Denis Korotkov bribed the informant "New Newspaper"? Why did you decide to leave the service.

Encyclopedia plants 11.07.2020
Encyclopedia plants

It seems that the journalist "Novaya Gazeta" came up with an investigation, deceived the editorial board and bribed his informant.

As the Fontanka writes, he addressed the missing police of the Kirov district Valeria Amelchenkowho asked to stop his wanted list declared after the statement of the journalist "New Newspaper" Denis Korotkov.

Amelchenko gave an explanation to the investigators in the presence of a lawyer and stated that crimes were not committed against him. Recall that the words considered missing Valeria Amelchenko went on the basis of the "investigation" of the New Gazette about the group of executing a series of attacks on bloggers.

And now the statement of Amelchenko flowed into the network, which sheds the light on his mysterious disappearance, as well as the methods that Korotkov can "collect materials" to investigate. It was published in the telegram channel 338.

Statement Amelchenko

Black in white is written that with a short one, apparently, introduced his friend (not friend, comrade or colleague, namely familiar) Mikhailov Andrei LeonidovichWho suggested earning money, and Prodak Amelchenko did not suspect, because Mikhailov "hesitated various work, for which decent money paid."

At the first meeting with Korotkov Amelchenko, they explained that he would become a hero of the article, for this he will receive money, but it will be necessary to play the role of "important information carriers". It seems that it was in this capacity that briefly presented them with his superiors. Apparently, we are talking about the new bosses of Korotkov from the New Newspaper.

Then the detective story takes an interesting turn. Korotkov, according to Amelchenko's statement, allegedly brought him the texts that asked to learn, and then retell the short words. Valery clarified that some time did not interact with the journalist because of the operation, since it was impossible to read. An even more important clarification is that Amelchenko already suspected that he was recorded.

Then the short, according to him, found out that Amelchenko was abroad, and asked photographs from vacations, saying that they would fit. The top of arrogance would be from the side of Korotkov to ask Amelchenko to leave the border, and promise twenty thousand euros in exchange for an interview.

Photos from leave for 20 thousand euros

However, it did not need to leave abroad. It seems that Amelchenko simply "kidnapped" at the "Red Nine" and took the city, promising to give 20 thousand euros. Amelchenko had to spend the night in the cold in the tent, and he was transported to a village house where the priestly dolza brought food, water and cigarettes, punishing "not to stick."

According to the result, in the evening of October 23, a couple of strong men came, and passed the paper edition of the "new newspaper", in which money was wrapped. True, the amount turned out to be much smaller, but the most interesting Amelchenko was waiting ahead.

Sat in the village, did not know anything

No one warned the elderly "hero" of the article that while shortly gather the laurels of the Investigative Hero and bathes in the rays of Glory, goes on Echo in Moscow, and Amelchenko sits in a tent, then in a rustic house, Valery was wanted. This, apparently, as well as at times, a smaller received amount and the "Killer-Emirator" from the fake investigation of Denis Korotkov for the New Gazette to come to the police.

Amelchenko's statement as it is impossible to better characterize Denis Korotkov as an investigator. It is especially interesting that, apparently, shortly deceived even his own employers from the Novaya Gazeta. And what if a wreath with a lamb he sent a "new" himself?

Russian businessman Evgeny Prigogin often appears in the media recently. The other day he was noticed at the negotiations of the heads of military departments of Russia and Libya, which took place in Moscow. Sources of the State Agency "RIA Novosti" with reference to an unnamed source argue that the restaurant only prepared lunch and participated in the discussion of the cultural program.

But the journalists of the New Gazette, who found a businessman on negotiation video changes, express assumptions that the appearance of Prigogine is associated rather reporting on the appearance of private Russian mercenar specialists in Libya. Private military companies (CHVK) in Russia are outlawed, but there are many evidence that they exist. The main of them is known under the name of CHVK Wagner and, as it is believed, it is controlled by Prigogin.

Earlier, the New Gazeta published an investigation and interviews on secret operations in the interests of a businessman from the words of people who worked on him. In response, the Edition received a number of public threats - to the editorial office of the New Gazette, they threw a basket with a sliced \u200b\u200bhead of a ram, funeral wreaths. In the basket, the head of the head of the head was remembered by the "chief editor of the new newspaper" with greetings you and Korotkov. " Denis Korotkov is the author of the investigation. DW recorded an interview with him.

DW: After the publication, do you stay in Russia or are you now abroad?

Denis Korotkov:I live in Russia, in St. Petersburg and have no plans for moving.

- Do you perceive seriously the threat to your address?

I observe all these performances with deep satisfaction. Especially pleased with the detailed attack in the media and on portals, controlled, as we understand, Mr. Prigode ...

- ... Where are you called a traitor, a traitor to the Motherland and the Assistant of Terrorists?

Absolutely. And I do it for one simple reason. If our opponents have chosen such a reaction method, then it is much better than other provocations that could pour into an attack, unexpected meetings in the entrances. Better let it be so.

- Do you come to your personal threats, in addition to these public?

Personally, neither by phone, nor for personal meetings, nor in messengers, nor other electronic means of communication for all the time of my work, no one threatened. Another thing is that on the network I see all sorts of wishes to put me on the number or otherwise explain to me what you need and do not need to write, but reading such things about yourself, apparently, part of the work.

I can not give an answer in the number of this grouping. I flatter that you think so, but for me if the information comes, then with a temporary delay, as a rule. More or less known tasks that they perform now. This is the protection and defense of the objects of oil and gas infrastructure. About any major combat actions did not appear, as well as about major losses - with the exception of recent explosion data in Deir-Ez-Zor.

- At one time, to you, as you say, a large number of original PCC documents have fallen at the disposal, staff questionnaires, for example. Do you have any documents in your disposal that would shed light on the expenses of this private military company?

How much is spent on CHVK, I think, knows a couple of accountants in Molkino (as it is believed, there, in the Krasnodar Territory, there is a base for training PCC Wagner employees. - Ed.), known names. And command of this group. Correctly calculate expenses at all unreal. This at one time was trying to make RBC, spent a lot of work. But, it seems to me, they also slightly slightly. To some extent, it is possible to calculate the costs of salary of personnel, compensation for the wounded and died, which is also not so easy to do.

According to normal number, the Wagner group consists, in my opinion, from a little less than three thousand people. But how many of these three thousand are currently performing a combat challenge, and how many are on retraining or on vacation in Molkino, or are at home on the handset, we do not know.

The fighter of the house or in Molkino receives 80 thousand rubles, or he gets 240-250 thousand on combat tasks - already at times there is a difference. It is not clear how to calculate food costs. I'm not talking about the costs of combat provision - it is not clear that it comes on what channels. In Syria, it seems to be through the Syrian side. But who and how they pay for them? Or it goes to the offset or under the contract, at no cost - I, at least, I do not know.

- What do you know about the activity of CHVK Wagner at other points? In Libya, King, Sudan? Is it active in the Donbas?

Let's immediately with the reservation that these are my data. About some serious activity in the territory of the Lugansk and Donetsk regions or "DPR" and "LPR" since the end of 2015 I do not know. Although in 2016, individual groups interacted with the Ministry of State Security "LNR", but these were point work.

Of course, PCC Wagner is present in both Sudan and in the Central African Republic. Small instructive groups are located as far as I know, in Madagascar. We emphasize that we mean a certain structure, but it can perform under various names. In the CAR, as far as I know, the company is registered (under a different name. - Ed.), In Syria, an agreement was concluded on behalf of the Europolis limited liability company, and so on.

- Do you follow the fate of other people who, like you, examine the activities of the Russian ChvK? Recently, the expert Vladimir Neelov was arrested on charges of governance. In the summer, three Russians were killed in the CAR.Journalist from Yekaterinburg Maxim Borodin, who also wrote about ChvK Wagner, died. Part of his acquaintances doubts that it was suicide. What do you think?

Well, firstly, I would not call myself "researcher." I am a journalist. When there is data and occasion, we tell us what we know. As for Borodin, I fall into an uncomfortable position, but I do not see any reason to consider this a tragic incident associated with professional activities. I emphasize - from what I read in the media.

Do I think that three Russians in the CARs were eliminated by the employees of the Wagner group or in any participation? Yes, I consider it permissible, but I do not have the slightest confirmation. I admit that nothing with the Wagner group is not connected? I also admit.

As for the arrest of the military expert Vladimir Neelova, then we are definitely not colleagues. Different work. It seems that two books he wrote in collaboration with Oleg Vitalyevich Valletsky. The fact that Mr. Vetsay, a well-known good luck soldier (I am neutrally speaking), collaborated with CHVK Wagner and did not just cooperate, and directly in her ranks consisted, this is actually not a secret. Federal news agency (controlled, as Evgeny Prigogina is considered. - Ed.) He provided a correspondence, where Mr. Vetsay all denies - for me it is strange, because the newspaper ("New Gazeta". - Ed.) There is a documentary confirmation of the opposite.

- In one interview, you expressed the perplexity of the fact that information on the activities of private military companies does not cause resonance in Russia, they say, to all do not care. But you risk many. How do you motivate yourself to do this thing next?

There is a job and task. I will express my opinion. I do not decide to take the cargo of reorganization of the world. My case is to provide information. I have fulfilled the fact of granting the task. Its use is no longer to us. And all the expressions of the type "press achieved", "fought for" to me seem incorrect. We take a lot on yourself. Nobody emphasized us. Our business is to tell. D0% BD% D0% BE% D0% B2% D0% BE% D0% B9% D0% B3% D0% B0% D0% B7% D0% B5% D1% 82% D1% 8B-% D0% BE% D0% B1-% D1% 83% D0% B3% D1% 80% D0% BE% D0% B7% D0% B0% D1% 85-% D0% B2-% D0% B5% D0% B3% D0% BE -% D0% B0% D0% B4% D1% 80% D0% B5% D1% 81-% D0% BB% D1% 83% D1% 87% D1% 88% D0% B5-% D0% BF% D1% 83% D1% 81% D1% 82% D1% 8C-% D0% B1% D1% 83% D0% B4% D0% B5% D1% 82-% D1% 82% D0% B0% D0% BA / A- 46259195.

Its activity can be interpreted as complicity in the preparation and conduct of the terrorist attack. The activity of his sponsor of Khodorkovsky can be interpreted as "financing terrorism".

In connection with the detention of the cell of the terrorist organization "IG" (prohibited in the Russian Federation) in the Urals, the topic of drains of the liberal journalists of personal data of pilots and military personnel performing international duty in Syria arose again. In particular, the name of Journalist "Fontanka" Denis Korotkov surfaced.

I repeatedly wrote about it with a bad person, and when told about the history of the Russian voluntary movement, and when showed Connecting this scoundrel with Khodorkovsky.

Then the former Ment of Korotkov, never before that did not work as a journalist, suddenly published personal data from Russian pilots and contracting soldiers serving in Syria (as well as their families). Shortly thereafter, the personal data of Mr. Korotkov himself fell into the network (how did it happen? Who did it? Ay-ah, as bad!), After that, for the time of satisfying (but, unfortunately, for a while).

Emirates shorts caused Then a very strong perturbation of Russians, so that the fears of the former iswolfish in the chains that Lysin can come in, were not unfair.

After that, the story with published short personal data of the families of military personnel floated repeatedly. Including information published by him and even the Korobov's personal phone manifested itself even in the captured headquarters of terrorists in Dair Ez-dawn (photo clickable):

And now it turned out that the IG cell is neutralized in the Urals, who planned terrorist attacks and seizures to hostage families of Russian servicemen, also used information published by liberal journalists, and with a lot of probability - Mr. Korotkov.

It was for this that the Khodorkovsky Prize through the "open Russia" was discharged. This time, only the operational work of the FSB staff prevented the emergence of a new blood in the hands of the MBH (although he was not accustomed to, he and his own employees, not thinking about slaughter).

Meanwhile, Mr. Denis Korotkov moved from the "Fontanka" in the "new newspaper" and now feuit is already there.

In my opinion, his activity is quite clearly defined as a "gunner", and can be interpreted as complicity in the preparation and conduct of the terrorist attack. As well as the activities of his sponsor of Khodorkovsky can be interpreted as "financing terrorism". Although, of course, I would like to hear the official assessment of these facts by the RF IC.

We draw your attention that the following extremist and terrorist organizations are prohibited in the Russian Federation: Jehovah's Witnesses, National Bolshevik Party, "Right Sector", "Ukrainian Rebel Army" (UPA), "Islamic State" (IG, ISIL, DAIS) , "Jabhat Fatah Ash-Sham", "Jabhata An-Nusra", Al-Qaida, Una-Unso, Taliban, "Majlis of the Crimean-Tatar people", "Misantropic Divizhn", "Brotherhood" KORCHINSKY, "TRUZUB them. Stepana Bandera, "" Organization of Ukrainian Nationalists "(OUN).

The network is gaining momentum scandal associated with Fontanka Observer Denis Korotkov. If briefly, the man is trying to progress on publications about ChvK Wagner - a group of volunteers who fight the militants in Syria. Exhibits them with some alkashas who chase for money, also managing at the same time to detect the honor of the dead fighters. What is important, the journalist publishes the personal data of Wagnerovtsy, but when it comes to information about the most short in the post manzal Here, then the cowardly Denis immediately began to fight in hysterics.

It is clear that the observer "Fontanka" was afraid of revenge. He took and declassified the data of those who kill terrorists. There, after all, the names and photos, and families ... And nothing that this information can be in the hands of militants who can also want to take revenge on their dead colleagues? What did Korotkov think, putting the life of all these people?

But what threats for yourself Denis says today? So cowardly that "try to prison" or "make brains" - is it already dangerous? Compared to the drain of the information that the browser carried out is just a children's bow. I'm not talking about the fact that a normal person in principle will not wipe the dirt of the dirt in battle of compatriots who gave their lives for the sake of our future. How can the language turn on to criticize these people? But Denis could - walked greatly on the military, putting them with greedy egoists. And all this for what? Journalistic premium, money? Symbolically, you will not say anything.

But how to hide data about yourself, so it is a master - at least in Google already appealed. But the country should know who decided to get into her heroes. Spread?

If someone is not visible: Alexander Panshina street 21. Since I decided to play open, let him receive the response.

"Fontanka", by the way, just published IP addresses from which the authors wrote, allegedly threatened short. So fast? How did they succeed? Options Two: either LJ belongs to "Fontanka", or journalists continue to invent, just to inflate the scandal from the fact that the messages were sent allegedly from Syria. What option, in your opinion, is plausible?

In general, it would be logical if shortly deleted all the materials and apologized to the Fighters of ChwC Wagner and their families. It does not whiten it, of course, but at least show that he understood his mistake. Or Denis is so stupid that still considers itself right in this situation? In this case, "make a brain" definitely does not hurt.

As they say, "never happened to this again": Just the other day it became known that the amateur to distribute the personal data of Russian volunteers from Syria made another journalistic puncture, publishing "sweaty cranberry" from its own conclusions and spelling conclusions on the "New Newspaper" pages . So there was an irrefutable proof of how the liberal "independent media", operating on the request of Western political alternates, brazenly deceives his subscribers for their money. We are talking about the alleged "murder of an informant" Denis Korotkov, who "was abducted and killed behind the garages", and only a shoe and a mobile phone with supposedly "photographs from SAR" remained at the crime scene.

It turned out that the "informant" Valery Amelchenko is alive and well: he himself appeared in the 64th Department of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of St. Petersburg and demanded to stop his wanted list, since "no one performed crimes against him." Denis, buried alive, Denis, a short man, is very surprised by high attention to his person from law enforcement agencies. What to do: "Work out" verbality with the possible loss of man, despite the fact that the story was fictitious from the beginning to the end, it was necessary.

"Muddy article" Denis Korkova about his "informant" so strongly shot by inconsistencies, that even the most famous fan of detective stories would raise the lover of an amateur to be enjoyed on the bones of the author of the author's "New Gazeta" in Syria. All this "torment" on the shelves very fit "decomposed" the Military Correspondent Roman Saponkov.

He noted that the "informant" in no way "makes himself" on the databases, its abduction is no more than the fiction of Denis Korotkov from the beginning to the end, but "Photos from Syria", found in so successfully crushed "when abdupping" Snapshots from Beirut, where a man was lucky to rest. Moreover, according to the telegram channel "338", Valery Amelchenko received 200,000 rubles from the "journalist" for reading the "secret information" on the spectphone for the authorship of Denis Korotkov. They promised more, because the "great combinator" and went to the police - to look for the notorious satisfaction. Not surcharge!

Login is custled: why Denis is short to lie on the abduction and death of his informant? The calculation of the extremely top - to convince the audience in its own importance and extreme "danger" of its pseudo-developing activities. And on the fact of the exhaust of the audience, they give a "sniff" disgusting "cartoon" without gram of real facts.

Such in the "New Gazette" love: to remember only the fakes of the publication that Moscow allegedly wishes "Exchange Sentzov to Bout, Yaroshenko and Boutin" or an article about the murder of Mikhail "GIVI" of Tolstoy. In the death of the famous militia, then accused his own fighters, based on the information received from an unknown person who hacked the Account of Igor Maltsev and submitted as a "subordinate" victim of the Donbass warrior.

And such examples are a whole mass, there is not enough time to bring them, no desire. "New Gazeta" under the start of Dmitry Muratov and Sergey Komorova for a long time turned into a "drain tank", "last instance" and "garbage" for various kinds of fraudsters. Denis Korotkov quickly joined the team of verbalides and is clearly not going to leave him: such Balablas with liberals should lick from the legs to the head - not everyone has such a rich fantasy for fiction.

The slogan of the "New Gazeta" as ever already describes the work of the editorial team of the publication: "Become an accomplice", that is, to represent the newspaper for money for money. Indeed, it is not enough to add the words of "crimes", because there is an informational flag about the "death of the informant" Denis Korotkov. And this, by the way, falls under Art. 306 clause 2 of the Criminal Code: "Obviously false denunciations about the commission of a crime, connected to the accusation of a person in committing a grave or particularly serious crime, shall be punished with a fine in the amount of from one thousand to three hundred thousand rubles or in the amount of wages or other income of convicts for the period from one Three years to two years, or forced work for up to three years or imprisonment for the same term. " We make conclusions, dishonest liberals. We draw conclusions, gentlemen policemen.

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