The value of the discoveries of Galileo Galilee briefly. Galileo Galilev Brief biography

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Galilee Galileo.
Born: February 15, 1564.
Died: January 8, 1642 (77 years) of the year.


Galileo Galilei (Ital. Galileo Galilei; February 15, 1564, Pisa - January 8, 1642, Archery) - Italian physicist, mechanic, astronomer, philosopher and mathematician, which has had a significant impact on the science of its time. He was the first to use a telescope to observe the heavenly bodies and made a number of outstanding astronomical discoveries. Galilee is the founder of experimental physics. With its experiments, he convincingly denied the ascent metaphysics of Aristotle and laid the foundation of classical mechanics.

During his lifetime, he was known as an active supporter of the heliocentric system of the world, which led Galilee to a serious conflict with the Catholic Church.

early years

Galilee was born in 1564 in the Italian city of Pisa, in the family of akin, but impoverished Nobleman Vincenzo Galilean, a prominent theorist of music and butterist. Full name Galileo Galileo: Galileo di Vincenzo Bonayuti de Galilei (Ial. Galileo di Vincenzo Bonaiuti de "Galilei). Representatives of the genus Galileev are mentioned in the documents from the XIV century. Several direct ancestors were priors (members of the ruling council) of the Florentine Republic, and Prapraded Galilee , a well-known doctor, who also called Galileo's name, was elected head of the republic in 1445.

In the family, Vincenzo Galilee and Julia Ammannati had six children, but it was necessary to survive four: Galileo (Senior of Children), Virginia, Libya's daughters, Libya and the younger son Michelangelo, who later also acquired fame as composer-butter. In 1572, Vincenzo moved to Florence, the capital of Tuscan duchy. The ruling Medici dynasty there was known for a wide and constant patronage of art and sciences.

About childhood Galilee knows a bit. From the early years of the boy attracted to art; Throughout his life, he will carry love for music and drawing, which owned perfectly. In mature years, the best artists of Florence - Chigoli, Bronzino and others - they were consulted about the issues of perspective and composition; Chigoli even claimed that it was Galileo he owes his glory. According to the compositions of Galilee, it is also possible to conclude that he has a wonderful literary talent.

The initial formation of Galilee was received in the nearby Valvalombosis Monastery. The boy loved to learn and became one of the best disciples in the classroom. He weighed the opportunity to become a priest, but his father was against.

In 1581, 17-year-old Galilee at the insistence of the Father entered the University of Pisa to study medicine. At the university, Galiley also visited the lectures on geometry (earlier he was completely not familiar with mathematics) and so faded this science that his father began to fear, no matter how it would prevent the study of medicine.

Galilee stayed by a student of incomplete three years; During this time, he managed to thoroughly familiarize himself with the writings of ancient philosophers and mathematicians and earned among teachers a reputation as an indomitable debaters. Already then he considered himself entitled to have his own opinion on all scientific matters, not believing with traditional authorities.

Probably, during these years he met with Copernicus theory. Astronomical problems were then vividly discussed, especially in connection with the calendar reform just conducted.

Soon the financial position of the Father was worsened, and he was not able to pay for the teaching of the Son. Please free Galilee from the board (such an exception was made for the most capable students) was rejected. Galiley returned to Florence (1585), and not having received a scientific degree. Fortunately, he managed to draw attention to several ingenious inventions (for example, hydrostatic weights), thanks to which he met with an educated and rich lover of science, the Marquis Gvidobaldo del Monte. Marquis, unlike the Pisa professors, managed to appreciate it correctly. Already then Del Monte said that since Archimedes did not see such a genius as Galilee. Admired by the unusual talent of the young man, Marquis became his friend and patron; He presented Galilee to the Tuscan Duke Ferdinand I Medici and petitioned about the paid scientific position for him.

In 1589, Galilei returned to the University of Pisa, now a professor of mathematics. There, he began to conduct independent research on mechanics and mathematics. True, the salary appointed to him the minimum: 60 WORDOR per year (Professor of Medicine received 2000 WORDOR). In 1590, Galiley wrote a treatise "On Motion".

In 1591, the Father died, and the responsibility for the family passed to Galileo. First of all, he had to take care of the upbringing of the younger brother and about the dowry of two unmarried sisters.

In 1592, Galilee received a place in the prestigious and rich in Paduan University (Venice Republic), where he taught astronomy, mechanics and mathematics. According to the recommendental letter of the Venetian Digesis, the university can be judged that the scientific authority of Galilee has already been extremely high in these years:

Conscious of the importance of mathematical knowledge and their benefit for other major sciences, we slowed down with the appointment, not finding a worthy candidate. Currently, the desire to take this place Signor Galilee, a former professor in Pisa, who enjoyed great fame and is fairly recognized for the most knowledgeable in mathematical sciences. Therefore, we are pleased to provide him with the Mathematics Department for four years with 180 Florines of a salary per year.

Padova, 1592-1610

The years of stay in Padua is the most fruitful period of the scientific activity of Galilea. Soon he became the most famous professor in Padua. Students crowded at his lectures, the Venetian government improvedly ordained the development of various types of technical devices, a young Kepler and other scientific authorities of that time are actively rewritten with it.

During these years, he wrote the treatise "Mechanics", which caused some interest and was reissued in French translation. In early work, as well as in the correspondence, Galilean gave the first sketch of a new general theory of falling the bodies and movement of the pendulum.

The reason for the new stage in the scientific research of Galilea was the appearance of a new star in 1604, called now supernovae. It awakens a universal interest in astronomy, and Galilee performs with a cycle of private lectures. Having learned about the invention in the Holland of the visual pipe, Galiley in 1609 designs his own first telescope and directs it into the sky.

Seen Galileem was so strikingly that even many years later were people who refused to believe in his discoveries and claimed that this is an illusion or obsession. Galiley opened the mountains on the moon, the Milky Way broke up into separate stars, but especially the contemporaries found by them 4 of Jupiter (1610) found them. In honor of the four sons of his late patron of Ferdinand Medici (deceased in 1609), Galiley called these satellites by "Medichy Stars" (Lat. Stellae Medicae). Now they are more suitable name "Galilean satellites".

Galile's first discoveries described in the composition of the Star Bulletin (Lat. Sidereus Nuncius) published in Florence in 1610. The book had a sensational success throughout Europe, even crowned specials in a hurry to order a telescope. Several Galile's telescopes presented to the Venetian Senate, who as a sign of gratitude appointed him with a lifetime professor with a salary of 1000 florines. In September 1610, Kepler got a telescope, and in December, Galilee's opening confirmed the influential Roman astronomer key. Communication comes. Galilee becomes the most famous academic scientist, in his honor, the OD, where he compares with Columbus. The French King Heinrich IV is April 20, 1610, shortly before his death, asked Galilee to open and for him some kind of star. There were, however, and dissatisfied. Astronomer Francesco Sitzi (ITAL. SIZZI) released a pamphlet, where she said that seven - a perfect number, and even seven holes in man, so the planets can be only seven, and the opening of Galilee is an illusion. Astrologers and doctors protested, complaining that the emergence of new heavenly luminaries "destructive for astrology and most of the medicine", since all the usual astrological methods "will be prior to the foundation destroyed."

During these years, Galilean enters into civil marriage with Venetian Marina Gamba (Ital. Marina Gamba). He never married himself, but became the father of his son and two daughters. Son, he called Vincenzo in memory of his father, and daughters, in honor of his sisters - Virginia and Libya. Later, in 1619, Galiley officially legalized her son; Both daughters finished life in the monastery.

The pan-European glory and the need for money pushed Galilee to the destructive, as it turned out later, step: in 1610 he leaves a calm Venice, where he was unavailable for the Inquisition, and moves into Florence. The Duke of Kozimo II Medici, the son of Ferdinand, promised Galilean honorable and profitable place of advisor at the Tuscan yard. The promise he kept heavily, which allowed Galilee to solve the problem of huge debts, accumulated after the issuance of his two sisters.

Florence, 1610-1632

Duties of Galilee at the courtyard of the Duke of Kozimo II were needed - training the sons of the Tuscan Duke and participation in some affairs as an adviser and the representative of the Duke. Formally, he is also enrolled by Professor to the University of Pisan, but relieved of the tedious duty of lectures.

Galiley continues scientific research and opens the phases of Venus, stains in the sun, and then the rotation of the sun around the axis. Galile's achievements (as well as their priority), often expressed in a polemical style in a polemical style, which was made a lot of new enemies (in particular, among Jesuits).

Protection of Copernation

The growth of the influence of Galilee, the independence of his thinking and sharp opposition in relation to the teachings of Aristotle contributed to the formation of an aggressive circle of his opponents consisting of professors-peripatetics and some church figures. His propaganda of the Heliocentric system of the world was especially indignited, since, in their opinion, the Rotation of the Earth contradicted the texts of Psalms (Psal. 103: 5), venge from Ecclesiasta (EKK. 1: 5), as well as the episode from "Book of Jesus Navina" ( Nag. 10:12), where it is said about the fixedness of the Earth and the movement of the Sun. In addition, a detailed substantiation of the concept of immobility of the Earth and the refutation of the hypotheses about its rotation was contained in the treatise of Aristotle "On Heaven" and in Almagest Ptolemy.

In 1611, Galilee, in the haloe of his fame, decided to go to Rome, hoping to convince the Pope that Copernation was fully compatible with Catholicism. He was adopted well, elected sixth member of the Scientific Academy of Dei Linchi, meets Pap Pavel V, influential cardinals. Demonstrated by their telescope, the explanations gave carefully and caution. Cardinals have created a whole commission to clarify the question, is not sinner to look at the sky into the pipe, but they came to the conclusion that it is permissible. The fact that Roman astronomers openly discussed the issue, whether the Venus moves around the Earth or around the Sun (the change of Phase Venus clearly spoke in favor of the second option).

Osmeleev, Galilee in a letter to his student Abbot Castelli (1613), stated that the Sacred Scripture applies only to the salvation of the soul and in scientific matters is not authoritative: "No Scripture has such a forced force, which there has any phenomenon of nature." Moreover, he published this letter than the emergence of denunciations in the inquisition. In the same 1613, Galilee released the book "Letters about sunny spots", in which he opened in favor of the Copernicus system. On February 25, 1615, the Roman Inquisition began the first thing against Galilee on charges of heresy. The last mistake of Galilee was the call for Rome to express the final attitude towards Copernation (1615).

All this caused a reaction, reverse expected. Alarmed by the success of the Reformation, the Catholic Church decided to strengthen its spiritual monopoly - in particular, banning Copernation. The position of the Church clarifies the letter of influential Cardinal Bellarmino, directed April 12, 1615 of the theologist Paolo Antonio Fotoskarini, the defender of Copernation. Cardinal explains that the church does not object to the interpretation of Copernation as a convenient mathematical admission, but the adoption of it as a reality would mean recognition that the former, the traditional interpretation of the biblical text was erroneous. And this, in turn, launches the authority of the Church:

First, it seems to me that your priesthood and Mr. Galileo wisely do, please contact that they say allegedly, and not absolutely; I always believed that I said so and Copernicus. Because, if you say that the assumption of the movement of the Earth and the immobility of the Sun allows you to present all the phenomena better than the adoption of eccentrics and epiciklov, it will be said perfectly and does not entail any danger. For mathematics, this is quite enough. But it is desired to say that the sun is actually the center of the world and rotates only around him, without moving from the east to the West that the Earth stands on the third sky and with great speed revolves around the Sun, - to say it is very dangerous not only because it means excite all philosophers and theologicov scholastics; It would mean harm to the Holy Faith, representing the provisions of the Holy Scripture false. Secondly, as you know, [Trident] Cathedral banned the interpretation of the Holy Scripture with the general opinion of the Holy Fathers. And if your priesthood wants to read not only the holy fathers, but also new comments on the Book of "Exodus", Psalms, Ecclesiast and the Book of Jesus, then you will find that everyone converges in what you need to understand that the sun is in the sky and rotates Around the Earth with great speed, and the earth is most removed from the sky and stands still in the center of the world. Do you judge yourself, with all your prudence, can the church can assume that the Scripture makes the meaning opposite to all that the holy fathers and all Greek and Latin interpreters wrote?


In honor of Galilee named:

Opened "Galilean satellites" of Jupiter.
Impact crater on the moon (-63º, + 10º).
Crater on Mars (6º S.Sh., 27º zd)
Region with a diameter of 3200 km on Gamireyde.
Asteroid (697) Galilee.
The principle of relativity and conversion of coordinates in classical mechanics.
Space Probe NASA "Galileo" (1989-2003).
European project "Galileo" satellite navigation system.
The unit of acceleration "Gal" (GAL) in the SGS system, equal to 1 cm / s².
Scientific entertainment and cognitive TV program Galileo, featured in several countries. In Russia, it is coming from 2007 to the STS.
Airport in Pisa.

In commemoration of the 400th anniversary of the first observations of Galileo, the UN General Assembly announced 2009 by the year of astronomy.

Galilee in literature and art

Bertolt Brecht. Galilean's life. Play. - In the book: Bertolt Brecht. Theatre. Pieces. Articles. Statements. In five volumes. - M.: Art, 1963. - T. 2.
Liliana Kavani (director). "Galilee" (movie) (eng.) (1968). Checked March 2, 2009. Archived from the original source on August 13, 2011.
Joseph Luezi (director). "Galilee" (film, film screening of Brecht) (eng.) (1975). Checked March 2, 2009. Archived from the original source on August 13, 2011.
Philip Glass (composer), Opera "Galilee".
Haggard (Rock Group) - The Observer (built on several facts of Galilee biography)
Enigma in the album A Posteriori released the "Eppur Si Muove" track.

Physicist and mechanic - Galileo Galilei Truly was a star of the first magnitude at the scientific chaise.

Galilee was a hot supporter of the heliocentric system of the world, and his scientific honesty almost led the famous astronomer to the fire.

short biography

Galileo Galilee (1564-1642) was born in Pisa (Italy) in a notable, but impoverished family. His father Vincenzo Galilee was a musician and composer, but art did not give livelihood, and he had to engage in a closure.

Until eleven years, Galilee lived in Pisa and studied at, and then together with his family moved to Florence. Here he continued his education in the monastery of Benedictins, and in seventeen years he entered the University of Pisa, in order to become a doctor over time.

However, because of his poverty, he had to interrupt their studies and return to Florence. There, Galilee engaged in the study of mathematics and physics.

In 1586, he wrote his first scientific, and after three he headed the department at the University of Pisa, where he taught mathematics and astronomy.

It was then that they were supplied by famous experiments, when Galiley threw various items from the inclined Pisa Tower to check whether the lungs fall faster than the heavy, as Aristotle argued.

Aristotle's opinion was refuted, but it caused discontent with the university professors, and the scientist had to move to the department of mathematics in Padu.

"Star Bulletin"

It was the most fruitful and period in Galilee. From 1606, he went down in an astronomy.

With the help of the telescope built by him, 32 times, the mountain chains found on the moon, and the tops, and this led him to the idea that the moon looks like that again contradicted Aristotle, who argued that the Earth was a completely special celestial body.

At the same time, Galilee found that the sun revolves around his axis and concluded that the rotation around the axis was characterized by all celestial bodies, and the Heliocentric system of the world proposed by Copernicus is the only true.

In March 1610 he saw the light of his work under the name "Star Bulletin", which brought European glory to scientist. The Tuscan Duke of Kozimo II Medici offered Galilean to take the position of Court Mathematics, and the scientist adopted this proposal.

However, six years later, eleven prominer theologians considered the teachings of Copernicus and concluded about his falsity. It was announced with the heretical, and the book of Copernicus "On the circulation of heavenly spheres" is prohibited.

Galilee caused from Florence to Rome and demanded to stop the dissemination of heretical ideas about the world's device. A scientist, despite the intercession of the Duke-patron, was forced to obey.

Court and sentence

And yet, in 1632, the Book of Galilee "Dialogue about the two main systems of the world - and Copernikova was published.

The church immediately imposed a ban on her, and the astronomer himself was called to Rome for the proceedings in the court of the Inquisition. The investigation continued several.

On the twenty-second June 1633 in the same church, where the death sentence, Jordan Bruno, Galilee, was standing on his knees, said the text of the renunciation proposed him.

However, this is not limited to this. The remaining years of life, he had to work in the most severe conditions, in fact, in imprisonment and under constant supervision of the Inquisition, although his own villa was in prison in the town of Archeryry.

For two years, Galiley wrote one of his deepest works - "conversations and mathematical evidence", which outlined the basics of dynamics. The book came out in Holland, but in Archeryry got only three years later, when Galilee was completely blind and could only feel his last brainchild.

The process over scientists was "indicative." He gave to understand all free-refumens that even such a shone like Galilee, forced to be bowed to church dogmas and authorities.

Galiley died on January 8, 1642, and in 1992, Pope John Paul II officially acknowledged that the Inquisition in 1633 made a mistake, forceding to renounce scientists from the theory of Copernicus, and rehabilitated Galilee.

Galileo Galilei (ITAL. Galileo Galilei; February 15, 1564 - January 8, 1642) - Italian philosopher, physicist and astronomer, which has had a significant impact on the science of his time. Galilein is mainly known for its observations of planets and stars, active support for the Heliocentric system of the world and experiments on mechanics.

Galilee was born in 1564 in Pisa, Italy. At the age of 18, he entered the father of the Father in Pisa University to study medicine. Being at the university, Galiley became interested in mathematics and physics. Soon he was forced to leave the University for financial reasons and began to engage in independent research of mechanics. In 1589, Galilee returned to the Pisa University at the invitation to teach mathematics. Later he moved to the Padan University, where he taught geometry, mechanics and astronomy. At that time, he began to make significant scientific discoveries.

Scientific achievements


While in the University of Paduan, Galiley studied inertia and free drop in tel. In particular, he noticed that the acceleration of the free fall does not depend on the mass of the body, thus refuting the opinion that was dominant since the aristotle that the "rate of fall" is proportional to the weight of the body. There is a legend about the experiment in which Galiley dropped objects of different masses from the top of the Pisa Tower and later described their drop. Probably, Galilei actually performed such experiments, but they, most likely, had no relation to the famous oblique tower in Pisa.

Galilee is one of the founders of the principle of relativity in classical mechanics, which was later named in his honor. Galilee noted that under the same initial conditions, any mechanical phenomenon proceeds the same in an isolated system located alone or moving straightforwardly and uniformly.


In 1609, Galiley independently built his first telescope with a convex lens and concave eyepiece. The pipe gave an approximately three-time increase. Soon he managed to build a telescope, giving an increase of 32 times. The observations in the telescope showed that the moon is covered with mountains and is excreted by craters, the stars lost their apparent sizes, and for the first time their colossal remoteness was comprehended, Jupiter showed their own moon - four satellites, the Milky Way broke up on separate stars, a huge number of new stars were visible. Galilee opens the phases of Venus, solar spots and rotation of the sun.


The theory of probability includes its study on outcomes when throwing playing bones. In his "Considerazion Sopra Il Giuoco Dei Dadi", writing time is unknown, published in 1718) The first most complete analysis of this task was held.

Problems with the Catholic Church

Based on the observations of Galile's sky, concluded that the Heliocentric system of the world proposed by N. Copernicus is faithful. This was dismissed with the literal reading of Psalms 93 and 104, as well as verse from Ecclesiast 1: 5, where the fixedness of the Earth says. Galilee called to Rome and demanded to stop the promotion of their views, which he was forced to obey.

In 1632, the book "Dialogue about the two main systems of the world - Ptolemaeva and Copernikova was published. The book is written in the form of a dialogue between two supporters of Copernicus and one adherent of Aristotle and Ptolemy. Despite the fact that the publication of the book was permitted by Pope Urban VIII, a friend of Galilee, after a few months the sale of the book was banned, and Galilee was summoned to Rome to the court, where he arrived in February 1633. The investigation has stretched from April 21 to 21, 1633, and on June 22, Galilean had to pronounce the text of the renunciation. In the last years of his life, he had to work in the most difficult conditions. At his villa, Archer Terry (Florence), he was under house arrest (under constant supervision of the Inquisition) and he was not allowed to visit the city (Rome). In 1634, the beloved daughter of Galileo died, cared for him.

Galiley writes "conversations and mathematical evidence ...", where the basis of the dynamics is set. In May 1636, the scientist is negotiating about the publication of his work in the Netherlands, and then secretly forwards the manuscript there. Soon he loses his eyesight. "Conversations ..." are published in Nelme-de in July 1638, and in Archrit Terry the book falls in almost a year - in June 1639.

Galileo Galilei died on January 8, 1642, buried him in Archer Terry, without honors and tombstones. Only in 1737 his last will was fulfilled - his dust was postponed to the monastic attack of the Santa Cathedral Cathedral in Florence, where on March 17, he was solemnly buried next to Michelangelo.

From 1979 to 1981, at the initiative of the Roman Pope of John Paul II, the Galilean Rehabilitation Commission was worked, and on October 31, 1992, Pope John Paul II officially acknowledged that the Inquisition made a mistake in 1633, forcing the scientist to renounce the Copernicus theory.

It is important to know that Galileo Galilee was a believer. Here is his quotes:

In the actions of nature, the Lord God is us no less worthy admiration for the way in the divine poems of Scripture.

Sacred Scripture can never lie or mistaken. His statements are absolutely correct and unharmed. It itself cannot be mistaken, only his interpreters can be mistaken to varying degrees ... Sacred Scripture and nature, both come from the Divine Word, as the command of the Holy Spirit, the other as the performer of God's commandments.

Galilee (Galilei) Galileo (1564-1642)

Italian scientist, one of the founders of natural science.

Your first discovery - the law of fluctuations of the pendulum - did another in his youth. From 1589 he lectures at the University of Pisa. In 1590 Galilee writes a treatise "On the movement", in which he performs with sharp objections against the views of Aristotle and reveals that the acceleration of the free fall of bodies does not depend on their mass. In 1592 receives the Department of the University in Padua.

The most important achievement of Galilee in the dynamics was to create a principle of relativity that became the basis of modern theory of relativity. Resolutely abandoning the representations of Aristotle about the movement, Galilee came to the conclusion that the movement (meaning only mechanical processes) relatively, that is, it is impossible to talk about the movement, without specifying, in relation to which "reference body" it occurs; The laws of the same movement are irrelevant, and therefore, being in a closed cabin (he figured out "in a closed room under the deck of the ship"), you can not install any experiments, whether this cabin is resting or moves evenly and straightforwardly ("without jolts", according to Galilee's expression ).

"Falling" tower in Pisa. It was here that Galilee refuted Aristotle

Title list of "dialogs"

The first news of the invention in the Netherlands of the pylon tube reached Venice already in 1609. Interested in this discovery, Galiley has significantly improved the device. On January 7, 1610 there was a significant event: sending a built telescope (approximately with a 30-fold increase) on the sky, Galilee noted near the planet Jupiter three light points, these were satellites of Jupiter (later Galilee discovered the fourth). Repeating observations at certain intervals of time, he made sure that the satellites appeal around Jupiter. This served as a clear model of the Kepler system, a convinced supporter of which was made by Galilee thinking and experience.

The invention of the telescope made it possible to detect the Venus phases and make sure that the Milky Way consists of a huge number of stars. Having opening the sun stains and watching their movement, Galilee completely explained this to the rotation of the sun. The study of the surface of the moon showed that it is covered with mountains and is exposed to crater. Even this fluent list would allow Ring Galilee to the greatest astronomers, but his role was exceptional because he made a truly revolutionary coup, putting the beginning of instrumental astronomy as a whole.

In the tenths of the XVII century, persecution began. Galileo managed to defend his teachings, but for a while: after the release of the "dialogue on tide and lowers", where in the form of a conversation of three interlocutors, an idea of \u200b\u200bthe two main systems of the peace of Ptolemy and Copernicus was given, he was prescribed to appear in Rome. Interrogations, a threat to torture broke the sore scientist, and on June 22 in the monastery of St. Minerva Galilee rents from their views and brings public repentance. Now, until the end of the life, he became a prisoner of the Inquisition and was forced to live on his villa Archeryry near Florence. And only in 1992 Pope John Paul II announced the decision of the court of the Inquisition erroneous and rehabilitated Galilee.

Galilee before the court of the Inquisition

Galilee Galileo (02/15/1564 - 08.01.1642) - Italian physician, astronomer, mathematician and philosopher who has made a great contribution to the development of science. Opened experimental physics, laid the foundations for the development of classical mechanics, made large openings in astronomy.

Young years

Galilee is a native of the city of Pisa, had a noble origin, but his family was not rich. Galileo was a senior child of four (six children were born in the family, but two died). A boy since childhood stretched to work: like a father-musician, seriously fond of music, perfectly painted and understood in questions of visual art. I had a literary gift that further expressed his scientific research in writings.

He was an outstanding student at school at the monastery. I wanted to become a clergyman, but changed my mind because of the rejection of this idea by the Father, who insisted on the receipt of the Son of Medical Education. So at 17, Galiley went to the University of Pisa, where in addition to medicine he studied heavily carried his geometry.

Already at this time, the young man was characterized by the desire to defend their own position, not afraid of established authoritative opinions. Constantly argued with teachers on science. He studied at the university for three years. It is assumed that at that time Galilee knew the teachings of Copernicus. He was forced to quit his studies when his father could not pay more for her.

Due to the fact that the young man managed to take several inventions, he was noticed. Markiz del Monte was especially admired by him, very loved by science and had a good capital. So Galilee found a patron woman who also introduced him to the Duke of Medici and arranged a professor at the same university. This time, Galilean focused on mathematics and mechanics. In 1590, he released his work - the treatise "On the Movement".

Professor in Venice

From 1592 to 1610, Galiley taught at the University of Paduan, became the head of the mathematical department, was famous in scientific circles. The most active activity of Galilee accounted for this time. It was very popular among students who dreamed of getting his classes. Eminent scientists led the correspondence with him, and the authorities constantly put new technical tasks before Galilee. Then the "Mechanics" treatise was published.

When in 1604 discovered a new star, his scientific research fell to astronomy. In 1609, he collects the first telescope, with which he seriously advanced astronomical science in the development. Galiley described the surface of the moon, the Milky Way, opened the satellites of Jupiter. His book "Star Bulletin", published in 1610, had a huge success and made a telescope with a popular acquisition in Europe. But together with the recognition and reverence, the accusations of the illusion of his discoveries are collected and accusing to the illusion of its discoveries, as well as in the desire to harm the medical and astrological sciences.

Soon, Professor Galilee enters unofficial marriage with Marina Gamba, who gave him three children. After responding to the proposal of a high position in Florence from the Duke of Medici, he moves and becomes an adviser at the court. This decision allowed Galileo to settle with big debts, but partly played a debit role in his fate.

Life in Florence

In a new place, the scientist continued his astronomical surveys. For him, the presentation of his discoveries in a blow-up style was characterized, which was very annoying other figures, as well as Jesuits. This led to the formation of an antigalel society. The main claim by the Church was a heliocentric system contrary to religious texts.

In 1611, the scientist heads to Rome to meet with the head of the Catholic Church, where it was quite warm. There he introduced Cardinals with a telescope and tried, observing caution, give some explanations. Later, an encouraged by a good visit, he published his letter to the abbot that Scripture could not have authority in science issues than the attention of the Inquisition.

Galilee demonstrates gravity laws (Fresco D. Betzcoli, 1841)

His book is 1613 "Letters of sunny spots" contained open support for N. Copernicus. In 1615, the first thing was opened against Galilee Inquisition. And after he called on the Pope to express his final point of view of Copernation, the situation only worsened. In 1616, the church proclaims Heliocentrism heresy and prohibits the Book of Galilee. Attempts by Galileo to correct the situation did not lead to anything, but he was promised not to persecute if he stops supporting Copernicus's teachings. But for convinced of his right thing, the scientist was impossible.

Nevertheless, at the time, he decided to turn his energy into another bed, taking the criticism of Aristotle's teachings. The result was his book of "Property Master", written in 1623. At the same time, Pope elected a longtime friend Galileo Barberini. In the hope of canceling the ban of the Church, the scientist headed to Rome, where he was well met, but did not achieve the desired one. Next, Galileo decided in his writings to continue to defend the truth, considering several scientific points of view from the position of neutrality. His "dialogue about two systems of the world" lays the foundations for new mechanics.

Galilee Conflict with Church

After submitting its "dialogue" in 1630 to the Catholic Censor Court, Galileo is waiting for a year, after which it resorts to the trick: writes the preface about the rejection of Copernation as a teaching. As a result, permission was obtained. The book published in 1632 did not contain specific conclusions of the author, although it clearly had the meaning in the arguments of the Copernicus system. The work was written in an affordable Italian, the author, besides independently sent specimens by the highest ministers of the Church.

A few months later, the book fell under the ban, and Galilee was called for a court. He was arrested and spent 18 days in imprisonment. Thanks to the troubles of his student, the duke to the scientist appeared, although he was allegedly subjected to torture. The investigation went two months, after which Galileo was found guilty and appointed a life imprisonment as a penalty, he also had to renounce his own "delusions". I got the winged phrase "but still she is spinning", which is attributed to Galileo, he did not actually pronounced. This legend was invented by the Italian literary figure D. Baretti.

Galilee before the court (K. Banti, 1857)

Old age

In prison, the scientist did not stay for a long time, he was allowed to live in the estate of Medici, and after five months - to return home, where he was continued to follow. Galilee was equipped with Archerry near the monastery, where his daughter served, and spent recent years under house arrest. It was blocked by a large number of prohibitions that made it difficult to treat and communicate with friends. Later they were allowed to visit the scientist one by one.

Despite the difficulties, Galileo continued to work in unmatched scientific directions. He released a book about the mechanics, planned anonymously to release a book in defense of his views, but did not have time. After the death of his beloved daughter, land, but continued to work, wrote labor about kinematics, published in Holland and became the basis for the research of Guiggens and Newton.

Galiley died and was buried in Archeryry, the church banned the burial in the family crypt and the construction of monuments to a scientist. His grandson, the last representative of the kind, becoming a monk destroyed valuable manuscripts. In 1737, the remains of the scientist were transferred to a family tomb. The Catholic Church only in the late 70s of the last century rehabilitated Galilee, in 1992 the mistake of the Inquisition was officially recognized.

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