What is vitamins and minerals. Vitamins and Minerals - what should be known about! What is vitamins? What is the role of vitamins

Encyclopedia plants 30.06.2020
Encyclopedia plants

The word vitamins are at the heart of the Word of Vita Life. Along with proteins, fats and carbohydrates, vitamins and minerals are the main components for the full nutrition of the cells of the human body.

If proteins, fats and carbohydrates can be called in one word as macronutrients, then vitamins and minerals are micronutrients. These are regulators that affect metabolic processes in the body. They should also enter our body for full functioning, but they are enough for us in less than BJ.

Let's figure it out with the concept.

What is vitamins? What is the role of vitamins?

Vitamins are low molecular weight organic compounds in which the body needs for normal functioning. They are important for growth, development, regeneration, maintaining health.

Vitamins affect the regulation of metabolism, and with their disadvantage, in addition to avitaminosis, there is a violation of metabolism. They contribute to the purification of the body and the withdrawal of toxins, increase the quality of the skin, nails and hair, slow the aging processes, increase immunity, contribute to the recovery of cells, affect the emotional, hormonal background, increase energy and physical strength, mental activity, affect the formation, strengthening and restoration bones.

Vitamin classification

Vitamins are fat soluble and water-soluble.

Fat-soluble vitamins
Contained in vegetable oils, fish, green vegetables, animal products
A, D, E, K
Accumulate in the liver and fatty tissues "to demand"
Water soluble vitamins
Contained in fruits, vegetables and whole grain products
B1, B2, B3, B5, B6, B7, B9, B12, C
They do not accumulate in the body, and fall into the blood. Those who remained are not in demand are immediately derived by naturally. Since the stock of vitamins of this group is not accumulated in the body, a person must constantly control their regular admission
A- is responsible for vision, elasticity of the skin, immunity.

It is contained in fruits and orange vegetables (melon, pumpkin, carrots), liver, milk, in a cabbage, spinach, etc.

The B vitamins B are important primarily for the full functioning of metabolism, affect the metabolic processes at the cellular level. Without vitamins group B, it is impossible to build a weight correction program! Affect protein exchange.

In addition, it ensures the normal operation of the central nervous system and brain.

And also support cardiovascular, blood and immune system.

Regulate the functioning of glands and hormones.

Positively affect the condition of the skin, nails and hair.

Below I will give a couple of specific examples

D- is responsible for the assimilation of calcium, strengthening teeth and bones.

It is contained in dairy products, fish, egg yolk, liver, etc.

B5-pantothenic acid and B7-biotin-participate in the energy exchange and synthesis of fats, regulating digestion, amino acid metabolism, supports immunity.

It is contained in whole cereals, proprieties of wheat, green leafy salads and vegetables, egg yolks, nuts, seeds, sardines

B9-folic acidifies in the synthesis of DNA and the formation of new cells, is responsible for hemoglobin synthesis, mental performance, cardiovascular activity.

It is contained in tomato juice, green beans, broccoli, spinach, asparagus, lentils, asparagus beans, etc.

K- is responsible for blood clotting, kidney function, lungs and hearts.

Contained in green leafy vegetables, dairy products, broccoli, soybean oil

C - so familiar to us since childhood, when the parents gave us a delicious vitaminka-ascorbing J.

Helps the body resist infections, antioxidant, strengthens bone tissue and teeth, participates in the exchange of cholesterol, is necessary to maintain a good muscle state, promotes rapid healing of wounds.

It is contained in citrus, strawberries, tomatoes, broccoli, white cabbage, kiwi, in red sweet pepper and others.

From the above, the conclusion should be powered by a variety of food, which contains vitamins of all groups, to maintain their own health. From the point of view of the vitamin one, we need a variety of balanced food even in order to resolve or keep in the norm of metabolism (after all, most vitamins affect these processes), which means that the vitamin-necessary component in the diet for weight loss and maintenance.

Now the line of minerals 🙂

What is minerals? What is the role of minerals?

Minerals are the chemical elements obtained by the organism from the outside, and the necessary person for the correct functioning of all organs and systems. They regulate many physiological processes: from the formation of bones to blood coagulation. Minerals are also important for the body, as well as vitamins.

Minerals provide muscle strength and bone strength, are responsible for burning fat and cell renewal, adjust the acid-alkaline balance.

Most minerals are either quickly used by the body, or is output, so we constantly have to fill their reserves, by eating food rich in minerals.

Only iron can accumulate in our body.

Classification of minerals.

Minerals are conventionally divided into macroelements and trace elements.


Minerals that need the body in large quantities per day


Minerals that need a body in smaller quantities per day

Calcium, phosphorus, magnesium, potassium, chlorine, sodiumZinc, Iron, Copper, Manganese, Selenium
Calcium is responsible for bone tissue, blood clotting, nervous system

Contained in dairy products, Broccoli and Dark green leafy vegetables, soy milk

Iron is responsible for the condition of the skin, hair, nails; Helps erythrocytes to deliver oxygen to all organs.

Contained in lamb. Beef, fish, some seafood, green leafy vegetables and raisms, lentils, legumes and soy products

Magnesium - responsible for the formation of muscles, bone tissue, stabilizes the work of the heart, contributes to the synthesis of proteins and energy production

Contained in wholegrain bread, nuts, green leaf vegetables, legumes, avocado, bananas, kiwi, chocolate, broccoli, shrimp, etc.

Zinc- is responsible for sex glands, their development and normal functioning, for maintaining immunity, wound healing, the absorption of vitamin A, behind the eye crystal.

It is contained in beef, lamb, poultry meat, oysters, nuts, soy and dairy products, in solo grain products, etc.

Potassium- is responsible for muscles and nervous activity, regulates the amount of water in the composition of the blood and tissues of the body

Contained in broccoli, crude potatoes, citrus, bananas, dried fruits, green leaf vegetables, and so on.

Selena is an antioxidant, and together with vitamin E protects against free radicals. Selenium slows down the process of aging and protects the heart and vessels

It is contained in meat and seafood, as well as bread cereals.

Copper is responsible for the beauty of the hair, it is necessary for the prevention of seeds, improves the condition of the skin, is necessary for the prevention of varicose veins, copper is necessary for absorbing and processing iron, contributes to the generation of hemoglobin.

Contained in water and meat.

As you can see, without minerals, the full functioning of the human body is also impossible!

Look also my article so to have a full picture and performance.

Given that minerals are contained in a variety of food, various dishes are required daily, which include products with useful and necessary vitamin and mineral content.

Interesting fact. The daily dose of all nutrients needed by the human body contains approximately 50 kg of food.

Which of you will be aswaling to eat such a meal on day? 🙂

Here is a funny-diet menu (in order to get the whole dose of vitamins):

  1. Vitamin E- 10 cups of olive oil
  2. Selenium-16 fried eggs or 160 bananas
  3. Beta carotene - 5 carrots or 6 cups of zucchini caviar
  4. Vitamin C- 15 oranges or 42 tomatoes

Why do all the necessary vitamins and minerals are impossible to get from food today?

  • Every year, the intensification of agriculture leads to an increasing depletion, soil mineral depletion
  • Modern methods of cultivation of vegetables and fruits significantly reduced (about 40%) in them, the content of vitamins A, B1, B2, C
  • Modern methods of refining and cleansing major products lead to a significant loss of protein, vitamins, minerals and valuable fatty acids in them.
  • After storing the product in the refrigerator more than 3 days, the content of vitamin C is lost by 40%, and at room temperature - by 50%
  • In terms of thermal processing, varying degrees can be lost from 25% to 90-100% of vitamins.

Everywhere a lot of disputes on the topic: Do we need vitamins and minerals as additives to food in the form of capsules or tablets, or is it too promoted commercial move?

Personally, I have long been adhered to the opinion that special vitamin and mineral complexes are extremely necessary for us as additives. The reasons briefly described above. For many years now, I and my family are constantly taking vitamins. The only question is which complexes to choose which manufacturer to prefer? I have a separate one who trust. In this article, I will also tell you why not all pharmacy vitamin complexes are good. What is the difference between synthetic and natural vitamins?

Also, I also have an interesting article on the topic of vitamins called, where I explain once again: it is important to include a variety of meals containing certain vitamins and minerals in my diet.

I advise you to look at my consolidated table

It all depends on the number of vitamins and minerals that we get.

Vitamins are nutritious, vital substances contained in various products. Vitamins are not formed in the human body, but they only come with food.

They are catalysts necessary for the flow of all biological processes in the body, stimulating each function: the formation of cellular and bone tissue, the transmission of nerve pulses, digestion of write, normalize muscle activity, breeding function, blood coagulation, and so on.

Science is known 13 vitamins: 9 water soluble and 4 fat-soluble. The water soluble includes 8 vitamins of the group B and Vitamin C. Overdose is not dangerous, since they are not toxic and easily derived from the body. The fat-soluble vitamins - a, d, e, accumulate and are much more difficult to.


Vitamin C (ascorbic acid) For autumn and winter, this is a very useful vitamin. It helps the body easier to cope with colds. Contained in all citrus - oranges, tangerines, lemons, grapefruits. Also in melon, strawberry, potatoes, tomatoes, cabbage, sweet green pepper. Vitamin C powerful antioxidant, slowing aging. It helps strengthen the connective tissues; stimulates immunity; helps to cope with stress; accelerates wound healing; Supports gum health; It serves to prevent many diseases. Vitamin C activates the effect of folic acid, increases the absorption of iron.

Vitamin D (calciferol) We are needed for normal metabolism. And this is an excellent tool for good mood. Vitamin D gives us the sun, from which we get energy and a good mood. Unfortunately, with a reduction in the daytime, we get it less and less. This is where unmotivated autumn-winter depression, drowsiness and fatigue. Lack of vitamin D can be compensated for animal products. The liver tuna, cod and other fish is a real storehouse of this vitamin. The absorption of vitamin D contributes to calcium.

Vitamin Aperfectly strengthens immunity; gives health skin; Supports the functions of the urinary tract and lungs; useful for mucous and intestinal tract; promotes rapid healing of wounds; preserves vision; Helps fight fatigue. Bones and teeth also need this vitamin. It is contained in apricots, melons, carrots, salad, liver, tomatoes, watermelons, pumpkin.

Vitamin E (tocopherol) often called "vitamin youth". Therefore, it is part of many cosmetic skin care products. Also supports hair health. In fact, we are talking about a whole group consisting of seven vitamins, each of which is very important for health. In addition to youth, Vitamin E is able to give and stunning sex feelings, since its main ability is the stimulation of the genital glands. It reduces the risk of cataracts, relieves the symptoms of menopause. If you are engaged in sports, without vitamin E, you just do not do, because it is responsible for muscular activity. The main sources are vegetable oils, greens, spicy herbs, nuts, coarse grinding bread, eggs, milk, fish.

Vitamin B. Includes eight vitamins: b1 (thiamine), B2 (riboflavin), B3 (niacin), B5 (pantothenic acid), B6 \u200b\u200b(pyridoxine), B7 (Viotin), B12 (cyancobalamin) and folic acid. Vitamin B is simply created for the excellent half of humanity. After all, he restores energy, supports women in hard "critical days," helps to fight overweight, ensures skin health, eyes and hair, improves the work of the heart muscle, supports the muscle tone of the gastrointestinal tract and the immune system, protects against atherosclerosis. Yes, and the brain can not do without it, as this vitamin is perfectly strengthened by memory. It contains in the cabbage, peas, greenery and green vegetables, bread.

Folic acid normalizes the state of the cervix cells; helps with depression and mood variability; Reduces the content in the blood of the amino acids destroying the heart muscle; Promotes the correct functioning of the intestine.

Vitamin B1. Regulates carbohydrate exchange and necessary for the activity of the nervous system. The disadvantage leads to fatigue, sensitivity to cold, irritability. It is contained in the croups, products from coarse grinding flour, beans, peas and pork.

Vitamin B6. participates in the exchange of protein; prevents the risk of heart disease, reducing the level of amino acid homocesstein; promotes estrogen metabolism; removes the symptoms of premenstrual syndrome and fatigue; helps to form durable bones; stimulates immunity; Ensures nausea during pregnancy and postpartum depression. It increases the need for the period of growth, during pregnancy and breastfeeding. It is contained in green vegetables, bananas, nuts, bran, liver, kidneys.

Vitamin B12. very important for the nervous system; normalizes the level of homocesstein; Reduces the risk of cardiovascular diseases; Promotes the formation of red blood cells. Its a lot in fish products, cottage cheese and cheese.

Vitamin RR Improves the liver work, skin condition and hair. It is contained in the liver, lean meat, seafood, yeast, buckwheat and wheat flour, prunes and dates.

Vitamin F. Prevents the formation of cholesterol sediments in arteries, prevents the development of heart disease. This vitamin is much in margarine, nuts, vegetable oil, sunflower seeds, avocado.

Vitamin R. Increases the stability of the walls of blood vessels, ensures a healthy skin and hair condition. Contained in tea, rosehip, grapes, plums, buckwheat; Most of all vitamin P in films of citrus fractions, juices with flesh.

Vitamin N. It has an anti-inflammatory effect. It is recommended for problem skin and nail fragility. It can be useful in the prevention of baldness, and it even protects her hair from the gray. His sources: kidneys, yeast, yolk, bananas.

Vitamin K. Long kept its secrets. Throughout considerable time it was believed that it was responsible only for blood clotting. And only in the early 1990s, the instruments of scientists have appeared, with which they managed to explore this "conspirator". Today it is just known that Vitamin K plays a significant role in the exchange of substances passing in the bones and connective tissue, and also contributes to the healthy work of the kidneys. It contains in the cabbage, spinach, beans, cucumbers, tomatoes, yogurt.

How to find out what vitamins is missing our body?

Several signs of lack of vitamins:

C - mildness, frequent colds, drowsiness or sleep disturbance, gums bleed when cleaning teeth.

A - roughness of the skin, decrease in visual acuity, tear, light-friendly.

B1 - headache, reduction of memory, plasticity, fatigue, weakness, shortness of breath and heartbeat.

B2 - insomnia, headache, apathy, fast fatigue, bad smell of mouth. The lips are peeling, the skin peels on the wings of the nose.

B6 - depression, inflammation of the skin - more often in the area of \u200b\u200bnasolabial folds and under the eyebrows, as well as on the hair surface.

B12 is a yellowish face color, early gray, loss, hair fading, dizziness, numbness and tingling in their hands and legs.

D - Bone pain, teeth disease, often sweats the head.

For the body, it is very important to obtain more and all the most necessary minerals for normal life: iron, magnesium, selenium, calcium, potassium, zinc, copper, and so on. Total has more than 20 minerals. They are the same biological activators of all processes in the body, as well as vitamins. Minerals are kept in all food and "in collaboration" with vitamins help our body absorb them. The lack of minerals, as well as excess, is harmful to health.


Calcium. Need for strong bones and teeth; promotes gum health; Supports normal heart rhythm; necessary for muscle buildings, transmission of nerve impulses, normal blood coagulation; Helps with hypertension. Milk, cottage cheese, parsley, gooseberry.

Magnesium.Important for the production of energy inside the cells; helps under reduced pressure and to maintain vessels in tone, as well as menopause; reduces the risk of glaucoma; Increases insulin efficiency. Buckwheat, "Hercules", bread of coarse grinding flour, bean, brussels, potatoes, nuts, blackberries, raspberries.

Chromium.Enhances the effect of insulin; can increase the level of good cholesterol; Supports immunity. Since chrome contributes to metabolism and controls blood sugar levels, it reduces the craving for a sweet, caused by a decrease in sugar.

Selenium. Enhances the effect of vitamin E; protects against skin cancer, lungs, chest, rectum and prostate; supports heart health; stimulates immunity; contributes to the proper development of the fetus in the body of a pregnant woman; It has an anti-inflammatory effect.

Zinc. It is extremely important for the state of bones and immunity; contributes to the activation of antioxidants and hormones; Healing of wounds; Enhances the effect of vitamin B6 and polynaturated fatty acids. Oat groats, nuts, cheese, yolks, seafood, meat, vegetables.

Iron.Transports oxygen in fabric; turns food into energy; Supports the protective functions of the body and synthesizes collagen. Spinach, strawberries, cherry, apricots, celery, tomatoes, legumes, quince.

Phosphorus. Included in bone tissue, in the cell of the nervous system. With its connections, muscle contraction and mental activity is associated with its compounds, so the need for phosphorus increases with intensive work. Milk, cottage cheese, eggs, buckwheat, liver, meat, fish.

Potassium. Adjusts the acid-alkaline balance of blood, participates in the transmission of nerve pulses, activates the muscular work of the heart, affects the operation of the skin and kidneys. Dried fruits, potatoes, cabbage, pumpkin, zucchini, fish.

Iodine. Forms thyroid hormones. Seaweed and sea fish, cod liver, grapes, plum.

Fluorine. Increases the stability of the teeth to the caries, stimulates the heaver, the growth of the skeleton. Tea, sea fish.

Cobalt. Stimulates blood formation processes, participates in the synthesis of vitamin B12. Milk, liver, vegetables, bakery, legumes.

Sodium. Participates in the regulation of blood pressure, water exchange, activation of digestive enzymes, the regulation of the nervous and muscle tissue. Beets, celery, carrots, sea cabbage.

Sulfur. It is included in the composition of proteins, hormones and vitamins, necessary for the activity of the liver.

Manganese. We are necessary for the synthesis of proteins, the formation of insulin. Bread, beet, legumes, fruit.

Copper. It affects the formation of hemoglobin, activates the process of thinking. Potatoes, cereals, seafood, cauliflower, nuts, cocoa.

It is important to know that when grilled flour loses about 80% of zinc, and 50% of this trace element disappears when grinding rice. Vitamin C and vitamins of the group are destroyed in a boiling fluid. During cooking, products lose a significant part of calcium and iron. To better save mineral salts, vegetables during cooking immerse immediately into boiling water, and the liquid in the saucepan must completely cover the products. And in order to mainly save vitamin C, it is necessary to use stainless steel pans, nickel-plated or enameled. Aluminum and copper dishes destroys this vitamin.

In the perfect world, we would have to get all the necessary nutrients on a plate - along with food. But, in our world, we eat harmful semi-finished products, forget about the useful foods, vegetables and fruits. Of course, natural vitamins for us are preferable. But they are not so easy to get, especially in winter. Most of them disappears after the source itself has broken down from the garden, and the varka or freezing destroys the remains of many useful substances. Raw foods will not solve the problem, because we will not be a raw liver or fish. The output is - vitamin supplements. But they need to be taken not instead, but along with natural.

10 most important universal additives useful to all

Vitamins Group B.

Dosage. 50-300 mg per day. In complex preparations, all vitamins of this group are contained in the right proportions. They dissolve with water and quickly pass throughout the body, therefore, for a stable effect, they need to be taken either in the form of preparations of gradual returns (when the drug does not dissolve immediately) or fractional doses.

ATTENTION! The doses of vitamins of the group in need to increase when you sweat, consume alcohol, take antibiotics, diuretics, sleeping pills or estrogen.

Folic acid

Dosage. 400-1000 μg daily (pregnant women - 600 μg, nursing - 500 μg). Folic acid belongs to the vitamins of the group B, so if you are taking a complex of these vitamins, then you already get 400 μg of folic acid.

Vitamin C

Dosage. 500-3000 mg per day. The best form of this vitamin is ester (Ester-C), which does not contain acid, it falls into the blood and remains longer in the tissues. You can combine with bioflavonoids. Take it in the form of preparations of gradual returns or fractionally with each meal. When taking anticoagulants, oral contraceptives, analgesics, corticosteroids, after surgery, increase the dose.

ATTENTION! Pregnant women can not exceed the daily rate. Chewable forms destroy dental enamel. The combination of aspirin and vitamin C (not in the form of ether) can cause disorders in the gastrointestinal tract and contribute to the development of ulcers.

Vitamin E.

Dosage. 200-800 Message per day. In case of inclination to elevated blood pressure, start receiving from 100 m, gradually increasing the dosage to 400 me. Natural vitamin E is better absorbed than synthetic (DL-alpha tocopherol). The additive may contain beta, delta, gamma-d-alpha tocopherol (but not DL alpha!) Or a mixture of these species. Vitamin E is better to take fractionally with food containing a small amount of fat.

ATTENTION! People taking medicines for blood liquefaction should consult with a doctor before receiving Vitamin E.


Dosage. 1000 mg per day. The optimal form is calcium citrate (citrus acid salt), and calcium carbonate and lactate are also well absorbed. At least 15 minutes a day are in the sun, to produce vitamin D, which improves calcium absorption, or take 200-400 ME vitamin D. Calcium with magnesium in a 2: 1 ratio.

ATTENTION! Additional calcium can interact with calcium channel blockers, so it is not recommended to people with renal diseases. Vegetarians, avoiding breeding, needed an additional reception of this trace element.


Dosage. 300-500 mg daily. Take the chelate magnesium (associated with proteins and amino acids to prevent interaction with other substances in the stomach) during meals. If you also take calcium, then follow the ratio of calcium-magnesium - 2: 1.

ATTENTION! Overdose may cause diarrhea. Reduce magnesium consumption if you also accept antacids or laxatives. Diuretics remove magnesium.


Dosage. 50-200 μg daily. The most easily digestible and most effective form - picolinat (is also sold under the title "Factor of Glucose Tolerance"). With a highly carbonate diet, increase the dose of chromium. Take fractional doses while eating.

ATTENTION! Vitamin C and aspirin increase chromium absorption. If you are taking insulin, before introducing chromium in the diet, consult your doctor.


Dosage. 50-200 μg per day while eating.

ATTENTION! Dose is more than 900 μg per day - toxic: A metallic taste and the smell of garlic appears in the mouth.


Dosage. 20-50 mg per day. The dose of 150 mg can cause copper deficit. Best forms - gluconate and zinc picolinat.

ATTENTION! Take separately from iron preparations. We need people, the next vegetarian diet.

Omega-3 fatty acids

Regulate the activities of cardiovascular, nervous, immune systems and reproductive function; prevent thrombus formation; reduce cholesterol and triglycerides; Remove inflammation; Reduce the symptoms of menopause.

Dosage. 250-3000 mg per day in pure form. Take fractionally with fatty food.

ATTENTION! Warn your doctor that you are going to introduce omega-3 fatty acids into the diet, if you take medicines from increased blood clotting.

11 specialized additives

Vitamin A

Dosage. 4000 me per day - for women, 5000 me - for men. With viral infection, let's accept the reception to 50,000 me per day.

ATTENTION! Start with small doses, gradually increasing the reception and watching blood condition, especially with diabetes, liver diseases and when using oral contraceptives. Pregnant women can not exceed 5000 me.


Reduce the symptoms of menopause: anxiety, tides, the change of mood. Strengthen the walls of the capillaries; contribute to the improvement of the skin; Remove inflammation; Improve vision.

Dosage. 50-300 mg daily. It is good to combine with vitamin C, which improves the absorption of bioflavonoids.

Vitamin B6.

Dosage. 30-250 mg per day while eating.

ATTENTION! Increase reception with a diet with a high content of proteins. Doses of more than 2000 mg per day are toxic.

Vitamin B12.

Dosage. 1000-1500 μg per day.

ATTENTION! Vegetarians tend to have a deficit of this vitamin. Normally, the body contains a 5-year margin of B12, but the lack of this vitamin may pour into a serious neurological disease. The first sign of deficiency is anemia, although symptoms of anemia may not manifest themselves with a high content in folic acid organism.


Dosage. 10 mg - for men and 15 mg per day - for women (for pregnant women - 30 mg). Drink a glass of water when taking iron. It is best to take iron in the form of a fumarant capsule or iron gluconate. It is well absorbed with meat and vitamin C.

ATTENTION! The excess of the daily norm is dangerous. Never double the dose, even if you missed the reception. Alcoholism increases the risk of poisoning. Calcium, coffee, tea worsen iron assimilation.

Coenzyme Q 10.

Is an antioxidant and slows down aging; improves oxygen tissue supply; strengthens the heart muscle; He treats angina and hypertension; Enhances immunity; strengthens gums; struggles with allergies; Reduces the risk of recycling breast cancer.

Dosage. 30-150 mg per day with fatty food. Gel capsules are more efficient than powder.

ATTENTION! Keep in a dark cool place. Light gastric disorders are possible.


Increases the level of good cholesterol, reduces the level of triglyceride and "bad" cholesterol associated with diabetes.

Dosage. 900-6000 mg per day. Take L-carnitine capsules while eating. For the treatment of heart disease, take 1000 mg 2-3 times a day. Acceptance of alcohol and consuming oily food increases the need for carnitine.

ATTENTION! During pregnancy, avoid a dose.


Splits proteins; effective anti-inflammatory; removes swelling; reduces the risk of thrombus formation; He treats an angina and hypertension.

Dosage. 250-500 mg 3 times a day before meals. When taking a meal improves digestion, but does not have a healing effect.

ATTENTION! May increase the effect of some drugs. Tell your doctor if you are treated from thrombophlebitis.


Protects from the occurrence of cataracts, tunnel vision (violation of peripheral vision).

Dosage. 20 mg per day. Take in capsules with food containing fat.

ATTENTION! It may negatively interact with beta-carotene.


Suppresses the formation of blood clots; lowers blood pressure; Removes inflammation; reduces the level of triglycerides and cholesterol; increases the level of "good" cholesterol; struggles with bacteria, viral and fungal infections; Reduces glucose levels.

Dosage. 600-5000 μg per day of allicin, an active ingredient contained in garlic.

ATTENTION! If you are treated from thrombophlebitis, consult your doctor.


Stimulates the growth of cartilage; Removes inflammation and pain in the joints.

Dosage. 500-1500 mg per day. Use glucosamine sulfate, and not hydrochloride or N-acetylglucosamine.

ATTENTION! Rarely gastric disorder is rare.

How to take additives

Start with the smallest of the recommended doses. The effect of food additives is felt gradually, as cell regeneration. If you do not see the effect in a month, increase the dose. If even the maximum dose does not give results, gradually reduce the dosage to zero, and then start first. When the side effects appear, stop the reception.

Take additives while eating (but not with diuretics like coffee or tea), then they are better absorbed. Remember that the body is able to assimilate only a certain amount in a period of time, so take the drugs fractionally during the day.

Supplements will not replace you healthy food, but if you work too much, they will support your body.

What additives you need Depends on your activities and activity. Who do you relate to?


Let's assume that you spend 12 hours a day at work and enjoy your achievements and creativity. Even in such a "office edema", the delightful overvoltage can harm: exhaust your energy and make you unstable to infections and colds. Strengthen your immunity with additives:

  1. Coenzyme Q10 produces energy necessary for intensive work.
  2. Vitamins of group B turn food into fuel and struggle with stress.
  3. Vitamin A is important for the immune system.
  4. Vitamin C supports immunity and reduces the impact of stress.
  5. Zinc provides support for other nutrients involved in the process of immune response.


You can forget the sofa with a good book or literally stick to the handset, perhaps you just get well after influenza or chained to the writing desk. But the long-term seat in one place leads to a weight gain and heart disease, especially if you chew a large number of unhealthy food. In the fight against a sedentary lifestyle you will help you:

  1. Omega-3 fatty acids deliver oxygen to cells.
  2. Bioflavonoids strengthen the walls of the capillaries, reduce the risk of thrombus.
  3. Garlic reduces blood glucose level, dilutes blood, which reduces the risk of thrombus formation.
  4. Folic acid prevents heart disease and removes light depressive states arising due to lack of physical activity.
  5. Chrome stabilizes blood sugar levels.


If you are interested in swimming, cycling or hiking, if your favorite view of the rest - in the morning early on Sunday, jump out from bed and rush into battle, or rather, to active rest, you need nutritional supplements that allow you to quickly fill the energy spent. They will help to cope with exhaustion, pain and make Monday morning more tolerant of the following additives:

  1. Carnitine increases endurance, helps the heart more efficiently use oxygen.
  2. Calcium strengthens the bones, prevents fractures.
  3. Omega-3 fatty acids accelerate recovery after physical fatigue.
  4. Bromelain prevents inflammation caused by exhaustion and sports injuries.
  5. Glucosamine protects and strengthens the joints.

Even if you eat a healthy, balanced and diverse food, you can still talk about the harmful effect of the environment, acting on the body every minute. There is a need to use additional elements for health promotion.

Try to define for yourself, in which additional aids you need. Contact your doctor's advice. If necessary, hand over blood test.

Check out this table. It will pay your attention to the vitamins and minerals, the necessary organism.

Vitamin A

Strengthens resistance to infections, improves eyesight, useful for the skin, the warning factor of cancer, protects against toxins, which means that the youth extends.

Products: Green and yellow vegetables, greens, broccoli, spinach, pumpkin, carrots, apricots.

Vitamin B12.

Warns anemia, strengthens the nervous system.

Products: Vegetables, fruits.

Vitamin B6.

We need for a forkry gland, relieves stress, helps from toxicosis of pregnancy.

Products: grain, legumes, vegetables, fruits.

Vitamin C

Supports adrenal functions, strengthens the immune system, contributes to blood formation.

Products: Fresh green vegetables, fruits.

Vitamin E.

Strengthens the heart, promotes blood formation, antioxidant.

Products: Fresh green vegetables, fruits, grain, nuts, seeds.


Strengthens the bones, is important for the nervous system, struggling with stress.

Products: Fresh green vegetables, fruits, legumes, nuts.

Products: Seafood, Seafood, Fish, Vegetables.


Hemoglobin component increases resistance.

Products: vegetables, grain, nuts, liver.


Exchange of carbohydrates and proteins, support pH

Products: Vegetables, whole grains, nuts and seeds.


Promotes the penetration of nutrients through the cell membrane, regulates the activity of the heart, kidneys and muscles of the skeleton.

Products: legumes, vegetables.


Supports blood sugar levels, balancing carbohydrate exchange

Products: Grain, Vegetables


Powerful antioxidant. So, prolongs youth.

Products: Fish, seafood, garlic, vegetables.


Growth and restoration of fabrics, support for mental abilities.

Products: Cereals, Vegetables, Nuts, Seeds.

The need for some kind of food to prevent dangerous diseases was known for a long time. In ancient Egypt, they knew that the liver of animals helps from chicken blindness. In the XIV century, Chinese Hu Syuway became the author of the trotomic work "Important principles of food and beverages". In it, the healer systematized knowledge about the treatment role of nutrition and proved the need to diversify the diet to preserve health. Before the discovery of such a thing as vitamins, there will be a lot of time, but the beginning was supposed exactly then.

How it works

How does a modern average person feed? His food is rich in carbohydrates and poor vitamins. The latter are neither the source of energy for the body and do not become structural components of the tissues. But it is vitamins - active participants in many metabolic processes. And without their help, the body is not able to produce the substances needed for the vital activity. In the overwhelming majority vitamins, the human body is not synthesized, but at the same time their presence is very important for the proper functioning. Therefore, it is necessary to obtain a sufficient number of vitamins from outside - with food and drink. If this is not enough, it is necessary to resort to the use of such a drug as multivitamins with trace elements. And modern pharmacology offers huge such medicines!

We deal with the composition

Polyvitamins with trace elements are pharmacological preparations containing several different vitamins, as well as mineral and organic matter. And the latter is not at all. Even if only two or three vitamin will be present in a tablet or drops, it will already be considered a full-fledged polyvitamin drug.

In modern pharmacology, 13 vitamins are used today and 10 of them have already been agoned by a huge number of variants of the compositions of drugs, and yet the overwhelming majority of multivitamine complexes are sufficiently similar. A, B, C, D, E and F are the most sought-after and widely used vitamins.

For greater efficiency

Mineral components - calcium, zinc, magnesium, selenium, iron, phosphorus and others are often included in the multivitamine complexes in order to eliminate their deficiency in the body. It has long been established by the science that it is in the presence of some trace elements that the process of assimilation of different vitamins is accelerated. Moreover, some vitamins should only be used "in duet" with minerals. For example, it is much better absorbed in the presence of calcium. And what could be the best prophylaxis of rickets and promote bone strengthening of young children! Therefore, multivitamins with macro, microelements "work" in the human body much more efficient!

Form release

The preparations are widely represented in the pharmacological market affect the abundance of dosage forms. Today, in any pharmacy, you can purchase multivitamins with trace elements in the form of tablets, sachets-packages, syrups, gels, addresses, drops. Very often, the pills are painted in different colors, and each of them has a unique vitamin composition. The most popular polyvitamins with trace elements for children have a comfortable, attractive packaging and form form. These include drops, syrups, gels, lozenges, jelly pills with fruit tastes. At the same time, manufacturers made sure that children could not be unauthorized to use the drug - packaging have the protection of the cap or lid.

Who needs to use multivitamins

The need for specific every person is purely individual. They depend on the abundance of factors, among which are the main age, sexuality, lifestyle and nutrition, state of health. Depending on this, polyvitamins with minerals and microelements are prescribed. To think about the fact that the body lacks vitamins, it is necessary if the following states are observed:

Bad appetite;

General weakness;

Insomnia or poor sleep quality;

Increased body fatigue;

Reduction of visual acuity;

Delay of physical and mental development;

Dry skin, nail fragility.

All the best - children

Most of the vitamins in the child's body perform a mission, which is not peculiar to them when entering the body of an adult. It is growing actively and develops, the processes of separation of organs and tissues according to functions flow in its body. And, like all biological processes, it requires the presence of vitamins.

The most popular and common polyvitamins with trace elements for children are:

  • Multi-Tabs. To date, several varieties of the drug appointed depending on the age of the child are produced. The complex contains the basic vitamins necessary for growth and development - A, C and D. Manufacturer - Ferrosan A / C, Denmark.
  • Kinder Biovital gel. Provides the need for the body in vitamins, warns quick fatigue, the lack of concentration of attention, the loss of appetite, increases the resistance to colds and infectious diseases. Manufacturer - Bayer Consumer Care AG, Germany.
  • "Peak". Polyvitamins with microelements for children are produced in two dosage forms - in the form of syrup and in the form of chewable tablets. Contains vitamins A, in 1, 2, in 5, in 6, in 9, in 12 and C. The composition of chewing tablets is additionally included with calcium and phosphorus. Manufacturer - Krka, Slovenia.
  • "Alphabet Teen" - Polyvitamins with trace elements for adolescents. Applied during the actual growth of the child, puberty, contribute to the right physical and mental development. Tablets of different color contain different composition. The manufacturer is "External Pharma", Russia.

For female beauty

The best polyvitamins with trace elements for women make it possible to ensure excellent condition of the skin, hair, nails, strengthen the bones of the skeleton, prevent reduction in vision, help balance the hormonal background, move the time of the onset of menopause. The main vitamins for excellent ladies - A, C, E, in 6, in 9 and D.

The most popular polyvitamins with trace elements for women:

  • "Duovit" for women. Balanced composition of vitamins of group B, a, biotin, zinc, iron for the health of skin, hair and nails. Manufacturer - Krka, Slovenia.
  • "Alphabet Cosmetics". Enriched in bioflavonoids, contains a coenzyme Q10 with a rejuvenating effect. Manufacturer - "External Pharma", LLC, Russia.
  • "Complivit". The drug is recommended for the prevention of hypovitaminosis in women in the period of hormonal restructuring. Contains 10 vitamins, selenium and magnesium. Manufacturer - "Farmstandard" (Russia).

In a special period

The closest attention during pregnancy women should pay folic acid consumption, calcium and iron. And in general, the need for all vitamins increases. But only a doctor who competently be able to appreciate the health of the future mother, the term of pregnancy, the age of women and other nuances should be appointed with microelements. An example of such multivitamin complexes can be "Elevit Pretatal", "Femibion", "Vitrum Prenatal Forte", but it is worth purchasing such drugs only after consulting with a specialist, so as not to harm mom and child.

For the health of men

When selecting representatives of a strong half of humanity, some nuances should also be taken into account. For example, men, such a microelement, like iron, not only do not need in shock doses, but can also serve a bad service - its excess will negatively affect the cardiovascular system, will cause tremor and can even cause a heart attack. FE in sufficient quantity is absorbed by men of food. Therefore, it is better to choose polyvitamins with trace elements with the smallest content of iron. But for normal testosterone, men need vitamin E and selenium. Their presence helps to prevent the emergence of problems with the functioning of the prostate, will increase the reproductive properties and improve the quality of sperm.

Most popular multivitamins with trace elements for men:

  • "Duovit" for men. Created for people leading an active lifestyle. As part of 12 vitamins and 6 minerals aimed at maintaining the activity and endurance of the body. Manufacturer - Krka, Slovenia.
  • "Veloten" multivitamins with trace elements for men. As part of 9 vitamins and 10 minerals. Recommended by men leading a sedentary lifestyle. Created to stabilize the work of the nervous system, reduce the level of irritability, improve the quality of memory. Manufacturer - Vitabiotics Ltd., United Kingdom.
  • "Alphabet" for men. The complex contains 12 vitamins and 8 minerals. Eleuteococcal extract and organic acids that contribute to the withdrawal of slags from the body are supplemented. Stimulates the activity of the genital system of a man. The manufacturer is "External Pharma", Russia.

Polyvitamins with trace elements for the elderly

People after 50 years need to choose the drug, taking into account age characteristics. For them, special vitamin complexes have been developed that contribute to the strengthening of the cardiovascular system (the balance of vitamins A, D, E), the normalization of the gastrointestinal tract (vitamin B 1, 6, in 12), preservation of view (vitamins B 2, and ), strengthen the spine and bones (vitamin D, calcium). In the pharmacology market, drugs corresponding to the needs of the organism of an elderly person are presented in a huge assortment, but the most popular of them are:

Traineer-nutritionist, sports nutritiologist, honored by Evehealth


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Proven information

This article is based on scientific data written by experts and verified by experts. Our team of licensed nutritionists and cosmetologists seeks to be objective, unpredictable, honest and submit both sides of the argument.

Very often people underestimate the role of vitamins in their lives. Many do not consider it necessary to monitor food and additionally take the necessary vitamins and minerals. After all, they do not add energy to us and do not become a building material for the body.

But the consequences of avitaminosis will not wait to wait. And as a result, the aggravation of chronic diseases, fast fatigue and lack of performance, premature aging, the skin loses elasticity and elasticity, wrinkles and pigment stains appear.

Women, definitely, upset such changes in the body and appearance. And in order to avoid this, you need to know: what vitamins have each organ of our body for full-fledged work (heart, vessels, etc.).

Without view of a person's life is devoid of bright colors. Our eyes are often getting tired, they will disappear, blush. But we usually do not give it much importance.

The life of a person in the modern world is unthinkable without gadgets: computers, phones, tablets. And evenings mandatory viewing TV show before TV. Eyes, it is difficult to make such loads.

If in the evening the clarity of vision disappears, the eyes will be watched and hurt - they urgently need rest. And, most likely, will only benefit.

What vitamins need to drink for visual acuity?

  1. Vitamin A. It just prevents fatigue and redness of the eyes. Warns the development of cataracts in adulthood age. If in the evening the clarity of images is lost, and the eyes begin to root, then you should add to your diet: liver, dairy products, tomatoes, rosehip, oats, green vegetables, raspberry.
  2. Vitamin B1. Stops the process of impairment of vision, affecting the work of nervous tissue. This vitamin is present in meat products, liver, kidneys, honey, buckwheat.
  3. Vitamin B2. Another name is Riboflavin. There is a frequent span of blood vessels, as well as discomfort resembling "sand in the eyes." This vitamin is a lot in dairy products, eggs, apples, nuts.
  4. Vitamin Cor ascorbic acid . If the body has a lack of "ascorbins", then it signals the decrease in immunity and rapid fatigue. Eyes begin to get sick to the end of the day, quickly get tired when working on a computer. It is enough to add the following products to meals so that the state is normal: kiwi, lemon, cabbage, rosehip, bell pepper, carrots, tomatoes, etc.

Of course, vitamins can be obtained from food, but provided if you organize proper and balanced nutrition. What, alas, in modern conditions is extremely difficult. Therefore, it is best to give preference to additives. Vitamins can be drunk and individually, but much more convenient and safer to choose a vitamin complex. They can be purchased both in local pharmacies and specialized online stores. Particular attention, we recommend to turn on the IHERB website, where high-quality and certified products are represented from the best manufacturers.

To improve vision, be sure to try:

Vitamins necessary for man to strengthen bones and joints

Of course, the main macroelerant for our skeleton is calcium. But for his assimilation, other vitamins are needed. It is necessary to take care of everything that is necessary: \u200b\u200band during the active growth of the body and in old age.

The most necessary vitamins for strengthening bones and joints:

  1. Vitamin D. His main merit - help calcium and phosphorus is better absorbed in the intestine. Especially he is important to children. Vitamin also controls the amount of calcium required for the fortress of our bones. Insufficient flow of vitamin D in the food of a person is fragmented by fractures, damage to the vertebrae. In order not to bring before this, you need to eat greasy fish varieties (herring, mackerel, trout, salmon), dairy products, eggs, liver.
  2. Vitamin C. With a long deficiency of ascorbic acid, the teeth destroys the teeth, the bones during fractures are poorly fixed. The fact is that Vitamin C takes part in the synthesis of collagen, which forms fibers, so necessary to our bones and joints. Lemon, Bulgarian pepper, Kiwi in daily eating will reduce the risk of bone deformations.
  3. Vitamin A. It is the same as Vitamin D, helps calcium and phosphorus is better learned. Prevents the development of osteoporosis, strengthens the walls of the bones. It should be green vegetables, rowan, rosehip to diversify their nutrition.
  4. Vitamin B6. Also help strengthen the walls of the bones. Its a lot in sunflower seeds, walnuts, seafood, meat products, bananas, potatoes, etc.

Also add your diet to biologically active additives to strengthen bones and joints with iHerb:

Few people boast of beautiful hair. Someone has brittle and dry or, on the contrary, fatty roots. Someone suffers from dandruff or dropping out. Everyone's problems are different, but the essence is one - the hair does not get.

It turns out that it is not enough to have a quality shampoo or a rinse balm. Even the weekly hair masks will not save the position if the hair is deprived of the vitamins and trace elements.

What vitamins are needed by our hair:

  1. B. Vitamins B..
    • Vitamin B2. Provides hair smoothness and shine. Its disadvantage is affected by high fat in the roots and dryness at the tips of the hair. A sufficient amount of vitamin is present in dairy products, meat, eggs.
    • Vitamin B6.. Eliminates dry hair, itching, dandruff. There are nuts, fish, croup, liver.
    • Vitamin B7.. Provides a lush hairstyle, as well as smoothness and a healthy appearance of the hair.
    • Vitamin B9. Promotes hair growth. His drawback can lead to sad consequences - partial or complete loss of hair. So that this does not happen, eat fish, food yeast, cottage cheese, cheese.
  2. Vitamin A. The disadvantage of this vitamin immediately reflects on the hair. They become lifeless, dry, dandruff appears, hair loss is noticed. This can be avoided if you establish proper nutrition with green onions, spinach, salad and fatty fish varieties. Hair will change right in their eyes: become silky and shiny.
  3. Vitamin C Enhances hair growth, contributes to their strength. In addition, it strengthens the walls of the vessels, which leads to the saturation of the blood of the hair follicles. Most of all vitamin C in Kiwi, Bulgarian pepper, lemon, apples.
  4. Vitamin E. Known as "Vitamin Beauty". Affects the beauty of the hair. It feeds the hair onions and contributes to their strength. Removes the head of the head, provides rapid tightening of the wound. To avoid hair loss, it is necessary to add to your diet: marine fish, liver, sunflower seeds, vegetable oils, yolk eggs, etc.

The necessary organism of vitamins and substances for beauty and youth skin

The need to care for the skin should not even talk. After all, it is she who gives the true age of man. Many functions are assigned to the skin, among which the role of a kind of "filter" for the whole body.

The appearance of the skin can be alarmed about all sorts of diseases of the internal organs. Beauty does not add numerous skin diseases, such as acne, furunculosis, psoriasis, etc. To prevent this, it is necessary to care for it competently. And this care should not be reduced only to external means.

  1. Vitamin E. If we talk about the skin, it is impossible to forget about it. Keeps skin youth, contributes to its moisturity. Protects free radicals. The lack of vitamin leads to premature aging and degros of the skin of the face and body.
  2. Vitamin A. Reduces small wrinkles, restores damaged cover in a short time. With a lack, the skin becomes dry, peeling, acne and pigment stains may appear.
  3. Vitamin C. The lack of vitamin affects not only on the skin, but also on the whole body as a whole. Allergic reactions are exacerbated, itching, it appears red on the skin. The general view of a person speaks of fatigue. Vitamin with faster accelerates healing of purulent diseases and prevents the appearance of bruises.
  4. Vitamin K. Evenkers, pallor, pigmentation - signals about the lack of this vitamin.
  5. B. Vitamins B. Provides refreshing skin cells. Moisturizes, treats skin diseases, expands the vessels. The lack of vitamin affects the skin in the form of allergic red spots, acne, acne, dermatitis.

It is impossible to make a beautiful manicure if. This can be a huge disappointment for any woman. But proper nutrition with the addition of the necessary vitamins will solve this problem.

What vitamins are needed by the body to strengthen nails:

  1. Vitamin C. Nails are laying, breaking, are white spots and recesses explicitly allocate? This signals the lack of vitamin C.
  2. Vitamins B3 and B5. Their insufficient amount in food becomes noticeable on the nail plate. Fine nails with a gray shade and strong bulge.
  3. Vitamin A. Protects our nails from external influences. Such as: cleaning products, a sharp change of weather, the absence of gloves in a strong cold.

Iherb presents combined vitamin complexes that will help restore and maintain hair health, nails and leather. Efficiency and effectiveness among others stand out:

Vitamins for strengthening the nervous system

The nervous system is often experiencing strength. Stress at work, traffic jams, problems in the family, in no way of surrounding children ... All this takes out of equilibrium. Anxiety symptoms appear: depression, deterioration of well-being, fatigue, anxiety. The required amount of vitamins per day can solve this problem.

Vitamins for strengthening the nervous system:

  1. Vitamins Group B. (B1, B6, B12):
    • Vitamin B1. It is considered an excellent antidepressant. Eliminates stress, depressive condition. Concentrates attention on important details.
    • Vitamin B6. Promotes memory concentration, eliminates fatigue and sleep disorders.
    • Vitamin B12. First aid in strengthening the nervous system. Normalizes many violations: apathy, memory deterioration and concentration, premature aging, weakness and lethargy.
  2. Vitamin E. Appointed with constant fatigue and high physical exertion.
  3. Vitamin D. Eliminates depression and depressed condition.
  4. Vitamin C. Eliminates the symptoms: anxiety, stress, depression. Increases thirst for life and interest in work.
  5. Vitamin A. Does not allow nerve cells to "wear out". Interferes with insomnia, adds calm.

Strengthen the nervous system and find the balance will help:

Popular pharmacy vitamin complexes

Not always the reception of polyvitamins is justified. If you live in the village with fresh air, you feed on household products - vitamins are not needed. In other cases, they may be useful, especially during the period of traditional spring avitaminosis.

What vitamin complexes did the trust of people deserve?

  • Vitrum. Production - USA. The complex is balanced and designed to strengthen the entire body. Suitable for pregnant women and athletes with high physical exertion. Forms of release are distinguished: Beauty, Beauty Lucca, Beauty Elite, Antioxidant.
  • Alphabet Cosmetics. The developers assure us that for better assimilation you need some groups of vitamins to take at different times. For this tablet differ in color. Take them you need 3 times a day.
  • Sugradin. Released in the form of chewing candies and tablets. He especially fell in love with children because of delicious marmalade bears. Supradine reception rate - 1 month. Manufacturers do not recommend treatment more than two times a year.
  • Complivates "Shine". Reception rate - one tablet per day for 1 month. The complex contains all the necessary vitamins and trace elements. Designed to save female beauty and health.

Making conclusions!

Of course, this list can be continued to infinity. Pharmaceutical companies every month ready to represent new vitamin complexes. The same additives are allocated on the basis of the ratio: price - quality. And the positive effect of application is seen by millions of people.

Of course, it is better to take vitamins and minerals in a natural form, but if this can not be done, then pharmacy products will serve you a huge service, all organs and systems will put in order, will improve your well-being and increase the immune system!
Bear healthy and happy!

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