Interrogative pronoun. Interrogative Pronouuns Question

Decor elements 10.10.2019
who - who what - What, what, whose - whose which - Which, what, who is that. They indicate the face, the subject, a sign or the number of which is asked.

Examples:Who Is present Today? - Who is present today?
What Is ON MY TABLE? - What's on my table?
Whose Cup of Tea Is This? - Whose cup of tea?
Which of you speaks english? - Which of you (who) speaks English?

Questionally pronoun WHO (WHOM)

1. English question pronoun who It has two cases: nominative and objective case.

Pronoun wHO in the nominative case Used in the following functions:

  • In the functions of the subject (combined with verbs in the singular, as in Russian);
  • In the function of the name of the fad (consistent with the subject);

Examples:Who HAS DONE IT? - Who did this? (in the functions of the subject)
Who Is He? - He is Mr. Rogers. - Who is he? He is Mr. Rogers. (in the function of the name of the faded)
Who Are these BOYS? They Are My Brothers. - Who are these boys? They are my brothers. (in the function of the name of the faded)

Pronoun wHO in object case (WHOM) Used:

  • In the Field feature;

Examples:Whom Did you See there? - Who have you seen there?
Whom Did You Give Your Book? - Who did you give your book?

Note! Currently, there is a tendency to use who instead whom.

2. Sometimes pronoun who (WHOM) Used with a pretext

Examples:Whom Are You Looking aT.? = Who Are You Looking aT.? - Who are you looking at?

Questionally pronoun What and Whose

what used as it has a translation whatand also used as has a translation what kind of, what.

Examples:What HAS HAPPENED? - What happened?
What Books. Are you you Reading? - What books do you read?

2. If pronoun what and pronoun whose They are used as pronouncing-adjects, then in front of the noun, in which case it is not used.

Examples:What Bag. (bags) CAN I Take to Go to Shopping? -What bag (which bags) can be taken to go to the store?
Whose Book (books.) Are you you reading? - Whose a book (whose books) do you read?

3. In English Quality pronouns in the definition function is always set before the defined nouns. In Russian Questionful pronouns can be separated from the noun in other words.

Examples:What Pen. (only so in the definition function) CAN I TAKE? - What handle I can take? \u003d. What I can take handle?

4. Questionally pronoun what It is consumed relative to inanimate objects, animals and abstract concepts. Regarding people pronoun what It is used if it comes to profession.

Examples:What Is IT? IT IS A DOG. - Who (who is) is it? This is a dog.
What Are you your friend? THEY ARE STUDENTS. - Who (who are your friends)? They are students.
What Is Your Father? He is a doctor. - Who (who is) Your Father? He is a doctor.

5. Sometimes pronoun what Used with a pretextwhich is usually put at the end of the question offer.

Examples:What Are You Looking aT.? - What are you looking at?
What Are You Talking. about? - What are you talking about?

Question of which

1. Questionally pronoun which Translated in words which the, what, who, whatWhen it comes to choosing from a limited number of persons, items or phenomena.

Examples:Which Color Is More Popular for iPhone 5: Black or White? -What color is popular for iphone 5: black or white?
Which Do You Like More: Skating or Skiing? - What do you like more: ski or skiing?
Which of You Speaks FRENCH? - Which of you (who) speaks French?

Questionful pronouns indicate objects, signs and quantities that are not known to the speaker. Questioned pronouns include pronoun: who, what, which, which, whose, what, and how much. These pronouns are used in an interviewal sentence.

  • - BUT koya Are you a year old? - "Sixth passed ...
  • Well, dead! " - shouted the baby bass ...
  • (N. A. Nekrasov)
  • what Day coming to us?

Proponation who and what is usually distinguished against the category, but in context, contradictions can meet.

  • - Well, and Mr. Bazarov himself, in fact, what is it?
  • (I. S. Turgenev)
  • what Is it a shadow or man?

The pronouns of which and what are distinguished by stylistically. The pronouction of which is stylistically neutral, in the sentence can be a consistent definition or registered part of the composite name of the facility.

  • What kind Do you like flowers?
  • What is he ?

The pronouction of what has been - what is used only in the role of the nominal part of the composite nominal faugible and is a book character with an increased evaluation.

  • What are Your plans?

Sometimes the pronouns of what can be used in an exclamation offer. In this case, they act as.

  • What horror!
  • What son! (\u003d What son!)

The pronoun which is used only in an interviewal sentence, where it is about the procedure for objects in the numerical row, and in circulation: "What time is it?" . With the help of pronoun, whose sets the question of belonging a person or subject.

By the ratio with other parts of speech, questioning pronouns are divided on, and.

Morphological signs

Proponation - nouns Who and that do not have morphological and. If the pronoun, who in the proposal is subject to - the fault with it is put in the form of the singular. If pronouncing is subject to the pronoun, then the fae into the unique number. Proponation-nouns Who and that change only. Proponation-adjective What, whose whose changes in childbirth, cases and numbers.

  • m. r.
  • g. R.
  • cf. R.
  • mN. h.
  • what
  • what
  • what
  • what kind
  • which the
  • that
  • that
  • which
I. p. what which the
R.p. some whom
D.p. what whom
V.p. some whom
T. P. what which
P.p. (o) what (about which

The pronouction of what is a brief form, therefore it does not change according to cases, but varies by childbirth and numbers.

Syntactic signs

Interior pronouns can be different members of the sentence.

  • Who knocks on the door to me
  • With a thick bag on the belt ...
  • (S. Ya. Marshak)
  • Cried Sasha, like a forest cut down,
  • She and now he is sorry to tears.
  • how many Here were curly berez. !
  • (N. A. Nekrasov)
  • BUT what people?
  • Whose Trill is heard in the spring forest?

Are question pronoun ( interrogative PRONOUNS.). They are also a little, as. The following words include question pronouncements in English: who (Who), what (which, what; and also with the meaning "who", if we talk about the profession or a person's position), whose (whose), which (which the). Questionful pronouns in English We need for education. Each of the listed pronouns has their own eating nuances, so we will analyze them in order.

How to use questional pronouns in English?

First in line pronoun who. This pronoun is used in relation to persons. This pronouction has two cases: nominative case - directly who, object case - whom. The form of this pronouction in the object case is rare, mainly in the official and book styles of speech. In the conversational speech use who. What functions in the sentence performs this questioning pronoun in English? It can be:

  • . Please note that in this case the verb is a fault accompanying who It will be in the form of a third party of the singular.

    Who KNOWS THE ANSWER TO THIS QUESTICE? - Who knows the answer to this question?

    Who Broke The Window? - Who broke the window?

  • Registered part of the lean. Now we will be coordinated in the face and number with the subject.

    Who Are Those Strange Women? - Who are those strange women?

    Who is your Husband? - Who is your husband?

  • Direct and indirect proposed. Note that accompanying these question pronouns in English, is usually put at the end of the sentence.

    Who (WHOM) Did You Invite to the Party? - Who did you invite to the party?

    Who (WHOM) Did You Show This Book To? - Who did you show this book?

    Who (Who) Are You Waiting for Here? - Who are you waiting for here?

    Who (WHOM) Are You Going to Spend the Holidays with? - Who will you spend the holidays with?

Next, let's talk about questioning pronoun what. This pronouction is used in relation to inanimate objects. Its functions in the proposal are the same as pronoun who. That is, in the proposal, the pronoun what may be:

  • Subject to The verb-legend in this case is also used in the form of a third party of the singular.

    What was Written in this article? - What was written in this article?

    What is IT? - What is it?

  • Registered part of the lean. The verb-bunch is consistent with the number and accountable.

    What Is the Cost of this Yellow Bag? - How much does this yellow bag cost?

    What Are the Results of this Competition? - What are the results of the competition?

  • Direct and proposed indirect addition. The pretext relating to this question pronoun is usually at the end of the sentence.

    What Did You Choose? - What did you choose?

    What Have You Lost? - What did you lose?

    What Were You Talking ABOUT? - What were you talking about?

Interrogative pronoun what You can also use in relation to persons if we strive to know the profession or person's position. For example:

- What is he? - Who is he?
- He is a builder. - He is a builder.

But this nuance does not concern questions aimed at clarifying the name, surname, related relationships. In this case, we use the pronoun who.

Such a questioning pronoun in English as whoseThe proposal plays a function and stands in front of the nouns that defined them.

Whose Document Have You Brought? - Whose document did you bring?

Whose Bag Is IT? - Who's bag is this?

Interrogative pronoun which It can be used both for animate and inanimate subjects. It implies a choice from a limited number of persons or items:

Which Dish Did You Like? - What dish did you like? (there were several of them)

Which Language Would You Like to Learn? - What language would you like to study? (for example, in courses the choice only among 5-6 languages)

Hello everyone!
How sometimes it is important to be able to correctly ask questions. Getting abroad, you are on every corner only and you will do it. How to get? How to get to? How much is? What time does the train go? This will help you questioning pronouns in English.

From this article you will learn:

Everything is very simple

Simple WH-
In total, in English, they are 7. They are called so, because in someten or otherwise there are letters W and H. For acquaintance with question pronsections, I offer you a table with translation and transcription in Russian:

Pronoun Transcription Transfer Examples of offers
WhoHu.WhoWho is your Favorite Singer? (Who is your favorite singer?)
WhatWat.whatWhat Did You Do Yesterday? (What did you do yesterday?)
When.Wen.WhenWHEN IS YOUR BIRTHDAY? (When's your birthday?)
How.HowhowHow Did You Meet? (How did you meet?)
Where.UEWhereWhere Is the Bus Stop? (Where is the bus-stop?)
WhyWaiWhyWhy Did You Call Me? (Why did you call me?)
WhichHuichWhich theWhich Bus Goes to the City Center? (Who is driven to the center?)

As we see, WHO can be used when you need to get a person's name in response. What - when you request specific information, something inanimate. Why do you need to know the reason. When - you are interested in place. How did anything been done. Where - you need to get information about the place. Which - when you provide a limited choice: Which Ice-Cream Would You Like? STRAWBERRY OR CHOCOLATE ONE? (What ice cream would you like? Strawberry or chocolate?)

Just yes?

Questionful pronouns

Sometimes you can meet questions in which the pretext is at the end of the sentence, which seems illogical from the point of view of the Russian language. For example, in the question with whom you went to the movies in English we will deliver at the end. Who Did You Go to the Cinema WITH? However, for English, such a design is more natural.

Subscribe to my blog. Find even more useful articles and rules, as well as you get as a gift - a basic phrasebook for three languages, English, German and French. His main plus is that there is Russian transcription, therefore, even not knowing the language, you can easily master the spoken phrases.

Sometimes questioning can also be used as relative. In cases where you need to connect the main and apparent offer. For example, The Man Who Is Standing Over Thera Is My Brother (a man who stands there is my brother).
The Park Which We Went To Last Week Was Really Nice (Park, in which we went last week was very good). See more examples:

Relative pronouns

Composite WH-
It also happens that questioningly the word becomes a whole phrase. For example, How Much (how much about incurred nouns), How Many (how much is calculated), How Often (as often), What Time (at what time), What Kind (what kind).
Have you met such structures?

Need to remember

Questions with How.

Apply in practice
Now I suggest you fix the studied and exercise. Put the appropriate interrogative pronoun at the site of skips:

  1. ______is Your Best Friend?
    For example, WHO IS Your Best Friend?
  2. ______Time Do You Usually Go to Bed?
  3. ______Do you Normally Get To Work?
  4. ______ Didn't You Come to the Party Last Night?
  5. ______Ften Do You Go Swimming?
  6. ______are my shoes? I CAN't Find Them.
  7. ______Tea Do You Prefer? Black or Green?
  8. ______is the time?
  9. ______is Your Favorite Food?
  10. ______Do The Shops Open?

I had me, a philologist of the English language, Ekaterina Martynova.
Good mood to you all!

Hello, my dear readers.

If you are still an amateur of questions, then the topic of "question pronoun in English" can become one of your loved ones. In it, my students with my students describe in detail what is used for. Therefore, today wait for examples, rules and exercises.

What is it?

Questionful pronouns are usually starting. That is, they are used to determine the face or subject of action. To the main words include who, what, which, whose. But we will analyze and another couple are not such popular.

Total analysis

I have a table with translation and transcription of all pronouns that you can use in question deals. It will also be understood for children, and for adults who are just starting training.

Pronoun Example
Who - Who Who Was That Man Who Called You SO Late?- Who this manwho called you so late?
What - What What Is the Problem?- what per problem? What Did you buy? -what Did you bought?
Which - which is what Which Answer Is Correct?- What answer correct?
When. - when When You Planning to Finish The Presentation? - When are you going to finish the presentation?
Whose - Whose whose Whose car is this?- Whose this is a car?
Whom - to whom Whom Are you Writing to?- KOM you write?
Why - Why Why didn.t. you. call me.? - Why didn't you call me?
Where. - Where, where Where. Did Your Brother Go?- Where to went is yours brother?
How. - How How. Did you manage to do it in time?- how you copened from that during?

Tips To Learn.

Of course, in general, everything is simple enough. But there are some more features that you need to remember.

  • In modern English, the question is most often raised at the end of the sentence.

Who Are you Going to Spend Christmas WITH?- whom you going spend Christmas?


  • If you do not know what to put: which or what - Check if you have a choice. If, for example, you need to choose from 2 colors, then use which. If no choice - use what.

There Is Only Red and Green Pencil. Which color do. you. prefer.? - There are red and green pencils here. What color do you like more?

What colors. do. you. like their most.? - What colors do you like most?

  • Very often in the language you can meet forms how. much. or how. many.. And both options are "how much". The difference lies solely that the first form is used with objects that cannot be counted. For example, time. - Time. The second form is with objects that the account is amenable. For example, pictures. - Pictures.

How Much. Time Does It Take -how many of time this is occupied?

How Many. Pictures Did You Buy? -how many paintings you bought?

  • The whose pronoun is used as adjective. And behind him usually follows the noun.

Whose Doll Is IT? -Whose this is doll?

Whose Folder Is This? -Whose this is folder?

Well, my dear, I hope that you have closed all the existing ambiguities in this topic. Of course, how without practice. It would not be if I forgot about such an important part. Therefore, you will find further. And of course I will not leave you in ignorance - with the answers you can read when all finish.

Share in the comments, do you have any ambiguities in this lesson and what questions you have appeared. I will definitely answer everything.

In the meantime, time to say goodbye.

See you, my good.

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