Icon of the Mother of God "Smolenskaya" - meaning, history. Icon of the Mother of God "Smolenskaya

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Smolensk icon of the Mother of God - Chtime in the Orthodox Church of the Icon of the Virgin. Refers to the icon-painted type of odigitria. The Mother of God, appears in this image as a man's guide going to God. It is represented by the frontal, looking at the focus on praying. On her left hand, the Mother of God holds the baby of Christ, and rightly points to him as the Savior. The baby himself stretches one hand to the mother, and in the other holds a folded scroll - his teaching. The characteristic features of odigitria include a very small turn of Our Lady towards the Son.

The primordot of the Smolensk Virgin is very ancient and, according to legend, written by the apostle onions themselves for the Antioch ruler of the Ferofila. After the death of the Ferofila, this image of odigitria-guide returned to Jerusalem; In the V century, the queen Evdokia, the wife of the emperor Feodosia, moved him to Tsargrad, in the Vellaner Temple. From there, the future Smolensk icon in the 11th century fell on Rus. Perhaps the icon became in 1046 by the parent blessing for the daughter of the Byzantine emperor Konstantin of the Ninth Monomakh Anna, which was married to the Chernigov Prince of Vsevolod Yaroslavich, the son of Yaroslav Wise.

However, there is a historical certificate that the Tsargrad Icon was destroyed by the Turks who delivered her precious salary during the siege of Constantinople in 1453. Therefore, most researchers inclined to the fact that the icon brought in the 11th century is a list from an ancient Constantinople image.

After the death of Prince Vsevolod Odigitriya found a new keeper in his son, the Grand Duke of Kiev Vladimir II Monomakh - Communion, writer (the author of the famous "teaching") and the Tempener. In 1095, he suffered an icon from Chernigov (first of his life) to Smolensk, and in 1101 he laid the Cathedral Temple of the Assumption of the Blessed Virgin Mary. Ten years later, Odigitria was set in this cathedral and from that time began to be called Smolensk - by the name of the city, the keeper of which remained for almost nine centuries.

In the XIII century, the Hordes of Batya fell on Rus, rapidly moving to the west. Crying and praying, Smolyan turned to the intercession of his keeper. And a miracle was accomplished: the Virgin Through the image of Odigitria Smolenskaya gave the city a wonderful salvation. Tatars have already stood several versts from Smolensk, when the warrior named Mercury heard the voice outgoing from the holy icon: "I send you to protect my house. The rulers of the Ordinsky secretly wants to attack my dear with his army in the present night, but I missed my son and my God about my house, but I will not betray him to work enemy. I myself will be with you, helping your slave. " Overcoming the Mill, Mercury raised the townspeople, and he himself rushed into the enemy mill, where he died in an unequal battle. He was buried in the Cathedral Church of Smolensk and soon ranked saints. In memory of Mercury on the day of his death before the miraculous way, odigitria was made a special thankful mulabrata.

In 1395, the Smolensk Principality lost its independence, hitting dependence on Lithuania. But only three years later, the daughter of the Lithuanian Prince Vitovt Sofia was married to the prince of Moscow Vasily Dmitrievich (the son of Prince Dimitri Donskoy), and Odigitriya became her dowry. In 1398, the acquired shrine was established in the Blagoveshchensky Cathedral of the Kremlin on the right side of the royal gates. Muscovites were reverently worshiped her for half a century, but in 1456 the representative of Smolyan was arrived in Moscow - Bishop Smolensky Mikhail - and beat the brow on the return of the shrine. Grand Duke Vasily Dark (1415-1462), having consisted with the bishops and boyars, commanded "let go" the miraculous in Smolensk, leaving its exact list in Moscow. On July 28, during a concrete, the icon was hardly carried out by Muscovites, the icon was solemnly spent through the Maiden field to Ford from the steep radiation of the Moscow River, followed by the road to Smolensk. Here, a guaranteed guide was served here, after which the name of the miraculous went to Smolensk, and the victims attributed a list with Smolensk in the Annunciation Cathedral of the Moscow Kremlin. On this day, July 28 (August 10) a celebration of Smolensk Odigitria is made. In Moscow, it was customary to make a cross move from the Kremlin, according to Prechistenka and the Great Field into the Novodevichi Monastery, which was founded in 1525 by the Grand Duke Vasily III at the very place where in 1456 Muscovites were accompanied by a miraculous icon.

In 1609, Smolensk posted the Polish army, and after twenty months of siege, in 1611, the city fell. The miraculous Smolensk icon was again sent to Moscow, and when the Poles captured Moscow, then in Yaroslavl, where she was before the expulsion of Poles and the return of Smolensk by the Russian state in 1654, in the reign of Alexei Mikhailovich. On September 26, 1655, the miraculous Icon of Odigitria returned to Smolensk.

Again in Moscow, Smolensk Odigitria appeared during the Patriotic War of 1812. On August 26, on the day of the Borodino battle, Smolensk, the Iverland and Vladimir icons, with a congestion, they appreciated around Moscow, and on August 31, Iverly and Smolensk were visited by the wounded in the battle lying in the Lefortovo hospital. When Russian troops left Moscow, the Smolensk icon was transported to Yaroslavl. However, on December 24, 1812, Odigitria returned to the Assumption Cathedral of Smolensk.

Before the beginning of the Great Patriotic War, the Smolensk icon of Odigitria was in its historical place - in the Assumption Cathedral of Smolensk, which was not ruined after closing in 1929. Last reliable news about the icon of the Smolensk Mother of God belongs to 1941, when the city occupied the fascists. Two years later, Smolensk was released by Soviet troops, but the icons in the cathedral did not turn out.

Now in the Assumption Cathedral Smolensk at the honorable place is a list of the Smolensk icon of the Mother of God.

One of the most revered lists of icons in Moscow is located in the Moscow Novospassky Stavropiygial Men's Monastery.

Tropear, voice 4

To the Mother of God diligently today, sin, sinning and humble, and in penalties, in repentance, from the depths of the soul: Vladychitsa, Pomso, are mercifully, sweat, die from many of the lacerations, do not turn your slaves of the car, you are the hope of Imam.

Kondak, voice 6

The concept of Christians is a non-disabled, the request to the Creator is immutable, do not see the sinful praying of glaces, but preliminarily offended by the help of us, rightfully calling: speed up on prayer and sweat to the default, constituted, the Virgin Mary, who verified.

Lists of odigitria Smolenskaya

Odigitria Smolensk Mallskaya

One of the most complete descriptions of the miraculous icon of Odigitriya MGLINSKA is represented in the bookPictures of the church life of the Chernihiv diocese from the IX century of its history. Kiev, 1911:

I. T. Tokmakov in his book "Historical and Statistical Description of Mountains. Mozynna "writes that the identity icon was given to the blessing of the wife of Chernihiv Prince Vsevolod Yaroslavich, captured on Chernihiv Poles and abandoned near the battlefield. At the bottom of the Odigitria icons, an old inscription is preserved: "The image of God 1664 Msetis on September 2, the image is found to be found by the Most Holy Virgin ... Mezhy Drock and Niva, in the swamp" ...

Some time Icon was in the Kostacians, then postponed to the Mozy Church, and on March 2, 1832, with religious solemnity installed in MGLIN Assumption Cathedrale..

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Smolensk icon of the Mother of God, referred to as "Odigitria", which means "guide", for church legend, was written by the Holy Evangelical Luka during the earth's life of the Most Holy Virgin. Saint Dimitri Rostovsky suggests that this image was written at the request of the Antioch ruler of the Ferofila. From Antioch, the shrine was transferred to Jerusalem, and from there Empress Evdokia, the spouse of Arcadia, handed over to Konstantinople Pulcheria, the sister of the emperor, who put the holy icon in the Varlane temple.

Greek Emperor Konstantin Ih Monomakh (1042-1054), issuing his daughter Anna for Prince Vsevolod Yaroslavich in 1046, Yaroslav Wise's son, blessed her in the path of this icon. After the death of Prince Vsevolod, Icon moved to his son Vladimir Monomakh, who suffered it at the beginning of the XII century to the Smolensk Cathedral Church in honor of the Assumption of the Blessed Virgin Mary. Since that time, Icon got the name of Odigitria Smolenskaya.

In 1238, after the Icon, the selfless Orthodox warrior Mercury at night penetrated into the camp Batya and interrupted many enemies, including their strongest warrior. Having adopted a martyr's death in the battle, he was counted the church to the face of saints (memory on November 24).

In the Khiv century Smolensk was in possession of Lithuanian princes. The daughter of Prince Vitovet Sofia was married to the Grand Duke Moscow Vasily Dimitrievich (1398-1425). In 1398, she brought the Smolensk icon of the Mother of God to Moscow. The Holy Image was installed in the Blagoveshchensky Cathedral of the Kremlin, on the right side of the royal gates. In 1456, at the request of the residents of Smolensk, headed by the bishop Misail, Icon was solemnly with the godfather returned to Smolensk, and in Moscow there were two copies of it. One was set in the Blagoveshchensky Cathedral, and the other - "Measure to Measure" - in 1524 in the Novodevichy Monastery, based in the memory of the return of Smolensk Russia. The monastery was arranged on the maiden field, where "with many tears" Muscovites released the holy icon in Smolensk. In 1602, a clear list was written with a miraculous icon (in 1666, together with an ancient icon, a new list was taken to Moscow to rejoice), which was placed in the tower of the Smolensk fortress wall, over the Dnieper gates, under a specially arranged tent. Later, in 1727, a wooden church was arranged there, and in 1802 - stone.

The new list perceived the graceful strength of the ancient image, and when Russian troops were left by Smolensk on August 5, 1812, the icon took with them to be worn from the enemy. On the eve of the Borodino battle, this image was worn around the camps to strengthen and encourage warriors to a great feat. The ancient image of Smolensk Odigitria, taken temporarily to the Assumption Cathedral, on the day of the Borodino battle, together with the Iverskaya and Vladimir icons of the Mother of God, were shared around the White City, China-Cities and Kremlin walls, and then sent to the sick and wounded to the Lefortovo Palace. Before leaving Moscow, the icon was taken to Yaroslavl.

So, our ancestors were kept, these sister icons, and the Mother of God through her images protected our homeland. After the victory over the enemy, the icon of odigitria, together with the famous list, was returned to Smolensk.

The celebration in honor of this miraculous image on July 28 was established in 1525 in the memory of the return of Smolensk Russia.

There are many verbal lists with Smolensk odigitria, which should be celebrated on the same day. There is also the day of the celebration of the Smolensk Icon, famous in the nineteenth century, - November 5, when this image by order of the commander-in-chief of the Russian army M. I. Kutuzov was returned to Smolensk. In memory of the expulsion of enemies from the Fatherland in Smolensk, it was established to celebrate this day annually.

The holy icon of the Mother of Odigitria is one of the main shrines of the Russian Church. Believers received and receive abundant help from her. Mother of God through his holy image stands up and reinforces us, guiding to salvation, and we appeal to her: "You're faithful people - all-incurate odigitriors, you are Smolensk praise and all Russian land - approval! Rejoice, odigitine, christian salvation! "

The Smolensk Icon of the Mother of God "Odigitria" is assigned to one of the icon-painted types. If you believe ledge, the icon is written in the distant times by the evangelist. In Russia, "Odigitria" appeared only in the XI century. Only in the XII century, she began to be called Smolensk, when it was placed in the Smolensk Temple of the Assumption of the Virgin.

What are the icon pray about?

The prayer of Smolenskaya for many centuries is revered by many Christians and helps to accomplish incredible wonders. Smolensk "Odigitria" is considered patroness travelers, they ask her to protect them on the way from unpleasant situations, various diseases, unforeseen troubles. Also, she pursue all the suffering, asking for protecting and maintaining their home from unfriendly and enemies. Throughout the history of Christians asked for help from the Smolensk Mother of God during serious mass epidemics.

Type of icons

The name of the icon is the Smolensk icon of the Mother of God "Odigitria". Otherwise, they call her "guide". This is not the only specific icon, the so-called one of the types of Scripture of the Virgin Arrangements.

Iconography is divided into several types of Scriptures:

  • Elyus - Uming.
  • Oranta - praying.
  • Odigitria - a guide.
  • Panach is the prechistan.
  • Agiosoritis (without a baby).

In other words, everyone is divided into groups, each of which has its own characteristic features of writing images. To identify the icon, you just need to determine how in the space on it, the faces of the baby-Christ and the Mother of God are depicted.

What is characteristic of the omigitria icon? Here the infant image is slightly distant from the image of the mother. Christ either sits on her hands, or stands nearby. Right hand baby-Christ holds raised in a blessing gesture. With the other hand he holds a book or a scroll that symbolizes the law of God. One of the versions, why the icon is called the "guidebook": Indicates the believers to the fact that the true path is the path to Christ. The Virgin Hand points to the baby as "truth, the path to life," to which all believers who want to escape.

Description of an ancient icon

According to church legends, the miraculous icon of the Smolensk Gods was met with the earthly life of the Virgin Mary. The masterpiece created the Holy Evangelist of Luka. The work ordered Ferofil - the ancient Antioch ruler. From the antioch of the icon was delivered to Jerusalem, and only then Empress Evdokia presented her sister emperor Pulcheria to Constantinople. Here, the icon was kept for a long time in the Varhranian temple.

The board, which was used to Scripture the icon, has changed a lot under the oppression of time. It is now difficult to determine which tree it is made. By weight she is very hard. Lady Mother is depicted on the belt. She supports the baby-Jesus, she rests on his chest. The Godhead in his left hand holds a book scroll, and the right blessing gesture makes it right. Clothing of the Virgin Mary of Dark Coffee, Jesus - Dark green with gilding.

Who helps the Virgin Mary?

To protect the world and calm on the ground and in every house will help the Smolensk icon of the Mother of God "Odigitria". Prayer, the raised Holy Virgin, relieves people in military service, all who protect the peace of mind. They pray to her and during outbreaks of various diseases. Winning "Odigitria" and everyone who is on the way protects from helps to find the right path.

Hearing the prayers of the earth, helps us to reach Godhead to God, his son, begins to forgive our sins, save the righteous wrath. Strike assistant, defender odigitria, but who helps?

Only God, God's Mother, who praying helps, protects against terrible misfortunes and evil. Without fear of the Lord, the corrupted will not come to the aid of the Virgin. Nothing in this amazing. With its lawlessness, sinful actions, people will repeat the truth of Christ. Well, what mother will help the enemies of his son? The mercies of God's Mother about repentant sinners, about those who come to God, tears and prayers asking for help. Helps the Mother of God to such sinners, everyone who wants to be on the way true, fix their mistakes, to start a righteous life. She's stuffing, about those who, as a prodigal son, return to Faith Christ, are confessed and asking for forgiveness and getting rid of the burden of sinful. About the same who are not in their sins, does not bake about the soul, the Most Holy Virgo Mary does not care.

Smolensk icon of the Mother of God. The history of appearance in Russia

At the beginning of the second millennium, the emperor Byzantine Konstantin IX (1042-1054) gave his daughter-beauties Anna married to Russian prince Vsevolod Yaroslavich. In a long way, he blessed her "Odigitria" - the miraculous icon. She accompanied the Tsarevna path from Constantinople himself to the Chernigov principality. According to one of the versions, therefore, the icon is called "Odigitria", that is, a guide.

The son of Vsevolod Yaroslavich Vladimir Monomakh has always been considered a far-sighted, the wisest and diplomatic statesman of his time. He became famous as a peacemaker on his native land. He did not hope only for earthly forces and turned with prayers for help to the Most Holy Theotokos, asked for help to send his rule to the right direction. With a huge reverence, he suffered a miraculous "Odigitria" in Smolensk from Chernigov. There posted it in the temple of the Assumption of the Blessed Virgin, who was founded in 1101. Since that time, the name - Smolensk icon of the Mother of God received "Odigitria". With God's help, Vladimir Monomakh managed to humble the princes of recall and become a great ruler in Russia, where peace and peace was established.

Miracles from the icon. Feat Mercury

Many miracles were completely from the "odigitria" icon, but the most wonderful for Smolensk is considered to be the salvation from the invasion of the Tatar. In 1239, it was that the miraculous icon of the Smolensk Mother of God saved the city from the invasion of the enemy. Residents understood that the Tatar terrible attack would not be able to reflect and with warm prayers, the perisions about the world turned to the Virgin. I heard their molhers a great intercession. Tatars stopped near the city walls.

In times, one pious Slav named Mercury served in the Smolensk Friender. He was elected to the Virgin to save the city. On the night of November 24, in the temple, where the Smolensk icon of the Mother of God was kept, was a ponarime vision. The Mother of God appeared to him and ordered to transfer Mercury to him, so that he armed boldly walked into the camp of the enemy and destroyed their main gigner.

Hearing words, such from the shelter, Mercury immediately hurried to the temple. He fell with a prayer in front of the holy icon and heard his voice. The Mother of God requested the instructions to Mercury, so that he fences the house of her Smolensky from the enemy. The hero was warned that it was at that night that the Ordi gigan decided to attack the city and ruin him. The Mother of God dismissed the Son and God to protect and not betray the enemy's native land. By the force of Christ Mercury, he had to defeat gigid, but with the victory, he was waiting for him and a martyrdom of a crown, which he will accept his own.

Joyful tears spoke out of the eyes of Mercury, passionately pierced, calling for the help of the power of the Lord, he went to the camp of the enemy and defeated them with gigid. Only on his unknown force hoped by Tatars before the battle. The enemies surrounded Mercury, he fought with an incredible force with them, seeing his saint face in front of him. After a tedious battle, hero has to relax. Saved by Tatar, seeing sleeping Mercury, cut off his head.

The Lord did not allow the body of the Martyr on the crop of the enemy, he gave him the last power. Mercury, as if still alive himself, entered the city and brought his chopped head. With great honors, his body was buried in the Cathedral Church. Mercury was counted for the saints. In memory of his feat, perfect with the help of the Virgin in the name of the rescue of the city, every year on this day (November 24) make a letter of virtual prayer and a vigil vigil in front of the "odigitria". In the Smolensk Epiphany Cathedral to this day, shoes and iron shishk, which were on Mercury in that fatal night are stored.

Arrival icons in Moscow

The Tatar-Mongolian Igo was not fully defeated, and the new enemy was already tested Russia from the West. On the western border, Smolensk became one of the significant objects. Smolensk icon of the Mother of God "Odihythriya" and in those dumb days became a patronage and defender of the city.

For a short period of time in the XIV century, Smolensk moved under the management of Lithuanian princes, "Odigitriya" was among the nonsense.

But here I will save the image of the fishing of God. The daughter of one of the Lithuanian princes of Vitovt Sofia was married to Vasily Dmitrievich (1398-1425), the Grand Duke Moskovsky. She brought with me to the white-named saint image. So it turned out to be in 1398 Smolensk icon of the Mother of God "Odihythria" in Moscow. It was installed in the Annunciation Cathedral, right from the royal gates.

Moscow residents immediately felt grace emanating from the ancient "odigitria". More than half a century worshiped her and honored the Smolensk icon of God's Mother. But by the War of God, it was destined to return to the Mother of God to the house in Smolensk - to the Temple of Assumption to defend there Orthodox, opposed by Lithuanian princes and missionaries.

Return to Smolensk

In 1456, the icon of God's Mother Smolensk returned home. The value for the people of its own was enormous. All residents waited for her return as a miracle. And the delegation went to Moscow, headed her bishop Misail. They asked the great prince tearfully to let go of the Virgin of Smolensk home. The prince with boyars kept the Council, after which he decided to fulfill the request. Before "Odihythriya" went to Smolensk, was removed from her exact list.

Many then the people gathered in the Church of Annunciation. Prayer and liturgy was performed first. The entire princely family gathered at the icon: Prince, Princess and their children - Boris, John and Yuri, Little Andrey made on their hands. With reverence, they all attached to the icon. After that, with tears in his eyes, the prince with the Metropolitan was taken out the shrine from Kyota, handed it into the hands of Bishop Misaila. They were given in Smolensk and other icons, once brought from there, although the bishop did not ask about it. Only the icon Metropolitan asked to leave for the princely family - the Mother of God with an eternal infant. She was blessed by the entire princely family. I joy accepted the prince of the icon and wrap it.

After that, the procession conducted a Smolensk icon to the Savva Savva monastery, located on here and was performed the last prayer, after which I icon went to Smolensk.

At the order of Prince, the icon given to him was placed in the Church of the Annunciation precisely on the place where the Smolensk icon of the Mother of God "Odigitria" stood for many years. Every day a prayer was performed here. The list made from the Smolensk icon, the Grand Duke left in his family.

The exact list of the Smolensk icon was performed in 1602. In 1666, His and the "Odigitria" itself was taken to Moscow for rejoicing. The list was installed on (in the tower) right above the Dnieper gate. In 1727, a wooden church was installed here. In 1802, the stone church was built. Icon this long years faced the city from the most terrible troubles and misfortunes.

War with Napoleon 1812

When the Hordes of Napoleon attacked Russian Earth to protect the shrine from the crop, Smolensk bishop of Irina An ancient Greek image of "odigitria" sent to Moscow, she was kept there in the Assumption Cathedral.

After the Russian troops left Smolensk, the miraculous list of "odigitria", made in 1602, was taken with them from the city.

On the eve of the Borodino battle, the Smolensk icon of the Mother of God helped the warriors to gain confidence in her victory, inspired on the feat. "Odigitia" carried through the Stan of the Russian Army, the soldiers, loyering, prayed for her and gained faith and mental strength.

On that day, when the Borodino battle took place, the Smolensk icon, together with the Iverskaya and Vladimir, would come around Belgorod, and China-Cities, after that they sent wounded in where. Before you leave Moscow, the icon has been stored in Yaroslavl. At the end of the war on November 5, 1812, it was returned to Smolensk. In memory of the release of enemies, this celebrate was celebrated annually.

XX century

Caught a little over a hundred years, and again ingenic invaders invaded Russia. The Great Patriotic War claimed the lives of millions of Soviet people. Smolensk rose on the path of the enemy. Despite the fact that antireligious propaganda was carried out in the country, thousands of believers, loyal patriotic debt, asked help from defenders of their "odigitrias". I invisibly helped the people of the Smolensk icon of the Mother of God "Odigitria". Where is the aboveper an ancient image, it is unknown, after the occupation of Greek "Odigitria" round. At the place where it was located, to this day there is a list of God's Mother, made in the XVII century. For many years, he protects the city from the troubles, wars, destruction, blesses believers on righteous things.

Again in Moscow

In early February 2015, there was a Smolensk Icon of the Mother of God "Odigitria" in the church of Christ the Savior. After the restoration, which lasted almost three years, the believers were able to see the image of "odigitria" without heavy silver salary. The salary of 25 kg weighing was performed in 1954 for donations to Smolyan. In the post-war heavy years of donations for salvation, the icon could be called the invaluable help of the people, so in memory of this salary will be preserved and exposed in the Assumption Cathedral separately.

I stayed icon in Moscow until February 10. On February 15, after a long absence, she was again met in Smolensk, renewed she took her oldest place to re-protect their hometown.

Here is such an ancient, an interesting story that the icon of the Smolensk Mother of God seems. The photo is confirmed by many varieties of "odigitria", they all keep in themselves the sacred sacrament, help believers to gain spiritual forces and believe in the truth of the Son of God.

Smolensk icon of the Mother of God "Odigitria"

The Most Holy Theotokos pray to preserve and help on the road.

Prayer in front of the Smolensk Icon of the Most Holy Virgin, called Smolenskaya (Odigitria)

ABOUT STORY AND THANKS ALL THE TSAIRS Tsaritsa The Mother of God, the cement of the King of Christ of Our Mati, the Mosti Tsigitria Marie! We hear us sinful and unworthy in the hour of this praying and plotting to your preching image with tears and dyingly verbal verbs: Looking for us from Row by Passion, Vladychitsa predictive, save us from everyone sneaking and sadness, fence from everyone to attack and evil slander, and from the wrong and evil slander Lutago entanglement. Mozhesti Bo, Out of God's fertile from all the evil to preserve your people and all the benefits of supplying and save; Do you have an inach subitor in the troubles and the patterns, and the warm pastata of us, sinners, are not imam. Begotes, Ms. Presidaya, the Son of Your Christ of Our God, and will honor us the kingdom of heaven; For the sake of the sake of always, I always, I can cink to our salvation, and exhibit the holy and magnificent name of the Father and the Son and the Holy Spirit, in the Trinity of the Slavic and Fans of God, in the eyelids. Amen.

Prayer Second Most Holy Theotokos

To whom I will have, Vladychitsa? To whom to resort into my sorrows, it is not for you, Mrs. Vladychitsa Virgin Mary, Queen Heaven? Who is crying my and sinking my binding, isn't you, about the forelocked, the hope of Christians and the sinful refuge? Prikoni, oh Major, Mother of God's moles, Mother of God, do not prose me, demanding your help, hear the silence of my and the cry of my heart, about Mrs. Virgin Tsaritsa. And the guess of the joy of spiritual, the reinforcement of me impatient, ullago and neradivago to your vigor. Incemakes and teach me, how to pray to you, and do not retreat from me, Mati God's God, for Rapting and impatience my, but Buddie Mi Pokrov and a concession in my life and bring me to a quiet man of blessed ongoing peace and sofritic Familiar to your herd and Tamo ascertaining me to miraculously and the famousa in eyelids. Amen.

The Troparians of the Most Holy Theotokos in front of the Icon, referred to as Smolenskaya (Odigitria).

Tropear, voice 4:
To the Mother of God diligently today, sin, sinning and humble, and in penalties, in repentance, from the depths of the soul: Vladychitsa, Pomso, are mercifully, sweat, die from many of the lacerations, do not turn your slaves of the car, you are the hope of Imam.

Glory, and now, the Motherod's:
I will never default, the Mother of God, the strength of your vercati, unworthy. Those how much wouldn't you get praying, who would get rid of us from the Vedas? Who would have kept to now free? I will not depart, the Vladychitsa, from you: Your bors, Savaşei's slaves are dreaming of all sorts of people.

Kondak, voice 6:
The concept of Christians is a non-disabled, the request to the Creator is immutable, do not see the sinful praying of glaces, but preliminarily offended by the help of us, rightfully calling: speed up on prayer and sweat to the default, constituted, the Virgin Mary, who verified.

In Kondak, voice 6:
Do not immai help, do not immay of hope, isn't you, Vladychitsa: you are climbing us, we hope to you and you praise: Your Rabi would do not seem yours.

Smolensk icon of the Mother of God "Odigitria" is classified as one of the icon-painted types. If you believe ledge, the icon is written in the distant times by the evangelist. In Russia, "Odihythriya" appeared only in the XI century. Only in the XII century, she began to be called Smolensk, when it was placed in the Smolensk Temple of the Assumption of the Virgin.

The prayer of the Smolensk icon of the Mother of God for many centuries is revered by many Christians and helps to accomplish incredible wonders. Smolensk "Odigitria" is considered a patronage of travelers, they ask her to protect them in the way from unpleasant situations, various diseases, unforeseen troubles. Also, she pursue all the suffering, asking for protecting and maintaining their home from unfriendly and enemies. Throughout the history of Christians asked for help from the Smolensk Mother of God during serious mass epidemics.

Type of icons

The name of the icon is the Smolensk icon of the Mother of God "Odigitria". Otherwise, they call her "guide". This is not the only specific icon, the so-called one of the types of Scripture of the Virgin Arrangements.

Iconography is divided into several types of Scriptures:

  • Elyus - Uming.
  • Oranta - praying.
  • Odigitria - a guide.
  • Panach is the prechistan.
  • Agiosoritis (without a baby).

In other words, all the icons of the Virgin are divided into groups, each of which has its own characteristic features of writing images. To identify the icon, you just need to determine how in the space on it, the faces of the baby-Christ and the Mother of God are depicted.

What is characteristic of the "Odigitria" icon? Here the infant image is slightly distant from the image of the mother. Christ either sits on her hands, or stands nearby. Right hand baby-Christ holds raised in a blessing gesture. With the other hand he holds a book or a scroll that symbolizes the law of God. One of the versions, why the icon is called the "guidebook": Indicates the believers to the fact that the true path is the path to Christ. The Virgin Hand points to the baby as "truth, the path to life," to which all believers who want to escape.

Description of an ancient icon

According to church legends, the miraculous icon of the Smolensk Gods was met with the earthly life of the Virgin Mary. The masterpiece created the Holy Evangelist of Luka. The work ordered Ferofil - the ancient Antioch ruler. From the antioch of the icon was delivered to Jerusalem, and only then Empress Evdokia presented her sister emperor Pulcheria to Constantinople. Here, the icon was kept for a long time in the Varhranian temple.

The board, which was used to Scripture the icon, has changed a lot under the oppression of time. It is now difficult to determine which tree it is made. By weight she is very hard. Lady Mother is depicted on the belt. She supports the baby-Jesus, she rests on his chest. The Godhead in his left hand holds a book scroll, and the right blessing gesture makes it right. Clothing of the Virgin Mary of Dark Coffee, Jesus - Dark green with gilding.

Who helps the Virgin Mary?

Saving peace and calm on earth and in every house will help the Smolensk icon of the Mother of God "Odigitria". Prayer, the raised Holy Virgin, relieves people in military service, all who protect the peace of mind. They pray to her and during outbreaks of various diseases. Winning "Odigitria" and everyone who is on the way protects against accidents, helps to find the right path.

Hearing the prayers of the earth, helps us to reach Godhead to God, his son, begins to forgive our sins, save the righteous wrath. Strike assistant, defender odigitria, but who helps?

Only God, God's Mother, who praying helps, protects against terrible misfortunes and evil. Without fear of the Lord, the corrupted will not come to the aid of the Virgin. Nothing in this amazing. With its lawlessness, sinful actions, people will repeat the truth of Christ. Well, what mother will help the enemies of his son? The mercies of God's Mother about repentant sinners, about those who come to God, tears and prayers asking for help. Helps the Mother of God to such sinners, everyone who wants to be on the way true, fix their mistakes, to start a righteous life. She's stuffing, about those who, as a prodigal son, return to Faith Christ, are confessed and asking for forgiveness and getting rid of the burden of sinful. About the same who are not in their sins, does not bake about the soul, the Most Holy Virgo Mary does not care.

Smolensk icon of the Mother of God. The history of appearance in Russia

At the beginning of the second millennium, the emperor Byzantine Konstantin IX (1042-1054) gave his daughter-beauties Anna married to Russian prince Vsevolod Yaroslavich. In a long way, he blessed her "odigitria" - the miraculous icon. She accompanied the Tsarevna path from Constantinople himself to the Chernigov principality. According to one of the versions, therefore, the icon is called "Odigitria", that is, a guide.

The son of Vsevolod Yaroslavich Vladimir Monomakh has always been considered a far-sighted, the wisest and diplomatic statesman of his time. He became famous as a peacemaker on his native land. He did not hope only for earthly forces and turned with prayers for help to the Most Holy Theotokos, asked for help to send his rule to the right direction. With a huge reverence, he suffered a miraculous "Odigitria" in Smolensk from the city of Chernigov. There posted it in the temple of the Assumption of the Blessed Virgin, who was founded in 1101. Since that time, the name - Smolensk icon of the Mother of God received "Odigitria". With God's help, Vladimir Monomakh managed to humble the princes of recall and become a great ruler in Russia, where peace and peace was established.

Miracles from the icon. Feat Mercury

Many miracles were completely from the icon of "odigitria", but the most wonderful for Smolensk is considered to be the salvation from the invasion of the Tatar. In 1239, it was that the miraculous icon of the Smolensk Mother of God saved the city from the invasion of the enemy. Residents understood that the Tatar terrible attack would not be able to reflect and with warm prayers, the perisions about the world turned to the Virgin. I heard their molhers a great intercession. Tatars stopped near the city walls.

In times, one pious Slav named Mercury served in the Smolensk Friender. He was elected to the Virgin to save the city. On the night of November 24, in the temple, where the Smolensk icon of the Mother of God was kept, was a ponarime vision. The Mother of God appeared to him and ordered to transfer Mercury to him, so that he armed boldly walked into the camp of the enemy and destroyed their main gigner.

Hearing words, such from the shelter, Mercury immediately hurried to the temple. He fell with a prayer in front of the holy icon and heard his voice. The Mother of God requested the instructions to Mercury, so that he fences the house of her Smolensky from the enemy. The hero was warned that it was at that night that the Ordi gigan decided to attack the city and ruin him. The Mother of God dismissed the Son and God to protect and not betray the enemy's native land. By the force of Christ Mercury, he had to defeat gigid, but with the victory, he was waiting for him and a martyrdom of a crown, which he will accept his own.

Joyful tears spoke out of the eyes of Mercury, passionately pierced, calling for the help of the power of the Lord, he went to the camp of the enemy and defeated them with gigid. Only on his unknown force hoped by Tatars before the battle. The enemies surrounded Mercury, he fought with an incredible force with them, seeing his saint face in front of him. After a tedious battle, hero has to relax. Saved by Tatar, seeing sleeping Mercury, cut off his head.

The Lord did not allow the body of the Martyr on the crop of the enemy, he gave him the last power. Mercury, as if still alive himself, entered the city and brought his chopped head. With great honors, his body was buried in the Cathedral Church. Mercury was counted for the saints. In memory of his feat, perfect with the help of the Mother of God, in the name of the salvation of the city, every year on this day (November 24) is committing a thanksgiving prayer and a vigil vigility in front of the "odigitria". In the Smolensk Epiphany Cathedral to this day, shoes and iron shishk, which were on Mercury in that fatal night are stored.

Arrival icons in Moscow

The Tatar-Mongolian Igo was not fully defeated, and the new enemy was already tested Russia from the West. On the western border, Smolensk became one of the significant objects. The Smolensk Icon of the Mother of God "Odigitria" and in those dumb days became a patronage and a defender of the city.

For a short period of time in the XIV century, Smolensk has passed under the management of Lithuanian princes, "Odigitria" was among the nonsense.

But here I will save the image of the fishing of God. The daughter of one of the Lithuanian princes of Vitovt Sofia was married to Vasily Dmitrievich (1398-1425), the Grand Duke Moskovsky. She brought with me to the white-named saint image. So it turned out to be in 1398 Smolensk icon of the Mother of God "Odigitriya" in Moscow. It was installed in the Annunciation Cathedral, right from the royal gates.

Moscow residents immediately felt the grace emanating from the ancient "odigitria". More than half a century worshiped her and honored the Smolensk icon of God's Mother. But by the War of God, it was destined to return to the Mother of God to the house in Smolensk - to the Temple of Assumption to defend there Orthodox, opposed by Lithuanian princes and missionaries.

Return to Smolensk

In 1456, the icon of God's Mother Smolensk returned home. The value for the people of its own was enormous. All residents waited for her return as a miracle. And the delegation went to Moscow, headed her bishop Misail. They asked the great prince tearfully to let go of the Virgin of Smolensk home. The prince with boyars kept the Council, after which he decided to fulfill the request. Before "Odigitria" went to Smolensk, he was removed from her exact list.

Many then the people gathered in the Church of Annunciation. Prayer and liturgy was performed first. The entire princely family gathered at the icon: Prince, Princess and their children - Boris, John and Yuri, Little Andrey made on their hands. With reverence, they all attached to the icon. After that, with tears in his eyes, the prince with the Metropolitan was taken out the shrine from Kyota, handed it into the hands of Bishop Misaila. They were given in Smolensk and other icons, once brought from there, although the bishop did not ask about it. Only the icon Metropolitan asked to leave for the princely family - the Mother of God with an eternal infant. She was blessed by the entire princely family. I joy accepted the prince of the icon and wrap it.

After that, the procession was conducted by the Smolensk icon to the Sava Consemion Monastery, which is located on the girl's field. Here was the last prayer, after which I icon went to Smolensk.

At the order of Prince, the icon given to him was placed in the Church of the Annunciation precisely on the place where the Smolensk icon of the Mother of God "Odigitria" was stood for many years. Every day a prayer was performed here. The list made from the Smolensk icon, the Grand Duke left in his family.

The exact list of the Smolensk icon was performed in 1602. In 1666, His and the "Odigitia" itself was taken to Moscow for rejoicing. The list was installed on the Smolensk fortress wall (in the tower) directly over the Dnieper gate. In 1727, a wooden church was installed here. In 1802, the stone church was built. Icon this long years faced the city from the most terrible troubles and misfortunes.

War with Napoleon 1812

When Napoleon's hordes attacked Russian Earth to protect the shrine from the crop, Smolensk bishop of Irina An ancient Greek image of "odigitria" sent to Moscow, she was kept there in the Assumption Cathedral.

After the Russian troops left Smolensk, the miraculous list of "odigitria", made in 1602, was taken with them from the city.

On the eve of the Borodino battle, the Smolensk icon of the Mother of God helped the warriors to gain confidence in her victory, inspired on the feat. "Odigitia" carried through the Stan of the Russian Army, the soldiers, loose, prayed to her and acquired faith and mental strength.

On that day, when the Borodino battle took place, the Smolensk icon, together with the Iverskaya and Vladimir, they took around Belgorod, the Kremlin walls and China-cities, after that they sent to the Lefortovo Palace where the wounded were located. Before you leave Moscow, the icon has been stored in Yaroslavl. At the end of the war on November 5, 1812, it was returned to Smolensk. In memory of the release of enemies, this celebrate was celebrated annually.

XX century

Caught a little over a hundred years, and again ingenic invaders invaded Russia. The Great Patriotic War claimed the lives of millions of Soviet people. Smolensk rose on the path of the enemy. Despite the fact that there was an antireligious propaganda in the country, thousands of believers, faithful patriotic debt, asked help from defenders of their "odigitrias". I invisibly helped the people of the Smolensk icon of the Mother of God "Odigitria". Where is the aboveper ancient image, it is unknown, after the occupation of Greek "Odigitria" round. At the place where it was located, to this day there is a list of God's Mother, made in the XVII century. For many years, he protects the city from the troubles, wars, destruction, blesses believers on righteous things.

Again in Moscow

In early February 2015, the Smolensk icon of the Mother of God "Odigitria" was in the church of Christ the Savior. After restoration, which lasted almost three years, believers were able to see the image of "odigitria" without heavy silver salary. The salary of 25 kg weighing was performed in 1954 for donations to Smolyan. In the post-war heavy years of donations for salvation, the icon could be called the invaluable help of the people, so in memory of this salary will be preserved and exposed in the Assumption Cathedral separately.

I stayed icon in Moscow until February 10. On February 15, after a long absence, she was again met in Smolensk, renewed she took her oldest place to re-protect their hometown.

Here is such an ancient, an interesting story that the icon of the Smolensk Mother of God seems. The photo is confirmed by many varieties of "odigitria", they all keep in themselves the sacred sacrament, help believers to gain peace of mind and believe in the truth of the Son of God.

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