Snack Cake "Napoleon" with canned. Fish Snack Napoleon

Decor elements 21.10.2019
Decor elements


Cakes, as a rule, are sweet, dessert dishes. The principle of applying a layer of cream to the baked dough layers is very convenient and in cases where "cream" prepare from unsweetened products. It turns out, in fact, a multi-storey sandwich, although it is a miracle of culinary art that is not rotated.

General principles of cooking cakes from wafer and layer cakes

The basis of snack cakes can be both layer and wafer cakes. Any type of workpiece can always be purchased ready. Floor cakes for the Napoleon Snatching Cake Better Bake Alone.

By purchasing ready-made blanks, pay attention to their appearance and quality, they must be uniform. Mortgage and soft immediately delay aside, it is impossible to use them. When unpacking, pay attention to the smell, fresh semi-finished products will not be unpleasant to smell the resulting oil.

When forming a snack cake from waffles, colored blanks can be used, they will add a snack of originality, but will not change the taste.

A specially taken product or specially cooked filling can serve as a filling for such cakes. Waffle cakes and layers for the Napoleon Snatching Cake can be moved by passioned vegetables, mushrooms, sealer formomac, crab chopsticks, boiled eggs, boiled chicken meat. Such snack bar products do not require additional processing after formation. When used for the filling of raw meat minced meat, the cake is necessarily embarked in the oven.

Before laying on the cakes, the filling must necessarily be labeled by mayonnaise or sour cream. If the required product can be applied to the layer blanks, then the waffles are only slightly disappeared. A thick layer will quickly pacify the workpiece, and the snack waffle cake will lose in taste.

Cakes are made up of fresh greens, crushed on a grain with cheese or crumb cooked from the waffle. Snack Cake "Napoleon" after cooking must be placed for a couple of hours in the refrigerator, so that it is impregnated well.

Snack Cake "Napoleon" with chicken and mushrooms


Wheat flour - 200 gr.;

100 gr. high-quality margarine;

Tablespoon sugar;

Half spoons of fine welded salt;

100 gr. liquid sour cream;

Little spoon of dough ripper.

In filling:

Chicken boiled breast - 200 gr.;

The head of the reptile bow;

Jar of pickled, non-footing champignons;

Two boiled carrots;

Sweet peppercorn;

Two boiled eggs;


Three slices of garlic;

Cooking method:

1. In the bowl of the relevant volume, reset the flour. Pour the ripper, salt with sugar, mix.

2. Lay out the flour softened oil and, a warm fork, merge everything well. Add sour cream, knead the dough and posting in the package, put cooling into the refrigerator.

3. Prepare a mushroom stuffing. Mainly lie onions, cut down the mushrooms with slices, and the boiled breasts in small pieces, a little larger.

4. On a small fire in a warm lean oil, slightly pressing onions (minutes 2-3), then put the mushrooms and continue heating, occasionally stirring so that it is not burnt. After all the moisture leaves, put the chicken pieces to the mushrooms, add small garlic. Season the mushroom filling with spices, slightly satisfy and warm on a small fire for about a minute.

5. For two minutes, put the sweet pepper into the microwave, after which you carefully remove the skin and finely cut the flesh.

6. In some bowls on medium grade, soda carrot and eggs. Add to them to the clove of garlic sold by the press. Stir.

7. Separate in the cold dough divide into seven parts and roll them with thin circles. Be sure to close the surface of the table with flour, otherwise the dough sticks out.

8. Having placed a dry frying pan on the middle fire, bake the cakes. To billets do not bubble, pinched a couple of times for a fork. Oversize when the bottom is slightly twisted.

9. We gradually cover with mayonnaise cooled cakes, collect a cake. At the first missing workpiece, lay out a mushroom filling, on the second eggs, and on the third carrot. Then repeat the layers.

10. The remaining korge will overtake in the crumb and sprinkle the upper korzh and sidewalls with mayonnaise.

Snack Cake "Napoleon" with filling of mushrooms and liver patesta


Shelves of layer finished test;

300 gr. Fresh small champignons;

A small head of the bow;

Three boiled eggs;

Russian cheese - 200 gr.;

Large carrot;

Plugs of sweetheart oil;

150 gr. boiled ham;

Shelter chilled chicken liver;

Sour cream media - 150 gr.;

Six tablespoons of the "light" mayonnaise;

Three spoons of acute mustard.

For registration:

Small dill greens;

Three small tomatoes;

One yolk of boiled egg.

Cooking method:

1. Remove the dough from the packaging and wait until it hides. Then divide into four parts and roll with thin layers with a thickness of no more than half a cavity. Shooting the layers of the dough on a dry baking sheet, bake the cakes. Baking time when heated 180 degrees usually does not take more than a quarter of an hour. Focus on the color of the cortex, they should only shy slightly.

2. In a slightly salted water until ready, boil the liver. It is pre-richer to rinse it with cold water and remove everything too much: films, fat residues and yellow bubbles, if any.

3. The cooled liver move on the small grille of the meat grinder. Immediately add softened oil to it, season with spices and mix.

4. Grind the ham blender and, mixing with sour cream, season with ground pepper.

5. Large cooker soda carrot. Mushrooms together with onions cut down slices. Lay out the crushed components in the pan with vegetable oil, mix and fry until softening.

6. In a separate bowl on a large grater, sweep boiled eggs. One yolk put aside, for decoration. In the same way, grind the cheese, add to it four spoons of mayonnaise, all mustard and mix.

7. First layer crude Launch the remaining mayonnaise and decorate the mushroom filling on it evenly. Cover the second cake, which cover the ham-sour cream. On the third layer laid finely apply the cooked liver pate, and the last, fourth, wake a half egg-cheese sauce.

8. Align the sidewalls of the snack cake by the remaining sauce, and place it in the refrigerator for twelve hours.

9. After that, decorate the cake surface. Put the tomato flower from the halves, and put the crumbled yolk out of his center. Pour everything except the flower, fine-cutting greens.

Snack Cake "Napoleon" on ready-made layer korzhs with fish


Six layer cakes;

Two small boiled carrots;

Chicken boiled eggs - 3 pcs.;

Jar of canned fish in oil;

250 gr. good mayonnaise;

140 gr. Curd cheese with a taste of smoked salmon.

Cooking method:

1. Put fish from the bank to the plate, carefully break the pieces, remove all the bones, and the pulp frighten the fork. Add some oil from the jar, mix.

2. Sattail using a large cooler, carrot and mix it with a small amount of mayonnaise, adding garlic chopped with a press.

3. First crude Mix mayonnaise, apply a thin layer fish on it, taking only half.

4. Cover the second billet on which lay out carrots. You do not need mayonnaise, as it is already in the filling.

5. Apply the mayonnaise on the third cake with a subtle layer and soda eggs on it.

6. Locked on top of the fourth workpiece, too, wake the mayonnaise and evenly apply the remaining fish.

7. Last, fifth, cake and sides of the snack cake. Lubricate cottage cheese. Scroll into the crumb remaining layer crude, sprinkle the surface of the cake and place it in the fridge for the night.

Recipe for a snack cake from wafer cores with crab chopsticks - "Festive"


Packaging of round waffle blanks;

Canned Sardines in Oil - 250 gram bank;

200 gr. crab cooled semi-finished products (sticks);

One large, fresh cucumber;

Five melted raws;

Onion feathers, fresh dill and parsley - to taste;

Several marinated ginger plates.

Cooking method:

1. Take out of canned pieces of pulp and grind them well with a knife or fork, carefully choosing all the bones. If the stuffing seems dry, make some oil from the can.

2. Melted cheese Soda in the middle chips, add chopped garlic. Season with mayonnaise and mix, the cheese filling should not be dry, otherwise it will not work out.

3. Crab chopsticks cut into small pieces. Put the greens, having previously removed the gross stems.

4. Place one of the waffle blanks on the dish, apply on it the thinnest layer of mayonnaise and evenly distribute fish on it. Over the second waffle layer, woven the cheese filling.

5. Next, third, waffle plate Lubricate mayonnaise and pour out finely chill.

6. After putting the fourth workpiece, slightly press it with your hands so that the greens of the village. Mix the surface with mayonnaise and lay out chopped crab sticks on top.

7. Cover the cake with the last waffle plate and only slightly wake it with mayonnaise, capturing and the sidewalls of the cake.

8. Sprinkle with a chopped onion from above, cut the cucumber with thin rings and decorate their halves of the sides. From the ginger plates form roses, set the flowers in the center.

Searer, snack cake from wafer cortex


Six waffle formations;

200 gr. fillet of weakly haired herring;

Two medium bulbs;

200 gr. "European" or other very fat mayonnaise;

100 gr. a little dried "Dutch" cheese;

A small bundle of fresh greenery;

Two boiled carrots;

300 gr. Fresh champignons.

Cooking method:

1. In lean oil, fry mushrooms with onions, let's slowly cool and get a blender.

2. In the same way, grind the searer with the bow, then boiled carrots.

3. Collect a snack cake. At the first waffle layer, lay out a piece of the sealer filling, with a supervision of mayonnaise and cover the second plate.

4. On it evenly distribute half the mushroom filling and also lubricate it, then cover the next workpiece. Put a piece of carrot, whose layer also lubricate. Repeat the layers.

5. The last layer is carrot, lubricate and its mayonnaise, then generously sprinkled with cheese crumpled.

6. Decorate with a small green greens and place for the impregnation in the refrigerator for an hour.

Snack cake made of wafer cakes with minced meat (in the oven)


Packaging of finished waffle plates;

400 gr. meat, low-fat mince;

A raw egg;

A small head of the bow;

150 gr. Cheese, grade "Kostroma";

Lean oil for frying;

Nonweight spices;

20% sour cream - 200 gr;

Medium-size carrot.

Cooking method:

1. Touch the bulb with small slices, with a large grater, grind carrots. Place the vegetables in the pan with vegetable oil and place the pass on the middle fire.

2. While the vegetables are roasted, put into the bowl of minced meas and carefully interfere with a raw egg in it. Do not forget to slightly satisfy and depart.

3. Pressure vegetables put in a separate bowl and let them cool well.

4. One of the waffles wrap the sour cream, lay on it a small part of the raw minced meat and evenly distribute, smearing the spoon.

5. Cover the meat stuffing with the next waffle layer, wake the sour cream and lay out our roasted vegetables.

6. Repeat in such a sequence until you use all waffle blanks. Mix the sour cream the last root.

7. Move the snack cake on the tray and put half an hour in the oven at 180 degrees. Then sprinkle the surface with chum in the shallow grain and return to the oven. When the cheese is melted and spread well, you can get it.

Snack Cakes from wafer and layer korzhi - Cooking Trips and Useful Tips

So that in the precipes of the cakes are not spacing - mayonnaise or sour cream, like the filling itself, should not be liquid.

Keeping a pre-prepared snack cake from wafer corteans in the refrigerator, then it will not lose the crunch. "Napoleon", on the contrary, leave for two hours on the table, so that it is impregnated well and only then place it in the refrigerator.

If for some reason, part of the corteur was broken, lay them in the middle of the cake. This will not affect the appearance of the product.

For snack cakes, it is better to use square cakes, then they will be easier to cut into neat pieces.

The idea to prepare a snack cake "Napoleon" (from the finished cortes or baked independently) at first glance may seem ridiculous. They affect somehow the default is meant that if the cake is necessarily a dessert. However, no one questions that the same pies do not necessarily contain a sweet filling. In addition, people forget that the "Napoleonic" kids themselves do not contain the sugar themselves. So it is possible to perplex them with something delicious, but not sweet.

It is easier to build a snack cake "Napoleon" from the finished cakes and faster. This should especially be pleased with those who are not very friendly with baking. Yes, and craftsmen are far from all can find in their tight schedule time to come with a test. If you have ready-made cakes, your task is to just make a delicious filling.

Fish "Napoleon"

Most often, people prepare a snack cake "Napoleon" with canned from the finished cakes - it turns out delicious, and a lot of work does not require the filling. You can do and only fish preserves, but much more interesting to add them. The secret of the best such cake is in the use of Carat Cheese with shrimps. Canned it is better to take in its own juice. Tuna, and the pink salmon are suitable, and Sair. Fish needs to be twisted with a fluid. Three eggs - cool to cook and lose big. A couple of medium carrots are also welded (not to digest! Too soft, sprawling, it will spoil), rub and mix with a pressed cloth of garlic and mayonnaise. The assembly of "Napoleon" is made in such a sequence: the lower korge is slightly lubricated by mayonnaise, half of the fish is uniformly unfolded. The second - without a misses - is covered with carrot with garlic. The third mayonnese and sprinkled with eggs. On the fourth, the canned residue is distributed, and the fifth serves as a lid - its (and sides) need generously to deceive the cake wounded into the film, pressed and at least two hours are impregnated.

Diverse stuff

If you want more taste wealth, prepare a snack cake "Napoleon" with canned from the finished cakes with the composition of the components. Take two banks - one with a hunchback in her own juice, and the other - with a tuna in oil (it is better to search in olive). Both fish are breathing in different tanks. Two steep eggs are rubbed into the mixture with two melted raw materials. There is also a garlic slicker and finely crumble a beam of Luke Pen. The assembly will turn out three-layer, the cakes are missing by mayonnaise all. Sequence: Gorbowa - Cheek-egg pasta - tuna. After the impregnation, you will be waiting for a wonderful snack cake "Napoleon" with canned from the finished cakes: with the photo you look at the delicious result of your works. Fish, a clear case, you can take not only the specified one. The main thing is that one species is in oil, and the other in its own juice.

Cake with salmon

If you like the Napoleon snack cake from the finished cakes with fish, but does not attract the idea of \u200b\u200busing canned, you can take 200 grams of weakly saline or smoked salmon. Fish should be released from the bones, finely cut and mix with a naked dill, three eggs - grate and fill with a slight mayonnaise with a crushed green onion. For the blossoms of the cortex in this recipe, a soft filling is used alternate: one korzh is composed of salmon, on the other - eggs, and so, while both will not end. Upper korzh abundantly smears with cheese and sprinkled with a crumb and greens. In the morning you can eat.

Meat option

Snack cake "Napoleon" from the finished cakes does not have to be fish. We offer to try out such a recipe: take the shelter of the meat minced meat and quickly fry it in the creamy oil. When slightly conquers - pour out the nippled bulb, and ten minutes - the accounted champignons (about a third kilogram). When the mushrooms give the juice well, cubes of bell peppers are added. How will be ready - to deliver salt, pepper, garlic and naked greens, mix and drive through the meat grinder. Then the three spoons of mayonnaise and the mass is smelted. The assembly of the cake is carried out on a wicked man.: Each crude is laid out mince, there are thin plates of cheese. The most upper root smears with mayonnaise and sues cheese - and the Napoleon snack cake from the finished cakes is put in the oven for a quarter of an hour. Wait until it is impregnated, it is not necessary - it is already immediately ready for use.

Chicken recipe

No less successful cake "Napoleon" from ready-made cakes with chicken. For him, carrots with onions are fried separately (on 2 roots - five lows, it is better to take it more, for juiciness), champignons (about a half-kilogram) and chicken fillet. For greater homogeneity, you can all components in the finished variety. On mayonnaise, coggs are laid out:

  • on the first - carrot-leek jazh;
  • on the second - mushrooms in which the onions interfered;
  • on the third - chicken (also with the addition of fried onions);
  • on the fourth - again champignons;
  • on the fifth - again onions with carrots.

In the attached state, the cake must stand at least a watch. Then the cargo is removed, the dish is decorated with fantasy and departs for the night for impregnation into the refrigerator.

Vegetarian "Napoleon"

In the spring, a variety of greens is the most that the body has been treated without vitamins. Melko crumbs and roasted a large red bug, followed by a shelter of fresh cabbage and grams of 400 greenery: beet trees, abrahes, sorrel, spinach. All this will be stealing for minutes twenty - half an hour. A couple of minutes before the readiness is added outdoor garlic slices (three pieces) and a third kilogram of cream cheese. The cakes moved to the mixed and the fitting mass, and the aromatic snack cake "Napoleon" from the finished cakes for the night is placed in the refrigerator. The next morning will only decorate it.

Vegetable "Napoleon"

Just decoration of lean days! Yes, and for connoisseurs of your figure will not seem excess. Five eggplant should be cut into circles, save and leave a quarter of an hour to remove excess water and bitterness. Then they are roasted and laid out in a colander or napkin - so that the glass is superfluous oil. The bunch of greenery and the three garlic slices are crushed and intervene in a lung tube five tomato are cut by circles. Cheese - about a quarter kilogram - finely rubs. Cakes are missing mayonnaise; For each, first laid out "foaming" in the refueling of eggplants, they are namayasony tomatoes, top - cheese. And so all the cakes, except for the "lid": it is only lubricated and covered with a cheese crumb.

"Napoleon" with liver

And not only with her! If you do not bake, you can get an extremely delightful dish. A third kilogram of offal - it is better to take chicken, it is more gentle - it is roasted with an accomplished flaming and a small wrapped carrot. After squeezing with salt and spices, the liver with vegetables is passed through a blender. Two smoked chicken breasts, fresh cucumber and the handful of sparkling prunes are cut with straw, refuel by mayonnaise and put out. Some walnuts are roasted and crushed dry. "Pate" is smelted to the lower root, the following is located "salad" - and so until the cake is collected. From above it is sprinkled with nuts and leaves for impregnation.

Try the Napoleon Snack Cake from the finished cakes - the recipe with the photo will help you decide on the choice of the filling for it.

Rich and beautiful snack for the festive table and fast snack - fish cake! At home, just cook from canned food.

For this recipe, a low-voltage red fish is perfect. It will work out a delicious snack cake that will decorate your festive table. Snack refers to dishes "at the ambulance hand."

  • 400 g of a small-headed red fish;
  • 400 g of crab sticks;
  • white bread for toast.

For impregnation sauce:

  • 400 ml of mayonnaise;
  • 400 g of soft fused cheese;
  • 2 boiled eggs.

Mix in a deep bowl with mayonnaise.

Add eggs, softened by a fork, mix again.

Cut with a crust button. Place the first layer of bread shape. Lubricate the resulting sauce.

From above, lay out crab sticks chopped at your discretion.

Place bread on the crab sticks by another layer, wake the sauce, lay out the cut salmon.

Put the bread another layer, lubricate the mayonnaise sauce. Sauce remnants Mix with crab chopsticks and pieces of fish, lay out on top to cake, scatter. For a couple of hours, leave the fish cake to be soaked at room temperature.

Recipe 2: Quick Fish Cake Napoleon

  • Korzh (ready, puff) - 1 pache.
  • Canned fish (Sayra) - 1 ban.
  • Egg chicken - 3 pcs
  • Carrot - 1 pc
  • Onion - 1 pc
  • Semi-solid cheese - 100 g
  • Mayonnaise

Corges puff for Napoleon cake are missing by mayonnaise. Sayra knead the fork, draining the liquid. Carrots and onions (large or 2 medium) Passerum. I boil eggs.

Collect the cake. The first korzh is canned, the second is vegetables, the third is an egg. We repeat the layers. Slightly approach with your hands. Lubricate mayonnaise and let me roll 3-4 hours, ideally - do at night.

Before serving, we sprinkle with grated with cheese. This time I did not span with cheese. But taste notes were not affected.

Recipe 3: Cake with Canned Fish

Snack cake "Napoleon" with canned, recipe with photos of which I want to show you today, perhaps, many will surprise. Everyone knows how the classic Napoleon Cake with a custard looks like, but few people know about the existence of Napoleon snack bars. You can prepare a snack cake from the finished cakes for the Napoleon cake, so from the finished puff pastry or bake them from scratch.

In the first case, on the preparation of a snack cake "Napoleon" will take quite a bit of time. Having in stock a pack of cortex for Napoleon, you can make a snack cake on an ambulance hand. And with the fillings of the Snack Cake "Napoleon" you can experiment. Most often for these purposes, fish canned food, boiled chicken, different types of cheeses, mushrooms.

Today we will prepare a snack cake "Napoleon" with fish canned sardines.

Ingredients for dough:

  • Creamy oil - 1 pack,
  • Eggs - 1 pc.,
  • Water - 150 ml.,
  • Soda - 1 h. Spoon,
  • Vinegar - 1 h. Spoon,
  • Wheat flour - 2.5 cups.

Ingredients for filling:

  • Canned saardine - 1 bank,
  • Melted cheese - 2 pcs.,
  • Carrot - 2 pcs.,
  • Eggs - 2 pcs.,
  • Mayonnaise - 3 tbsp. spoons
  • Salt to taste
  • Vegetable oil.

To decorate a snack cake:

  • Solid cheese - 200 gr.,
  • Olives - 100 gr.,
  • Cucumbers - 1 pc.,
  • Petrushka - a couple of twigs.

To prepare the test, prepare soft butter. Cut it with cubes. Stay in a bowl.

For oil through a sieve, we ask wheat flour.

Flour with oil frowned with hands before getting a crumb.

Wear an egg.

Pour cold water.

Add salt.

Soda put out vinegar.

Emboss the dough with your hands until it becomes a homogeneous consistency.

Prepassed puff pastry put in the package and put in the refrigerator for 30-40 minutes.

While the dough will be cooled, you can cook the fish filling for the Napoleon snack cake. Pieces of canned fish put in a bowl.

Sardines Frick fork.

Boiled eggs Soda on medium grater.

On a large grater, soda crushed raws.

Clean carrots, then pull it on the middle grater. Fry on vegetable oil about 5-7 minutes. Spasshed carrot should be soft.

Sardin, carrots, melted cheese, boiled eggs. Connect in one bowl.

Stir all the ingredients.

Add mayonnaise and salt to taste.

Stir fishing again. Optionally, you can add a pinch of black pepper.

All, filling from canned fish for the Napoleon snack cake is fully ready. Put it in the refrigerator. Now you can enjoy cakes for napoleon cake.

Pop up with flour. Skinny layer roll out puff pastry. Now it needs to cut a circle or rectangle. Round cakes can be cut on a lid from a pan or frying pan. To obtain smooth rectangular cakes, you can use the template from the cardboard of the required size or an inverted rectangular form for baked.

Heat overtake up to 180s. Breakfasting with flour. Carefully put the root on it. During baking, puff pastry is unevenly swept, which is why the cakes are obtained strongly deformed. To avoid this dough pierced for a fork throughout the area of \u200b\u200bKorzh.

Bake the root for 10-15 minutes. Ready cakes should get golden color.

Lubricate cakes with fish filling.

To decorate the Napoleon Snack Cake with Sardina Stodita on medium grater solid cheese. Wash the cucumber and parsley. Semi-bugs cut the cucumber. Olives cut along, there are rings. Boca and the top of the Napoleon snack cake spray with grated cheese. At the top, lay out olives rings and cucumber slices. Finally decorate the cake with parsley leaves.

Snack Cake "Napoleon" with Sardina Supplies to a refrigerator for impregnation. After 3-5 hours it will be completely ready.

Recipe 4: Fish Cake with Korzhi (with photos)

Puff cakes - a universal invention, you can prepare both sweet and salt dishes. Such a snack cake serves a decoration of the festive table. We will make a filling with canned food, boiled eggs and roasted carrots with a bow.

By the way, it is not necessary to use ready-made cakes for such a cake, puff pastry, especially frowning, can easily prepare any hostess.

  • 2 carrots,
  • packaging of finished puff cakes,
  • 2 bulbs,
  • 3 eggs,
  • 0.5 Banks of Canned Sardin in Oil,
  • 150 g mayonnaise (you can use home),
  • for decoration - a bunch of green onions,
  • 2-3 tbsp. Sunflower oils.

Carrots clean and grate on the grater, put on a heated frying pan with butter, a little fry.

Then add chopped onions and fry everything together until readiness.

Canned canned jar to open, extract sardine pieces of liquid and remove large bones.

Weching pieces of fish fork, adding a little liquid from tin can.

Swim eggs, clean and cut into cubes.

So, all components of the filling for the future cake are prepared: fish canned goods, a carrot with bow, boiled eggs and mayonnaise.

On a flat plate to put a pumped root, lubricate by mayonnaise, lay out half of the roasted vegetables.

Put the second root, lubricate with mayonnaise and distribute half boiled eggs along its surface.

Filling canned food for the next embers. It is best to do one layer from Sardin and two layers of eggs and vegetables, since an excessive amount of canned food can kill all tastes.

On the rest of the kids decompose the remaining stuffing, not forgetting to miss each of them mayonnaise. The topmost root and sidewall cake are slightly covered with mayonnaise and sprinkle all crumbs from cakes (they often go in packaging with ready-made crooks, if there are no crumbs, then you need to grind one layered root crude.

It is impregnated in the refrigerator to be impregnated in the refrigerator in a fridge, before serving, decorate with a sliced \u200b\u200bfresh green bow.

Recipe 5, step-by-step: puff fish cake

Festive snack made of puff cakes, with canned fish, carrots, melted cheese. The classic combination of products for the filling is found in many salads.

  • Puff pastry cakes - 4 pcs.
  • Canned fish (Saer) - 1 bank (240 g)
  • Onion, salad - 1 pc.
  • Carrot - 250 g
  • Eggs (large) - 3 pcs.
  • Walnuts (chopped) - 4 tbsp. Spoons
  • Cheese melted - 200 g
  • Mayonnaise - 4 tbsp. Spoons
  • Onion green - 0.5 beam
  • Salt - 1 h. Spoon (to taste)
  • Pepper black ground - to taste

For the preparation of a snack cake with canned food. Prepare products on the list.

Corks from puff pastry bake in advance. For this, puff pastry (frostable) roll up to a thickness of 0.5 cm or slightly less, cover the fork and bake at 180-200 degrees 20-25 minutes (follow the cortex rosy). If the dough during baking will still rise, in the coolest form simply press the root of the palm. On this quantity of the filling you will be enough 450 g of puff frozen dough.

Cut the carrot until readiness, cool, clean.

Boil eggs, cool, clean.

On a large grater, soda carrots, one melted cheese, two eggs, fold into a deep plate.

Nuts dry in a frying pan.

Nuts with a sharp knife.

Add nuts and mayonnaise to cheese-carrot mass.

Some salted, stick, mix the stuffing to a homogeneous state.

Very fine cut the sweet salad bow.

Add a bow to the fish canned. Add the remaining grated melted cheese, egg.

Add mayonnaise. Sung and pepper.

Mix the fish stuffing until uniformity.

Lower korzh lubricate carrot mass.

Cover the second cake, lubricate it with fish stuffing.

The last korzh lubricate the remaining fish filling.

A snack cake with canned fish, carrots, eggs and fused cheese Cover the food film and send to the fridge for several hours to soak. Better for the night.

Before serving the snack cake, cut the fine green onions.

Sprinkle the snack cake with green onions and serve. Bon Appetit!

Recipe 6: Fish Wafel Cake (with photo)

  • 7 wafer cakes (cakes are suitable for any form),
  • 1 canned fish bank, I took a scam,
  • 4 carrots (approximately 350 grams),
  • 4 eggs,
  • bow to taste and desire (I put a quarter of the head, but it was possible more),
  • 100 grams of solid cheese,
  • greens to taste and desire,
  • mayonnaise.

We will deal with the preparation of products. Carrots will wash and weld in salted water until readiness. I went for about 30 minutes.

Swarim eggs, clean, separated proteins from yolks.

With fish canned food with solid liquid, remove large bones and dismissed the fish fork.

Onions be cleaned and very little cut. I took a red salad bow, but you can take the usual ones.

Put on the dish or cutting board the first waffle korzh. I appline a mesh from mayonnaise. You can simply smear mayonnaise, but the layer should be very thin.

We post on the first korzh half the fish canned food and half of the bow, evenly distribute.

Let's take a second waffle crude fish, lining it with mayonnaise. Satrem on a large grater half of the carrot rate, evenly distribute it on the pit.

Fourth korzh, mayonnaise. Stop fish and onions again.

Fifth korzh, mayonnaise, carrots.

Sixth waffle korzh, mayonnaise. We post on it grated on a large grater cheese.

We put the seventh korzh and hand naked on its surface. Thereby sealing the previous layers. Lasure the last layer of mayonnaise and on top of a squeeze yolk on a small grater. Yolksa will serve as a certain decoration of the cake. Also, the cake can be decorated with any greens.

Remove the wafer cake cake to the refrigerator for impregnation for several hours, and better at night.

The impregnated cake gets out of the refrigerator and the sharp knife applied to the portion pieces. Can be served to the table.

Recipe 7: snack cake with canned fish

Everything is done simply and elementary, the main thing is to remember that such a cake is quickly eaten, so you can immediately prepare two portions so that you probably get the most tasty and tasty piece of guests. I will be happy to share with you your proven recipe for a snack cake from wafer cortex.

  • waffle cakes - 1 package;
  • murped cheese - 100 grams;
  • canned fish - 200 grams;
  • carrot - 1 pc;
  • onions white, stock - 1 pc;
  • chicken egg - 1 pc;
  • mayonnaise - 150 grams;
  • fresh dill - 1 bundle.

I spread the waffle root on the dish, watering this crude mayonnaise.

From above, distributing a vegetable layer: welded in advance and already cooled, purified carrot and onion, sliced \u200b\u200bwith long strips. Carrot trot through a chisture, and onions scarked in advance with boiling water so that bitterness is gone.

The following type of filling will be fish. Mixing fish canned with boiled egg and mayonnaise.

On the next waffle layer laying out the fish filling. She is juicy, so the crude is quickly caught.

I repeat all the cakes, all the fillings in the same sequence. There is a beautiful and attractive snack cake.

To give greater decorativeness, grind all dill and sprinkle the sides of the cake. I make a beautiful green fence.

Decorating cake with boiled carrots. A beautiful presentation came out.

I give a cake to be soaked in 15 minutes in the refrigerator, and then cutting to the guests to the table as soon as possible. It is not necessary for longer, because the waffle cakes are subtle by themselves and mayonnaise will very quickly impregnate.

Recipe 8: Puff Cake with Fish (step by step)

Surprise your guests a delicious snack cake, cook that is very simple.

  • 3 boiled eggs
  • 1-2 Spot Luke Heads
  • 200 ml. water
  • 3 tbsp. vinegar 9%
  • 1 b. Canned fish in oil
  • 2 melted cheese
  • 1-2 clove garlic
  • mayonnaise
  • puff bearing dough

Bake puff cakes.

Onions clean and cut a quarter rings. Pour onion with water by adding vinegar. Let break for 30 minutes. Then drain all the liquid from the bow.
First korzh put on the dish. Top to make a mesh from mayonnaise.

Share boiled eggs, grated on a large grater. From above add a marvelized bow.

Get enough to cover mayonnaise. Next, put the third cake and make a mayonnaise mesh. Crumpled raw materials grate on the grater, add garlic passed through the press and 2 tbsp. mayonnaise. Mix everything well. Lay out the cheese mixture on top of the third embers.

Cover from above mayonnaise. Next, put the fourth cake by covering it from the top of the mayonnaise. The last fifth korgin, which baked last and has an uneven shape, crushed to the states of a large crumb. The sides of the cake also lubricate mayonnaise and sprinkle with a crumb resulting from the fifth attachment. Put the cake in the fridge for the night.

Recipe 9: Raw fish and cheese cake

Very gentle, pleasant taste snack cake.

  • herring: 1 pc
  • mushrooms: 300 g (champignons)
  • onions: 2 pcs
  • carrots: 300 g
  • mayonnaise: 300 g
  • solid cheese: 60 g
  • greens: beam
  • salt: Chipotka
  • pepper black ground: pinch
  • corges wafer: 7 pcs

Mushrooms wash, cut into pieces and fry with finely chopped onions (1pc) until ready. Salt and pepper.

Boil and clean carrots.

Selenge clean from skin and bones.

The herring and 1 bulbs are crushed on a blender. Add 2st.L. mayonnaise. Mix.

Also crushing carrots. Mix with 1.5st. mayonnaise.

Finished mushrooms are just as crumpled on a blender and mix with 1st. mayonnaise.

Collect the cake evenly distributing filling.

  • 1st Korzh - Half of the herve mass.
  • The 2nd korzh is half of the fungi.
  • The 3rd korzh is half of the carrot.
  • 4th Korzh - herring.
  • 5th Korzh - Mushrooms.
  • 6th Korzh - Carrot.

Upper korzh lubricate mayonnaise (1-1,5st) and sprinkle with grated solid cheese and risen greens. Give a snack cake broke (better than a night).

Recipe 10: snack cake from canned fish

For this recipe you can quickly cook a delicious snack for a festive table. The cake is powered not only because the stuffing is located in the appropriate order, but also because it is the foundation of cordges from puff pastry. You do not even need to spend too much time for baking (although, if there is a desire to do it yourself, then why not?). But it is unlikely that someone will want to mess around with baking, if the finished cakes can be simply buying in a grocery store. For working hosts, and not only for them, semi-finished products from a puff pastry have long become a reliable wand-grinding. And to do snack cakes with them - one pleasure.

  • 6 finished puff cakes;
  • 2 carrots;
  • 1 Bank canned food "Sardine in Oil";
  • 3 eggs;
  • 2 bulbs;
  • 200 g mayonnaise;
  • 100 g cheese.

Take puff cakes (they are usually sold in a package of 6 pieces). Share one korzh on a tray or a large flat plate, fasten with mayonnaise.

Carrots with onion to fry in sunflower oil, cool and distribute half of the fried vegetables to a smooth layer on the surface of the look.

Swim eggs, clean and cut into cubes. The next cake is also well lubricated by mayonnaise and put the cubes of eggs.

Slices of fish get out of the oil, remove large bones and twisted for a fork. Put the fish mass on the next korzh mesonnaise.

On the fourth korzh, lay out the remaining roasted carrots with onions. To cover the next korzh, the top of it to lubricate mayonnaise and sprinkle with grated cheese.

The latter, the sixth root to grind his hands to formed a large crumb.

Bock cake lubricate mayonnaise. Sprinkle a cake with a crumb on top and from all sides.

Decorate the surface of the snack cake at its discretion, can be grain with grenade or greens. Place a puff cake with canned in the fridge for a couple of hours (it is desirable to leave for the night so that it is better soaked). If you want to reduce the time required to impregnate such a cake, each of the cakes must hold over the ferry for a few seconds before you lay out the stuffing on it, it is somewhat softening dry puff cakes.

Calorie: 380
Time for preparing: 60 min

Cake "Napoleon" from ready-made cakes - more than an ideal alternative to a fully home dessert. For the preparation of a classic "Napoleon", a bell-free puff pastry, the recipe of which is very difficult to repeat the inexperienced cook. Eastern cakes as our, "bake" no more than an hour. This is quite convenient for beginner hosts. The only thing will have to be ready in advance with ready-made crude and custard products. In modern cities there are no difficulties with this. Packed puff cakes for Napoleon can be purchased in the confectionery or in the bread shop. True, open purchased puff cakes is necessary with caution so as not to abandon them quite thin crisp texture. Get acquainted with another cooking option.

The composition of the ingredients:

- cakes for Napoleon - 1 package;
- butter - 1 pack;
- milk 2.5% fat - 1 liter;
- chicken eggs - 2 pcs.;
- Sugar sand - 1.5 glasses;
- Flour - 2 tbsp. spoons;
- Vanilla - at will.

How to cook with photo step by step

1. Put a small saucepan on the stove. Throw chicken eggs and add sugar sand.

2. Add wheat flour into a saucepan.

3. Thoroughly move the silicone blade of the mass until uniformity. After that, the slab must be included on the average temperature. Let's start the cream brewing process.

4. Attach the thin flowing milk, without ceasing the stirring with a blade.

5. The weight should be boiled to the consistency of thick manna porridge. Next, the initial cream is cooled first on the stove, and then in the refrigerator.

6. In the cooled mass we will add a pack of soft butter and vanilla - at will.

7. We transform using a mixer to cream.

8. We melt alternately every cake with an abundant layer of chilled cream. Corgents at the same time put on each other. One corzhik will leave on the crumb.

9. The very last crude must be wrapped with cream with sides. After that, almost the ready-made cake, remove into the refrigerator.

10. Korzh sweating on a grater or skip through a blender. The resulting crumb need to spill the entire "Napoleon", except for the bottom.

11. Napoleon cake from finished cakes remains to be soaked within 6 hours in a cool place. Fixed in chilled form as a festive dessert with fragrant

Ready puff cakes of multi-facets. If they wake themselves with oil cream with boiled condensed milk - it will be released if you cook a few types of feeds - from meat, mushrooms and vegetables - it will get a wonderful snack cake.

And if the meat is chicken - then fast chicken pie. Today we will make a snack cake with chicken without baking.


  • 1 Packaging of ready-made puff cores like "Napoleon"
  • ½ boiled chicken breast
  • 200 g of frozen champignons
  • 1 big carrot
  • 1 big bulb
  • 0.5 cup of chicken broth
  • 10 g of butter
  • pastener vegetable oil
  • 40 g of solid cheese type of Poshekhonsky or Dutch
  • 200 g mayonnaise

Cooking snack cake

Clean and wash the bulb. The fourth part of the finely ordain, cut the residue with pieces more. The flesh of the chicken scroll through the meat grinder. Finely chopped onions sweep in vegetable oil until golden color.

Add butter, salt and minced fill in the pan. Mix the ingredients, pour the broth to them and bring the filling to the boil. Extinguish on minimal fire under the frying pan closed lid 15-20 minutes. Chicken minced chicken must purchase a slightly dark color.

Dispose of champignons, fold on the colander and squeeze the water well. Cut into small slices and fry in vegetable oil together with a half remaining onions. Connect chicken stuffing with fried mushrooms.

Clean and wash the carrots, soda on a large grater. Spruit together with the second half of the bow.
Sattail on the shallow grater cheese.

Grind one puff cleked in the crumb: manually (using potatoes) or in a blender.

Before laying on the cakes filling, lubricate them from two sides with a thin layer of mayonnaise. After that, you can start collecting the cake, distributing the filling with piles on each layer.

Collect a snack cake, glorifying cakes by stuffing in the following order: 1 Korzh - Half chicken minced mushrooms; 2 Korzh - a layer of grated cheese, packed vegetables; 3 Korzh - the second half of chicken minced mushrooms. Cover the cake last korzh and sprinkle with a crumb.

Leave the dish at room temperature for 3-4 hours - so that the cakes are soaked with mayonnaise, then cut the portion slices and serve to the table.

This snack cake with chicken, mushrooms and vegetables is very good accompanied by beer. Very satisfying and at the same time brightly, appetizing, interesting. Almost sandwich, but also lunch at the same time.

The snack cake from the cortea can also be heated in the microwave oven - in warm form it becomes more tastier. Nevertheless, the main thing is its dignity - simplicity of cooking.

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