Mongolo Tatars army. Mongols and the number of the army of the Mongol Empire

Decor elements 10.10.2019
Decor elements

"I will minimize you from the heavenly arch,
From the bottom up to pick you like lion,
I will not leave anyone in your kingdom
Fire betrayals of the city, edges and land of yours. "

(Fasellah Rashid-Ad-Dean. Jami-At-Tavarih. Baku: "Joined Eva", 2011. p.45)

A recent publication on the "Military Review" of the material "Why created the fake about the" Mongolian "invasion of Russia" caused a rich, otherwise and not say, controversy. And one liked it, there is no other. What is natural. But in this case, it will not be about the content side of this material, but o ... "formal", that is, the adopted rules for writing this kind of materials. In publications on the historical topic, especially if the author's material claims to something new, it is customary to start a question from historiography. At least briefly, because "we all stand on the shoulders of giants," or rather those who were before us. The second, any a priori statements are usually proved by references to trustworthy sources. Equally, as the assertions of the materials of the material that the Mongols left and the trace in military history. And since the site is focused on it, that is, it makes sense to tell about it in more detail, based on the mythical revelations, but on the data of modern historical science.

Fight of equestrian Mongolian detachments. Illustration from the manuscript "Jami At-Tavarich", XIV century. (State Library, Berlin)

It should be started with the fact that there is hardly any other people, about which there is so much written, but it is known in essence quite a bit. Indeed, although the texts of the carpini plan, the guilloma de Ruprokai Marco Polo repeatedly quoted (in particular, the first translation of the work of Carpini into Russian was published back in 1911), from their recipient of written sources, in general, not added.

Conversation. Illustration from the manuscript "Jami At-Tavarich", XIV century. (State Library, Berlin)

But we have something to compare their descriptions, because in the east, the "History of Mongols" was written by Rashid Ad-Dean Fasellah Ibn Abu Hyir Ali Hamadani (Rashid Ad-Doolen; Rashid AT-Tabib - "doctor Rashid") (OK. 1247 - July 18, 1318,) - the famous Persian statesman, doctor and scientist encyclopedist; The former minister in the state of Hulaghaidov (1298 - 1317). His Peru belongs to the historical work written in the Persian language called "Jami At-Tavarich" or "Collection of Chronicles", which is the most valuable historical source on the history of the Mongolian Empire and Iran of the Epoch of Hulaghaidov.

Siege of Alamut 1256. Miniature from the manuscript "Tarich and Jahangushi". (National Library of France, Paris)

Another important source on this topic is the historical essay of Ta'rich-and Jahangushi ("History of the world-friendly") Ala Ad-Dean Ata Malik Ibn Mohammed Juelini (1226 - March 6, 1283), another Persian statesman and the historian are all the same Epoch of hulagulaidov. Its essay includes three main parts:
The first: the history of the Mongols, as well as the descriptions of their conquests to the events following the death of Khan Gueuk, including the story of the descendants of Khan Shuchi and Chagata;
Second: History of the Khorezmshakh dynasty, and here the history of the Mongolian governors of Horasan until 1258 is given;
Third: The history of Mongols continues in it to their victory over the assassins; And tells about this sect itself.

Conquesting by the Mongols of Baghdad in 1258. Illustration from the manuscript "Jami At-Tavarich", XIV century. (State Library, Berlin)

Archaeological sources are, but they are not too rich. But today they are already enough enough to do evidence conclusions, and the texts about the Mongols turned out to be, there are not only in European languages, but also in Chinese. Chinese sources that in this case are in question are in dynasty stories, in these state statistics and state annals. And here they are in detail and by year, with the Chinese peculiar to the Chinese, describe the war, and hiking, and the dimensions of the Dani paid by the Mongols in the form of rice, beans and cattle, and even tactical tricks of warfare. Chinese travelers sent to Mongolian rulers also left their notes about the Mongols and Northern China of the first half of the XIII century. Man-da Bay Lou ("Full Description of Mongol-Tatars") - almost this is the most ancient source written in Chinese on the history of Mongolia. This "description" contains the story of the South Susta Ambassador Zhao Huna, who visited Yanjin in 1221. The commander-in-chief of Mongolian troops in Northern China Mughali. Men-da Bay Lou has been translated into Russian by V. P. Vasilyev in 1859 and for that time this work was a great scientific interest. However, today it has already been outdated and new, better translation of its translation.

Interdobician. Illustration from the manuscript "Jami At-Tavarich", XIV century. (State Library, Berlin)

There is such a valuable historical source like "Chan Chun Zhen-Zhen Si-Yu Ji" ("Possed on traveling to the West of the Righteous Chan-Chuna") -Exposed journey of the Taoist Monk on Central Asia during the Western Hangs of Genghis Khan (1219-1225 GG.). The full translation of this work was carried out by P.I. Kafarov in 1866 and this is the only one for today the full translation of this work, which has not lost its meaning today. There are "Hay-yes Shi-Lui" ("Brief information about black tatars") - an even more important source (and the richest!) Information about the Mongols compared to Men-da Bay-Lo and "Chan-Chun Zhen- Zhen Si Yu Ji ". It is the notes at once two Chinese travelers - Peng daa-I and Xu Tina, who visited Mongolia at the courtyard of Ugheda in South South Diplomatic missions, and minted together. However, in Russian we have only half of these notes.

The intronization of Mongolian Khan. Illustration from the manuscript "Jami At-Tavarich", XIV century. (State Library, Berlin)

Finally, there are both the Mongolian source, and a monument of the Mongolian National Culture of the XIII century. "Mongol-UN Niucha Tobchan" ("The Secret History of Mongols"), the discovery of which is directly connected with Chinese historiography. It tells about the ancestors of Genghis Khan and how he fought for power in Mongolia. Initially, it was recorded with the help of the Uygur alphabet, which the Mongols borrowed at the beginning of the XIII century, but she reached us in transcription made by Chinese hieroglyphs and (fortunately for us!) With an accurate substitution transmission of all Mongolian words and a brief commentary of each of the paragraphs written in Chinese.

Mongols. Fig. Angus Mcbride.

In addition to these materials, there is a significant array of information enclosed in Chinese documents of the Mongolian rule in China. For example, "Tun-Ji Tyashe GE" and "Yuan Dian-Zhang", in which decrees, administrative and court decisions are recorded on the most important issues, starting with the instructions, how to properly slaughter the sheep on the custom of the Mongols, and ending with the decrees of the rules in China Mongolian emperors, and descriptions of the social status of various classes of the then Chinese society. It is clear that these documents are of great value for historians who study the time of the dominion of Mongols in China. In a word, there is an extensive reservoir of sources in the field of synology, which are directly related to the history of medieval Mongolia. But it is clear that all this should be studied as, in fact, and any branch of the history of the past. "Cavalry attack on history" by type "came, saw, won" with reference only on one Gumilev and Fomenko and K (as we often meet this in concomitant comments), in this case it is completely inappropriate.

Mongol drives prisoners. Fig. Angus Mcbride.

However, it should be emphasized that, starting to study this topic, it is much easier to deal with secondary sources, including those that are founded not only on the study of primary written sources of European and Chinese authors, but also on the results of archaeological excavations conducted at the time of the Soviet and Russian scientists. Well, for general development in the field of His Homeland's history, it is possible to recommend that the Institute of Archeology of RAS 18 volumes of the Archeology of the USSR series, which came out for the period from 1981 to 2003, can be recommended. Well, of course, for us the main source of information is PSRL - the full meeting of Russian chronicles. Note that today there are no real evidence of their falsification in either the era of Mikhail Romanova, nor Peter I, nor Catherine II. All this is nothing more than the fabrication of amateurs from Folk Hystori, not standing and exhausted eggs. The most interesting thing is that about the chronicle stories (the latter, by the way, not one, and a lot!) I heard everything, but for some reason few people read them. And in vain!

Mongol with bow. Fig. Vain Reynolds.

As for the proper wearaunoral theme, there is an important place for the study of a number of domestic historians recognized as in Russia and abroad. There are whole schools created by famous historians in individual universities of our country and prepared on this topic a number of interesting and significant publications.

Very interesting work "and armor. Siberian weapons: from the stone century to the Middle Ages ", published in 2003, wrote A.I. Sokolov, at the time of her publication, a candidate of historical sciences, a senior researcher at the Institute of Archeology and Ethnography of the Siberian Branch of the Russian Academy of Sciences, who has been engaged in archaeological research in Altai for more than 20 years and in the steppes of the Minusinskaya Basin.

One of the books Stephen Turnbulla.

We paid their attention to the topic of military affairs from Mongols and English-speaking historians published in the Publishing House "OSPRY", and in particular, such a well-known specialist as Stephen Turnbull. Acquaintance with English-speaking literature in this case is more profitable: it makes it possible to get acquainted with the material and improve in English, not to mention that the illustrative side of the Osperation publications has a high level of reliability.

Heavily furnished Mongolian Warriors. Fig. Vain Reynolds.

Having become acquainted, even if very paint, with the historiographic basis of the theme of Mongolian Military Art, it is possible to consider it in general, leaving references to each specific fact for purely scientific works in this area.
Start, however, the story about Mongolian armament should not be with weapons, but ... with horse harness. It was the Mongols who guessed to replace the rivy with the psalia on the rustle with large outer rings - Trenzels. They were on the ends in the ends, and the headband belts were already mounted and the reins were cracked. So, I wonder and the bridles acquired a modern appearance and remain those today.

Mongolian wondering, triple rings, striving and horseshoes.

Improved them and saddles. Now Luke Sadel began to do so to get a broader base. And this, in turn, made it possible to reduce the rider pressure on the back of the animal and increase the maneuverable qualities of the Mongolian cavalry.

As for throwing weapons, there is a bow and arrows, they, as they are marked by all sources, the Mongols owned masterfully. However, the design itself of their bows was close to perfect. They used onions having a frontal corneal lining, and "vidoid" tip. According to archaeologists, the spread of the data onions in the Middle Ages was connected with the Mongols, so they are often even called "Mongolian". The front pad made the opportunity to increase the resistance of the central part of the bow on the break, but in general its flexibility did not reduce. Keep onions (reaching 150-160 cm) gathered from several wood breeds, and from the inside it was reinforced by plates from the horns of the man-fated - goat, the tour, bull. On the wooden base of the bow with an external side of his side, a tendon from the back of a deer, moose or bull, which increased its flexibility. The Buryat masters, the onions of which are most similar to the ancient-tempered, this process occupied until the week, since the thickness of the tendral layer should have been reached a one and a half centimeters, and each layer was glued only after the previous drying of the previous one. The finished onions were wondered by bark, tightened into the ring and dried ... at least a year. And just one of the onions was needed at least two years, so at the same time it was positive, probably many onions in stock.

Despite this, Luki often broke. Therefore, the Mongolian warriors took with them, as reported by the Carpini plan, two or three onions. Probably, they also had a spareholders needed in different climatic conditions. For example, it is known that a valiant of twisted breads is well served in summer, but does not endure autumnal slush. So for a successful shooting at any time of the year and the weather was needed a different agent.

Finds and their reconstruction from the Museum of the Zolotarev settlement under Penza.

The onions were tensioned by the way, which was, however, is known long before the Mongols appeared on the historic arena. He was called "Method with a ring:" When going to pull onions, take it ... in the left hand, put the tent for the agate ring on the thumb on the right hand, the front joint of which is bent forward, retain it in this position with the middle joint of the index finger, pressed to the middle joint Him, and stretch the tutor until the left hand is stretched out, and the right thing is suitable for the ear; Schedule its goal, take an index finger from the big one, at the same moment the moment cleales from the agate ring and throws an arrow with a significant force "(UK. Op. A.I. Solovyov - p.160).

Ring archer from jade. (Metropolitan Museum, New York)

Almost all written sources that have come down to us celebrate skill with which Mongolian warriors used onions. "They are very dangerous to start the battle, because even in small skirmishes with them so many killed and wounded, like others in large battles. This is a consequence of their dexterity in archery, since their arrows break through almost all types of protective equipment and Panciri, "wrote Armenian Tsarevich Gaiton in 1307. The reason for such a successful shooting was associated with the high-affected qualities of the lugs of the Mongolian arrows that had large dimensions and differed in great sharpness. Carpini's plan wrote about them as follows: "The iron tips of arrows are very sharp and cut on both sides like a double-edged sword", and those of them that were used "... for the shooting of birds, animals and unarmed people, in three fingers width."

Arm tips found on the Zolotarev settlement under Penza.

The tips were flat in cross section, sweet. There are asymmetric-rhombic tips, but are also known for those who have a straight, stupid or even semi round shape. These are the so-called cut. Curry is less common, served for shooting on horseback and enemy, not protected by armor.

Arm tips from Tibet, XVII - XIX centuries. (Metropolitan Museum, New York)

Interestingly, many large-format tips had a zigzag or "lightning-like" section, that is, one half of the tip performed a little over the other, that is, in the context resembled zigzag lightning. It was suggested that such tips could rotate in flight. But it really did not check it in fact.

It is believed that arrows with such massive slots were in the custom of shooting a "canopy". This made it possible to hit warriors without armor standing in the rear rows of dense constructions, as well as hard to hurt horses. As for the soldiers in the armor, there were usually massive three-, tetrahedral or very round, bread-shaped, armor-piercing tips against them.

A small size of the rhombic shape tips, at the same time popular still among Turks, also met and can be seen among the finds of archaeologists. But three-blade and four-blade tips with wide blades and broken holes in them in Mongolian time almost ceased to meet, although before that were very popular. Supplement to the tips were bone "whistles" in the form of a double cone. They were done on a pair of holes and in flight they published a shrill whistle.

Pursuit of running. Illustration from the manuscript "Jami At-Tavarich", XIV century. (State Library, Berlin)

The Carpini plan reported that each Mongolian archer had "three large quiver full of arrows". The material for the quiver served berette and accommodate they approximately 30 arrows each. The arrows in the quiver to protect against bad weather were covered with a special case - Takhtuham. The arrows in the quiver could fit and tips up, and down, and even in different directions. The quiver were in the custom to decorate horny and bone lining with a geometric pattern and images of various animals and plants.

Quiver and Outlice. Tibet or Mongolia, XV - XVII centuries. (Metropolitan Museum, New York)

In addition to such quiver, the arrows could also be stored in flat leather cases, their shape similar to wear with one straight side, and the other - figure. They are well known in Chinese, Persian and Japanese miniatures, as well as on the exposition in the Armory of the Moscow Kremlin, and among the ethnographic material from the districts of Transbaikalia, South and Eastern Siberia, the Far East and the West Siberian Forestry. The arrows in such quiver always put up the plumage up, so that they protruded more than half of their length. They wore them on the right side so that they do not interfere with riding riding.

Chinese Quiver XVII century. (Metroluen Museum, New York)

Bibliographic list
1. Carpini J. del. History of Monggores // J. Del Plano Carpini. History Monggalls / De Rubruk. Travel to the eastern countries / Book Marco Polo. - M.: Thought, 1997.
2. Rashid Ad-Dean. Collection of chronicles / lane. From Persian L. A. Khetagurov, editors and notes prof. A. A. Semenov. - M., L.: Publisher of the Academy of Sciences of the USSR, 1952. - T. 1, 2.3; Fasellah Rashid-Ad-Dean. Jami-at-Tavarich. - Baku: "Joined Eva", 2011.
3. Ata-Melik Juliyi. Genghis Khan. The history of the world conqueror \u003d Genghis Khan: The History of the World Conqueror / Translation from the text of the Mirza Mohammed Kazvini into English by J. E. Boyla, with preface and bibliography D. O. Morgana. Translation of text from English into Russian E. E. Kharitonova. - M.: "Publishing House Master-Press", 2004.
4. Gorelik M. V. Early Mongolian Armor (IX is the first half of the XVI centuries) // Archeology, ethnography and Anthropology of Mongolia. - Novosibirsk: Science, 1987. - P. 163-208; Gorelik M. V. Army Mongol-Tatars X-XIV century: Military art, weapons, gear. - M.: Oriental Horizon, 2002; Gorelik M.V. Steppe Fight (from the history of the military business of Tatar-Mongols) // Military case of the ancient and medieval population of North and Central Asia. - Novosibirsk: Iiff from the Academy of Sciences of the USSR, 1990. - P. 155-160.
5. Khudyakov Yu. S. Armament of medieval nomads of Southern Siberia and Central Asia. - Novosibirsk: Science, 1986; Khudyakov Yu. S. Armament of nomads of Southern Siberia and Central Asia in the Epoch of the developed Middle Ages. - Novosibirsk: IAET, 1997.
6. Sokolov A.I. "Weapons and armor. Siberian weapons: from the stone century to the Middle Ages. " - Novosibirsk: "Infolio Press", 2003.
7. Stephen Turnbull. Genghis Khan & The Mongol Conquests 1190-1400 (Essential Histories 57), Osprey, 2003; Stephen Turnbull. Mongol Warrior 1200-1350 (Warrior 84), Osprey, 2003; Stephen Turnbull. The Mongol Invasions of Japan 1274 and 1281 (Campaign 217), Osprey, 2010; Stephen Turnbull. The Great Wall of China 221 BC-AD 1644 (Fortress 57), Osprey, 2007.
8. It is clear that the Mongolian army has never been multinational, and was a militant mixture of mongony-speaking, and later turcidate nomadic tribes. Therefore, the very concept of "Mongolian" in this case carries more collective, rather than ethnic content.

To be continued…

Mongolia's nomadic riders by consistent conquests that began in the twelfth century and lasted for several generations in the twelfth, created the largest land empire in the world. During these conquests, Mongols fought with most part of the world's powers of medieval Asia and Europe and in most cases won. Their empire was entirely built on military victories, obsessed with the army, unlike any other army in the world. Most opponents considered them invincible. Their offensive to Europe stopped only death in the ruling dynasty. Possible applicants for the throne went home together with their troops and no longer returned.

Mongolian army

Mongols were nomadic shepherds and hunters who had been living in the saddles of steppe horses. From early childhood, they studied to stay in the saddle and use weapons, especially compound bows. Each healthy man under 60 should have taken part in the hunt and war. The Army of the United Mongolian tribes consisted of all adult male population.

They fought in accordance with the strict Code of the discipline. All the extraction was collective. Leaving the comrade in battle was punishable by death. This discipline, along with the skillful leadership, the well-set payment of information and the organization, turned the Mongolian troops from the masses of riders to the real army.

The Mongolian army was organized along a decimal number system, with divisions of ten, hundred, thousands and ten thousand people. The number of people in the divisions probably rarely approached the present numbers due to losses and exhaust. The division out of ten thousand people was the main combat unit, such as a modern division, capable of maintaining the battle on their own. Separate soldiers were identified mainly with a division from a thousand people, part of which they were, an analogue of a modern regiment. True Mongolian tribes exhibited their own thousands. Defeated, such as Tatars and Merkites, were separated and distributed according to other units so that they could not represent an organized threat to the ruling dynasty.

Genghis Khan created a division of the personal guard of ten thousand people. This division was gained throughout the tribe, and to get into it was a high honor. At the beginning of its existence, it was the form of ownership by noble hostages. Then turned into households and the source of the ruling class of the growing empire.

First, Mongolian soldiers did not receive any complain, except for military prey. Promotion was based on merit. When the speed of conquest slowed down, a new payment system was introduced. Later, the officers got the opportunity to transfer their posts by inheritance.

Each soldier went hike, having approximately five horses, which made it possible to carry out their fast replacement and quick promotion. Before the emergence of the mechanized armies of the twentieth century, no army moved at such a speed as Mongolian.

Mongols fought, mainly like light cavalry-archers (without armor), using compound bows. It was a compact weapon with an impressive radius of action and penetrating ability. As siege engineers, they hired the Chinese and residents of the Middle East. Infantry, garrison troops and severe cavalry (in armor) with spears came from the armies of the conquered peoples.

Mongol tactics

Mongolian armies relied on small arms, the ability to quickly move around and the reputation of merciless, which was ahead of their appearance. All their opponents moved much slower and more thoughtfully. Mongols sought to divide the enemy forces and crush them with a massive array of onions. They sought to surround the enemy and achieve local superiority in numbers. They were injured by horses, and the horses dumped riders, making them more vulnerable.

Mongolian light cavalrymen could not stand against the rapid occurrence of heavy cavalry, so they portrayed their flight, pulling the knights into the exhaustive attacks that made them vulnerable. Running Mongols rapidly turned back and turned into pursuers. They differed in the arrangement of ambushes and unexpected attacks. Mongolian warlords widely used scouts and synchronized the movement of troops to catch the enemy in an unfavorable position.

Mongols also used widespread tactics. If the population of one city after taking was interrupted, it became very likely that the next city will surrender without a fight. This is proved by the fact that when approaching the Mongolian armies of the city, one by one surrendered.

A wide strip of steppes and deserts from Gobi to Sahara takes place in Asia and Africa, separating the territory of European civilization from China and India - the foci of Asian culture. In these steppes, a peculiar economic life of nomads has been preserved in this step.
This steppe space, with a huge scale of operating lines, with original work forms, imposes an original Asian imprint and on.
The most typical representatives of the Asian method of warfare were the Mongols in the HCh century, when they were united by one of the greatest conquerors - Genghis-Khan.

Mongols were typical nomads; The only work that they knew is the work of the guard, the shepherd of countless stads, moving on the Asian Square from the north to the south and back, depending on the seasons. The riches of the nomad is all with it, everything will appear: it is mainly cattle and a small valuable movement / silver, carpets, silk, assembled in his yurt.

There are no walls, fortifications, doors, fences and constipation that would protect the nomad from the attack. Protection, and only relative, is given to a wide horizon, desert of the surroundings. If the peasants, due to the bulkness of the products of their work and the impossibility of them to drag, always to solid power, which one can create sufficiently secured conditions for their work, then nomads who have all the property can change the host so easily, are a particularly favorable element for despotic Forms of concentration of power.

The common military service, who advocates, as the need, with the high economic development of the state, is the same need for infant labor levels. A nomadic people in which everyone who can wear weapons would not be ready to immediately defend his herd with a weapon in his hands, could not exist. Genghis Khan to have a fighter in every adult Mongol, even forbade Mongols to take into servants of other Mongols.

These nomads, natural riders, brought up in the worship of the leader's authority, are very skillful in a small war, with a common military service, which included in their morals, represented excellent material for creating, during the Middle Ages, excellent in the number and discipline of the army. This superiority was apparent when brilliant organizers were headed - Genghis Khan or Tamerlan.

Technique and organization.

As Magomet managed to be soldered into one in Islam of the Urban merchants and Bedouins of the Desert, and the Great Mongolian Organizers were able to combine the natural qualities of the shepherd-nomads with all the fact that the city culture of the time could give military art.
Natisk Arabs dropped into the depths of Asia many cultural elements. These elements, as well as all that Chinese science and technology could give, were primarily acquainted by Genghis Khan to Mongolian Military Arts.

In the headquarters of Genghis-Khan were Chinese scientists; In the people and the army writing an writing. The patronage, which Genghis Han provided trade, reached such a step, which testifies, if not about the meaning of the bourgeois urban element in this era, then a clear desire for the development and creation of such.
Genghis-Han paid great attention to creating safe trade trunk pathways, distributed special military troops on them, organized a hotel-stages at each transition, arranged mail; The questions of justice and energetic struggle with the robbers were in the first place. When taking cities, craft masters and artists were withdrawn from general beating and moved to newly created centers.

The army was organized on the decimal system. Particular attention was paid to the selection of chiefs. The authority of the head was supported by such measures as a separate tent of the Ten Commander, increasing him a complain of 10 times against an ordinary fighter, creating a reserve of horses and weapons at his disposal; In the case of rebellion against the supplied boss, not even Roman decimation, but the magnitude of the destruction of rebeling.

Solid discipline made it possible to require in the right cases of extensive fortification work. Near the enemy, the army at night strengthened his Bivak. The watchdog was organized perfectly and founded on the selection - sometimes a few hundred will be the guide forward guard of horse rugs and at a frequent patrol - during the day and night - all surroundings.

Siege art of Mongolian armies

Siege art shows that at the time of his heyday, the Mongols were with the technique in a completely different relationship, the subsequently, when the Crimean Tatars felt powerless against any Wooden Moscow Sport and were afraid of "fire fight."

Fascins, subpoprils, underground strokes, dumping pvov, device of germinal shoots to strong walls, earthy bags, Greek fire, bridges, device dam, flooding, the use of cutting machines, powder for explosions - all this was well acquainted with Mongols.

In the siege of Chernigov, the Russian chronicler notes with surprise that the Mongol Catapults Metali for several hundred steps of stones weighing over 10 pounds. The European artillery has achieved such a trumpet effect only by the beginning of the XVI century. And these stones were delivered from somewhere.
Under actions in Hungary, we encounter the Mongols with a battery of 7 catapult, which worked in a manemy war when crossing the crossing across the river. Many strong cities in Central Asia and Russia, which, in medieval concepts, could be taken only by hunger, were taken by the Mongols storm after 5 days of siege work.

Mongol strategy.

A large tactical superiority makes war with a light and profitable business. Another Alexander Macedonian inflicted the finishes of the final blow predominantly due to the funds that gave him the conquest of a rich low-anostic coast.

Father won Spain to get funds to fight Rome. Julius Caesar, capturing Gallia, Rare - War must feed the war; And, indeed, Gaul's wealth not only allowed him to win this country, not burdening Rome's budget, but also created a material base for the subsequent civil war.

This view of the war, as an income case, as to expand the basis, as for the accumulation of forces, in Asia was already the basis of the strategy. The Chinese medieval writer indicates how to the main sign that defines a good commander, the ability to contain an army by opponent.
Whereas the European Strategic Thought, in the face of Bulla and Clausevitz, based on the need to overcome the essay, from the great defense capacity of the neighbors, came to the thoughts on the basis, nourishing the war from the rear, about the climax point, the limit of every occurrence, about the weakening of the offensive scope, Asian strategy Saw in the spatial duration of the occurrence of the element of force.

The more advanced in Asia, the coming, the more he captured herds and any movable wealth; With low defense capability, the loss of the coming from the occurred was less than the increase in the strength of the upcoming army against the local elements retractable, cooping it. Military elements of the neighbors half were destroyed, and half were put in the ranks of the upcoming and quickly assimilated with the established position.

Asian offensive represented a snowy avalanche, all the movement with each step of movement "in the Batya army, the grandson of Genghis-Khan, who won Russia in the HSh century, the percentage of Mongols was insignificant - probably did not exceed five; The percentage of fighters from tribes conquered by Genghis for a dozen years before the invasion probably did not exceed thirty. About two thirds were represented by the Turkic tribes for which the invasion immediately before the east of the Volga and the fragments of Koi suffered with them. Similarly, in the future and Russian squads constituted a noticeable part of the militia of the Golden Horde.

Asian strategy, with a huge scale of distances, in the era of domination predominantly cooch transport was unable to organize the right delivery from the rear; The idea of \u200b\u200btransferring basing on the fields lying ahead is only fragmentary-but flashing in the European Strategy, was the main for Genghis-Khan.
The base can be created only by the political decomposition of the enemy; Wide use of funds behind the front of the enemy is possible only if we find yourself in his rear of like-minded people. From here an Asian strategy required a long-range and insidious policy; All means were good to ensure military success.

War preceded extensive political intelligence; did not bother or bribery or promises; All the possibility of opposing one dynastic interests to others, alone groups against others were used. Apparently, a large campaign was undertaken only when the conviction appeared in the presence of deep cracks in the state body of the neighbor.

The need to be satisfied with the army with a small margin of food, which could be seized with him, and mostly by local means, imposed a certain imprint on the Mongolian strategy. Mongols could only feed their horses to feed. The poorer was the last, the faster and on a wider front it was necessary to strive to absorb the space.
All the deep knowledge that nomads have about the days of the year, when the greatest nutritionality is achieved under various latitudes, the Mongolian strategy should be used about the relative wealth of grass and water, should be used by Mongolian strategy to make it possible for these MASS MOVEMENTS, which were undoubtedly over one hundred thousand horses. Other stops of operations were directly dictated by the need to feed the bodies of weakened, after passing the hungry area, horse formulation.

The concentration of forces for a short time on the battlefield was impossible if the clash point would be located in the poor. Exploration of local funds was mandatory before each campaign. Overcoming space with large masses even for eigenous limits required careful preparation. It was necessary to nominate advanced detachments that would guard the foothold on the planned direction and distilled off with him who do not participate in the campaign of nomads.

Tamerlan, outstanding the invasion of China from the West, for 8 years before the campaign prepares itself on the border with him, in the city of Ashire, stage: several thousand families with 40 thousand horses were sent there; Packs were expanded, the city was strengthened in it, extensive food reserves began to gather. During the hike, Tamerlan sent sowing grain over the army; The harvest for the first time the fields cultivated in the rear was supposed to facilitate the return of the army from the campaign.

Mongol tactics very much resembles the tactics of Arabs. The same development of a throwing battle, the same aspiration for the dismemberment of the combat order into separate parts, to conducting the fight from the depth.
In large battles, there is a distinct division into three lines; But each line was dismembered, and thus the theoretical requirement of Tamerlane - to have 9 echelons deep in depth - maybe it's not far from practice.

On the battlefield, Mongols sought to surround the enemy to give a decisive treated with throwing weapons. This environment easily obtained from a wide hiking movement; The width of the latter allowed the Mongola to dissolve exaggerated rumors about the numerous army.

The cavalry of Mongols shared on heavy and easy. Langular fighters were called Cossacks. The latter were very successfully fought and walk in a walk. Tamerlane had both infantry; The infantrymen belonged to the best of paid soldiers and played a significant role in sieges, as well as in the struggle in the mountainous area. During the passage of extensive infantry spaces temporarily sisted on the horses.

Source - Svoshin A.A. Evolution of Military Art, T.1. M.-L., 1927, p. 141-148.

During the Tatar-Mongolian invasion, two medieval concept of warfare was collided. Conditionally speaking - European and Asian. The first is focused on the near battle when the outcome of the battle is solved in a hand-to-hand fight. Naturally, the fight was carried out using the entire complex of the Middle Combat Comb. Throwing weapons and remote battle were auxiliary. The second concept, on the contrary, focused on the battle remote. The enemy washed off and exhausted continuous focus, after which he overturned in hand-to-hand. Here the main thing was a maneuverable remote battle. The Mongolian army of the conquest era brought this tactics to perfection.

Thus, if the main weapon of the European knight and Russian warrior was a spear, the main weapon of the Mongolian warrior was onions with arrows. From a constructive point of view, the Mongolian onions did not differ fundamentally from Arabic or, for example, Korean. It was comprehensive, made of wood, horns, bones and tendons. The wooden base of the onion was made of flexible and common breeds of wood, birch was popular. With the inner (addressed to the archer) the side of the base from the handle to the ends (horns) staped with horny plates. From the outside (facing target), the tendons was glued for the entire length of the bow. Bone lining was attached to the ends on the ends. Wooden base could be made of several tree breeds. The use of horny linings is associated with the fact that the horn has high elasticity in compression. In turn, tendons have great elasticity when tensile. The length of the bow was 110 - 150 cm.

Many love to compare the Mongolian onions with ancient Russian. Proving that the ancient Russian was not worse than Mongolian or, on the contrary, in all he was inferior. From a constructive point of view, the main difference between the ancient Russian onions was in the absence of horny linings. This, other things being equal, made it less powerful. Subsequently, under the Mongol influence, the structure of the Russian onion was changed, and these covers were added to it. Called subzoras. However, the advantage of the Mongolian bows was not overwhelming. The ancient Russian onions was also difficult, made of two wood species, tendons and bones. Digid, but not much.

The main clink weapon of the Mongolian warriors was a saber. Mongolian sabers united in themselves, including the siblings of conquered peoples, so it is difficult to distinguish any particular type of saber and call it Mongolian. In general, Mongolian sabers had a weak bend (like all the sabers of that time), Could have Gardu in the form of crossroads or in the form of a disk. The length was about a meter.

Along with the sabers, the Balashi, swords and combat knives were widely used.
Mongols, Magola, Bulawa and Sixstores were used from the short-spectrum of melee.Like a blade, the river weapons were distinguished by a large variety of constructions.

Long weapons were represented by spears and palm. Copy tips could be an elongated triangular, rhombic, laurel or peak-shaped. Often the tip had a hook, for the silent of the enemy from the horse. Palma was a spear with a long knife tip.

Figure Mikhail Gorelika.

An excerpt from an overview article of Orientalist, a researcher of the history of weapons, art historian Mikhail Gorelika - about the history of the Mongolian armor The author of more than 100 scientific papers left almost exactly a year ago. A significant part of his scientific activity devoted to the study of the military affairs of the ancient and medieval peoples of Eurasia.

Source - Gorelik M. V. Early Mongolian Armor (IX is the first half of the XIV century.) // Archeology, ethnography and anthropology of Mongolia. Novosibirsk: Science, 1987.

As shown in the work of recent times (18), the main components of the Mongolian medieval ethnos migrated to Mongolia, before the occupied mainly Turks, from the southern Amur region, Western Manchuria throughout the 9th - XI centuries, to outstand and partially assimilating their predecessors. At the beginning of the XIII century. In Genghis Khan, consolidation is consolidated into a single ethnos of almost all the mongony-language tribes and omnone Turks, Tungs, Tangites of Central Asia.

(The extreme east of Eurasia, the claims for which the Mongols never managed to implement: Japan)

Immediately after this, during the first half of the XIII, V.Gigant conquests of Genghis Khan and his descendants, the territory of the settlement of the Mongolian ethnos is immeasurably expanded, while the process of mutual assimilation of aliens and local nomads - Tunguso-Manchurians in the East, Türkov, and West, is underway on the outskirts In the latter case, in the Language of Türki assimilate the Mongols.

A slightly different picture is observed in the field of material and spiritual culture. In the second half of the XIII century. The culture of the Empire of Genghizids is consisted, with all regional diversity united in socially prestigious manifestations - suit, hairstyle (19), jewelry (20) and, of course, in military equipment, especially armor.

To understand the history of the Mongolian Armor, the following questions should be found: the traditions of the Armor of the Amur region of the VIII-XI central, Transbaikalia, Mongolia, the south-west of Central Asia and Altai-Sayanskaya Highlands by the XIII century, as well as nomads of Eastern Europe and Zauralye to the same period.

Unfortunately, on the armor of the period of interest to us that has occurred on the territory of the external Mongolia and North-Western Manchuria, there is no published material. But in all other regions published quite representative material. The findings of the shell plates in the northern Amur region (21) (see Fig. 3, 11-14), adjacent to the original habitat of the Mongols, are shown (21) (see Fig. 3, 11-14), in Transbaikalia (22) (see Fig. 3, 1, 2, 17, 18), where from the resettlement period, the genus of Genghis Khan. Little, but bright finds occur from the territory of Si-Xia (23) (see Fig. 3, 6-10), many residues of Kyrgyz Pension (24) detected in Tuva and Khakassia.

Especially rich in the materials of Xinjiang, where the findings of things (see Fig. 3, 3-5) and especially the abundance of exclusively informative painting and sculptures make it extremely fully and in detail to develop the armor in the second half of the I thousand (25), and not only In Xinjiang, but also in Mongolia, where the center of the first kaganates of Turils, Uigurov and Kidani was located. Thus, it can be safely argued that the Mongols of the IX-XII centuries. It was perfectly known and a metal lamellar shell was used quite well, not to mention the armor of solid and soft leather.

As for the production of armor of nomads, who, by conviction (more precisely, the prejudice) of many researchers, are not capable of making them on a wide scale, the example of Scythians, in whose burials was found hundreds of armor (26), Sakov, in a short time we have mastered mass Production and creating original protective armament complex (27), Xianby (one of the ancestors of Mongols), whose sculptural images of Lakers on armored horses fill the burials in Northern China, finally, the Turkic tribes, who were informed in the middle of the I thousand. Original lamellar armor, including And Konsky, to Central Europe (he was borrowed by the Germans, Slavs and Byzantines) (28), "all this suggests that nomads in the presence of military necessity could well produce a sufficient amount of metal armor, not to mention the leather.

Skift sample from the famous gold ridge from the Kurgan Solokha.

By the way, the etiological legend of the Mongols (as well as the Tauluzzi) characterizes them precisely as ferrisoners, their most honorable title - Darhan, as well as the name of the founder of Power - Temacign, mean Masters of Iron Cause (29).

Equipment with protective armament of Mongols over the past decades of the XII - first decades of the XIV century. It is possible, although it is quite approximately to determine in written sources.

Lubchan Danzan in Altan Tobchi leads the following story: Once at Techuchin, even before the creation of the powers, they attacked 300 Tatars on the road. Temacign and his warriors broke the enemy squad, "a hundred people killed, two hundred captured ... took a hundred horses and 50 shells" (30). 200 prisoners were hardly leaving and spread - it was enough to tie their hands to them and tie the reins of their horses to their torchas.

Consequently, one hundred captured horses and 50 shells belonged to 100 killed. So, the shell had every second warrior. If this provision took place in the usual skirmish of the troubled time in the depths of the steppes, then in the era of the creation of the empire, huge conquest, the operation of the production resources of cities, the equipment was equipped with protecting weapons.

So, Nasavi reports that during the storming of the city "All Tatars have put their armor" (31) (it was Polesi, as the translator of the text of Z. M. Bhoneyov explained to us). According to Rashid Ad-Dina, gunsmiths at Hulalaid Khan Gazan were supplied to government arsenals with a bad organization of the case of 2 thousand, and with good - 10 thousand full sets of weapons, including protective, per year, and in the latter case weapons in Large quantities and free sale. The fact is that by the end of the XIII century. The crisis of Kar-Hane was observed - government factories, where hundreds of masters collected by Mongolian Khan worked in half-working.

The dissolution of the masters, subject to a certain supply quota in the treasury, for free work to the market immediately allowed several times to increase the release of weapons (soldiers instead of distribution of weapons from Arsenals began to give money to buy it in the market) (32). But at first, in the conquest era, the Carhana device on the basis of the operation of artisans captured in areas with a settled population should have given a great effect.

Osada Mongols Baghdad in 1221

On the Mongols of the XIII century. You can extrapolate data on Oratams and the Khalhintsy XVII and early XVIII century. In the Mongol-Oirat laws of 1640, the shells say, as a regular penalty: from the dominated princes - up to 100 pcs, from their younger brothers - 50, with unwelded princes - 10, from officials and princesses, signs and trumpets - 5 , from bodyguards, soldiers of Lubchitan categories ("Shelcirnik"), Doulgat ("Slemstone"), Degali HuyuT ("Tags, either" Carrier of Togilee and Metal Pancary "), as well as commoners, if the latter has Panciri, - 1 pc. (33) Armor - shells and helmets - appear as part of Calma, trophies, they were the objects of theft, they were awarded, the owner gave the horse and the sheep (34) for saved from the fire and water.

It was noted in the laws and production of shells in steppe conditions: "Every year from 40 kbiite 2 should be made, if they do not, then finish a horse or camel" (35). Later, after almost 100 years, on Oz. Texel from the local ore, which Orata has long been extruded themselves and melted in the forest, they received iron, made a saber, shells, lats, helmets, such business masters there were about 100 people there, - as Kuznetsky nobleman wrote about it . Sorokin, former in Oratsky Captivity (36).

In addition, as one Oratka, the wife of the Russian ambassador I. Unkovsky, "On all of the summer, we are selected from all the uluses in Urga to Kontayysha to 300 and more women and through the whole summer for his cat sew to Latam Skiak and a dress that is sent to the army" (37). As you can see, in the conditions of a nomadic economy, simple types of armor were made and unqualified workers, complex - professional masters, which were quite a lot and how in the Epoch of Genghis Khan, say, the wonderful Blacksmith Zharychiudi Ebuen, descended to Khan from the Mountain of Burkhan Haldong (38) . Constantly, as something ordinary (referring to the application), the Mongolian armor in European sources of the XIII century is said. (39)

A. N. Kirpichnikov, who wrote about the weakness of the protective armament of Tatar-Mongols, referred to the information Rubcture (40). But this eyewitness traveled in peacetime and, in addition, noting the rarity and ingenic origin of the metal shelters in the Mongols, by mentioning by mentioning among the other weapons of their shells from the skins, allocated only exotic, in his opinion, of solid leather armor (41). In general, Rubruk was extremely inattentive to military realities, unlike the Carpini plan, whose detailed descriptions are a first-class source.

The main visual source for studying the early Mongolian Armor is the Iranian miniatures of the first half of the XIV century. In other works (42), we have shown that in almost all cases on miniatures, purely Mongolian realities are depicted - hairstyle, suit and weapons, stretchingly different from those that we saw in Muslim art until the middle of the XIII century, and the details coinciding with the details Realities in the images of the Mongols in the Chinese painting of the Yuan era.

Mongolian warriors. Drawing with yuan painting.

In the latter, however, there are practically no battal plots, but in the works of religious content (43), warriors are captured in armor, differing from traditional Suns, the features of the face resembling "Western Varvarov". Most likely, these are Mongolian warriors. Moreover, they are like Mongols from the painting "Tale of the Mongolian invasion" ("Moko Suura Ecotoba Emaki") from the Imperial Collection in Tokyo, attributed to the artist of Tosa Nagatak and dated about 1292 (44)

The fact that it is Mongols, and not the Chinese or Koreans of the Mongolian army, as sometimes believe (45), testifies to the National Mongolian hairstyle of some warriors - braids laid in rings descending on the shoulders.

- on the ard.



18 Kyzlasov L. R. Early Mongols (to the problem of the origins of medieval culture) // Siberia, Central and East Asia in the Middle Ages. - Novosibirsk, 1975; Kychanov E. I. Mongols in the VI - the first half of the XII century. // Far East and neighboring territories in the Middle Ages. - Novosibirsk, 1980.

16 Gorelik M. V. Mongols and Oguza in Tabriz miniature of the XIV-XV centuries // Mittelarliche Malerei IM Orient.- Halle (Saale), 1982.

20 Kramarovsky M. G. Terevica Golden Horde XIII-XV centuries: Author's abstract. dis. ... Cand. East. Sciences. - L., 1974.

21 Derevko E. I. Troitsky Mogin .- Table. I, 1; III. 1-6; XV, 7, 8, 15-18 and ate.; Medvedev V. E. Medieval monuments ...- Pic. 33, 40; Table. Xxxvii, 5, 6; LXI and ate.; Lenkov V. D. Metallurgy and Metalworking ...- Fig. eight.

22 Aseev I. V., Kirillov I. I., Kovychev E. V. Nomads of Transbaikalia in the Epoch of the Middle Ages (according to the materials of the burial). - Novosibirsk, 1984.-Table. IX, 6, 7; XIV, 10,11; XVIII, 7; XXI, 25, 26; XXV, 7, 10, and-

23 Jan Hong. Collection of articles ...- Pic. 60.

24 Sunchugashev Ya. I. Ancient Metallurgy Khakassia. Epoch of Iron.- Novosibirsk, 1979.- Table. XXVII, XXVIII; Khudyakov Yu. V. Armament ...- Table. X-XII.

23 Gorelik M.V. Armament of peoples ...

26 Chernenko E. V. Skifsky Armor.- Kiev, 1968.

27 Gorelik M. V. Saksky Armor // Central Asia. New monumentsCultures and writing. - M., 1986.

28 Thordeman V. Armour ...; Gamber O. Kataphrakten, Clibanarier, Norman-Nenreiter // Jahrbuch Der Kunsthistorischen Sammlungen in Wien.- 1968.-BD 64.

29 Kychanov E. I. Mongols ...- S. 140-141.

30 Lubsan Danzan. Altan Tobchi ("Golden Tale") / lane. N. A. Shastina.- M., 1965.- S. 122.

31 Schihab Ad-Dean Mohammed An-Nasavi. Sultan's violation of Jalalad-Dina Mancburn / Per. 3. M. Bonyatova. - Baku, 1973.- S. 96.

32 Rashid hell-Dean. Collection of chronicles / lane. A.N. Lenzen.- M.- L., 1946.- T. 3. S. 301-302.

33 of their CAAZ ("Great Code"). Monument of the Mongolian feudal right of the XVII century / Transliteration, per., Introduction and comments. S. D. Delikova. - M., 1981.- S. 14, 15, 43, 44.

34 There are also. - S. 19, 21, 22, 47, 48.

35 на и и.- S. 19, 47.

36 See: Zlatkin I. Ya. History of the Jungan Khanate. - M., 1983.- 238-239.

37 Ohland. - S. 219.

38 Kozin A. N. Foshydrated legend. - M.- L., 1941.- T. 1, § 211.

39 Matusov V.I. English medieval sources of the IX-XIII V.-M., 1979.- S. 136, 137, 144, 150, 152, 153, 161, 175, 182.

40 bricks A.N. Old Russian weapons. Vol. 3. Armor, combat complex IX-XIII centuries. // Sai E1-36.- L., 1971.- S. 18.

41 travels to the eastern countries of the Carpini plan and regurgitation / per.y. P. Minaeva. - M., 1956.- S. 186.

42 Gorelik M. V. Mongols and Ogubs ...; Gorelik M. Oriental Armour ...

43 Murray J. K. Representations of Hariti, The Mother of Demons and Thetheme of "Raising The Aims-Howl" in Chinase Painting // Artibus Asiae.- 1982.-V. 43, N 4.- Fig. eight.

44 Brodsky V. E. Japanese classical art. - M., 1969.- S. 73; Heissig W. Ein Volk Sucht Seine Geschichte.- Dusseldorf - "Wien, 1964.-Gegentiher S. 17.

45 TURNBULL S. R. THE MONGOLS.- L., 1980.- P. 15, 39.


Mikhail Viktorovich Gorelik (October 2, 1946, Narva, Essr - January 12, 2015, Moscow) - art historian, orientalist, research history researcher. Candidate of Art History, Senior Researcher of the Institute of Oriental Studies of the Russian Academy of Sciences, Academician Academy of Arts of the Republic of Kazakhstan. The author of more than 100 scientific works, a significant part of his scientific activity devoted to the study of the military affairs of the ancient and medieval peoples of Eurasia. Played a big role in the development of artistic scientific and historical reconstruction in the USSR, and then in Russia.

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