test. Includes three nozzles for working with different types of dough and creams, as well as a protective cover, preventing splashing of the working space.

Mini Test Checkler Clatronic HMS 2739

CLATRONIC HMS 2739 is a small, compact installation for kneading test or whipping cream at home. This device is equipped with everything necessary to help the hostess prepare all the components for baking cakes and pies in the shortest possible time. A low price of the device makes it a beneficial investment of funds. A feature of the device is a removable mixer, which is very convenient in some cases. The main material in HMS 2739 is plastic from which the bowl of 2.5 liters is made and all major details. Among the technical characteristics should be noted: 5 speeds, turbo mode, 250 watt power, etc.

STARFOOD OK-01 - Mechanical (manual)

STARFOOD OK-01 is a very simple and easy-to-use device for measuring the test. This test is designed specifically for mixing a steep dough, and thanks to five nozzles that are attached to the device, pasta of five species can be made. For this reason, STARFOOD OK-01 is also a high-quality paste machine. The type of product of the goods is mechanical, while all the materials from which the test machine is produced are high quality, due to which strong metal parts provide a long operation of the device.

The secret of successful baking is considered excellent dough. Manual kneading test at home is a time consuming. Easily and quickly will make any kind of dough dough dough for home. Such devices in two accounts create the dough of all sorts of types.

They produce yeast, steep, liquid, sandy, sugar, gingerbread and excellent quality. In addition, devices are able to prepare beautiful confectionery mixes, sauces and creams.

Design features of doughshok

Devices are equipped with mesal nozzles. Some of them have a spiral-like or looping form, others like a plug or spatula. In the third S- and Z-shaped design. In addition, an ordinary bunker acts as a mixer. This or that species of the mesal nozzle allows you to get the dough defined type.

Devices are equipped with depths, outlines resembling a bowl or trough. In the ingredients are folded into these tanks and combine them in a homogeneous thick mass using a mixer noad. They differ in volume - 5-10 liters. Release the doughs for the house with a different kind of bowls. There are devices with fixed and movable tanks. If you wish, you can find a device with a subframe or stationary bowl.

Distributing with drive mechanisms, resulting in a mixer-mixture. According to the principle of operation, the test mixers are divided into those in which they spin:

  • nozzle mixing ingredients;
  • bowl;
  • deja with a nozzle.

Classification of tests

Distshoes are distinguished by many signs. At the place of operation, the instruments are:

  • household, compact not too powerful aggregates;
  • industrial - devices installed on bakeries, coffee, pizzerias and other food industry facilities.

According to the type of products produced, they were divided into equipment:

  • capable of producing cool dough;
  • yeast dough;
  • mixing liquid dough, lush pastry masses, sauces, and so on;
  • universal test mixers.

Specifications made it possible to classify them on test mixers with periodic and continuous operation.

By speed, the aggregates are ordinary and high-speed. Some brands offer superintensive devices.

The location of the mixer nozzle allocated instruments with vertical and horizontal axes. There are tests with a built-in inclined axis.

The type of impact on the ingredients is allocated, first of all, a mechanical mixer test for home. In other variations of execution, the device can be vibration or ultrasound.

Varieties of dough mixers

Distshop model have a variety of design. The design features of the devices depend on what the dough is available to them for kneading.

Horizontal Toughness Mixers

Horizontal doughs for the house mixes ingredients to a consistency that is characterized by high viscosity. It is given the dough from which dumplings, noodles, rams, gingerbreads, pastries and other products are obtained.

The dough in the instrument is smeared horizontally inserted and rotating in opposite directions of the blade. Deja (Bowl), rotating along the horizontal axis, makes it easy to remove the dough.

Spiral testeshona

In such a device, the ingredients are intensively mixed. For the preparation of the test in this device, rye and wheat flour fits. The kneading occurs quickly and efficiently thanks to a spiral sample device and the ability to rotate at the same time in different directions of the bowl and nozzles.

Planetary Testesheshika

Planetary tests for the house allows you to get the most diverse dough. It can easily make yeast and puff, biscuit, protein and the device is suitable for obtaining creamy pastes and soufflies. It mixes stuffing and creams, whipped cream, make potato mashed potatoes and confectionery masses.

Such a wide scope of use is associated with the presence of a large number of different nozzles. Standard configuration of the device includes a whisk, hook and a blade. This toughness has a mesal nozzle possesses a planetary rotation. The nozzle-mixer rotates around the bowl and its own axis.

Rules for the choice of household tests

Choosing a household test for home, take into account what type of baking is most often prepared in the family. With cooking yeast, fresh and puff pastry perfectly cope with spiral nozzles. Cool dough, designed, for example, for dumplings and noodles, perfectly obtained in devices with bladed Z-shaped nozzles.

Very claimed aggregates kneading various dough and allowing to prepare mousses, creams and other products. They are equipped with a variety of high-speed modes and labmers, different in shape.

Test mixers, the volume of the bowl varies. So, a mini-doughness for the house is equipped with 9 liters. For home kitchens are convenient compact units, the volume of bowls of which are 5-10 liters. Devices with spacious subframes are operated on production.

The performance of the testing machines, speed and quality of the kneading machine depends on the power. The higher the power (and it varies from 300 to 2000 W), the more reliable the test for the house. More interest in consumers cause models with timer and several speeds (sometimes from 1 to 10). Test mixers with a timer are very comfortable. After setting the time, the kneading disappears the need to control the process of cooking the test.

The cost of household tests and reviews about them

If the maximum power and ten speeds have a dough mixer for the house, the price is high - about $ 1000. Such devices are made of stainless steel and are equipped with 12 nozzles. In addition to the kneading test, they are performing other functions - meat grinders, mixer. When reading reviews you understand that this is not a simple test mixer, but a multifunctional

In the average price segment, aggregates with a steel case and a bowl with a capacity of 1000 watts are offered, not more than 6 speed modes. Standing models in the area of \u200b\u200b$ 500. However, there are very attractive pricing sweatshirts, the power of which is somewhat more - 1200 W. True, they have a plastic housing. But at the same time, the deca of stainless steel and 7 speeds. It is worth the test mixer in a plastic case of about $ 200.

A device with a bowl of 4.5 liters, six speeds and a capacity of 650 W - available at the cost of a spiral testing for home. Its price does not exceed $ 300. Although the power of the car is small, users leave pretty good feedback on its capabilities and work. With this test, the high-quality air dough is obtained, from which excellent pies, pizza and bread come out.

Testing machines in the kitchen will be useful to hostesses that are fond of homemade pastries. The dough mixer is a multifunctional electrical appliance, with which it is possible to: knead the yeast dough, mix various food ingredients, beat with a whisk. You can also be interested in information about how to use


The mixer test is an electrical appliance, with the help of which the necessary ingredients are mixed in a steel cup with the help of nozzles. The bowl is on the stand, which can rotate simultaneously with mixing devices.

With this device, you can very quickly make any type of test.

The standard set of nozzles includes metal whites and hooks spirals. The standard set of nozzles is supplemented with special devices for marsh, cream, souffle, confectionery mass. In some models, the nozzles are stored in a special stand in the kit.

The power of the electric motor varies from 500 to 1000 W. The presence of several mixing rates is useful in gradually introducing components. An emission button of the nozzle facilitates their cleaning and washing without additional effort. The container of the household mixer-doughness bowl varies from 2 to 5.0 liters.

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Types of mixers for dough

Depending on the volume of the bowl, the number of nozzles for measuring the test may be 1 or 2.

By the nature of rotation, stationary ordinary models and planetary are distinguished. The name of the aggregates occurred from the method of work: during the mixing process, the nozzle rotates around its own axis on the inner circle. The popularity of this type of machine is explained by their multifunction: standard equipment includes a shovel, hook, a whisk. Additionally, nozzles can be included for cooking, souffle, mince, cream.

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On video - Description of the device:

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Planetary models have a large amount of bowls and cost about $ 1,000.

Planetary test mixer - the best choice to obtain the test of the desired quality. The planetary model means that the nozzles rotate not only around their axis, but around the circumference of the bowl.

The advantages of planetary mixers:

  • smooth regulation of rotation speed;
  • low noise;
  • smooth start, excluding spraying and spraying;
  • spacious steel bowl;
  • easy replacement and washing nozzles;
  • energy intensity.

Mixers may differ in the presence or absence of a pulse mode and turbo mode. The pulse mode implies a smooth adjustment of the speeds of rotation of the nozzles by pressing the mode button. A smooth navigation transition is often necessary according to the recipe when entering various components.

With the help of a forced regime, the hostess has the ability to grind lumps in the test, to obtain a homogeneous mass.

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How to choose

When going to make the purchase of a dough mixer, you need to take into account several factors, as you have to pay for the cost of the unit in some cases up to 1000 dollars.

The hostess must decide:

  • what will suffocate (what types of test);
  • what additional functions may be needed (puree, sauce, minced meat, confectionery mixture);
  • maximum test volume, which may be needed in the process of cooking homemade baking.

Tests mixers are the most popular machines with which you can knead several types of dough, stuffing, pastry mixtures. They have 3-5-10 high-speed modes, additional blades.

Cheap mixers perform simple operations, "advanced" capable of kneading thick dough and have the price above average. Buying a mixer should relate to needs and expectations.

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Dear device will pay for itself if they are often used to apply for the preparation of new dishes. With rare application, it is better to do the cheap model of a small volume. The machine has significant sizes and weight, which should also be considered when purchased. For small kitchens, a mixer with a standard set of nozzles will be acceptable, with a bowl of up to 3 liters.

Manufacturers and prices

The dough can be kneaded in the kitchen combine, bread maker, using a manual and stationary mixer.

Basic manufacturers of dough mixers:

  1. SMEG;
  2. Scarlett;
  3. Moulinex;
  4. Kitfort;
  5. Bosch.

Bowl volume 2 l. Engine power 500 W. Cost 1499 rubles.

  • Boschmfq 36460 mixer.


Bowl volume 2 l, power 450 W. Price 3999 rub.

But what does it look like and how the planetary mixer Kitfort is used, you can see

  • Mäldexhm 41213e mixer. It has 2 stainless steel spirals for a thick dough knead and 2 whipping. Power 450 W. The volume of the bowl of 2.5 liters. Cost 5199 rub.

    Although the power is not very high, however, with a small number of starters in the form of a test, the device can cope

  • Mixer smegsmf01bleu.. Planetary model. Bowl of 4.8 liters. Power 800 W. Black color. Hooks and whiskers. 10 speed modes. Weight 9.5 kg. Price 51690 rub.

    The device is equipped with all the necessary wrenches for any needs in the kitchen.

  • Model KITFORTRT-1308-3 BLAK. Planetary model with 6 speeds, pulsed mode, a bowl of 4.2 liters.

    Quite a large amount of bowls will allow immediately prepare blanks in the form of test

  • Planetary Mixer FIRSTFA 5259-A. Country producer China. Power 700 W. Pulse mode. It has 3 nozzles: a whisk, a whisk for whipping, to knead the test. Number of speeds 10. Bowl volume 5 liters. Price from 7000 rubles.

    A very large number of speeds in the device mode will allow you to choose any speed.

  • Planetary Mixer CamryCr 4209. Power 1000 W. "Turbo" mode. Additional nozzles for cream, proteins. Price from 6000 rubles.

    A large range of nozzles with various wrenches will allow you to beat any liquids, make cream and various protein desserts

Popular Toughness Mixers

Mixer tests - a good help in the kitchen. To obtain a high-quality test requires a long squeezing. The car replaces the hands of a person, saves time for cooking. Additional nozzles make the test multifunctional, which pays for the cost of its acquisition. Products manufactured by European manufacturers have a high cost. Chinese mixers have good quality and more affordable prices.

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