Interesting options for cords for chickens. Automatic bird feeder

Encyclopedia plants 11.10.2019
Encyclopedia plants

Successful breeding of chickens or quail on a home mini-farm can only be appropriate. Compound feed and grain should receive in sufficient quantities. In addition, the owner of the household economy, of course, should be observed to observe the reinforcement regime. Otherwise, chickens and quail will be bad and slowly gain weight.

However, unfortunately, the possibility of visiting the poultry house 3-4 times the day for feeding feathered pets is far from each mini farm owner. In particular, this applies to summer residents. The way out of such a situation can be the installation in a barn of such a convenient device, like bunker and chickens. You can collect such a design if you wish, including your own hands.

Advantages of use

Most often in the poultry houses set long V-shaped troughs, shot down from the boards. The design of these devices is such that the chickens cannot climb inside in order to dig in the grain (and scatter it), and also leave litter. However, the sizes of V-shaped troughs are such that too much feed in them does not pour. If you make such a feeder size more, then climb inside the houses of labor will not be. With all the consequences arising from here. Yes, and places such a design in Saraj will take a lot. Therefore, the owners of the poultry houses and have to pour a grain in a few times a day.

Bunker feeder (photos of such structures can be seen on the page), such a lack is completely deprived. Fall asleep into this grain device, you can not go to the poultry system for several days. Of course, for summer residents, based on chickens, and quail arriving at their country plot for a maximum of twice a week, it is very convenient.

Design features

What is the feeder for chickens? Constructive device is not too complicated. It consists of two main parts: a large bunker for grain and tray, designed to feed the bird. Use such a design is very simple. The grain embraced in the bunker is poured into the tray gradually, as it eats his churars. Of course, the possibility of climbing the trough of such a structure in the bird is not. The tray for this is too small. Fall in the bunker through the hole done at the top, using a funnel.

Specialized stores today sell bunker feeders for chickens of any sizes made from a variety of materials. Most of them are easy to use. However, there are quite expensive at the factory of the adaptation of this type. Therefore, many owners of household farms are interested in how to make the design in such devices, as already mentioned, extremely simple.

What materials can be used

Homemade feeders for chickens of this variety can be manufactured:

    from plastic bottles of different sizes;

    old garden buckets;

    from sewer pipes;

    plywood, etc.

In general, it is possible to make such a comfortable device including from the submitted materials available in any farm.

Use bottles

It is easiest to make such a device as an automatic feeder for chickens, from plastic containers from under mineral water, juices, etc. The adaptation for adult birds is made of three bottles: two per 5 liters and one by 3 liters. It is important to choose a container with sufficiently dense walls. The procedure for the manufacture of feeders in this case should be:

    One of the five-liter bottles is cut in pressure.

    The top of the container can be thrown out. In the lower half, five square holes should be made of approximately 5 * 5 cm (across the circumference). It should be cut through them with a sharp knife at the height of the first edge from below.

    From the bottle of 3 l, you need to cut off the top with the neck. As a result, it will be pretty comfortable funnel.

How to feed the bird

In use, the feeder for chickens, made of plastic bottles, is extremely simple. In the remaining whole five-liter bottle through the plastic funnel, grain is embanked. Fill the feed to the package should be slightly more than half. Next, the bottle is neatly turned over (the neck must be keptped with palm) and inserted into the cropped part with the holes. The neck at the same time should get up to the bottom.

Of course, the weight of self-made feeders (and drinkers) for chickens made of plastic bottles are small. They have the sizes at the same time quite significant. Therefore, chickens can be easily flipped. In order for this not happened, the design should be fastened to the wall through the holes done in the plastic bunker.

Design for chickens

The feeder for chickens, the manufacturing technology of which was considered above, for small chicks, of course, will not suit. Fresh through a hole in 5x5 cm chicken can be very easy. Therefore, for chicks, the feeders are made of small bottles (1.5 liters). The principle of assembly in this case will be a little different. The feeder for chickens is made as follows:

    From the bottle of 1.5 liters, the bottom is cut off with the walls with a height of 10-12 cm.

    In it, as in the first case, holes are done. Of course, they should not be very big.

    In the bottom with holes, the top of the bottle is inserted down. The cork with it, of course, should be previously removed.

from bucket

Fixtures from bottles are distinguished by ease of use and are made elementary. However, sometimes owners of household farms are interested in how to make the feeder with their own hands from the bucket. After all, such a design may turn out to be more solid and durable than the bottle. The technology of making feeders of such a variety is also relatively simple. In addition to the bucket, in this case you need a menu machine for seedlings. It will be made convenient for chickens "Tray". Make the feeder of this variety like this:

    In the bottom of the bottom, 5-6 arched shape holes are cut through a height of about 2-3 cm.

    By the bottom of the bucket screwed the menagnets. You can fasten it to ordinary screws.

    A robust cord is tied to the bucket knob.

    The feeder is suspended at the height.

Using a pipe

The feeder from the bucket is spacious and can serve for several years without the need for replacement. However, sometimes the owners of the poultry houses make such devices from other materials. For example, an inexpensive and comfortable bunker feeder is obtained from sewer pipes (it can be seen just below it). For the manufacture of the device in this case will need to be purchased:

    a wide tube with a length of 1.5 m;

    two plastic corners (45 and 90);

It should be put on the pipe first a small corner (45). It should be attached as close as possible. Next, a large corner is put on a little. As a result, a design with a knee, like (but with a slightly raised output). The feeder assembled in this way should be hung on the wall of the house, distributing the clamps evenly along the entire length.

The plug is needed only if the feeder is supposed to be used on the street. After the grain frighting, it is simply worn on the pipe from above. It turns out a lid that prevents the wet of feed during the rain.

Works such chickens are extremely simple. Under the suspended pipe, tin or plastic basin is substituted. If some hung chicken will begin to peck the grain from the corner to 90, it will wake down. Files in the basic grain will be able to eat other chickens.

Using plywood

Bucket and sewer pipe - materials perfectly suitable for assembling such a comfortable design, like a feeder for chickens. However, all the same devices shot down from plywood are most durable and solid. In addition, a lot of grain can be saturated in a feeder made of such material. Make plywood bunkers like this:

    Long narrow vertical drawer are knocked down from sheets. The rear wall should be slightly above the front.

    From narrow boards, a rectangular tray of the same width as the vertical box is knocked down. The length of it should be more than 5-7 cm.

    Fasten the tray to the bottom of the box. The result is a big design, in the profile resembling an inverted letter "G".

Thus, the feeder is not distinguished by special stability. Therefore, it is worth bold to the shed wall. From above, a vertical drawer is preferably covered with a folding lid.

This bunker feeder for quails is very well suited. The only thing for this kind of economic feathery needs to be made to make a much smaller size. After all, it contains quails only in cells. The outdoor method of breeding such birds requires too much costs for shed equipment.

A small feeding bag "boot" in this case is simply installed next to the cell in such a way that quailing can having drinked between the rods, it is easy to get to the grain in the tray. For reliability, the feeder should be fixed to the cage frame for screws.

Feeders for chickens, made with their own hands, is a very important attribute in housekeeping and poultry care. After all, your own small farm can become a good base to improve the family diet and even increase income. And no matter what purpose you grow chickens (for meat or for eggs), in the process of their content, the main part is occupied by the supply of liveliness of food.

We do everything according to the rules

How to make a feeder for chickens? To create them, there are certain requirements. They are not too much, and they are easily implemented.

We remember the classification

Feeders for chickens, do it yourself performed, divided into several types. Each of them is determined by the following criteria:

  1. Materials that are used for production (plastic, wood, metal, mesh and others).
  2. Used type of feed feed (tray, groove, bunker devices).

Material determines the purpose

  1. Wooden feeders are best suited to feed the birds with dry feeds like grain and feed. Also, devices of this type are used to supply mineral additives, such as small seashells and pebbles, as well as chalk and limestone.
  2. Metal and plastic containers. In them, the rational to put the wet mixtures, since these materials are easier to be laundered.
  3. Mesh feeders and made of metal springs. They are most convenient to serve fresh grass.

By type of feed

Depending on what type of feed is used, the following chickens distinguish with their own hands:

  1. Tray. They are flat vessels with sideboards that do not allow the bird to scatter food. This variety is optimally suitable for chickens.
  2. Yellow. In them, the tray is complemented by a special turntable or a removable grille that restricts access to content. These devices are placed outside the cells, so that they are much more convenient to serve.
  3. Bunker. Cut feeders, with their own hands made, used for filling dry food. The design makes it possible in the morning to fall asleep into it such a number of grain, which will be enough for the whole day so that the owner does not worry about feeding until tomorrow. At the same time, the food is poured into the trays smoothly, as needed, and the closed structure of the device serves as a key to the purity and dryness of its contents.

Using plastic

Feeders and drinkers for currency with their own hands can be made of the most ordinary girlfriend materials. For example, for this purpose you will be useful to a large plastic bottle of water. On one of its sides you need to position the handle.

In the manufacture, it is necessary to ensure that the walls of the tank are dense and well preserved the form. A hole for accessing chickens to food needs to be cut at an altitude of about 6-8 centimeters from the bottom level. And so that the container is convenient to hang on the grid, you need to make a small incision on the handle.

I bring the case to automatism

Bunker feeders for chickens, do it yourself, are still called automatic. With their help, it is possible to significantly simplify the feeding process. The fact is that the crumbly feed in such an adaptation comes to livestock as it rocks the previous portions. Such a feeder can be made from a plastic bucket from under construction materials or fish. You can also use a majuage for seedlings. It is great for this fixture.

At the bottom of the package, it is necessary to cut holes through which food will be able to leak into the departments of the Majanets. Its diameter should be 10-15 centimeters to exceed the size of the main bucket. Two of these parts of the feeders can be combined with the help of self-tapping screws. The feed in it is covered with a lid from above, and you can place it right on the ground or hang on a height of about two tens of centimeters.

Sewer pipes to help

You can easily make feeders and drinkers for smokers with your own hands from sewage accessories that have been flying somewhere in the barn after repair. To do this, take a pipe made from PVC. Its diameter should be approximately 15-16 centimeters. You will also need a tee and a pair of plugs from the same material.

Choose the length of the pipe at your discretion. Large more spacious, but less stable. Cut two fragments from it at 20 and 10 centimeters, respectively. Connect the tube and a 20-centimeter piece with a tee, attach the plug at their external ends. To the remaining part of the adapter, attach a 10-centimeter segment - it will perform the functions of the feed tray.

Now simply fill the resulting food design and fix it on the wall of the chicken coop, turning the long side up. If you think you need, you can also close the hole for the night to access the grain using the plug.

This type of feed feeders, with their own hands made, can be used in the farm in any quantity. Also, several pieces can be combined between themselves and get a more complex version of the tube tool.

We work with a tree

A little more time will leave to make a similar fixture from plywood. The feeder for chickens with his own wood is made using a special scheme. In order to do everything correctly, you must perform the following conditions:

Feeders for chickens, with their own hands made from handicraft materials, it is necessary before using the antiseptic processing. With it, you will kill harmful microbes and bacteria that can spoil food or even harm your health care.

You can make devices in the form of elongated boxes or boxes that will stand near the courtyard for walking. So you can secure food so that it does not deteriorate. Cuts for chickens, with their own hands made of well-made materials, ensure the purity of your legs, because you no longer have to constantly enter the barn or fence to check for food in birds. To make it easily cleaning to clean, you can lay the bottom of a small piece of linoleum.

Feeders perfectly protect the food not only from foreign objects and fluids (for example, during the rain), and also do not allow the chickens to scatter the grain to the ground. Thanks to the universal design, they feed meals dosage, so it is not even necessary to control feeding during the day. It takes a little time to make the device, but at the same time it greatly facilitates the process of doing the economy.

Calculated only for feeding with dry foods, which are characterized in bulk. In the capacity it is possible to pour grain, granules, feed, but in no case you can not add various sauckers or pulled vegetables.

These devices can be different species, but they are based on the same principle of operation.

Thanks to the work of feeding feeds, food is given automatically, specifically in that volume that was used by birds. Another part of it is contained in the individual compartment of the mechanism.

The advantage of autocoruses not only in the continuous supply of birds with food, as well as in its protection against scattering and turning during precipitation. Also, these devices are well saved by feed, due to the correct dosing.

Attention attracts an automatic feeder, which can be programmed as well as having a timer. With the help of the timer it is possible to set the feed time. In the feeding mechanism there is a screw that moved food into the tray. Almost all models of devices with a timer have a backup battery and a container for storing a feed mix. Feeding frequency is possible up to eight times, the break between them is also configured.

The feed compartment is perfectly protected, due to the closed covers. Due to the fact that the tray is removable it is very easy to clean. The main disadvantage of this device will be a very big price.

Options are on sale

In specialized stores and online stores it is possible to buy both simple devices, for example, bunker and high-tech fixtures with a timer and a function of sparing feed.

The cost of simple varies from five hundred to one and a half thousand rubles, and the second will cost five to six times more expensive.

The material of these devices is different: from ABS plastic (cost approximately six and a half thousand rubles) and before steel with a powder painting (eight and a half thousand rubles).

Where to begin?

Automatic feeder really make your own hands from a variety of materials. Mostly more often use wood, phaneer or plastic.

In order to independently make an autocorus needed the following materials and tools:

  • plywood sheet;
  • bruks of wood;
  • furniture bolts;
  • loops - 2 pcs.;
  • saw for wood;
  • drill, rolled;
  • pencil;
  • roulette.

BUT for making with your own hands, we need the following materials. and tools:

  • plastic container (volume from five to ten liters), while the bunker function can perform a bucket, a bottle or other type of container (about how to make a feeder for chickens from a plastic bottle, read);
  • perfectly putty knife;
  • face with a side;
  • nails;
  • self-tapping screw;
  • wire.

How to make your own hands?

With dispenser

When all materials are prepared, you can start making. The procedure is as follows:

  1. On the sheet of plywood, it is necessary to draw design details. They should be seven:
    • facial part - two rectangles 28 * 29 centimeters and 7 * 29 centimeters;
    • lid - rectangle 26 * 29 centimeters;
    • side walls - two pieces height 40 centimeters, upper edge 26 centimeters and lower edge 29 centimeters;
    • bottom - rectangle 29 * 17 centimeters;
    • rear wall - 41 * 29 centimeters.
  2. Carefully cut the items.
  3. Next, make an electric door hole for screws in places of fastening.
  4. In order for the surface of the feeder to become safe for chickens, handle all the details of sandpaper.
  5. Collect design. It must be remembered that the front top and rear walls must be located relative to the horizontal at an angle of 15 degrees.
  6. Screw to the hinge top cover to the rear parts of the side walls.

We watch the video about how to make an autocorry from plywood for currency with your own hands:

Bunker model

  1. At the beginning it is necessary to select the container into which the feed mixture will be added, as well as the bottom.
  2. As a tray, it is possible to use a lid that has edges or any capacity for growing seedlings.

    It is necessary that the bottom of the bottom was larger to 20-30 centimeters, unlike the bunker with food.

  3. Next, it is necessary to cut a semicircular opening, a radius of about 4-5 centimeters, for each compartment, using a knife.
  4. Then, with the help of self-screws, connect both parts of the details.
  5. In order for the feeder to have a correct location at the required level and ensure maximum convenience of birds, it is necessary to use nails and long wire. In the event of a complete absence of the need for this and the feeder for birds came out fairly strong and stable, it is enough to put it in the chicken coop on the floor.


How to use?

All these devices made by their own either purchased in stores are designed to feed feed birds when they are completely eaten.

The poultry industry is obliged to add food all the time for its winged pets in the place specifically allocated for this, that is, in that compartment, in which the feed is added portion. This place must be tightly close - this will allow you to preserve all the feed from the rapid eating by all birds, especially violent, for example, Andalusian chickens, and will protect food from scattering throughout the chicken coop.

So that the bird rolled and not fat, then it is not necessary to overproer it too often. So that the bird is not sick and has always been in excellent condition, then it is necessary to observe its correct diet. At present there are many diverse feed for poultry.

The meat will be juicy and soft, and eggs are useful and rich in trace elements if the bird will receive proper and useful food. It is very important to comply with the proper nutrition in birds. Although it is necessary to feed the bird all the time during the time, but still there are situations when it is necessary to limit the dose of nutrition at chickens. Most often, the need for such a procedure occurs when the chickens are forming eggs.

You can not allow laying in young chickens of eggs, since these birds may have serious health problems. If smoked problems with bones or their structure, it suggests that its nutrition is poor quality or monotonous.


Most popular and love among all the poultry farms for a long time is automatic. It is better not to use too expensive production models in small business enterprises, as they may be pretty ineffective.

Do not prematurely disappear. You can always independently, at home, make an automatic feeder for your birds and is just enough. In the creation of her independently there are two advantages: it is possible to make it on your taste, color and spend on it at least cash.

Household requires a lot of trouble and temporary investment. One of the main worries that takes the time of farmers is feeding chickens. Products that offer market, albeit convenient to use, but are not available. Automatic feeder for cleaners do it yourself - salvation for those who consider their money. In this article, consider what ways to quickly feed the chickens and crafts and crafts.

Feeding chickens - an important part of the poultry farming

All feeders, homemade or factory, serve the stern food as the birds eat it. The farmer must be filled with food in a special compartment, from where it is serviced in the feeding capacity. The compartment is tightly closed, which makes it possible to ensure the safety of the feed: the chickens will not eate it ahead of time, and especially violent, for example, do not scatter food on the chicken coop.

With the automatic feeder, the farmer does not need to follow the time of feeding the chickens and attend the chicken coop with feed depending on the power mode of the chicken flock. Therefore, if you have conceived to make several bird individuals, this question must be thought out in advance.

Automatic feeders are designed for dry feed. Since the chickens need a diverse diet, refer to the presence of other tanks in the chicken coop.

What autocorns offer the market?

In stores you can purchase as simplest designs, for example, bunker and high-tech devices with a timer and the function of the spamming of feed. The price of the first fluctuates in the area of \u200b\u200b500-1500 rubles, but for technical progress will have to pay 5-6 times more expensive. The material of such feeders can be different: from ABS plastic (price of about 6.5 thousand rubles) and before steel with powder painting (8.5 thousand rubles).

Also, the store autocoruses can be conditionally divided into ready-made designs with a container for feed and tray and individual trays with separators for which it will be necessary to further find some can or bottle. If we talk about simple products of the second type, then they are very cheap, in the area of \u200b\u200b100 rubles, but have a small amount and are suitable for feeding chickens. If you hold the flock of adult chickens, this purchase will not be successful.

Dear automatic feeders suggest the installation of barrels or bottles with a capacity in the area of \u200b\u200b20 liters. The device is attached at the bottom of the barrels, it is not necessary to connect it to the network - it works on several batteries of type D or gets power from the battery. The entire design must be fixed at some distance from the ground to provide free grain spreading.

The advantage of such autocoruses is the presence of a timer and the ability to program in advance the amount of scattered feed. This allows not to take care of whether birds eat well enough. But no more laid chickens will be eaten.

However, such devices are advisable to purchase only in the presence of a large oppression. If chickens are a bit, then it is better to pay attention to simpler and cheap items.

The principle of operation of bunker (vacuum) autocorns

Perhaps this is the most popular option to feed the flock of hungry birds. Almost all products described in the article suggest the use of this particular principle.

The bunker feeder, as mentioned above, consists of a closed container, which is completely filled with feed, and the tray in which the feed is supplied through a small hole. The fact that the chicken climbs into the feeder can not be afraid - the hole is too narrow, and the feed itself will interfere.

Before starting to make the feeder one of the following ways, think about how it is more convenient to fix the container with a daily diet so that the chickens do not overturn it and have not scattered the grain along the smokehead. At the same time, you must have the opportunity for its removal, since the feeder must be regularly brushed from the remains of the old food.

The bunker feeder is very easy to do alone from the remedies. Consider several ways.

Before starting to perform work on one of the following instructions, carefully read them to the end so that your feeder makes you fully satisfy the needs of your birds and chicken coop.

Plastic bunker feeders

Making a vacuum feeder from a plastic bucket

This type of container does not suit it to accommodate on the street. Moist will fall into the feed, which will negatively affect his qualities. But if you plan to feed birds in the chicken coop, then this option can be very good for you by the way.

In order to make a vacuum feeder, you will need:

  • plastic bucket with a dense lid of the required volume (5-10 liters);
  • tray - can be bought in a store with separators, and you can use some pelvis, tray or other flat container. The tray diameter should be 20-30 centimeters to exceed the bottom diameter of the bucket;
  • cutter for plastic or any other convenient tool;
  • screws and nuts.
1 Take the bucket and keep at the bottom of several semicircular holes with a radius of about 4-5 centimeters. The size and number of holes are selecting on the basis of the required amount of feed intake. If you use the separators tray, their number will correspond to the number of separators.
2 With screws, connect the bucket with a container for the tray.
3 Put the bucket feed and close the lid.

So that the birds are not injected, the edges of the holes are desirable to be processed, or not to allow burrs during cutting.

To feed the feed at the bottom and was available to birds, you can consolidate anything inside the bucket - for example, the upper part of the plastic bottle. The feed will be replaced by the walls to the edges of the tray, which will make access to it easier.

In the same way, you can make a vacuum feeder of plastic bottles, metal vest and other containers. Plastic bottle can be attached to the wire tray, you can make separators from it.

Small bunker feeder for chickens

Chicks need a special approach to feeding. First, the first time they contain them separately from adult individuals, and secondly, the growth of chickens may not allow them to reach the feed. Therefore, for feeding feed chickens make separate containers.

Tools and materials

  1. Two plastic bottles with a volume of 1.5-3 liters or other depending on the amount of feet of the feed. Pick the bottles so that the upper part and the neck of one bottle are freely placed in the middle part of the other.
  2. Tray for feed feed. To do this, you can use covers, plastic bowls and other flat dishes with not very high walls, otherwise chickens will not reach the feed.
  3. Stationery knife or other tool for cutting plastic.
1 Take a smaller bottle and cut the upper cone. The bottom of the bottle will no longer need.
2 Take a big bottle and cut the upper cone and bottom.
3 In the bottom of a large bottle, do small holes with a diameter of about two centimeters.
4 Attach the middle part of the big bottle with holes to the feed tray.
5 Close the upper cone of a small bottle and place inside the resulting feeder. This is necessary so that the feed is not stuck at the bottom of the bottle.

Instead of a larger bottle, a small plastic bucket can be used, for example, from under mayonnaise, or a container for storing CDs. The procedure for such a feeder is almost similar to those described above.

Autocorry from plastic bottles

If you often buy water in five-liter plastic bottles, you can use them in order to improve the process of feeding chickens in your farm. However, this design has the same drawback as the products from the plastic bucket - they are not protected from bad weather.

For autocoruses, you will need:

  • two plastic bottles;
  • stationery knife or other convenient tool for cutting plastic;
  • flat bowl or basque slightly larger diameter than bottom bottles, for lid.
1 Take the first bottle and cut it in half. We will need half with the bottom, the upper part with the cone is not useful. When cutting, focus on the photo.
2 From all sides, cut the holes so that the chicken head can turn freely. Do not forget to handle the edges of the holes so that the chickens are hurt.
3 Take the second bottle and cut the bottom with it.
4 Place the second bottle in the first down the neck. Connect both parts of the feeders in a convenient way.
5 After backfilling the feed tightly close the bottom of the upper bottle with a wide bowl or basin. Pay attention to how easy it is to remove the cover from the bottle so that the chickens do not get to the feed.

The neck of the upper bottle must be several millimeters below the lower edge of the holes. If this condition does not observe, feed will be crowned outward.

Video - bunker feeder for chickens in 10 minutes

A similar way you can make a bottle feeder for chickens. An example of such a product in the video below.

Automatic tree feeders or plywood

Designs from plastic bottles, undoubtedly, spoil the appearance of the chicken coop. And although this factor does not matter much in the poultry farming, as the main thing - the satiety of chickens, you can pay attention to the products from plywood. Another obvious advantage of such feeders is that you can independently design their capacitance, which is not so easy to do with the products described above.

On the other hand, working with wooden panels and plywood requires large labor costs and not to make them for everyone. But if you have the necessary skills in joinery, then the following two options may be useful to you.

Option of autocoruses First: without pedal

Tools and materials to create a feeder

  1. Dense plywood or wooden boards.
  2. Drill and rolled.
  3. Sculpture and screws.
  4. Loops.
  5. Sandpaper.
  6. Saw.
  7. Pencil or marker.
  8. Paper to create a drawing.
  9. Roulette or ruler.
1 Before you start work, we need to make a pattern, for which we will cut the parts for the feeder. Take paper and draw the following details:
For side walls - two figures with a height of 40 cm, the upper edge of 26 cm and the bottom edge 29 cm. Do not forget to cut two triangles on the walls (see the drawing);
For the facial part - two rectangles 28x29 cm and 7x29 cm;
For the lid - rectangle 26x29 cm;
For the bottom - a rectangle with dimensions of 29x17 mm;
For the rear wall - 41x29 cm.
2 Transfer the drawings on the boards and carefully cut the items.
3 Now you need to make an electric door for screws for screws in places of fastening.
4 To the surface of the feeder was safe for birds, treat all the details of the sandpaper.
5 Focusing on the above drawing, collect the design. Do not forget that the front top and rear walls must be located relative to the horizontal at an angle of 15˚.
6 Screw to the hinge top cover to the back parts of the side walls.
7 Process the resulting drawer with an antiseptic agent. Lucky and paint use undesirable, it can negatively affect the stern and health of the chickens.

Options of autocoruses Second: with a pedal

The principle of operation of the feeders can be viewed on the video below. The chicken occurs on the pedal, the tray cover opens and access to the stern. Such a design is convenient because, unlike the previous version, it is completely sealed, and if you treat the tree safe for a waterproof solution, it can be installed in the yard.

Automatic feeder with a pedal - an interesting and unusual option

The principle of operation of such a feeder can be viewed on the video below.

In order to independently construct a chicken feed capacity with a pedal, you will need:

  • wooden boards or sheets of dense plywood;
  • thin wooden bars;
  • furniture bolts or other products for fastening elements;
  • loops;
  • electric drill and rolled;
  • sandpaper;
  • saw;
  • pencil or marker;
  • paper for creating patterns;
  • roulette.

Step 1. Draw a ten details of the future feeder: a tray cover, two sidewar panels, a detail for the bottom, the back wall (note that it is located under the tilt in the finished box), two rectangles for the front wall (or three depending on which box You like more), upper cover, pedal. When defining the sizes, focus on your needs and the drawing from the previous feeder option.

Step 2. Wooden bars cut into six pieces. Two bars, which will later be attached to the pedal, should be the longest (the length of the bar is calculated on the basis of the pedal width and the width of the box). Two more pieces of timber - medium length (needed for a lid over a tray). The third pair of short bars serves to connect the lifting mechanism among themselves.

Step 3. With the help of a saw cut the parts from plywood. Treat them with sandpaper to neutralize the product for chickens.

Step 4. Connect together all the walls of autocoruses with screws. Please note that the rear panel should be at an angle of about 15˚. This is necessary so that feed is not stood in the far corner of the box. To provide greater density, use the clamp.

Step 5. Attach the top cover. To do this, use 2 loops. Subsequently, you will discard this lid to fill the feeder feed.

Step 6. In the queue, the insertion of the product is the assembly of pedals and bars. To understand how to act, focus on the photo above. Attach the bars of the middle length on the sides to the lid of the tray with food. At the opposite end of the bars need to do 2 holes. The diameter of one of them should be slightly larger than the diameter of the bolt, and the hole itself should be closer towards the end of the bar. This hole must correspond to the same in the side wall of the drawer. Then screw the bolt so that it allows the bar to move in the wall plane.

Step 7. In the same way, we attach the longest bar to the pedal of autocoruses. The hole for connecting the bar with the wall should be made approximately 1/5 of the length of the bar. Do not forget about the hole at the very end of the bar.

Step 8. We have two loose holes on each side (one at the top and bottom bar). They need to fasten the shortest slices of BRUSEV. Unlike previous steps, this connection must be rigid and durable, otherwise the pedal will not work. Make sure that when you click on it, the tray cover with feed rises. If this does not happen, adjust the tension of the bolts.

Step 9. Treat an antiseptic box. As in the previous case, varnishes and paints in order to avoid harm to chickens, use undesirable.

Pipe feed

A number of poultry farms claim that PVC pipe feeders are most convenient to operate. First, the pipes must be fixed on the walls of the chicken coop, so you can not be afraid that the birds will overturn the capacitance and their whole food will be on the floor. Secondly, in a number of homemade automatic feeders, the design of pipes has the largest volume - there enters around 10 kilograms of feed.

Of the minuses such designs it is worth noting that the pipe can not just take and rinse with flowing water under the crane, so if you stopped at this option, you will have to invent your cleaning methods.

Automatic PVC pipe feeder with tee

You will need the following materials:

  • three pieces of PVC pipes with a diameter of 110 mm and a length of 70 cm, 20 cm and 10 cm;
  • two plugs of the corresponding diameter;
  • the tee of the corresponding diameter, the angle of which is 45˚;
  • brackets or other material for fastening the pipe to the wall.

1 To one of the ends of the 20-centimeter tube, attach the plug. It will be the bottom of the feeder.
2 To another end of the pipe, attach the tee so that the lateral knee watches up with respect to the bottom.
3 At the side knee, attach a piece of pipe with a length of 10 cm. Do not forget to handle the edges of the pipe so that the chickens are not hurt - it is from here that they will get food.
4 The remaining 70-centimeter pipe attach to the third hole of the tee.
5 Attach the pipe in the chicken coop in any convenient way, for example, on the brackets for fastening the ventilation pipes. After the feeding of the feed in the pipe, it must be closed with a cap so that there is no precipitation there.

The disadvantage of such a feeder is that the feed will stay at the bottom, and it will have to be strawged manually.

Autocorrus of pipes with knee

This design is perhaps most practical. It is easy to assemble and install and relatively inexpensive - all materials for her will cost in the area of \u200b\u200b1500 rubles. If you recently installed ventilation in the house and you have stayed half-and-half pieces of pipes, then this option will be the most budget.

Required materials for autocoruses

  1. A piece of pipe with a diameter of 110 mm and a length of 1.5 meters.
  2. Two knees - one by 45˚ and the second 90˚.
  3. Brackets or other material for fastening the pipe to the wall.
  4. Stub.

Step 1. Collect the design in such a sequence: the pipe, then the knee is 45˚ and the knee is 90˚. Make sure the edges of the latter knee do not have burrs and were not traumatic for birds.

Step 2. Attach the design to the wall most convenient for you.

Step 3. With the help of the bank, pour food into the pipe and, if necessary, cover the plug.

Video - Autocorrhea from pipes in private

Options for autocoruses for advanced poultry farms

Of course, not everyone can be satisfied with plastic bottles and pipes. Therefore, in skillful hands, everything is going on - from meat grinders to self-assembly mechanisms.

Video - Automatic feeder for chickens from meat grinder

Video - Corringem for chickens using relays

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